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Hot Bench - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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Today we had the most obstinate, pig-headed plaintiff and his boy, the Big Stoop, suing the cop and his little girl for crashing into their car which they had leased 6 days previously,  and damaging it to the tune of about 9K which insurance covered.  Def. just hands over the car keys to his 17 year old daughter. She "just glanced down at the steering wheel for a second" and smashed plaintiff's car. Who the hell feels the need to look at their steering wheel long enough to crash the car? More likely she wanted to check her phone for urgent messages, text, or change her FB status. I don't really blame her. She's a kid and I have never, and will never understand why people give cars over to children who aren't considered old enough or responsible enough to watch R-rated movies, vote, or to order a drink, but tooling around on the highway in a vehicle that is capable of causing mayhem and death? Why, sure. You'd think smirking cop daddy would have seen the results of this often enough to know better, but guess not. His girl is special.

Anyway, plaintiff just cannot understand he has no standing to sue for "diminished value" on property he doesn't even own, but just leased. BUT, P says he's considering maybe buying the car when the lease ends, years from now. If he happens to do so - and no one knows if he will - then he needs to be compensated for some future, possible diminished value if he someday decides to sell it. There is also the fact that anything could happen to it from now until the end of the lease. No amount of explanation by the judges could make him understand he is out no money at all. Def's insurance company even offered him an additional 1K cash just to make him shut up and go away, but he refused it. Not sure why Big Goof son with the enormous bushy beard was there, since he had nothing to say.

I'm pretty sure P got zero, but this ep was butted into just before the end.

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21 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Today we had the most obstinate, pig-headed plaintiff and his boy, the Big Stoop, suing the cop and his little girl for crashing into their car which they had leased 6 days previously,  and damaging it to the tune of about 9K which insurance covered.  Def. just hands over the car keys to his 17 year old daughter. She "just glanced down at the steering wheel for a second" and smashed plaintiff's car. Who the hell feels the need to look at their steering wheel long enough to crash the car? More likely she wanted to check her phone for urgent messages, text, or change her FB status. I don't really blame her. She's a kid and I have never, and will never understand why people give cars over to children who aren't considered old enough or responsible enough to watch R-rated movies, vote, or to order a drink, but tooling around on the highway in a vehicle that is capable of causing mayhem and death? Why, sure. You'd think smirking cop daddy would have seen the results of this often enough to know better, but guess not. His girl is special.

Anyway, plaintiff just cannot understand he has no standing to sue for "diminished value" on property he doesn't even own, but just leased. BUT, P says he's considering maybe buying the car when the lease ends, years from now. If he happens to do so - and no one knows if he will - then he needs to be compensated for some future, possible diminished value if he someday decides to sell it. There is also the fact that anything could happen to it from now until the end of the lease. No amount of explanation by the judges could make him understand he is out no money at all. Def's insurance company even offered him an additional 1K cash just to make him shut up and go away, but he refused it. Not sure why Big Goof son with the enormous bushy beard was there, since he had nothing to say.

I'm pretty sure P got zero, but this ep was butted into just before the end.

Yep. He got nothing. 

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

Today we had the most obstinate, pig-headed plaintiff and his boy, the Big Stoop, suing the cop and his little girl for crashing into their car which they had leased 6 days previously,  and damaging it to the tune of about 9K which insurance covered.  Def. just hands over the car keys to his 17 year old daughter. She "just glanced down at the steering wheel for a second" and smashed plaintiff's car. Who the hell feels the need to look at their steering wheel long enough to crash the car? More likely she wanted to check her phone for urgent messages, text, or change her FB status. I don't really blame her.

Once upon a time, I was the young dumb kid who sideswiped a parked car the first time I got to drive the *family station wagon solo after getting my license. Course that was long before cell phones or FB - heck, even before CBs were all the rage - I managed to hit the parked car reaching for the radio.

* think all 5 of us kids who learned to drive in that 9 passenger boat, and I think we all managed to hit something with it - thank goodness thing was built like a tank

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On 1/13/2021 at 8:23 PM, SRTouch said:

Once upon a time, I was the young dumb kid who sideswiped a parked car the first time I got to drive the *family station wagon solo after getting my license. Course that was long before cell phones or FB - heck, even before CBs were all the rage -

Did it have square wheels?😆

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I'm not so sure about the videos proffered by the plaintiff in yesterday's tenant/landlord case.  They don't make sense.  So the guy scrubs and scrubs and scrubs the messy move-in house the first night and then proceeds to turn it into the World's Largest Roach Motel over the course of several years?  That two/three dump trucks of literal trash had to be hauled away when he vacated?  And his reason for cleaning up the messy move-in house when he took possession was his family needed a "clean, safe home" and yet apparently he did very little to make sure it stayed that way.  Since the house changed hands during his tenancy, it would not surprise me in the least if the "I cleaned it up" video was actually the way the house looked when he took possession and the other video was the same place right around the time he left - after all, the new owner probably had no photos or video to refute it.  But then I'm a suspicious sort of person......

