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Season 1 Episodes Talk

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The local English-language channel where I live is airing Season 1. I watched Compulsion tonight and was stunned by how much profiling there used to be! I'd also forgotten how much I enjoy the interaction between Morgan and Elle. I usually don't like Morgan. 

Riding the Lightning gets me every single time. I also love Derailed. 

Edited by idiotwaltz
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I have a curious "relationship" with season 1. Why?

Well, the channel that shows CM here in Spain has decided that season 1 doesn't exist. They usually show two episodes from previous seasons everyday, but they never include season 1. So I had seen most of the other seasons when I finally got the DVDs and could watch it. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I've never liked Gideon or Elle that much.

There are lots of wonderful episodes in this season, most of my favourite have already been mentioned: LDSK, Derailed, Extreme Agressor, The Fisher King, ...

But I have to say that I think I prefer season 2. Topic for another thread, maybe??

Edited by senin
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first off, a general boo hiss and I hate you to Bravo Canada who last week decided to stop running my daily fix of CM at 5 pm Thanks for nothing guys! But before that, they were the same, Senin. They routinely aired seasons 8->11... The Storm was on a week ago Friday and I thought, oh cool, 'Extreme Aggressor' should be on Monday. Or at least The Silencer, given their usual start point.

uh. Nope. No CM at all, not even the Silencer. :(  I'm now getting 'Bones' on the daily feed. >:-( boo hiss!! grrrr!

time to haul out the dvds I guess (or call 'em up off the storage harddrive)


in fact, it's time for LDSK.

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12 minutes ago, idiotwaltz said:

Just watched Plain Sight, definitely not my favourite. I really enjoyed the Reid/Elle exchange about why he can't get a date. I miss Elle! 

I think S1 had the perfect amount of Garcia. Now it's too much, too loud, too colourful all the damn time. 

I am with you on missing Elle and too much Garcia, though I liked Garcia in "Green Light". She was behaving like an adult for a change. Elle is my favourite female agent on CM :-). Its hard to believe she was part of CM only for 1 full season.

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12 hours ago, ReidGirl said:

I am with you on missing Elle and too much Garcia, though I liked Garcia in "Green Light". She was behaving like an adult for a change. Elle is my favourite female agent on CM :-). Its hard to believe she was part of CM only for 1 full season.

I liked Elle, not my favorite, and was a little disappointed when the actor decided to leave.  It took me a little bit to warm up to Emily, but she did become my favorite character.  I have no problem with watching the first season in reruns.  

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2 hours ago, CrimeFan12 said:

I liked Elle, not my favorite, and was a little disappointed when the actor decided to leave.  It took me a little bit to warm up to Emily, but she did become my favorite character.  I have no problem with watching the first season in reruns.  

 I like Emily too just that I like Elle a bit more. I loved the socially awkward and geeky Emily from season 2 the best. Yup season 1 and seaaon 4 have lots of very good episodes.

I have just started rewatching season 1, on DVD (as I told you before, the channel which shows CM doesn't know that it exists).

Problem with watching on DVD?? I havethe intention of watching just one episode, and then I go on, and on and end up watching the 4 episodes in that DVD! I'm a lost case when it comes to CM.

Some comments, in not particular order:

-They all look so young!!

- Why did someone decide that Morgan had to stop wearing suits? He looked really nice in them. 

- So much profiling, so so much profiling, and analysing, and thinking... 

(more things to say, I'll be back at some point)

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1 hour ago, senin said:

-They all look so young!!

Hee, this is one of my favorite things about watching season 1, too :D. Morgan had hair! Hotch actually smiled sometimes! Reid looks so freaking tiny (though some of that is because of the baggy outfits he's wearing :p)! And so on. It's fun. I also like being able to watch them at a time when they didn't have all the crazy/tragic stuff they've been through over the course of the show weighing them down yet. 

Agreed on Morgan and his suits, too. 

I got into this show later in its run (the very first episode I ever saw was the season five finale), so I saw the first season through playing catch up, and sometimes, when I watch the pilot, I find myself wondering what I would've thought of it had I watched when it originally aired, and whether I'd have stuck around. I like to think I would have, since usually, if I'm interested enough to watch the first episode of a show, that tends to mean I'm interested enough to give it at least a few more episodes, if not the full first season. 

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On 09/08/2017 at 2:04 PM, senin said:

So much profiling, so so much profiling, and analysing, and thinking... 

This, I think, is what separates S1 from the rest of the seasons- it seems to be the only one that really stuck to profiling. Sometimes I felt it made the team look like psychics, but what made up for it is that the show did a really good job creating puzzles out of behavioural clues, and sticking to them instead of defaulting to police procedural cliches, which happened in the later years.

