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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Kaitlyn's family gave her some rules before she came on the show.

Rule 1) Don't embarrass the family. 

Rule 2) No big moves too soon! 

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This is going to be crazy until the nomination ceremony, Kaitlyn will change her mind every time Tyler walks out of the room.

Now Scottie in the HOH happy because Tyler will use veto on him.

How will Tyler explain to Winston he's staying on the block. I'm going to get my popcorn ready for crazy Winston all week.

ETA: Sacred 6 finally buying a clue about Tyler?

Edited by kellog010
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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Tyler is getting really aggressive pushing this plan. I don't think it's smart of him. 

It's really not. But Kaitlyn's a wildcard in that I don't know whether she'll finally get clued in about Tyler using her or if his mist will, once again, work on her. 

Tyler taking off Scottie isn't a bad idea. If Kaitlyn does put up Swaggy, he actually ends up going. 

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Scottie wasted no time attaching himself to Tyler. 


I think they're talking about Cody?

I'm pretty sure.

Edited by vb68
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Fessy, Swaggy and Bayleigh up in the HOH now to do their job on Kaitlyn.

Now she's asking for a one on one with Fessy. Time for him to work on her.

Edited by kellog010
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Just going based on what's being said in here, it sounds like maybe Tyler's getting nervous and Kaitlyn being... Kaitlyn? I could see that making him want to overplay his hand somewhat - no faith in her doing what she said she would.

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Just now, Sara2009 said:

I’m not sure I really want “ Swaggy” to go yet anyway. He’s obnoxious, but when/if he leaves, I fear things will be boring again.

I don't think it will? Swaggy's presence on the feeds hasn't been that dramatic, actually. He's actually been more chill than egoistical. The people who bring the most drama to the house are Kaitlyn, her love triangle and Winston's paranoia.

That's not to say Swaggy should go. He certainly would bring more drama. I'm just ok with any of the three (Swaggy/Winston/Scottie) going this week. 

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1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

it sounds like maybe Tyler's getting nervous

I'm sure he is, but I would say more determined.  You don't see him sweat.

Time to try and see if Winston has completely lost his mind yet.

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Kaitlyn sticking to her she'll put up Angela for renom with Fessy. At least the next two days won't be boring with Kaitlyn freaking out.

Fessy unintentionally reassuring Kaitlyn on the BD Swaggy plan.

Edited by kellog010
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Kaitlyn is being incredibly rude to Fessy who's trying to help her clean up her sheets. Kait asks him what would happen if she did something "he wasn't happy with." Fessy seems to know that Swaggy;s being backdoored.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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Kaitlyn may have just planted the seeds to backdoor Swaggy, after all. Faysal let her know that he'd be there for her always, if anything happened, and she asked what if SHE did something. Faysal shrugged it off, saying that they'd cross that bridge when they got there and they'd work through it.

That might have eased some of Kaitlyn's worries, though not a guarantee.

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1 minute ago, cork dork said:

I’m trying to wrap my brain around Winston actually approaching Sam and engaging in friendly non-game banter (after whining for a bit about being out on Thurs). 

...he did? That's odd. Winston's the last person who likes Sam, besides Kaitlyn. Is he just trying to swindle her vote just in case?

He's so hot and cold with Sam.

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Just in case Kaitlyn is having second thoughts if Tyler wants to preserve his sides numbers, she should take Winston down. Then if she puts Angela up as replacement, because if she chickens out of putting up Swaggy, they still have the numbers to save Angela and unfortunately, Scottie goes.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

...he did? That's odd. Winston's the last person who likes Sam, besides Kaitlyn. Is he just trying to swindle her vote just in case?

He's so hot and cold with Sam.

He really did. She was by herself laying upside down on the sofa and he approached and engaged. Then he got next to her and did the upside down thing, too. At one point, they were holding hands while talking. 

He and her 16yr old cousin, Will, look alike according to Sam. 

It was surreal. 

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Swaggy thinking he's getting cool with Brett while Bayleigh bonding with Angela and plus how Level 6 shunned Kaitlyn when she put up Winston puts them in a good spot game wise.

ETA: Winston never finished the comp. They each had 20 minutes.

Edited by kellog010
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1 minute ago, cork dork said:

He really did. She was by herself laying upside down on the sofa and he approached and engaged. Then he got next to her and did the upside down thing, too. At one point, they were holding hands while talking. 

He and her 16yr old cousin, Will, look alike according to Sam. 

It was surreal. 

Yep, I had to flashback to see THAT.

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Winston and Swaggy are two of a kind. If you put the content of their conversations side by side, they are just alike. Over inflated opinions of themselves. And both have been bettered in competitions. Swaggy has an edge because he won the surfboard comp. Winston, zero.

On another note, I think JC won the favorite app.  Tyler and JC did great jobs last week swinging the vote. I think JC has been very underestimated. Although he can really bug me with his gross antics, he knows this game and makes valid arguments when discussing the game.

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And Kaitlyn's back on board with backdooring Swaggy, claiming that she shouldn't be so afraid to backdoor a guy since "it's 2018". 

Now that Swayleigh's planning to target her, it's not a bad idea...even though it's her fault they want to target her in the first place.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

And Kaitlyn's back on board with backdooring Swaggy, claiming that she shouldn't be so afraid to backdoor a guy since "it's 2018". 

Now that Swayleigh's planning to target her, it's not a bad idea...even though it's her fault they want to target her in the first place.

This just made me laugh out loud.

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3 minutes ago, missyb said:

I think JC has been very underestimated. Although he can really bug me with his gross antics, he knows this game and makes valid arguments when discussing the game.

But he's very hard to follow. At least for me. Who was he just talking about? One of the women on "their" team who he doesn't trust?

I did like what he told Scottie earlier-- If you need to vent, just go to the DR.  That's solid advice. 

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

If Swaggy gets BD'd, Bayleigh will be out for Tyler blood and the feeds will be lit. I hope this plan goes through.

I hope it happens.

Unless she wins HOH next, since Sam will just use her power on whoever is evicted. 

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14 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Haha took him, what? Half an hour?

He was trying to hold it in and nearly exploded on Brett. ;)

Edited by vb68
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