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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Well, dayum. And there I was, thinking you had just pulled it out of your own ass, so to speak. ;-)

I was so impressed!

Doh!  No.  I thought EVERYONE knew about the AAE.  But... maybe that's my inner geek talking.  Sorry about that.  However, even though the author doesn't remember how she did it, I can tell you how:

- She put an x/y grid against his derrier.  She plotted the points and likely had excel do a 4th order polynomial and then use MS Solver to get the sin equation or she had some other method equivalent to fitting the data points to a sin curve. 

Edited by SueB
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Doh!  No.  I thought EVERYONE knew about the AAE.  But... maybe that's my inner geek talking.  Sorry about that.  However, even though the author doesn't remember how she did it, I can tell you how:

No I didn't know...Plus I wouldn't understand it even if you tried to explain it to me.  Hence the reason I teach Drama.  What I find the most humorous, is now that she's not doing math, she can't remember how.  lol.


Also, Jared should be hung for teasing us about said short shorts, when he knew we wouldn't be seeing them.  :)


FYI:  I'm teasing about actually hanging Jared...but now he owes us a shirtless scene with both boys.  I mean we need to investigate for science reasons....right?  :)

lol, That was such a easy costume for Jensen.  Jared's looked a little harder...both were there as the top 38.  I did a last minute not much thought to my costume.  lol    The most important part, the kids look very happy!  I think that is all that matters.

Osric's is pretty cute.  (I'll post a link to it once FB starts cooperating again.)


Found it on Twitter instead:





Edited by Demented Daisy
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"Which Way?"


I did not realize this was an outtake from the episode Dick Speight directed:


Richard Speight, Jr. ‏@dicksp8jr  Nov 4

Richard Speight, Jr. Retweeted Entertainment Weekly

Funny! And the director who yells 'cut' at the end sounds so sexy. Wonder who that was. Oh wait, I remember... ME.


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Ugh. So Clif the 'bodyguard' is selling photo ops at the Denver Con.  LOL WHAT?


Also, he tweeted this during the show. That guy really skeeves me out.


Clif Kosterman ‏@bodyguard4JandJ

Sam and Dean are pussies, beat up by a little girl


 Yes I know it's a joke but holy shit. Isn't he supposed to be a part of the female fan centric "fan movie" thing?

Soo.....this pic is for....science.  It's from DenverCon this past weekend.....


Do my eyes deceive or is Jensen's hair.....approaching demon!Dean-ish length?  Not that I think we'll see demon!Dean again, but gods i loved demon!Dean's hair.  The sides around the temples is not quite as filled in as demon!Dean.







Edited by catrox14
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Wow. That was a great interview with Mark Sheppard. As an actor, he never really did anything for me until S9 happened. And I haven't always been impressed with him in a number of his personal appearances. But in this interview, his wit, intelligence, and humility really came through. I loved his impression of Jensen in their scene in the Impala from First Born. So funny.


Thanks so  much for the link. :-)

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He may actually have been following them all along. My Twitter app has problems with displaying number of followers/followees, for instance, I just realized today that I actually have six followers on my SPN Twitter account. It's consistently said zero. I did not just gain six (real!) followers all of a sudden in one day.

So that was just one long ad for Minute Maid Orange Juice.  Well, okay then.


Hit post too soon.  


I really dislike this kind of disingenuous "stealth" advertising. Like you know just be straightforward that this will be an ad for Minute Maid OJ.


I get doing PR via posting pics of the kids on Twitter or Instagram or his FB and I get Jared wanting to actually talk about feeling guilty for being away from family so much (although for some reason I thought the kids and Gen were in Vancouver much of the time but I digress) but then to see the Minute Maid carton and the "sponsored Minute Maid" header on the post...is just.. ugh. No thank you.  I HATE it when companies do this.  Sorry just one of my pet peeves.

Edited by catrox14

Yep.  Loved the "sponsored" hashtag there, Jared.  And the not-at-all-obvious glass and carton of Minute Maid on the desk behind him.



LOL right? Poor old rich Jared and his spartan life he must lead in his looks barely lived in apartment in Vancouver but hey LOOK he has orange juice!  It's lulzy IMO


I always chuckle at all the obvious product placement on shows because we KNOW the show needs the money, like all the overly long looks at a smart phone screens when Sam is downloading something, so we can notice which phone it is. Or the long looks at the Surface Tablets that Felicity the genius hacker uses on Arrow (LULZ).  I'm not prone to second hand embarrassment that much but man this pinged it for me for Jared. I was just like NOOOOOOOO Jared...stop...what are you doing!....sigh...

It's not so bad, for me, on SPN.  For a couple of years there on Bones, though, they kept inserting Toyota commercials into episodes.  (Angela explaining why her Toyota minivan was perfect for all her art supplies, despite not having kids.  Or Brennan being unable to parallel park and the car doing it for her.  Or the time Hodgins drifted out of the lane and the Prius alerted him to it.  Massive eye rolls from me.)


