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I also have Cox, but some of the shows they have listed as "new" recently look amazingly familiar even down to minor details. Not sure if Cox info is unreliable (like their signal) or maybe whatever local affiliate Cox gives us (WALA from Mobile for me) may juggle things around. Especially on the second half hour (reruns), often the discussions I read back on TWOP are clearly not for the shows that I saw that day.

You're lucky SPLAIN. Here JJ is always the show that gets dropped, and not moved, for everything. A few weeks ago it got cut out so the station could spend half an hour talking about the fact that it was snowing. In February. In the north. Earth-shattering bulletin for sure.

I seem to remember there was a time when JJ got dropped around these parts (So Cal) for the games, but now, they remain. Yay! I am laughing at "earth-shattering" bulletin. You know, the news will spend endless amount of time for weather bulletins - I have watched that happen here when we get...RAIN! Just give me my JJ and save whatever weather bulletins for, you know, the news hour that will happen an hour after JJ.

I had to finally bite the bullet and adjust my JJ PVR schedule. I usually record off of WSBK (I think) for the 5PM (My time) airings. But that always got bumped for basketball. I finally rescheduled it for the 2PM CityTV airings, but IIRC in the past CityTV's been less than reliable with their airings. Hopefully they'll be more consistant from now on.

Now I just need to get used to JJ appearing below Peoples Court on the PVR listings (set to most recent first) 

(Another TWOP refugee, kept the same nick. :) )

Major, I am jealous of your five JJs a day! We get two reruns and a new ep here, when basketball isn't going.

Don't be too jealous! Three are usually reruns and two are new. But sometimes the affiliate (broadcasting from Bumfuck City) runs four reruns and a new one while the on-screen guide tells me there are two new ones.

The worst is binge watching a week's worth of JJs I store up on the DVR. They all blur together at some point and after a few hours in, I can't tell one rent case from the next.

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