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Beau: You can't split profits if there aren't any, so we need to make sure that the movie of your life is a bigger turd than Juwanna Mann.
Kyle: Well, making Teddy the director was a good start. He's off scouting locations. Poor thing thinks he's creating a masterpiece.
Beau: I'm shocked he thinks at all.

Beau: You know all famous writers, they go to Big Bear and they lock themselves in a cabin and they just pound away at their screenplays.
Kyle: I suppose a decent script is important.
Raquel: You know I'm completely aware you're talking about sex, right?

Lionel: The delusion! How big must their egos be to think they can pull something off like this?
Jude: I wouldn't underestimate them. After that game 7, Terrence is a god. And Jelena, she's-
Lionel: A deranged bitch.

Sloane: Jelena is a snake, the kind that can't even be bothered to unhinge her jaw.

Zero: I love you, stupid.

Beefcake: Are these the auditions for 50 Shades of Kale?

Kyle: Writing is hard work.
Beau: What do you say we just cut and paste from Twilight and just change the names?

Beau: There are too many good looking guys here. We're supposed to be making a bomb, not a beefcake calendar.
Kyle: We need terrible actors, but I won't have ugly ones.

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Pete is so dumb. Why didn't he just tell Jelena and Terrence that one of his conditions for backing them would be that Jelena has to stop fucking with Sloane and Ahhhhhhsha? Jelena is the one who told Terrence last week that they have to make sacrifices if they want to get the team so it would be great to see her have to be the one to suffer instead of Terrence. Or ha, one of Pete's conditions could have been that if he backed them, Jelena couldn't be a Devil Girl or work for the organization in any way. That would have been hilarious too!


When Terrence told Sloane that he sees a different Jelena that no one else sees, I wish Sloane would have told him that's because Jelena chooses to be a bitch to everyone but him. Then she should have asked him how he ever thought she would back this move after Jelena had Ahhhhsha fired. I really would have loved hearing Terrence try to explain how his sweet loving supportive darling Jelena was not being a petty vindictive brat. And what the hell was he talking about? Jelena used her damage to heal his? Uhhhh, no. That's not what happened, Terrence.


I love how the show is embracing the soapy "everyone is at odds with each other" thing so that someone is always getting screwed. I also love that Lionel is just getting to be a straight up villain now. The way she pretended to cry and then smiled like the evil bitch that she is was worthy of Dynasty.


I was really surprised that Ahhhhhsha hooked up with Derek in Vegas. All he had to do was blow on her hand! But I guess the one positive thing is that he said the next move was up to her and he warned her that if she told German, he would break up with her. I actually expected Derek to assume they were getting back together just because they had sex, so at least they didn't have him go there.

Speaking of German, that dude has some serious anger management issues. Breaking Derek's picture was ridiculous. HOW DARE THERE BE A PHOTO OF DEREK IN DEVIL ARENA?! HULK SMASH!


I love Kyle but I have no interest in this movie subplot they have given her. The only good thing to come of it was the hilarious line about copying and pasting Twilight. Hahahaha! Okay, the other good thing to come of this movie story was all the shirtless guys.


I was totally surprised that Zero outed himself. I can't decide if it was sweet or gross that he told Jude the other guy wasn't coming because he told him not to.


Hilarious that they announced Ahhhhhsha was the choreographer right before the dance started. Seriously, that almost NEVER happens at professional sporting events because no one cares who choreographed the damn dance.


Jelena's prima donna attitude during rehearsal was ridiculous. Most professional dance squads have rules about rehearsals which state that if you aren't there and dressed in rehearsal attire and actively participating, you will not perform at the following game. Hell, even my high school had rules about that for most sports teams and extracurricular activities. If you're standing off to the side in street clothes texting, that doesn't count as being at rehearsal unless you have an injury.


And damn Jelena for canceling the lasers! I really wanted to see what a $200K halftime dance looked like! LASERS!  And Ahhhhhsha didn't even replace the lasers with ill tempered sea bass.

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Well, remember, this is a world in which the head of a basketball dance team is given magazine cover spreads and can apparently afford a penthouse apartment, and a world in which the dance team choreographer is given time at a press conference ahead of the first game of the season by the championship team. Essentially, we are to believe that the fans in LA care equally about the Devil Girls as they do about the Devils. Which is insane, but.


I don't dislike the Kyle movie subplot on its face, but I do dislike how disconnected it makes both Kyle and Raquel from the rest of the show. Jude also feels rather disconnected, but at least he's vaguely part of the overall team plots. Kyle and Raquel might as well be off on their own show at this point. 


I'm not sure I see Lionel as a straight up villain (though that smile was hilarious/creepy), but about equally villainous as Jelena, so the whole situation is sort of hilariously like watching two antagonists go up against each other. Lionel hasn't really done anything that villainous yet, just because Pete's pissed at her - she owns the team and is being threatened by having it taken away, and she told Derek about Terrance and Jelena's plans to trade him if they got control, which isn't that outrageous of a plot to keep control. And speaking of, Terrance and Jelena continue to be the dumbest people alive. Just tell Derek it's not true! It's not like Zero recorded the conversation, no one could prove they actually made that deal with him. Or tell him they just agreed to it to keep Zero quiet! 

