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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Alright, Stacy, you're probably one of us PTV'er, so high-five, girlfriend!  


Stacy Rainey Myers Mohammed for sure..He is the most honest and loving man ever!!!! You can just see the love and commitment in his eyes.

Like · Reply · 7 · 5 hrs

Betty Pollitt I really hope this is sarcasm
Like · 9 · 5 hrs

Shawna Winters You're kidding, right?! Do you know which one is Mohamed?!
Like · 3 · 5 hrs

Victoria Sullivan I love your sense of humor!
Like · 4 · 5 hrs

Sherri Gage Commitment? Hum, that's not what I saw...
Like · 1 · 5 hrs

Stacy Rainey Myers I was being extremely sarcastic lol
Like · 10 · 5 hrs

Felice Nicole Lmaoooo
Like · 1 · 5 hrs

Julie Buteyn Haha
Like · 1 · 5 hrs

Kristin Cantor What arecyou smoking stacy. I want to cryvwhen I saw what he did to daniel
Like · 5 hrs

Lisa Dicaprio Danielle is a big girl. She should have seen this coming...
Like · 3 · 5 hrs

Stacy Rainey Myers I love him!!!!! He is amazing! !!! Bahahahaha
Like · 5 hrs

Mariana Castle
Like · 1 · 4 hrs

Kiriza Rubi Corn lol
Like · 1 · 4 hrs

Stacy Rainey Myers I sent him money to bring his family over here to live. He promised to pay me back when he gets paid on Friday ..I believe him
Unlike · 11 · 4 hrs

Nuria Soltero Hahaha too funny Stacy
Like · 1 · 4 hrs

Sandie Johnson Stacy has me laughing and shaking my head. Hahahahha
Like · 2 hrs

Olivia DeLuna Hahahahaha lol
Like · 2 hrs

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Gold comments on that 90-Day Fiance thread, to be sure!  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 1

I guess I don't see what's so horrible about calling some hotels and trying to cash in on being filmed (if that's how it happened). Obviously it didn't pan out since the TLC crew shut it down, but I'm not seeing how that makes Jason a horrible person if that's what he did.

I also happen to be employed by an entertainment company that everyone here would recognize and I would never play that card for anything, but I might try to reap a benny or two if I were being filmed for "reality" tv. Not that I'd ever be stupid enough (or train wreck enough for interest) to do so, but why not see what you can get? In the grand scheme it's still not as bad as leaving your beloved completely alone in an unfamiliar place while you go out with the guys. Jason sucks, I think we can all agree, but I personally don't think that means everything he does sucks.

I think Dani roping in the mayor to perform a sham wedding for tv is far worse than trying to get a hotel room.

Yeah I still want to know how she got the Mayor of Bumpkinville, Ohio to marry her. Edited by cooksdelight

Ok be honest lol. Who voted? I got tired with the comments there, you guys seem snarkier...I mean smarter!!! I like here better.

I don't understand that people say Danny is batting for the other team. He's pure hipster to me, I don't see gay at all.

Not moi.  Seems Yamir is leading the pack.  I think Jason's dad is tied with 'none'.

  • Love 2

I don't get how so many people say "Oh Mohamed looks def.. he is so hot! Not his personality though"


Seriously guys... he looks like a suntanned wombat.


Or some creature that runs after stopped cars... his nose is smashed in.  He has squinty close-set eyes and a boring mouth.  But then again he's a scammer, so I am not inclined to find him attractive.


  • Love 5

Yes that's who I thought it was.  She saw the pre-bezness, which is all about them loving you, being so different, not caring about age or appearance like good muslims, and how they are different from all the other men.


But then once they're married, it's Operation Ditch The Heifer and they engineer it so that the women wants to get rid of them.  It's cleaner that way, it means less sex for sure, and forces the women to detach emotionally and be happy to let them go after they become immigrants.  That's why they turn into insufferable monsters and abusers.  It's the program.  It's the way of bezness. 


It's going to be rough ahead for Danielle.

  • Love 4

Yes that's who I thought it was.  She saw the pre-bezness, which is all about them loving you, being so different, not caring about age or appearance like good muslims, and how they are different from all the other men.


But then once they're married, it's Operation Ditch The Heifer and they engineer it so that the women wants to get rid of them.  It's cleaner that way, it means less sex for sure, and forces the women to detach emotionally and be happy to let them go after they become immigrants.  That's why they turn into insufferable monsters and abusers.  It's the program.  It's the way of bezness. 


