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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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So thrilled this is our winner!

Favorite Parent-to-Parent Moments

Mrs. Kim freaks out after finding out Lane is sharing an apartment with Zach and Brian and comes to Lorelai for advice. "I've met those boys. They're innocent. As innocent as if she was living with two girls. So think of them that way." "What way?" "Think of them as girls." "Girls?" "Girls." "I don't like girls either." "Well, you like them better than boys." "True." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

Next game - we can do Scenes at Work, Awkward Moments, or Scenes on the Phone. Which one do you guys want to do?

Luke and Lorelai talk on the phone about their kiss. Frogs would be impressed

Luke is on his way to Maine. Lorelai's phone dropped dead from exhaustion

Lorelai calls Luke to go to the career day at school. Hello Luke is sung

Luke calls Lorelai from the club. He's tipsy, and Richard wants to shave him

Rory calls Lorelai to say it is a male Yale party. Lorelai has escape routes

Lorelai calls Luke and gets his answering machine. She is crying in bed and talks about The Way We Were

Rory and Lorelai play phone tag. They both are "failing"

Luke calls Lorelai to say he is coming home. Lorelai doesn't believe him because it has been six weeks

Rory finally calls Lorelai from Europe and admits she's messed up.

Luke speed dials Lorelai when Emily she confronts him about not following her instructions for them to reunite.

Rory calls Jess after her high school graduation.

Lorelai takes the first reservation for the Dragonfly on a gum wrapper.

(Although we didn't actually see it) Michel and Sookie prank call Jason to say his condo is on fire.

  • Love 1

The fish flies at night. I need the coat rack. Lorelai and Emily.

Lorelai calls Lorelai and while they are speaking, Emily calls on the other cell phone. Luke feeds Lorelai a Danish.

Tether ball (Dead Uncles)

Sookie calling Hong Kong to cancel something she is going to spare Lorelai knowing.

Michel seeing (or claiming to see) famous singer from my brain fart while on the phone with Lorelai about working at the dragonfly.

liz calling Luke to say they’ve joined a vegetable cult.

Emily tricks Lorelai into the spa weekend.

  • Love 1

Lane calls Roryto discuss Zach. "Rory, I like you."

Richard calls Lorelai about her not speaking to Emily regarding the Luke breakup.

Richard calls Lorelai to explain that Emily isn't getting the first cup of tea.

Richard calls Luke to schedule golf

Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code for the panic room

Emily leaves numerous messages on Lorelai's answering machine. Lorelai will cut her ears off.

Luke calls Lorelai ranting about his apartment hunting with Jess. 

Lorelai calls her relative to try and find out who sent the ice cream machine. She mentions the lady's "Billy Graham impersonation". 

Rory and Lane have their "gloomy" conversation. 

I can't remember who calls whom, but when Rory and Jess talk after he moved back to NY. 

  • Love 1

Start voting! Voting against three.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

5. Rory figures out the 'little get together' the grandparents arranged is a Male Yale party, and calls Lorelai for advice. "Do you have a pencil?" "Why?" "'Cause there are twelve ways out of that house that they don't know about. Write this down. First, the basement. It's a little dusty, but almost foolproof. If you can't get there, grab a screwdriver and jimmy the back of my mother's closet. There's a false back." "Mom - " "And if they haven't trimmed the trees yet, the second guest bathroom window opens out onto the massive elm and you can shimmy right down." "I am not going to shimmy. I don't need to sneak out, it's fine. Dean is picking me up at eight thirty, I can manage till then." "They played you, kid." "Yeah, I know." "I hate that they did that." "Well, it's done. Okay, I should go. In this crowd they will definitely notice me missing." (The Party's Over)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

7. Rory and Lorelai keep missing each other's calls. They both feel like they are failing. "Call my cell or call me at Jason's. We gotta stop meeting like this, hon. Bye." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

9. Rory finally realizes how much she messed up by sleeping with Married!Dean and calls Lorelai from Europe. "I screwed up. I screwed up so bad. I handled everything wrong." "Oh, honey." "I keep reliving everything over and over. It's such a mess. I just want to fix it. I have to fix it." (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

13. Sookie and Michel have to think of a way to get Jason out of the Inn. "Oh, no! Jason! What happened to Jason?" "Oh, his condo was on fire." "It was?" "Well, that's what Michel had me say when we called his cell phone." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

14. Emily calls Lorelai in a panic because Trix is coming to visit. "Independence Inn." "I need the hat rack back." "The fish flies at night." "What?" "I don’t know, who is this?" (The Third Lorelai)

15. Rory left her phone at the Crap Shack and calls it to see if Lorelai found it. Jason calls Lorelai while she's on Rory's phone with Rory. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Jason." "Tell him hi." "Hey, Rory says hi." "Tell her hi back." "He says hi back. [to Luke] Hi." "This is a sickness." "Well, I'll be in in a minute." "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities." "I'll bring this back inside." " "Wait, wait -- bite." "A frightening picture of things to come." (Afterboom)

