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Angie "Rockstar" Layton: Rock is Dead, They Say…

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…don't I wish!!!

God, I hate her so much.  It's not just that she's so useless she's obviously going to cruise to the end (yes, in BB17, Meg Malley didn't cash that automatic F4 ticket she seemed to have, and Sheriff Kathy got DPOV'd out sooner than expected in BB12, but non-threats are usually difficult to expunge), it's not just that Brokedown Toni Colette thinks that her Mr. Magoo glasses compensate for her not wearing makeup, it's not just that she puts on those stupid accents in the DR, it's not just that she bought herself those large breast implants but couldn't be bothered to bring more than two bras to the house to support them, and it's not just that she had the utter gall to name herself "Rockstar"…but put them all together and she's working my last nerve.

Beyond that, she's with the "side" of the House that has been squatting in the HoH room for the entirety of the game (Tyler feigned allegiance and Kaitlyn never really left, her blindside of Chris aside), smug in their power and arrogance.  You know, because they're not the conventionally-attractive people, they're the "underdogs" and morally-superior and America loves them, and all that bullshit.  Like the Late Night Jamboree sneering at the Ballsmashers throughout OTT.  (Strange how the "inclusive" group doesn't include either gay houseguest


or bisexual Rachel, or lesbian-experienced Sam

however.)  And Angie's never had to sweat this game for a fucking second.

And, as is usual in these cases,


she mixes sanctimony and lecturing about how the others "don't know how to play this game".  Yeah, it's easy if you're not being fucking challenged, girl.  Basically, she's like a thinner Kryssi Ridolfi, pulling Scottie's little puppet-strings the way Krying Kryssi pulled Justin's.  And just like Kryssi, she can shut up every time.

Especially when she got all racist, reacting to Chris getting backdoored by inveighing against "fucking white people".  Yeah, that's right, Chris was backdoored because he was black, not because he was an obnoxious asshole who walked around calling himself "Swaggy C" in his branded merchandise.   And "white people" are all racist, just as the Foutté supporters who smear L6 as "Team MAGA" and so forth like to bitch about.

I mean, I'm sure that 2nd Amendment Winston or Proud American Patriot Brett might have voted for Trump [JC did], but what of it?  Hillary Clinton's deplorable "basket of deplorables" speech aside, most Republicans are more easily seduced by pseudo-libertarian economics or flag-waving militarism or extreme religiosity; actual racists are rather thin on the ground.  I mean, I personally am against all of that (I'm so left I not only despise Obama and the Clintons, I even dislike Former Republican Elizabeth Warren and Sanders the Sell-Out Sheepdog), but this reflexive "Trump is EVIL and so is anyone who might possibly have voted for him" hooey turns me off, especially as I haven't seen any evidence of Radical Socialism coming from Rockstar and her coterie, which includes a MLM scam artist, for example.  But no, "white people" are racist, got it.

To paraphrase Henry II, "Who will rid us of this troublesome beast?"  Probably no one for a good long time, alas.

And no, no "back in the day" picture for her.  If I went to Google Images looking for those, my comp might self-destruct.  Too risky.

Edited by Halting Hex
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She's trying to get a down-payment on a house, though, and Brett's white and privileged, according to her. He is white but I don't know his financial state. It sounds like they may have discussed it and she took away that he has money, and therefore, doesn't deserve to win.

She's had some great one-liners and dry humor remarks that I found funny but I can't stand her hypocrisy, (I say while recognizing Brett is her BEC and she is now mine).Her telling Fessy that the veto might be a mental comp and he wouldn't have to throw it in a way that went right over his head was hilarious to me. In the end,  I find her obnoxious and petty.

Under the spoiler tab I'm quoting a post by Callaphera with links to video of some of what I find to be her obnoxious behavior last night:


2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar with the pots and pans: Part OnePart Two
Sam ending it Rockstar's loud rampage: The Grande Finale. Please note how Sam is practically a straight-jacket around Rockstar to calm her down. Also note Brett doing laps around them, which cracked me up as soon as I noticed it. 

ETA: Angela is telling Brett that he should tell the DR about Rockstar's (sexually?) assaulting him when she jumped on him during the beginning of the pots and pans. Brett figures that the DR will just give her a talk. Which they will and it wasn't sexual assault Angela but it was technically unwanted and yeah, she shouldn't be able to just jump up on him like that. It's a little over the line when you're banging a metal spoon against a metal pan.

Okay, apparently I can't spoil tab and quote, it just goes to the top of my post. She was very bitter over Brett's eviction speech on the July 19 episode saying that Angie told him she was going to flip the vote from him to Winston and blame it on Kaitlyn. She was very upset, confronted him about his lies, and became more angry as the night went on culminating in the pots and pans. Haleigh even told her she was taking it too far. 

Apparently her surname is "Lantry", not "Layton".  Could a mod please fix?

(I must have been confused by Bayleigh, whom some sources list as "Dayton" and some list as "Dalton".  I can't trust any one source, as I've seen JC's surname ["Mounduix"] misspelled in the press and that one I know for sure, as JC has it on the Pinpression wall virtually every night.  But just as I know I'm right about JC, I believe I'm rather likely to be wrong, here.  My bad.)


Agh, so close and yet so far!  I seriously don't know what happened; she was on the block and L5+either JC or Bayleigh would have done the trick.  And it was obvious that Tyler could manipulate Kaitlyn into going after Faysal/Haleigh (and probably vice versa) whereas Angie commands loyalty from that entire side of the house and so the Former Foutté and Friends are now five-strong, and reasonably unified.

What happened to "kill the head of the snake", folks?  This is what I get for not finishing off reading the feeds thread as yet; I didn't want to spoil myself for the episode once I'd seen Wednesday night's BBAD, but clearly something happened on Thursday, and now we get another week with Angie.  Yay?

And of course, that's the best-case scenario.  It's once again quite easy to see her slipping through the cracks in the name of "let's get the bigger threats first".    It took a perfect storm to get her on the block in the first place: Sam's nominations, the results of the Veto, Kaitlyn's utility as a possibly-flipped player, and the desire to keep Angie out of Jury (because who wants to spend their summer with her?).  Now I'm back to thinking she's got a relatively easy ride to Top 6 or so.  (Kryin' Kryssi toothpasted her way to third, after all.)  Especially with this being the last pre-jury-boot, so that impetus is time-limited.

Grod hates me. :(

Edited by Halting Hex
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I'm sorry to see her go.  Granted, she's a hot mess, but underneath the accent and Golden Girls wardrobe, I think she has a good heart.  Her biggest mistake was assuming the same of others.  I bet she's shed a lot of tears over Brett's cruel goodbye message, but I wish she wouldn't.  He's so not worth it.

  • Love 3

Oh! I just had an idea pop in... maybe they did the “czar” thing (along with making it crystal clear she’s not in the US in her comic) to show she and her unicorn are fighting LBGTQetc oppression in Russia. 

I know it makes zero sense when factoring in the tag line, but without an actual explanation, it’ll likely never make sense (and even then, it still won’t make sense) given the current laws in Russia. 

Rocksalt’s reaction and attempts to explain it should be amusing, so there’s that. 

On 9/15/2018 at 6:00 PM, MrHufflepuff said:

I don't understand this comic.  Is Rockstar some kind of Russian imperialist?  Or is she just a fan of all things Russian?

Is there a dyslexic writer in the house? Rockstar is close to "Rocktsar", and they used the alternate spelling of "czar" so people would know it wasn't just a typo. It's still lame.

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