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S12.E09: Profiling 202

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No Reid. Thought I'd get that in.

Oh, and JJ and Tara had one scene. Proof we have too many agents.

I get that this was a sequel to "Profiling 101" and thus any suggestion of this episode being a retread has to be qualified- it's going to borrow a lot from the original episode anyway.

Having said that...I'm not really quite sure they truly went beyond the original. Yeah, seeing how the case truly affected Rossi was nice and seeing Tommy Yates evolve was interesting...but it kind of went through many of the same motions the original did. The approach truly wasn't novel, as, largely, this class asked many of the same questions the first one did- they only directed them at different students.

I did think the opening scene where the students had to talk about how they'd de-escalate the showdown with the UnSub was funny, especially the trigger-happy option. Good thing it was only a simulation...Prentiss has seen enough of emergency rooms I think.

Of course, then the episode undid all that by shooting Tommy Yates. Surely there was some trick Rossi could have pulled to get Yates to stand down...I mean, Rossi knew Yates, right?

I did think Adam Nelson rocked as Yates and he had great chemistry with Joe Mantegna. Pity the two won't be in future episodes...Yates vs. Rossi would have been a great way to do The Following- if Yates had hundreds of intended victims and lots of fans intending to kill those victims, Rossi having to pull that information out of Yates every week would be fun.

Alas...we got this. I'll take it, for now.

Episode Grade: C-. There were some engaging moments, but it ultimately fell very flat.

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well, Matthew's credit is still second behind Joe Mantegna's.... new guy Damon Gupton falls in just before Aisha Tyler's.   (I'm just watching it now because I had priorities earlier. Hockey! :D  )

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18 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

well, Matthew's credit is still second behind Joe Mantegna's.... new guy Damon Gupton falls in just before Aisha Tyler's.   (I'm just watching it now because I had priorities earlier. Hockey! :D  )

I also had to allow hockey to take priority over CM. I'm just finishing up the episode now.

The hockey game was definitely more interesting! :)

I did have high hopes at the beginning because of the focus on profiling, and I do like that it was somewhat maintained throughout the episode. I don't think they used Garcia's magic computer once, or any kicking down doors, with fairly minimal unsub focus (other than when the unsub was interacting with Rossi).

Did they mention where Reid is supposed to be? I assume this is part of MGG's annual vacation, so I can forgive the lack of onscreen Reid, but a mention would have been nice. Even without him, I felt there were too many regulars.

Did we know before this that Tommy Yates escaped? I dislike how they pick one to focus on for certain episodes, and in the intervening episodes, you'd think they'd be tracking multiple people, that the BAU's attention would be split, and that multiple teams (outside of just the BAU) are involved with each team responsible for certain escapees. I wish this was woven more throughout the episodes, rather than being either centric to the episode or completely absent.

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no we didn't know before. All they said at the end of The Storm was that 13 had escaped and one was Mr Scratch. He's been revisited of course. They also said that several (I think 8 ?) have been recaptured and insinuated that Alvez had something to do with at least some of those.


My question is... these are all escaped convicts. Not one of them is actually an *unsub* --their identities are all known. Other than possible protection for BAU members who LE feels may be targeted for retribution, wouldn't their recapture be tasked to a unit specialising in this? There's no need for 'profiling' when they already know who they're looking for.

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I love Rossi, so I liked this episode, despite the complete and utter lack of Reid and despite the fact that it took place over the course of at least 3 or 4 days, not once did we see/hear that Reid checked in daily with Prentiss.( And there were several opportunities, most notably during the profiling seminar, where some reference to Reid could've been made. That kinda bugged me for example, "I cook" and he mentions someone else boxes. He coulda said something about one of them who plays chess but anyway) 

I like Rossi, so I was far more accepting of a Rossicentric episode than I was that drek called Sick Day. And as rotten as he was, the guy who played Tommy Yates was awesome so that was good. There was minimum gore, not a lot of violence, almost no JJ, Tara and Luke and waaaaay too many 'students'. Although, a nice touch, I suppose (cause I'm related to law enforcement myself and I know this to be true) it was really heartening to see that there are indeed, those who realise they just aren't cut out for this kind of work and that Agent Clark (I think his name was Clark?) stepping out of the course, as it were was very true to form.

