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S05.E06: So It Begins

Tara Ariano
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3 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

Oh I don't like him, by any means. It's just that even Rory was more annoying in this particular episode. Rene was the only one of the interlopers who wasn't being all judgy and entitled, and then he provided me with some amusement by being shot down by Thea again. He should get shot down by someone at least once an episode. I think it would improve his likeability. 

Am I remember it wrong?  I remember Rory being a voice of moderation.  

Rene was mostly in the background (letting Evelyn take the most annoying trophy this week) but Rene did  whine about getting relegated to helping bystanders instead of getting the flashy job of taking on the shooters in the marketplace.  

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35 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Do you guys think there is any significance to Oliver referring to Malone as "the person you're dating" rather than "your boyfriend" or do you think it's the dumb writers being random.


32 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I took it as Oliver being dismissive of him, but I fully admit that's how I wanted to read it.

In an episode where the word "girlfriend" was thrown around so much, it seems to me like a deliberate choice.  Nice catch.  

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There was also the moment at the concert at the end where Felicity said, "my boyfrie--my--Malone," like she still doesn't want to think of him that way. I could have used a little more nuance to the line readings about dating/boyfriend/girlfriend talk in order to get more of a ship-vibe from it, but I don't really see the point of those moments if...there wasn't some kind of point? Not sure I'm making sense.

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8 minutes ago, Carrie Ann said:

I could have used a little more nuance to the line readings about dating/boyfriend/girlfriend talk in order to get more of a ship-vibe from it, but I don't really see the point of those moments if...there wasn't some kind of point? Not sure I'm making sense.

The writers ignore the fact that Oliver and Felicity ever had a relationship, and made a point to make it a drama-free transition, so they'd probably just throw easy references to (in)significant others into the fold if having difficulty referring to a boyfriend or girlfriend wasn't supposed to mean anything. (Is that about right?) 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yes. I feel like it would be easy for them to just avoid writing these beats entirely--they're avoiding so much else--so I don't see the point of doing it at all if it doesn't ultimately lead somewhere, sometime. I'm sure I've said that before though, about things that turned into a big bunch of nothing, so I can't say I feel super positive about it!

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Am I remember it wrong?  I remember Rory being a voice of moderation.  

Rene was mostly in the background (letting Evelyn take the most annoying trophy this week) but Rene did  whine about getting relegated to helping bystanders instead of getting the flashy job of taking on the shooters in the marketplace.  

I wasn't paying attention during that scene, but that sounds like Rene. I'm referring pretty much just to their reactions to the list and Oliver's involvement with it. I think Rene made a comment about a kill list that read more snarky and typical Rene to me than judgmental when the boobs first found out about the list and said something to the effect of they shouldn't be surprised that OTA kept something from them during the drinking scene, but that's all I remember from him. Nothing over the top and nothing I don't already expect from Rene. 

Rory wasn't nearly as bad as Curtis and Evelyn, but he did comment on Oliver not telling them things during that drinking scene. He was only mildly annoying, though. I still like him overall. For now. 

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506 (So It Begins) - Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal - to save my city. Today I fight that war on two fronts: By day, I lead Star City as its mayor. But by night, I am someone else. I am something else. I am the Green Arrow."

506 (So It Begins) – Oliver finds a message from Prometheus: 
Oliver (over comms): "What's the status on Church's cell phone?"
Felicity (over comms): "It's holding still at Aparo and Puckett. This is one well-traveled phone, considering its owner was killed on the other side of town last week."
Oliver (over comms): "Prometheus is trying to bait me."
Felicity (over comms): "Yeah, that's the general point I was trying to convey and also that this is probably a trap. You should have let me call in the rest of the team."
Oliver (over comms): "No."
Felicity (over comms): "Why?"
Oliver (over comms): "Because it's probably a trap."
(Oliver and Diggle enter a warehouse.)
Diggle (over comms): "We've got this, Overwatch."
Oliver (answering his cell phone): "Who is this?" (Hears heavy breathing)
Diggle: "That's a lot of trouble to go to for a prank."
(An arrow shoots down and lights up words on the ground that spell out "SO IT BEGINS."