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I like Elle, too, a lot. I keep thinking she can still pop up if they decide to reach out to her. Not in an FBI capacity, but I always pictured her as a private detective. She loved what she was doing so much, I could never buy her stopping it entirely. She just got really messed up by what happened to her, another reason she's relateable, in my opinion.

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I would love it if the show could have Elle, or some of the past team members, return for guest spots again at some point before the show wraps things up. Or maybe they can appear in the final episode for some reason or something. Like a fun trip through the BAU history, and a chance for some nice reunions and some team members meeting each other for the first time and whatnot. 

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I think it was just her 'wrongness' of being there. A rookie from the Academy who's only qualification was that her dad was a serial killer? Ugh. Add to that the resentment at being JJ and Emily's de facto 'replacement', and she really never stood a chance. 

I'd love to see Blake and Kate again, too. And I was surprisingly touched by Morgan's return. It felt so right to see him in that room again with them.

Oh, yeah, I agree that the backstory for her wasn't that great (though I do think, in and of itself, a team member having that kind of up close and personal experience living with a serial killer could've been an interesting angle if handled and written well). And indeed, unfortunately, she came in at the worst time, which definitely didn't help. But obviously, that wasn't her fault, and I still think she did well enough with what was there for her. The way Rossi looked out for her was sweet, and she and Emily didn't work together long, but I did like the way Emily kinda took her under her wing a bit. 

I'd love to see Blake again, both 'cause I liked her and because I liked the ways she clicked with Reid and Rossi in particular. It'd be nice to know she's kept in touch with them, and perhaps the rest of the team as well. And yes to Kate and Morgan, too :). 

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On 8/11/2017 at 4:36 PM, ReidGirl said:

My main reason for loving season 1 is Elle. She is still my favourite CM female agent and her frienship with Reid is just beautiful. They are so opposite in nature but still very good friends. I used to love how Elle used to watch out for Reid and Reid trying to proect her in season 2. 

See I dislike Elle immensely.

Of course, my impression of  her is ruined by the fact that the first episode I watched with her was the one where she shot and killed Jason London, the rapist.   And then got away with it. Neither did she show any remorse.

I used to watch this show years ago, then stopped. Then recently picked up again since it was on Netflix.  I caught up on the later seasons I didn't watch previously,then decided to go back and rewatch all of it.  Everyone is so young!  Lol!  Morgan had hair!  (I didn't even remember that!).  I like Garcia better in these early eps - she was sassier.  Later she just seemed more fawning over Derek.  And man, JJ looked like Britney Spears!

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I didn't start watching Criminal minds until I saw it on Netflix around the time they were halfway through season 11.  I watched every episode and looked forward to watching season 12 in real time until I found out about the Reid storyline which made me sad for him so I decided to rewatch the series recently.

I'm on the fourth episode of season one and I am thrown by the differences from the older seasons to the newer seasons.  

I think season one is interesting in that there are many explanations, alot of talking and not alot of action which makes sense when you think about the premise of the show.  Even in the opening credits, they don't show them with guns.  They show them talking, explaining things.  Whereas in the later seasons, everyone is shown with a gun except Reid.  

Overall, I really like Elle, although I perfer Blake.  I also appreciate Gideon a little more than Rossi, although I don't know why.

One thing I noticed compared to other shows like white collar or ncis, BAU always uses last names except for the women who are called by their first names.  It kind of sets this idea that they aren't as close as they try to make them seem in the later seasons.

I also really liked the way they presented the profiles in the first season as it wasn't that awkward everyone says a sentence thing.  It's more of a conversation.

I also love that everyone is obviously appreciated in the first season, whereas in the later seasons, it doesn't always feel that way.

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Welcome to the CM forum JenJen.. Very good observations!!!

39 minutes ago, JenJenBosco said:

Overall, I really like Elle, although I perfer Blake.  I also appreciate Gideon a little more than Rossi, although I don't know why.

I aboslutely love Elle and I also like Gideon more than Rossi. Gideon was a very complex character and it added a certain kind of an intensity to the show. In earlier seasons all the characters were well defined, everyone had their strength and weaknesses. Now all of them are almost similar and too perfect.

Edited by ReidGirl
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That is exactly why I wanted to rewatch the series because things were much more well-defined in the previous seasons.  You could see the differences between the pairings, the friendships.  Now, If you weren't paying attention and all you had was a script with no names...it would be difficult to tell who said what.  

Also, Elle and Gideon both just added something that I don't think Prentiss or Rossi do.  I don't know.  It's just weird.  

