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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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Apparently the TMZ cameras caught some drama after Wendy's appearance at her sons graduation.  She was stranded outside a restaurant by her caregivers without her mobility scooter.  She was heard yelling "if you want to make money off me, you better do what I ask!" after her scooter went MIA and her team had wandered away and left Wendy alone.

The full story here.

Edited by patty1h
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I read through the article once, rather quickly, so I could have missed something but it seemed like Wendy requested her scooter to be taken away from her because she wanted to WALK out of the restaurant.

So her "friends" (?) did just that only to get scolded by Wendy.  She still appears a bit mentally off but good for her that she's better.

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   Of course there are many things that can be read about Wendy on gossip sites etc. One is that her guardian Sabrina is claiming that she is mentally unstable and in need of a facility such as the one she has been signed into. Other people’s thoughts have her as being held against her will, as Wendy is saying, that she is fine and being kept as a prisoner who is no longer in control of her money or her circumstances. I have even seen items that say Sabrina has been enabling her by giving her a liter of vodka every day. 
  It bothers me that she states she is being given medications and nobody will tell her what they are or what they are for. I understand why she is complying as far as taking them. They are probably less strong than some kind of injectable anti-psychotic given to patients that are “noncompliant” and sometimes these drugs are long lasting. Like a drug called Prolixin commonly used for schizophrenia. 
    Boo on her no longer having any agency on her phone. She should be allowed to talk to whoever whenever. Keeping up with her friends keeps her oriented and gives her a place to vent her frustration. 
    I’m sad she has no control over being able to see her Dad for his 94th birthday. She has always seemed close to her parents. 
    This whole thing kind of pisses me off. I don’t know who or what to believe. I have watched that movie I Care A Lot  which adds to my suspicion. They say where there’s smoke there’s fire and I’ve just seen too much about this Sabrina woman cast in a negative light. 
   Wherever the truth lies I just hope Wendy is allowed to enjoy her life. If she is of sound mind I’d like her to be able to enjoy her money as well. After all she earned it. I don’t know that anyone can be trusted to be her conservator. 
    Thanks for the links @NowVoyager It was interesting and sad. 

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Here's The Breakfast Club interview:


Wendy says she's in a facility with much older people. She gets 7 pills a day & she doesn't know what they are. A lady in the Breakfast Club studio (I didn't catch her name) went to visit Wendy & was refused admittance; she was on the phone with Wendy, while standing in the lobby & the people said "There's no Wendy here." Wendy's niece Alex was on the phone, too. Wendy feels like she's in prison. She doesn't have the freedom to go out & buy so much as a hair brush--- the guardian had someone go get it & it wasn't the one she wanted; or they won't buy her the bottled water she likes; simple pleasures like that. Wendy worries Sabrina Morrissey won't give her permission to visit her father for his 94th birthday or that she will take her phone. She starts crying. The crew tries to cheer her up by reminding her of the old days. Wendy says "Diddy Done!" & everybody cracks up.


Edited by NowVoyager
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Harvey Levin of TMZ talked with Wendy on the phone for 90 minutes. The conversation was off the record. Some of the things she was reluctant to say on the radio, she said to Harvey. He has come out in full support of her being released.

Wendy Williams Conversation With Harvey Levin Raises Guardianship Questions https://www.tmz.com/2025/01/17/wendy-williams-phone-conversation-raises-questions-guardianship/


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I still don't understand the whole "legal guardianship" protocol. And we still don't know the truth of why she was considered incompetent. If it was alcoholism (and maybe some other drugs) and she went to numerous rehab facilities, I'm not clear on whether she successfully finished any of them.

Maybe the alcohol caused her dementia? Do people her age recover from dementia with the right drugs? If WW seems lucid and behaves like the Wendy we used to know (and liked) then why is she still under guardianship? I don't read every news reports about her so maybe I missed a lot.

I hope she gets her life back. And whatever is left of her money

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9 hours ago, KWalkerInc said:

TMZ has a new special titled "Saving Wendy" that I believe is centered around Harvey Levin's interviews with her.  It is airing on Tubi.

Thank you. I have the Tubi app & it's free.

Harvey Levin of TMZ & famed attorney Mark Geragos spoke with Wendy & an assistant. This is in addition to the "Saving Wendy" Tubi special. It was interesting to get their legal advice.




