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Episode Elimination Game

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Hi everyone! I've played this on other forums, and it's always a lot of fun. We start with a list of episodes, characters, relationships, scenes, or whatever else we feel like. Once per 24 hour period, you'll just vote on which ones to eliminate. I tally the votes and update the list once a day. Needless to say, the game gets increasingly tough as it goes on, as it's harder and harder to decide which beloved episodes, scenes etc. you're willing to vote out.

Let's start out with episodes. There are far too many to do at once, so I'm thinking doing it one season at a time makes sense :) 


Our fabulous S1 list:


Extreme Aggressor 


Won't Get Fooled Again

Plain Sight

Broken Mirror


The Fox

Natural Born Killer


The Popular Kids

Blood Hungry

What Fresh Hell


Riding the Lightning

Unfinished Business

The Tribe

A Real Rain

Somebody's Watching


Charm and Harm

Secrets and Lies

Fisher King, Part 1


Just list the THREE episodes you most want eliminated! I love S1 so much that this is hard already :)


My votes: 


Natural Born Killer

What Fresh Hell 

Somebody's Watching

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Thanks for voting, guys! I'm hoping a couple of other people join us :) 


I can't even justify why I really like Blood Hungry, but I do. I love Hotch in this one, I tend to have a soft spot for mentally ill unsubs, and I like the Gideon/Garcia scenes more than is rational ;) 

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What Fresh Hell

Charm and Harm

Natural Born Killer


I like Blood Hungry because they kept to the details of the crime on which murders were based, down to the yogurt containers and the rings of blood. Creepy. 

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Extreme Aggressor
Won't Get Fooled Again
Plain Sight
Broken Mirror
The Fox
The Popular Kids
What Fresh Hell
Riding the Lightning
Unfinished Business
The Tribe
A Real Rain
Somebody's Watching
Secrets and Lies
Fisher King, Part 1


Thanks to everyone who voted! We officially have our first casualties: Charm and Harm (which I actually like more than i should!), Blood Hungry (ditto) and Natural Born Killer. The next round is officially open :) We're still voting against three! 


My votes:


What Fresh Hell


Somebody's Watching

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 Broken Mirror


Hee---one of the very, very few S1 episodes that we're not in perfect agreement on! I love this episode to a ridiculous degree :) Totally with you on the relative meh-ness towards Poison and Somebody's Watching, though! 

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Ha, I know and you are not alone! Lots of people love that one, but I just can't stand those mewling twins, and Gideon is at his most pompous. The UnSub isn't menacing at all to me, even though you can hear the hatespittle forming in the corners of his mouth as he tries to be oh so threatening on the phone. Bleh.


Reid is so adorable in Somebody's Watching, but that one doesn't do it for me, either. I think it's because Amber Heard doesn't seem to care if she's there or not, you know? She's just 'meh' about it, too. 

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I think a large part of my fondness for Broken Mirror can be chalked up to my girl crush on Elle :) 


And, yeah, I always find it interesting that even many of us who adore Reid are utterly meh on Somebody's Watching! The episode just feels kind of forced and 'off' to me, for lack of a better way of explaining it. 

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I'll change my vote from Poison to Secrets and Lies in order to move us along (and, let's face it, I'm not overly attached to either episode!) That means Secrets and Lies, What Fresh hell and Somebody's Watching are history, and the next round is open! Our updated list:


Extreme Aggressor
Won't Get Fooled Again
Plain Sight
Broken Mirror
The Fox
The Popular Kids
Riding the Lightning
Unfinished Business
The Tribe
A Real Rain
Fisher King, Part 1


...ugh, this is ridiculously difficult already! My votes: Poison, Fisher King Pt 1 (weirdly enough, nearly all the parts of this one that I love most are in Part II, not Part I!) and Riding the Lightning

Edited by mstaken
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So hard!




Riding the Lightning   - I know lots of people love this but I just never connected with it for some reason. It felt like I ought to think it was great but just couldn't make myself think that! In fact the only thing I really think of is the Bach Partita at the end.

Edited by Old Dog
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Riding the Lightning   - I know lots of people love this but I just never connected with it for some reason. It felt like I ought to think it was great but just couldn't make myself think that! In fact the only thing I really think of is the Bach Partita at the end.


Hee---yeah, I voted against it as well, because while I think it has some fabulous moments, MP's acting and the overall episode just feel kind of over-the-top to me in this one. And this is coming from someone who likes Gideon a lot more than most do! 