And I must be a profiler. As soon as he said something about wondering what Yates was really after, something close to Rossi, I said...er spoiler....


he's gonna murder the last victim and bury her on Rossi's own property

but I think I'm overly non critical of it because I'm just too buoyed by the awesome hockey game I watched instead of watching CM as it aired. 

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1 hour ago, ReidFan said:

I love Rossi, so I liked this episode, despite the complete and utter lack of Reid and despite the fact that it took place over the course of at least 3 or 4 days, not once did we see/hear that Reid checked in daily with Prentiss.( And there were several opportunities, most notably during the profiling seminar, where some reference to Reid could've been made. That kinda bugged me for example, "I cook" and he mentions someone else boxes. He coulda said something about one of them who plays chess but anyway) 

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Definitely, RF.  It could have been a nice tie-in to the scene on the plane when Emily told Spencer he would need to check-in with her a lot while he was gone.  It would've taken only seconds.  But alas, that was probably too much for this particular writer.

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I’ve missed Hotch to varying degrees throughout this season, but never moreso than for this episode.  It felt like I was watching all (save one) of the kids and grandkids trying to comfort dad, who no longer has any Bureau friends his own age. Emily had an established friendship with Rossi before she left the show, and being in a leadership position now, she might have provided the shoulder he needed to lean on.  But, for me, she wasn’t enough.  With Hotch and Strauss both gone, there was no one up to the task.  And I couldn't help but think how different an episode it would have been if we could have seen the two oldest BAU friends playing off one another.  Sigh.  As it was, Rossi had to largely go it alone.  And, despite his hefty credentials, and despite how much I like Rossi, for me, neither JM, nor the character, offers enough for a full hour of focus.

Yes, ReidFan, the ending was predictable.  And yes, it would have cost them nothing, to build on the ‘I need to hear from you, every day’ comment from Emily to Reid.  Why throw that in there, if you’re not going to use it? 

The good things about this episode:  it was clearly demonstrated that it takes a new new guy and a whole class of wanna-be newbies to even try (and fail) to fill the absence of my favorite genius.  And, with the denouement regarding Tommy Yates, it seems we won’t have a ‘Profiling 303’ in our future.

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Yeah, this episode was only okay for me. It certainly was better than most of Virgil's episodes, and I did like it better overall than Profiling 101, but my opinion about Criminal Minds is consistently down this year and it takes a good episode to get me to like it. I did have to laugh about the emphasis Rossi placed on talking the unsubs down and not just shooting them, when the BAU shoots and kills a good chunk of the unsubs. And I did have to roll my eyes at the idea that seemingly no agency was looking for Yates in the intervening months he escaped (and how convenient he was in one of the prisons with the mass escapes). What law enforcement just allowed him to wander around all this time and made no effort to capture him? Because if so, you would think they would have been involved in the investigation or at least there would have been some mention of the investigation to find him. 

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I really liked it. Exactly what I've been missing. Emphasis on the profiling or in this case re-profiling of a known-sub.  I don't usually spend an episode wondering how it could have been different if only....I just enjoy what is. At least in this case I enjoyed. I am not a Reid fan to the extent that a Reid-less episode is going to upset me and Hotch is history to me so all in all I think Rossi did a fine job of carrying this one, I liked how he had to insert himself into the profile because of their ongoing contact. It was an A+ for me.

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1 hour ago, Kelda Feegle said:

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, such a boring episode. 

So boring that I actually changed the channel at 40 minutes in...and never went back.

This show just doesn't do it for me anymore.  It used to have me at the edge of my seat.  Now I just play candy crush while watching...looking up every so often

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59 minutes ago, MMC said:

 In fairness it was preempted in some areas do the college basketball.

Yeah, where I live, the very beginning was preempted because of college basketball and then the celebration aftershow (the university in my area won this particular game). I almost turned it off because the aftershow seemed like it would drag on, and I'm not a fan of watching sports/things related to sports on tv. 

While not the best ratings of the season, it did fairly well, in my understanding. Also, if a little area like where I live can have game premptions (the only time I can remember that happening is when some major news event or bad weather and the stations make way for local news), I'm certain larger areas also had preemptions. 

Now, I'm a Reid fan, as many of y'all know, but despite that he wasn't there, it was an ok episode. I like Rossi, but have been annoyed by the recent storylines he's gotten, just not my cup of tea...or in my case, coffee. Having said that, I thought that this episode reminded me of why I like Rossi (he's my second favorite male, third favorite character overall). This storyline was good. 

