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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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17 - Hee, another scene I always forget about until I'm rewatching. The way Rory says "Why did Luke just bolt away from us?" absolutely kills me for some reason.

28 - Funny, but it highlights how much of a jerk Jason can be, plus it involves Jason at all, so.....see ya.

21 - My heart, it breaks.

Voting against two now.

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

10. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck to move Rory into Yale. "Something's wrong with your truck." "Nothing's wrong with my truck. Stop the truck." "It won't go out of reverse." "You can't drive a stick." "I can't drive an uncooperative stick." "My stick's not uncooperative." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

11. Rory misses her bus, takes the jeep to school, and gets hit by a deer while looking for her test notes. "How do you get hit by a deer?" "I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my g-d!" "Was it a 4-way stop?" "What does that matter?" "I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer." (The Deer Hunters)

15. Lorelai flags down Luke's truck and finds Liz driving. "Hey, Luke, hey Luke, hold on! Please, I know you owe us nothing but our dead frozen carcasses may someday haunt you in your old age, or not... because… you don't know who I am. Hi. Sorry. I thought you were Luke." "I knew I should've put on some lipstick." (Nag Hammadi)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

20. Rory borrows Logan's limo and driver to rush back to find out what happened between Lorelai and Luke, and then she and Lane go out to get wallowing supplies. "My compliments to your moxie!" "Oh, I've got moxie coming out of my ears today." [They hear a car honking] "They honking at us?" "They better not be. Frank, are they honking at us?" "I believe so." "Oh, I am in no mood for this. We are depressed! [She stands up, her head out the sunroof of the limo] We'll move when we move, so stop -- " [Luke is honking at them. He stops, shocked] "Oh. Sorry." "I'm not usually in a limo." (Say Something)

22. Lorelai and Luke make out in the limo after the magazine cover celebration. "We should’ve eaten something before we went." "Who knew we’d keep missing the trays?" "But I’m not hungry. But I’m something, what am I?" "You’re drunk." "Right. I haven’t been drunk in years." "Hey, have I thanked you enough for escorting me, and being such a good sport and shaking hands with all the big city folk you don’t like, and putting extra cherries in my Manhattan?" "Yeah. You did." "There’ll be more thanking. Later on tonight." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Lorelai and Rory go with Emily and Richard on a tour of Yale. [As they walk to the car, Emily notices Lorelai is carrying a coffee travel mug] "Where are you going with that?" "To the car." "You can’t have that in the car." "I know." "Well, then, what are you doing with it?" "Walking it." "Lorelai." "Mom, I know I can’t have it in the car. It will not be in the car." "Is that everything?" "Yes, I think so." "All right, then. Let’s get this show on the road." [Lorelai gets in the back seat and holds the mug out the window] "Now let’s see you drink it." [Lorelai sticks her head out the window and takes a sip] "Mm, good to the last drop." "You stay that way until it’s gone." "Aye, aye, captain." (Let the Games Begin)

26. Jess drives Rory's car while they go get ice cream in cones after studying. They chat about their life plans. "You could do more." "Oh, here come the pom poms." "No, no pom poms, just me saying you could do more." "So, Courtney, what about you?" "What about me?" "What are your big ambitions?" "Harvard." "And after Harvard?" "I’m gonna be a journalist." "Paula Zahn?" "Christiane Amanpour." "You’re gonna be an overseas correspondent?" "Yes, I am." "You’re gonna crawl around in trenches and stand on top of buildings and have bombs going off in the background and some wars raging all around you?" "What, you don’t think I can do it?" "No, I do. Just sounds a little too -- " "A little what?" "Just sounds a little too rough for you." "Well, it’s not a little too rough for me. I hope it’s not a little too rough for me, I’ve been talking about this forever. I mean, I don’t even know what I would do if -- " "Hey, I didn’t mean to freak you out. I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll do it. You will, I promise. I’ll help you practice, okay? Tomorrow, you’ll stand in the middle of the street and I will drive straight at you screaming in a foreign language." "Well, you’re gonna have to learn a foreign language first." "Well, it’s lucky I’ve got me a tutor, isn’t it? Okay, so I guess we should be getting back. I did promise to study if you went on this ice cream run with me." "Yes, you did." "Okay, so I just go straight and we’ll be back at Luke’s." "Good sense of direction." "Of course, I could turn right and then we’d just be driving around in circles for awhile." " ...... Turn right." "As you wish." (Teach Me Tonight)

