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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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27 was clearly out and I added my votes to 12 and 26 to avoid a tie.  Let's drop to voting against two.


7.  Luke is apartment hunting. "But if I take an apartment with a wood-burning fireplace, even though I could give a rat’s ass about a wood-burning fireplace, I have to pay an extra two hundred dollars a month for the wood-burning fireplace.... Who’s gonna pay for my car, huh? Where’s my five hundred dollar, paint-killing tree sap deposit?" – Lost and Found

8.  Luke at the funeral parlor. "No, no, Taylor and the guys were right. I was cutting Louie slack out of respect for my dad, but the man was rotten and mean and selfish all his life. For God’s sake, he’s even selfish in death. Other people would’ve loved to have had those baseball cards. I would’ve loved to have those baseball cards. He’s got Lou Gehrig’s rookie card, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, tons of others – but no! My uncle, King Tut, has to take all of them to the afterlife with him!" – Dead Uncles & Vegetables

9.  Luke gets in an argument with Jess, has a few beers and tries to fix Lorelai's broken window.  “Today I found out what a big, dumb, idiot guy I am. Just an imposing, judgmental know-it-all who blows around yelling and complaining and screwing up everybody else's life.” He's got a handful of Barbie. – Nag Hammadi

11.  Luke rants at Lorelai when he fills in at the Dragonfly during Sookie's bedrest and she camps upstairs to critique his food:" You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you...but, oh, boy. I’m going to be thinking about what I would have done if we weren’t in a relationship, even though that would mean I wouldn’t be in this position in the first place"..But I'm a Gilmore

14.  Luke tells Jess what is expected at the apartment after Jess and Rory get together.  ”You are not allowed on either end of this apartment. You are, instead, to remain here in the middle portion of the room. You may sit on the couch or on the chair, as long as you two are sitting on separate seats, i.e. when you’re on the couch, then she’s on the chair. When she’s on the couch, then you’re on the chair.  On weekdays, you will have her home by nine. On weekends, you will have her home by eleven. Any evidence of alcohol, cigarette smoke, or anything else that Nancy Reagan would find unacceptable and you will not be allowed near her without an adult present. Are these rules clear?" – Let The Games Begin

17.  Luke finally admits to Lorelai he's interested in her romantically.  “What was I supposed to say? I did things. I let my actions speak. That's what you're supposed to do. Your supposed to let your actions speak. That's the romantic way to do this, damn it. ...He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, "What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken. ...I don't want to calm down! I did everything right! I did exactly what the book said! I thought we were on track, and now you're standing there looking at me like I'm crazy. You know the last time I bought flowers for someone? Never! That's when! Very easy stat to remember!” – Raincoats & Recipes

23.  Luke rants about kids:  "Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow, they've always got jam on their hands!"  – Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy

7 and 14 are gone!  Still voting against two.

8.  Luke at the funeral parlor. "No, no, Taylor and the guys were right. I was cutting Louie slack out of respect for my dad, but the man was rotten and mean and selfish all his life. For God’s sake, he’s even selfish in death. Other people would’ve loved to have had those baseball cards. I would’ve loved to have those baseball cards. He’s got Lou Gehrig’s rookie card, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, tons of others – but no! My uncle, King Tut, has to take all of them to the afterlife with him!" – Dead Uncles & Vegetables

9.  Luke gets in an argument with Jess, has a few beers and tries to fix Lorelai's broken window.  “Today I found out what a big, dumb, idiot guy I am. Just an imposing, judgmental know-it-all who blows around yelling and complaining and screwing up everybody else's life.” He's got a handful of Barbie. – Nag Hammadi

11.  Luke rants at Lorelai when he fills in at the Dragonfly during Sookie's bedrest and she camps upstairs to critique his food:" You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you...but, oh, boy. I’m going to be thinking about what I would have done if we weren’t in a relationship, even though that would mean I wouldn’t be in this position in the first place"..But I'm a Gilmore

