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S32.E09: Bro-ing Pains


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God Shane.  Fuck OFF.  Your dickitude is as attractive as Tony uttering the word “excaping.”

This whole burn vote nonsense hurts my head and makes me feel like I’m back in tenth grade math class.  Quit it.

Oh fucking hell.  Davonne and Jozea are totally going to drag Paul and Natalie back into that damn house.  You can’t fool me, previews.

Edited by mojoween
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And the suck keeps on coming.

Am I too old or too naive to expect fair play? Because the teams would rather shut up than put up, everyone gets votes except for Johnny & Tony, probably because listening to Johnny whine about being played and Tony bitching about his two kids would be bothersome. Three teams share the "lead," so Zach & Amanda -- whose vote counted twice and who will be getting an advantage in the next mission -- gets to pick who goes into Armageddon. And because only they voted for Jozea & Da'vonne, those two can pick anybody to face. They pick Kayleigh & Kam, and that leads to an Armageddon similar to the one where Eric quit on Camila. That was more fun, because neither team can solve the puzzle, and Kalyleigh and Da'vonne slowly freeze to death, with only TJ's snotty attitude keeping them warm. K&K win, Kam keeps the "Killer Kam" shit to a minimum because her partner is basically an icicle, and Jozea is shown to crap the bed yet again.

Moving on to the Redemption Ceremony: there has to be skill involved. There has to be. If you're Veronica, why would you work out when your fate is decided by the stupid Double Cross? CT trying to apologize to her can only be so much motivation. In the end, four teams screw up, and Jozea & Da'vonne get to stay in the game no matter what . . . for doing nothing. I swear, if CT had actually pulled the damn Double Cross, I'd have the same problem. Seriously, two idiots from Big Brother get to decide which teams leave for good . . . which is how the last fucking Redemption battle played out. Jozea might as well be Paulie, only less mouthy and with more sucking.

Seriously, has there ever been a Challenge where CT was eliminated midway through? It's a weird thought. Also, he got into this situation because Veronica basically Bethed the last mission. That's not as unfair as the other stuff, but it shows how fucked up this season has been. Yes, he should've pulled the Cross he was going for, but his situation still sucks, and I feel a smidge bad for Veronica.

In other news, horrible people keep acting horribly, and Shane still needs to be smacked in the face. Also: Paulie & Natalie could be pulled into the Armageddon, lose for the THIRD time, and still be in the game. Seriously, fuck Big Brother. I have a tolerance for AYTO, but the Hamsters have to go away for good.

Edited by Lantern7
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So what was the point of CT’s bug eyed “apology” to Veronica.  Did production come to him and say you better makeup with Veronica or some people will think your a dick with how you treated her.  It came off incredibly phony.  I hope Veronica was just pretending she actually bought it.  Still searching for someone to root for.  Shane still sucks

  • Love 2

Are they going to have more mercenaries?

The Armageddon was good but I think both teams were performing poorly which is why it went on so long.

If they have another cycle of filling up the Redemption House, meaning after one of the two teams goes back and then 4 more teams join them, this season could really be stretched.

And there's still not enough action in each episode.  They waste how many minutes to the voting deliberations?

I really liked the the elimination challenge this episode. I don't think either girl being dunked in the water were all that comfortable in water which may have contributed to how long it took but the combined elements of the challenge are meant to be completely disorienting with the freezing cold water, being hung upside down, being expected to memorize patterns and communicate effectively. I'm sure there are other groups that would have done better and completed the challenge successfully but I could totally see other teams struggling. I mean, if that were Marie being dunked into the water, I could imagine that Cara would get frustrated with her because I could see her being pretty useless in a challenge like this one, lol.

When is the Redemption House gonna be over? At this rate, I don't blame Jozea and Day for thinking that it's their fate to win this money - the show just can't seem to get rid of their asses. Though I did laugh when Jozea was talking about how long they lasted, conveniently forgetting that they missed some time in the actual house. Choosing to face off against Natalie and Paulie could be a good bet for them - they've beat them once and Natalie has shown so far that she doesn't do well under pressure in these elimination situations. Tori and Derrick is also a good option. Tori may be a competitor but she's not good enough cover for Derrick's inability to do anything right.

Shane is an asshole...this is nothing new but I still feel it necessary to point it out.