29. Lorelai finds Luke's Reggae Fever cd in his truck after they get back together. "‘Ja Glory’ by Toots Bambada. ‘Lively up Yourself’ by the Family Zigzag, ‘Let your Ya be Ya’ by Ranking Roy. What else am I going to find in here? Ganja and a yellow, green and red knit cap?" "I bought a cd. I didn’t adopt the entire Rastafarian culture." "This is so weird. I mean, to think that there was this whole chunk of time when we weren’t together. We were living totally separate lives. I was just working like crazy and you were running around, buying reggae cd’s." "One cd. One." "I just hate that we were apart." "Yeah, wasn’t too fond of it myself." "Well, all I can say is, you’re lucky I’m back in your life, because clearly you were lost without me. I mean, it’s a miracle you’re even still alive. Right?" "You bet." (Pulp Friction)

30. Emily and Richard get ready to leave Rory's Stars Hollow birthday party. "Emily?" "She's right. I don't know my daughter at all. [pause] We should go. Traffic." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

20 - Entitled!Rory is never a good look.

30 - Aww. 

Voting against two.

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

10. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck to move Rory into Yale. "Something's wrong with your truck." "Nothing's wrong with my truck. Stop the truck." "It won't go out of reverse." "You can't drive a stick." "I can't drive an uncooperative stick." "My stick's not uncooperative." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

11. Rory misses her bus, takes the jeep to school, and gets hit by a deer while looking for her test notes. "How do you get hit by a deer?" "I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my g-d!" "Was it a 4-way stop?" "What does that matter?" "I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer." (The Deer Hunters)

15. Lorelai flags down Luke's truck and finds Liz driving. "Hey, Luke, hey Luke, hold on! Please, I know you owe us nothing but our dead frozen carcasses may someday haunt you in your old age, or not... because… you don't know who I am. Hi. Sorry. I thought you were Luke." "I knew I should've put on some lipstick." (Nag Hammadi)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

22. Lorelai and Luke make out in the limo after the magazine cover celebration. "We should’ve eaten something before we went." "Who knew we’d keep missing the trays?" "But I’m not hungry. But I’m something, what am I?" "You’re drunk." "Right. I haven’t been drunk in years." "Hey, have I thanked you enough for escorting me, and being such a good sport and shaking hands with all the big city folk you don’t like, and putting extra cherries in my Manhattan?" "Yeah. You did." "There’ll be more thanking. Later on tonight." (Blame Booze and Melville)

24. Lorelai and Rory go with Emily and Richard on a tour of Yale. [As they walk to the car, Emily notices Lorelai is carrying a coffee travel mug] "Where are you going with that?" "To the car." "You can’t have that in the car." "I know." "Well, then, what are you doing with it?" "Walking it." "Lorelai." "Mom, I know I can’t have it in the car. It will not be in the car." "Is that everything?" "Yes, I think so." "All right, then. Let’s get this show on the road." [Lorelai gets in the back seat and holds the mug out the window] "Now let’s see you drink it." [Lorelai sticks her head out the window and takes a sip] "Mm, good to the last drop." "You stay that way until it’s gone." "Aye, aye, captain." (Let the Games Begin)

