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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Rockstar says she doesn't even know if Chris would write her a letter if she won HOH.  She said she asked for Irradia (?), her daughter to write one because she knows her daughter would tell her everything that's going on at home and that it would make her daughter happy to write it.

Kaitlyn is telling her to just forgive Chris for anything he said before she came because he just doesn't know any better.

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I feel bad for Angie. I couldn't imagine being with someone who didn't support your dreams like this. Her boyfriend doesn't sound like a supportive partner if Angie doesn't even think he'd write her a letter and she seems to be very upset about it. 

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Listening to Kaitlyn console Rockstar is probably the only time I've seen her in this game where she hasn't totally annoyed the crap out of me.

Tyler just came in and told Kaitlyn nominations are today.  She thought they were tomorrow and asked him why he thought that.  The living room screen is showing they're today.

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17 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I think Rockstar is questioning her relationship at home.  Sounds like her boyfriend(?) wasn't happy she was coming on the game and thinks he was mad when she left. 

If I recall from episode one, it looked like she has a few kids, including a baby, so yeah, I can understand his feelings about it.  

"hey honey, I'm going on a reality show for a while.  you can handle the kids, right? bye!"

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The nominations screen came up on the TV.  They are all SHOCKED that nominations are this soon. 

Bayleigh and Kaitlyn talking nominations. B says she can make a BIG move but she doesn't want her to make a move that screws her game. 

B is telling her about what Angela said last night that she overheard.  Something about going to war if they want to go to war. 

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3 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Bayleigh and Kaitlyn talking nominations. B says she can make a BIG move but she doesn't want her to make a move that screws her game. 

I did love how Bayleigh told Kaitlyn she supports her but was very quick to throw in that she knows for a fact that Kaitlyn would not put her up.

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K has summoned Brett.  She wants to see if he will tell her about the power.

Brett says he can't tell her what the power his or how it's used.  He can only say that it was going to be used and the other side would have been screwed.

K says her most important people are Rockstar, Hayleigh and Fezzy 

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Kaitlyn just told him the only people she cares about are Haleigh, Rockstar, and Faysal.

She seems very annoyed in this convo with Brett.

Kaitlyn says she doesn't like the cattiness from the girls.

Kaitlyn just told him she's playing both sides right now.

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Kaitlyn says right now she can only put up people who've never talked an ounce of game with her.

Brett is denying that there is a side that exists that he is on.

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Brett is slipping up.  He said he wanted to talk to Tyler because Tyler had more information.  Kaitlyn asked about what.  She said Brett is the only one who has info that she cares about.

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How hard is it for Brett to tell Kaitlin that the girls are giving her space so as not to make her look like she is with them ?? They are trying to keep her protected. Now, they probably are not but it is a good excuse. Tyler would have come up with that in a second. 
Brett is not showing the love.

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Brett asks who the other people said they want to put up

She said they hadn't talked about it. 

K says she doesn't want to put up rachel or angela. 

Brett wants to know who are the possibility. K says she doesn't know because she doesn't know what the power in and how it could screw up her game. 

So far her options are girls that haven't talked to her. 

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I'm not watching, but I'm sure Brett and Kaitlyn are both handling this conversation badly. I think Kaitlyn was demanding one on ones anyway.

But I'm laughing at Brett unable to come up with a reason why he can't tell Kaitlyn about the power.

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K tries to dismiss her. Says he can go get someone else to come up. Asks if he has anything else to say.

He says the power wasn't used and it's hard because it's not his place to talk about the power.

K says then he should tell that person to speak up otherwise she can't trust them

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Bayleigh dropping that Angela comment before noms to Kaitlyn was fucking genious. Has kaitlyn mad and Bayleigh continues to do great on one on one talks. Thats how you handle that shit. Be calm, support her, give her some tea, but subtlety threaten her.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm not watching, but I'm sure Brett and Kaitlyn are both handling this conversation badly. I think Kaitlyn was demanding one on ones anyway.

But I'm laughing at Brett unable to come up with a reason why he can't tell Kaitlyn about the power.

I think Kaitlyn is doing a great job.  I am loving her , so far, as HOH. She didn't give an inch to Brett , who thought he could overwhelm her. Good for you Kait. I am betting she got a very dark aura from Brett. Danger.

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Now Kaitlyn says she wants to put Sam and Swaggy up.  lol  But Tyler told her that if Sam uses it, the other person on the block goes home, which is not necessarily true.

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Tyler says he can ease her mind.  He just found out who has it. 

He says Brett played up that he had the power. He was under the impression that Brett had the power.  Sam just told him that she has the power.  After the votes are revealed then she can be saved.  The other person goes home.  Sam will come up and tell her she has the power.  If she keeps Sam safe so she doesnt' have to use it, then she will keep K safe feeling like she owes K for beign the vote to keep her. 