17.  Luke finally admits to Lorelai he's interested in her romantically.  “What was I supposed to say? I did things. I let my actions speak. That's what you're supposed to do. Your supposed to let your actions speak. That's the romantic way to do this, damn it. ...He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, "What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken. ...I don't want to calm down! I did everything right! I did exactly what the book said! I thought we were on track, and now you're standing there looking at me like I'm crazy. You know the last time I bought flowers for someone? Never! That's when! Very easy stat to remember!” – Raincoats & Recipes

23.  Luke rants about kids:  "Even if there's no jam in the house, somehow, they've always got jam on their hands!"  – Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy

9 and 23 are gone.  Time to vote against just one!  I'm going to go ahead and vote early in this one and cast my vote against 11.  I *heart* the other two, even if for different reasons, and if it comes down to just them it's going to be really difficult to choose.

8.  Luke at the funeral parlor. "No, no, Taylor and the guys were right. I was cutting Louie slack out of respect for my dad, but the man was rotten and mean and selfish all his life. For God’s sake, he’s even selfish in death. Other people would’ve loved to have had those baseball cards. I would’ve loved to have those baseball cards. He’s got Lou Gehrig’s rookie card, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, tons of others – but no! My uncle, King Tut, has to take all of them to the afterlife with him!" – Dead Uncles & Vegetables

11.  Luke rants at Lorelai when he fills in at the Dragonfly during Sookie's bedrest and she camps upstairs to critique his food:" You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you...but, oh, boy. I’m going to be thinking about what I would have done if we weren’t in a relationship, even though that would mean I wouldn’t be in this position in the first place"..But I'm a Gilmore

17.  Luke finally admits to Lorelai he's interested in her romantically.  “What was I supposed to say? I did things. I let my actions speak. That's what you're supposed to do. Your supposed to let your actions speak. That's the romantic way to do this, damn it. ...He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, "What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken. ...I don't want to calm down! I did everything right! I did exactly what the book said! I thought we were on track, and now you're standing there looking at me like I'm crazy. You know the last time I bought flowers for someone? Never! That's when! Very easy stat to remember!” – Raincoats & Recipes

Okay folks I don't think there's really any point in dragging this one out further, I went back a few rounds and nobody has voted for 17 even once, and I feel a tie-breaker for second place is just delaying the inevitable.  So, 8 and 11 are both eliminated with five votes each and this is our grand champion!

Luke finally admits to Lorelai he's interested in her romantically.  “What was I supposed to say? I did things. I let my actions speak. That's what you're supposed to do. Your supposed to let your actions speak. That's the romantic way to do this, damn it. ...He said you were together. I mean, I was sitting there listening to this guy spout on and on about how it's right, you're right, he's right. The whole time, I'm thinking, "What the hell have I been doing all this for? She's taken. ...I don't want to calm down! I did everything right! I did exactly what the book said! I thought we were on track, and now you're standing there looking at me like I'm crazy. You know the last time I bought flowers for someone? Never! That's when! Very easy stat to remember!” – Raincoats & Recipes


I would like to state, for the record, I think "...my uncle, King Tut, has to take all of them to the afterlife with him!" is one of the funniest things I've ever heard Luke say.  Bahahaha.

Okay I think we were going to do favorite Paris moments next!  Start listing yours!  (Question - do we want to include scenes from AYITL in these games now?  I think all of our regulars have probably seen it, right?  But there may be some who haven't, I don't know.  Let me know what ya'll want to do on that.)

  • Love 3

I love the scene with Jess and Paris and Rory in Season 2. I am 95% sure it's from "There's the Rub."  I love their interaction and how she covers for Rory.

Other favorite Paris scenes:

-The Spring Break Episode - where she enters a banana eating contest because she wants healthy food

-Lazy Hazy Days - her interaction with the senators

-Lazy Hazy Days - her incredulity about Jaime wanting to date her

-Concert Interuptus - I like her at the concert

-Like Mother, Like Daughter- when she is in her pajamas and says something to Rory about how "You woke up like that?"