26. Jess drives Rory's car while they go get ice cream in cones after studying. They chat about their life plans. "You could do more." "Oh, here come the pom poms." "No, no pom poms, just me saying you could do more." "So, Courtney, what about you?" "What about me?" "What are your big ambitions?" "Harvard." "And after Harvard?" "I’m gonna be a journalist." "Paula Zahn?" "Christiane Amanpour." "You’re gonna be an overseas correspondent?" "Yes, I am." "You’re gonna crawl around in trenches and stand on top of buildings and have bombs going off in the background and some wars raging all around you?" "What, you don’t think I can do it?" "No, I do. Just sounds a little too -- " "A little what?" "Just sounds a little too rough for you." "Well, it’s not a little too rough for me. I hope it’s not a little too rough for me, I’ve been talking about this forever. I mean, I don’t even know what I would do if -- " "Hey, I didn’t mean to freak you out. I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll do it. You will, I promise. I’ll help you practice, okay? Tomorrow, you’ll stand in the middle of the street and I will drive straight at you screaming in a foreign language." "Well, you’re gonna have to learn a foreign language first." "Well, it’s lucky I’ve got me a tutor, isn’t it? Okay, so I guess we should be getting back. I did promise to study if you went on this ice cream run with me." "Yes, you did." "Okay, so I just go straight and we’ll be back at Luke’s." "Good sense of direction." "Of course, I could turn right and then we’d just be driving around in circles for awhile." " ...... Turn right." "As you wish." (Teach Me Tonight)

29. Lorelai finds Luke's Reggae Fever cd in his truck after they get back together. "‘Ja Glory’ by Toots Bambada. ‘Lively up Yourself’ by the Family Zigzag, ‘Let your Ya be Ya’ by Ranking Roy. What else am I going to find in here? Ganja and a yellow, green and red knit cap?" "I bought a cd. I didn’t adopt the entire Rastafarian culture." "This is so weird. I mean, to think that there was this whole chunk of time when we weren’t together. We were living totally separate lives. I was just working like crazy and you were running around, buying reggae cd’s." "One cd. One." "I just hate that we were apart." "Yeah, wasn’t too fond of it myself." "Well, all I can say is, you’re lucky I’m back in your life, because clearly you were lost without me. I mean, it’s a miracle you’re even still alive. Right?" "You bet." (Pulp Friction)

24 - Meh.

26 - At least Jess could read Rory well enough to question her choice of career, when no one else ever did, although he backed down right away when he saw he was upsetting her.

Still voting against two.

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

10. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck to move Rory into Yale. "Something's wrong with your truck." "Nothing's wrong with my truck. Stop the truck." "It won't go out of reverse." "You can't drive a stick." "I can't drive an uncooperative stick." "My stick's not uncooperative." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

11. Rory misses her bus, takes the jeep to school, and gets hit by a deer while looking for her test notes. "How do you get hit by a deer?" "I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my g-d!" "Was it a 4-way stop?" "What does that matter?" "I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer." (The Deer Hunters)

15. Lorelai flags down Luke's truck and finds Liz driving. "Hey, Luke, hey Luke, hold on! Please, I know you owe us nothing but our dead frozen carcasses may someday haunt you in your old age, or not... because… you don't know who I am. Hi. Sorry. I thought you were Luke." "I knew I should've put on some lipstick." (Nag Hammadi)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

22. Lorelai and Luke make out in the limo after the magazine cover celebration. "We should’ve eaten something before we went." "Who knew we’d keep missing the trays?" "But I’m not hungry. But I’m something, what am I?" "You’re drunk." "Right. I haven’t been drunk in years." "Hey, have I thanked you enough for escorting me, and being such a good sport and shaking hands with all the big city folk you don’t like, and putting extra cherries in my Manhattan?" "Yeah. You did." "There’ll be more thanking. Later on tonight." (Blame Booze and Melville)

29. Lorelai finds Luke's Reggae Fever cd in his truck after they get back together. "‘Ja Glory’ by Toots Bambada. ‘Lively up Yourself’ by the Family Zigzag, ‘Let your Ya be Ya’ by Ranking Roy. What else am I going to find in here? Ganja and a yellow, green and red knit cap?" "I bought a cd. I didn’t adopt the entire Rastafarian culture." "This is so weird. I mean, to think that there was this whole chunk of time when we weren’t together. We were living totally separate lives. I was just working like crazy and you were running around, buying reggae cd’s." "One cd. One." "I just hate that we were apart." "Yeah, wasn’t too fond of it myself." "Well, all I can say is, you’re lucky I’m back in your life, because clearly you were lost without me. I mean, it’s a miracle you’re even still alive. Right?" "You bet." (Pulp Friction)

15 - Hee!