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On a gossip site I visit every once in a while, the writer says that Britney Spears is on the bandwagon to get Wendy released from her guardianship.  Britney has sympathy because she was in a similar situation for years - she was put under conservatorship by her father due to her alleged mental illness(es). 

Many folks felt that Britney got a raw deal and rallied for her to get out of that situation and I'm pretty sure I read that she was released in the last year or so.  Maybe her voice/input will help Wendy and her family get out of this mess.

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On 2/12/2025 at 5:18 AM, KWalkerInc said:

TMZ has a new special titled "Saving Wendy" that I believe is centered around Harvey Levin's interviews with her.  It is airing on Tubi.

So, I watched it on Tubi. It was free with a few short ad breaks. The way she is being kept is in some ways worse than prison. This whole thing got started when Kevin Jr. overspent and raised the alarm at Wells Fargo. Court records show that the judge made note of Wendy saying: "do you know what I mean?" repeatedly and said that was evidence of her dementia. They showed several clips of her on her show over the years saying "do you know what I'm saying" as her standard placeholder in conversation. Wendy is clearly in a better state today than she was in the Lifetime documentary, so the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia makes no sense as it is a progressive disease. She was filmed from outside the facility because she is not permitted visitors; she was on the phone & they showed her standing at her window. At one point she started crying. She said, "Can you see me crying? It'll make me look...." Harvey said, "Wendy, it would be weird if you didn't cry."



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2 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Court records show that the judge made note of Wendy saying: "do you know what I mean?" repeatedly and said that was evidence of her dementia

I know way too many people (of all ages) who end their statements with "do you know what I mean?" None of them have dementia.

What they DO have is an extremely annoying habit of constantly saying "do you know what I mean?" 

I'd love to know how much of Wendy's money her kid spent and what he spent it on. I'm sure he'll deny it or say he spent it on his mom for her care. He has IMO, an air of entitlement about him. Not surprising with a mother who spoiled him and a father who has no respect for Wendy.


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14 hours ago, Jst2Wld said:

I know way too many people (of all ages) who end their statements with "do you know what I mean?" None of them have dementia.

What they DO have is an extremely annoying habit of constantly saying "do you know what I mean?" 

I'd love to know how much of Wendy's money her kid spent and what he spent it on. I'm sure he'll deny it or say he spent it on his mom for her care. He has IMO, an air of entitlement about him. Not surprising with a mother who spoiled him and a father who has no respect for Wendy.


I agree. It is very common for folks to have placeholders in casual conversation. Similar to young folks that say "like," a lot. It is annoying. It is bad grammar. It is a lazy conversational tick. It is NOT justification to lock Wendy in a room with a bed, a closet & a bathroom for 8 months. She said she had only tasted fresh air twice in the last month because she had dental appointments. She cannot receive visitors; she cannot receive phone calls, she can only call out. She is under lock & key to leave her room even for meals. Her requests to go to the gym have been ignored. 

There was a lady, I forget her role, who said Wendy was not permanently incapacitated because: Wendy knows what day it is, what time is; can easily hold conversation; she can easily tell you if she is, say, hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, happy, mad, etc. Wendy can feed herself, bathe herself, dress herself, etc. The facility she is in is clearly wrong & WAY, WAY, WAY too restrictive for her mental health needs!!!

Something about lil Kev spending $100,000 on Uber eats--- that is $275 per day every day for a year!!!--- something about a boat for his birthday; he was authorized to spend $1500 but spent $115,000!--- something about a woman attempting to impersonate Wendy; something about private jets; something about a $1 million apartment for him in Miami------ it raised Red Flags for Wells Fargo.

Meanwhile, at the time, she was abusing alcohol & not in her right state of mind. She threw money at him for not being a good mother due to her alcoholism. She did not own up to that.



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So Kev Jr has a B of A in Economics. Here's (for what it's worth from a quick search) the top ten jobs for people with Economics degrees (none of which I can envision Lil' Kev pursuing. Except "Controller")

"Here are the top 10 jobs you can land with your degree in economics:

Certified Financial Planner

Data Scientist

Financial Analyst

Investment Fund Manager



Urban Planner



Market Research Analyst"

I'm not surprised however, at the extravagant crap he spent on Wendy's money. The kid probably included his dad in all of the "gifts" from mom.

I hope Wendy wakes up and tells her kid to go make his own money. 



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Podcaster Kendall Rae posted an episode covering the TMZ story about Wendy being put in the "memory wing" of the facility she's being housed in. Kendall usually covers true crime stuff - this is her 2nd channel where she sits with friends and they just chat. 

