lulu1960 March 2, 2020 Share March 2, 2020 15, 22, 38 Link to comment
Kohola3 March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 9, 36, 38 Link to comment
junienmomo March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 9, 10, 38 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 9, 10, 38 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 9 - Heh. 10 - Why anyone trusts Kirk to do anything of importance is beyond me, LOL. I do love him though. 38 - I think I've commented this before when we had one of these scenes in a game, but Taylor's toupee really wouldn't have looked bad if they had just color matched it. You can't stick a black wig on top of a gray head and not have it look like a joke. Still three. Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 2. Michel (unbelievably) participates in the Great CD Drop, and ends up running around town square for an hour because Lorelai forgot to tell him the time changed. "My cardiologist will be thrilled. Ah! I’ve got a cramp, I’ve got a cramp!" "Can I do anything for you?" "Ah, get away from me evil girl!" "But -- " "Never will I do anything for you again, ever, ever, never!" (It Should've Been Lorelai) 3. Lorelai, nervous over whether she is or isn't dating Luke, falls into the table at the diner and knocks all the dishes off. "I'll get the broom." (Raincoats & Recipes) 4. Logan and his Life & Death Brigaders mock fight over Rory during her class at Yale. "Dammit, Gilmore, give them back their balls!" (But Not as Cute as Pushkin) 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 11. Kirk has a nightmare during the test run of the Dragonfly Inn and runs out past Luke & Lorelai, naked. "Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah!" (Raincoats & Recipes) 14. Lorelai calls Rory while Luke works on her oven. "Ow! Geez! What the – D'oh!" "He did it! He did the bit! Luke, do it again. Do it louder for Rory." (Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!) 15. Kirk offers his first pedicab ride to Lorelai and Rory. It's going a bit slowly. "Hey, guys." "Hey, Gypsy." "Gypsy just out-strolled us." (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist) 16. Kirk walks past Lorelai's house, hours after his parachute jump, looking very disheveled and dirty. "Strong wind." (Ballrooms & Biscotti) 17. Babette hangs Morey as part of their Halloween display. "Babette? Tight, babe." "Do you need help, Babette?" "Oh, no. As soon as he passes out, his muscles relax and I can slide him right out. We'll be good." (21 is the Loneliest Number) 21. Lorelai and Sookie help carry Fran's casket thru town square while not-subtly asking about the Dragonfly property. "Now what?" "We very respectfully hover in his vicinity until the walk is over. . ." "Then we will politely ask him to get in touch with us." "Yes. [to Rory] Coming?" "No, you guys go ahead. I'll be in the back of the line so that when the earth opens up and swallows you whole, I'll be here to tell the story." (Say Goodnight, Gracie) 22. Lorelai, Rory, and Sookie ponder who's going to be the next Townie to die and speculate about Hank Krutzman, Taylor, Andrew, Reggie, or Kirk. Hank falls trying to stand up. Kirk falls while trying to help with the casket. "Going dark, going dark!" "We are the Witches of Eastwick." (In the Clamor and the Clangor) 24. Taylor proudly shows off the new red light and crosswalk light outside of Luke's. "Now the length of the walk signal's duration has thoughtfully been timed to accommodate the pace of Stars Hollow's oldest living resident. So, to inaugurate the signal, our beloved Mrs. Lanahan is going to push the button and lead the first historic group across the street." Mrs. Lanahan proceeds to walk across the street at a snail's pace with everyone inching along behind. (Red Light on the Wedding Night) 26. After the Buddhist wedding ceremony, the guests all dash to the church for the Christian ceremony. "Fifty-eight seats, sixty-two Koreans!" (I Get a Sidekick Out of You) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) 36. Babette tells Rory about how Cinnamon died. "She looked like she was sleeping. I thought she was asleep so I nudged her and she didn't wake. I gave her a push and she rolled off the couch and since I waxed the floor she went shootin' across the room and then she knocked over the lamp and she still didn't move. I knew it was over. Oh, G-d, my baby." (Cinnamon's Wake) 1 Link to comment
Kohola3 March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 4, 24, 36 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 4, 22, 24 Link to comment
Guest March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 3, 21, 26 Link to comment
lulu1960 March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 15, 22, 24 Link to comment
