MollyB March 15 Share March 15 3 hours ago, Kemper said: I guess Show cannot afford a "hospital room" set. You know, a bed, a couple of sheets and a pillow. Fake IV stand. Is it just me? Surely both Sharon and Phyllis would have had to be given fluids when set free. One of the "scans" or some such to make sure any poison was out of their bloodstream. Oh, they were cleared by the EMTs, dontcha know? (who, of course, we didn't see.) Who are also not doctors, btw. And when an EMT clears you, it means you've refused a ride to the hospital in the ambulance and assumes you will seek treatment on your own. [Does the Raunch have in-house medical services since G-rampire's shooting?] I'm just impressed that we had two (two! count 'em) cops at the scene. Although, neither used their training or muscle to break down the door. IronThighs Nick got that honor. 1 2 1 Link to comment
Denize March 15 Share March 15 Show cannot even afford an ambulance and EMT to assure us that people who have been poisoned and gased are OK to go home. We are just told that it happened. 1 1 2 Link to comment
surfgirl March 15 Share March 15 8 hours ago, Kemper said: I guess Show cannot afford a "hospital room" set. You know, a bed, a couple of sheets and a pillow. Fake IV stand. Is it just me? Surely both Sharon and Phyllis would have had to be given fluids when set free. One of the "scans" or some such to make sure any poison was out of their bloodstream. Oh Kemp, don't you remember that when Salls suffered a traumatic miscarriage with Baby Silly, her hospital room had no IVs, IV stands, nor any sort of equipment near, around, nor behind the bed. It was just a hospital style bed, nothing else. So lame. So lazy AF. So cheap ass cheap. So...Josh G. 2 1 1 Link to comment
Artsda March 18 Share March 18 Kyle at coffee house, summer shows up and starts telling him the Sharon and Phyllis saga. Who ever behind it they still out there. She thanks him about all the support right when Claire enters. Kyle tells Claire the saga, Summer going on about it how crazies keep targeting her family. Summer thinks it's more about Sharon than her mom, of course she blames Sharon. Some kid brought up Phyllis kidnapped to Harrison and Summer so glad they spoke to him when they did. Claire tells her she did right thing interrupting date, it worked out for everyone. Kyle asks Claire for lunch she's busy working but can meet after work. Claire goes, summer offers herself up for lunch that she can be free. So pathetic. Holden sees Audra at Society. His flight was cancelled. He asking why she's pushing him away but keeps meeting him. He's confused. She admits the text wasn't from her it was Nate. He questions why, he's going to stay and join them for lunch since he approves. Lily meeting Nate and Devon at Nate's she's going to have contacts tomorrow for new signing and creating a tour. Damien shows up asking about his mother in hospital. Nate has no idea, Damien said doctor wants to treat immediately. Nate doesn't think it makes sense. Damien tells him he's out of loop, check his phone. Nate goes to check and he did missed calls. He's laying it on thick about worrying about mom. Nate says they are prepping her right away. Treatment needs to start right away. Damien claiming being rushed, he found out too late to go to Chicago. He's going to try to go, Nate agrees to both go. Lily and Devon think it'd good idea to support, will cover. Damien calls Nate his brother and I going to Chicago. This eye rolling. Nate calls him brother back. Nate calls Audra to cancel lunch. She understands he had to be there, wants him to give Amy her love. Kyle and Summer walk into club and Victor there. Summer so excited to see him, Victor question them together, and how's it going at jabot with Jack, Kyle wants to know what Victor up to. Victor still believing they will blow themselves up. Kyle wants to know why he's so obsessed with this war with Abbot's. Lily and Devon go, Nate and Damien left, Damien shakes his hand and thanks him. Holden saying old Audra didn't order her drinks based on sun. She was fun, Audra says that girl doesn't exist anymore. He goes down memory lane of margarita place they used to go, they laugh over it as Lily and Devon come in. Awkward, Devon asks for the joke. Holden introduced himself. Audra change subject to Amy. After they go, Holden points out they don't like her. Lily and Devon wondering what going on there Devon tells her they knew each other in LA. It's not their business. Lily feels like this an ambush that Damien and Holden aren't telling whole story. Nate and Damien stop at club for Damien to get a bag. Nate calls Amy and leaves voicemail about how he coming and her son wants to be there for her. Nate tells him all this hasn't been easy but we could end up with a happier ending they could have expected. Kyle and Summer talking about Victor. Summer thinks he wants them back together and not with Claire. Kyle hates he's putting Claire in middle. 3 2 Link to comment