16. Luke calls the Inn to reserve rooms for Uncle Louie's funeral. "Uh, yeah, actually – if I needed a room or two for a couple of days, would that be possible?" "You need rooms?" "Like nine." "You need nine rooms?" "Just for a couple of days, Wednesday and Thursday." "Uh, well, I can take care of that. What’s it for?" "Uh, just got some family coming in." "Reunion? ‘Cause we can get the tetherball out." "Nah, funeral." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

17. Sookie comes to her senses and starts cancelling all the crazy wedding plans. "Ooh, I should call and cancel some stuff first. I’ve gotta call Belgium and Oslo and, uh, oh, Copenhagen, Bora Bora." "What did you order from there?" "I’m gonna shield you from that one." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

18. Lorelai tries to get ahold of Michel to meet the sink guys at the Dragonfly. "Tally Rand Hotel, may I help you?" "Michel, good! Listen, emergency, can you -- " "You are not going to believe this. Celine Dion is here. I'm not five feet away from her." "Cool, spiffy. Listen, is there any way you could -- " "Oh, my heart is pounding through my chest. She's so beautiful." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

19. TJ calls Luke. There is some nonsense about a cult. "Talk to my brother-in-law." "Hi, T. J. Oh, hi, Liz. It's Lorelai. How do you accidentally join a cult? Uh-huh. I see. Oh, that makes perfect sense. They signed up for a co-op that has great vegetables, filled out the paperwork, signed it, and it turned out to be a cult that grows vegetables." (A Year in the Life, Spring)

20. Emily calls to see if Lorelai wants the spa weekend she bid on, and ends up wanting to go with her. "Um, hey, when’s it for?" "This weekend, actually." "Oh, well, I’ll be there." "So will I." "Excuse me?" "Well, the certificate is for two, and since you make it sound like the most wonderful place in the world, I might as well try it with you." (There's the Rub)

21. Logan calls Rory, pretending to still be in London. "Hey, you watching it?" "What?" "The meteor shower." "What meteor shower?" "It’s on the news, the BBC said there's some huge meteor shower tonight. I thought we could watch it together." "Uh, Logan, I have been in the library for the past nine hours. I don't know anything about any meteor showers. But I could use a regular shower, though." "Go up on the roof and check it out." "Now?" "Yes, now! It's supposed to start in like two minutes." "But…" "Ace! This is once-in-a-lifetime celestial event. Get going." "Okay, okay. I'm getting. I'm going." "Are you running?" "I'm running! I'm running! Who knew you were such an astronomy buff?" "Hurry!" "What has gotten into you?" "Nice night." "Oh, my g-d! You're here! What are you doing here?" "Happy to see me?" (The Great Stink)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

23. Richard overhears Lorelai on the phone with the linen supplier. "Manny, my mysterious man, where have you been? . . . Oh, me, Manny? I’m just a desperate woman. Yes. Honey, I know you’re up to your ears in problems but I have to have some towels or linens or I’m gonna be lying on the street talking about the pretty inn I used to work at and you don’t want that do you? . . . Well, just, anything you can do to get me through the night. . . Uh, Manny, I love you. You rock. I am devoted to you. I’m never gonna look at another towel without thinking of you. . . Thank you. Bye, Stud. . . .He’ll be here in twenty minutes." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

25. Lorelai calls Taylor after seeing what the Dragonfly's new street name will be. "Look, the historical thing, it's swell. The boils and sores and lepers and lances. Great stuff. If you're running a hospice in the eighteenth century. But I'm running an inn in the twenty-first!" "And?" "People come here for a beautiful, nice, romantic time. And part of what I slightly overcharge them for is the ambiance." "Is there a point here?" "The point is that I don't want to have to go around advertising, 'Come to historic Stars Hollow! It's not as gross as it sounds!'" (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

26. Lane calls Rory to discuss her feelings for Zach. "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?" "See? You reacted. That's what a person does after someone says that they like him or her, but in my case, it's him." "Oh, we're talking Zach here." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

28. Richard calls Lorelai to discuss the Peyton situation. " Lorelai, good, I’m glad I got you. I just wanted you to know that I am playing golf with Peyton’s father Brennan on Sunday." "Okay. [pause] Wear sunscreen." "I will call you afterward and we can evaluate how to proceed from there." "What are you talking about?" "Well, I’m not sure how much damage has been done so I need some time with the man to assess whether or not a simple apology will work." "Apology from who?" "From you." (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

30. Emily keeps calling and leaving messages on Lorelai's answering machine. "It’s me again. Listen. . ." "You’re talking into the machine." "Don’t forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . ." "It’s burned into my brain. It’s there forever." ". . . it’s at three o’clock and all the women are all extremely punctual." "When I’m senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and I can’t remember my name, I’ll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

32. Lorelai is trying to find out who sent her and Max an ice cream maker. "Aunt Bobby, hi. It's Lorelai, Richard and Emily's girl. Um, I'm the one with. . . yeah, that's right. Wow, you don't hear the word wedlock much anymore." "Uh huh, uh huh, really? The Bible said all that, huh? Did it, did it mention me by name? I'm just. . .okay, I'm just kidding. So, um, judging by your Billy Graham impression, I am guessing that you didn't send me an ice cream maker, so maybe you could just give me Aunt Clarissa's phone number? Oh no, I hadn't heard. That's terrible. Uh huh. Well, then I guess she had it coming, didn't she? Hey, listen, I'd love to chat about who else is the family is currently or soon to be headed for hell, but I've gotta run, so I promise to call in the next twenty years, okay? Bye bye. How scary is it that my parents are turning out to be the normal ones in the family?" (Run Away, Little Boy)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Let me just add that Taryn's recaps are very entertaining.  They must take hours to produce!