It's going to be rough ahead for Danielle.

yes the INS really needs to kick him out even for a sham marriage it's really bad on both there parts and he has no business being in this country he didn't even try at all to make it look legit 

  • Love 2

Also.. she got an interview for a fitness modeling agency. Interesting... this girl is trying. Kudos to that.



According to a twitter post, Cassia knows how to use Adobe Illustrator? I'm very impressed.. That is not an easy program to work with.


How does that come up in conversation?

According to the conversation, someone asked where she made those shirts. I guess it's not THAT impressive now that I found the source.. but just knowing your way around illustrator is entertaining.. especially when photoshop can have similar text effects.



Cassia Tavares @Cassia__Tavares  ·  Dec 21
@saucymommy77 What happened, I saw u had a follow request and then when I was going to accept you... it disappeared. :(

HAHAHA Nice saucymommy77... she caught you.

  • Love 2

Apparently Jason's dad actually DOES have a thing for Swiffer Jets? Did I become part of a joke I wasn't even aware of?


Ron @MisterMagoo46 
Hi, I want to start a swiffering fan club. Everyone needs to go buy a Swiffer and meet at my house to Swiffer all night long. #90dayfiance


Also, everyone and their mother that was on 90df is making fun of Paul Dolce. My fav was that he graduated from Playstation University LOL

  • Love 3

Also.. she got an interview for a fitness modeling agency. Interesting... this girl is trying. Kudos to that.

Oh shit!!! I gotta go back now

According to the conversation, someone asked where she made those shirts. I guess it's not THAT impressive now that I found the source.. but just knowing your way around illustrator is entertaining.. especially when photoshop can have similar text effects.

HAHAHA Nice saucymommy77... she caught you.


  • Love 1


Has anyone noticed all the other couples (i.e. Brett, Daya, Jason, and Cassia) posting on each others' walls under fake names? Everyone just LOVES everyone else and is best friends forever.

Why yes, I did notice.. and they aren't very subtle about it. lol. I found Chelsea really easily talking about how she isn't ready for the commitment at night of brushing her teeth because then she has to stop eating or something. I was like "yeah that's chelsea" lol. 


If you follow it around full circle a few times you notice that all of them are totally mocking Dani and Mo within their own jokes. It's pretty bad that even the cast knows what's going on.

  • Love 1

LOL, and I've never posted to her FB or Twitter or whatever. Oh, I'm so glad she loves us.

*waving at Cassia*

I wish she'd join us here with some inside scoop. Her Illustrator talents are good, btw. I'm a graphic designer and I was impressed. Very clever to use a passport as the backdrop for a wedding invitation.

  • Love 3

I'm reading it more as maybe he picked up on the coversations about the swiffer and ge's just snarking on US now.

Yep. I think the Hitch men are closer than we think.

With a repo'd house to renovate and refresh, I'd think their time could be better spent. Just my opinion.

Familiarity breeds contempt. I really can't stand some of this season's principals. Dissemblers, users, phonies, in my estimation.

the big difference between the Cassion duo and the Yamsea duo is realistic relationships. Weird pairs don't mean they don't match.. Cassia and Jason have a much more realistic relationship than Yamir and Chelsea.. It just looks very pinterest cookie cutter with those two 


Ah she's cute though. Mo is still a douchepickle

That should be Cassia's next shirt.

  • Love 1

the big difference between the Cassion duo and the Yamsea duo is realistic relationships. Weird pairs don't mean they don't match.. Cassia and Jason have a much more realistic relationship than Yamir and Chelsea.. It just looks very pinterest cookie cutter with those two 

That should be Cassia's next shirt.

yes~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahaha

Some of the social media stuff re Danielle goes way too far, imo. I hope Danielle tries to avoid fb, Twitter and instagram for awhile, for her own sake, mentally and emotionally. IMO, nobody deserves the disgusting and unrelenting onslaught being waged against her, with such delicious delight.

Of course, SHE made the decisions to find a bezness bf, fly to Doha to hookup, sponsor him, bring him across an ocean to the small apartment she shared with three minor girls, pamper him, marry him, all the while -- because of her own CHOICES -- debasing herself in the process. I've criticized her plenty, especially for her disregard and neglect of her kids.

But that doesn't mean I accept the inhumanity I'm seeing on the net. I really have to wonder the reasons some people get off on their cruelty to a person who's obviously in dire mental straits. I hate it. Just my perspective.

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