506 (So It Begins) – Oliver doesn’t want to call in the new recruits:
Felicity: "And 'So it Begins?'" Whoa. Who knew Prometheus was a Babylon 5 fan boy? (Oliver scoffs) Don't judge until you've seen it."
Diggle: "So, what begins? That's the question."
Oliver: "That's a good point. It would seem like he has already started, considering he's dropped two bodies."
Diggle: "I get killing Conahan. He led the ACU team to help the Green Arrow rescue the city councilmen, but why take out Church?"
Oliver: "According to Detective Malone, it's because Church got in between Prometheus and his real target."
Felicity: "The Green Arrow."
Oliver: "Yes."
Felicity: "So Church goes after you, Prometheus goes after Church, and - shunk! (Diggle and Oliver both look at her) What? That was my throwing star sound effect? Why? What does yours sound like?"
Diggle: "I just don't understand. A person that leaves a trail of dead cops just to kill a guy who's after you because he wants to kill you himself."
Felicity: "Well, I'll say it again. This is serious enough to warrant telling the rest of the recruits."
Diggle: "Who - Curtis and three people we barely know, one of which gave up your identity to Church, who we can only pray didn't share that information with Prometheus?"
Felicity: "Well, for the record, Rene didn't give up Oliver's identity, okay? He was tortured."
Oliver: "That's exactly why we have to keep them out of this. I don't want to put the recruits in harm's way until we know exactly what it is we're dealing with."

506 (So It Begins) – At Diggle’s instigation, Felicity steals the throwing star in evidence from her boyfriend, Detective Malone: 
Felicity: "Peter Meld, 38, cab driver. He was killed while filling his taxi up with gas. Oliver's headed to the crime scene now."
Diggle: "Okay. Any connection between Meld and Gay Eked?"
Felicity: "Just the same M.O. - killed by throwing star."
Diggle: "Hmm. You know, Felicity, it sure would be nice to get our hands on one."
Felicity: "Yeah. What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Diggle: "Because I'm not the one dating a detective."
Felicity: "Oh, no. Well, Billy doesn't know that I work with the Green Arrow, and I'm not crazy about overlapping my work and my personal lives like that, and even if I was, what am I supposed to do, steal it off his desk?"
Diggle: "Felicity, you're one of the smartest people I know. I'm sure you'll think of something. Four bodies so far. We have to do whatever we can to make sure it doesn't become number five."
Felicity: "Ah, and that sounds like an argument in favor of looping in the recruits."
Diggle: "When there's a reason to, we will."
Felicity: "This is the reason. We should do it now."
*  *  *
(Cut to Star City Police Station.)
Malone: "What'd you find?"
Female Officer: "Nothing but the victim's blood. No fibers, no shards, no prints."
Malone: "So how the hell are we supposed to find this guy?"
Female Officer: "Apparently we're not." (Leaves)
Felicity (entering): Oh. You do not look happy. Is it because I'm not bearing Americanos?"
Malone: "No, it's not the coffee. It's a case."
Felicity: "The throwing star killings? Kind of hard to miss, although apparently this guy didn't. Ooh. That was unexpectedly morbid.”
Malone: “Coffee?”
Felicity: “Which actually brings me to why I'm here. Not the coffee. The morbidness. I was friends with one of the victims in your case. Well, more like acquaintances. You know, friend of a friend of a friend."
Malone: "Is this the, uh, same friend whose housekeeper got their towels stolen?"
Felicity: "It wasn't a towel. It was a rag, and no. Totally different friend."
Malone: "Wow. Another friend involved in a random crime in the city."
Felicity: "Ooh! Heh."
Malone: "You must run in a pretty rough crowd."
Felicity: "You have no idea."
Malone: "I'd have a better one if you'd just cut the crap and tell me whatever it is you're not telling me."
Felicity: "What?! There's no deception here. I actually was kind of sort of friends with one of the victims - Gay Eked."
Malone: "'Kind of sort of'?"
Female Officer: "Pike wants us in his office."
Malone: "We'll talk later." (Leaves)
Felicity: "Uh..." (Looks at throwing star in evidence bag on Malone's desk)