It's a lot of copy & pasting from crazy-internet-people .com, but yeah it does take quite a while LOL. I enjoy it though! I sit here laughing to myself most of the time while I'm doing it. The dialogue on this show really can't be beat.

19 - This one is from the Revival, so I have utterly zero recollection of it. Not a bad thing, because it sounds really, really stupid.

21 - I didn't really remember this one, either. S7 Logan is so sweet though. Who knew I would ever come to love him?! Even though that was all erased by the Revival.

28 - "Okay. [long pause] Wear sunscreen" always cracks me up. Otherwise, Jeebus this is such a dumb plotline for all involved.

Still three!

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

5. Rory figures out the 'little get together' the grandparents arranged is a Male Yale party, and calls Lorelai for advice. "Do you have a pencil?" "Why?" "'Cause there are twelve ways out of that house that they don't know about. Write this down. First, the basement. It's a little dusty, but almost foolproof. If you can't get there, grab a screwdriver and jimmy the back of my mother's closet. There's a false back." "Mom - " "And if they haven't trimmed the trees yet, the second guest bathroom window opens out onto the massive elm and you can shimmy right down." "I am not going to shimmy. I don't need to sneak out, it's fine. Dean is picking me up at eight thirty, I can manage till then." "They played you, kid." "Yeah, I know." "I hate that they did that." "Well, it's done. Okay, I should go. In this crowd they will definitely notice me missing." (The Party's Over)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

7. Rory and Lorelai keep missing each other's calls. They both feel like they are failing. "Call my cell or call me at Jason's. We gotta stop meeting like this, hon. Bye." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

9. Rory finally realizes how much she messed up by sleeping with Married!Dean and calls Lorelai from Europe. "I screwed up. I screwed up so bad. I handled everything wrong." "Oh, honey." "I keep reliving everything over and over. It's such a mess. I just want to fix it. I have to fix it." (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

13. Sookie and Michel have to think of a way to get Jason out of the Inn. "Oh, no! Jason! What happened to Jason?" "Oh, his condo was on fire." "It was?" "Well, that's what Michel had me say when we called his cell phone." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

14. Emily calls Lorelai in a panic because Trix is coming to visit. "Independence Inn." "I need the hat rack back." "The fish flies at night." "What?" "I don’t know, who is this?" (The Third Lorelai)

15. Rory left her phone at the Crap Shack and calls it to see if Lorelai found it. Jason calls Lorelai while she's on Rory's phone with Rory. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Jason." "Tell him hi." "Hey, Rory says hi." "Tell her hi back." "He says hi back. [to Luke] Hi." "This is a sickness." "Well, I'll be in in a minute." "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities." "I'll bring this back inside." " "Wait, wait -- bite." "A frightening picture of things to come." (Afterboom)

16. Luke calls the Inn to reserve rooms for Uncle Louie's funeral. "Uh, yeah, actually – if I needed a room or two for a couple of days, would that be possible?" "You need rooms?" "Like nine." "You need nine rooms?" "Just for a couple of days, Wednesday and Thursday." "Uh, well, I can take care of that. What’s it for?" "Uh, just got some family coming in." "Reunion? ‘Cause we can get the tetherball out." "Nah, funeral." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

17. Sookie comes to her senses and starts cancelling all the crazy wedding plans. "Ooh, I should call and cancel some stuff first. I’ve gotta call Belgium and Oslo and, uh, oh, Copenhagen, Bora Bora." "What did you order from there?" "I’m gonna shield you from that one." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

18. Lorelai tries to get ahold of Michel to meet the sink guys at the Dragonfly. "Tally Rand Hotel, may I help you?" "Michel, good! Listen, emergency, can you -- " "You are not going to believe this. Celine Dion is here. I'm not five feet away from her." "Cool, spiffy. Listen, is there any way you could -- " "Oh, my heart is pounding through my chest. She's so beautiful." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

20. Emily calls to see if Lorelai wants the spa weekend she bid on, and ends up wanting to go with her. "Um, hey, when’s it for?" "This weekend, actually." "Oh, well, I’ll be there." "So will I." "Excuse me?" "Well, the certificate is for two, and since you make it sound like the most wonderful place in the world, I might as well try it with you." (There's the Rub)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

23. Richard overhears Lorelai on the phone with the linen supplier. "Manny, my mysterious man, where have you been? . . . Oh, me, Manny? I’m just a desperate woman. Yes. Honey, I know you’re up to your ears in problems but I have to have some towels or linens or I’m gonna be lying on the street talking about the pretty inn I used to work at and you don’t want that do you? . . . Well, just, anything you can do to get me through the night. . . Uh, Manny, I love you. You rock. I am devoted to you. I’m never gonna look at another towel without thinking of you. . . Thank you. Bye, Stud. . . .He’ll be here in twenty minutes." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