I do wish, and this may be just selfishness on my part, that Reid had somewhat been mentioned-even in passing or like Reidfan said, that "one member of our team plays chess . . ."  However, as I don't begrudge the show when it doesn't mention any of the other characters when they are not on, I won't begrudge them of that. 

I'm glad that Yates won't be around to torment Rossi on his birthday ever again. I did like the throwback to when they would ghost, as Harry put it one day (when the team would insert themselves into the crime to get into the mind of the unsub and to figure out what and how it had occurred. )They used ghosting a little differently as Rossi imagined himself and Yates chatting and eating dinner, but I enjoyed seeing it. That was always one of my favorite parts of Criminal Minds. 

Edited by autumnmountains
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Figures I have seen show CM beaten by all other networks.

@ 9pm
NBC → SVU = 1.5/1.6
ABC → Modern Family = 2.3 (& 300,000 viewers more), Black-ish = 1.7
FOX → Star = 1.6

CM only scored a 1.3

Seems to me the ratings have many different interpretations on them depending on what spin is being pushed.

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None of those numbers look even close to those in the picture. I guess I don't understand what they even mean (or how they're calculated), but the pic I posted came from Harry... not thinking he's trying to lie about something that could so easily be disproved especially when they don't have to post anything at all.

As far as 'spin' goes, I think negative spin has every bit as much impact as positive. In some cases, even more. 

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4 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

Figures I have seen show CM beaten by all other networks.

@ 9pm
NBC → SVU = 1.5/1.6
ABC → Modern Family = 2.3 (& 300,000 viewers more), Black-ish = 1.7
FOX → Star = 1.6

CM only scored a 1.3

Seems to me the ratings have many different interpretations on them depending on what spin is being pushed.

Old Dog, those are the same numbers I saw on line, at TV by the Numbers.  I don't know the provenance of that other report---the one that Harry Bring posts, and that seems to be distributed only on paper.  I don't think I've ever even seen identifiers for the figures it presents.  Is there an originating web site to look at?

I've seen it said elsewhere that CM's real competition is with the other CBS broadcast shows.  It was explained that the network wouldn't be likely to turn over their entire lineup at once. So they'd keep the ones with legs, and turn over the others.  Which I took to mean that, if CM was toward the top of CBS' series---or maybe even just their dramatic series---it might still be renewed.  

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Those figures Harry Bring tweets are I think just local West Coast/LA figures and don't give the whole picture. I noticed he has started posting those instead of the main ratings figures - I guess because they look better. I dislike positive and negative spin - I just like the straight truth and honest opinion. The truth is that against the other networks CM didn't fare too well and this was the worst ratings not only for the season but for the series. Maybe they will be adjusted up - we will see. I just dislike spin in all its forms.

Edited by Old Dog
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24 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

Figures I have seen show CM beaten by all other networks.

@ 9pm
NBC → SVU = 1.5/1.6
ABC → Modern Family = 2.3 (& 300,000 viewers more), Black-ish = 1.7
FOX → Star = 1.6

CM only scored a 1.3

Seems to me the ratings have many different interpretations on them depending on what spin is being pushed.

You know I have pretty much agreed with you that the quality of CM is not what it use to be. Which is why I really only watch for Reid nowadays. But again CM was preempted in some areas due to I believe college basketball. Where as far as I know these other shows weren't. Of course other factors could be many Reid fans having forego it because they knew he wouldn't be in it. It may also be a case of some having boycotted it because it was written by Virgil Williams.

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There may be perfectly valid reasons for this low rating - I just don't know why they feel they have to throw some spin on it. Why they can't say this was not too bad given that it was preempted in some areas. Instead they tweet local figures that don't give the whole picture - reading the comments to the tweet it shows many fans believe last night's ratings were brilliant when it really wasn't the case. Spin. Ugh.

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21 minutes ago, JMO said:

Old Dog, those are the same numbers I saw on line, at TV by the Numbers.  I don't know the provenance of that other report---the one that Harry Bring posts, and that seems to be distributed only on paper.  I don't think I've ever even seen identifiers for the figures it presents.  Is there an originating web site to look at?

I've seen it said elsewhere that CM's real competition is with the other CBS broadcast shows.  It was explained that the network wouldn't be likely to turn over their entire lineup at once. So they'd keep the ones with legs, and turn over the others.  Which I took to mean that, if CM was toward the top of CBS' series---or maybe even just their dramatic series---it might still be renewed.  