506 (So It Begins) – Felicity jokingly refers to Susan Williams as Oliver’s new girlfriend:
Felicity: "Your new girlfriend certainly knows how to whip a city into a frenzy."
Oliver: "Excuse me?"
Felicity: "Thea might have mentioned something about you dating Susan Williams."
Oliver: "I'm not dating Susan Williams. Did the person that you're dating actually give you that?"
Felicity: "No. I might have stolen it off his desk."
Oliver: "Are you kidding?"
Felicity: "I generally don't kid about something that could get me 10 years at Iron Heights."
Oliver: "Well, I hope it was worth it."
Felicity: "Yeah. So far, not so much. And here I was just so happy Curtis got our gas chromatograph working again. I'm hoping to have better luck with this. I plugged the four victims into an algorithm that ViCAP uses to track serial killers. The computer can tease out connections between the victims that the FBI generally doesn't make."
Oliver: "Well, that's smart."
Felicity: "And I cross-referenced in our own database along with S.C.P.D.'s to hopefully get better results." (Computer beeps)
Oliver: "What is that?"
Felicity: "News alert."
Bethany Snow (on monitor): "Reports are just coming in that someone spotted the Throwing Star Killer at an outdoor shopping mall, inciting widespread panic that is threatening to spill into nearby streets and homes."
Felicity: "Well, I hope your new girlfriend is happy with herself."
Oliver: "Let's call the team and have them meet me there."
Felicity: "All of them?"
Oliver: "All of them. They deserve to know that this has escalated. Stop calling Susan Williams my girlfriend."
Felicity: "Yes, sir."

506 (So It Begins) – The new recruits are looped in and resent being made to feel like the “B” team on Team Arrow:
Oliver: "Well, if Prometheus wanted to push the public into a frenzy, mission accomplished."
Felicity: "Well, I'm guessing we're not gonna like his encore either. Heh. I will stop helping."
Oliver: "Ahem. We need to canvass the city. Felicity can coordinate. We need to help the S.C.P.D. maintain order."
Rene: "Hold up a sec."
Evelyn: "More like, back up, way up."
Rory: "Yeah. Tonight's the first we're hearing of a serial killer operating in the city."
Oliver: "He calls himself Prometheus. He's the one who killed Tobias Church."
Curtis (to Diggle): "Did you know about this? He knew about this. Why didn't we know about this?"
Oliver: "You know about him now, so let's get to work."
Diggle: "These throwing star killings are some kind of message that Prometheus is sending to Oliver. He's calling him out."
Rene: "Sounds like - and I'm guessing - you and Blondie have known about this a while."
Evelyn: "Yeah. That's not insulting at all."
Diggle: "Evelyn, this isn't about feelings or ego. We had to vet the situation."
Rene: "He means the 'A' team had to make sure the 'B' team was worthy enough for being kept in the loop."
Felicity: "All right. The only team here is Team Arrow, and I actually agree with you guys, but the whole city is going nutso-crazy right now, so -"
Rory: "She's right. There's plenty of time for this later."
Felicity: "Except for Curtis. I need your brain on this victimology algorithm. (Gesturing him over to sit in chair at her computer monitor) Sir."
Curtis: "Victimology algorithm. This is just like 'Zodiac,' and I'm Jake Gyllenhaal."
Felicity: "Wait. Wouldn't you be -"
Curtis: "Don't take this from me."