25. Lorelai calls Taylor after seeing what the Dragonfly's new street name will be. "Look, the historical thing, it's swell. The boils and sores and lepers and lances. Great stuff. If you're running a hospice in the eighteenth century. But I'm running an inn in the twenty-first!" "And?" "People come here for a beautiful, nice, romantic time. And part of what I slightly overcharge them for is the ambiance." "Is there a point here?" "The point is that I don't want to have to go around advertising, 'Come to historic Stars Hollow! It's not as gross as it sounds!'" (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

26. Lane calls Rory to discuss her feelings for Zach. "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?" "See? You reacted. That's what a person does after someone says that they like him or her, but in my case, it's him." "Oh, we're talking Zach here." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

30. Emily keeps calling and leaving messages on Lorelai's answering machine. "It’s me again. Listen. . ." "You’re talking into the machine." "Don’t forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . ." "It’s burned into my brain. It’s there forever." ". . . it’s at three o’clock and all the women are all extremely punctual." "When I’m senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and I can’t remember my name, I’ll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

32. Lorelai is trying to find out who sent her and Max an ice cream maker. "Aunt Bobby, hi. It's Lorelai, Richard and Emily's girl. Um, I'm the one with. . . yeah, that's right. Wow, you don't hear the word wedlock much anymore." "Uh huh, uh huh, really? The Bible said all that, huh? Did it, did it mention me by name? I'm just. . .okay, I'm just kidding. So, um, judging by your Billy Graham impression, I am guessing that you didn't send me an ice cream maker, so maybe you could just give me Aunt Clarissa's phone number? Oh no, I hadn't heard. That's terrible. Uh huh. Well, then I guess she had it coming, didn't she? Hey, listen, I'd love to chat about who else is the family is currently or soon to be headed for hell, but I've gotta run, so I promise to call in the next twenty years, okay? Bye bye. How scary is it that my parents are turning out to be the normal ones in the family?" (Run Away, Little Boy)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

5 - Blah. At least it was the last (sort of) of Dean, so that's good.

13 - MM's casual delivery cracks me up. Jason is such a tool, though, for refusing to leave even though it was obviously a very stressful and bad time for him to be there.

18 - Voting this one out because not only have I ever been a very big Celine Dion fan, I recently saw her new clothing line for kids advertisement and realized she is a seriously disturbed woman. Like, seriously disturbed. It's sad and a little bit terrifying.

Still voting against three! Will take tomorrow off for Thanksgiving and update again Friday. :)

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

7. Rory and Lorelai keep missing each other's calls. They both feel like they are failing. "Call my cell or call me at Jason's. We gotta stop meeting like this, hon. Bye." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

9. Rory finally realizes how much she messed up by sleeping with Married!Dean and calls Lorelai from Europe. "I screwed up. I screwed up so bad. I handled everything wrong." "Oh, honey." "I keep reliving everything over and over. It's such a mess. I just want to fix it. I have to fix it." (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

14. Emily calls Lorelai in a panic because Trix is coming to visit. "Independence Inn." "I need the hat rack back." "The fish flies at night." "What?" "I don’t know, who is this?" (The Third Lorelai)

15. Rory left her phone at the Crap Shack and calls it to see if Lorelai found it. Jason calls Lorelai while she's on Rory's phone with Rory. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Jason." "Tell him hi." "Hey, Rory says hi." "Tell her hi back." "He says hi back. [to Luke] Hi." "This is a sickness." "Well, I'll be in in a minute." "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities." "I'll bring this back inside." " "Wait, wait -- bite." "A frightening picture of things to come." (Afterboom)

16. Luke calls the Inn to reserve rooms for Uncle Louie's funeral. "Uh, yeah, actually – if I needed a room or two for a couple of days, would that be possible?" "You need rooms?" "Like nine." "You need nine rooms?" "Just for a couple of days, Wednesday and Thursday." "Uh, well, I can take care of that. What’s it for?" "Uh, just got some family coming in." "Reunion? ‘Cause we can get the tetherball out." "Nah, funeral." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

17. Sookie comes to her senses and starts cancelling all the crazy wedding plans. "Ooh, I should call and cancel some stuff first. I’ve gotta call Belgium and Oslo and, uh, oh, Copenhagen, Bora Bora." "What did you order from there?" "I’m gonna shield you from that one." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

20. Emily calls to see if Lorelai wants the spa weekend she bid on, and ends up wanting to go with her. "Um, hey, when’s it for?" "This weekend, actually." "Oh, well, I’ll be there." "So will I." "Excuse me?" "Well, the certificate is for two, and since you make it sound like the most wonderful place in the world, I might as well try it with you." (There's the Rub)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

23. Richard overhears Lorelai on the phone with the linen supplier. "Manny, my mysterious man, where have you been? . . . Oh, me, Manny? I’m just a desperate woman. Yes. Honey, I know you’re up to your ears in problems but I have to have some towels or linens or I’m gonna be lying on the street talking about the pretty inn I used to work at and you don’t want that do you? . . . Well, just, anything you can do to get me through the night. . . Uh, Manny, I love you. You rock. I am devoted to you. I’m never gonna look at another towel without thinking of you. . . Thank you. Bye, Stud. . . .He’ll be here in twenty minutes." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

