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Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure - General Discussion

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First official episode aired last night! LOL at Eugene's inability to keep a secret.

I know Cassandra kind of comes off as a bit nasty when it comes to Eugene, but to be fair he is a former thief. I'm kind of surprised that Rapunzel's parents are a bit more accepting of him given his reputation but that's refreshing. Also refreshing is that their are trying to show both sides of Frederic's overprotectivenrss over Rapunzel. I don't blame him for being that way; it's clear that he still holds a lot of guilt over her being kidnapped and losing the first 18 years of her life because of it. That one scene of him grieving in the movie was heartbreaking. So yeah, he is wrong for keeping her cooped up, but you can see he is trying.

I love the theme song!

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On 3/25/2017 at 6:17 PM, Mitch94 said:

I'm calling that Cassandra is Mother Gothel calling it now on sat march 25 2017 at 6:16 pm

In Tangled: Before After, I didn't get that vibe. I thought she was just supposed to be a spunky sidekick to Rapunzel, but I could see that perhaps happening after the first episode of the series. Her mistrust of Eugene, even if he was a thief and can't keep a secret, seemed to hint that perhaps she's not so good. Plus, with those rocks and Rapunzel's hair growing back because of them, I expect that we'll see Mother Gothel this season.

23 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

If that happens, I will be pissed. Rapunzel can't have one female friend without having her be evil?

I wish it could be another female friend. Cassandra sucks! For all her talk of not trusting Eugene, wasn't she the one who took Rapunzel to the rocks and nearly got her killed by taking her to that scientist guy? I'd take Lady Caine as a friend to Rapunzel over her!

I don't think Cassandra is Mother Gothel, but they have similar features so maybe she's her daughter? (Or, depending on how old Mother Gothel is, a great, great, great grandchild.)

I like how this show is staying true to the source material. The wizard kid falling in love with the Flynn Rider books was a nice touch.

Also, yay for portraying a cute, fun, supportive, and happy boyfriend/girlfriend relationship!

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Tonight's episode had the voice of Bing Bong (sniffle) as the voice of Uncle Monty/the guy that booed Rapunzel! Also had a valuable lesson that not everyone has to like you, though Monty hating Raps for her free spirit does come off as silly. Ah well, that's life.

As much as we all love Eugene, I don't mind that Cassandra doesn't like him. Like stated above, not everyone is going to like you. Besides, it's not like she's trying to actively sabatoge their romance. If she did, then I'd be inclined to think she's evil. For now, it's just the typical snobby attitude of a former thief.

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The problem is that Eugene was willing to *die* for Rapunzel before Cassandra was even on the scene, so when she tries to intimate to Rapunzel that she shouldn't trust him, my reaction is "Who even are you and why should we care about your opinion?" It would be one thing if the script actually called her out on it and Rapunzel pointed out the *almost dying*, but instead it's treated as if it's funny that she gets to do mean things like sit Eugene at the kiddie table, and it's not.

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4 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

The problem is that Eugene was willing to *die* for Rapunzel before Cassandra was even on the scene, so when she tries to intimate to Rapunzel that she shouldn't trust him, my reaction is "Who even are you and why should we care about your opinion?" It would be one thing if the script actually called her out on it and Rapunzel pointed out the *almost dying*, but instead it's treated as if it's funny that she gets to do mean things like sit Eugene at the kiddie table, and it's not.


My issue with Cassandra is that she somehow became Rapunzel's best friend entirely offscreen somewhere after the end of the original movie and before the beginning of this series. We have no clue who her character is, but we're just supposed to trust that she's already super close with Rapunzel and gave her a nickname and gets to split 50/50 screentime with Eugene? It's a lot to handle for a brand new character right off the bat. I'd prefer if we saw Rapunzel and Cassandra's friendship grow naturally like what we saw with Rapunzel and Eugene in the movie, but now it's like the show is saying, "Rapunzel and Cassandra are already best friends. Deal with it."

I'm impressed with some of the deep messages this show is teaching children. In the episode with the kid wizard, his whole underground system causing earthquakes seemed to be a cautionary tale about the dangers of fracking, and the gopher episode teaches kids that not everybody is going to like you. That's a hard lesson to learn and not many adults can accept the fact that not everyone will like them. However, I'm kind of curious how some kids might take that final scene of Rapunzel booing the guy who didn't like her. I could see a kid misinterpreting that and booing another kid in class they don't get along with.


Monty hating Raps for her free spirit does come off as silly.

