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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 4 (10/19/2016 - 10/25/2016)


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I'm going to do my part in voting out Neely as I want to see Kryssie & company not get their way.  Well a very small part as I have one account and vote like maybe 10 times and think "eh, that's enough" and move on to other things.  

Hopefully it will be a fun 24 hours, leading up to the vote tomorrow. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kryssie is amazing. Her delusions and insanity provide me so much entertainment. She's basically Sabrina from BBCan2. I love it! I hope America puts her on slop and noms her next week, but then I hope she stays because I'm not ready for her crazy to leave just yet. Not when there's so many people who are boring/horrible left.

On the Alex debate I'm somewhat in the middle. Honestly I don't really like her personality that much, or at least I like it the least of all The Plastics, but I appreciate her gameplay. I don't find her to be a rat at all. @North of Eden what has she done that makes you see her as a rat? 

I read that Alex tried to get Morgan to use veto on Scott. Please tell me that isn't true lol!

She is a rat because she threw in that random vote for Danielle that first week which I will assume is BEFORE any bad behavior on Danielles part mentioned in these threads. She wanted to stir things up and make  Danielle think America hated her which at the time it didn't. Then she was gleeful about Danielle potentially becoming unhinged with no Shane and no allies. She's a mean girl at heart and a definitely a rat given how expertly she has maintained the illusion Morgan is not her sister (unless that has come out recently....I am behind).

Danielle had already hooked up with Shane and flipped him out of the main alliance in Week 1 to save Kryssie, so Alex making her the target of the hinky vote was understandable, IMO.  And Dani'd already "come out of her shell" with the continual talking, even if she hadn't reached Week 2/Week 3 levels by then.

The Week 3 Schadenfreude was because "Shanielle" had sunk Alex's HoH the week before, sending home Alex's ally, Monte, despite Shane teasing them by acting as if he was going to vote to keep his "bromance" in the house.  (Obviously he wasn't going to vote out Danielle, but he did tell Monte he was voting for Kryssie.)  So, payback, and a little bitchery, I admit.

I'm not sure that keeping the sister twist a secret automatically makes you a "rat".  Adria, Natalie, Julia and Liz all did it in the past.  Even Elissa and Tiffani did it for shorter periods of time.  And Morgan's doing just as good a job of it this year.

By the way, last night, Morgan was the one of the group most worried about going back on her word to Kryssie that she would vote out Scott (and Neeley has been something of a friend to Morgan, as well).  Combined with Shelby's report that Kryssie thinks Alex/Scott are in an alliance (which Scott thinks, too), Morgan's getting a little paranoid about Alex keeping the girls on the "evict Neeley" path.   So she told Alex that if Alex betrayed her and was responsible for her eviction, she'd blow up the sister twist on the way out the door.  Ugh.  She may be the second-tallest woman in the house (after Danielle) but she's such a little sister, lol.

Morning. Didn't hear any wake-up music…don't they always do that?  Whitney, Justin, Kryssie and Danielle kept right on sleeping, and required two additional "Wake up!" messages from Big Brother.  And then Danielle earned a third, personalized "Danielle, what don't you understand about 'please, wake up' ?"  Still hadn't seen her when I switched to this tab to type.

ETA:  Oh, ffs!  Justin is telling Whitney that he can't hurt Kryssie's Fucking Feelings (he left out the "fucking" part), so he's going to vote out Scott and "let America decide".   Does this doofus not realize that he just made himself a target of the girls (and Scott, assuming he stays) by backing out of their agreement?  He's just shown he can't be trusted, and he's a much bigger comp threat than Kryssie, Jason, or even Danielle.

Plus how nice of him to let the girls "get in trouble" with Kryssie by going back on their "we're evicting Scott" word, but he won't take that heat himself.  I think I'll start calling him Chef Gutless, now.

(And this after he told Danielle straight to her face late last night that he was evicting Neeley.  So pretty much everyone except Jason/Kryssie will have him on their shit list, no matter how the vote goes.  Brilliant, dude.  Brilliant.)

Wow, I hate Whitney's bikini.  I mean, I like Whitney in the bikini, but I hate the bikini itself.

ETAA:  Kryssie to Morgan in HoH, on evicting Scott:


I want it clear-cut and dried: you played a shit game, you need to go.  …And I want him to see what's it's like for someone to graciously win across from him, instead of rejoicing in someone else's loss.  I'm really, really tired of him gloating, and he did a fucking victory dance last night.  He CLAPPED for me, when my hands were literally bleeding into the sink.  He heard me yell at the camera and he clapped in that yoga room…it took every muscle in my body for me not to kick that door in and go punch him in the face.  And, believe me, if this were a different situation and we were outside of here, I wouldn't have hesitated to sock Scott Dennis right in the mouth.

But that being said, I'm 31 and I have to act like an adult.  And there's like a gazillion cameras in here.

