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S06.E20: That 70s Show

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When construction workers find the body of an infamous New York mobster who disappeared in the seventies, Beckett and Castle try to solve this three decade-old Mafia hit. Unfortunately, their only witness is a man who thinks it’s still the 1970’s, so to uncover what he knows, they must play into his delusion, and party like it’s the last days of disco.
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Yep it was as bad as I thought it would be.   Not even so bad it was good.   Just cringe inducing.  

Stupid ass premise.   Some crazy guy who thinks its still the 1970s is the only person who can provide clues.  Yeah that will work.   Also, driving him to the precinct, they didn't pass a SINGLE STARBUCKS?    That would have destroyed his illusion.  And let us not mention the Starsky & Hutch ripoff (p.s. they were LA cops).   I mean really let us not mention it.

Ugh, the stereotypical mob guys with their shrill wives.   And the Marlon Brando in the Godfather talk.   Just ugh.

The only bright spot was Lanie and her "jive turkey" talk.

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I'm with millahnna.  I don't have any expectations for that show anymore.  Fun and entertaining was all it was supposed to be.  It delivered on that in spades.  This is Castle.  Check reality at the door.

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I thought it was silly, and sort of stupid, but it was a nice fluffy way to end the evening. The one part I absolutely LOVED was when Esposito (in character) tried to do the slide off the roof of the car and ended up on his ass instead. 

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I liked seeing the period costumes, cars, etc., but it did kind of bug me that a whole precinct would get shut down for a seventies makeover (although that was more on Martha than Castle).  A few weeks back I saw the noir episode when everything was thirties period and that was much better.  However, the noir part was in Castle's imagination as he read the diary and not in reality.  (Note: it's strange how everything from the seventies looks weird but back in the seventies, it was just our normal.)

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Lainie as Pam Grier was good. Espo falling on his keister when he tried to hood-slide was good. The final disco party looked like fun (I kind of liked that Gates just wanted to dance, but wasn't ready to totally forgive Castle for the ridiculous idea). The rest was just...not my cup of tea.

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Yeah I guess if I think about it too hard the actual crime of the week was a little meh.  And I usually like the crime of the week stuff (which is kind of weird since I'm not much for procedurals in general). 

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A few weeks back I saw the noir episode when everything was thirties period and that was much better.  However, the noir part was in Castle's imagination as he read the diary and not in reality.

Yeah, that was a much better premise/excuse for the period theme. The idea of having to go retro for a PTSD Mafioso is original, but it really didn't work so well. A dream or being unconsious would be more believable. And more physical comedy like the car slide fail would've helped.
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Sometimes, an episode comes along where you have to give up any expectation of logic, plausibility, and realism.  And if you can, the episode becomes fun, in a goofy, stupid sort of way.  Lanie standing up to whatshisname in a 70s way was awesome, as was Esposito failing so hard at the sliding down the hood of the car.

I wanna see "Sabotage" now.

Edited by beadgirl
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I hated the plot and the reason for the retro revival, but I giggled with glee at the actual recreations.  Lannie was great.  Espo landing on his butt was phenomenal.  Martha writing a ridiculous script was hysterical.  Iron Gates walking in on all of it was awesome.  I even enjoyed the dance party!

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I am a sucker for anything 70's (Argo and American Hustle are nostalgia porn for me).  I thought the fact that delusional mob guy let the 70's ruse last so long was mean and could have been explained well by maybe him complimenting Martha's work or them reminiscing at the disco.  Did Ryan/Seamus remind anyone of Matthew McCoughnay? Here are fun facts.  

In 1978...

  • Nathan was 7
  • Stana was born
  • Susan was 36
  • Jon was 8
  • Seamus was 2
  • Tamala was 4
  • Penny was 17
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Did Ryan/Seamus remind anyone of Matthew McCoughnay?

Yes. He was totally channeling McConaughey.


I haven't really enjoyed a Castle episode in a long time, but I loved this one. Once I let go of any expectations of realism, it was a ton of fun. When Espo fell, I literally screamed laughing.

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I really thought the period dress was groovy. The premise of gangster Harold Leone being stuck in 1978 was strange, but... When Det. Milt Boyle was going over the original case evidence of Vince Bionchis disappearance, I worried that he had something to do with it. Was surprised he didn't help more with the investigation.

Liked Esposito and Ryan dressed as the "Starsky and Hutch" look a likes Snookie Watts and Ray Price. Espo sliding off the hood of that red and white GTO was funny.

Captain Castle was funny, especially when Captain Gates came back from her class. Castle calling Beckett, "Cupcake" was funny too. Alexis "teenage runaway" halter top made her dad question it. Later Martha's acting class did good. The junkie, and the rough 1970's "Kojak" department was good. Lanie stole the show with her lingo and her dress. Harold flirted with her. I was surprised by Harold and Vince being lovers.

I thought at first it might be a wife who was the killer. Then I figured it was Frank Russo. It turned out that Vince was going to marry Michael Carcano's Sister. Frank Russo's wife, Marie, did him in. Robert Decker rolled on her.

Team looked good at end in the Disco. Dancing to Donna Summer, Last Dance. Decent episode!

Edited by webruce
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