I saw it as a subtle reflection on generational or political clashes. Monty is an older guy set in his ways and doesn't want things to change; Rapunzel is the young and progressive free spirit who doesn't mind trying new things. Monty hating her just because that's what she represents reminds me of why we have such a huge divide in the US between conservatives and progressives.

I think I may be way overthinking a kid's show...

Edited by Curio
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Loved tonight's episode! Anything with Eugene is gonna be gold.

Looks like they're giving him and the captain of the guard aka Cassandra's dad a Aladdin/Rasoul dynamic. But hey, Cassandra was actually semi nice to Eugene by helping him ace the exam. It was probably to spite her dad. Still, progress.

Aww at Rapunzel doing her own portrait with her mom.

I really wanted to like this show, as I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. The episodes thus far had been decent if not great, and there seemed to be some interesting character dynamics being developed even if I didn't care much for the animation style. Last week's episode in particular seemed to have things pointing in a positive direction...but seriously, tonight's episode might just have killed the series for me. This was way too soon to do a Cassandra character piece -- we don't know her well enough to make it impactful, and the way she treated Rapunzel made her seem like a jerk (a line to which she was already treading close in previous episodes). Meanwhile, Rapunzel herself comes off as a huge Mary Sue by being better than the best people in this competition, to the point of beating all of them in the final even WITHOUT her frying pan. Gah...SO frustrating...but then I guess that's par for the course for Disney Channel shows over the past few years. Ah, well.

I love how oblivious and happy Rapunzel was at the idea of spending time with her friend, it's just too bad it has to be that friend. I actually thought it was hilarious how Rapunzel beat everyone without even giving a shit, mostly because it annoyed Cassandra. Cassandra can go kick rocks for how obnoxious she was. Perhaps she could have told Rapunzel how important this stupid competition was to her instead of all the passive aggressive nonsense? Not to mention ensuring Rapunzel's weapon of choice was left behind, potentially leaving her defenseless. So why does she dislike Eugene again?

Taking off my president of the Cassandra Sucks club badge for the moment, Eugene and Pascal were adorable. I wish this show were Eugene and Rapunzel on adventures with Pascal and Maximus.

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Didn't think I would like the animation style, but it works! They've captured the same tone and personalities of the characters from the movie. And I like that the city of Corona and the surrounding universe are being expanded on.

My one nitpick: Cassandra. I don't hate her, but I came into this thinking it was going to be a duet, instead it's a trio. She's a bit one-note, too.

I know it's only been a few episodes, but I want to see more of the King and Queen.

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Tonight's episode was better than last week. Surprised that the two bad guys from the movie returned.

I don't blame Rapunzel for getting sick of Eugene and Cassandra's fighting. It's not fun being in the middle of bickering. Just ask Harry Potter.

Wish Frederick and Ariana would have more than just one appearance per episode.

Cassandra is adopted?! Oh boy. Those that speculated she is Gothel's daughter might be right...

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On 4/21/2017 at 6:57 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Cassandra is adopted?! Oh boy. Those that speculated she is Gothel's daughter might be right...

I thought that since they brought up her not knowing who her birth parents are in the same conversation in which Eugene talks about hoping his parents would have come back for him, they were possibly setting it up for Eugene and Cassandra to find out they were brother and sister, which would probably irk both of them.

On 4/16/2017 at 11:49 PM, Trini said:

My one nitpick: Cassandra. I don't hate her, but I came into this thinking it was going to be a duet, instead it's a trio. She's a bit one-note, too.

To some extent, it is a duet, but it's Rapunzel and Cassandra, with occasional comic relief by Eugene.

Basically, this:

On 4/2/2017 at 9:39 PM, Curio said:

My issue with Cassandra is that she somehow became Rapunzel's best friend entirely offscreen somewhere after the end of the original movie and before the beginning of this series. We have no clue who her character is, but we're just supposed to trust that she's already super close with Rapunzel and gave her a nickname and gets to split 50/50 screentime with Eugene?

It's kind of coming across like femslash Mary Sue fanfic: we have the original character inserted into the existing narrative, she's instant best friends with the main character, she's good at everything, being the proper lady-in-waiting who can sneer at Eugene's lack of social graces but also a super ninja warrior good at all weapons. Meanwhile, the canon boyfriend gets dumbed down and shown as a shallow jerk and generally sidelined while our Mary Sue develops such a tight bond with the main character.

It's not so much the downgrading of Eugene to supporting player while most of the stories focus on Rapunzel and Cassandra's friendship that I mind so much as I feel like they've undone all of his character development from the movie. He's more like he was at the beginning of the movie. During the movie, he gained a lot more sincerity, dropped the "Flynn Rider" act and really seemed to wise up. Now he's back to being a glib con man who doesn't really do anything and fails at what he tries to do. And now Rapunzel is just as close with someone she had to have met after the events of the movie, so she's known Eugene longer, and the guy was willing to die for her, but now he's treated like a third wheel and an ongoing irritant.