Tyler says K can make a big ass move this week and she will be safe - K gets really excited.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Tyler just told her Sam has it and that she just told him.

And I just read that she now plans to put up Sam/Swaggy because she's under the impression that Sam uses her power and SWAGGY goes.

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Just asked if she could put up Winston and Angela and Tyler told her no.  She says she wants to put up Kaycee because Kaycee doesn't talk to her and Winston, because he is a doctor.

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Just now, gunderda said:

K want to put up Kaycee and winston (because he's a doctor)

Tyler says if you want swaggy out, put him up

K wants to backdoor Swaggy

Yes to Winston/Kaycee going up!

But seriously, does Tyler not realize that when Kaitlyn talks to Sam, Sam's likely to tell her that Tyler's known for a week??

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Kaycee comes up and sees if she can talk to K.  K says chill out on the couches and she'll be done with Tyler in a minute. 

Tyler asks if Swaggy has been talking to her.  I didn't hear her response. 

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Kaitlyn wants to hear from other people (not just Tyler) that Swaggy has been talking crap about her.  He says the problem is Swaggy only says this around him and FOUTE.  Now she says this week she wants to backdoor Swaggy.  She says she won't put up Bayleigh. 

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She says maybe she'll put up Scottie and Winston.  Tyler asks what she'll do if Swaggy wins the veto.  She said not to worry about it because she doesn't think he'll win.  She says she wants to make a big move this week and is very on board with back dooring Swaggy.

If she puts up Winston, he'll lose his mind, even if the plan truly is to backdoor Swaggy.

Kaycee to Kaitlyn:  "We don't ever get to talk about game."  How much do you want to bet that Brett warned Kaycee before she came up?

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If Swaggy does actually stay off the block initially, and then wins veto, I bet Scottie goes home unless Kaitlyn actually has the balls to put up someone else from Swaggy's side in spite of telling them she wouldn't.  Of course this assumes that Swaggy would even use the veto on Scottie.  I'm not convinced he would unless Kaitlyn can convince him she's trying to backdoor Brett or something.

Kaitlyn is telling Rockstar that she's thinking of putting Scottie as a pawn and also Winston.  She said she would put up Angela if the veto is used.

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Kaitlyn sings to herself:  "What am I doing?  I'm a shady ass bitch."  Kaitlyn tells the camera she thinks she should go into acting.  She says she is clearly a star.

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Kaitlyn singing to herself in the mirror: "I'm a shady-ass bitch" and then to the camera: "I should be an actress"

And she's talking about how her spirit guides are sassy.  I think she's trolling us at this point. 

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Kaitlyn is telling America that her intuition is telling her to do this so she hopes we don't think she's going too hard.  She says she's doing things she never thought she'd do.  She doesn't remember the last time she's lied to someone's face like this.  She says it's on the verge of being a psychopath.

Kaitlyn asks Scottie where he lays in this house.  She says she doesn't even know where she lays.  Scottie says he would go after the bros to avenge Steve.

Scottie says yesterday when Sam was cutting hair, Winston told her he'd just get a haircut from her next week.

Scottie says he told the bros that it was ok if they wanted Sam to stay but to just let him know if they were going to vote Steve out but they never told him.  She says she wants Winston out and that she will not put up Winston and Brett.  She says she would put up Angela if veto is used.  She says it would save her ass if she could put up Scottie as a pawn.

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Now she says she's considering putting up Kaycee against Winston, too.  She claims she doesn't want Winston to know that he is the target.  

She's thinking to herself and then says, "I could put the bros up."

Scottie says he wants as many of the 7 who voted against Steve to go up.  She says she will for sure put one of them up.  

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Kaitlyn was in a sorority.  Not surprised.

Hmm.  Kaitlyn is telling Sam that when it comes to her original side, she cares deeply about Haleigh and Rockstar.  No mention of Faysal.  I think she might be trying to play up the girl power thing.

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I've caught myself liking Kaitlyn several times today, but then she just "reminded" Sam that she's an intuitive reader, and everyone forgets this, but she can totally read people, and I'm like "Yep, can't stand her".  

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Now it's Winston's turn.

Kaitlyn tells Winston he needs to act pissed when she puts him on the block.  I don't think he's going to have to dig too deep.  He's so paranoid he'll probably convince himself that he is the real target.

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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I've caught myself liking Kaitlyn several times today, but then she just "reminded" Sam that she's an intuitive reader, and everyone forgets this, but she can totally read people, and I'm like "Yep, can't stand her".  

But this is what makes her gold. She is also embracing her devious side. She embodies the good angel/ bad angel. She admist she is lying and surprised at how she is lying. Calls herself shady. I am loving her !!

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