junienmomo March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 6, 11, 22 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 4 - Hee hee hee. This one seriously makes me LOL. Don't kill me. 22 - Heh. 24 - Heh. Let's vote against just two now. Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 2. Michel (unbelievably) participates in the Great CD Drop, and ends up running around town square for an hour because Lorelai forgot to tell him the time changed. "My cardiologist will be thrilled. Ah! I’ve got a cramp, I’ve got a cramp!" "Can I do anything for you?" "Ah, get away from me evil girl!" "But -- " "Never will I do anything for you again, ever, ever, never!" (It Should've Been Lorelai) 3. Lorelai, nervous over whether she is or isn't dating Luke, falls into the table at the diner and knocks all the dishes off. "I'll get the broom." (Raincoats & Recipes) 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 11. Kirk has a nightmare during the test run of the Dragonfly Inn and runs out past Luke & Lorelai, naked. "Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah!" (Raincoats & Recipes) 14. Lorelai calls Rory while Luke works on her oven. "Ow! Geez! What the – D'oh!" "He did it! He did the bit! Luke, do it again. Do it louder for Rory." (Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!) 15. Kirk offers his first pedicab ride to Lorelai and Rory. It's going a bit slowly. "Hey, guys." "Hey, Gypsy." "Gypsy just out-strolled us." (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist) 16. Kirk walks past Lorelai's house, hours after his parachute jump, looking very disheveled and dirty. "Strong wind." (Ballrooms & Biscotti) 17. Babette hangs Morey as part of their Halloween display. "Babette? Tight, babe." "Do you need help, Babette?" "Oh, no. As soon as he passes out, his muscles relax and I can slide him right out. We'll be good." (21 is the Loneliest Number) 21. Lorelai and Sookie help carry Fran's casket thru town square while not-subtly asking about the Dragonfly property. "Now what?" "We very respectfully hover in his vicinity until the walk is over. . ." "Then we will politely ask him to get in touch with us." "Yes. [to Rory] Coming?" "No, you guys go ahead. I'll be in the back of the line so that when the earth opens up and swallows you whole, I'll be here to tell the story." (Say Goodnight, Gracie) 26. After the Buddhist wedding ceremony, the guests all dash to the church for the Christian ceremony. "Fifty-eight seats, sixty-two Koreans!" (I Get a Sidekick Out of You) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) 36. Babette tells Rory about how Cinnamon died. "She looked like she was sleeping. I thought she was asleep so I nudged her and she didn't wake. I gave her a push and she rolled off the couch and since I waxed the floor she went shootin' across the room and then she knocked over the lamp and she still didn't move. I knew it was over. Oh, G-d, my baby." (Cinnamon's Wake) Link to comment
Kohola3 March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 33, 36 Link to comment
lulu1960 March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 15, 33 Link to comment
junienmomo March 6, 2020 Share March 6, 2020 15, 16 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 6, 2020 Share March 6, 2020 15, 16 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 7, 2020 Share March 7, 2020 15 - Hee! 16 - Hee! Still two. Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 2. Michel (unbelievably) participates in the Great CD Drop, and ends up running around town square for an hour because Lorelai forgot to tell him the time changed. "My cardiologist will be thrilled. Ah! I’ve got a cramp, I’ve got a cramp!" "Can I do anything for you?" "Ah, get away from me evil girl!" "But -- " "Never will I do anything for you again, ever, ever, never!" (It Should've Been Lorelai) 3. Lorelai, nervous over whether she is or isn't dating Luke, falls into the table at the diner and knocks all the dishes off. "I'll get the broom." (Raincoats & Recipes) 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 11. Kirk has a nightmare during the test run of the Dragonfly Inn and runs out past Luke & Lorelai, naked. "Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah!" (Raincoats & Recipes) 14. Lorelai calls Rory while Luke works on her oven. "Ow! Geez! What the – D'oh!" "He did it! He did the bit! Luke, do it again. Do it louder for Rory." (Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!) 