Mimi March 18 Share March 18 I noticed both Damian and Claire depicted in the opening credits of character portraits. 2 Link to comment
rcc March 18 Share March 18 I like Holden. Damian not so much. 3 1 1 Link to comment
MollyB March 18 Share March 18 17 hours ago, Artsda said: Damien claiming being rushed, he found out too late to go to Chicago. He's going to try to go, Nate agrees to both go. Is GC in Wisconsin? I thought it was. Illinois isn't that far away. (yes, I checked a map.) He probably could have driven there in the time it took to go rail on Nate. Or hired a car or a plane or borrowed the jet from his new brother's company being the biga$$ CEO/owner of two companies that he is. What a whiner-never misses a chance. 1 1 2 Link to comment
Artsda March 25 Share March 25 Phyllis and Sharon having their therapy time with each other. Phyllis thinks the person knows them. The hate between them. Phyllis asks what are they bffs, she still has hatred. What does she do with all the hate. Sharon's shrinking her, explaining mad man wasn't doing them favor they can do what they want. They want to make it go away. Phyllis was therapist trick to make it go away. Sharon wants them get out of there. They go so society. She wants baby steps and they cheers. Victor and Lily meeting about Aristotle. She thinks Victor has his own agenda about getting this information. She doesn't have the whole story about what's in it for him. Lilly finds out Aristotle has known about them entire time and tells devon. Sally asking Billy why Aristotle calling him. He's never mentioned him before. He dodges the answer. He tries to play off he's interested in Abbot communications. Billy after bed sneak out calls Aristotle back, says they ok track if Aristotle has his part. 1 2 Link to comment
Artsda Wednesday at 02:15 AM Share Wednesday at 02:15 AM Claire and Kyle in bed at club, she's late for work. He offers her more closet space at new house to leave behind. He suggests they fake sick today. He orders breakfast. Jack and Nikki run into each other at Society. They chat about Chancellor. Jack fine with what they did to Billy because it made him rethink who he is. He's excited for future now and not holding grudges. Wants Victor to leave Kyle and Claire alone so there could be peace. Nikki says he thinks he's protecting Claire, it will push her away. Jack points out he'll do anything to take him down and ok with Claire and Kyle be collateral damage. He says they need protect Claire the Juliet. Tracy sees Sharon at coffee house, surprised she's there, questions what monster would do that to her. Sharon tells her she's still having nightmares. Tracy offers to listen. Tracy question about the clinic, that Alan would have had a field day with that venue. Sharon says she thinks kidnapper has background in psychology due to mind games. She tells her about voice, games. Tracy again calls person monster, Sharon says person wanted them to resolve past and knows them. Sharon sees the engagement ring and happy for her. Tracy feels bad for Sharon after all she went through. Sharon going to focus on silver lining of healing with Phyllis. Sharon mentions the alarms and gas, Tracy flashes back to Alan phone. Phyllis eating with Nick and Sharon. They want to know about their talk. If she and Sharon are friends. Phyllis admits her hate consumed her. She won't get peace until person who did that to them is caught. Phyllis admits that when Sharon push came to shove saved her life, she admits she wasn't in her right mind when she framed Daniel, she was a victim. Sharon suggests to Tracy that her and Phyllis speak with Alan. Tracy tells her Alan in Paris. She was impressed with his helping her hypnotherapy. Alan may be the lucky charm. Tracy hopes they catch the person. Kyle and Claire message at same time their fake sick to Nikki and Jack together. Both have same bad clams story. Nikki and Jack agree to let it go. They eat breakfast and know they're found out. Sharon comes to club. She sits with them, Phyllis is ready to make it happen and clean slate. Nick starting to see real hope between them, Sharon tells her about chat with Tracy. She suggests they speak with Alan and have some insight. Nick agrees and Phyllis too. Tracy still at coffee house, calls and gets voicemail of Alan questioning surprise he has for her but she can't meet him because of publisher. She hoping this isn't happening, she's thinking kidnapper is him. Jack comes to coffee house, Tracy crying says needs him to tell her she hasn't made biggest mistake of her life. 2 1 2 Link to comment