That is correct. And as of right now when it comes to the shows on CBS, Criminal Minds ranks at #6 when it comes to the demo. And it ranks at #11 in overall viewership.

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I didn't pay attention to which episode it was, but a few weeks before the break, I noticed that it rose quite a bit in viewership with the week's DVR ratings added in.  But I didn't see corresponding numbers for other shows, so I don't know how that ended up falling out overall. 

I don't know how it actually works, but it seems logical that local preemptions would be the most difficult to deal with.   When it's preempted nationally, as it was twice this past fall, the network simply delays the episode for a week, same time, same station.   When the preemption is local, and the local station reschedules CM to'whenever', it's probably pretty hit or miss (mostly miss) whether a viewer or a DVR might pick up on that, and still end up watching or recording.  It's probably pretty hit or miss whether whatever process measures viewership can actually measure those particular viewers, even if they do watch.  So those numbers might be lost altogether, and not even show up in the L+7.  

Don't know that I said that very well.  Hope it makes sense.

Edited by JMO
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10 minutes ago, JMO said:

I didn't pay attention to which episode it was, but a few weeks before the break, I noticed that it rose quite a bit in viewership with the week's DVR ratings added in.  But I didn't see corresponding numbers for other shows, so I don't know how that ended up falling out overall. 

I don't know how it actually works, but it seems logical that local preemptions would be the most difficult to deal with.   When it's preempted nationally, as it was twice this past fall, the network simply delays the episode for a week, same time, same station.   When the preemption is local, and the local station reschedules CM to'whenever', it's probably pretty hit or miss (mostly miss) whether a viewer or a DVR might pick up on that, and still end up watching or recording.  It's probably pretty hit or miss whether whatever process measures viewership can actually measure those particular viewers, even if they do watch.  So those numbers might be lost altogether, and not even show up in the L+7.  

Don't know that I said that very well.  Hope it makes sense.

If enough people were aware of the fact that the show was preempted until 1:37 a.m. Thursday morning and set their dvr's  accordingly, it should do okay when it comes to the L+7 numbers. On the other hand if they were not aware of that fact, they would probably would have just figured CM had not yet returned from hiatus.

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I suppose I should be happy I live in Canada then. CTV wouldn't dare pre-empt a first run US purchased show like CM some inferior (ratings wise) local 'crap'..... The only time(s) I've ever had CM pre-empted on CTV is if the mother network in the US (CBS) does so, like the night of WS Game 7. Sporting events are carried on the sports channels (except for those big ticket league playoffs. CTV itself doesn't do much in the way of sporting events (they OWN all the sports channels though, anyway) although they have done the Olympics now and again over the years. I don't think anything short of a 9/11 type occurrence would pre-empt stuff on CTV now, they have a dedicated news channel if they need to break in for some news occurrence. And again, only if the mother network breaks in, would they break into an airing program. We Canadians have 3-4 dedicated news channels, depending on where you live and who your provider is, it's just not necessary to bust into programming on 'regular' channels. It's kinda too bad that our ratings don't count in the overall picture for CBS etc.

and bless my little PVR's heart. It records CM every time it's on. Four different channels. A million different timeslots. I spend a LOT of time going through the 'recorded' list and deleting them lol....

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48 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I suppose I should be happy I live in Canada then. CTV wouldn't dare pre-empt a first run US purchased show like CM some inferior (ratings wise) local 'crap'..... The only time(s) I've ever had CM pre-empted on CTV is if the mother network in the US (CBS) does so, like the night of WS Game 7. Sporting events are carried on the sports channels (except for those big ticket league playoffs. CTV itself doesn't do much in the way of sporting events (they OWN all the sports channels though, anyway) although they have done the Olympics now and again over the years. I don't think anything short of a 9/11 type occurrence would pre-empt stuff on CTV now, they have a dedicated news channel if they need to break in for some news occurrence. And again, only if the mother network breaks in, would they break into an airing program. We Canadians have 3-4 dedicated news channels, depending on where you live and who your provider is, it's just not necessary to bust into programming on 'regular' channels. It's kinda too bad that our ratings don't count in the overall picture for CBS etc.

and bless my little PVR's heart. It records CM every time it's on. Four different channels. A million different timeslots. I spend a LOT of time going through the 'recorded' list and deleting them lol....

