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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 8 (11/16/2016 - 11/22/2016)


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Well I just slept for 12 hours so I'm playing catch-up on what I've missed.

It seems like literally everyone but Danielle and Morgan are targeting Shelby next week (well, Justin's targeting her after Jason). Danielle even said in her DR that she would target Justin first because Shelby's a better game player! Damnit! And this is why I'd rather Danielle stayed. She may be a dumbass sometimes and very self centered, but she's a better game player and actually respects the game. 

Meanwhile, Justin's throwing this week's HOH because he wants Morgan to win and get Jason out. Kryssie wants to win to protect Jason (god, I hope she doesn't). I'm going to be pissed if Jason wins, but knowing my luck, it's due time for a flip in the house so Shelby could potentially go. I wonder, though, if Jason wins HOH and Shelby wins veto, if Jason would put up Justin and then get him evicted. Since Jason would be the tiebreaker, I can't help but wonder. 

And then I just remembered that Justin could actually win the challenges to advance to F4 and that would mean Morgan's gone. Jason wants Morgan in F3, probably along with Kryssie, so I don't know what he'd do. Probably evict Morgan, as it's the safer option for him. 

Oh well; F5 gets tight and we can't always get what we want. 

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Somehow, I think it's going to be Jason, Kryssie & Morgan in the Final 3. Jason will obviously win. Sort of boring but out of those 3 it's the most logical. I would like Shelby to win but she has come on so strong that the other HG finally noticed and are all gunning for her. Morgan is a nice girl but she hasn't done much. Justin is gross and too dumb and sucks at the comps. I hope he doesn't make the Final 3. It's a amzing that Kryssie is still here. I know she was hated by all of America but I think she has been forgotten by America since Week 2. She still annoys me to no end but I don't really pay much attention to her now. In the end, I think Jason will win due to his fan base. It's on all of the HG that kept him in the game. It's like when Boston Rob won after playing 4 times. They were dumb for keeping him in the game and it's the same for Jason.

We don't know for sure that Danielle will be gone. It's very likely, but still . . . I put my 40 votes toward Jason.

1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

Somehow, I think it's going to be Jason, Kryssie & Morgan in the Final 3. Jason will obviously win. Sort of boring but out of those 3 it's the most logical. I would like Shelby to win but she has come on so strong that the other HG finally noticed and are all gunning for her. Morgan is a nice girl but she hasn't done much. Justin is gross and too dumb and sucks at the comps. I hope he doesn't make the Final 3. It's a amzing that Kryssie is still here. I know she was hated by all of America but I think she has been forgotten by America since Week 2. She still annoys me to no end but I don't really pay much attention to her now. In the end, I think Jason will win due to his fan base. It's on all of the HG that kept him in the game. It's like when Boston Rob won after playing 4 times. They were dumb for keeping him in the game and it's the same for Jason.

This is why I voted for Jason for eviction. I don't want him to win. He will get the votes if he's in Final 3. Without him, Kryssie and Justin lose their cult leader and the game is up for grabs. Oh well, I know he won't be voted out.

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Danielle even said in her DR that she would target Justin first because Shelby's a better game player! Damnit! And this is why I'd rather Danielle stayed. She may be a dumbass sometimes and very self centered, but she's a better game player and actually respects the game. 

I agree with all this, but I find it hilarious that Danielle has turned on Justin for playing the game. All he did this week was protect himself and finally play the game, so it's funny that Danielle now thinks he is an evil monster. She's just pissed at herself for dumbly keeping him when she had the chance to get rid of him. She's trying to make herself feel better that she stupidly decided to place loyalty above gameplay.

I said this last night, but I'm not sure if everyone saw it ... the episodes will be on at 8 et from now on. I believe I read somewhere that the eviction will still immediately follow the eps. I'm hoping they'll push up the HOH comp, too.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Hopefully, it's only the week in review show at 8. I have to watch Survivor at 8. That said, I hope the HOH is on closer to 10pm est at the latest. The midnight shows had been killing me all season and now there are only two weeks left. If OTT should come back next season I hope they continue with the earlier time.

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22 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Hopefully, it's only the week in review show at 8. I have to watch Survivor at 8. That said, I hope the HOH is on closer to 10pm est at the latest. The midnight shows had been killing me all season and now there are only two weeks left. If OTT should come back next season I hope they continue with the earlier time.

According to Reddit, the HOH comp will start at 10pm EST. Which means I hopefully won't be staying up past 1am this time to watch. The last few HOHs have really killed my sleep schedule. Last night was apparently my catch up night. 