-Speed Dating with Doyle

-Scaring poor Tana in The Lorelais First Day at Yale

The dorm room argument over Janet's boyfriend, where Paris calls him a  "brobdingnagian twit" and accuses him of leaving a "four foot crater" in the couch that Gandalf the Grey is still falling down.  - The Incredible Sinking Loreleis

When they're trying to figure out who wrote "Die Jerk" on the door and Paris says she has her "East Side 860 partners" on it. - Die Jerk

When she comes over for dinner and discusses poetry and literature with Jess, insisting that Kerouac needed to "edit".  - There's the rub

When she told off Logan, who was coming to win Rory back after the bridesmaid debacle.  - I'm okay, you're okay. 

Her and Doyle dancing at Olivia and Lucy's 2002 themed party. - Knit, people, knit. 

Her "we won!" vs "we lost" photos at the Yale game. - Ted Koppel's Big Night Out

When she and Doyle kept repeating their "Last year I was sleeping with the editor....and this year *I* am" schtick over and over at Rory's birthday party.  - Twenty One is the Loneliest Number

Edited by ghoulina

-Rory and Paris see each other at the college fair and realize that they both want to go to Harvard -Paris asks Rory if she's interested in Tristan and then complements her on her party when she says she's not 'Hey..it was a nice party'-Rory's Birthday Parties 

-Paris comes over with all her clothes and Rory helps her get ready for her date with Tristan "I have nothing to wear".."Ever"?- The Third Lorelai

-When Paris, Madeline, and Louise discuss Paris's chances of winning the election for student body president  "You mean people would rather vote for a moronic twink that they like then someone who could actually do the job"?-I Can't Get Started 

-Paris harrasses soup kitchen workers over the phone, desperately trying to find somewhere to volunteer -ADFKT

-Paris tells Rory about her Christmas spent with Jaime " I had the most amazing time. Sitting around the tree opening presents, and they played Christmas music and we drank apple cider. . .it was so nice. And then his grandfather and I wound up in a theological discussion. Jesus – Messiah or nice Jewish kid with a hammer? It got pretty heated....they invited me back for Easter...miss the chance to debate Christ rising from the dead? I'm so there"-That'll Do, Pig

-Paris confides in Rory as she comforts her after her public meltdown about not getting into Harvard "They had to really not like me for me not to get in...it's like they know me or something"-The Big One

-Paris shakes headmaster Charleston's hand upon graduating and says "no hard feelings".-TASP

-Paris and Rory eat pizza and watch Bill Moyers on Spring Break -Girls in Bikinis 


Edited to add: I think A Year In The Life is fair game from here on out.

Edited by Bumblebee Tights
  • Love 1

These have me cackling with glee!  Here's what we have so far:

1.  Rory, Jess, and Paris eat tons of junk food and discuss literature. Jack Kerouac needs to learn to edit. Paris covers for Rory when Angry!Dean shows up, saying she has a crush on Jess. (There's the Rub)

2.  Paris is starving and runs off when she hears about the banana eating contest. (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing the Twist)

3.  Paris beats the will to live out of our nation's representatives. (Lazy Hazy)

4.  Paris gets asked out by Jamie, but doesn't realize it was for an actual date. (Lazy Hazy)

5.  Paris goes to the Bangles concert with Rory and they bond over how silly Madeline and Louise are being. (Concert Interruptus)

6.  Paris and Rory get kidnapped by the Puffs. Rory was prepared with cute pajamas and good hair. Paris was not. (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

7.  Paris tries speed dating and hooks up with Doyle. (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

8.  Paris and Rory meet Tana. Tana tries to make small talk. Paris scares her away. (TLFDAY)

9.  The dorm room argument over Janet's boyfriend, where Paris calls him a  "brobdingnagian twit" and accuses him of leaving a "four foot crater" in the couch that Gandalf the Grey is still falling down. (The Incredible Sinking Lorelais)

10.  When they're trying to figure out who wrote "Die Jerk" on the door and Paris says she has her "East Side 860 partners" on it. (Die, Jerk)

11.  When she told off Logan, who was coming to win Rory back after the bridesmaid debacle. (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

