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See, that's the thing; I never saw an indication of Ron going for a Todd/Téa/Victor triangle. I thought he had very clearly set up each woman getting "a Todd," and I thought he had clearly already plotted out the August reveal from the moment he introduced Blair's painting, the old photograph, etc. at the beginning of 2011. That was a huge moment that dovetailed too well to not be the planned payoff of an arc. That was what the whole point of that endless build-up and rambling about was - it was all leading to another one of Ron's Big Moments, where the real Todd pulls out the old photograph the painting that started the whole mess came from, and shows it to Blair.


And it was a great moment, and it was spectacularly executed. The problem, as was by then becoming a regular issue with Ron and is now very commonplace on GH, was that the road to that big beat, and everything after, was deeply flawed. Trevor St. John (Victor/"Todd II", for the newbies in the audience) had opted to leave the show, and Frank and Ron chosen to spin their wheels and waste time til the big August reveal, so they had only about four weeks to play out the entire "Two Todds" mystery onscreen, which is not what they'd originally planned. But that was their choice and their gamble, and their failure.


I do think Ron always, always intended to keep Téa very central. She was very important to him, establishing her primacy was important to him, and I expect that if they'd kept both Todds around longer they would've had both women, both Blair and Téa, bouncing back and forth between them, probably romantically, for ages (even though I personally never would believe Blair would ever be torn between Todd and Victor after what the latter had put her through over the previous eight years). 


You and I are probably not going to agree on what may have been intended. Ron spent a lot of time before Howarth's return establishing Tea as the absolute true love of Todd's life. Remember, also, it took about a year between the end of ATWT for RoHo to return to OLTL and there was a lot of negotiation before he signed on. Add to that, his return was announced and cancellation came almost immediately afterwards.


I do think that Ron wanted to play a lot of back and forth and partner switching/hopping once he got Howarth back and I suspect he would have played it out much like you often said he would have played out Blair-Todd-Carly on GH had he been allowed to continue with that... where he would have teased both sides until it was more than unbearable and then give the 'endgame' to Todd/Blair in probably the worst, back-handed way possible after no one wanted it anymore.


And let's not forget the petty nature of Ron and Frank. TSJ wanted out and got it but when cancellation came he offered to stay until the end and they told him to fuck off because the story had 'already been written' or whatever.


Tomas' arrival was tied to the painting and he knew that Victor wasn't what he claimed to be and there were the encrypted files in Todd's desk at the Sun that Blair found accidentally... there were things planted, yes, but this was also before RoHo signed on again and they were playing with the Todd aspects and what/who was Tomas and all that but it all got dropped (mostly) and certainly never explained. What was on that disc that Marty found and used to blackmail the both of them? Why did Victor keep telling Tomas 'if you tell the truth, you go down with me' -- acting as if Victor knew very well he wasn't Todd until RoHo came back and all of a sudden Victor was weirdly latching onto the identity of Todd until the very end and then we got the ridiculous twin saga and Undead!Irene and the CIA Program for UnWed Mothers.


But again, Ron put a lot of effort into negating Blair's importance in Todd's life. He brought Dani in as Tea and Todd's kid that would tie them together that the Todd we had on the show at that point suddenly cared about more than Starr, Jack and Sam put together. He couldn't be bothered with Starr anymore, Jack was a nuisance... although also remember they had the boys going on and on and on about how awesome Tea was and they suddenly didn't want anything to do with the Cramers after Blair got stabbed and also after Blair got pushed out the window. After Blair went out the window they spent the entire episode with Tea and VicTodd in a room lamenting/celebrating their tumultuous relationship "you're my champion" while Tea snivels about "Todd" running back to Blair while he insists he wants nothing of the sort. Rewriting the island as Todd 'paddling away from happiness.' Suddenly, Blair was some obligation to Todd. A woman who, regretfully, bore his children but who he didn't really give a shit about. He couldn't wait to dump her off on Eli so he could focus on Tea and "his family." Or how about Blair kneeling before him, putting her head in his lap as she breaks the news about Tea dying?


