yeswedo June 1, 2014 Share June 1, 2014 Mark is in charge of the spaghetti dinner fundraiser; Emma wants to use her business skills to help Mark. Link to comment
dubbel zout June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 I died once the Coconut Grove stripper arrived. He. was. terrible. And totally unable to read a room. The signs the women in the audience had—"We're proud of you, Daddy" especially cracked me up—were hilarious. I loved Parham and St. Clair's BFFs and really like this, too. 5 Link to comment
joanne3482 June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 This was such a sweet episode. I love how disappointed the towns people were about seeing a "real" stripper as opposed to their own police officers. I do feel very uncomfortable in that it feels like they're setting up blondie to end up with Mark (is it bad I know his name but not the two girls' names?). He's married to birdbones and I don't want to see him cheat. 2 Link to comment
Tara Ariano June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 Here's my post on the episode! Link to comment
Crewman Number 6 June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 I really truly love this show. I love the apex-Parks & Rec style of heart without schmaltz, and how even the characters played just for laughs are allowed to be real people. I even found myself being moved occasionally--the "Do I lie?" moment with Bobby Moynihan was weirdly compelling. Everybody commits. And, while I in no way want to get burned out on him, can Keegan-Michael Key be in everything? I was going to watch this even if it was middling, out of support for St. Clair and Parham (as an old podcast whore, it's fun to hear little throwaways like ""), but it's really become a delightful, funny, warm show. Bums me out that it will probably fade away from neglect, while lesser shows sit on life support on network tv. I do feel very uncomfortable in that it feels like they're setting up blondie to end up with Mark (is it bad I know his name but not the two girls' names?). He's married to birdbones and I don't want to see him cheat. Yeah, they have great chemistry, but I think they work best with that love/hate thing creating the tension without actually pursuing it. It would really skew Mark as a character if he suddenly became someone who would cheat. Leave him as a foil, bring in occasional love interests to keep things interesting for the leads and then get rid of them before they settle. The only OTP on the show is Maggie and Emma, and that needs to continue to be the center on which it spins. 2 Link to comment
possibilities June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 I want Mark and Birdbones to stay together-- happily, not just out of obligation. It would undercut the fear that they're going to rekindle his relationship with Emma, if they'd show Birdbones again, and good times between her and Mark, and also if they'd underscore that Emma didn't just freak out and make a mistake by leaving when he proposed, but that they actually really are horrendously unsuited. I don't want to think Mark married Birdbones because she's as crazy as Emma but can't flee. I love how Maggie's pregnancy is not portrayed as slowing her down or causing her to be an ungainly, constantly peeing, emotional wreck. All that stuff does happen, but I've also known women whose pregnancies were like Maggie's, and it's nice to see that TV can handle the possibility of pregnant women who aren't just a set up for physical discomfort and giant boob jokes. 2 Link to comment
dubbel zout June 4, 2014 Share June 4, 2014 Did anyone else catch the #DancingMeatballs hashtag? Link to comment
Valny June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I enjoyed: "What's spaghetti without MEATBAAAALLS!!! "That hamburger don't need no helper!" and something about going "Debbie Allen on their asses." The part that made me laugh the most when they cut to the "professional" stripper thrusting himself into some woman's face and her head is whipping back and forth. :) 1 Link to comment
bilgistic June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 The part that made me laugh the most when they cut to the "professional" stripper thrusting himself into some woman's face and her head is whipping back and forth. :) I'm glad to say I've never been to a male revue/strip club, but having seen them on TV, they actually look like that. It's disgusting. That's what made it funny. The "Daddy" sign was fantastic. I am really enjoying this show! Link to comment
prican58 June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Best episode so far. Laugh out loud funny. USA shows have been getting long in the tooth so they need to have some new blood and USA has to pump it fast. This show is so easy to like so I don't know why the network isn't putting it on the fast track. Truly, the best moments/lines are from the two women. The Bosephus schtick and the back and forth about the big scissors has been priceless. I hope this gets a few more seasons. 1 Link to comment
BoogieBurns June 8, 2014 Share June 8, 2014 This show is so easy to like so I don't know why the network isn't putting it on the fast track. Totally agree. This show is just flat-out good. I have seen such little promotion outside of Lennon and Jessica on twitter. This show isn't even going up against other new shows since it is summer. It could be a sleeper hit if they got more people to try it out. Link to comment
prican58 June 9, 2014 Share June 9, 2014 I think it has the kind of zaniness that can make up for the loss of Psych. Well, maybe not as zany as Shawn and Gus but kinda wacky. Love this. Link to comment
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