Poison is history, but we have a three-way tie for those remaining two spots among Riding the Lightning, Broken Mirror and Machismo. Just vote for the TWO of those three that you most want eliminated. 


My tiebreaker votes: Riding the Lightning and Machismo. (I like Machismo a lot, but I'm weirdly attached to Broken Mirror!) 

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Machismo and Riding the Lightning. 


What bothered me the most about that episode is that they knowingly allowed an innocent woman to be executed. I don't care if that was what she wanted, and she did it to protect her son. The state should not be executing someone unless they know for a fact that the person committed the crime. If there is any question (and we know that innocent people have been executed in the real world), it should have been halted. I didn't find her "sacrifice" noble, as much as I was disturbed that Gideon allowed it to happen. 

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Sorry guys, but I can't vote against Riding the Lightning. It gets me every single time. I KNOW I'm being emotionally manipulated, but I can't help it. The only other episode of TV that makes cry every single time is this episode of Cold Case about a gay baseball player in the 1930s.


Machismo and Broken Mirror. 

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Extreme Aggressor
Won't Get Fooled Again
Plain Sight
Broken Mirror
The Fox
The Popular Kids
Unfinished Business
The Tribe
A Real Rain
Fisher King, Part 1


Okay, so Machismo and Riding the Lightning are gone (sorry, idiotwaltz---I know how much it sucks when favorites are assassinated!), and the next round is open!  We're down to voting against just TWO. 


My votes:


The Tribe (I love it...just not quite as much as I love most of the others!) and Fisher King Pt 1 

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The Popular Kids - I don't know why I don't like this one. I just don't.


Heh---I actually like TPK a lot, but I find myself getting irrationally annoyed with Morgan. Why does he feel the need to run to Hotch and Gideon to report that Reid's (gasp) having bad dreams without even, like, giving Reid a heads up that he's doing so? And then the news that Morgan used to have nightmares as well is presented as a dramatic revelation that totally explains why he ran to their supervisors with information Reid had trusted him not to tell anyone, but for me it isn't and it doesn't. 

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Welcome to the game, SSA Hotchner!


We have a four-way tie for just two spots: Plain Sight, The Popular Kids, Won't Get Fooled Again and Broken Mirror. Just vote for the TWO of those four you most want eliminated. I'll try to end this after three voters have weighed in.


 My votes: 


Plain Sight and Won't Get Fooled Again (I love them...I just love the other two a little more!) 

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Extreme Aggressor
Broken Mirror
The Fox
The Popular Kids
Unfinished Business
The Tribe
A Real Rain
Fisher King, Part 1


Won't Get Fooled Again and Plain Sight are gone, and the next round is open! We're still voting against two :) 

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Plain Sight and The Popular Kids.


I love Broken Mirror. It contains one of my favorite exchanges, the scene in the kitchen with Morgan, Reid and Elle and then Hotch comes in.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just saying it's possible. I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.

Special Agent Derek Morgan: I never said that. When have I ever said that?

Dr. Spencer Reid: Every day since I met you!

Elle Greenway: This morning at breakfast...

Agent Aaron Hotch: Yesterday when he beat you at cards. Um... we've got one minute.

Special Agent Derek Morgan: Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?

Dr. Spencer Reid, Elle Greenway: Mm-hmm.

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Either way, Broken Mirror is gone, and we have a four-way tie for that second elimination spot! The (un)lucky candidates: Unfinished Business, A Real Rain, The Tribe and The Popular Kids. Just vote for the ONE of those four you most want eliminated! 


My vote: The Tribe (I love it---I just love the others a bit more!) 

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I'm not sure I can really choose! I love The Tribe for the classroom scene - " Reid! Is your name Samuel?".I like the case in Unfinished business and I like Reid in The Popular Kids.


So it will have to be A Real Rain as the one I like least.Despite the chopsticks!!

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Unfinished Business, for the sake of moving things along. I don't have any particular attachment to it. I don't like The Popular Kids, except for this one bit where Elle is with a volunteer in the woods and the volunteer asks if her name is L as in the "letter L" and she gives him this little amused smile. 

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Heh---I love the sentiment, Idiotwaltz, but voting for UB means that we're still jammed up in a three-way tie! So I'll change my vote from The Tribe to UB, which I do love a lot, though it's not an all-time favorite :) The next round is open, and we're still voting against two! 


Extreme Aggressor
The Fox
The Popular Kids
The Tribe
A Real Rain
Fisher King, Part 1

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