Still, it's a cute show, and I imagine I'm not the target audience. They're targeting tween and pre-tween girls, and for them, the positive models of female friendship are probably more important to show than the serious romance.

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Loved this episode! Especially since we had Broadway's Genie, James Monroe Inglehart as Strongbow. Hope he comes back!

Favorite part of the episode was definitely Eugene trying to cut off Lance recounting his little fling with those twins, only for her to just brush it off. "Oh, relax, I may have grown up in a tower, but I'm not that naive." Nice to see them break a trope of a girlfriend getting jealous over something that happened before they ever met.

We got some backstory on Eugene. So not only did he steal from the queen, he kind of hit on her too?! Gross. But again, it was before he and Rapunzel never met. Also cool of her to keep it secret from the king.

Unforunately that's the last new episode we are getting til June (at least). Stupid Disney scheduling...

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I was about ready to give up on this show after the last two Cassandra-heavy episodes, but I'm glad I held on for one more episode. I tried to warm up to Cassandra, but I just can't. I did not sign up for the Rapunzel/Eugene/Cassandra show, I signed up for a continuation of Rapunzel/Eugene adventures. I feel like the writers have been trying to deconstruct Eugene into a more one-dimensional character with a lower IQ than his movie counterpart as a foil for Cassandra, but this Strongbow episode was a huge improvement. (I forget what he said, but it was somewhere in that argument with Cassandra last episode where she accused Eugene of always talking about himself, and he replied that it was because he's just more interesting than her. Too true. Interesting characters make for better episodes.)

This entire episode felt very cinematic and more mature than the past few. The only downside is that the episode felt a little too short and the ending was too rushed. I also enjoyed the artistic risk they took with the night robbery scene where you could only see the silhouettes occasionally in the windows.

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The one thing that bothered me about the latest episode was that the flashback was eight years ago, and Eugene didn't look any younger. He already had the goatee. But wasn't Rapunzel turning 18 in the movie? So even if he matured early and was already shaving by 14 or so (and he really didn't look like he was supposed to have been 14 in the flashback -- he seemed to be more or less an adult, so I'd say he had to be 16 at the earliest, though it is hard to tell with a cartoon), that makes him well into his 20s. I had the impression that they were more or less peers, maybe a year or two apart, but this makes it look like there's a much bigger age gap.

51 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

The one thing that bothered me about the latest episode was that the flashback was eight years ago, and Eugene didn't look any younger. He already had the goatee. But wasn't Rapunzel turning 18 in the movie? So even if he matured early and was already shaving by 14 or so (and he really didn't look like he was supposed to have been 14 in the flashback -- he seemed to be more or less an adult, so I'd say he had to be 16 at the earliest, though it is hard to tell with a cartoon), that makes him well into his 20s. I had the impression that they were more or less peers, maybe a year or two apart, but this makes it look like there's a much bigger age gap.

Yeah, for how close they pay attention to other plot details, I'm surprised they didn't get rid of the goatee. It seems like a simple enough change. I'm not a professional animator, but maybe it was a fast turnaround project and they forgot to take the facial hair off for that scene, and by the time they realized the continuity mistake, they said screw it. I could also realistically see a 4 or 5 year age gap between Rapunzel and Eugene.

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On 4/25/2017 at 4:31 PM, Shanna Marie said:

It's not so much the downgrading of Eugene to supporting player while most of the stories focus on Rapunzel and Cassandra's friendship that I mind

Is this really true?  The pilot movie and first episode focused just as much on Rapunzel/Eugene as Rapunzel/Cassandra, the second episode kept Rapunzel with Uncle Monty for the most part while Eugene and Cassandra were stuck on the sidelines together, the third episode again kept Rapunzel separate from both of them and focused more on her with her mother, the fifth episode was all about Eugene and Cassandra, and the sixth episode was a Rapunzel/Eugene one.  Only the fourth episode was about Rapunzel and Cassandra's friendship with Eugene on the sidelines.  So I think this is a problem that is becoming over-exaggerated around here.  Is Rapunzel just not allowed to share episodes with anyone but Eugene?  That doesn't really make any sense to me, since now that she's out of her tower and back the Princess of her kingdom, it's realistic that she'd want to meet and develop bonds with more people besides just her boyfriend.  Ditto for Eugene, since he's not a wanted thief anymore and free to mingle with others more.