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Or hell, Terrence could have told Derek, "We just told Zero we would do whatever he wanted to shut him up until the sale went through, but you know that I would never trade my BFF!" I don't understand why they have painted Jelena as this manipulation expert for the past two seasons but now when it comes to promising something in the future, she is acting like a little kid who doesn't understand the concept of lying.


Lionel isn't a villain the way Oscar is, but she is definitely an instigator and a shit stirrer (although I totally enjoyed how much Lionel liked making Jelena squirm about giving Ahhhhsha the opening routine and sending her to Vegas). And props to Lionel for her prison visit with Oscar last week. It might not have been the smartest move (I fear that she may be next on his hit list after that), but she was not shy about cutting him out of the Devils and telling him to his face so she gets points for that. And didn't she blackmail him so they could get married? It should be fun to see Billy Baldwin screwing with her.

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I am not ashamed to admit that I squeed when Zero kissed Jude in public. Then I laughed at all the non facial reactions everyone had about them kissing. Does anyone there even know Zero was bi ? I honestly can't keep track of who knows what on this show.


It will be interesting to see what kind of blowback Zero gets for doing guys and girls. Will he get more gay fans or less ? due to the whole bi thing. 


I'm so curious to see how Jude will react when Zero gets gay men throwing themselves at him. He was hilariously snippy to a coat girl when she was flirting with his man. 


Lionel's faked "you hurt me so bad" was so EPIC. I love her. She's hilarious. She really put Pete in his place. What a drip thinking he was responsible for Lionel's attitude. She's merely trying to hold onto the team she blackmailed her way into control of by telling people the truth. It's not exactly kicking puppies Pete.

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While I smiled when Zero kissed Jude on the court, the reaction of the crowd was so uninterested and blase. WTF? Usually, this show does the drama and outrage so much better. 


Jude will regret Zero coming out when all the hot guys start hitting on him. Ha. Truthfully, I cannot imagine Zero staying faithful.

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I really would have done more than just break the masseuse's camera if I was Zero. 


Zero and Jude can never seem to have more than 5 minutes of happiness. 


Also I hate Aisha... She really needs to stop cheating on her murderous bf. Before she falls over too...

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Terrence: Let me explain.
Derek: Rot on the bench.

Lionel: I just paid ten lawyers to do absolutely nothing for me.
Jackson: Ten men couldn't satisfy you? I'm shocked.

Lionel: I don't dye my hair, jerk.
Jackson: No, you just marry older men to appear sprightly by comparison. Who pissed you off today, Lionel? I'd like to send them a thank you card.

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When Jelena found the article about Lionel and Jackson dating, I was trying to figure out how Jelena and Terrence didn't know that they had dated. I give Terrence a pass since he probably isn't into celebrity gossip, but Jelena? You know that girl is up on everyone who is dating in LA.


Kyle married Raquel to give her citizenship so they are living together in case INS checks up on them. That is one more reason why Raquel shouldn't be dating guys associated with the Devils or the arena in anyway. If she's going to hook up with people, at least go to a bar to find someone random!


I wish they'd give Sloane something to do besides look worried. What was she thinking when she basically admitted to the police woman that she had lots of motive to kill Olivia?


I want to know where in Venice Ahhhhhsha went to change out of her dance costume into the outfit she was wearing when she got to German's house.


I felt bad for all the dancers having to do all that jumping up and down and shaking while wearing bikini tops with what looked like no support. Even when I was a flat chested 13 year old dancer, I still would have wanted a little more support than a bikini top for a dance like that. Poor Kyle!


German has been a jealous, possessive control freak but he got major points with me for telling Ahhhhsha that killing Olivia was his secret to keep and that he would be okay if she left him. Finally, he puts on the big boy pants! Of course, I have no idea what his actual follow through would be like. Given his past behavior, he would probably end up being a total stalker, calling her constantly and asking her to take him back. HA, I posted that before I saw the end of the episode when Ahhhhsha found the pictures of her with Derek on Roman's phone.


I was really surprised that Zero stormed out of his massage with Jude without making sure that masseuse got fired. I mean, she wasn't even trying to be subtle. Plus she was stupid. She wasn't even getting his face in the picture.


I hated Jelena's robe/romper in the club scene.


Hilarious that Kyle kept putting Miguel to bed when it was broad daylight. Do they expect this poor kid to sleep twelve hours a night?


Jude is an idiot. He admitted that he never thought about the repercussions of Zero being out. Are you fucking kidding me? Zero is a famous athlete. Jude was a manager (?) so surely he must have had enough common sense to know that this would be a huge deal. Heh, but I did laugh when Zero decided to post a picture of the two of them on Instagram just to taunt all the reporters who have been hounding him.