25. Lorelai calls Taylor after seeing what the Dragonfly's new street name will be. "Look, the historical thing, it's swell. The boils and sores and lepers and lances. Great stuff. If you're running a hospice in the eighteenth century. But I'm running an inn in the twenty-first!" "And?" "People come here for a beautiful, nice, romantic time. And part of what I slightly overcharge them for is the ambiance." "Is there a point here?" "The point is that I don't want to have to go around advertising, 'Come to historic Stars Hollow! It's not as gross as it sounds!'" (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

26. Lane calls Rory to discuss her feelings for Zach. "Rory, listen, I like you, and I want to be more than just friends with you." "What!?" "See? You reacted. That's what a person does after someone says that they like him or her, but in my case, it's him." "Oh, we're talking Zach here." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

30. Emily keeps calling and leaving messages on Lorelai's answering machine. "It’s me again. Listen. . ." "You’re talking into the machine." "Don’t forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . ." "It’s burned into my brain. It’s there forever." ". . . it’s at three o’clock and all the women are all extremely punctual." "When I’m senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and I can’t remember my name, I’ll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

32. Lorelai is trying to find out who sent her and Max an ice cream maker. "Aunt Bobby, hi. It's Lorelai, Richard and Emily's girl. Um, I'm the one with. . . yeah, that's right. Wow, you don't hear the word wedlock much anymore." "Uh huh, uh huh, really? The Bible said all that, huh? Did it, did it mention me by name? I'm just. . .okay, I'm just kidding. So, um, judging by your Billy Graham impression, I am guessing that you didn't send me an ice cream maker, so maybe you could just give me Aunt Clarissa's phone number? Oh no, I hadn't heard. That's terrible. Uh huh. Well, then I guess she had it coming, didn't she? Hey, listen, I'd love to chat about who else is the family is currently or soon to be headed for hell, but I've gotta run, so I promise to call in the next twenty years, okay? Bye bye. How scary is it that my parents are turning out to be the normal ones in the family?" (Run Away, Little Boy)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

7 - I can never figure out if I love or hate this storyline.

17 - Meh. 

26 - Bahahaha, Rory's reaction.

Still three! We've got a lot to work through this game, LOL. I'm seriously considering doing another phone scenes game after this one, there were a ton more I thought of and wanted to add but we already had so many it would have been silly.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

9. Rory finally realizes how much she messed up by sleeping with Married!Dean and calls Lorelai from Europe. "I screwed up. I screwed up so bad. I handled everything wrong." "Oh, honey." "I keep reliving everything over and over. It's such a mess. I just want to fix it. I have to fix it." (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

14. Emily calls Lorelai in a panic because Trix is coming to visit. "Independence Inn." "I need the hat rack back." "The fish flies at night." "What?" "I don’t know, who is this?" (The Third Lorelai)

15. Rory left her phone at the Crap Shack and calls it to see if Lorelai found it. Jason calls Lorelai while she's on Rory's phone with Rory. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Jason." "Tell him hi." "Hey, Rory says hi." "Tell her hi back." "He says hi back. [to Luke] Hi." "This is a sickness." "Well, I'll be in in a minute." "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities." "I'll bring this back inside." " "Wait, wait -- bite." "A frightening picture of things to come." (Afterboom)

16. Luke calls the Inn to reserve rooms for Uncle Louie's funeral. "Uh, yeah, actually – if I needed a room or two for a couple of days, would that be possible?" "You need rooms?" "Like nine." "You need nine rooms?" "Just for a couple of days, Wednesday and Thursday." "Uh, well, I can take care of that. What’s it for?" "Uh, just got some family coming in." "Reunion? ‘Cause we can get the tetherball out." "Nah, funeral." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

20. Emily calls to see if Lorelai wants the spa weekend she bid on, and ends up wanting to go with her. "Um, hey, when’s it for?" "This weekend, actually." "Oh, well, I’ll be there." "So will I." "Excuse me?" "Well, the certificate is for two, and since you make it sound like the most wonderful place in the world, I might as well try it with you." (There's the Rub)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

23. Richard overhears Lorelai on the phone with the linen supplier. "Manny, my mysterious man, where have you been? . . . Oh, me, Manny? I’m just a desperate woman. Yes. Honey, I know you’re up to your ears in problems but I have to have some towels or linens or I’m gonna be lying on the street talking about the pretty inn I used to work at and you don’t want that do you? . . . Well, just, anything you can do to get me through the night. . . Uh, Manny, I love you. You rock. I am devoted to you. I’m never gonna look at another towel without thinking of you. . . Thank you. Bye, Stud. . . .He’ll be here in twenty minutes." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

25. Lorelai calls Taylor after seeing what the Dragonfly's new street name will be. "Look, the historical thing, it's swell. The boils and sores and lepers and lances. Great stuff. If you're running a hospice in the eighteenth century. But I'm running an inn in the twenty-first!" "And?" "People come here for a beautiful, nice, romantic time. And part of what I slightly overcharge them for is the ambiance." "Is there a point here?" "The point is that I don't want to have to go around advertising, 'Come to historic Stars Hollow! It's not as gross as it sounds!'" (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