26 minutes ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I heard Jemmye on a podcast say that Corey was coming on this season as a mercenary.

Corey talks a big game but minus I think one finale appearance, he hasn't been an impressive competitor. His social game sucks and I can't remember the last time he was sent to an elimination and actually won and went back to the house. With his track record, it's probably a safe bet that whichever team faced him probably won.

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I heard Jemmye on a podcast say that Corey was coming on this season as a mercenary.

Wasn’t Devin in the previews as a mercenary as well?

The voting shenanigans make my head hurt. I can’t follow the strategy most of the time until it plays out before Armageddon.

Shut up Tony. And John. If you performed better and won a mission you wouldn’t have to worry about no one having your backs.

  • Love 2

Shane is such an ass. I wish Josea and Da'Vonne had picked Shane and Nelson. Those two would have never come close in an elimination like that. And Shane needs his comeuppance asap! He is the living worst on a show already chock full of garbage humans. 

Shane and Nelson would have been a much better choice, which is maybe why Jozea decided unilaterally on Kam and Kaleigh before Davonne could use logic on him. I loved how he initially made a solicitous gesture toward her, as though he was going to let her decide, then after giving her a cursory chance to speak immediately made the decision on his own. 

I'm surprised that they let that elimination go on for forty five minutes if the ladies were truly that cold. Since they were going to edit it down to 4-5 minutes anyway, they could have called it at 15 or 20. I'm super impressed with Kaleigh though, which is something I never thought I'd say. I still think Nelson should stay away from her as a romantic partner, but I wasn't expecting to see so much competitive spirit from her. I thought it was lovely how Kam was praising her after it was over, before they knew who had won. 

Joss' dumbfounded face when J&D picked K&K was amazing. 

I liked Vendettas a lot more than I like Final Reckoning. I don't love all these "twists"--letting Mercenaries join the game isn't my favorite, and I think the double cross is inherently pretty unfair. If you're going to bother having a redemption house, then everyone in it should have some chance to compete to earn back their spot. And in addition to better pacing instead of the "either an elimination or mission per episode"--which, no thank you--I thought the voting process in Vendettas was more interesting. Also, no Amanda. 

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

If you're going to bother having a redemption house, then everyone in it should have some chance to compete to earn back their spot. And in addition to better pacing instead of the "either an elimination or mission per episode"--which, no thank you--I thought the voting process in Vendettas was more interesting. Also, no Amanda. 

Yeah they miss out on an opportunity to have something like a mini final obstacle course or something where they could let the winner choose another team to go back to the Main House or make it winner take all.

Or maybe the top two winners.

But maybe there's the same problem with not enough challenges this season, that for some reason, they can't set up more events.

Certainly it's easier to film a dumb Double Cross segment than setting up a challenge and filming them.  Maybe their budget was cut back a lot to add to the prize money.  Or maybe they think for some reason viewers want to see more drama at the house than actual events.

If they had more events, we wouldn't have to see Shane acting like he is during the whole politicking for votes.

Looks like next week has some kind of eating challenge, another way to go cheap, since they can have static cameras to film images of people throwing up rather than running across the countryside or having to build elaborate rigs for them to hang from or jump across.

16 hours ago, Coco88 said:

So what was the point of CT’s bug eyed “apology” to Veronica.  Did production come to him and say you better makeup with Veronica or some people will think your a dick with how you treated her.  It came off incredibly phony.  I hope Veronica was just pretending she actually bought it.  Still searching for someone to root for.  Shane still sucks

I believe that was all tongue in cheek.  A little scripted interlude to give them some camera time because CT is popular.  They were told to dance, monkeys, dance- and that is what they came up with. 

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I don’t really mind that the people in the redemption house don’t have the fairest way of getting back in the house. To me it’s like, you already were eliminated so if you get another shot, great. If not, we’ll you had your chance when you were in the house. You had one chance. A second one is more of a privilege than a right.

I hate Shane. I hate Shane. I hate Shane. Every bone in my body was praying that they would get chosen for the elimination. Count me in with the group that doesn’t understand why they let the elimination go on for 40+ minutes. It was dangerous and stupid. I also don’t want to see Kam brag about winning this elimination against Jozea and De’vonne. She hasn’t had a lot of tough opponents so her win streak, to me has been too hyped up. And Kam can’t get mad at them for picking her team to go into elimination. She orchestrated all that shit last week to get them in there. 