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Jude is an idiot. He admitted that he never thought about the repercussions of Zero being out. Are you fucking kidding me? Zero is a famous athlete. Jude was a manager (?) so surely he must have had enough common sense to know that this would be a huge deal. Heh, but I did laugh when Zero decided to post a picture of the two of them on Instagram just to taunt all the reporters who have been hounding him.


I'm going to give Jude a pass on this one because he was usually talking from his feelings about not having a real established relationship with Zero and it bringing up unpleasant memories about never getting public recognition or affection from his father. It's not that surprising that if he was thinking about how great it would be to hold hands with Zero out in public he'd willfully blind himself to the consequences for Zero for coming out. He was making the mistake that because Zero wasn't out with him that he didn't love him. Which was stupid and nonsensical but emotion based so I can understand how he'd get there.


That said once Zero came out Jude really should have started acted like Zero's former agent/manager and did some damage control or spin or something other than being all up and down about it. Sometimes Jude reminds me of a whining puppy, cute but sort of insufferably needy. 


I was kind of hoping for some sort of reaction from the basketballers he works/plays with. Homophobic, supportive, indifferent player interactions but the closest we got was Terrence making a snide remark at Yelena about her ex swinging both ways. Then again I guess it wasn't that surprising since there were no matches? games? this episode.


Do these people ever go to practices ? Derek is obsessed with Aisha, Terrence is obsessed with getting control/ownership of the team and yet noone seems that interested in the basketball.


I mean I don't care about basketball but I haven't devoted my life to it so it's fine that I never talk about it. But these basketball players have devoted their life to being the best at the sport (theoretically) and yet none of them seem that interested in playing. Also where are the naked shower times ? Or team bonding sessions ? 

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I am enjoying this season. I love Lionel's character. She reminds me of a Rose McGowan that can actually act. I thought the detective lady was going to be killed, but no she was working for Oscar. I hope we get to see Jelana and Terrance get married. As the above poster wrote, I hated Jelana's blue silk cigar robe thingy also! They always dress Asha terribly also!! Jelana is so beautiful to me.

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The endless interrogation scenes were soooooooooooooooooo boring. I wish we could just end this entire storyline, hopefully by having someone slit Oscar's throat in prison. Jude would have to be an idiot to believe anything Oscar says, but oh, those daddy issues. I was totally cracking up when Oscar used his secret prison flip phone to call the ME and Jude answered. Finally Jude does something smart!


Jude and Zero are becoming more adorable every week. I was pleasantly surprised that Lionel was so fiercely protective of Jude that she threatened Zero if he hurts Jude. Jude might have lost Oscar as a father but apparently he gained Lionel as a stepmother.


As much as I loathe Ahhhhsha and German as a couple (she cheats, he stalks), I love that he knows her well enough to recognize when she is trying too hard because she feels guilty. And now she's only going to be with Derek because German called her out on having feelings for Derek and dumped her cheating ass.


Ahhhhhsha is the worst! She can't bring herself to lie to German about sleeping with Derek so when German tells her to get out of his apartment, she leaves for an undetermined amount of time, goes to the arena, performs at Zero's party, and only then does she try to find Derek to warn him that German knows. Girl, it's called a phone. I know you have one and that you are capable of using it. There is no reason to wait HOURS to give him a heads up. She should have gotten in her car as soon as she left German's and immediately called/texted Derek to let him know.


Jackson and Lionel make me so sad, partly because young Billy Baldwin was so hot and the guy on my tv is a barely younger version of Jack Donaghy.


Pete is a moron for putting Sloan's gun in his desk drawer at work. It's unregistered so there's no way to trace it back to Sloan right now. Wipe it down and throw it in a dumpster, the ocean, the LA River, ANYWHERE but your desk drawer at work.


Normally I love Kyle but her movie storyline is so boring. I did crack up at Lexi totally stalking Raquel for "research." Kyle's deliberately bad acting was funny too. When Teddy said he had some new changes for their scene and handed Kyle some pages, I thought it was going to be more stick figures which would have been awesome. But I really want this movie storyline to be over too.


I know the show still has the same choreographer, but the dances are so lacking this season.

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Lionel: If we have sex, I'm only going to be thinking about sticking it to [Jelena and Terrence] the entire time.
Jackson: Awkward. But I'm okay with it.

Reporter: Christian, bad boy, now you're gay.
Zero: I'm not gay.
Reporter: The video of you kissing your boyfriend has eight million views on youtube. And then there's that bath time pic on your instagram.
Zero: I'm with a guy, sure. Last year it was a girl. I like everything - everything except labels.

Zero: Devil Girl, right?
Raquel: Used to be.
Zero: You also used to be straight. Me too. Look at us now.

Ahhhhhsha: We could hit a vineyard. Or ride bikes. Or bike a vineyard.