30. Emily keeps calling and leaving messages on Lorelai's answering machine. "It’s me again. Listen. . ." "You’re talking into the machine." "Don’t forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . ." "It’s burned into my brain. It’s there forever." ". . . it’s at three o’clock and all the women are all extremely punctual." "When I’m senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and I can’t remember my name, I’ll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

32. Lorelai is trying to find out who sent her and Max an ice cream maker. "Aunt Bobby, hi. It's Lorelai, Richard and Emily's girl. Um, I'm the one with. . . yeah, that's right. Wow, you don't hear the word wedlock much anymore." "Uh huh, uh huh, really? The Bible said all that, huh? Did it, did it mention me by name? I'm just. . .okay, I'm just kidding. So, um, judging by your Billy Graham impression, I am guessing that you didn't send me an ice cream maker, so maybe you could just give me Aunt Clarissa's phone number? Oh no, I hadn't heard. That's terrible. Uh huh. Well, then I guess she had it coming, didn't she? Hey, listen, I'd love to chat about who else is the family is currently or soon to be headed for hell, but I've gotta run, so I promise to call in the next twenty years, okay? Bye bye. How scary is it that my parents are turning out to be the normal ones in the family?" (Run Away, Little Boy)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

14 - Lorelai's conspiratol whisper always cracks me up.

9 - Just smh.

20 - Nothing really to say about this one.

Still three! Also, is anyone else's content now all centered? Not the end of the world but it's going to drive me crazy before long.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

15. Rory left her phone at the Crap Shack and calls it to see if Lorelai found it. Jason calls Lorelai while she's on Rory's phone with Rory. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Jason." "Tell him hi." "Hey, Rory says hi." "Tell her hi back." "He says hi back. [to Luke] Hi." "This is a sickness." "Well, I'll be in in a minute." "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities." "I'll bring this back inside." " "Wait, wait -- bite." "A frightening picture of things to come." (Afterboom)

16. Luke calls the Inn to reserve rooms for Uncle Louie's funeral. "Uh, yeah, actually – if I needed a room or two for a couple of days, would that be possible?" "You need rooms?" "Like nine." "You need nine rooms?" "Just for a couple of days, Wednesday and Thursday." "Uh, well, I can take care of that. What’s it for?" "Uh, just got some family coming in." "Reunion? ‘Cause we can get the tetherball out." "Nah, funeral." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

23. Richard overhears Lorelai on the phone with the linen supplier. "Manny, my mysterious man, where have you been? . . . Oh, me, Manny? I’m just a desperate woman. Yes. Honey, I know you’re up to your ears in problems but I have to have some towels or linens or I’m gonna be lying on the street talking about the pretty inn I used to work at and you don’t want that do you? . . . Well, just, anything you can do to get me through the night. . . Uh, Manny, I love you. You rock. I am devoted to you. I’m never gonna look at another towel without thinking of you. . . Thank you. Bye, Stud. . . .He’ll be here in twenty minutes." (Richard in Stars Hollow)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

25. Lorelai calls Taylor after seeing what the Dragonfly's new street name will be. "Look, the historical thing, it's swell. The boils and sores and lepers and lances. Great stuff. If you're running a hospice in the eighteenth century. But I'm running an inn in the twenty-first!" "And?" "People come here for a beautiful, nice, romantic time. And part of what I slightly overcharge them for is the ambiance." "Is there a point here?" "The point is that I don't want to have to go around advertising, 'Come to historic Stars Hollow! It's not as gross as it sounds!'" (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

30. Emily keeps calling and leaving messages on Lorelai's answering machine. "It’s me again. Listen. . ." "You’re talking into the machine." "Don’t forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . ." "It’s burned into my brain. It’s there forever." ". . . it’s at three o’clock and all the women are all extremely punctual." "When I’m senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and I can’t remember my name, I’ll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

32. Lorelai is trying to find out who sent her and Max an ice cream maker. "Aunt Bobby, hi. It's Lorelai, Richard and Emily's girl. Um, I'm the one with. . . yeah, that's right. Wow, you don't hear the word wedlock much anymore." "Uh huh, uh huh, really? The Bible said all that, huh? Did it, did it mention me by name? I'm just. . .okay, I'm just kidding. So, um, judging by your Billy Graham impression, I am guessing that you didn't send me an ice cream maker, so maybe you could just give me Aunt Clarissa's phone number? Oh no, I hadn't heard. That's terrible. Uh huh. Well, then I guess she had it coming, didn't she? Hey, listen, I'd love to chat about who else is the family is currently or soon to be headed for hell, but I've gotta run, so I promise to call in the next twenty years, okay? Bye bye. How scary is it that my parents are turning out to be the normal ones in the family?" (Run Away, Little Boy)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

10 hours ago, TOWTooMuchTV said:

Hi! New here but I think I get the game! 

Yes, welcome to the game! New players always welcome. Especially when you help break 10-way ties so I don't have to, ha ha ha!

