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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Oh, Kaitlyn is not happy with Swaggy. Haleigh/Angie are trying to tell her that it's good to have Swaggy in front of them as a threat, but Kaitlyn doesn't look convinced. I think she could put up Fessy/Swaggy now!

Kaitlyn still trusts Tyler. 

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Rockstar is pushing an all female alliance HARD to Kaitlyn.

I'm curious if Kaitlyn thought Rockstar and Haleigh were going to vote with her and if she thinks they hung her out to dry?

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Kaitlyn invited Brett upstairs to talk privately, but Scottie's up there, so Kaitlyn/Brett are hanging with him.

I presume Kaitlyn either wants to ask him to cuddle with her all week, or to talk game.

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Bayleigh tells Swaggy she will never let any of these other mofos know what she has with Swaggy.  I'm not sure if she means the showmance, the ride or die aspect, or whatever else.  But I hate to tell her that I don't think anyone is shocked by any of it.  They might not realize she and him are hoping for more outside of the house or something, but I think that's about it.

Edited by zorak
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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh tells Swaggy she will never let any of these other mofos know what she has with Swaggy.  

I think they all probably have a pretty  good idea.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Brett and Tyler are telling Kaitlyn that the audience was cheering when she won.

That's why I feel Kaitlyn could get the Reward App tomorrow. It'll be between her, Tyler, and Bayleigh for sure.

3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

And Kaitlyn is curled into Tyler's arms in record time. Tyler's going to want to self-evict by the time Kaitlyn gets done with him.

Tyler's wishing he could agree to be a Have Not right now. He threw out the idea but Kaitlyn's already pouting about not having Tyler in her HOH room to sleep.

I think she'd ask Brett to, but he comes with Winston so...

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Angela, Kaycee, and Winston are in the kitchen talking about Kaitlyn.  Angela says she's not worried because even if Kaitlyn tries to go back to the other side, she doesn't have the numbers.  Of course that assumes that Kaitlyn won't flip out this HOH and put up some combo of the bros and Angela/Rachel.

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Sam is talking about how if everyone in the house took up smoking, she would be like the cigarette drug dealer of the house.  "Anybody wanna cig?" she said in a shady voice.  She has a crap ton of cigs because Steve left her his but she says she doesn't like the brand he left.  

Sam wanted to know why there were taco shells in the bed last night.  These people are such pigs.

Swaggy is on the rock climbing wall.  He came back down to the bottom and said, "Camera turn down.  Look at me."  Nobody cares, dude.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam is talking about how if everyone in the house took up smoking, she would be like the cigarette drug dealer of the house.  "Anybody wanna cig?" she said in a shady voice.  She has a crap ton of cigs because Steve left her his but she says she doesn't like the brand he left.  

Sam wanted to know why there were taco shells in the bed last night.  These people are such pigs.

Only Sam and Rockstar smoke right?

I think this week will come down to "who is willing to pamper and babysit life coach Kaitlyn the most?" I can see Brett, JC, Tyler, Haleigh, Rockstar, Kaycee, maybe even Bayleigh doing it?

I can't see Scottie, Winston, Rachel, Angela, or Sam doing it. They are simply not the pampering kind.

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Well, it looks like TMZ has another article coming out. Kaitlyn's in DR right now, because I'm pretty sure they're warning her...to not use the n-word. Yes, with the hard "er" at the end, in reference to her singing a Drake song.

People, you gotta learn to keep your mouths shut, damnit. 

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What is Haleigh's deal?  Every time I've seen her tonight she has had such a sourpuss look on her face.  Is she worried Kaitlyn is going to put her up?

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

What is Haleigh's deal?  Every time I've seen her tonight she has had such a sourpuss look on her face.  Is she worried Kaitlyn is going to put her up?

Haleigh just isn't enjoying herself in the house and my guess is she'd rather be evicted sooner rather than later. She's been sick, and as soon as she recovered she got involved in the love triangle drama, and she knows Kaitlyn flipped and Steve is gone. She's a 21 year old college student who's thinking "I could be in Texas partying all summer right now."

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I just switched to the Bayleigh/Scottie convo.  It sounded like Bayleigh was trying to play it off to Scottie that Swaggy's group doesn't fully trust her or something because she wasn't initially on their side.

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So Scottie said he was sad that the one person he talked to was gone now. Kaitlyn without missing a beat says, "There's a new bitch in town. Her name is Kaitlyn. You can talk to me."

She's gonna be a demanding Diva this week.