Lionel: I want to throw Jude some love. And Jelena some battery acid.
Jackson: Mixed up with Jelena and married to Oscar. What the hell happened to you?

Lionel: [Jelena] offered me a way out. It happened to involve marrying Oscar.
Jackson: Sounds more like a prison sentence. You need to break out and sail to Fiji.
Lionel: You're an idiot.
Jackson: I'm a rich idiot who wants to see you out of that dress and onto a beach with no blood sucking cheerleaders in sight.

Zero: That's a passion project.
Jude: Gay energy water?
Zero: Thirst is universal.

Reporter: Zero, you agreed to a biography, not a coloring book.

Lionel: If you hurt [Jude], I'll drive my car so far up your ass you'll taste wiper fluid.

Kyle: I...I love you, Raquel.
Lexi as Raquel: No, I love you with all my vagina. I know you feel it too. We are lady lovers, Kyle.

Jackson: You ready for Fiji?
Lionel: I'd love to when I'm not so busy.
Jackson: Lionel, I own seventeen companies and I'm not too busy.

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I am really enjoying the dances this season. They are overall really good.

I hate how they allow German to go so softly on Asssssha. I mean he is all like tell me you don't love him blah blah instead of being like didn't I tell you to not get back with me to do the exact same thing again. Ughhhhhh

I was tiring of the Kyle storyline also, but this episode made it really funny. And that kiss WHOO!

I really would prefer not to have Terrance knock someone up. Leave babies out of this show pleaseeeee...

The Sloan storyline is dragging on a bit too long. She came into the devil girls to keep an eye on Oscar and she let all that slip about how she could kill Olivia...WTH

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I kind of feels like the Jude/Zero storyline is the only one that's actually moving along and progressing. Everything else just feels like spinning wheels or repeating the same thing over and over. We had German punching Derek over Ahsha in Season 1, why are we repeating this now? Sloane's sotryline started off interesting but has rapidly descended into annoying (I just really hate innocent people being falsely accused storylines). Kyle's movie is ridiculous. Why they didn't instead do something with Kyle and Raquel having to pretend to really be a couple shenanigans, I just don't understand. Big missed opportunity there.


That said, I'm still enjoying the show and this season and I'm really loving Jude and Zero. I'm also intrigued by Jackson and Lionel, although jeez, he's pushy - she doesn't want to leave her very high-powered position in the midst of the season to fuck off to Tahiti or whatever for two weeks so you dump her? Lame, Jackson. I'm also curious about how Oscar's going to finally get out of prison and what he'll do when he does, because I'm sure that he's going to. I'm also curious about what German is going to do now that Sloane's been arrested for the crime that he committed.


Most of the dances this season have been kind of forgettable to me, but I liked the one this week. That one and the basketball one (that should've been Ahsha's been $200,000 dance with lasers) have been the two best so far this season.

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Oscar: I'm so lacking for entertainment in here.
Sloane: Well, if you're relying on exercise and men wanting to touch you, I imagine it's pretty quiet for you.

Oscar: I don't know what's sadder - you trying to clear your name or you thinking I'd help you.

Brett: I love you, Kyle Hart.
Kyle: I appreciate that.

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Sometimes this show is so soapy and ridiculous that I can't help but laugh.


Loved Kyle setting Brett's car on fire to destroy the film footage, but it seemed pretty dumb for her to call 911 to report it without even attempting to disguise her voice. Plus Brett told her that it had to look like an accident. Are the police and the insurance company and the investors going to believe that someone stole his car and then set it on fire accidentally?


Surprised that German confessed. Hopefully now that he's in police custody, he won't be able to stalk Ahhhhhsha anymore. Please let this be the end of Sloane's murder storyline because it is SO BORING.


How long before Jude tries to convince Zero that he needs to find his sister? I get that he was trying to help but I personally never interrupt someone swinging a sledgehammer to give them a hug.


Damn, I was so disappointed that the baby wasn't Terrance's. I was looking forward to Jelena being super annoyed by the baby mama and eventually the baby taking Terrance's attention away from her (although realistically I'm glad that we won't have to deal with a baby on this show).


But wake up, Terrance. How can you propose to a woman without making 100% sure that you are on the same page about kids? That is not something where you can make compromises. Either you have kids or you don't. I am not looking forward to more "Jelena is so damaged" plots with her parents. Lots of people have shitty parents and they don't all choose to be heinous bitches.

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Damn, I was so disappointed that the baby wasn't Terrance's. I was looking forward to Jelena being super annoyed by the baby mama and eventually the baby taking Terrance's attention away from her (although realistically I'm glad that we won't have to deal with a baby on this show).


But wake up, Terrance. How can you propose to a woman without making 100% sure that you are on the same page about kids? That is not something where you can make compromises. Either you have kids or you don't. I am not looking forward to more "Jelena is so damaged" plots with her parents. Lots of people have shitty parents and they don't all choose to be heinous bitches.