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It sur

10 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

They don't make sense.  So the guy scrubs and scrubs and scrubs the messy move-in house the first night and then proceeds to turn it into the World's Largest Roach Motel over the course of several years? 

And it only put another nail in the coffin when the defendant had texts where he said he was ready to divorce his wife because she let the house get messy.  I believe the place was a sty.

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I just watched the case of the "genius" suing the SSM for 1K. Seems the self-proclaimed genius ("I'm very intelligent") college professor put up a video of him fanning one-hundred dollar bills (hardly proof of wealth!) on FB and def, the SSM, saw this and figured she'd hit him up for 1K.  Why not? He's in Louisiana and she's in CA. They've never met but the genius decides to give her the money. Who wouldn't send a bundle to some FB stranger/beggar? She says she'll pay him back, but being an amoral grifter, she does not. He sends a lot of texts, with endless copy/paste of "When you going to payback (one word) the 1,000$". Of course, the SSM feels harassed and terrorized and so decides to "payback" nothing at all, even though she agreed on 50$ per paycheck. The actual threatening text is nearly illiterate and there is no name attached to it and no proof P sent it.

JA and JDiM spank the grifting SSM and JDiM has to give her a more severe spanking since she will not shut up and stop inserting snarky comments. Fearful she does not seem to be. JA remarks that P is looking out if it, and he explains he lost his glasses and can't see. I guess he gave all those crispy 100$ dollar bills to def and now can't afford new glasses. Papa Mike, of COURSE, is sympathetic to lying, rude, mouthy, grifting D. Hey, she's female and a saintly single mother so she must be in the right. "You felt threatened by him, didn't you?" he kindly asks her. He may have even had a tear in his eye for the plight of this poor little bullied single mother. In deliberations, the other two ignore Papa's opinion that Def. "was afraid of P" and award him the full 1K. JA tries to advise the genius not to send money to FB strangers, but I don't know if she got through to him.

If I ever commit murder I want Papa Mike to judge me!

Edited by AngelaHunter
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11 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

defendant was wearing the neck brace as a ploy for sympathy

Yeah, it looked to me that the brace was not put on correctly (lopsided) and he was moving his head around in the brace, specifically moving his chin up and down along the inside of the chin support like he had an itch. I have no expertise on this, but was on a jury once where the plaintiff (who was allegedly injured due to the actions of a cab driver) was wheelchair bound and had to be wheeled around by her very young daughter throughout the trial. After lunch several of us jurors were standing in the hallway, waiting until the last minute to go into the jury room and we saw the plaintiff running up and down the hallway pushing her daughter in the wheelchair, both of them whooping and hollering. Turns out the insurance company folded and settled (for one million dollars as I recall, big money back then) during the lunch break. That left me a bit on the cynical side.

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Who watched the case of the knock-off Sinead O'Connor suing her former dear friend for his share of a trip to Ireland? P wanted to be paid back for the trip she booked and paid for for the two of them. D texts her, saying it sounded great and mentioning all the things they would do in Ireland and tells her, "Yes, go ahead!" She does so. Shortly before the trip he starts whining how he can't pay for it, he has bills and some family emergency and all that usual crap. He then disappears and it's not until 7 years later P spots him at some memorial service, takes him aside and asks when he intends to pay her back. According to her, he pulls 10$ out of his pockets and sarcastically offers that to her. Def whines that P dared question his manly manhood (this blobby goofy neckbeard who hides from his obligations) so he owes her nothing.

P did manage to get her brother and girlfriend to go with her, but had to pay a 400$ fee to transfer the tickets.  She is still out the cost of the double room for her and the Neckbeard.

I was really shocked at JA who attacked the plaintiff, by saying how dare she sue the D for his portion of the trip when he found himself unable to go. Not his fault! She uses a very weird comparison by saying that imgine if a friend said she would come hang out with her on the weekend and then changed her mind. Could someone sue for that? P very accurately informs JA that an expensive international trip is really not the same thing as hanging out at someone's house for the day. JA concedes that, but still feels P deserves nothing.