16 - I hate Luke's family for being such a bunch of putzes and not even coming to the funeral, especially when he really thought they would and was so upset that they didn't. It's a funeral for heaven's sake! 😞

23 - Richard wasn't wrong. All I'm gonna say about that.

32 - Okay, Lorelai, I know you need closure and all, but good grief. Give it a rest. When you get to the point where you're making everyone around you upset and uncomfortable, you've gone too far.

Still voting against three!

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

15. Rory left her phone at the Crap Shack and calls it to see if Lorelai found it. Jason calls Lorelai while she's on Rory's phone with Rory. "Hey, who's that?" "It's Jason." "Tell him hi." "Hey, Rory says hi." "Tell her hi back." "He says hi back. [to Luke] Hi." "This is a sickness." "Well, I'll be in in a minute." "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities." "I'll bring this back inside." " "Wait, wait -- bite." "A frightening picture of things to come." (Afterboom)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

25. Lorelai calls Taylor after seeing what the Dragonfly's new street name will be. "Look, the historical thing, it's swell. The boils and sores and lepers and lances. Great stuff. If you're running a hospice in the eighteenth century. But I'm running an inn in the twenty-first!" "And?" "People come here for a beautiful, nice, romantic time. And part of what I slightly overcharge them for is the ambiance." "Is there a point here?" "The point is that I don't want to have to go around advertising, 'Come to historic Stars Hollow! It's not as gross as it sounds!'" (Welcome to the Dollhouse)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

30. Emily keeps calling and leaving messages on Lorelai's answering machine. "It’s me again. Listen. . ." "You’re talking into the machine." "Don’t forget that my DAR meeting is on Tuesday. Please. . ." "It’s burned into my brain. It’s there forever." ". . . it’s at three o’clock and all the women are all extremely punctual." "When I’m senile and ga-ga and drooling into a cup, and I can’t remember my name, I’ll still remember that your DAR meeting is that Tuesday." (Dead Uncles and Vegetables)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

15 - Luke coming out to feed Lorelai a bite of danish is cute. Otherwise, I agree - Jason. Ugh.

25 - Sometimes Taylor is exactly what this nutty town needs, sometimes he's just an idiot. This is an example of the latter.

30 - Emily has better things to do than call Lorelai's answering machine a million times and leave annoying messages, surely.

Still voting against three.

Favorite Scenes on the Phone

1. Luke and Lorelai talk about their first kiss. "We kissed. You and me, we kissed?" "I remember." "And it was...unexpected." "Lorelai, relax. I'm fine if you want to just forget it ever happened, really." "No, I don't want to forget it ever happened. It was a great kiss." "Yeah?" "If one of us had been a frog, it would have had some seriously impressive consequences." (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

2. Luke has to go to Maine unexpectedly just as he and Lorelai are figuring out their relationship. "Hey, it's me. Uh, listen, I got a call from my sister and T.J. They're up in Maine, and they got into a little accident -- nothing major, just each one of them broke an arm and a leg, so anyhow, they can't run the Renaissance Fair booth for a couple of weeks. So they asked me to come and help them out, and I, unfortunately, answered the phone, so I'm on my way to Maine. I'll be back in about a week. Okay? Bye. ..... Hey, it's me again. I'm not sure if we're at the point in this relationship where you actually need to know that much information about my whereabouts, so if we're not, I'm sorry. I could have just said, 'I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later.' So I'm going out of town, and I'll call you later. ..... Me again, the idiot that leaves you three rambling messages on your machine. I just wanted to tell you I got a cell phone before I left, so, you know, you could call if you want, but only if you want, so that's it. ..... Yeah, a number might be good. 860-294-1986. Okay, bye. ..... Just...don't change your mind until I get back, okay? Okay. Talk to you later." Lorelai's answering machine drops dead from exhaustion. (Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller)

3. Lorelai talks Luke into doing the school career day talk. "Okay, not all your points are bad, but it’s not my school, it’s your school, and if you cancel, this whole town will know and when you walk down the street people will point and whisper, ‘There goes that Luke, he’s a real talk-canceler guy.’" "Ouch." "Plus, I promised the PTA, so my fragile reputation is on the line." "I think you’ll live." "Oh, Luke." "No!" "Hello, Dolly!" "Stop that." "This is Louis, Dolly!" "I'll just hang up." "I'll be coming ‘round the diner singing soooooooongs." "Have you been diagnosed?" "See you tomorrow at four." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

4. Luke calls Lorelai in a panic while at the club with Richard. "Good afternoon, Dragonfly Inn." "I franchised my place." "What?" "The diner. There’s going to be seven of them, and that’s just on the eastern seaboard. Then, I’m going national." "What are you talking about?" "Your father wants to open up a chain of Luke’s Diners, and I think I agreed to it." "No!" "I’ve already got a marketing guy, Herb’s my banker, your father is taking care of all my insurance needs, and apparently, everyone is going to be able to buy stock!" "Ugh! My parents, my stupid parents!" "And he wants to shave me." "Shave what?" "I don’t know, he just kept talking about shaving me, and I’m tipsy. We hit the club bar, and I didn’t want to sound dumb and just order a beer because it’s nitwit juice, so I had what your dad was having which was whiskey something – more whiskey than something, let me tell you, ‘cause I can’t even see straight." "Aw, you poor thing." "And I’ve got an art dealer now." "No!" "I’m driving to Manhattan next week to look at some Diebenkorns. What’s a Diebenkorn?" "I don’t know." "Oh, and I bought some golf clubs, they cost the same as a car." "Where are you now?" "I’m at the driving range, your dad’s making me practice for next time." "No! Leave! You do not need to practice." "Oh, and I sort of implied that I’m fond of the Greeks, so I have to read the Iliad and the Odyssey so we can chat about it, and can we not hang out with your parents for a very long time?" (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