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So Kryssie is proposing to Shelby/Morgan that they throw HOH to her, but she's totally on board to get Jason out, and they just have to make sure he doesn't win veto.  She's really playing up the whole "honesty" thing, so I think she's lying.  Especially after her live DR last night.  Unless she came to some sort of epiphany, which.....Kryssie.

Still, if she is snowing them, and they buy it, good gameplay, I guess.  I don't see Morgan actively trying to throw it, though.  She saw how quickly Kryssie scurried back to Jason once she was safe. 

Edited:  Good, Morgan is not buying a word Kryssie said.  She thinks Kryssie and Jason concocted this plan (I don't know the full plan, I came in late) to get out Shelby.  Probably so.

Edited 2: So apparently the full plan was to nominate two "pawns" and leave Jason off the block so he doesn't try as hard for veto.  Yeah.  That's not sketchy at ALL.

Edited by Katesus7
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Best Kryssie DR line (about Morgan revealing her sister status): "Obviously, she underestimates my intelligence because I see right through it." I cannot wait until Kryssie finds out that Morgan was telling the truth lol.

Is it bad that I kinda want Kryssie to be on a regular season of BB just to torture the casual fans?

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So basically, they're in question boxes and have to answer seven questions with either males or females. Then they have to stand on posts. Answers I guess will be revealed and for each answer they get right, they have to step on the next post. They all have to be on end posts by the end; if they aren't, BB will let them move to the next post every five minutes until they do. Last person standing wins. They can't crouch for too long. They have to remain standing.

Heh, Kryssie don't got this.

ETA: Oh, I get it. The more answers you get wrong, the more pegs you have to move down and they get smaller and smaller. I'm still trying to understand the rules. They're complicated because they're specific.

Edited by Lady Calypso
Just now, zenithwit said:

Is it me or do these posts seem small to begin with?

They do look small. I think by the second or third, it's going to be pretty difficult to stay up for longer than a few minutes. It's not made for people like Kryssie, that's for sure.

I think it'll be between Morgan and Jason, although it had to do with balance and one small falter could make any of them fall. Morgan may be made for this competition, but any small factor could contribute to her losing. It's why I won't get my hopes up. 

It's also 3v1 so....

First question is answered. Everyone got it right. They all stay on the biggest post.

It's definitely boring because nobody is speaking. I get why; they want to focus on balancing and talking is distracting. But with the questions answered every five minutes, we're here for at least another half hour. Kryssie'll probably fall off if she gets two questions wrong. Justin could be really good or really bad, depending on if he's throwing it. Jason vs Morgan will be fighting hardcore.

I'm flipping back and forth, but I also don't want to miss things.

13 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Do we know if Morgan was a "flyer" (the girl they throw up in the air) in her cheerleading experience?

I'm pretty sure all the Texas girls get lifted up into the air by the guys. They also all have to be able to do back flips from a standing position. Not that the flips have anything to do with standing on poles, but since I'm so far from acrobatic, it amazes me that people can do that.

Third question — only Justin is wrong. (Oops, wrong J the first time. Wishful thinking, I guess)

Edited by flipflopdiva

Forth question, Jason wrong. He moved to the next post seamlessly.

Morgan and Kryssie have all the questions right I'm pretty sure. And from now on I believe Jason has them all right. I think Justin has one more wrong. ETA: Apparently Justin has 2 more wrong.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Justin also just got the sixth question wrong. He's on the fourth post now. 

ETA: LOL, a closeup of Kryssie picking at her hands. She must be rubbing those bleeding hands of hers that just healed. She must be thinking that her feet are the next victims! Guess her feet will have to be amputated after this comp!

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Last question has finally been answered. Everyone got it right. Now every five minutes, they have to move up a post until they are on the last post. 

Kryssie/Morgan have a slight advantage for having been on the same post the entire time. The last one looks like it'll be a bitch to stand on. I'm giving whoever stands on that post half an hour, tops. 

Just as I thought, the last post is pretty small. Justin only has one foot on it and it looks like he's finding it a bit difficult to maintain his balance. 

There's no way Kryssie will even stand on the last post for more than a couple of minutes. It's all about balance and the small feet. 

This is Morgan or Justin's one, and I know Justin will throw it to Morgan to get Jason out.

And Justin's out just as I type that.

GO MORGAN. She just needs to transition properly.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm giving Kryssie props too. I wasn't sure if she'd make it to the fourth post.

The big question is the fifth post, though. I'm not sure how long either girl could stand on it for. I'm more nervous now about Morgan not transitioning properly. She was wobbly on her last transition. 

Morgan has been wobbly on most of the transitions. That's why my heart is beating so fast. I think Kryssie might win this. 

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