Slightly off-topic - but my PVR has a setting to record only 'new' episodes, and/or only those on a specific channel or at a specific timeslot. Maybe yours has similar settings?

I agree about the pre-emptions though. I cannot recall the last time a show was pre-empted for a major news event, unless it actually was 9/11. I don't think even elections will pre-empt whatever is on TV that night? The closest that might happen is something like an Amber alert or a severe weather warning, which will periodically (loudly) cut into whatever is airing.

It is too bad that Canadian ratings don't count. I wonder what the impact would be, or if the population difference would negate any differences in ratings. Then again, with the hockey game last night, I'd be willing to bet the Canadian live ratings for this episode were dismal, even though CM wasn't actually pre-empted because of it.

It is also just the first week of January, and I know for a few shows I watch, I simply forgot that they would be starting up again this week. That could also be a factor in the ratings for this episode. I don't really understand the numbers, but it seems they range from mediocre to good? That's not too bad, all things considered.

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I have five different settings on the PVR for Criminal Minds. I have it set to record off ctv new episodes only, any day any timeslot (which would handily take care of pre-emptions or delays for whatever). Then I have it set to record ALL episodes on A&E, any day any time slot; ALL episodes 5 pm on BravoHD (those are ones I'd keep if I need to, ie, the original version of LDSK rather than off A&E who tend to run one ep into the next without proper respect given to the end times); all episodes any time on CTV2 Barrie (cause they are really good about airing them IN order! yay!) and new eps only on CBS any time slot (for backup of the CTV signal, although so far that's been unnecessary)

It was hilarious, a couple weeks ago, CTV was airing the new one (I think it was the night Keeper was on) and both Bravo and CTV2 were airing a repeat, ALL at the same time. Well, the digital box can't handle that. The tv asked me which of the three would be cancelled, because it will only record two at the same time. (I let Zugzwang go and opted for Tabula Rasa instead)

oh, one more thought about last night's.....there wasn't (unless I missed it??) any kind of mention about how the rest of Yates' victims' bodies will now forever be lost, since Rossi killed him. Interesting, with the seminar dealing with things going wrong, I'd certainly counting having to off Yates as leading to unfinished business, as it were. Wonder how Rossi  will reconcile himself to this. No doubt, the scum deserved to die, but it leaves too many other families with no closure. That's gotta sting. Thoughts?

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I imagine he may have weighed the saving of this one girl's life, versus closure for the families of the already dead and thought that saving her was the right thing to do. I'd like to think I would have made the same choice.

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58 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I have five different settings on the PVR for Criminal Minds. I have it set to record off ctv new episodes only, any day any timeslot (which would handily take care of pre-emptions or delays for whatever). Then I have it set to record ALL episodes on A&E, any day any time slot; ALL episodes 5 pm on BravoHD (those are ones I'd keep if I need to, ie, the original version of LDSK rather than off A&E who tend to run one ep into the next without proper respect given to the end times); all episodes any time on CTV2 Barrie (cause they are really good about airing them IN order! yay!) and new eps only on CBS any time slot (for backup of the CTV signal, although so far that's been unnecessary)

It was hilarious, a couple weeks ago, CTV was airing the new one (I think it was the night Keeper was on) and both Bravo and CTV2 were airing a repeat, ALL at the same time. Well, the digital box can't handle that. The tv asked me which of the three would be cancelled, because it will only record two at the same time. (I let Zugzwang go and opted for Tabula Rasa instead)

oh, one more thought about last night's.....there wasn't (unless I missed it??) any kind of mention about how the rest of Yates' victims' bodies will now forever be lost, since Rossi killed him. Interesting, with the seminar dealing with things going wrong, I'd certainly counting having to off Yates as leading to unfinished business, as it were. Wonder how Rossi  will reconcile himself to this. No doubt, the scum deserved to die, but it leaves too many other families with no closure. That's gotta sting. Thoughts?

Wow, that is a lot of recordings!!! No wonder you have a ton to sift through.

I have given up on the repeats, though it is nice that they air frequently - although I have found that lately it is predominantly the later seasons.

I am pretty sure Yates himself mentioned how if Rossi shoots him, all the other names/bodies will be forever lost, in the final 'stand-off' between them. I felt it was a bit heavy-handed, since it was essentially spelling out Rossi's dilemma for the viewers. I doubt we will ever hear of this again, or see how Rossi copes with it, unless it becomes central to another storyline.