12.  Her and Doyle dancing at Olivia and Lucy's 2002 themed party. (Knit, People, Knit)

13.  Her "we won!" vs "we lost" photos at the Yale/Harvard game. (TKBNO)

14.  When she and Doyle kept repeating their "Last year I was sleeping with the editor....and this year *I* am" schtick over and over at Rory's birthday party. (21 is the Loneliest Number)

15.  When Logan was in the hospital and Rory wanted info and you see the front desk getting a call from Paris, the doctor reacting, and then Rory getting a call back from Paris with the info. (Super Cool Party People)

16.  Paris confiding in Rory that she slept with Jamie and then apologising for letting Francie mess things up between them. (The Big One)

17.  Rory comes in and finds Paris smoking a pipe and mourning Asher.  "I just wanted to smell like him again."  (Written in the Stars)

18.  Paris hangs out with Lorelai while Rory is on the outs.  They discuss what to wear to bed when you've been with the same guy for a while, but don't want to dress too unsexy.  "Right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get.  I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

19.  Rory and Paris see each other at the college fair and realize that they both want to go to Harvard.  Paris asks Rory if she's interested in Tristan and then complements her on her party when she says she's not. 'Hey..it was a nice party' (Rory's Birthday Parties)

20.  Paris comes over with all her clothes and Rory helps her get ready for her date with Tristan "I have nothing to wear".."Ever?"  (The Third Lorelai)

21.  When Paris, Madeline, and Louise discuss Paris's chances of winning the election for student body president  "You mean people would rather vote for a moronic twink that they like then someone who could actually do the job?"  (I Can't Get Started)

22.  Paris harasses soup kitchen workers over the phone, desperately trying to find somewhere to volunteer.  (ADFKT)

23.  Paris tells Rory about her Christmas spent with Jaime "I had the most amazing time. Sitting around the tree opening presents, and they played Christmas music and we drank apple cider. . .it was so nice. And then his grandfather and I wound up in a theological discussion. Jesus – Messiah or nice Jewish kid with a hammer? It got pretty heated....they invited me back for Easter...miss the chance to debate Christ rising from the dead? I'm so there." (That'll Do, Pig)

24.  Paris confides in Rory as she comforts her after her public meltdown about not getting into Harvard "They had to really not like me for me not to get in...it's like they know me or something" (The Big One)

25.  Paris shakes headmaster Charleston's hand upon graduating and says "no hard feelings." (TASP)

26.  Paris and Rory eat pizza and watch Bill Moyers on Spring Break. (Girls in Bikinis)

27.  Paris tries to find the 'seedy underbelly' of Stars Hollow.  "Reverend Nichols, huh?  What is that, like Doctor Feelgood?"  Luke wants to know how much Rory likes this person.  Rory tells him to do what he's gotta do.  (RiSH)

28.  Paris tries to reinvent herself at college but ends up kicking everyone out of the dorm room.  "Okay, everybody out, now! This room is closed. Take your gross beer and your inane conversations somewhere else. Move!"  (The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles)

Edited by Taryn74

I'd also say that AYITL should be fair game as well. I know there may be people who are behind, but I think many should have already seen it? Or we could wait until the next round to include AYITL stuff. 

-Paris trying to find out Rory's PSAT score. ""How do I know you are not one of those people who get pretty happy looking at the sunset?" (Secrets and Loans)

-Paris kisses Rory in a club on Spring Break (which is quite possibly one of my favourite moments of Paris, so I guess you guys know where I stand)

1.  Rory, Jess, and Paris eat tons of junk food and discuss literature. Jack Kerouac needs to learn to edit. Paris covers for Rory when Angry!Dean shows up, saying she has a crush on Jess. (There's the Rub)

2.  Paris is starving and runs off when she hears about the banana eating contest. (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing the Twist)

3.  Paris beats the will to live out of our nation's representatives. (Lazy Hazy)

4.  Paris gets asked out by Jamie, but doesn't realize it was for an actual date. (Lazy Hazy)

5.  Paris goes to the Bangles concert with Rory and they bond over how silly Madeline and Louise are being. (Concert Interruptus)