506 (So It Begins) – The new recruits learn about Oliver’s list, that he was a serial killer four years ago, and that he was also the Hood and the Arrow: 
Oliver: "What do we have?"
Diggle: "You guys, uh, think you want to clear the room for us?"
Rene: "Seriously, bro?"
Evelyn: "Felicity and Curtis found something. We want to know what it is."
Rory: "Yeah. We're a team, or at least we were."
Oliver: "Fine. What do we have?"
Curtis: "At first, not much of anything. No links between home addresses, personal histories, favorite colors, Nada. So the victimology algorithm moved on to crazy Zodiac Killer kind of stuff."
Felicity: "Such as looking for anagrams in case Prometheus was sending a message in the names of the victims he's been choosing."
Oliver: "Is he?"
Felicity: "Kind of."
Curtis: "Ahh. First four victims - Tobias Church, Sam Conahan, Peter Meld, Gay Eked."
Felicity: "Victims 3 and 4 were not random. We think Prometheus is using those names as anagrams to spell out other names. Adam Hunt, Ted Gaynor, Palmer Cokes, Sachi Beech."
Rene: "Those names supposed to mean anything to us?"
Diggle: "They do to him." (Nods toward Oliver)
Rory: "Care to enlighten?"
Oliver: "Those names are on the list."
Rene: "What the hell is the list?"
*  *  *
Rene: "Let me get this straight. You got a 'To Kill' list, and I'm the out-of-control one?"
Oliver: "I haven't used that list, I haven't looked at it in four years."
Curtis: "Wait. Four years? I thought there was some other guy in the hood."
Felicity: "No. That was Oliver. The Hood, the Arrow, Green Arrow - all him."
Oliver: "That notebook belonged to my father, and when I was first starting out, I thought that it was my way to save the city."
Rory: "Well, I think we now know the message Prometheus is trying to send."
Felicity: "You do? Because I don't. Do you guys?"
Rory: "He's saying you're the serial killer."
Evelyn: "Harsh, but feeling pretty accurate."
Oliver: "I was trying to help this city. Prometheus isn't."
Evelyn: "You convinced me to not get revenge on Ruvé Darhk for my parents because killing would tarnish the Black Canary's legacy. How are you anything other than a hypocrite?"
Oliver: "First, it would have tarnished her legacy. Second, you knew that I was a killer when you came on board."
Evelyn: "Not a serial killer. I know some of these names. You've got bankers in here, lawyers, a city councilman."
Oliver (to Felicity): "You need to anagram the names on the list against Star City's population because that should point us toward Prometheus' next targets."

506 (So It Begins) – Oliver and Diggle have a heart-to-heart conversation: 
(Oliver is shooting arrows into tennis balls to stick them to the wall.)
Diggle: "Wow. Haven't seen you do that in quite some time."
Oliver: "Wanted to take my mind off things."
Diggle: "Yeah. I don't think they make enough tennis balls for that."
Oliver: "Where's Felicity with the list of potential targets?"
Diggle: "She's working on it. It's a big city."
Oliver: "Yeah."
Diggle: "Something tells me that's not the only thing weighing on you."
Oliver: "How are the recruits?"
Diggle: "Taking a little time out."
Oliver: "I expected them to be upset with me and that's fine, but, John, they seemed horrified."
Diggle: "No. I wouldn't call it that. Just a bit surprised. Look on the bright side. It does show how far you've come. I haven't seen that guy in a long time, and the way the kids reacted, I think it proves how much you've changed."
Oliver: "Except I haven't. I killed Damien Darhk, and I haven't stopped since."
Diggle: "Yeah. Well, don't forget who you're talking to, man. I know firsthand what it's like to be a murderer. I know the difference between a good kill and one made out of pure rage. You killed Damien Darhk, Oliver, because you had to. You took down Church's men because you had to. The list was something different. You were targeting lawyers, stockbrokers. You were killing as a first resort, not a last."
Oliver: "Well, Prometheus is just dredging all that up again. I want to move forward. I'm trying to move forward, right? But I... I feel stuck."
Diggle: "I think you're being hard on yourself, which is a bit annoying because that's usually mine and Felicity's job, but, Oliver, in that official capacity, I think you are moving forward. I think you're evolving. I think you're growing."
Oliver: "What makes you so sure?"
Diggle: "Because that guy with the list wouldn't have even thought to ask the question."
Felicity (over P.A.): "I need a cleanup on aisle 12, and also, I got a list of potential victims."

506 (So It Begins) – Team Arrow splits up guard duty on six potential targets of Prometheus: 
Oliver: "I know you're all upset with me, so thank you for showing up despite that."
Curtis: "Well, we were afraid you would kill us if we didn't. Heh. Too soon?"
Felicity: "I was able to cross-reference the list with the city census, nailing it down to six potential targets."
Rene: "How do we know who he'll hit?"
Oliver: "We don't. In order to cover that much ground, we have to split up and each take one potential target. We run surveillance. Whoever spots Prometheus first, call it in, and we all converge."
Curtis: "Cool."
Oliver (to Evelyn): "Is everything okay?"
Evelyn: "No, it's not. For a long time, I blamed you for my parents dying, that you were responsible for leaving them to suffocate in one of Damien Darhk's testing chambers."
Oliver: "I know."
Evelyn: "It took a lot for me to come work with you. Knowing all this... it doesn't make it any easier."
Oliver: "Evelyn, are you sure you should be out there tonight?"
Evelyn: "Yes, I am. Because I'm doing this, protecting people, for me. Not for you."