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3 hours ago, Old Dog said:

There may be perfectly valid reasons for this low rating - I just don't know why they feel they have to throw some spin on it. Why they can't say this was not too bad given that it was preempted in some areas. Instead they tweet local figures that don't give the whole picture - reading the comments to the tweet it shows many fans believe last night's ratings were brilliant when it really wasn't the case. Spin. Ugh.

Old dog it could be that Harry might not be aware that it was preempted in some of the local markets. And I'd say judging from the comments over at TVBYTHENUMBERS a lot of people were unaware of that fact.

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29 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

1.3 isn't great by CM standards, but by CBS standards- which has quite a few shows below 1.0- it's still good. These days, many shows are lucky to get a 1.5, so I'd say CM is still safe for S13.

I hope so. I want to see it hit 300 episodes (although if MGG leaves, they'll be doing it without me) 

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This episode was pretty good.  I did like the way Rossi had to 'interact' with Yates during his dinner 'therapy'.  That being said, I really, really want Rossi's kitchen (I would take the whole house, of course, but especially his nice kitchen).  And he can come over and cook Italian for me.  :)   So, Rossi has 6 acres of land along with his nice house.  I wonder what 6 acres of land sells for in the D.C. area?  

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13 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

Rossi has 6 acres of land along with his nice house.  I wonder what 6 acres of land sells for in the D.C. area?  

gaaah, don't wanna be HIS gardner/lawn mower/landscaper

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3 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

1.3 isn't great by CM standards, but by CBS standards- which has quite a few shows below 1.0- it's still good. These days, many shows are lucky to get a 1.5, so I'd say CM is still safe for S13.

Another important thing to point out was that CM actually got an above average rating. Because the average rating for CBS that night was a 1.2/4 demo and 6.57 million viewers.

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I’m really enjoying the season so far.  I have yet to have an episode disappoint me and this one didn’t.  It was full of profiling as they reexamined Yates methods.  I liked that it was done with the training seminar at the FBI and using their expertise.  That made it different than Profiling 101. 

I’m like White Owl.  I watch the show and enjoy what the give me.  I don’t analyze the episode for ways it could have been done, things that they should included.  Reid is not my favorite character so it didn’t bother me that they didn’t mention him.  Prentiss is my favorite and if she took some time off and wasn’t on a few episodes, I wouldn’t expect them to mention her when there really was no need to.  I’m an equal opportunity viewer…lol.  It didn’t bother me that some of the characters weren’t in it much.  It’s an hour long show so the episodes are either character or team centric and the characters will be featured less or more varying on each episode.  It’s the nature of the beast.

In the end it was another solid episode for me. 

As to the ratings I think Harry was showing the household ratings.  There’s the national measurement, which has around 10,000 (don’t hold me to the number.  It’s a rough estimate) households that measures who actually is watching the show.  The local measurement (what Harry was showing) has around say 30,000 households divided among the 65 largest markets.  That measures the televisions turned on to the show, not the demographic of who is actually watching it.  Both are important. 

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I just saw a list over at TVBYTHENUMBERS for the top 20 shows of 2016. For both demo and overall viewership. For the demo CM was #20 0n the list and for viewership it was #18. And in case you may be wondering what this is based on. Well it is based on the L+7 numbers.

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37 minutes ago, CrimeFan12 said:

I’m really enjoying the season so far.  I have yet to have an episode disappoint me and this one didn’t.  It was full of profiling as they reexamined Yates methods.  I liked that it was done with the training seminar at the FBI and using their expertise.  That made it different than Profiling 101. 

I’m like White Owl.  I watch the show and enjoy what the give me.  I don’t analyze the episode for ways it could have been done, things that they should included.  Reid is not my favorite character so it didn’t bother me that they didn’t mention him.  Prentiss is my favorite and if she took some time off and wasn’t on a few episodes, I wouldn’t expect them to mention her when there really was no need to.  I’m an equal opportunity viewer…lol.  It didn’t bother me that some of the characters weren’t in it much.  It’s an hour long show so the episodes are either character or team centric and the characters will be featured less or more varying on each episode.  It’s the nature of the beast.

In the end it was another solid episode for me. 