Thanks for the welcome.  I've been reading the forum for a while, but I haven't posted until today.

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Welcome, JenJen.  

It's so hard to compare early to late seasons of long-running shows.  Of necessity, the early seasons spend time in character development, so we'll know who these people are and choose whether or not to become invested in them.  And, especially on a show like CM, there's a lot of exposition about the premise of the show and the process of the task (profiling) the characters are performing.

Later seasons should see more character evolution than definition, and we've gotten a little bit of that with long running characters like Reid, JJ and Morgan, but not nearly enough.  New characters should get the same kind of definition as the original characters did, way back when.  In my opinion, CM did that well with Rossi and Prentiss. But none of the other newer characters have stuck around long enough to become fully defined, and I do think the writers kind of forgot they were supposed to be doing that.  

The other thing the writers have missed out on is ongoing exposition.  Viewers of the early seasons learned about the process of profiling through Gideon's teaching and his quizzing of the other team members, as well as through the giving of the profile. We see less of all of that now, making it difficult for a new viewer to follow what's going on, unless they head to Netflix, as you did.  With a succession of newbie profilers, including JJ, there has been ample opportunity to expound on the process of profiling once again, as well as the various types of profiles.  That would service the newer viewer, and the older viewer might not mind the refresher.  Especially in the case of JJ, I think we would have enjoyed watching her go through the process, and cheer her on.  Luke could serve that purpose now.  

Edited by JMO
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Jmo,  I agree.  I feel like that would be beneficial to the show, especially because that is premise of the show.  It would also help in the sense that it would show growth in the newcomers.  I would have enjoyed season 7 more if we'd seen JJ's progression or in season 8 we'd seen Blake actually learning...every newcomer seems to just jump in and know what they're doing now.

Also, I just want the team members not to seem so interchangeable.  I feel like in the first few seasons the characters were easily seen as separate people, now, not so much.  I guess that's what I mean by definition.  

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JMO is right about comparing season 1 to season 10+. It's like expecting a long term relationship to stay the same over years and decades, ain't gonna happen. However, over time, characters emerge and change and grow, and you're right, the fans of the show want to make a journey with the characters that makes sense.

I do think they are showing growth through Luke Alvez, although I really hope they don't veer off into the Garciasphere with him. Let him grow as he has been. I'm liking his character.

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5 hours ago, normasm said:

JMO is right about comparing season 1 to season 10+. It's like expecting a long term relationship to stay the same over years and decades, ain't gonna happen. However, over time, characters emerge and change and grow, and you're right, the fans of the show want to make a journey with the characters that makes sense.

I do think they are showing growth through Luke Alvez, although I really hope they don't veer off into the Garciasphere with him. Let him grow as he has been. I'm liking his character.

Agree that the characters can not stay the same over 10 long years but as JenJen pointed out now they are interchangable. 

I also do like Luke and agree that they should stay well clear of Garvez.

Yes, exactly.  I know the characters should change and grow, but my main concern is that they are interchangeable.  

Anyway, I've watched through LDSK, and I have to say that I really like the cases.  I like funny moments amongst the serious ones...like the exchange in Broken Mirror.  I like the tidbits of information, and I am looking forward to continuing my rewatch.  Is anyone interested in rewatching with me?

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yeah LDSK is awesome... and this is one episode where I put my son on a mission. The DVD version, for some reason (and given its history, Atlantic Records probably gave CBS/ABCStudios/MarkGordon/whoever a hard time over using one of their artists, they've done it before ), uses a different song right at the end as Reid tosses that stupid whistle back at Morgan. I don't even know what it is now, but I just knew it was different from the aired on tv version. And nowhere near as relevant or effective.  I recorded LDSK off A&E about a  year ago and asked my son if there was some way to move it from the PVR to my computer because when it aired, it was back to the original version, using the song "Tears and Rain" by James Blunt at the end. HeHoo accomplished this for me (of course he did, he's an angel that way, he even cut out the commercials), so I have a lovely mp4 version of the episode with that perfectly intact and totally spot on song choice now. When i go to watch that episode, I watch THIS version, not the dvd :).

CM has a great record of using some absolutely fabulous and relevant songs in their episodes. I have an entire playlist, LOL, of "CM music" that consists of these beauties. 

LDSK features several of the things I so love about CM (besides the obvious Reid) I love when then they have one of the crime scene photos (just the setting, not so much a victim)  and someone's holding the photo and the shot dissolves into the next scene using that photo, where that photo now becomes the scene where the team is investigating. LDSK does that, I believe it's Gideon holding the photo of the park in his hand and the camera closes in on the photo, and then goes 'live' to that scene in the park where the team has assembled with the local L-E . Although they don't do the ghosting through the scene in this one per se, they do reenact the entire incident which I really enjoyed too. They employ the misdirect as well; I really thought it could've been that over the top arrogant s-o-b doctor the first time I saw this one.  Just a really, really well done episode.