Yeah, you're not gloating at all, and Scott's the one who's playing "a shit game", not your crying ass that's only survived because people think you're too worthless to evict.  And as for acting like an adult…too late, sis.  Too late.

Edited by DAngelus
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Morgan is starting to crack on the Neeley vote.  And honestly, I don't really blame her.  If she thinks America will vote Scott out (he was the first name called out for have nots, which the HGs have decided means something), she would pretty much destroy her game by voting out Neeley.  She will jump right up the list to Public Enemy #1 on the misfits side.  At least with Neeley and Kryssie.  And she's not particularly close with Scott, so keeping him doesn't help her all that much.  Eh, I'm fine with him leaving as well, although I'd prefer Neeley to leave on Kryssie's watch.

Also, I am so tired of BB having to try to keep Danielle awake during the day.  Wake the fuck up, Danielle, and entertain my ass!

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1 hour ago, DAngelus said:

Danielle had already hooked up with Shane and flipped him out of the main alliance in Week 1 to save Kryssie, so Alex making her the target of the hinky vote was understandable, IMO.  And Dani'd already "come out of her shell" with the continual talking, even if she hadn't reached Week 2/Week 3 levels by then.

The Week 3 Schadenfreude was because "Shanielle" had sunk Alex's HoH the week before, sending home Alex's ally, Monte, despite Shane teasing them by acting as if he was going to vote to keep his "bromance" in the house.  (Obviously he wasn't going to vote out Danielle, but he did tell Monte he was voting for Kryssie.)  So, payback, and a little bitchery, I admit.

I'm not sure that keeping the sister twist a secret automatically makes you a "rat".  Adria, Natalie, Julia and Liz all did it in the past.  Even Elissa and Tiffani did it for shorter periods of time.  And Morgan's doing just as good a job of it this year.

By the way, last night, Morgan was the one of the group most worried about going back on her word to Kryssie that she would vote out Scott (and Neeley has been something of a friend to Morgan, as well).  Combined with Shelby's report that Kryssie thinks Alex/Scott are in an alliance (which Scott thinks, too), Morgan's getting a little paranoid about Alex keeping the girls on the "evict Neeley" path.   So she told Alex that if Alex betrayed her and was responsible for her eviction, she'd blow up the sister twist on the way out the door.  Ugh.  She may be the second-tallest woman in the house (after Danielle) but she's such a little sister, lol.

Morning. Didn't hear any wake-up music…don't they always do that?  Whitney, Justin, Kryssie and Danielle kept right on sleeping, and required two additional "Wake up!" messages from Big Brother.  And then Danielle earned a third, personalized "Danielle, what don't you understand about 'please, wake up' ?"  Still hadn't seen her when I switched to this tab to type.

ETA:  Oh, ffs!  Justin is telling Whitney that he can't hurt Kryssie's Fucking Feelings (he left out the "fucking" part), so he's going to vote out Scott and "let America decide".   Does this doofus not realize that he just made himself a target of the girls (and Scott, assuming he stays) by backing out of their agreement?  He's just shown he can't be trusted, and he's a much bigger comp threat than Kryssie, Jason, or even Danielle.

Plus how nice of him to let the girls "get in trouble" with Kryssie by going back on their "we're evicting Scott" word, but he won't take that heat himself.  I think I'll start calling him Chef Gutless, now.

(And this after he told Danielle straight to her face late last night that he was evicting Neeley.  So pretty much everyone except Jason/Kryssie will have him on their shit list, no matter how the vote goes.  Brilliant, dude.  Brilliant.)

Wow, I hate Whitney's bikini.  I mean, I like Whitney in the bikini, but I hate the bikini itself.

ETAA:  Kryssie to Morgan in HoH, on evicting Scott:

Yeah, you're not gloating at all, and Scott's the one who's playing "a shit game", not your crying ass that's only survived because people think you're too worthless to evict.  And as for acting like an adult…too late, sis.  Too late.

I think Krissie has a different idea then I do when you are bleeding to death. If I recall, her hands were red....at best. Bye Girl....next week, right?

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So Morgan took herself off the block with the veto and Krissy put Whitney up. I think Scott and Neeley should get together to get their allies to vote out Whitney, who's on her way to making the final three.

I love how she's playing the game but isn't one of the hamsters going to claim that why she wanted to be on the block is kind of shady?

2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Morgan is starting to crack on the Neeley vote.  And honestly, I don't really blame her.  If she thinks America will vote Scott out (he was the first name called out for have nots, which the HGs have decided means something), she would pretty much destroy her game by voting out Neeley.  She will jump right up the list to Public Enemy #1 on the misfits side.  At least with Neeley and Kryssie.  And she's not particularly close with Scott, so keeping him doesn't help her all that much.  Eh, I'm fine with him leaving as well, although I'd prefer Neeley to leave on Kryssie's watch.