As to the ratings I think Harry was showing the household ratings.  There’s the national measurement, which has around 10,000 (don’t hold me to the number.  It’s a rough estimate) households that measures who actually is watching the show.  The local measurement (what Harry was showing) has around say 30,000 households divided among the 65 largest markets.  That measures the televisions turned on to the show, not the demographic of who is actually watching it.  Both are important. 

In other words more of the so called Nielsen households were tuned to CBS at that time than those other networks. And then of course we get the demographics based on the ages of the people in those households. 

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24 minutes ago, MMC said:

n other words more of the so called Nielsen households were tuned to CBS at that time than those other networks. And then of course we get the demographics based on the ages of the people in those households. 

Ummm...I'm not sure on the second part.  There is are different devices a  household gets I guess depending on what they signed up for..  One you have to enter who is watching the show and the other just measures what show the tv is turned on to.  So the NHNW movement really doesn't have any affect on the ratings unless they are a member of Nielsen's research households.  Nielsen estimates that there are around 120 million households that have a tv and 131 million people in the 18-49 target group so their household sample (9000 and 30000 I estimated) is really small.  There's a whole formula that I'm not going to get into because I stink at math and I'm worse with Algebra.

Edited by CrimeFan12
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I will preface this by saying that maybe I'm a bit more cranky since I've had some health issues that are probably TMI. But, I really wasn't able to enjoy the episode and found myself sighing and rolling my eyes quite a bit.

I watched the episode and I couldn't tell if it was the writing or the acting that was worse. The acting-- particularly from the students in the seminar-- was awful. The line delivery just ruined things. I kept rolling my eyes at how hokey the whole simulation thing was and how they were all-- "Oh, this for certain would make this happen." They never know until they are actually in that situation. People are not that predictable. It was just bullshit.

And maybe I was just cranky or something, but I thought some of Joe's line delivery was pretty terrible. Maybe he couldn't do the exposition well or I don't know what. Maybe it was the director?

The scene with Rossi cooking and imagining he was sitting down at dinner with the unsub made me want to turn the TV off. It was just bad and hokey. I was rolling my eyes so much. It was just unrealistic and dumb, IMO. Plus I hate when I see people chewing with their mouths open.

This really was not a team episode.

I actually like the new guy, but all of the compliments and people saying how he was the best and blah blah blah. There was just so much asskissing in this episode. And then the best student suddenly deciding he didn't want to do this for a living-- just seemed too rushed and too cliche. Plus the actor's line delivery was bad.

Somehow, the episode seemed a bit preachy or condescending to me. I don't know if it was the writing or the execution though.

The little bit we had of Garcia annoyed the piss out of me. I just couldn't wait for her to STFU and get off my screen.

I did like the interactions with Rossi and Prentiss. And I was glad that they gave Rossi something other than ex-wife stuff or veteran stuff. I think if the acting had been better I might have enjoyed it more. But something made it fall flat-- and I know a good part of that was bad line delivery.

Some of it felt more like a stage play than genuine human interaction/conversations. It made sense for Rossi to be in stage mode when giving a presentation to the students, but it continued somewhat during one-on-one interactions.

Also, I'm never a fan of situations where the unsub and/or guest characters get more screentime and focus than the team members-- and some of the members were just barely there. I think the one favorite student got more focus and development than other team members.

At least Rossi can have better birthdays now. And I'm glad they had him apologize for being a jerk.

Overall, this was a miss though. If it had fantastic acting, it might have been a good episode, but the lousy acting just brought it down.

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Sorry about your medical problems, zannej.  But I don't think they were to blame for your crankiness.  I, too, had too many frustrations with this episode to mention.  The entire episode was hokey, with Drama Class 101 acting.

I asked this question waaaayyyy up on this board with no replies because everyone got all wrapped up in the ratings.  So please let me posit it here and ask some guidance from you:  Am I not remembering Tommy Yates correctly?  I thought a different actor portrayed him in the earlier episode.

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Here are the finale ratings for this episode 1.4/5 demo and 7.27 million viewers. This was one those rare times that the show has made an adjustment in it's ratings. BTW it is only considered an adjustment if there is a change in the demo either way.

And speaking of demos, I noticed that this episode got a 1.9 in the 25-54 demo. Which of course is pretty good. Now I here tell that is the demo that CBS is concerned about today more so than the 18-49. Perhaps someone could ask Harry about it and see what he says.

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