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S04.E00: Countdown to the New Season

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Whitney gets the chance of a lifetime to make a dance DVD, but may have trouble with her backup dancers; Whitney and Todd prepare for the ballroom competition; Whitney's love life catches everyone by surprise; with exclusive bonus footage.

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Isn't this what we saw last season?

Her backup dancers showing late and none of them really knowing the dances (not even Twit)?

Her and Todd going through several dances after each other without breaking a sweat and landing 2nd place. Except she could barely walk on those shoes and she can't stand on her feet for more than 10 minutes due to her weight (fabulous!) and then the horrid leggings...

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Oh, so this week's show is just an enhanced re-run? No thanks, I don't need to see the bogus dance competition, the bogus interaction with Roy, or Whitney making her DVD again, even with Added Features.  (Has anyone ever come across a review of that DVD? Other than from devoted fans on her FB page?)

Whitney is about as likely to deal in a mature and competent way with her mother being ill, as she is likely to take responsibility for her own health. I hope Glen and Hunter are more capable, for Babs' sake..

Edited by Ketzel
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4 hours ago, leighroda said:

I just read on the Whitney thread that Babs had a stroke and is recovering... hopefully she can get some much needed rest and isn't forced to watch the premier with Whitney cackling in her ear.

Poor lady. Hopefully it will provide the kick in the pants that Whitney so desperately needs to get herself on track.  I know it's not easy.

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4 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Poor lady. Hopefully it will provide the kick in the pants that Whitney so desperately needs to get herself on track.  I know it's not easy.

Now Whitney has another excuse for her health issues. If she ends up having a stroke, she can just say it wasn't because of her weight, it runs in the family. 

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I feel terrible that this is crossing my mind because I do truly feel for Babs and in no way shape or form do I think SHE is playing any of this up for the cameras or anything... but does anyone else find the timing of announcing this the day before the show premiere fishy? I don't follow Whitney on social media so idk if she is a habitual over-sharer or keeps things private, so I also dont know if this is something she would normally post about. We don't know how long ago this happened, but based on the picture I would guess a couple weeks ago... she looks good in the pic, and it looks like she is home from the hospital. There are a lot of factors, it's just a picture, whose to say her speech isn't effected, or she's having difficulty moving but they photographed the good side... it would also depend on what type of stroke that would play into this, so I am not stating as fact that I think Whitney held off announcing this to exploit it for viewers, but I must say I am suspicious.

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19 hours ago, leighroda said:

I do truly feel for Babs and in no way shape or form do I think SHE is playing any of this up for the cameras or anything... but does anyone else find the timing of announcing this the day before the show premiere fishy? I don't follow Whitney on social media so idk if she is a habitual over-sharer or keeps things private, so I also dont know if this is something she would normally post about. We don't know how long ago this happened, but based on the picture I would guess a couple weeks ago... she looks good in the pic, and it looks like she is home from the hospital. There are a lot of factors, it's just a picture, whose to say her speech isn't effected, or she's having difficulty moving but they photographed the good side... it would also depend on what type of stroke that would play into this, so I am not stating as fact that I think Whitney held off announcing this to exploit it for viewers, but I must say I am suspicious.

Leighroda, I'm equally suspicious.  I'm very sorry that Babs had a stroke; and something tells me that between Glen and Whitney's brother, she won't be lacking for help with her recovery.  I'm sure the Thore's have decent health insurance, so I'm hoping that they've hired some competent home care assistants to care for Babs while she recovers. 

Whitney, I'm sure doesn't have the time to spend caring for her; (from the previews it looks like she purchased the house that she & Buddy share and she's now badgering Buddy to sign a lease).  In Whitney's current state I'm not sure that she'd physically be able to assist in doing anything physical for Babs.

Babs, get well soon!!!!

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Another time watching Twit do dance after dance without breaking a sweat, despite 

1. Barely being able to walk in these shoes.

2. Not being able to stand on her feet for more than 10 minutes due to her weight (fabulous!).

And. Those. Leggings.

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