The other two agree of course that Def owes the money. The only question is if it falls under the statute of limitations. JDiM and even Papa Mike agree that because the Def crawled under a rock somewhere out of reach, that statute does not apply and award the P her 1100$. 

Edited by AngelaHunter
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On 1/21/2021 at 7:20 PM, Florinaldo said:

Totally. It's the equivalent to those litigants who prominently display a big-ass cross pendant to let everyone know how much of a moral and upstanding person they truly are.

I was just reading about Dennis Rader, the infamous BTK murderer. He was the president of his church council. So much for the uber-religious being beyond reproach.

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40 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I was just reading about Dennis Rader, the infamous BTK murderer. He was the president of his church council. So much for the uber-religious being beyond reproach.

Not the only example of that.  We finally just quit going to church and hanging out with "religious" people.  We're still Christians . . . we just choose not to associate with (small "c") christians.

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My God - that idiot defendant in the fender-bender case yesterday - another one which deserved a bitch slap from the viewing audience.  She had no license, no insurance and her story of how the accident occurred was pure bullshit.  Oh, and she didn't tell the police she was trying to make a U-turn (from, you know, the far RIGHT lane) - someone else must have (never mind that the police report specifically states SHE was describing the circumstances).  I was a little annoyed at the judges somehow trying to find fault with the plaintiff (were you speeding?  Why didn't you SEE her?).  Here's my thought judges - this little snipe had no idea what she was doing, didn't look to the left before she pulled out for her "u-turn", didn't signal any intention and apparently believed as long as a driver could SEE her, they somehow were psychic and knew what her intentions were.

She snotted after the verdict that "he said I didn't have to pay" and was so sniveley that even Corriero told her he didn't want to hear anything more from her.  Then the "halterview" she was a whiney little sack of shit -- "my friend said it wasn't my fault"; "they are only being mean to me because we're on TV."

I'm wondering if she's been informed by her state's DMV that she is now ineligible for a license for x period of time because of this accident.  Oh, and I'm sure that obtaining insurance for that car is not going to be a picnic either.  Or cheap.  

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On 2/3/2021 at 12:00 PM, Carolina Girl said:

She snotted after the verdict that "he said I didn't have to pay" and was so sniveley that even Corriero told her he didn't want to hear anything more from her.  Then the "halterview" she was a whiney little sack of shit -- "my friend said it wasn't my fault"; "they are only being mean to me because we're on TV."

I haven't seen this yet, but is this litigant 10 years old? If she was so obnoxious even Papa Mike had no sweet, kindly words for her, I must make a point to watch tonight.

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3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I haven't seen this yet, but is this litigant 10 years old? If she was so obnoxious even Papa Mike had no sweet, kindly words for her, I must make a point to watch tonight.

She's another one of those litigants that make you wish TV was interactive so that you could administer a well-deserved bitch slapping.

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21 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

She's another one of those litigants that make you wish TV was interactive so that you could administer a well-deserved bitch slapping.

Oh, was she the one who just would not shut up ? How do people like that survive? If I acted like that, everyone would have disowned me years ago.

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Nasty case today. Big bruiser woman looking a lot like Mrs. Doubtfire is suing her sister. Mom passed away at 82. D sister had moved in with her to look after her and P had to be evicted and the police called due to her abuse of her mother. Def's witness who was the mom's caregiver saw an instance of it. Beastly P is also really stupid to the point that she seems not quite all there. Anyway, P hooked up with a Nigerian scammer online. He told her he was in the American military and needed 20K to get home from England because it seems the US military just leaves their members stranded all over the world needing bribes and such to get home. Yeah, I've heard that about 200 times before. 😄 Of course P, who is really stupid, believed that and desperately wanted to hook up with this character she'd never met or spoken to. Caregiver says P starts browbeating Mom to give her the 20K to send to Nigeria. Mom refuses. P gets 3 years probation for elder abuse so it must have been pretty bad.

Mom gets restraining order for 3 years against the beast, who says D sister was behind that, and she had to vacate the home without taking all her crap. She's told to come get it for the next 6 months, but she can't because she has no place to put it and that is somehow def's fault. She breaks into the house, gets some crap but really wants her 199$ mirror she bought from Fingerhut.  Def. wants to sell the house, which would give the 3 sisters (3rd sister is not here) about 100K profit each but she has some shady lawyer she fired or something along those lines so the house still isn't sold. Def is living in it and says she lost her job.

