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I finally saw the episode. I'd rather party with LuAnn sober than any of these women when they're in their cups. Here she is, publicly facing addiction and legal issues, throwing on a wig and prodding people to stay up because they're ON VACATION IN ANOTHER COUNTRY! So what's everyone else's excuse not to have a good time? Bethenny, you're not the only one with problems and I've got news for you: no reason to envy Tinsley's lifestyle because last I checked, you were doing pretty well yourself. You've got the means to have whatever T. has.

Brian had to be amused from watching this episode, to see three women spar over how he was really interested in them, but hey, you're welcome to him because I'm really not interested

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On 7/18/2018 at 8:20 PM, breezy424 said:

I don't know what happened but I quoted someone who quoted something I did not say.

Sooo, why is one parent more deserving to have full custody than another when both of them love their child?

I don't think Beth had a choice about going on this trip -- and family law litigation is no joke.   I know the sort of desperate dread trying to get to sleep night after night knowing a crucial court date is looming.   I could totally see why she might be a little bonkers even before she got there, but then having the severe allergic reaction on top of it, plus Dorinda's demented drunk ranging ...

Edited by Anne Thrax

Bethenny is fucking exhausting . It really is no wonder she has no friends and any long term relationships. She can twist any situation into a slight against her. I pity her daughter. I used to enjoy NY, now I watch half an episode and have to come here to find out how it ended.

I have never liked Carole but I hope.at some point she tells Bethenny to fuck off in real life and on the show.

I'm also starting to wonder about all her hysterics over her custoday case. Personally I don't get it, it's never ending, WTF are they still fighting over. But I digress, I'm starting to think she's so teary eyed over court because Jason has LOTS of ammunition to use against her. She's a nasty person. If she is proud of the behavior she puts on tv, I can only imagine the nastiness she exudes when the cameras aren't rolling. I would imagine having someone like Jason, or a lawyer, or a judge scold her for anything, or not give her her way, doesn't go over well with her. And she knows every time she goes back to court she may have to face the music for her own bad behavior.

Edited by hottesthw
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On 7/25/2018 at 12:53 PM, FozzyBear said:

That was one of my favorite moments ever! Ramona seemed so disgusted by the waterbed. The Ramonacoster has some weird issues around sex. I was just impressed someone found a waterbed. I don’t think I’ve seen one since the early 1980s.

So I kind of don’t care one way or the other (I’m not one to get super shocked by nudity. I didn’t care the Kelly was in playboy. I didn’t care about Alex’s photos), but was the movie really soft core porn? I’ve only seen clips, but from that and what I’ve read it was a super low budget thriller where Bethany showed her boobs. That doesn’t really seem that wild to me. Is there more?  Did the porn label come only from Ramona? Because as I said, she has some stuff about sex.

back to the episode, no I don’t think Ramona poisoned Bethany (probably. Maybe) but her lack of empathy is super off putting. She really doesn’t seem to even understand empathy. I have actually been in the situation where someone I could not stand was in pain and it never occurred to me to be smug about it. She does not seem to understand that other people are as important as she is. Even with Avery and Mario. I believe she loves them in her way. I am not sure she understand they exist outside of her needs.

Oh she understands they exist outside of her needs, all right.  But in comparison to her own needs, she just doesn't see that existence as worthy of her attention, much less her active concern.

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