Ron had Blair losing out on three successive triangles... Blair/Todd/Tea; Blair/John/Marty; Blair/Todd/Kelly just to show that Blair meant nothing to Todd. Ron wasn't going to give that up. He put too much work into making Tea the center of Todd's universe. Until Howarth came back and suddenly everything changed because the Real Todd who focused completely on Blair (even in a Spider-Man costume you could see he was significantly more focused on Blair than Tea) from the start. Not that Ron couldn't keep from giving Tea a role in that, either, but Roger sure as hell played a man whose sun rose and fell with Blair and Starr and Jack and included Sam because he was Blair's boy.


Behind the scenes? RoHo wanted Todd/Blair and TSJ wanted Victor/Tea and FL wanted Victor/Tea as well. Kassie had made it clear years prior that she would be more than amenable to working with RoHo again (which surprised him and led to the infamous apology) so in that regard the actors got what they wanted.


Ron, however... had to make do. 

  • Love 4

After Blair went out the window they spent the entire episode with Tea and VicTodd in a room lamenting/celebrating their tumultuous relationship "you're my champion" while Tea snivels about "Todd" running back to Blair while he insists he wants nothing of the sort.


But on the siiiigh flipside, we had Ross' ears perk up at the police station (I don't remember why he was under arrest) when he heard about Blair's defenestration, push past Fish to race to the hospital in his flip flops to find out if she was okay, and then get (hotly) tasered by Fish when he refused to leave her side.


But never mind all that...he DESTROYED A KAYAK!

  • Love 2

LOL!! Oh my God! I totally forgot about him racing across town in his flip flops only to get tasered!


That was hilarious!


You know, I did actually put together a playlist on You Tube of Blair/Eli up the aftermath of the cabana fire which actually had some very good Blair/John stuff. I loathed Blair/John as a romantic couple mainly because I knew it was a stop gap for John and Marty and that Blair was going to get screwed (she did) but I always liked them as friends... especially after because Blair remains the only woman John actually married and she was able to order him around quite a bit because of that.


Anyway, the playlist is here if anyone wants to see.

  • Love 3

I really enjoyed Eli and Ross as brothers, I have to say. I swear to God the flashback of Ross rescuing Eli from the cabana fire when they hired Billy Warlock to play the role (I had completely forgotten about that until someone above reminded me) I always saw them high fiving each other even though I'm pretty sure they did not.


And, of course, the above clip is way before Eli got Eli'ed.

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 2

Her clipped manner of speaking sometimes made me laugh.  "HelloViki."


And my favorite part is still how Irene was a struggling single mother with no money and no prospects so, as a desperate last resort, she...joined the CIA.  Hilarious.


I would have died if someone had tried to recruit preggo Destiny during that time period.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

The attempt to villify Ross while sanctifying Not!Todd was so cheap. It was kind of hilarious in hindsight. (Helped by the fact that it wasn't Todd at all.) But we had just been through the guy who terrorized Langston, Starr, Cole and Markko then held Marty captive in his brand new house so he could 'start over' or whatever the hell the reasoning was.


But Ross destroyed a kayak! That means Not!Todd's way better and more stable!




Ron never could admit when his stories went wrong.

  • Love 5

I remember I was willing to buy the Irene retcon, with a little more time and care - I believe they'd established Victor having either intelligence or CIA/OSS/whatever connections at some point, maybe in the '80s? Maybe not? So I can see him having fed someone like Irene into that system in her youth, before she got knocked up, or meeting her there. But they had literally weeks to tell this Two Todds/Irene reveal - a la Luke on GH - because they had chosen to spend the preceding months a certain way. They did make more of the time then than GH has with Luke now, IMO, where the story has basically no tension: Go find Lucky, follow relatively straight line directly to undead Frank Smith. Irene got caught basically the same way - the guys just walked in to her base - but at least there were many feints and henchmen, etc. in the preceding months on OLTL, like the wonderful Agent Baker. And yeah, whatever was going down with Victor and that ID card or whatever was never explained.