What Morgan needs to realize, though, is that the numbers will be even going into the next HoH if she joins the other side and getting rid of Scott.  It'd be Alex, Whitney, Shelby, and herself going against Jason, Justin, Neeley, and Danielle.  At least if Scott stays, it'd be five against three (As Kryssie can't play), and the odds of their side winning HoH and surviving the next week are much greater.

I hope that Alex can talk her off the ledge.

14 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

It is so hilarious watching the Plastics studying by counting objects in the house while the Misfits are complaining about the Plastics.

This happens all the time. The Plastics are making lunch while LNC talks shit about them. The Plastics are talking about their celeb crushes while LNC bitches about them. The Plastics are strategizing and/or studying while LNC are rubbing their dirty armpits on their sheets.


So she told Alex that if Alex betrayed her and was responsible for her eviction, she'd blow up the sister twist on the way out the door.  Ugh.  She may be the second-tallest woman in the house (after Danielle) but she's such a little sister, lol.

I give her a pass on that because Alex is really needlessly rude to her. She point blank told her that she thinks Whitney is smarter than her. I loled but damn that was rude! And Alex would imo undoubtedly sell Morgan out if it would get herself further, which I have no problem with, so I have no problem if Morgan would do the same.

When I think of rat I think of Andy, Steve, Ronnie. Alex doesn't appear to be playing a rat game to me in any way. The Danielle vote was a solid strategy and entertaining and sure a bit mean-spirited, but not rat like. And to call someone a rat for keeping the sister secret honestly doesn't make any sense to me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Michel said:

[Morgan] will jump right up the list to Public Enemy #1 on the misfits side.

Eh, not really, IMO.  Alex would still be ahead of her, for backdooring Kryssie onto the block after making that handshake deal.  All Morgan would be doing is lying about the vote, and they're all doing that, and they've all done it before.

And really, I don't even understand the purpose of the "deal" Morgan and Whitney made with Kryssie in the first place.  They already knew that Scott was the target…what benefit did they get from pledging Kryssie their votes, exactly?  It's not as if they earned safety from the block; they were actually campaigning to go on the block, as "pawns".  Yeah, yeah, possible backdoor scenarios, but not worth entangling yourself like this when you know Scott was a number in front of you.

Alex is "the head of the snake" and a comp beast; Whitney has the social game that might be problematic down the road for the Misfits, and Shelby is the "easy week" disposable number, or so the Misfits think.  I can't see Morgan becoming a de facto Dead Girl Walking just because she was one of three rebellious votes, so I'm glad that the others do a good job of shutting this down whenever Morgan brings it up.  (That doesn't mean it's still not a long way to tomorrow night, though.)

Going back to this morning, after Morgan spoke with Kryssie in HoH, she had a convo with Alex and Shelby in the SR that I didn't get to post.  Basically she said that Kryssie had told her that Shelby was throwing Morgan/Whitney under the bus (as a pair that needed to be broken up) when in fact Shelby had claimed that Scott had said that.  Since Kryssie is convinced that Morgan/Whitney are one pair and Alex/Scott are another, she thinks that Shelby is just an extra number who will turn on the Plastics and she told Morgan, "you're gonna need me when Shelby flips".  Which is pretty damn ridiculous, as Shelby is integrated just fine into the larger group and there is no Morgan/Whitney sub-alliance.  (Most of the two-person interactions for the VirginBallsmashers run through Alex; Alex/Morgan, Alex/Scott and even a certain amount of Alex/Shelby…it's Whitney who tends to mostly interact in threes and fours and save her one-on-ones for Justin and, to a lesser extent, Scott.)  

But apparently Kryssie thinks that Shelby is so isolated from the group that she never considered Shelby and Morgan comparing notes.  Oops.

All that said, I'm still mad at Justin for going back on his promise (as Whitney had predicted he would, to his face, last night, true…but I had better hopes).   Because then it would be an easy week and none of this would matter.  Sigh.

I guess Scott needs to tell the girls that he asked America to make him a have-not, to disguise his status for the other side.  But he doesn't know that he needs to do this and they might not believe him, anyway.  (Although they were speculating about it over the weekend, as I noted.)  Double-sigh.

C'mon, Alex, keep those troops in formation!  Jason may be whining about how difficult it is, but I have faith in you!  Go team! 

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Remember that Jokers is more pro-Plastics than other sections of online fandom;  Twitter has been all in on the Misfits since early on.

Understood but the Jokers' polls have pretty accurate so far.  I think there was that Have Not poll that Jokers' didn't accurately predict all three Have Nots but I can't think of anything else besides that.  Also, so far 8,500 votes (over 7,000 from anonymous users) have been cast in this poll.  While it might be possible that some people have voted more than once, I guessing that should be a decent sample representative of the overall voting population.  From this particular poll, I think we can glean that that the America vote between Neeley and Scott will be the closest one we have had so far.  So once the result is revealed tomorrow, we'll know that it wasn't a landslide decision.

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