6. Lorelai falls apart after she and Luke break up. "Hey, Luke, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling, but I am not doing really great right now, and -- I was just wondering, if, do you remember in The Way we Were, how Katie and Hubbell broke up because his friends were joking and laughing, and the president had just died, and she yelled at them and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean, which she hated, and he broke up with her and she was really upset. And she called him and asked him if he would come over and sit with her because he was her best friend and she needed her best friend, and he did. And they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster, but it was good at first. With the boat, and uh, putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot, so if you don't remember the putting the books away scene, don't feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it, because I, um, I'm in my house, and I was just, uh....could....please come over. I....please." (Say Something)

8. Luke calls Lorelai to let her know he is finally coming home from Maine. "How are you?" "Good." "Sorry, that was incomplete. How are you, you big, fat liar?" "What?" "You said you would be home yesterday." "I'm coming home today for sure." "Oh, what's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?" (A Messenger, Nothing More)

10. Emily thinks Luke didn't follow her mandate to get back together with Lorelai and goes off on him at the diner. He speed-dials Lorelai so she can hear that Emily is there. "Hello?" "Just because you run a diner and have mastered the art of the blank stare does not mean it’s going to work with me!" (Pulp Friction)

11. Jess calls Rory and doesn't speak.....again. "Hello? Hello? Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye." (Those Are Strings, Pinocchio)

12. The first guest for the Dragonfly calls to reserve a date. "Okay. Got your name. Got your number. Got you down for the 8th and 9th. Thank you, Mr. Turner. See you then. We're up and running." "We're up and running!" "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper." "So?" "It's embarrassing. This is an historical document." "Who cares what she wrote it down on?" "Big Red wrapper." "Juicyfruit would have been better?" (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

22. Rory angrily calls Mitchum when she realizes he's not going to come see Logan in the hospital. "Mitchum Huntzberger? Yes, it's Rory Gilmore. I just thought I'd call and remind you that Logan is lying in a hospital bed with a partially collapsed lung and a whole host of other potentially life-threatening injuries. And I'm figuring a guy like you, surrounded by nothing but a bunch of terrified sycophants might not have someone in his life with the guts to tell him what an incredibly selfish, narcissistic ass he's being, so I thought I'd jump on in. Swallow your pride, get in your car, and come down here and see your son, now!" (Super Cool Party People)

24. People start calling Lorelai at the diner since she spends so much time there. "Hey, Luke. What's going on?" "Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing - I'm not taking messages for you anymore!" (The Fundamental Things Apply)

27. Richard calls Lorelai after she keeps hanging up on Emily, angry about the situation with Luke and Chris. "Dragonfly Inn." "Ah, yes. Lorelai. It’s your father." "Oh, Dad! How was your trip?" "Fine, Lorelai. Thank you very much." "And the flight back?" "Very smooth." "Smooth is good." "Actually, your mother wanted to talk to you for a moment." "Hello, Lorelai, I – " [Lorelai hangs up the phone] (So, Good Talk)

29. Emily calls Lorelai to give her the code to the panic room. "Okay, Mom. Give me the code, and I will keep the code safe." "Okay. Here goes. Are you ready?" "Pen is poised." "1, 1, 1... 1, 1." (We Got Us a Pippi Virgin)

31. Luke is apartment hunting. "Lorelai here." "I don’t want a wood-burning fireplace." "Luke?" "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace." "Yeah, but -- " "And three of the places make you put down a five hundred dollar deposit if you have a dog. Can you believe this?" "You don’t have a dog." "I know, but it’s wrong." (Lost & Found)

33. Rory and Lane are having a gloomy music conversation when Emily calls to find out some of Rory's favorite things. "What about that other group? The Backside Boys?" "You mean the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes, that's it." (Emily in Wonderland)

34. Jess calls Rory after he's moved back to New York. "So, what's up?" "Nothing. What about you?" "Same." "So, what have you been doing?" "Nothin' much. Just hanging out. . . in the park, mostly." "Central Park?" "Washington Square Park." "Oh." "It's cooler." (Lorelai's Graduation Day)

35. Rory is frustrated that Jess hasn't called when he said he would, and leaves him an angry message on the machine. "I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call, okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean, a real plan with a time and a place, and I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it anymore, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled. But guess what? I like being spoiled. I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn't sound like something that you can or want to do, then fine. I'm sure you'll find another girl who doesn't mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call, but it’s not going to be me. Oh, yeah, this is a message for Jess." (Face-Off)

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