JDiM tells P she's disgusted at her abuse of her elderly mother and that both litigants should be ashamed and they should sell the house, divide the profit and go their own ways. D is countersuing P for the damage to the house and P digging up the gerbera daisies she planted, but has no proof P did it.  Judges decide neither has proof of anything, so the decision is to tell P to take police and go get all her junk out of the house. Papa Mike tries to counsel them to be nice and all that. Fat chance that will happen.

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32 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

really wants her 199$ mirror she bought from Fingerhut. 

Don't forget that the idiot plaintiff made sure to let us know she is still making payments on that mirror. Also, Corriero is still a fool, trying to get the defendant to forgive and forget with the plaintiff who pleaded guilty to elder abuse of their mother. Fat chance. He acts like he was raised on Ozzie & Harriet and Leave it to Beaver and formed his approach to family issues from those shows.

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58 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

He acts like he was raised on Ozzie & Harriet and Leave it to Beaver and formed his approach to family issues from those shows.

😆 Yes, he does, and I'm pretty sure neither Ricky nor David would abuse Harriet. I wonder if Papa would forgive, forget and embrace a sibling who abused HIS elderly mother. On second thought, maybe he would. Luckily the other two are able to override his nonsense.

1 hour ago, DoctorK said:

Don't forget that the idiot plaintiff made sure to let us know she is still making payments on that mirror.

I missed that.

I just checked that Fingerhut place. If you need to apply for credit there maybe you shouldn't be buying their trinkets. The mirror is 20.99$/per month. The interest rate is a non-variable 29.99% (thank goodness it's not 30%!)with a late payment fee of 40$. Math is not my strong suit so I'm wondering how long it would take to pay off 200$ with the minimum monthly payments and what the final cost would be.

  • LOL 1
14 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I just checked that Fingerhut place. If you need to apply for credit there maybe you shouldn't be buying their trinkets. The mirror is 20.99$/per month. The interest rate is a non-variable 29.99% (thank goodness it's not 30%!)with a late payment fee of 40$. Math is not my strong suit so I'm wondering how long it would take to pay off 200$ with the minimum monthly payments and what the final cost would be.

Assuming no late payment fees, here's the cost breakdown of the loan.


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Please forgive me Doctor K, AngelaHunter and AZChristian for jumping in here but it is of the utmost importance that I do so.  The three of you, senior members on this board and with highly trained “noticing” skills have overlooked one very important fact in this case.  The Beastly Plaintiff stated proudly - “itsa anteek mirra”  (It is an antique mirror)

So, like the other Angela I am no math whiz either but in my humble opinion I’m thinking 200 bucks for a anteek mirra is a great find.  Sure, it’s not from Bonham’s but Fingerhut anteeks might be just as good.

Hope springs eternal and all that. 


Thank you, AZChristian. Numbers make my head go all funny and stuff.


1 hour ago, PsychoKlown said:

 The Beastly Plaintiff stated proudly - “itsa anteek mirra”  (It is an antique mirror)

So, like the other Angela I am no math whiz either but in my humble opinion I’m thinking 200 bucks for a anteek mirra is a great find.  Sure, it’s not from Bonham’s but Fingerhut anteeks might be just as good.

I see. I checked Fingerhut Anteek Mirras and I think this must be the treasure. There are two for 199$ but only this one seems to a genyooine anteek. I get the allure of the "red rubbed finish".


Step through the looking glass with this leaning windowpane mirror. Tilt against a wall and reflect your best angle up close or revel in illusionary glory from afar. Black finish hints at a shabby-chic inspiration with weathered red rub through. Lean this transitional piece vertically or hang horizontally to find just the right shine in an entry hall, eat-in kitchen, or living room. Variations in red rub through finish should be expected, giving each piece a hand-finished feel. • Full length, windowpane mirror • Features 8 mirror panes • Leaning design creates visual appeal • Red rubbed finish creates one of a kind look



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3 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Step through the looking glass with this leaning windowpane mirror. Tilt against a wall and reflect your best angle up close or revel in illusionary glory from afar. Black finish hints at a shabby-chic inspiration with weathered red rub through. Lean this transitional piece vertically or hang horizontally to find just the right shine in an entry hall, eat-in kitchen, or living room. Variations in red rub through finish should be expected, giving each piece a hand-finished feel. • Full length, windowpane mirror • Features 8 mirror panes • Leaning design creates visual appeal • Red rubbed finish creates one of a kind look


That made me gag, I have wondered if Fingerhut was for real or just another online, multiple payments scam site, now I know.


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1 hour ago, DoctorK said:

That made me gag, I have wondered if Fingerhut was for real or just another online, multiple payments scam site, now I know.