6.  Paris and Rory get kidnapped by the Puffs. Rory was prepared with cute pajamas and good hair. Paris was not. (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

7.  Paris tries speed dating and hooks up with Doyle. (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

8.  Paris and Rory meet Tana. Tana tries to make small talk. Paris scares her away. (TLFDAY)

9.  The dorm room argument over Janet's boyfriend, where Paris calls him a  "brobdingnagian twit" and accuses him of leaving a "four foot crater" in the couch that Gandalf the Grey is still falling down. (The Incredible Sinking Lorelais)

10.  When they're trying to figure out who wrote "Die Jerk" on the door and Paris says she has her "East Side 860 partners" on it. (Die, Jerk)

11.  When she told off Logan, who was coming to win Rory back after the bridesmaid debacle. (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

12.  Her and Doyle dancing at Olivia and Lucy's 2002 themed party. (Knit, People, Knit)

13.  Her "we won!" vs "we lost" photos at the Yale/Harvard game. (TKBNO)

14.  When she and Doyle kept repeating their "Last year I was sleeping with the editor....and this year *I* am" schtick over and over at Rory's birthday party. (21 is the Loneliest Number)

15.  When Logan was in the hospital and Rory wanted info and you see the front desk getting a call from Paris, the doctor reacting, and then Rory getting a call back from Paris with the info. (Super Cool Party People)

16.  Paris confiding in Rory that she slept with Jamie and then apologising for letting Francie mess things up between them. (The Big One)

17.  Rory comes in and finds Paris smoking a pipe and mourning Asher.  "I just wanted to smell like him again."  (Written in the Stars)

18.  Paris hangs out with Lorelai while Rory is on the outs.  They discuss what to wear to bed when you've been with the same guy for a while, but don't want to dress too unsexy.  "Right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get.  I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

19.  Rory and Paris see each other at the college fair and realize that they both want to go to Harvard.  Paris asks Rory if she's interested in Tristan and then complements her on her party when she says she's not. 'Hey..it was a nice party' (Rory's Birthday Parties)

20.  Paris comes over with all her clothes and Rory helps her get ready for her date with Tristan "I have nothing to wear".."Ever?"  (The Third Lorelai)

21.  When Paris, Madeline, and Louise discuss Paris's chances of winning the election for student body president  "You mean people would rather vote for a moronic twink that they like then someone who could actually do the job?"  (I Can't Get Started)

22.  Paris harasses soup kitchen workers over the phone, desperately trying to find somewhere to volunteer.  (ADFKT)

23.  Paris tells Rory about her Christmas spent with Jaime "I had the most amazing time. Sitting around the tree opening presents, and they played Christmas music and we drank apple cider. . .it was so nice. And then his grandfather and I wound up in a theological discussion. Jesus – Messiah or nice Jewish kid with a hammer? It got pretty heated....they invited me back for Easter...miss the chance to debate Christ rising from the dead? I'm so there." (That'll Do, Pig)

24.  Paris confides in Rory as she comforts her after her public meltdown about not getting into Harvard "They had to really not like me for me not to get in...it's like they know me or something" (The Big One)

25.  Paris shakes headmaster Charleston's hand upon graduating and says "no hard feelings." (TASP)

26.  Paris and Rory eat pizza and watch Bill Moyers on Spring Break. (Girls in Bikinis)

27.  Paris tries to find the 'seedy underbelly' of Stars Hollow.  "Reverend Nichols, huh?  What is that, like Doctor Feelgood?"  Luke wants to know how much Rory likes this person.  Rory tells him to do what he's gotta do.  (RiSH)

28.  Paris tries to reinvent herself at college but ends up kicking everyone out of the dorm room.  "Okay, everybody out, now! This room is closed. Take your gross beer and your inane conversations somewhere else. Move!"  (The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles)

29.  Paris trying to find out Rory's PSAT score. ""How do I know you are not one of those people who get pretty happy looking at the sunset?" (Secrets and Loans)

