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S05.E20: What Lies Beneath

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A CABIN IN THE WOODS — When Tyler turns up at the Salvatore house with the news that Markos’ plan to break the witches’ curse puts Stefan and Elena in imminent danger, Damon suggests they hide out in the remote cabin once owned by Caroline’s father. Once there, it becomes obvious to Caroline that Stefan and Elena are keeping a secret, so Damon comes up with a parlor game designed to expose the truth. A ghostly presence at the cabin uses violence and fire to make itself known. Meanwhile, Matt takes charge of Tyler’s plan to get information from one of the Travelers, and Bonnie continues to keep the truth about the Other Side from Jeremy, despite warnings from Grams.

I hate this show... I just, I have nothing. I honestly could not find one interesting thing to talk about with this episode. I spent the whole hour irritated by this whole Enzo crap and just wanting a massive building to knock him over and make him truly and sincerely dead. If the Other Side is being wiped away and people vanishing as Grams said, why the hell couldn't Enzo go vanish away like Katherine did. I don't care about Enzo, I care less about this manufactured Enzo/Damon super friendship and having an entire hour spent dealing with Stefan killing him (which he kind of didn't) and how poor hurt Damon would feel and oh Stefan and Elena are keeping a secret and just, blah, blah...omg everyone just shut the hell up.


This was all SO BAD!!! None of it makes sense anymore. And wow Plec and company, way to ruin Stefan/Caroline without it even happening. They're not even together and we already have super insecure Caroline who knows she'll always be second to precious Mary Sue-Elena. I just...I swear I hate every damn thing on this show right now except for poor Tyler who of course got screwed because who really gives a shit about him anyway, right?

Edited by truthaboutluv

That was kind of a mess. I don't know if they got new hairdressers but everyones' hair looked really good. I could not believe how hott Matt looked. Since there really was no discernible plot to speak of I was hypnotized by how pretty everyone was especially Jeremy and Matt for some odd reason. MEOW


I did kind of like the brother bonding between Stefan and Damon. I also like Enzo so I'm down with Damon trying to bring him back, but why not try to get Alaric back too, another pretty hott threesome I wouldn't mind kickin' it in MF. Damon Enzo and Alaric.


The guy playing Markos can't act. He is terrible.


Why exactly was Caroline watching the shed burn and Stefan acted like he knew why she just stood there. weird.

I did like that Stefan admitted he didn't tell Caroline about Enzo b/c he couldn't take her judgement, um yah what don't you have some self awareness about how DAMON feels when you act all judgie too.

Why is Stefan saying he killed Enzo anyway, Enzo really killed himself. Oh I  forgot martyrdom.  Okay I just think I'll go back to remembering how pretty everyone was before I give myself an aneurysm.

Nobody pointed out Lexi because it'll ruin the "poor misunderstood Damon" BS. The writers are so hard at work trying to shove the idea that everyone is so mean to poor Damon, and it's everyone else's fault that he does what he does. Let's not forget how he blamed Katherine for his whole shitty personality.

But no, really, he's such a swell guy deep inside. (Barf!). In what universe will someone feel bad for killing a crazy threatening his life over a fear that his brother will hate him cuz the creep is his friend, who said brother himself left to die once already in order to save himself?? This show is making my brain hurt so bad right now.

Bonnie and Jeremy make me feel very eecky. Can Jeremy go back to making out with ghosts? That was hot! I'm only enjoying puddin pop and Tyler's scenes.

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I swear, this show doesn't even try to make sense anymore. I feel like they just throw random words into a bowl and then pull them out and string them together to "write" each week's episode now. It's like Mad Libs except not funny or amusing.


I guess it's a good thing that Bill Forbes is dead or Caroline would have to have a George Costanza conversation with him about how the shed burned. To the ground. I find it ridiculous that in that huge fancy cabin in the middle of the woods, they didn't have a single fire extinguisher or hose. Nope, we'll just let the whole thing burn down.


I was really hoping that Damon and Stefan would both take a drink when Caroline said, "Never have I ever kissed a Salvatore brother." Missed comic opportunity, show!


I am so bored of the travelers. Between their boring plot and the endless chanting, my eyes start to glaze over.


I have mixed feelings about the Enzo situation. There were moments when he was amusing when he was alive, and in theory I don't mind someone trying to get some vengeance, but he just died last week and I already feel like this plotline is dragging. What really annoyed me was that once again, we were supposed to pretend that vampires don't have super vampire hearing so of course there's no way that Caroline or Damon would have heard Elena and Stefan talking about how they had to keep it a secret that Enzo was dead.


Caroline has become so unlikable. Her petty jealousy, first when she thought Stefan and Elena were hooking up and then later when she was mad that Stefan had THE GALL to keep a secret from her, are so annoying. Just because you are best friends doesn't mean you are entitled to know everything about your friends. You aren't entitled to know about every thought they have. It's called privacy. And boundaries. I love how she never considered the possibility that Stefan and Elena didn't tell her because she's been known to blurt out things that were supposed to be kept secret.


I didn't think it was fair for her to be so mad at Elena about keeping Enzo's death a secret. In my opinion, it wasn't Elena's secret to share with Caroline. Stefan told Elena a secret and he made it clear that it was a secret. If she had told Caroline,that would have been a betrayal of Stefan's trust.


I hated how Stefan had to soothe her by saying that he tells her things that he doesn't tell Elena. He was talking to her like she was a six year old. To be fair, she was acting like a child so I guess that was an appropriate way for him to handle her.


I did love Caroline and Damon begrudgingly teaming up to try to get Stefan and Elena to admit what was going on. And I thought it was hilarious that Caroline was so convinced that they were hooking up while Damon immediately zoned in on the fact that Elena got sketchy as soon as he mentioned Enzo. He was one of the only characters who used any brain cells this week. Of course, I still had to subtract points from him this week due to his indignation that Stefan might think Damon would go on a killing spree. You know, because that's never happened before.