Once, long ago, I ordered seat covers for my new 1977 Mercury....... actually pretty good seat covers, though not worth nearly what I paid. Thing is remember most was that once I got on their mailing list I couldn't seem to get off. I ordered the 1 item, paid it off, then continued to get ads/catalogs for years.

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3 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

senior members on this board and with highly trained “noticing” skills

Our resident PsychoKlnown is no slouch either. I completely missed the anteek information.


1 hour ago, DoctorK said:

I have wondered if Fingerhut was for real or just another online, multiple payments scam site, now I know.

It sounds like a fast food joint that serves finger food, like "Pizza Hut". Seems real. This was my first visit and my last. I have a feeling that the 30% interest rate and 40$ late fee is where they get a lot of their profits, from people who can't have their own credit cards. I guess a lot of our litigants shop there.


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Judge DiM was holding a picture of the mirra.   I do not see it on the website but the best way I can describe it as square with a large ornate metal (or faux metal) frame.

Imagine something Louis XIV would have in his entryway.  Now imagine it smaller, with a wavy subpar mirra, cheap bendable frame with spray on paint - you now have Fingerhut’s version of a genuine anteek mirra.

You’re probably wondering why I know so much about this case.  Well, I must confess...I am the third sista.  


2 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

Imagine something Louis XIV would have in his entryway.

It must have been an exclusive, limited edition, since the site carries nothing like that now.

2 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

Now imagine it smaller, with a wavy subpar mirra, cheap bendable frame with spray on paint

Someone I knew got an entire, huge dining room set that looked like it could have adorned the Palace of Versailles, if their decorator ordered it from a discount furniture warehouse where nothing is what it appears to be. I'm sure our plaintiff would love it.

2 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

Well, I must confess...I am the third sista.  

Did you get your 100K yet? I know your sister said she had to fire her shady, sleazy lawyer. Was it Levin?

  • LOL 3
2 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Did you get your 100K yet?

 Actually, no.  Poor sis still hasn’t gotten over her grief of the gerbera daisies being ripped from their roots.  She is fragile not like my other sister who is known as the She-Beast.  Poor SB sister is unlucky in love.  Well, you heard about the UK fella, and all.  She actually got a few Bride’s magazines and started planning for the big day and then had to scrap all that because Mom refused to empty her bank account so from what I heard she slugged Mom right in the puss.  No one knows this but Mom took a swipe at her with her oxygen tank.  Mom had some awesome guns.

So, even though I have not received my share of approximately 100 grand I have been browsing for new furniture.  Now that the sky’s the limit I can reveal my true desires for furniture.  My husband says “no” to my choices, but what the hay, with 100 grand I can get a new husband if I want.  I hear there are some lovely fellas in the UK. 


I know your sister said she had to fire her shady, sleazy lawyer. Was it Levin?

Emphatically no.  Sis said the lawyer was good looking, dressed well and would never answer her texts while he was driving.  All that rules out that disgusting individual named Harvey Levin.  



That's some warm and fuzzy family tale, PsychoKlown.  I think I mostly feel sorry for those poor little daisies all blooming happily until your She-Beast sister ripped them out.

Your taste in decor is impeccable and I'm sure all the low-brows we see here who have a passion for design would be swooning over the zebra stripes.

4 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

with 100 grand I can get a new husband if I want.

It won't take nearly that much if you're willing to settle for the kind of 'men' we see women fighting over on these court shows. An Xbox, a motorcyle ("Hey, lookit me! I'm Marlon Brando in "The Wild One!") and a big screen will be the lure that will make you irresistible and maybe throw in the latest iPhone too. Make sure you casually mention you have "exhuberant amounts of credit" during the courtship. When you sue your new loverboy,  stick an onion in your sleeve so you can squeeze out some tears and Papa Mike will find in favour of the poor helpless little damsel in distress.


4 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

 Sis said the lawyer was good looking, dressed well and would never answer her texts while he was driving.

He didn't have a giant sippy cup filled with iced choco-hazelnut mochaccino latte either? Definitely not our boy, Levin. Nope. No way.

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I was totally with Judge DiMango on today's accident-with-no-insurance case.

The plaintiff said he "had insurance," but "the bill wasn't paid."  That's called NOT having insurance.  His first reaction when told that the defendant had an accident with his car was to reassure her that it wasn't a problem.  All she had to do was pay the past-due insurance ($250) to get the policy reinstated, and then pay the $1,000 deductible.

Can you spell "I-N-S-U-R-A-N-C-E  F-R-A-U-D"?