Terrence is so stupid and gullible. I'm not sure why he tolerated that woman trying to commit paternity fraud on him. If I was him I would had her charged with fraud and the cousin with tampering with medical tests. Why did he think Jelena would be okay with raising his child with someone else? Why didn't he ever ask her about babies in the entire time he's known her. Is he mentally deficient ?


*sigh* Ahsha continues to tiresome and sanctimonious. 


Jude and Zero are so cute together. 

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Damn, I was so disappointed that the baby wasn't Terrance's. I was looking forward to Jelena being super annoyed by the baby mama and eventually the baby taking Terrance's attention away from her (although realistically I'm glad that we won't have to deal with a baby on this show).


But wake up, Terrance. How can you propose to a woman without making 100% sure that you are on the same page about kids? That is not something where you can make compromises. Either you have kids or you don't. I am not looking forward to more "Jelena is so damaged" plots with her parents. Lots of people have shitty parents and they don't all choose to be heinous bitches.

Same and same. Yes, it turned out not to be true, but Jelena was such an asshole about the baby, I was disappointed that it wasn't true just because I was looking forward to Terrance finally tiring of her shit and kicking her to the curb. And seriously, having a crappy father isn't an excuse for being such a horrible, self-involved person and treating everyone around you like shit for the rest of your life. Jelena's not damaged because her father abused her mother and her mother didn't leave him; she's just an asshole. Frankly I'm about as sick of her as I am of Ahsha.


Speaking of Ahsha, the only time she's ever any fun is when she's standing up to Jelena and getting one up on her. I miss their antagonism.


I generally hate "foster family was horrible" storylines and backstories, but I did enjoy Jude and Zero's scenes, short as they were. Zero has a sister! I'm guessing we'll see her at some point.


Surprised German confessed as well. That felt a bit underwhelming after all of the buildup over the last couple of seasons. Why'd he take the gun from Pete's desk?


Finally it seems like something interesting is happening with Raquel.

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The best thing Ahhhsha did this week was use Jelena's need for her help to become captain. I was convinced that Jelena was lying, as per usual. I figured that no matter what the outcome of Terrance and Derek's meeting, Jelena would tell Ahhsha to eat a dick.

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I'm pretty over Jelena and her "issues."  Your bad childhood did not turn you into the terrible person you are. The joy you get in making other people feel bad is not normal and I don't know how Terrence continues to overlook ALL of Jelena's personality faults. He is just so weak when it comes to her. I wish old girl would have been pregnant because this would have been something she could not have manipulated had the baby been his because he was ready to put that baby first. 


Oh German confessed. Yay. Less Ahhhsha please and more Kyle and Raquel. The confession was completely underwhelming considering this has been the plotline the whole season. 

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The only part of this episode I found to be even slightly entertaining was Kyle and Raquel's friendship.

I don't like the choices the actress who plays Jelena makes in portraying the character so I find it hard to get into any of her scenes.

Speaking of Jelena, I don't think she should ever be a parent. I also call bullshit on her endometriosis diagnosis by way of lab work. That particular disease is diagnosed through laparoscopy. Until that happened the doctor probably wouldn't have been able to make an assessment of Jelena's fertility.

How did Rick Fox manage to smuggle a knife into the courthouse?

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Derek telling Ahsha how loyal she was made me LMAO. Did he forget how often she cheated on her bf with him ?


She's not loyal at all. I hate her and her mother.


Also those cops are the most tolerant cops on the face of the Earth letting Ahsha throw a hissy fit in the police station.


Jude and Zero continue to be an adorable power couple. 


Don't really care about any of the other plot lines.

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Kyle: Ahhhsha's first move as captain was putting me in charge of today's dance.
Raquel: Have the Devil Girls ever worn nipple tassels?

Jude: I was gone one day and all hell breaks loose.
Lionel: It's not my fault that my assistant coach murdered someone.

Kyle: Hey, look at me. Still a virgin at something. Who would have thunk it?

Sloane: I'm giddy with anticipation.
Lionel: I'm willing to admit I went a little overboard when I told the press what I told them. I misunderstood your situation and I apologize. Could you possibly ease up on me with the press?
Sloane: I find it fascinating that you want my public support and this apology is happening in private.
Lionel: Let's be real, Sloane.
Sloane: You, real? This only gets richer.

Sloane: [German]'s not a killer.
Chase: And yet my wife is dead.

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Ahhhsha continues to be one of the most clueless people on the planet:

(1) Ahhhsha: Why won't German defend himself?

Hey, dumbass, he is STILL trying to protect you. He knows that if he tells the police that Olivia threatened to expose you not really being voted into the All Stars, you will be banned from dancing on any NBA team for the rest of your life. Remember when you cried to him about how terrible that would be? Sidenote: really stupid for Ahhhhhsha to admit that in the middle of a crowded police station.

(2) Ahhhsha: I have to do something.

Derek: Like what?

Ahhhsha: The only thing I can do. Try to talk some sense into him.