30.  Paris kisses Rory in a club on Spring Break.  "Madeline and Louise do it!"  "Madeline and Louise wear their underwear outside their clothes.  I don't want to do what Madeline and Louise do."  (GIB, BDTT)

  • Love 1

Paris tries to get Rory to run for student council.  "See, that is exactly what I need from you, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm for the new millennium. Hey, wear some braids tomorrow with bows. I mean, hell, let’s sell it, sister! (I Can't get Started)

Paris calls to tell Rory with an update. "We got the band! I knew we had most of the academic clubs tied up, but band – they were the wild card ‘cause believe me, if anybody’s going to be truly scared of me, it’s some artsy loser with a tuba wrapped around his neck."  (I Can't get Started)

This game is going to be six months long LOL.  So many awesome Paris moments!  And I could list a dozen more.


1.  Rory, Jess, and Paris eat tons of junk food and discuss literature. Jack Kerouac needs to learn to edit. Paris covers for Rory when Angry!Dean shows up, saying she has a crush on Jess. (There's the Rub)

2.  Paris is starving and runs off when she hears about the banana eating contest. (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing the Twist)

3.  Paris beats the will to live out of our nation's representatives. (Lazy Hazy)

4.  Paris gets asked out by Jamie, but doesn't realize it was for an actual date. (Lazy Hazy)

5.  Paris goes to the Bangles concert with Rory and they bond over how silly Madeline and Louise are being. (Concert Interruptus)

6.  Paris and Rory get kidnapped by the Puffs. Rory was prepared with cute pajamas and good hair. Paris was not. (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

7.  Paris tries speed dating and hooks up with Doyle. (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

8.  Paris and Rory meet Tana. Tana tries to make small talk. Paris scares her away. (TLFDAY)

9.  The dorm room argument over Janet's boyfriend, where Paris calls him a  "brobdingnagian twit" and accuses him of leaving a "four foot crater" in the couch that Gandalf the Grey is still falling down. (The Incredible Sinking Lorelais)

10.  When they're trying to figure out who wrote "Die Jerk" on the door and Paris says she has her "East Side 860 partners" on it. (Die, Jerk)

11.  When she told off Logan, who was coming to win Rory back after the bridesmaid debacle. (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

12.  Her and Doyle dancing at Olivia and Lucy's 2002 themed party. (Knit, People, Knit)

13.  Her "we won!" vs "we lost" photos at the Yale/Harvard game. (TKBNO)

14.  When she and Doyle kept repeating their "Last year I was sleeping with the editor....and this year *I* am" schtick over and over at Rory's birthday party. (21 is the Loneliest Number)

15.  When Logan was in the hospital and Rory wanted info and you see the front desk getting a call from Paris, the doctor reacting, and then Rory getting a call back from Paris with the info. (Super Cool Party People)

16.  Paris confiding in Rory that she slept with Jamie and then apologising for letting Francie mess things up between them. (The Big One)

17.  Rory comes in and finds Paris smoking a pipe and mourning Asher.  "I just wanted to smell like him again."  (Written in the Stars)

18.  Paris hangs out with Lorelai while Rory is on the outs.  They discuss what to wear to bed when you've been with the same guy for a while, but don't want to dress too unsexy.  "Right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get.  I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

19.  Rory and Paris see each other at the college fair and realize that they both want to go to Harvard.  Paris asks Rory if she's interested in Tristan and then complements her on her party when she says she's not. 'Hey..it was a nice party' (Rory's Birthday Parties)

20.  Paris comes over with all her clothes and Rory helps her get ready for her date with Tristan "I have nothing to wear".."Ever?"  (The Third Lorelai)

21.  When Paris, Madeline, and Louise discuss Paris's chances of winning the election for student body president  "You mean people would rather vote for a moronic twink that they like then someone who could actually do the job?"  (I Can't Get Started)