My husband has a lot of experience with California car insurance laws, and he tells me that even IF an uninsured vehicle is NOT the cause of an accident in which they are involved, the insurance of the person who DID cause the accident does not have to pay out.  In addition, the owner of the uninsured vehicle faces fines, even if they weren't driving at the time of the accident.  

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Today we had a fool being parted from  his money after hooking up with someone on a dating site. I swear I about laughed out loud when I heard idjit say he loaned hundreds to D for hoopty repairs after the first date. Then another big chunk of money her grandkid's BD party bouncy house. Oh, he also gave her hundreds for a night at the casino, but he's not asking for that money back. Another laugh/head shake when dude explains he expected the bouncy house money to be repaid in 24 house so that he could pay his bills...... really, dude is tossing hundreds at this stranger and who can't pay for her own car repairs or her grandkid's BD party and he expects her to worry about him paying his bills...... biggest laugh is how D acts all insulted at very idea dude expected a "good time" after giving her hundreds to gamble with - yeah, right, we all know what he thought he was buying - I mean, the very idea! She's not that kind D of woman! - especially on the second date!!! Dude ends up winning case - even though all three judges have problems with his credibility, woman even less credible.

Edited by SRTouch
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The biggest TELL on the part of the Defendant was when she threatened him with a "recording" of his supposed proposition if he took her to court.  Surprise!  He took her to court anyway, which means he had no fear of a recording when he knew did not exist (you have to ask why she would have been recording him in the first place).  While I think the plaintiff was an idiot to give her money right away like that, I think that defendant is a sleazy piece of shit that grifts money where she can and has her script down.  I loved her "my granddaughter's birthday is ____, why would I ask him money for a bouncy house?"  To GAMBLE with, you lying twit.  Wouldn't surprise me if that whole "my car needs repairs" sounds like an opening gambit to see if her mark is eager to "help out" if asked.  

And maybe I come from a different time and era, but I saw nothing wrong with him asking if she'd like to stay overnight at the casino.  We have only HER word that he made the "tit for tat" remark and since I already believe she's a Grade A liar, I think it was a lot more innocent than she tried to portray to the court.  They're both adults.  She said no.  He didn't demand she repay the gambling money.  

Hopefully, the dude learned that when they start off with a hard luck story, don't write a check.  Stroke your chin and say that's a damn shame.  Oh, and I'd be curious if she's done this to others, since they met on a dating site.  

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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Wouldn't surprise me if that whole "my car needs repairs" sounds like an opening gambit to see if her mark is eager to "help out" if asked.  

Wouldn't surprise me if that was her second car, used for prospecting for gullible men with money.  Meanwhile, at home she has a 2020 Lexus with all the bells and whistles and the full coverage manufacturer's warranty.

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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Wouldn't surprise me if that was her second car, used for prospecting for gullible men with money.

Great minds think alike.  Drive a clunker to the date, one that new guy is sure to mention.  "Oh, but I have to drive this unreliable hunk of junk because I can't afford to repair my good car....."

And it would also not surprise me that the granddaughter has a bouncy house birthday several times a year.....

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On 2/16/2021 at 9:09 PM, SRTouch said:

Today we had a fool being parted from  his money after hooking up with someone on a dating site. I swear I about laughed out loud when I heard idjit say he loaned hundreds to D for hoopty repairs after the first date.

I saw that. Only surprising was seeing a man on the Plaintiff side. How ridiculous was he, to start giving money to that hard-rode hag who seems to think she's some sort of prize? It boggles my mind. Even Papa Mike couldn't conjure up any platitudes or kind words for that rachet old bag grifter.

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You all covered today’s case very well so there’s not much to add except....the subject of bouncy houses. 

Never had one, never been in one.

I did not come from a wealthy family.  Scratch that...I did not come from a family who would borrow money for a kid’s party or charge crazy things on the MasterCard so that i could have a lavish party.   And when I turned 16, well, I got a cake.  No elaborate party with a wedding dress, escorts or anything of the like.  

My point being is that grifter doesn’t have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out and she’s borrowing for a bouncy house.  And the plaintiff needs someone (anyone) on his arm so he loans money to this snuggle toothed bag just for the privilege of a date in Vegas? 

How lower can these litigants go?  Just when I think this is rock bottom, I am proven wrong.  



38 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

I did not come from a wealthy family.  Scratch that...I did not come from a family who would borrow money for a kid’s party or charge crazy things on the MasterCard so that i could have a lavish party.   And when I turned 16, well, I got a cake.