.......you kick like a nine year old girl heeeheee 

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LDSK is my favorite episode of season 1, although the others in 2nd place are really close behind. It has the interesting reasoning behind the unsub, the intelligent weighing of the evidence and profiling of the crimes, Gideon being lovable and twitchy at the same time, and Reid and Hotch interacting in a way that made me so happy. Hotch was just as much Reid's mentor as Gideon, but a much more practical, real world, constructive force. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first hint we get of how strong Reid is, personality-wise. But, as Riff said, it's not all about Reid, it's an overall, strong episode.

My favorite line isn't the 9-year-old girl, it's "How do you think I found you?"

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I like when Reid hits the nether region area of that target and Hotch looks at him and goes, "Did Elle teach you that?" :D. 

6 hours ago, ReidFan said:

CM has a great record of using some absolutely fabulous and relevant songs in their episodes. I have an entire playlist, LOL, of "CM music" that consists of these beauties. 

I do, too :). Discovered quite a few good songs through this series..They've also had songs from some of my favorite bands on the show over the years, too, which is neat. 

And I'm also annoyed at the change in music on the DVD (the one it especially bugs me on is "Plain Sight", 'cause I like the songs they use to bookend that episode). I don't know how to do what your son did with the mp4 stuff, 'cause I'm not that tech savvy, but eh, I watch the reruns on ION, too, so I can always hear the songs they actually used there, too, when needed. 


LDSK features several of the things I so love about CM (besides the obvious Reid) I love when then they have one of the crime scene photos (just the setting, not so much a victim)  and someone's holding the photo and the shot dissolves into the next scene using that photo, where that photo now becomes the scene where the team is investigating. LDSK does that, I believe it's Gideon holding the photo of the park in his hand and the camera closes in on the photo, and then goes 'live' to that scene in the park where the team has assembled with the local L-E . Although they don't do the ghosting through the scene in this one per se, they do reenact the entire incident which I really enjoyed too. They employ the misdirect as well; I really thought it could've been that over the top arrogant s-o-b doctor the first time I saw this one.  Just a really, really well done episode.

Oh, god, that doctor. I loved everyone's annoyed reactions to him throughout the episode :p. And Gideon coming out after interviewing him and greeting the others with, "He has the worst narcissistic personality disorder I've ever seen."

Completely agreed on the little effects they use as well. And I like the whole discussion regarding needing to carry a gun, too. The reminder that the other tools they use are just as effective (if not more) was nice, and important. 

Edited by Annber03
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Yes, I love LDSK for all of your reasons.  Hotch and Reid throughout the entire episode were just fantastic.  Although I do think the music is always spot on...I have never looked into what songs are playing...maybe I should do that.  

Also, I love the moment that Spencer throws the Whistle back at Morgan, "You kick like a 9 year old girl" and "Did Elle teach you that?"  Especially right after Broken Mirror where Elle using her foot on his stuff to get him to tell her where Patricia is.

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18 minutes ago, JenJenBosco said:

 Although I do think the music is always spot on...I have never looked into what songs are playing...maybe I should do that.  


deviating from just this episode at this point, but yeah. Besides 'Tears and Rain' in this one:

Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones) and The Funeral (Band of Horses) from Revelations (the latter being absolutely spot on perfect for the scene)

Madness (Muse) from Broken

The Riddle (Five For Fighting) from Fisher King Pt 2

Burden (Foy Vance) from To A Better Place

and the absolute best use of a song on the show ever, Journey On (Elms District) from Red Light


I'm sure there are more, but those ones are currently driving my family nuts with the constant repetition O:-) in my house. (he shoulda never bought me a speaker for my iPhone......)

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1 minute ago, ReidFan said:

deviating from just this episode at this point, but yeah. Besides 'Tears and Rain' in this one:

Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones) and The Funeral (Band of Horses) from Revelations (the latter being absolutely spot on perfect for the scene)

Madness (Muse) from Broken

The Riddle (Five For Fighting) from Fisher King Pt 2

Burden (Foy Vance) from To A Better Place

and the absolute best use of a song on the show ever, Journey On (Elms District) from Red Light


I'm sure there are more, but those ones are currently driving my family nuts with the constant repetition O:-) in my house. (he shoulda never bought me a speaker for my iPhone......)

Thank you.  I'll have to listen to them, and listen for other good songs.

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