506 (So It Begins) – Felicity offers to talk with Evelyn:
Evelyn (over comms): "I've got eyes on Target 4."
Felicity (over comms): "Copy that. You know, it seems we have a minute alone. Is there anything you want to talk about?"
Evelyn (over comms): "No."
Felicity (over comms): "You sure? 'Cause I'm kinda an expert when it comes to finding out ugly things about Oliver's past. Actually, I'm the leading expert."
Evelyn (over comms): "Overwatch?"
Felicity (over comms): "Yeah."
Evelyn (over comms): "I really don't want to talk about it."
*  *  *
Felicity (over comms): "We got a problem. Artemis seems to have disconnected her comms."
Oliver (over comms): "She in trouble?"
Felicity (over comms): "I don't know, but I'm worried she wouldn't tell us if she was."
Oliver (over comms): "Do you have here 20?"
Felicity (over comms): "When Wild Dog was kidnapped, I put trackers in all their suits. I'm sending you the information now."
Oliver (over comms): "She's moving."
Felicity (over comms): "She's on a subway that's moving."
Oliver (over comms): "The train's a few blocks from here. I will go check on her. You tell everyone else to hold their position."

506 (So It Begins) – Felicity confesses to Detective Malone that she is working for the Green Arrow:
Felicity: "Hey."
Malone: "Oh. So what latest crime or criminal do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
Felicity: "I thoroughly deserve that. Is there somewhere private we can go chat?"
Malone: "Step into my office."
Felicity: "Oh, yes. The interrogation room. How appropriate."
Malone: "Felicity, I was just giving you a hard time. I figure whenever you're ready to tell me whatever's going on with you, you'll tell me."
Felicity: "I am gonna tell you now. I have this friend -"
Malone: "Hmm."
Felicity: "Yeah. Who I just watched for the umpteenth time not tell the people he's closest to what is going on with him. I don't want to be like that."
Malone: "I don't want you to be like that. So what is it? Are you, like, a serial killer or something? The Throwing Star Killer? True crime groupie? I got a million scenarios running through my mind, like you're -"
Felicity: "I work for the Green Arrow."
Malone: "Heh. That wasn't one of them.”
Felicity: “It's why I keep odd hours, and why I disappear at random times, and it's why I keep asking you for favors, and in case you haven't noticed, that's why I stole evidence off your desk."
Malone: "You know, I looked everywhere for that."
Felicity: "It goes without saying that me being like a criminal probably isn't good for our relationship."
Malone: "You're not like a criminal, Felicity. You are one. (Pauses) But it's for a good cause."
Felicity: "S-seriously? You're not, like, mad? Or hurt? Or feeling a lack of trust?"
Malone: "I'd be a jerk if I did, and Felicity... you're helping save the city."
Felicity: "Wow. That went a lot better than I expected."
Malone: "I just got so many questions. Do you know where he lives? Is - is his face all scarred or something? Is that why he wears a hood?"
Felicity: "Billy, Billy, Billy. Shut up."
Malone: "Yes, ma'am."
(They kiss.)

506 (So It Begins) – Felicity and Oliver believe that Prometheus is a member of the S.C.P.D.:
Felicity: "Hey."
Oliver: "Hi."
Felicity: "Can I talk to you privately?"
Oliver: "Yeah. Give us a second, please, guys. What's going on?"
Felicity: "You remember the throwing star that I stole from my boyfriend - from my - from Malone? You remember-- you remember this?"
Oliver: "You said it didn't turn anything up."
Felicity: "Pretty sure I used the word 'yet.'" 
Oliver: "Okay. So now?"
Felicity: "The alloy is very specific, with trace quantities containing dozens of different genetic markers, and I was able to nail the forensic evidence to coming within the past four years."
Oliver: "What are you trying to tell me?"
Felicity: "This is gonna sound crazy, but so is Prometheus. I think that Prometheus has gotten his hands on the various arrows that you've used over the past four years, melted them down, and fashioned weapons out of them."
Oliver: "But if that's true, that - that would mean - that would mean that Prometheus has access to S.C.P.D. lockup."
Felicity: "Oliver, I think we have a real lead on who Prometheus is. He's a member of the S.C.P.D."

Edited by tv echo
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