I recall I got a cake and a book on my 10th birthday. The cake was the kind that had that very shiny icing with a gooey sweet layer just under it. The book was "Black Beauty." I was thrilled with cake and book. Best B-day ever. Don't remember my 16th, but I know for absolutely sure I didn't get to ride to a hotel birthday party in a limo, wearing a 1K dress and having 150 guests awaiting my Cinderella-like arrival. 😆

44 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

How lower can these litigants go?  Just when I think this is rock bottom, I am proven wrong.

I know the feeling, but trust me - they can go lower. Are you forgetting the woman who would trade sexual favours for a sofa? Or maybe it was a fridge?

1 hour ago, PsychoKlown said:

 And the plaintiff needs someone (anyone) on his arm so he loans money to this snuggle toothed bag just for the privilege of a date in Vegas? 

Apparently he doesn't watch court shows obsessively as we do. If he did, he would learn that there are uncounted women out there (and not raddled, wrinkled up old dragons either) who would not only go to Vegas and hop into bed with him, but pay for his entertainment, pay his bills/credit cards, buy him a car and ask him to move in with them the next day, no need to pay rent.

The woman suing her shifty-looking, rat-faced, overstuffed contractors: Raise your hands if you would hire contractors to do a lot of work on your house and agree to pay them by the hour! Anyone? With as little experience as I've had with contractors, it might creep into my mind that anyone being paid 70$/hr just might work a little slowly. This never occured to the plaintiff as the project went on and on and the work got more and more sloppy. The paint job we saw looked as though the guy grabbed the bucket and just threw it at the wall. She ended up paying them 20K and they never finished. Why would they? Wanna see someone take 3 hrs to put up a shelf? They had a huge windfall from this dumb bunny and just moved on to the next mark.

The last contractors I had in did my main bathroom. If they had said, "Pay us by the hour" I have a feeling the job that took 8 days may have taken them a month or more. Why the hell would they not slow down to a snail's pace?

  • Love 1

Today's case with the boyfriend suing his partner/roommate for $4K was listening to fools in stereo.  The plaintiff had a running ledger of all of the money he gave to his unemployed BF, for food, cigarettes, booze, etc. on the expectation that BF was going to be getting unemployment after losing his job and paying back.   I spotted something listed as JEWL (he maybe meant JUUL?) on the tally - I'm taking a wild guess that that is for vaping?   If he is stupid enough to pay for nonsense like that for months, he is a super enabler.  Between his moaning about the debt, he gets weepy when he tells us how much he loves the guy.  Funny way of showing it - counting pennies while declaring true love.   

The defendant was kind of catty, saying the BF let him stay for 7 months with not paying because he is afraid to be alone.  The plaintiff did mention a therapist several times, so maybe he has some neuroses going on, and him footing the bill so long seems to make that a true statement.   I couldn't tell if defendant was missing teeth, or just had a mushy way of speaking.  Either way, he seemed like he would be no picnic to live with either.

The judges broke down the money exchanged between the two and said they didn't see where plaintiff was still owed $4k, and it seemed they were square.  Judge DiMango was right in saying these two have no business trying to be a couple -- they just seemed toxic together..   I get the feeling that the plaintiff may even give the BF another chance.

Edited by patty1h
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, patty1h said:

Today's case with the boyfriend suing his partner/roommate for $4K was listening to fools in stereo.  

The judges broke down the money exchanged between the two and said they didn't see where plaintiff was still owed $4k, and it seemed they were square.  

Patty1H did you happen to catch the first item on the list?  It was a big ticket item and I could be wrong but I think it was weed.  

No judgement on my part but like a lot of people here I don’t see weed as a necessity particularly when you don’t have a roof over your head.  I just think shelter, food and transportation would be at the top of my needs list - not weed.  

And those two...I was exhausted after a few minutes with them.  The drama.  The tears.  The wringing of hands.  I also realized that more than not I have to deal with this kind of behavior at my job, why in the world do I watch it on my free time?  

Sometime I think I’m the one who needs a therapist.  

17 minutes ago, patty1h said:

Hahaha!   Right!  How did I forget that Stupid #1 was paying for weed and adding it to the bill.   

Forgivable Patty1H, there was so much shiny stuff in this episode it was hard to concentrate.  

And thank you for confirming what I thought.  It was a brief glimpse and I wasn’t sure that’s what it said because the judges said nothing about it but as I said, the shiny stuff probably diverted their attention. 

It takes a village to analyze one 20 minute episode.  Two villages when the real crazies are litigants.