I was dying for them to cast Elizabeth Hendrickson or Colleen Zenk from ATWT (Lucinda Walsh and Barbara Ryan, respectively) as Irene. Instead, they played it cheap and got some chick from old reruns of Match Game or something. She was, uh, extremely mannered. She was much more effective later on a sort of wraithlike spectre, hamming it up in Todd's mind, but she still wasn't great overall. That story could've been so much more, and I was thrilled when PP-OLTL began dovetailing it into something more carefully-plotted and coherent, even if it took them til the end of their truncated run to begin unfolding the twists. I also would've been fine with GH finishing it off, but if that had been the case, knowing Ron, Victor, Blair and Robin Scorpio (and maybe Natalie, why not) would all still be holed up in some Cassadine gulag to this day, being watched over by Alison Perkins, who has developed a crush on Zombie Stavros.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Considering where they took the story on GH, I'm glad FrankenRon never got to touch the two Todd again. That said, I do remember thinking that Duke being hidden away at the clinic in Switzerland was going to be McBain thinking he saw Victor (or wig-on-a-stick Victor) instead and maybe having him re-assess his belief that Todd killed his brother.

  • Love 2

That said, I do remember thinking that Duke being hidden away at the clinic in Switzerland was going to be McBain thinking he saw Victor (or wig-on-a-stick Victor) instead and maybe having him re-assess his belief that Todd killed his brother.


IIRC, the original plan - maybe for when they thought they only had six or so months - was for Robin to come across either Victor or Alan Quartermaine, or both, in captivity.

Edited by jsbt

I remember I was willing to buy the Irene retcon, with a little more time and care - I believe they'd established Victor having either intelligence or CIA/OSS/whatever connections at some point, maybe in the '80s? Maybe not? So I can see him having fed someone like Irene into that system in her youth, before she got knocked up, or meeting her there. But they had literally weeks to tell this Two Todds/Irene reveal - a la Luke on GH - because they had chosen to spend the preceding months a certain way. They did make more of the time then than GH has with Luke now, IMO, where the story has basically no tension: Go find Lucky, follow relatively straight line directly to undead Frank Smith. Irene got caught basically the same way - the guys just walked in to her base - but at least there were many feints and henchmen, etc. in the preceding months on OLTL, like the wonderful Agent Baker. And yeah, whatever was going down with Victor and that ID card or whatever was never explained.


I was dying for them to cast Elizabeth Hendrickson or Colleen Zenk from ATWT (Lucinda Walsh and Barbara Ryan, respectively) as Irene. Instead, they played it cheap and got some chick from old reruns of Match Game or something. She was, uh, extremely mannered. She was much more effective later on a sort of wraithlike spectre, hamming it up in Todd's mind, but she still wasn't great overall. That story could've been so much more, and I was thrilled when PP-OLTL began dovetailing it into something more carefully-plotted and coherent, even if it took them til the end of their truncated run to begin unfolding the twists. I also would've been fine with GH finishing it off, but if that had been the case, knowing Ron, Victor, Blair and Robin Scorpio (and maybe Natalie, why not) would all still be holed up in some Cassadine gulag to this day, being watched over by Alison Perkins, who has developed a crush on Zombie Stavros.


"She was, uh, extremely mannered." Oh Jase... you totally channeled Viki there. It was delightful.


The concept was good, I'll grant that. Victor having ties the CIA was not out of the realm of possibility. This is a man who built a fucking underground city. Didn't he make his fortune off of stolen Nazi gold? Dude, Victor having involvement in the CIA or, better yet, the NSA is entirely plausible.


My fic 'A Sort of Homecoming' basically turned Irene into Eileen and made her another one of Victor's mistresses. Equally plausible and it always bugged me that the woman who wrote those beautiful things about Todd the short time that she had him would wind up torturing him for eight years for a computer chip and a paltry amount of money. It made Victor a half brother to the rest of the Lord sibs but it didn't involve that ridiculous story about identical twins, one of whom was 'special' and all that mess.


And let's face it, Todd's fortune was not going to keep a rogue CIA agency solvent. If she went after Buchanan Enterprises... maybe. (And goodness knows, the Triskelion organization on PP had their eyes on much bigger slices of the pie in that regard so I can accept that.) But they dropped all of these tasty morsels and then didn't do anything with them which was frustrating at best but, by that time, I just wanted them to ship Gigi/Rex off and focus on people who bloody well mattered.