Also not getting Tori’s attitude at Jozea and De’Vonne. The reason you’re in the redemption house is because you and your partner didn’t win the elimination round. You were in no way trying to save Jozea and De’Vonne from going into elimination. You were trying to save your ass from going in there. Her game’s obviously not as good as she thinks it is.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
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1 hour ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

I don’t really mind that the people in the redemption house don’t have the fairest way of getting back in the house. To me it’s like, you already were eliminated so if you get another shot, great. If not, we’ll you had your chance when you were in the house. You had one chance. A second one is more of a privilege than a right.

While I can't say that I agree, I did not think of looking at it like that. Still, though, I hate that CT might go out because Veronica quarter-assed a mission. Granted, I like him, and she hasn't set me off so bad recently, so I'm all for their return. All the shit I say about Shane here? At least doubled with the Verantula in her prime.

I'd settle for a situation where RH'd teams have to fight to get back. The team getting the Double Cross would provide the seeds. #4 battles #5, winner of that meets #3, and so on.

Seriously, Natalie & Pauie could remain in the game after losing THREE Armageddons. I dunno . . . it's like some of the twists are awesome on paper, but they turn to shit immediately. The voting process was supposed to eliminate burn votes, but that's all they're doing now. Why didn't Tananas get a single vote? Cowardice in meeting such a stacked pair. Also, who wants to hear Johnny bitch about getting screwed, or Tony whine about providing for his kids?

2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

While I can't say that I agree, I did not think of looking at it like that. Still, though, I hate that CT might go out because Veronica quarter-assed a mission. Granted, I like him, and she hasn't set me off so bad recently, so I'm all for their return. All the shit I say about Shane here? At least doubled with the Verantula in her prime.

I'd settle for a situation where RH'd teams have to fight to get back. The team getting the Double Cross would provide the seeds. #4 battles #5, winner of that meets #3, and so on.

Seriously, Natalie & Pauie could remain in the game after losing THREE Armageddons. I dunno . . . it's like some of the twists are awesome on paper, but they turn to shit immediately. The voting process was supposed to eliminate burn votes, but that's all they're doing now. Why didn't Tananas get a single vote? Cowardice in meeting such a stacked pair. Also, who wants to hear Johnny bitch about getting screwed, or Tony whine about providing for his kids?

I’ll be honest here. I don’t like the idea of the redemption house at all. Once you lose, that’s it. I also don’t like the idea of mercenaries coming in after the challenge has started and getting a chance to compete. 

Re: Shane. I was happy when he came back a couple of seasons ago. I’m a slut for old school challengers. I mean Shane was on BOTS1 (my favorite season ☺️) and he’s been around a while. I can’t ever remember him being this intolerable. He’s probably knows his chances of winning are slim to none so he causes drama for airtime and attention, but that’s not entertaining to me. I just long for competition. I hate that the show has become largely about drama and a minuscule amount of actual challenges. I’m watching a Spanish version of the challenge on Telemundo called Exatlon. It has an old school challenge vibe to it. I’m enjoying that way more than the Challenge right now.

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I’ll be honest here. I don’t like the idea of the redemption house at all. Once you lose, that’s it. I also don’t like the idea of mercenaries coming in after the challenge has started and getting a chance to compete. 

I agree with you, with one caveat--no more purges. I really am not liking the purges. To me, you go home when you lose in an elimination round. I think the purges also lead to them overstuffing the cast with a bunch of unnecessary people. On this season, because of the way the redemption house works, we have way, way too many cast members, and people are coming and people are going and we never actually have time to do anything. They're losing me with this format. Also, I hate that purges led to us losing Jenna, CT, Veronica, and crazy Britni. I would much rather watch any of them than 95% of the people still in the house or who just entered the house.  

My issue with Shane is that all his drama seems so manufactured, just reeking of desperation for airtime and relevance. He walks around looking for fights to start and conflict to stoke. He initiates problems with people who have nothing to do with him just for the glee of upsetting them. He seems to think his mean girl attitude makes him powerful and badass, when in fact it's extremely petty, unflattering, and immature. It's the same problem I have with Amanda. You can practically see the blinking "pay attention to me; this is all I have" signs blinking over their heads. At least some of the other historic drama starters are legitimately nuts or drunk or subtle. These guys are pathetic. Take them away! 

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