29 - Cute scene. I love the way Luke says "You bet."

Let's vote against just one now!

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

10. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck to move Rory into Yale. "Something's wrong with your truck." "Nothing's wrong with my truck. Stop the truck." "It won't go out of reverse." "You can't drive a stick." "I can't drive an uncooperative stick." "My stick's not uncooperative." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

11. Rory misses her bus, takes the jeep to school, and gets hit by a deer while looking for her test notes. "How do you get hit by a deer?" "I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my g-d!" "Was it a 4-way stop?" "What does that matter?" "I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer." (The Deer Hunters)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

22. Lorelai and Luke make out in the limo after the magazine cover celebration. "We should’ve eaten something before we went." "Who knew we’d keep missing the trays?" "But I’m not hungry. But I’m something, what am I?" "You’re drunk." "Right. I haven’t been drunk in years." "Hey, have I thanked you enough for escorting me, and being such a good sport and shaking hands with all the big city folk you don’t like, and putting extra cherries in my Manhattan?" "Yeah. You did." "There’ll be more thanking. Later on tonight." (Blame Booze and Melville)

I had a funeral to go to today, sorry for the late update!

22 out. I like this scene because it's one of the few really hawt L/L scenes IMO. Most of the time they were just very comfortable and mildly flirty with each other, but this scene was sizzling.

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

10. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck to move Rory into Yale. "Something's wrong with your truck." "Nothing's wrong with my truck. Stop the truck." "It won't go out of reverse." "You can't drive a stick." "I can't drive an uncooperative stick." "My stick's not uncooperative." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

11. Rory misses her bus, takes the jeep to school, and gets hit by a deer while looking for her test notes. "How do you get hit by a deer?" "I was at a stop sign and he just hit me! Oh my g-d!" "Was it a 4-way stop?" "What does that matter?" "I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask after you’ve been hit by a deer." (The Deer Hunters)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

11 out! I know it's a pivotal scene in the episode, but it's just so silly.

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

10. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck to move Rory into Yale. "Something's wrong with your truck." "Nothing's wrong with my truck. Stop the truck." "It won't go out of reverse." "You can't drive a stick." "I can't drive an uncooperative stick." "My stick's not uncooperative." (The Lorelais' First Day at Yale)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

10 - Dirty!

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

19. Luke secretly listens to his self-help tape while driving around in his truck. "Complete the following sentence -- I feel angry because..." "...I am listening to this tape." "I feel hopeful because..." "...This tape must end eventually." "I feel helpless because..." "...I wonder if anyone's ever kicked an audiotape's ass." (Luke Can See Her Face)

19 - Because while initially I didn't love 7 as much as I do now, it just so perfectly embodies everything that is wonderful about Luke I can't vote it out over a funny but not as beautiful scene.

I love Luke so much it hurts, ya'll. Just had to throw that in.

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

3. Lorelai drags Luke away from yelling at Mrs. Thompson and drives him back to the diner. "And over here we have the world famous Luke's diner, home of the best coffee on the east coast and the most delightful and chatty proprietor since Mel kissed Flo's grits. [Luke is quiet and makes no attempt to get out] Okay, well, I should get back to the inn. [Luke is still quiet] I hope you've enjoyed your tour and don't forget to buy yourself a souvenir plastic monkey on the way out." "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my dad's death." "Ugh. Oh, hon." "And every year on that anniversary I, uh, I disappear. I don't work. I don't talk to anyone. I get in this kind of a funk. It's like I'm -- " "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer." "I'll remember that." (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

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