1 minute ago, RandomWatcher said:

Just saw on Twitter that JC showed his dick to the HoH. If that doesn't get him put on the chopping block, nothing will

Yep, he did that.   I think he's gonna have to be removed sooner or later. 

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Kaitlyn's room is ready.

5 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Just saw on Twitter that JC showed his dick to the HoH. If that doesn't get him put on the chopping block, nothing will

So he showed his dick to Kaitlyn?

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3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

So Scottie said he was sad that the one person he talked to was gone now. Kaitlyn without missing a beat says, "There's a new bitch in town. Her name is Kaitlyn. You can talk to me."

She's gonna be a demanding Diva this week.

Yep, he did that.   I think he's gonna have to be removed sooner or later. 

To steal slang from the kids, she is SO EXTRA. It's amazing.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

So he showed his dick to Kaitlyn?

I'm not sure how much she saw, but it grossed me out at the time. It was about an hour ago. Peachy and I caught it. 

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I'm not sure how much she saw, but it grossed me out at the time. It was about an hour ago. Peachy and I caught it. 


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24 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Just saw on Twitter that JC showed his dick to the HoH. If that doesn't get him put on the chopping block, nothing will

was it on purpose?

Edited by Christi
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Brett and Winston are talking in the HN room.  They're discussing who they think Kaitlyn will put up.

Rachel has joined them.

Brett is telling Winston to not ever say that Winston voted out Steve.

I think Brett thinks they can somehow convince people that they voted to keep Steve and that there were even more betrayers on Swaggy's side that caused Steve to get voted out.

Winston says that Swaggy and them still think they have Kaitlyn on their side because Swaggy and Faysal told Tyler that they think Brett used the power (which Swaggy doesn't actually think based on his convos with other people tonight).

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Winston just told Brett that Brett might not get a chance to talk to Kaitlyn tonight.  He said, "Did you see who the first 2 were to start suckling at the power teat?  Rockstar and Haleigh."  Suckling at the power teat?  I'll admit I laughed.  I guess that's one way to put it.

Edited by zorak
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So Kaitlyn just downed an entire bottle of wine by herself. And now we're in an endurance competition. Haleigh, Rockstar, Tyler and Baleigh are duking it out on who can babysit Kaitlyn the most till nominations tomorrow. 

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4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So Kaitlyn just downed an entire bottle of wine by herself. And now we're in an endurance competition. Haleigh, Rockstar, Tyler and Baleigh are duking it out on who can babysit Kaitlyn the most till nominations tomorrow. 

Maybe that's why Swaggy is finally wearing his glasses tonight.  For some reason the HOH comp wasn't worthy of him wearing them.

Scottie is telling Swaggy that he thinks Haleigh is the one who betrayed them because she won't look him in the eye.  Swaggy says Faysal thinks it's Rockstar.

Swaggy is telling Scottie that Scottie is safe.

Edited by zorak
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LOL that Swaggy has his glasses on finally. Fessy is also up there in that fight to the death endurance competition in the HoH room. It's going to be a rough night for Fessy, Baleigh, Haleigh, Tyler, and Rockstar.

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Kaitlyn and Tyler are in the pink room.  She was asking him what they're going to do.  He says he doesn't know.  He wanted to know what she wanted to do but she said she wanted to know what he wanted to do because he is smarter than her.  

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn and Tyler are in the pink room.  She was asking him what they're going to do.  He says he doesn't know.  He wanted to know what she wanted to do but she said she wanted to know what he wanted to do because he is smarter than her.  

Oh for chrissakes Kaitlyn is going to essentially make Tyler HoH two weeks in a row.

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Kaitlyn has been going around singing about how she's drunk.  Is it wrong that I hope in her drunken state she slips up and it gets out how she voted (even though I don't think it would come as a surprise to anyone) or her drunkenness causes some drama with her, Faysal, and Haleigh?

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I don't understand why some people posted here that Sam might go up because K-Aura knows she has the power and it is still good for another 3 weeks.  No matter how crazy she will get even she must know that trying to evict someone who can turn around and immediately be back and gunning for you the very next week would be suicidal. 

And we know that Hay-something (I'll never get these names right ... Hay Me, Hey You) is K-Aura's secret final two person with Rockstar (finally a name I can remember, hey) in the mix.  Also Tyler is safe obviously.

And I think K-Aura will definitely keep the Level Six people out of the mix because Tyler will steer her.  Maybe Winston screws up too badly to save or one of the girls ends up as a "pawn" worse case.

That leaves her to break up Swaggy/Fezzy (Fessy? Fizzy?) and/or Bailey (Bayleaf?  Whatever) which she will chicken out of.  So I agree JC and Scottie are most in danger right now.