Matt was pretty badass this week. Poor Tyler though. First his body gets hijacked, then his friends torture his body, and now it looks like Julian is here to stay (until Bonnie or Luke find some magical way to eject him). And sweet Jeremy, trying to make the best of his romantic weekend with Bonnie even when they were skulking around in the creepy caves looking for bodies.

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I realized today that I don't even know what is going on in this show anymore. I have a newborn and at first I just figured I've been distracted when I watch the episodes but I realized I know what's going on in the other shows I watch. Every time the previously ons come on I realize I don't remember anything from the last episode. I used to love this show. I miss it.


Nobody pointed out Lexi because it'll ruin the "poor misunderstood Damon" BS. The writers are so hard at work trying to shove the idea that everyone is so mean to poor Damon, and it's everyone else's fault that he does what he does. Let's not forget how he blamed Katherine for his whole shitty personality.


But no, really, he's such a swell guy deep inside. (Barf!). In what universe will someone feel bad for killing a crazy threatening his life over a fear that his brother will hate him cuz the creep is his friend, who said brother himself left to die once already in order to save himself?? This show is making my brain hurt so bad right now.



THIS!!! All of this. I seriously think I got a headache watching the show last night because it's all just so stupid. I sat there thinking that either the writers think all their viewers are brainless morons or they're fooled by those public panel things that get populated by a bunch of teenie fans who just want to scream about how hot Damon/Ian is and figure they don't care about things like sense. I mean nothing about this made ANY sense. 


As noted, let's ignore the glaring fact that Damon killed Lexie (and unlike Stefan with Enzo, he was not defending himself - he just did it out of spite) and as is often the case with everything with Damon, barely apologized for it but suddenly Damon can't know that Stefan while defending himself, killed Enzo because Damon might hate him for it. Okay then. Then let's ignore that this Damon and Enzo best friendship shit came out of nowhere and that Damon himself left Enzo to burn in a fire to save himself. Then let's also ignore that Stefan actually didn't kill Enzo and the tool killed himself. Then let's ignore that Enzo was torturing Stefan before he turned his humanity off and after finding out Damon is the one that killed his so called great love, instead of torturing him and killing him, he's still trying to attack Stefan and everyone else but somehow again, they can't tell the truth about his death to spare Damon's delicate feelings. 


Then out of nowhere the writers turn Caroline into a crazy harpy over Stefan and Elena - again it's like they have zero subtlety anymore with this show. Caroline has always been a busy-body who likes a good gossip so I wasn't surprised to see her knowing something was up and wanting to know what it was. But this whole Stefan and Elena must be getting it on and that's what they're lying about and anger at not being told what happened was just ridiculously over the top, all to make it glaringly obvious that Caroline is going to realize she has feelings for Stefan. And if we didn't already know the writers would never actually make them a legitimate, viable pairing in service of their crappy ass triangle no one gives a shit about, this solidified it.


First of all is the fact that they're going to make Caroline fall for Stefan, not the other way around. Two, they're not even a thing and already the insecurities are raging its head. Oh what fun... Because we all know the rule right, Elena is free to bang Damon at all turns because she's just so in love but Stefan can never actually move on and have a legitimate relationship since he has to hang around everytime the writers need to throw a bone to service the triangle that will not end. I say again, I hate this show and I hate these writers. I will say, as shrieky as they made Caroline, I was amused at Elena's great offense at Caroline daring to suggest anything could happen or be happening with her and Stefan. Because suddenly Elena has such high moral standards and she would never sleep with two brothers...oh wait

Edited by truthaboutluv

I think I'm at the point where I just hate all the characters. It's become apparent that the writers had no plan for what they would do after they got Elena together with Damon and shipped off the Originals, and the show has been declining steadily ever since.


I can't imagine even the hardcore Damon/Elena 'shippers being happy with the way their relationship has played out and how much they've had to change Elena to make it work, and Stefan has just been wandering aimlessly through random plots since they don't know what to do with him when he's not a romantic lead. They've ruined Caroline and Tyler, and poor Jeremy, Bonnie and Matt have even less to do than in seasons past. Don't even get me started on Enzo and he and Damon's magical best friendship that sprung up out of nowhere.


I just...hate what this show has become. I guess I'll try to finish the last couple episodes of this season, and then I'm out.

I can only hope that the reason spirits on the other side can now interact with this world is b/c of something Davina does on TO for Mikael. If I could at least get that kind of crossover continuity I'd be happy. I know probably too much to ask.


Out of the fucked up fuckerie that was going on I was screaming at my TV when the traveler was choking Jeremy "Bonnie pick up the damn crossbow and shoot someone!" I swear just b/c Bonnie isn't a witch anymore doesn't mean she can't do shit. Even humans would try to do something. Plus can Bonnie even be killed? Since she is the door and all and already dead. And how did that traveler hurt Jeremy when the biggest baddest traveler Silas couldn't do shit to him. ugh okay I have to stop again or as I said before anuerysm.




Out of the fucked up fuckerie that was going on I was screaming at my TV when the traveler was choking Jeremy "Bonnie pick up the damn crossbow and shoot someone!" I swear just b/c Bonnie isn't a witch anymore doesn't mean she can't do shit.

This is what happens when writers build a character around doing one thing and not much else and then take that very thing away. Bonnie is now completely useless, and why not? At this point there isn't a thing she can do anymore that every other character can't do and probably better besides. Bonnie is now basically what Elena was before she was a vampire, a useless load that only exists to have bad things happen to her for everybody else to try to fix, not actually contributing to anything herself.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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