Edited by Inquirer
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16 hours ago, Inquirer said:

Is Rapunzel just not allowed to share episodes with anyone but Eugene? That doesn't really make any sense to me, since now that she's out of her tower and back the Princess of her kingdom, it's realistic that she'd want to meet and develop bonds with more people besides just her boyfriend. Ditto for Eugene, since he's not a wanted thief anymore and free to mingle with others more.


It's not so much that, but the sheer amount of screen time Cassandra is getting compared to the rest of the side characters that bothers me. Of course it would get boring if Rapunzel only interacted with Eugene, and that's why it's nice to have side adventures like the Uncle Monty episode, the Strongbow episode, or the kid wizard episode. Those brief interactions are a nice change of pace, but those side characters also don't take over the show. What's annoying to me is how prominent Cassandra is, even though she wasn't even in the main movie or the wedding short. If she was given the same amount of screen time as Rapunzel's parents, Maximus, or Pascal, then I'd be totally fine with her, but forcing the series to become a trio completely changes the dynamic. The only successful example I can think of off the top of my head where a brand new character was added to an already beloved duo is Castiel on Supernatural.

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I get that, I have my problems with Cassandra as well (namely that she isn't a very good friend to Rapunzel), I just don't think the claims that this is somehow becoming the Rapunzel/Cassandra show while Eugene gets shafted as comic relief are actually true, since there's only been one episode where that happened so far ("Challenge of the Brave", which admittedly is the weakest episode to date.)  He and Cassandra were shafted as comic relief in "Rapunzel's Enemy", and he was a main focus in "What the Hair", "Fitzherbert P.I", "Eugene v. Cassandra" and "The Return of Strongbow".

Edited by Inquirer

I think part of my issue isn't so much story focus as it is screen time and Cassandra's role. She's a new character who's being treated like she was always an important character all along, so that Rapunzel trusts her fully and considers her a close friend, and I do feel like we get more scenes of Cassandra and Rapunzel together than we do of Rapunzel and Eugene, and definitely more than we do of Rapunzel and her parents, which should be a huge relationship right now. It wouldn't have been so bad if she'd been introduced to Rapunzel on screen, where we saw Rapunzel getting a lady in waiting, getting used to that concept, and gradually becoming friends with Cassandra and coming to trust her, and meanwhile we had a reason why Cassandra and Eugene clashed. But Cassandra was introduced as someone who was already tight with Rapunzel and hating Eugene, even though she was a totally new character to us. We don't know why Rapunzel's friends with her, other than that Rapunzel is friends with everyone, we don't know why Cassandra cares all that much about being friends with Rapunzel beyond it being her job, and we don't know why Cassandra and Eugene hate each other. It's getting almost Dawn-like (a la Buffy), where there's this new character and all the existing characters are acting like she's been there all along and like she's really important.

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The show is BACK!  And not a moment too soon!

I freaking loved this episode because it had Eugene and Frederic bonding.  It was so refreshing to see that Frederic has a sense of humor underneath that gruff exterior.  And while he isn't exactly sold on Eugene and Rapunzel as a couple, he does appreciate Eugene since he was the one that helped find his daughter.

And on a bonus we get Rapunzel learning how to prank someone.  "Rapunzeled" is the new "punk'd."  Hee.

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8 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

And while he isn't exactly sold on Eugene and Rapunzel as a couple, he does appreciate Eugene since he was the one that helped find his daughter.

It also seems like it's not Eugene himself that he's not sold on when it comes to Rapunzel being with him, it's anyone with Rapunzel as a couple.  Think about it, he never got to raise Rapunzel and just recently got her back.   He still sees her as his little girl, even though she's legally an adult.  The idea of her already hooking up and getting married to someone when he's barely gotten time to adjust to having her back and time to accept that she is all grown up must be tough.  I really sympathize with him, moreso than I do Cassandra anyway (though Cassandra was pretty decent this episode.)

Edited by Inquirer
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Last week's episode of the inventing fair was good. Glad they haven't forgotten the storyline of the magical spikes. I wonder when we're going to get answers on that.

Tonught: Cassandra gets a "boyfriend" and Rapunzel tries to double date with them and Eugene. Amusing so far. LOL at Eugene getting jealous over Raps finding Andrew handsome. 

Totally knew all along Andrew was a spy, but the twist that Cass knew the whole time and was playing him was unexpected. I know most people don't like Cass, but that was awesome.

Loved the sight gag of Pascal playing the guitar over the candlelit dinner. I wish we had more Max though.