And it will be a travesty if Tyler doesn't win the power app thingie next.  He deserves it and more.  I've never seen an HOH who did NOT let the power go to his head as much as Tyler while still running the game quietly and masterly.  And so far not a mean bone in his body in so doing it.  Guy is light years ahead of everyone else in the house.  Love the dude cause he shows that you can be a good game player and not be a jerk.

Also no way K-Aura's vote will remain secret.  So far only Swaggy, Bayleaf, Scottie and FezDispenser don't know about her vote as all of Level Six, Sam and JC as well knew Tyler was working on her and her alone and K-Aura's buds (Hayseed and Rockstar) she told directly she was voting to save Sam.

Edited by green
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Bayleigh just told Rockstar that this is the week that they have to make a move.  She really wants Winston out.

Bayleigh:  "No matter what, one of them is going home this week." 

Haleigh says she wants Winston, Brett, and Angela gone.

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The newest conspiracy theory from Swaggy and company about Winston is that he is lying about his age.  Bayleigh says every time she looks at him, the older he looks to her.  She thinks he's 35.  Then they were talking about how that's why he likes Brett so much.  Brett makes Winston feel like he's reliving his glory days.

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It took me a bit of digging because I missed it and then had the wrong time stamp for it, but found the tweet:

At least it was consensual this time?

ETA: And now that I got my feeds working, I'm hearing about JC's circumcision two years ago and his super stretchy foreskin. Big Brother After Dark: Starring JC's dick tonight. Thanks for cutting away from the HoH room the second Kaitlyn was going up there, BB. The foreskin stories were totally worth it. Not.

Edited by Callaphera
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JC, the king of all things inappropriate, just told everyone what he used to do with his foreskin before he was circumcised 2 years ago.  He said he used to play with it and stretch it out like an accordion while he was trying to fall asleep.  He said it felt good.  What is this guy's obsession with his dick?  And why does he think people want to know about this?

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, zorak said:

What is this guy's obsession with his dick?  And why does he think people want to know about this?

From personal experience, those who talk about their dicks the most have the least to brag about. 

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

That would be an overwhelming no. 

Or maybe they do, and they cast them anyway, knowing what these people are really like, and then they feign shock and dismay when controversial stuff happens.

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So... are they really not going to show Kaitlyn on the feeds for the rest of the night because she was singing along to Drake earlier? She's drunk, she was the deciding vote and successful flip in the live eviction, she's HoH but nope. No Kaitlyn.

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On 7/3/2018 at 4:43 PM, peachmangosteen said:


Sorry Peach.  I clicked and accidentally quoted something I didn't intend to. Not that it wasn't a good post, it just wasn't something I wanted to comment on.  And my Kindle browser won't work with the PTV interface to remove the quote from my input box.

Sooo...smooches and sorry.  Intended post below.

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Oh puh-leeze.  Kaitlyn is going to nominate two women for eviction.  That's who she is.  Stop all the wishful Swaggy and Winston or Fezzy speculation.  She's a vindictive jealous bitch, so smart money is on Hayleigh and Sam for the nominees for eviction.  I hope to be proven wrong, but reality show and middle school dynamics will win out.

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49 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh puh-leeze.  Kaitlyn is going to nominate two women for eviction.  That's who she is.  Stop all the wishful Swaggy and Winston or Fezzy speculation.  She's a vindictive jealous bitch, so smart money is on Hayleigh and Sam for the nominees for eviction.  I hope to be proven wrong, but reality show and middle school dynamics will win out.

I think these two along with Tyler are the LEAST likely to be nominated.

1.  K-Aura knows Sam has the power to have a chance to escape eviction and has it for three more weeks.  It would be suicidal to put her up, she uses her power and comes back in immediately and she and her new alliance target K-Aura right off.  And Sam is no threat to her anyway.

2.  K-Aura has a secret final two alliance with Hayseed.  She isn't going to kick off her closest ally and friend in the house.  They have remained friends through the whole soap opera drama and I don't see that changing.  She ran off to her as soon as she found out Sam had the power spilling the beans immediately to her.

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At about 12:40 am BBT, JC apparently told Winston, who was standing next to Rachel, to "grab her pussy." I tried to pull it up, but can't rewind past 1 am BBT. It's so totally believable that I hardly need proof to believe it. 

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In search of support for my above tweet (if this doesn't merge), I found these:



She was supposedly quoting song lyrics, but there isn't any context here:


This has two pics; you have to click on it and it will become large enough to read and an arrow will appear for you to see the second one, but it is just a gif of Oprah:

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