MollyB Wednesday at 04:30 PM Share Wednesday at 04:30 PM 14 hours ago, Artsda said: He suggests they fake sick today. Why do they even bother pretending they are ever going to the "office"? You know they will have breakfast in bed, then go to CL to get some coffee, then off to Society for a brunch with a parent and then have some 'work related' meeting in the Jazz Hole and then back to Society or GCAC for dinner and then back up to bed. None of these a-holes ever see the inside of an office. 3 3 Link to comment
Artsda Thursday at 02:21 AM Share Thursday at 02:21 AM Adam and Chelsea at home, don't want Connor to see them kissing, Adam then asks if they should tell him. She's scared to tell him because it would set off ocd. Adam think they need to tell him truth. He wants them to be honest with him and have faith in him. Chelsea agrees. Connor comes down and he thinks something wrong. They tell him change is different for him, he asks for a dog. They tell him they're back together. Are they dating? Married? He asks if Sally and Billy know, they tell him not yet. He says it's not good news it's best news. He knew it. Connor not upset, the ocd he's not worried about it, they're a family again. Diane says hi to Phyllis at club. Phyllis says don't pretend to care. Diane says she was sorry for what went through. She would not wish it even on her, but Phyllis still being same vindictive nasty person. Then she suddenly apologizes. She claims it was genuine apology. Diane waiting for joke. Phyllis it changed who she is, she wants clear slate. She's not acting like she changed. She has a new mindset. She doesn't want to fight. She wants to bury hatchet, Diane not buying this fake considering she framed her for murder. She uses word lab rats and Phyllis flips out. Diane apologizes for triggering her after Phyllis tells her kidnapper said that. Diane offers to call the kids, Phyllis house wanted her to go away. Diane leaves, runs into Billy says to him Phyllis needs help. He sits with her ask if she's ok, she just wants quiet. Billy takes her to get air at overlook. She tells him about her day, Sharon at breakfast was pleasant. Then Diana came along. She's struggling, she changed story to business. He tells her about Aristotle being interested. Tracy freaking out about messaging, Alan's phone hack what if it wasn't a mistake or hacking but meant to go to him. Tells Jack about Sharon conversation about medical clinics. Mind games experiment. Alan is respected and leader in field, person who took Sharon is monster. Tracy tells Jack that Sharon says they were gassed then Alan's alert sad gas expulsion. She wants to know if she crazy. Now she's wondering if it's not really Alan, if Alan died and it's been Martin the entire time. Jack thinks Alan wonderful man and she deserves happiness. Jack being naive and stupid not believing her. Jack now doesn't want her anywhere near Martin/Alan. They need to tell Chance she agrees. But doesn't want family to know. He agrees something is off. They'll figure it out. Aristotle is a key. He wants Chancellor. She asks if he's out of his mind. 2 Link to comment
Artsda Friday at 02:16 AM Share Friday at 02:16 AM Phyllis mad at Billy over the Aristotle and going after Victor. She thinks he was easily manipulated. Billy says it business decision and she lost her nerve. She asks why he can't come to understanding with Victor and Jill, like her with Sharon. She wants more info, he won't say. Nobody knows. She mad still can't believe him. Adam called family meeting. Victoria, Nick, Nikki and Victor waiting for him at ranch. Victoria ask Nick how Sharon doing. Adam and Chelsea arrive, Adam tells them they're back together. Family happy, even Victoria. Nick and her go to get champagne to toast happy couple. Victor gives a toast, Adam thanks them for coming and they were there as family. Victor asks when is wedding and they all laugh. Chelsea, Victoria and Nikki sitting together. Talking, Nikki says Adam looks happy. They laugh over Victor pushing marriage. Still wants her to proceed with Adam due their history. Chelsea says she asked herself if she could trust this, her heart. Nikki says they look in good place. Nikki impressed with all he's accomplished. Chelsea says all Adam wants is his family respect, he's changed since Connor ocd