Edited by Spartan Girl

The earlier fears and complaints about Rapunzel and Cassandra overshadowing Eugene seem to have been off...I actually think Cassandra and Eugene have been overshadowing Rapunzel!  It's a big problem I have with the show right now...Rapunzel has been made a second-stringer in her own show, relegated to zany B-plots while Cassandra and/or Eugene receive the main focus of the episode.  

Here's the focus per episode:

1. What the Hair? - Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra
2. Rapunzel's Enemy - Rapunzel
3. Fitzherbert P.I = Eugene
4. Challenge of the Brave = Cassandra and Rapunzel
5. Cassandra v. Eugene = Eugene and Cassandra
6. The Return of Strongbow = Eugene
7. In Like Flynn = Eugene
8. Great Expotations = Cassandra
9. Under Raps = Cassandra

I really could use more actual Rapunzel-focused episodes on this show, because it's beginning to feel like false advertising. 

Edited by Inquirer

Everytime I watch this show I just want to duplicate cutesy Pascal for myself. He was hilarious during the dinner date episode 

On 8/8/2017 at 3:18 PM, Inquirer said:

The earlier fears and complaints about Rapunzel and Cassandra overshadowing Eugene seem to have been off...I actually think Cassandra and Eugene have been overshadowing Rapunzel!  It's a big problem I have with the show right now...Rapunzel has been made a second-stringer in her own show, relegated to zany B-plots while Cassandra and/or Eugene receive the main focus of the episode.  

Here's the focus per episode:

1. What the Hair? - Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra
2. Rapunzel's Enemy - Rapunzel
3. Fitzherbert P.I = Eugene
4. Challenge of the Brave = Cassandra and Rapunzel
5. Cassandra v. Eugene = Eugene and Cassandra
6. The Return of Strongbow = Eugene
7. In Like Flynn = Eugene
8. Great Expotations = Cassandra
9. Under Raps = Cassandra

I really could use more actual Rapunzel-focused episodes on this show, because it's beginning to feel like false advertising. 

I agree. I really like the show. However, I do wish Raps had more of a mainstay almost every episode.

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I didn't know when new episodes were coming back, so I missed the first two newest ones; and I'm one of those that likes to watch in order, so I didn't get to catch up until recently. Still haven't watched the last two, though.

"In Like Flynn" - There isn't enough of Rapunzel's parents for my taste, so I liked King Frederic being a part of the main action in this one. Also liked seeing another kingdom.

"Great Expotations" - Still meh on Cassandra, but I did like this one, and the young scientist back with a crush on Cass was a cute twist. Poor Rap inventing stuff already invented. I wonder if the flashy woman scientist will show up again, though?

"Under Raps" - Another Cassandra-centric episode (2 in a row!), but it was fun to have another handsome rogue for a little bit. Interesting that there's part of the kingdom that wants to rebel/separate - not all is happy in Corona! Knew something would be up with "Andrew" but didn't predict that Cass would be playing along. And yeah, Rapunzel could use a lesson in boundaries. I didn't recognize the voice for "Andrew" (Dean Winters!), but I figured he had to someone famous.

Edited by Trini
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"One Angry Princess" - Yay! A Rapunzel-centric story!  And I guess a Ruffians story, too. Anyway, exile for vandalism seems kinda harsh. But it looks like Shorty and the goat escaped any consequences. Old Lady Crowley cameo was fun.

"Pascal's Story" - Well, my reactions were basically a series of both sad and happy "awww"s. I did like seeing things from Pascal's perspective, and all the callbacks to the movie. It looks like they got the same artist to do the end tag with the song.

My own idea for about Pascal was that Gothel got him from some traveling merchant to help entertain young Rapunzel -- way to think up something WAY more tragic, Disney.

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I was surprised it was 2 girls; I thought one was a boy from the previews. It was fun to see Lance again; and I guess he'll be sticking around if he's going to be working at the Snuggly Duckling.

Looks like that fued with The Baron(?) will be something they can pull from later.

On 10/1/2017 at 8:32 PM, Spartan Girl said:

though I wish we learned their real names.

Yeah, did the credits give them names? I'd hate to have to keep calling them 'Red' and 'Angry'.

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Tonight was a Halloween episode, complete with a new Alan Menken song!

Man, this was the first one that was completely Rapunzel centered, without Eugene or Cassandra! It was kind of refreshing.

Poor Frederic. I don't blame him for being overprotective after what Gothel did. It's really hard for him to let his daughter live her own life and go out the palace walls when he's just gotten her back. But I wish he could see that Raps can take care of herself.

The captain of the guard really is a buzzkill. No wonder Cassandra is the way she is.

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