Note: the first 1hour 15min is the four hosts having "girl talk".  Scroll midway for the Wendy talk - they spend about 40 minutes discussing her.

Link to Youtube is here


Edited by patty1h
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We all know the stories about Kevin Jr. living the good life with Wendy's money (Uber eats, parties, etc.) and Wendy renting a nice apartment for him in Miami.  In the last couple weeks, I've seen stories that it was Kevin stealing from his mothers Wells Fargo account and that's why they froze everything due to unusual activity.  I never heard these accusations before - I know that bank locked her out but the part about Kevin being the culprit... most clues pointed to one of those leeches who were "taking care of her".  Is this Kevin stuff old news and I somehow missed it?

The gossip also said that when Wendy was confined to a facility and his funds were running low, Kevin got greedy and had "a middle aged woman" call in to Wells Fargo pretending to be Wendy and giving him access to her accounts.  Now that Wendy has been showing signs of better cognition, she has been telling people her son is a thief.  If its true, Kevin is a shitty son who used his mothers condition to embezzle from her.

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Wendy fired her attorney. I believe it was $20,000 from her Go Fund Me to retain them down the drain. Hopefully she finds better representation soon. The hero is her advocate Gina, who I think appeared on the TMZ documentary. Wendy admits she got drunk one day, one time in the top floor restaurant of her retirement home. She says it seemed like a party with lobster and shrimp and she had martinis. It seems like an extreme overreaction to have her moved to the lock down memory floor after a one time thing. Couldn't the staff have simply been advised to limit her drinks? (Although I don't think she should be drinking at all.) The facility has a significant financial benefit from doing so, $18,000 additional per month! An additional $18,000 per month from Wendy, meanwhile they are not really doing anything for her: she can feed herself, dress herself, bathe herself. They come in and clean a little bit, drop off sundry items and 3 meals a day, but that's all standard. The Breakfast Club radio show says Wendy has carte blanche to call in once per week. Wendy complained about the food. Her mouth was watering for a good deli sandwich and soul food. The Breakfast Club said they were going to send her some food and Gina was going to help facilitate delivery.




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On 2/25/2025 at 9:39 PM, patty1h said:

We all know the stories about Kevin Jr. living the good life with Wendy's money (Uber eats, parties, etc.) and Wendy renting a nice apartment for him in Miami.  In the last couple weeks, I've seen stories that it was Kevin stealing from his mothers Wells Fargo account and that's why they froze everything due to unusual activity.  I never heard these accusations before - I know that bank locked her out but the part about Kevin being the culprit... most clues pointed to one of those leeches who were "taking care of her".  Is this Kevin stuff old news and I somehow missed it?

The gossip also said that when Wendy was confined to a facility and his funds were running low, Kevin got greedy and had "a middle aged woman" call in to Wells Fargo pretending to be Wendy and giving him access to her accounts.  Now that Wendy has been showing signs of better cognition, she has been telling people her son is a thief.  If its true, Kevin is a shitty son who used his mothers condition to embezzle from her.



I'm quite sure I mentioned the Kevin Jr. rumors here, ~around the release of the Lifetime documentary. It was a soft launch by the media, word on the street. Nobody wanted to throw Kevin Jr. under the bus. He's a young man who's alcoholic mother threw money at him in lieu of parenting. He has his own trauma. He overstepped and accidentally set off this whole guardianship.


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I’m very happy to see that Wendy did make it to Florida to see her father for his birthday. I think I’m just glad to see her out, but not look out of it.

I was surprised to see that Suzanne is on the #FreeWendy train. I would have thought she would have stepped up long ago when a lot of this began. 

5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was surprised to see that Suzanne is on the #FreeWendy train. I would have thought she would have stepped up long ago when a lot of this began. 

Maybe nobody asked her back then? I'm not sure, but I don't think I've ever seen any comments/thoughts from other people who worked for her. Like Norman or Wendy's wig stylist. 

I still don't know what to think or believe about this whole WW debacle. But I do like coming here to read the updates!

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21 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was surprised to see that Suzanne is on the #FreeWendy train. I would have thought she would have stepped up long ago when a lot of this began. 

Wasn't there a time when Suzanne and Wendy had a falling out? Or maybe it was just a tense disagreement? Maybe as time has passed, Suzanne has softened to the idea of making amends?

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