22.  Paris harasses soup kitchen workers over the phone, desperately trying to find somewhere to volunteer.  (ADFKT)

23.  Paris tells Rory about her Christmas spent with Jaime "I had the most amazing time. Sitting around the tree opening presents, and they played Christmas music and we drank apple cider. . .it was so nice. And then his grandfather and I wound up in a theological discussion. Jesus – Messiah or nice Jewish kid with a hammer? It got pretty heated....they invited me back for Easter...miss the chance to debate Christ rising from the dead? I'm so there." (That'll Do, Pig)

24.  Paris confides in Rory as she comforts her after her public meltdown about not getting into Harvard "They had to really not like me for me not to get in...it's like they know me or something" (The Big One)

25.  Paris shakes headmaster Charleston's hand upon graduating and says "no hard feelings." (TASP)

26.  Paris and Rory eat pizza and watch Bill Moyers on Spring Break. (Girls in Bikinis)

27.  Paris tries to find the 'seedy underbelly' of Stars Hollow.  "Reverend Nichols, huh?  What is that, like Doctor Feelgood?"  Luke wants to know how much Rory likes this person.  Rory tells him to do what he's gotta do.  (RiSH)

28.  Paris tries to reinvent herself at college but ends up kicking everyone out of the dorm room.  "Okay, everybody out, now! This room is closed. Take your gross beer and your inane conversations somewhere else. Move!"  (The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles)

29.  Paris trying to find out Rory's PSAT score. ""How do I know you are not one of those people who get pretty happy looking at the sunset?" (Secrets and Loans)

30.  Paris kisses Rory in a club on Spring Break.  "Madeline and Louise do it!"  "Madeline and Louise wear their underwear outside their clothes.  I don't want to do what Madeline and Louise do."  (GIB, BDTT)

31.  Paris tries to get Rory to run for student council.  "See, that is exactly what I need from you, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm for the new millennium. Hey, wear some braids tomorrow with bows. I mean, hell, let’s sell it, sister!" (I Can't get Started)

32.  Paris calls to tell Rory with an update. "We got the band! I knew we had most of the academic clubs tied up, but band – they were the wild card ‘cause believe me, if anybody’s going to be truly scared of me, it’s some artsy loser with a tuba wrapped around his neck."  (I Can't get Started)

33.  "No, it's National Baptism Day. Tie your tubes, idiot!" from (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing The Twist)

Okay that brings us back to an even number, so let's put a close to the nominations and start voting!  Start out voting against 4.


1.  Rory, Jess, and Paris eat tons of junk food and discuss literature. Jack Kerouac needs to learn to edit. Paris covers for Rory when Angry!Dean shows up, saying she has a crush on Jess. (There's the Rub)

2.  Paris is starving and runs off when she hears about the banana eating contest. (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing the Twist)

3.  Paris beats the will to live out of our nation's representatives. (Lazy Hazy)

4.  Paris gets asked out by Jamie, but doesn't realize it was for an actual date. (Lazy Hazy)

5.  Paris goes to the Bangles concert with Rory and they bond over how silly Madeline and Louise are being. (Concert Interruptus)

6.  Paris and Rory get kidnapped by the Puffs. Rory was prepared with cute pajamas and good hair. Paris was not. (Like Mother, Like Daughter)

7.  Paris tries speed dating and hooks up with Doyle. (But Not as Cute as Pushkin)

8.  Paris and Rory meet Tana. Tana tries to make small talk. Paris scares her away. (TLFDAY)

9.  The dorm room argument over Janet's boyfriend, where Paris calls him a  "brobdingnagian twit" and accuses him of leaving a "four foot crater" in the couch that Gandalf the Grey is still falling down. (The Incredible Sinking Lorelais)

10.  When they're trying to figure out who wrote "Die Jerk" on the door and Paris says she has her "East Side 860 partners" on it. (Die, Jerk)