Orrrrrrrr YOU could tell the truth and admit that German killed Olivia to protect your secret. But really, at this point what could German possibly say to help himself? Unless he could convince a jury that Olivia somehow threatened him and it was self defense, there wasn't much more that he could have said to avoid prison.


I have to admit that when I saw Dr. Michael Mancini was a guest star on this episode, I was expecting a lot of fireworks. Instead all we got was a tennis match.


What kind of 12 year olds are writing these scripts? How is German being sentenced like, what, two days after he turned himself in? I mean, seriously, this entire episode took place over a few days based on what other people said and did during the same time period (and based on their outfits).


Day 0: German turns himself in to the police. Jude accompanies Zero to his old foster home.

Day 1: Kyle is in charge of tonight's game dance. Jelena has lunch with her father. Ahhhsha, Pete, and Chase try to see German at the police station.

Day 2: Lionel "apologizes" to Sloane. Jude asks Zero to play tennis with Michael Mancini. Ahsha has a pity party at Derek's house. Kyle finds out that Raquel is going to die. Pete and Sloane meet with Chase. Jude and Zero play tennis. Derek and Kyle have drinks. Raquel tells Jelena she is going to die. Jelena tells her dad he sucks. Ahhhsha has a temper tantrum at the police station. Jude and Zero Do It. Zero asks Jude for the investigator's phone number. Terrence tells Jelena they have another chance to buy the team.

Day 3: Lionel shows up at Jude's house. Jelena, Terrence, and Derek meet with David Wallace about buying the team. German is sentenced. Jelena sees her doctor. Zero tells Jude that Lionel came by and figured out they were with Michael Mancini. Lionel gets the medical examiner's phone number and then gets Oscar released from prison.


So yup, three whole days from the time German turned himself in until he was sentenced. Our legal system is so speedy!


Ahhhhsha's hissy fit at the police station was embarrassingly bad. No wonder they don't give her more high energy acting scenes. Similarly, I know I was supposed to root for Jelena when she was telling her father how he ruined her life, but her acting skills are not up for that kind of drama.


On top of that, I can't stand how the writers are trying to make Jelena seem like she has any sort of justifiable reason for being the stank bitch that she is. As discussed last week, lots of people have shitty parents or terrible childhoods but they still manage not to be heinous spiteful snotty bitches to everyone around them. That's why I just rolled my eyes when she acted soooooo concerned that Raquel is going to die. Let's not forget that Jelena is the one who threw Raquel off the squad without a second thought.


So all she had to do was tell her dad he ruined her childhood and now she's suddenly ready to have kids? Okay then. I could not believe that the only thing she really said about it was that she can't be a worse parent than her dad was. Seriously, have you met you? You're petty, mean, vindictive, manipulative, and rude. Sounds like an ideal mom! And lord help them if they'd had a daughter. You know Jelena would have been one of those insane stage moms who drove her daughter to an eating disorder.


I really want to know how Rick Fox smuggled a shank into the court room. There are metal detectors at every court house in California.


Jude and Zero are awesome. It's sad that I'm supposed to be watching this show for the dancing, but they're the only good thing about it and they're not even dancing! Can we get them to dance? Fine, they can just lie around shirtless some more.


I see that Jelena really led by example. She taught the Devil Girls that when you are in charge of choreography, that means you create a routine that's basically a solo for you while everyone else acts as your backup dancers. At least Kyle is a quick study!


I like Raquel, but I don't love her. The main reason I will miss her after she dies is who else is going to ask Kyle if the Devil Girls have ever worn nipple tassels?

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I think they're going to kill German off, since he was about to be sent away for a long time, anyway. I definitely didn't see his stabbing coming at all. Raquel, on the other hand, will probably have a life saving surgery, and will be miraculously cured.

Edited by sereion1
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Maybe she will be cured by the power of dance! One miraculous dance routine later, she will be all better!

 On TV anything is possible. I would love to see her dance as a Devil Girl again. 


They finally played  a song like; Cherry Bomb. I don't like rap or hip hop (I'm a rock person) so the music during the dance scenes is annoying to me. Music part is ok but the lyrics (if you want to call them that) are bad.

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I still can't quite get over how Raquel went from totally fine to deadsville in the span of about 3 days. And without any attempt to do anything! No transplant, no nothing?? For about half this episode I was legit expecting German to kill himself (who leaves scissors lying two feet away from a convicted murderer?) and his heart to be transplanted into Raquel. Which would've been ridiculous, but I would've been cool with it. I'll miss Raquel.


Speaking of German, I really need for everyone to stop saying that he was just protecting Ahsha, etc etc. He ended someone's life so that Ahsha's stupid secret about the all star game wouldn't get out, and then he was perfectly willing to let Chase go to prison for it.


Lionel's an idiot, and bummer that she's now dropped Jude in it as well, though it doesn't seem like Oscar really has any thoughts towards him at the moment. Oscar basically saying he's going to force Lionel to have sex with him, though, yikes. I'm not okay with that. I kind of wonder if we're building towards Lionel killing him in the season finale.