I only saw one case so far. Tenant P is suing landlord D for security deposit. P's witness went to water P's plants while she was out of town. This rental unit has identical spigots in the yard and you can take your chances about which one to turn on. You get either "A" - the hose to water the garden or "B"- gas that will explode. P's friend unfortunately picked "B". Property is damaged and P has to move out. Landlord says that property was somewhat uninhabitable, which the judges decide is "uninhabitable", period. Landlord gets 20K from insurance but keeps the 4K or so deposit and wants yet more money from P since she decides it's her fault that her friend turned on the gas instead of the water.

P gets her deposit back, but the most interesting part is that P's witness explains that he and P aren't just friends, but work together. Their business is "Sound healing", which means they work with vibrations and tones for "clearing and healing." As soon as I heard this, I thought, "This has to be California." I guessed right.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

This rental unit has identical spigots in the yard and you can take your chances about which one to turn on. You get either "A" - the hose to water the garden or "B"- gas that will explode.

This case was odd but AngelaHunter your synopsis is hysterical.   My mother-in-law promised to water her friend’s garden while she was visiting her daughter in California.  My mil is a slight woman and while she was watering the elaborate garden the neighbor’s pit bull charged.  She was so frightened she aimed the hose right in the pit bulls mouth (like a water/clown game at the fair).  She slowly backed up while doing this and broke the lock on the patio door because she tore into the house.  So, what was supposed to be a 20 minutes chore turned into a whole afternoon because she had to wait for the locksmith.  She paid for the whole lock apparatus and barely mentioned it to Nancy when she got home.  She figured she did the damage, she needs to pay.  Not exactly the same as the water spigots but you’d think the landlord would clearly mark the spigots at least or cordon off the dangerous one at best. 

And on a side note, according to my mil the more water you spray down a dog’s throat the more docile they become - or docile at least until you can get in the house.


7 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

P gets her deposit back, but the most interesting part is that P's witness explains that he and P aren't just friends, but work together. 

Wow.  I wouldn’t play Lady and Tiger for any of my co-workers. 

Is there no end to women playing the fool for some scamming creep they picked up on a dating site? Ms. Delatorre, who doesn't look like a young, naive, fragile and vulnerable girl, hooks up with Mr. Torres. According to him, they weren't even dating, but would meet in a Dunkin' Donuts or somewhere and there was no romance. They mostly communicated by text or other remote means and thus fell in love. Well, she did anyway. But oh, no - after a few weeks, electrician Mr. Torres can't pay his rent and he has KIDS! He never ASKED for the money, so naturally when Ms. Delatorre sent it to him there was no need to pay it back. She felt sorry for his kids. Sure. Then he needed more money. She sent it. When asked why she sent him money again when he hadn't repaid the first amount, Ms. Delatorre bursts into (fake)tears while wailing, "I fell in love with him!" Sniff, sob, sob. Four weeks and bunch of money sent - I understand her undying love. But sad news - Mr. Torres decides to go back with his former girlfriend ( I doubt he ever left her). OH, Ms. Delatorre! Couldn't you figure out that if you snagged a prize like the gooch-eyed, homely, blobby, broke-ass grifter, Mr. Torres, that the competition for his favours and his company at Starbucks would be fierce? Then there's a whole bunch of vile texting back and forth. Papa Mike feels sorry for P. I do not and couldn't watch any more of this stupid nonsense.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Is there no end to women playing the fool for some scamming creep they picked up on a dating site? Ms

If there were, then these shows would quickly run out of material.

That plaintiff was especially pathetic. Defendant was unrepentant parasite. Neither of them was attractive in any conceivable way, which is I suppose a sign that they were meant for each other.

  • LOL 2
48 minutes ago, Florinaldo said:

That plaintiff was especially pathetic.

I was wondering exactly when this great love she had for him bloomed. Was it over coffee at Starbuck's? When he immediately starting whining that he can't take care of himself and needed money? When she realized he would never truly be hers? I would watch the rest of it if I could be assured that JDiM would tell her, "Oh, stop crying!" Honestly, you'd think her partner of 20 years had just dumped her in the most cruel way, not that some repulsive meat-market creep she'd sort of known for a month or so and who used her as an ATM ditched her. These women make me sick. Grifting, revolting slimeballs like the D couldn't get away with what he does without the willingness of desperate women who possess not an ounce of self-respect and will pay or do anything, thinking it will lead to the altar. She probably started websurfing for engagement rings a week or so after this cinematic romance began.

As one wise JJ litigant announced, "You can't buy love. You can onny rent it."


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