11.  When she told off Logan, who was coming to win Rory back after the bridesmaid debacle. (I'm Okay, You're Okay)

12.  Her and Doyle dancing at Olivia and Lucy's 2002 themed party. (Knit, People, Knit)

13.  Her "we won!" vs "we lost" photos at the Yale/Harvard game. (TKBNO)

14.  When she and Doyle kept repeating their "Last year I was sleeping with the editor....and this year *I* am" schtick over and over at Rory's birthday party. (21 is the Loneliest Number)

15.  When Logan was in the hospital and Rory wanted info and you see the front desk getting a call from Paris, the doctor reacting, and then Rory getting a call back from Paris with the info. (Super Cool Party People)

16.  Paris confiding in Rory that she slept with Jamie and then apologising for letting Francie mess things up between them. (The Big One)

17.  Rory comes in and finds Paris smoking a pipe and mourning Asher.  "I just wanted to smell like him again."  (Written in the Stars)

18.  Paris hangs out with Lorelai while Rory is on the outs.  They discuss what to wear to bed when you've been with the same guy for a while, but don't want to dress too unsexy.  "Right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get.  I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

19.  Rory and Paris see each other at the college fair and realize that they both want to go to Harvard.  Paris asks Rory if she's interested in Tristan and then complements her on her party when she says she's not. 'Hey..it was a nice party' (Rory's Birthday Parties)

20.  Paris comes over with all her clothes and Rory helps her get ready for her date with Tristan "I have nothing to wear".."Ever?"  (The Third Lorelai)

21.  When Paris, Madeline, and Louise discuss Paris's chances of winning the election for student body president  "You mean people would rather vote for a moronic twink that they like then someone who could actually do the job?"  (I Can't Get Started)

22.  Paris harasses soup kitchen workers over the phone, desperately trying to find somewhere to volunteer.  (ADFKT)

23.  Paris tells Rory about her Christmas spent with Jaime "I had the most amazing time. Sitting around the tree opening presents, and they played Christmas music and we drank apple cider. . .it was so nice. And then his grandfather and I wound up in a theological discussion. Jesus – Messiah or nice Jewish kid with a hammer? It got pretty heated....they invited me back for Easter...miss the chance to debate Christ rising from the dead? I'm so there." (That'll Do, Pig)

24.  Paris confides in Rory as she comforts her after her public meltdown about not getting into Harvard "They had to really not like me for me not to get in...it's like they know me or something" (The Big One)

25.  Paris shakes headmaster Charleston's hand upon graduating and says "no hard feelings." (TASP)

26.  Paris and Rory eat pizza and watch Bill Moyers on Spring Break. (Girls in Bikinis)

27.  Paris tries to find the 'seedy underbelly' of Stars Hollow.  "Reverend Nichols, huh?  What is that, like Doctor Feelgood?"  Luke wants to know how much Rory likes this person.  Rory tells him to do what he's gotta do.  (RiSH)

28.  Paris tries to reinvent herself at college but ends up kicking everyone out of the dorm room.  "Okay, everybody out, now! This room is closed. Take your gross beer and your inane conversations somewhere else. Move!"  (The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles)

29.  Paris trying to find out Rory's PSAT score. ""How do I know you are not one of those people who get pretty happy looking at the sunset?" (Secrets and Loans)

30.  Paris kisses Rory in a club on Spring Break.  "Madeline and Louise do it!"  "Madeline and Louise wear their underwear outside their clothes.  I don't want to do what Madeline and Louise do."  (GIB, BDTT)

31.  Paris tries to get Rory to run for student council.  "See, that is exactly what I need from you, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm for the new millennium. Hey, wear some braids tomorrow with bows. I mean, hell, let’s sell it, sister!" (I Can't get Started)

32.  Paris calls to tell Rory with an update. "We got the band! I knew we had most of the academic clubs tied up, but band – they were the wild card ‘cause believe me, if anybody’s going to be truly scared of me, it’s some artsy loser with a tuba wrapped around his neck."  (I Can't get Started)

33.  "No, it's National Baptism Day. Tie your tubes, idiot!" from (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing The Twist)

34.  Paris sees Rory and Max react to seeing each other, realizes something's not right about it, then assigns Rory to interview Max because he was the most popular teacher.  (Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy)

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