17. Babette hangs Morey as part of their Halloween display. "Babette? Tight, babe." "Do you need help, Babette?" "Oh, no. As soon as he passes out, his muscles relax and I can slide him right out. We'll be good." (21 is the Loneliest Number) 21. Lorelai and Sookie help carry Fran's casket thru town square while not-subtly asking about the Dragonfly property. "Now what?" "We very respectfully hover in his vicinity until the walk is over. . ." "Then we will politely ask him to get in touch with us." "Yes. [to Rory] Coming?" "No, you guys go ahead. I'll be in the back of the line so that when the earth opens up and swallows you whole, I'll be here to tell the story." (Say Goodnight, Gracie) 26. After the Buddhist wedding ceremony, the guests all dash to the church for the Christian ceremony. "Fifty-eight seats, sixty-two Koreans!" (I Get a Sidekick Out of You) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) 36. Babette tells Rory about how Cinnamon died. "She looked like she was sleeping. I thought she was asleep so I nudged her and she didn't wake. I gave her a push and she rolled off the couch and since I waxed the floor she went shootin' across the room and then she knocked over the lamp and she still didn't move. I knew it was over. Oh, G-d, my baby." (Cinnamon's Wake) Link to comment
lulu1960 March 7, 2020 Share March 7, 2020 2 21 Link to comment
Kohola3 March 7, 2020 Share March 7, 2020 33 36 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 8, 2020 Share March 8, 2020 21, 36 Link to comment
junienmomo March 8, 2020 Share March 8, 2020 21, 36 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 8, 2020 Share March 8, 2020 21 - Haaaate. 36 - Aww, poor Babette and Morey. Still two. Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 2. Michel (unbelievably) participates in the Great CD Drop, and ends up running around town square for an hour because Lorelai forgot to tell him the time changed. "My cardiologist will be thrilled. Ah! I’ve got a cramp, I’ve got a cramp!" "Can I do anything for you?" "Ah, get away from me evil girl!" "But -- " "Never will I do anything for you again, ever, ever, never!" (It Should've Been Lorelai) 3. Lorelai, nervous over whether she is or isn't dating Luke, falls into the table at the diner and knocks all the dishes off. "I'll get the broom." (Raincoats & Recipes) 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 11. Kirk has a nightmare during the test run of the Dragonfly Inn and runs out past Luke & Lorelai, naked. "Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaaah!" (Raincoats & Recipes) 14. Lorelai calls Rory while Luke works on her oven. "Ow! Geez! What the – D'oh!" "He did it! He did the bit! Luke, do it again. Do it louder for Rory." (Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!) 17. Babette hangs Morey as part of their Halloween display. "Babette? Tight, babe." "Do you need help, Babette?" "Oh, no. As soon as he passes out, his muscles relax and I can slide him right out. We'll be good." (21 is the Loneliest Number) 26. After the Buddhist wedding ceremony, the guests all dash to the church for the Christian ceremony. "Fifty-eight seats, sixty-two Koreans!" (I Get a Sidekick Out of You) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) Link to comment
Kohola3 March 8, 2020 Share March 8, 2020 11, 33 Link to comment
lulu1960 March 8, 2020 Share March 8, 2020 2, 33 Link to comment
junienmomo March 9, 2020 Share March 9, 2020 6, 11 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 9, 2020 Share March 9, 2020 2, 11 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 10, 2020 Share March 10, 2020 11 - Kirk's gonna Kirk. 2 - I do not believe even for two seconds that Michel would agree to participate in these shenanigans, LOL. Still two. Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 3. Lorelai, nervous over whether she is or isn't dating Luke, falls into the table at the diner and knocks all the dishes off. "I'll get the broom." (Raincoats & Recipes) 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 14. Lorelai calls Rory while Luke works on her oven. "Ow! Geez! What the – D'oh!" "He did it! He did the bit! Luke, do it again. Do it louder for Rory." (Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!) 17. Babette hangs Morey as part of their Halloween display. "Babette? Tight, babe." "Do you need help, Babette?" "Oh, no. As soon as he passes out, his muscles relax and I can slide him right out. We'll be good." (21 is the Loneliest Number) 26. After the Buddhist wedding ceremony, the guests all dash to the church for the Christian ceremony. "Fifty-eight seats, sixty-two Koreans!" (I Get a Sidekick Out of You) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) Link to comment
Kohola3 March 10, 2020 Share March 10, 2020 14, 33 Link to comment
lulu1960 March 10, 2020 Share March 10, 2020 14, 33 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 14, 17 Link to comment
junienmomo March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 14, 17 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 14 - Meh. 17 - Funny, but I love 33 more. Still two. Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 3. Lorelai, nervous over whether she is or isn't dating Luke, falls into the table at the diner and knocks all the dishes off. "I'll get the broom." (Raincoats & Recipes) 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 26. After the Buddhist wedding ceremony, the guests all dash to the church for the Christian ceremony. "Fifty-eight seats, sixty-two Koreans!" (I Get a Sidekick Out of You) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) Link to comment