  • Love 3

Tea knows she's actually Todd's daughter, conceived on the island (yet somehow now a teenager older than Jack, who's botched kidnapping is what led them to the island




Man, wading through all of what you guys have written...I am glad I checked out of this show in 2004, circa Gabrielle's death. All of the stuff that came after...Rex, Gigi, Todd/Marty, Todd/NotTodd, Jessica's DID storyline, Victor, Ross, Schuyler, Ford(s)...most of that sounds horrible. Thank God for Youtube where I can skip the stuff I don't care for, and watch random clips for the characters I still liked from back in the day. Heck, most of what I have seen post 2004 has been on Youtube...


And yes, I realize some of that stuff came before 2004, but it (like Rex, for example) was at least tolerable before.

  • Love 1

I think the show was pretty damn good in 2008-2009. There were some huge problems - Rapemance being the biggest, but also Rex/Gigi (though that only got really bad once Stacy showed up), Tess, fucking John McBain, Starr/Cole and their nonsense, etc.


But there was also Jared/Natalie, Dorian being a force (THE HAT), Viki/Charlie (I liked them, what can I say), Jess/Brody (ditto), Kish - also Oliver and Kyle as separate characters, Cris/Layla, Rachel, Matthew's paralysis story, Mitch's return which got stupid as it dragged into 2010 but started off awesome, and so on...


I may have little good to say about Ron C. these days, but he was writing an excellent soap there for a while

  • Love 3

I liked-to-loved most of 2008, until the rapemance went into full effect. I loved Viki and Charlie, Jared and Natalie, even Rex and Gigi in that first year. I also liked a lot of 2009, which was difficult alongside the extreme lowlights of Stacy, more VicTodd the hero, the KAD killer crap, and the very poor execution of the Dani story. But there was some great stuff even amidst that, as you say, starting with the reunion of Bo and Nora.

  • Love 2

There are a lot of things that I have rewritten in my head to make it all palatable. Zane being Kevin's is definitely one. Hope not being dead is another... more because I think Todd and Blair are adorable as grand-parents more than anything else. Also? Gabrielle's not dead and she's with Max in Argentina. That time he came back for Asa's funeral and tried to get Blair to move to Argentina with him? He was just mad at Gabrielle because they'd had one of their fights. He went back and they made up in their scintillating way. Also, Dani isn't Todd's. Shut up! She's not!

  • Love 6

I remember the scenario we dreamed up over on TWoP.  Kevin and Rachel being the stable middle-aged couple.  Kelly shipping unruly teenage Zane over from London.  Zane finding out about the son fucking.  The eventual reveal that Zane is Kevin's after all.  It could have been such soapy fun.


Gabrielle definitely tops my list of who I'd undead.  After that is...probably Jared.

Edited by TeeVee329

I probably would have been fine if Starr had suffered a mistairrage... or had the brains to use a fucking condom in the first place. And then we might have been spared the Teen Love Story of the Century: Starr/Cole who were so many different kinds of awful and attaching her ass to Marty and Patrick's meathead son for eternity is just gross.


Also, Starr should have been a troublemaker not an ingenue. For fuck's sake... Todd and Blair are her parents and she somehow gets turned into some teen version of Viki? I can't.

  • Love 6

There are a lot of things that I have rewritten in my head to make it all palatable. Zane being Kevin's is definitely one. Hope not being dead is another... more because I think Todd and Blair are adorable as grand-parents more than anything else. Also? Gabrielle's not dead and she's with Max in Argentina. That time he came back for Asa's funeral and tried to get Blair to move to Argentina with him? He was just mad at Gabrielle because they'd had one of their fights. He went back and they made up in their scintillating way. Also, Dani isn't Todd's. Shut up! She's not!



I remember the scenario we dreamed up over on TWoP.  Kevin and Rachel being the stable middle-aged couple.  Kelly shipping unruly teenage Zane over from London.  Zane finding out about the son fucking.  The eventual reveal that Zane is Kevin's after all.  It could have been such soapy fun.


Gabrielle definitely tops my list of who I'd undead.  After that is...probably Jared.



I knew I liked you guys for a reason. Although Al is next on my undead list. :)


As long as the Mystical Cornpone Bitch stays up in her Southern Fried New Age Crystal Ball Heaven with her Goddess and her equally dead first husband Bobby Ever, I'm good. ;)

Ah, Iwene and her speech impediment. I know it's mean to joke about something like that, but the character was so terrible, and her explanations for the Two Todds was so hilariously awful.