he just want to be good, father, son, sibling. Victor, Adam and Nick together, Victor points out family all together except Abby. Surprised he remember her. Lol Victor hints at Nick moving to ranch next, he says no houses. Adam points out he thinks only matter of time before he and Sharon get back together with how devoted he's been. Victor and Adam share a look as Nick Denys it. Adam does not believe and says they'll eventually reunite and they'll all live together on ranch. Nick says they'll always be connected but doesn't mean they'll run off in sunset. He protests. Victor agrees with Nick. Adam wonders why the approved relationship by Victor are good and not approved are stomped on. Nick tells Adam focus on his relationship not his. Toast time again, Adam toasts Chelsea, Nick, family Victor for all support for Connor. Cheers to Newman's. Jack and Tracy telling Chance what happened with Martin/Alan. He wants Tracy to get him back to GC. Jack doesn't want her to go. Jack wants to ask Alan to come home. Will use the renovation to come do wedding. Chance agrees. Jack makes the call, Alan/Martin agrees to return for the wedding to have here. Tracy doesn't understand what she's missed. Then she realizes it was Martin. Billy goes home, Sally question what happened. He tells her about Phyllis. She takes Phyllis side of her not flying off handle for no reason. He tells her about Aristotle. Asks the same question about the deal, Billy accuses her of having same des as Phyllis. He needs her to trust him. Tracy needs to know if Martin and Alan same before anyone. She'll never forgive herself if there's chance it's not him. Nikki and Victor alone, Nikki still wary of Adam and Chelsea history. Victoria and Nick at coffee house. She thinks speech sweet. She teases his and Adam brother jokes. He wary too but when Adam happy it's better. Chelsea and Adam home, he says went well she says Victor biggest supporter. Phyllis checking on her phone for Aristotle interesting. 1 1 2 Link to comment
Artsda Saturday at 02:16 AM Share Saturday at 02:16 AM Amy back at Nate's with him and Damien. Memory lane with Damien time. They chat over basketball. Nate take her upstairs to rest. Then Lily shows up and Damien open the door. She asks how Amy doing. He asks her what she has to say, she wants to go across hall. He doesn't, she wants to know what he and Aristotle are up to. Lily says he sent info on her and Devon to Aristotle before Nate reached out. She asks if he knew Amy was sick and Nate was brother entire time. He insulted he wouldn't stay away if mom was dying. It's ludacris and wants to know who feeding lies. Nate shows up hearing them. Damien says he remembered about Lily and Devon when he first reached out. Lily doesn't believe him. He says who ever told her that is playing her. Lily says her source more trustworthy than him, family someone to put someone to pretend to be you. Lily says she won't let him or Aristotle do anything to her family and storm out. Amy comes down hearing commotion what is going on. They lie and she does not believe it want truth. Victoria and Claire eating at Society. Chatting about work. Then Kyle and Victor. How he behaved at dinner. She wonders if he's planning something. Victoria points out he always has to be right, like Adam and Chelsea he wanted them together and they are now. That will just make him more know he's always right. Claire says nobody will make her break up with Kyle. Why doesn't he think it's ok with Summer. Victoria says she's Phyllis daughter, fight he thought she didn't need protecting. Claire blame herself for Jack and Victor truce. She put vodka ok Nikki veins. She has to make him accept. They chat about Cole and Victor not approving of him either. Victoria tells her don't let summer and Victor burst their happy bubble. Jack and Kyle at club chatting about work. Kyle also said Tracy looks off. Jack avoids that goes back to work. Kyle says being with Claire makes him feel like he can do anything, different than summer. Summer he always had to prove himself. Victor doesn't agree, doesn't approve. What if he wears Claire down. Jack telling Kyle summer thought they'd get back together. Kyle says he's done nothing to lead her on, but what he has now is different. Victoria goes from club to society runs into jack. They mention the kids, he wants warning Victor to not hurt them. Kyle and Claire go from their restaurants to Crimson lights. Run into each other do their romeo and Juliet thing, her mom is backing them, his dad too. Doesn't matter about others. 2 2 Link to comment
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