Bummer that there was so little Jude and Zero in this episode - I really wanted to know more about both how Jude is dealing with Oscar being out and about Zero trying to find his sister, and especially who it is.

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Bummer that there was so little Jude and Zero in this episode - I really wanted to know more about both how Jude is dealing with Oscar being out and about Zero trying to find his sister, and especially who it is.


Jude and Zero are the only reason I'm still watching this show. I don't really care about Lionel, Sloane, Pete, German, Akeesha, Jelena, Derek or anyone else really. 


Jude and Zero seem to be the only couple that are making actual progress towards intimacy and are super cute. 

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Kyle: Excuse me, nurse. This woman is a heart patient.
Raquel: This is cardiology, Kyle. Everyone here is a heart patient.

Kyle: Well, hello, doctor. Which one are you? McDreamy? McSteamy? McHung?

Terrence: I want a boy that plays ball and a girl that dances. Or the other way around. I don't care.

Jelena: The last time we were in a hospital together, I was talking you through giving birth to Miguel.
Raquel: More like yelling at me.
Jelena: Encouragement comes in many forms.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
Fixed wonky spacing after forum upgrade
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I love how "woman dying on television" means "remove fake eyelashes and eye makeup to create pale, sickly look."


How was David Wallace allowed to make a decision for the entire league while sitting in the back of a limo? The league didn't need to have a meeting or vote?


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when Sloane went all HULK SMASH on the vending machine. She must work out like crazy to be strong enough to punch a hole in the glass.


Lionel is an idiot. She let Oscar out thinking that she could keep him on a leash. He wasn't out even a full day before he took away her leverage. I mean, I give her credit for having more than one copy, but still.


Ahhhhsha is a terrible cryer. I had to laugh at the black tear dripping from her eye later.


Kyle was hilarious. I loved that her idea of cheering up Raquel was to pay an orderly $20 so she could take pictures of the hot doctor while changing.


But I was rolling my eyes at the show trying to retcon that Raquel and Jelena were such good BFFs that Jelena was with her when she gave birth to Miguel. Riiiiighhhht.


And somehow Jelena is the only one who is emotionally strong enough to be with Raquel when she dies? PUH-LEEZE.


On the plus side, I'm excited to hear more about Zero's sister! I am not a "throw money at the problem" kind of person, but when the investigator initially said that he'd hit a dead end, I was with Zero when he said, "Well, investigate some more." Ha! I want to know how hard this guy even looked. Did he at least try searching for her social security number? Running her credit report? Come on, investigator. Investigate!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I love how "woman dying on television" means "remove fake eyelashes and eye makeup to create pale, sickly look."

How was David Wallace allowed to make a decision for the entire league while sitting in the back of a limo? The league didn't need to have a meeting or vote?

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when Sloane went all HULK SMASH on the vending machine. She must work out like crazy to be strong enough to punch a hole in the glass.

Lionel is an idiot. She let Oscar out thinking that she could keep him on a leash. He wasn't out even a full day before he took away her leverage. I mean, I give her credit for having more than one copy, but still.

Ahhhhsha is a terrible cryer. I had to laugh at the black tear dripping from her eye later.

Kyle was hilarious. I loved that her idea of cheering up Raquel was to pay an orderly $20 so she could take pictures of the hot doctor while changing.

But I was rolling my eyes at the show trying to retcon that Raquel and Jelena were such good BFFs that Jelena was with her when she gave birth to Miguel. Riiiiighhhht.

And somehow Jelena is the only one who is emotionally strong enough to be with Raquel when she dies? PUH-LEEZE.

On the plus side, I'm excited to hear more about Zero's sister! I am not a "throw money at the problem" kind of person, but when the investigator initially said that he'd hit a dead end, I was with Zero when he said, "Well, investigate some more." Ha! I want to know how hard this guy even looked. Did he at least try searching for her social security number? Running her credit report? Come on, investigator. Investigate!

I watched the entire series over again. Jelena and Raquel were always good friends which is why Raquel was so hurt when she thought Jelena kicked her off the team

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This was actually a pretty interesting way to tie up the whole team ownership storyline, to have Oscar come back and retake control only to have his own hubris lead to Jelena swooping in to nab it from him in the end.


Apparently Jelena cutting Terrence out of the team and everything was supposed to be her way of setting him free or something? I didn't get that at all. She just came across as a stone cold asshole (which is pretty much how she always comes across). He should be glad to be rid of her.


The Raquel confession was so stupid. So she's totally cool with her son and her family all believing that she was a murderer all so that idiot German - who really did murder someone - can go free? All because he "did it for love"? He still murdered someone. Doing it to protect Ahsha's ridiculous secret doesn't make it okay.


Loved Jude and Zero, as usual. Still really want to know more about Zero's sister. Also, Zero, the basketball season is only like 6 months long and video calls exist. It'd be a bummer if you had to move away, but it's not like you'd never see each other again. Relax.