Part of me will always see Barbara Rhoades as one of the many panelists on the 70's version of Match Game. I watched the reruns every day after school when I was in middle school, usually after OLTL, actually! I can't believe GSN actually removed it from its schedule; it was basically their signature show after awhile. 

I remember I was willing to buy the Irene retcon, with a little more time and care - I believe they'd established Victor having either intelligence or CIA/OSS/whatever connections at some point, maybe in the '80s? Maybe not? So I can see him having fed someone like Irene into that system in her youth, before she got knocked up, or meeting her there. But they had literally weeks to tell this Two Todds/Irene reveal - a la Luke on GH - because they had chosen to spend the preceding months a certain way. They did make more of the time then than GH has with Luke now, IMO, where the story has basically no tension: Go find Lucky, follow relatively straight line directly to undead Frank Smith. Irene got caught basically the same way - the guys just walked in to her base - but at least there were many feints and henchmen, etc. in the preceding months on OLTL, like the wonderful Agent Baker. And yeah, whatever was going down with Victor and that ID card or whatever was never explained.


I was dying for them to cast Elizabeth Hendrickson or Colleen Zenk from ATWT (Lucinda Walsh and Barbara Ryan, respectively) as Irene. Instead, they played it cheap and got some chick from old reruns of Match Game or something. She was, uh, extremely mannered. She was much more effective later on a sort of wraithlike spectre, hamming it up in Todd's mind, but she still wasn't great overall. That story could've been so much more, and I was thrilled when PP-OLTL began dovetailing it into something more carefully-plotted and coherent, even if it took them til the end of their truncated run to begin unfolding the twists. I also would've been fine with GH finishing it off, but if that had been the case, knowing Ron, Victor, Blair and Robin Scorpio (and maybe Natalie, why not) would all still be holed up in some Cassadine gulag to this day, being watched over by Alison Perkins, who has developed a crush on Zombie Stavros.


LOL you mean Elizabeth Hubbard! I am curious now about how they would have tried to make Elizabeth Hendrickson look like Tina's mother, though. ;)

  • Love 1

Oh, plenty of 2003 and 2004 were horrible.


Troy & Lindsay, Cris & Natalie and Max & Gabrielle (and okay, fine, young Starr) were almost all I cared about by 2003, so it wasn't too hard for me to give the show up for a long while after that, as (almost) none of those first three couples were either together/merely on the show by the end of the year.


And don't forget--2008 brought the long awaited Cord & AE!Tina reunion! I actually really loved those scenes, even though he broke her heart.


And fuck it, I don't care, I LOVED Rex/Gigi/Shane that year, AND Justis Bolding as Sarah. Come at me, bro! ;)

So Richard Burgi, GH's new Paul Hornsby, apparently was on OLTL back in the day as someone named Randy Stone?  That ring any bells for anyone?


I looked it up on Wikipedia out of curiosity, and if Randy Stone was this guy, he was a producer on Fraternity Row, and well, take a look:



Another infamous story saw the soap, Fraternity Row being stalked from January to March 1989 as numerous past death scenes were recreated and used to kill the cast and crew as producer Randy was killed by a falling chandelier



See? Chandy was doing stuff like this LONG before Ford! :D

  • Love 3

No. She didn't interact with her family all that much  one of the reasons I didn't care for her Sarah. That, and Justis Bolding was just so boring in the part. She had a few moments - crying at Asa's wake, checking her make-up in her compact at the big BE shareholder meeting, in the elevator with Bo when Nash died - but they were just that, moments. With David Fumero as her leading man...I mean, I love him, but he's so low-key himself that he really does better opposite actors with a lot of energy, like Melissa Archer or Tika Sumpter or Kassie dePaiva, or non-romantically (except in our dreams!) Brett Claywell and Scott Evans. Bolding didn't really do anything interesting until she was on the way out.

  • Love 2

Her best scenes were with AE and JL. It was good to see Sarah finally interact with her parents.


Cris/Sarah were more blandly inoffensive than anything else. That said, having him date her after he had dated/married two of her cousins just seemed wrong to me. Not as wrong as Antonio/Jessica being together, but still. 

Edited by UYI

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