You know, I'd prefer product placement to actual commercials.  I'll take almost an hour of solid content with the occasional character drinking a certain soft drink or beer, driving a certain car, using certain cell phones or tablets or whatever.  That's less annoying to me, probably because they've been doing it in movies for 30+ years.  (Reese's Pieces, anyone?)


Chevy should have been paying SPN this whole time, anyway.  ;-)

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The sappy music! I could have done without the sappy music. ;-)

And he did say it was sponsored. It's when they're not tagged that it makes me grumpy.

Is his apartment in Vancouver really so...barren? Or did they make it that way to emphasize the "home" versus "away" feel. Cuz if it's that sparse and empty...I'd have depressive episodes, too!

Though I guess he spends most of his time in his trailer.

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And he did say it was sponsored. It's when they're not tagged that it makes me grumpy.


I meant more like in the video itself...just put that it's sponsored. If I didn't read Jared's post and just clicked on the video I wouldn't have known until I saw the carton and then I would have been like "REALLY?!?" . Come on guys!


I'm amazed at all the comments that people are NOT mentioning that its just a long ad. 


As to the apartment... who knows if that's his or Jensen's or just a random empty apartment to film in. The previous AKF videos were either from his or Jensen's apartment and they looked rather spartan.  He tried to live facebook during last week's episode from one of their apartments when it went a little sideways and they ended up on the balcony posting by candlelight. I'm pretty sure they were hammered LOL.



ETA: I also kind of chuckle that it's implying that Jared is up there all by his lonesome when he's either on set or with Jensen like 90% of the rest of the time. 

Edited by catrox14

It's a commercial, but it's not bad as commercials go imo. The only thing I find a little strange is that he's including his tiny little kids and home(s) in such a public video, but since Jared and his wife are actors/celebrities, I guess it makes some sense that they'd be OK with that.


Is his apartment in Vancouver really so...barren? Or did they make it that way to emphasize the "home" versus "away" feel. Cuz if it's that sparse and empty...I'd have depressive episodes, too!


Did you see that balcony? That is a NICE apartment. Tbh, I don't like the little I've seen of JP's house in Austin, though. It always looks so overdone and ridiculous to me. Like he's Howard Hughes or something. But YMMV. There's no accounting for taste, etc etc etc.


Gotta admire JP's work ethic, though. Why in the world is he wasting time doing commercials like this when he's already been raking in serious money for more than a decade at this point? And he spends so much time doing cons and SPN tie-in stuff, too. LOL Maybe the reason he agreed to this commercial is because he's planning a really extravagant Xmas for the boys and needed to take a seasonal job to pay for it all :P.

Oh I don't care if celebs do ads...just be straight forward about.   It's the form of the ad that bugs ms not that he's doing an ad.


He doesn't need the money. Maybe they backed up a Brinks truck for this. They make a stupid amount of money from the cons, and I would imagine they get a cut of the reruns on TNT, so I don't think he's hurting is all I'm saying.


Those are luxury apartments in downtown Vancouver that I think many of the CW stable of actors live in when they are in Vancouver. Most of them are pretty close to each other as I understand it.

Hmmmm.... So, I looked it up. Minute Maid has this #doinggood campaign to let parent's know they are in fact... doing good.  They seem to have this whole outreach about put good in, get good out (hence...Minute Maid).  But these videos remind me of the Dove commercials about not photoshopping models.  So... I think it's actually less of a commercial and more some sort of campaign to raise awareness on parents needing encouragement.  I wonder if he was contacted because of the Always Keep Fighting campaign.  This wouldn't be the first time Coca-Cola (Minute Maid's owner) did an ad that was more subliminal and less about the product.  


In any case, I suspect it's almost PSA-like.  And consistent with his general philosophy.  Since Jared said "Sponsored by Minute Maid" I suspect he was definitely paid but I don't know if money-making was the priority.


Regardless, Minute Maid SHOULD have put the same blurb at the start like they did for the April "Doing Good" video I saw on their website.  Maybe this is a pre-release?  IDK.   The blurb helps us understand the message they are trying to get across -- which (I think) is that it's tough for parents everywhere, but support parents because they are 'doing good'.  


This wouldn't be the first time Coca-Cola (Minute Maid's owner) did an ad that was more subliminal and less about the product.


I'm cynical. Coca-Cola is brilliant in their schemes. I studied the New Coke debacle in school. There is a lot of evidence it was a giant marketing ploy to get their name back in the news. And if that wasn't the case they still took brilliant advantage of it. The New Coke "mistake" did more to put them back on the map than anything since "I'd like to teach the world to sing".


Sorry but IMO this was totally about the product. To me if it wasn't about the product they wouldn't put the product in the 'PSA'  at all. They wouldn't have shown Jared pouring said product. They would just show parents trying to do their best, skyping with the kids,  and then at the end pop up the #doingood hashtag sponsored by Minute Maid.  They achieved a goal though. I've spent more time talking about Minute Maid OJ today than I have ever drinking that product. LOL. Of course, it won't compel me to drink it either but hey they got the attention they wanted.

Apparently the J2 families are on vacation together for the holiday.



.....and they're drinking.

When aren't they drinking? LOL These boys imbibe. It's almost like their actual Winchesters!

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