Lionel continues to be the world's biggest idiot. Pete too.


All in all a pretty fun season finale, especially the final scene. Season 4 could be a bit of a retread of the Who Killed Olivia? Season 2 theme, but I like whodunnit storylines and at least with this one they've already set up a bunch of suspects and motives (because really, who wouldn't want to shoot Jelena?) Could make for a fun Season 4. And I really hope there's a Season 4.

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Kyle: It's Derek.
Ahhhhsha: I can't tell if that's a pro statement or a con statement.
Kyle: It's a chillax statement. You can't freak out every time his cell goes off. Keep it together!

Terrence: I love you.
Jelena: You just don't trust me.
Terrence: We have everything else. Maybe we don't need trust. I know who you are and I accept it.

Jelena: How did you get past security?
Ahhhsha: I told them I wanted to kick your ass and they waved me through.

Ahhhsha: Hate isn't strong enough for what I feel for you, you power grubbing bitch.
Jelena: You want to talk power grubbing? How about your move to be made captain? Captain of the Devil Girls, dating the captain of the Devils, All Star - sound familiar? Deny it all you want. I'm still your role model. Hate me? You want to be me.

Jelena: Sloan could go back to building soapboxes or clothes shopping blindfolded or whatever she does in her free time.

Jelena: Payback's a bitch, bitch.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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The Raquel confession was so stupid. So she's totally cool with her son and her family all believing that she was a murderer all so that idiot German - who really did murder someone - can go free? All because he "did it for love"? He still murdered someone. Doing it to protect Ahsha's ridiculous secret doesn't make it okay.


Loved Jude and Zero, as usual. Still really want to know more about Zero's sister. Also, Zero, the basketball season is only like 6 months long and video calls exist. It'd be a bummer if you had to move away, but it's not like you'd never see each other again. Relax.


Yeah I was thinking what about Miguel? Does she not care that her son will think she just murdered someone for his sake.


Also Jude you can take Lionel with you... to wherever your man ends up. Oh well.


I don't care about Jelena and I still hate Aisha and her stupid mother. Sloane walking up to what's his face and being all like go on and kill me like a man was the weirdest plan ever. Did she have a wire on or something ? Or did she just want to get it out of the way?


At least Jelena knows how to sneakily stab someone in the back and snatch the prize. 

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Near the end of the episode, I was thinking about how I wished that Oscar, Lionel, and Jelena could all die in a fiery blaze, so I'm willing to take Jelena getting shot. Will she wake up with temporary amnesia? Or be a totally nice person? I mean, this is basically a soap opera so if she isn't actually dead then I'm going to expect one (or both) of those things to happen.


I don't know why Zero is acting like he and Jude have to break up just because he got traded. I don't remember Jelena actually saying which team she traded him to so for all he knows, he could be a short plane ride away from Jude. I know that a long distance relationship isn't ideal, but people make it work. And these days, it's so much easier with email, texting, skype, etc. Just twenty years ago, your only choices were old fashioned snail mail and paying for long distance phone calls.


Oh, Ahhhhhsha, take a page from Jelena's book. If you are in a relationship and one of you can't trust the other person, then it's not a very good relationship. As crappy as it was for Jelena not to include Terrance in her deal owning the team, she was right to end her relationship with Terrance since he clearly doesn't trust her to tell him the truth. Similarly, if all it takes for Ahhhsha to start getting all squirrely is ONE PHONE CALL, then her relationship with Derek isn't working so getting engaged was just dumb.


The writers really need to keep Ahhsha's role limited to dancing because her "dramatic" scene with Jelena was hilariously bad. Like that wasn't even up to the level of one of those girls in high school who's convinced she's going to be a Broadway star while everyone else rolls their eyes because they know it's never going to happen.


Lionel's plan was so dumb, but at least her intention was for no one to actually get hurt. When I saw her phone call with Pete in the preview, I thought Oscar was making her say that as a way to lure Pete to her so that Sloane would be alone and Oscar could kill her. Why don't Pete and Lionel just get back in the car and back up into the garage door until they smash a hole in it?


I know I was supposed to see Raquel's "confession" as a gift to German, but ITA that she is still letting a murderer go free at the expense of letting her son think that she was a murderer. That doesn't seem right.


Derek's proposal was a total ripoff of this one:

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I was ok with the cliffhanger since it was Jelena that got shot. I'm pretty sure she won't die since she's responsible for most of the drama on the show. And there are more than enough suspects to keep it interesting. Ahsha never showed up to marry Derek so she had time. Terrence, Zero, Jude, Oscar and Sloane all had motive. Hell, Jelena is so evil it could have been a janitor or concession stand worker she pissed off. The only people it couldn't be are Lionel and Pete because their dumb asses are locked in the garage.

I'd like to think that Raquel made a separate video for Miguel explaining that she really isn't a murderer.

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