lulu1960 March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 26, 33 Link to comment
Kohola3 March 11, 2020 Share March 11, 2020 27, 33 Link to comment
junienmomo March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 3, 6 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 12, 2020 Share March 12, 2020 3, 26 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 3 - I never know how I feel about this one. It's a funny scene, but for the love of heaven, Lorelai, you're a grown ass woman, not thirteen years old. You should be beyond the stage of having Rory pass Luke a note for you asking him to check the box whether he likes you or not. Jeebus. 26 - Eh. Time to vote against just one! Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 28. Kirk practices for his first date with Lulu. "What's Kirk doing?" "Practicing." "Hm. For what?" "His date. He's doing a test run - talking, eating, making conversation. Then he's gonna go home and review the tape and adjust from there." "Boy! You ever think about how many different ways Kirk could get kicked out of the Army?" (An Affair to Remember) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) Link to comment
Kohola3 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 33 - just don't see it as physical comedy, just a wardrobe change Link to comment
lulu1960 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 33 For what it's worth, I really like 3. It was cute awkward. 1 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 50 minutes ago, lulu1960 said: For what it's worth, I really like 3. It was cute awkward. Yeah, it was. That's why I never can really decide how I feel about it, LOL. Link to comment
chitowngirl March 13, 2020 Share March 13, 2020 28 Link to comment
junienmomo March 15, 2020 Share March 15, 2020 28 Link to comment
Taryn74 March 16, 2020 Share March 16, 2020 Aw man, I don't want to choose between these two! 28, I guess, under protest. I thought this scene was so adorably Kirk and really sweet (although odd, because, Kirk). Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) 33. Jess dresses in a flannel shirt and backwards baseball cap after Luke gets onto him for wearing heavy metal t-shirts to work. "What do you think you're doing?" "Working." "So you think this is funny, huh?" "I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore) Link to comment
Kohola3 March 16, 2020 Share March 16, 2020 33 Link to comment
lulu1960 March 16, 2020 Share March 16, 2020 33 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 17, 2020 Share March 17, 2020 Fine! 33 Link to comment
junienmomo March 17, 2020 Share March 17, 2020 6 (Feeling rebellious today. 😆) Link to comment
lulu1960 March 17, 2020 Share March 17, 2020 3 hours ago, junienmomo said: 6 (Feeling rebellious today. 😆) 6 is my next vote if that makes it any better. LOL. Link to comment
Taryn74 March 18, 2020 Share March 18, 2020 33 - Words cannot describe how much this scene cracks me up, Favorite 'Physical Comedy' Scenes 6. Babette finds out Rory and Lorelai are rifting and runs to Luke's - holding her boobs so they don't flop - to find out the details. "Luuuuuuke!" (New & Improved Lorelai) 7. Emily lounges around in a silk robe, smoking and drinking, while Lorelai and Sookie try to arrange Trix's funeral. "I'm so sorry, Emily." "About what?" "Well, about Richard's mother dying." "Are you? Huh. Would you like a cigarette?" (The Reigning Lorelai) 27. Nicole comes by the diner for her first date with Luke. She takes a cell phone call before they leave. Lorelai has a silent fit in the background while Luke tries to hold her arms down. "No, I’m sorry, Monday’s not gonna work, it’ll have to be Tuesday. Yes, well, your client breaking a contract is fairly annoying also, but we’re all dealing with that. Terrific to hear." (Dear Emily & Richard) 29. Lorelai tries to close Uncle Louie's coffin. "The football signed by Johnny Unitas gives it that bounce." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables) 31. Luke loses his temper and pushes Jess into the lake. "Look, what exactly do you want from me? You bring me here to this place, you put me in a school that says the Pledge of Allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never heard of before. You take me away from my home, my friends, and now you want what from me?" "I'm trying to help you." "Well, stop trying. Stop talking to me, stop following me, and stop asking me questions. Just stop." (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy) Link to comment
lulu1960 March 18, 2020 Share March 18, 2020 6 Link to comment
chitowngirl March 19, 2020 Share March 19, 2020 6 Link to comment
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