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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 2 (10/05/2016 - 10/11/2016)


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5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I had no idea they were showing the votes. I didn't check the quad camera. So who voted for Danni?

Alex did. And she said she did it to start Drama! Love it! 

My only complaint about this format for the eviction is that it was just very awkward with them all sitting there waiting. And Cornbread was pissed and said "Fuck Y'all" when he left. I would of liked to have someone there to talk to him right afterwards. They could bring in former houseguests to host each week or something. That would be fun. At least it's something instead of awkward sitting and looking like the HG are getting sent to their death. Haha. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I usually skip the TV episodes anyway because I follow the feeds and the DRs are always scripted nonsense, and I'll probably so that with these ones also. 

I guess the HGs are rehearsing during the episode? 

2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Danielle is not looking happy. I hope Alex's plan works and Danielle thinks it might be America. Jason isn't having it, of course, he's sure it's a hinky vote. My goodness, his voice annoys the hell out of me. He must smoke five packs a day with that voice. 

I read Jason said "in my season" people pulled that all the time. Vets are no fun! 

Man, I love Alex for doing it. It wasn't going to hurt anyone and it's fun for us as viewers to watch the paranoia spread. I'm going to bet that even if she doesn't say anything aloud, Danielle will be wondering about this vote for the rest of her game in the house. I love it.

Keep doing it, Alex! Keep doing it! Honestly, I'd be totally doing it just for the fun of it. If you know a vote is going to be pretty solid, why not do it? 

Cornbread looked pretty pissed. I am disappointed that everyone voted with the house except for Alex. Come on, people! Play your own game! I get why they did, but I am just disappointed as a Feedster. 

Well, let's hope this HOH comp is fun to watch. And I'm rooting for the Plastics to win, just to see Feedsters go nuts. 

This season is me wanting to have fun and watch shit go down between the house and "America". It's nice not having an absolute favourite this early on. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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HOH comp is endurance. They have to hold a sword stuck in the crown of themselves or something. It's similar to the HOH comp that James won last season.

It'll apparently get harder after the one hour mark. I might miss who gets eliminated because I'm not going to sit through at least an hour of this without much talking. Literally, it's been a couple of minutes and nobody has said a word.

Edited by Lady Calypso
I'm mixing up my J names
Just now, zibnchy said:

I don't understand. Is it heavy? Or something?

No, it's a flimsy plastic grey sword, so I imagine any major movements while holding it will cause it to fall out of the hole that it's sticking in. I'm watching it now and many of the swords are bent, so that'll most likely get those houseguests eliminated sooner.

I think Whitney's already out. Or Morgan. I can't see the name properly. 

4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Neeley wants to break up the Plastics, and would go the easy route of making Shelby the target. I want no part of a Neeley HOH.

I think this week, either way, it'll be Danielle/Shane or Shelby/Monte/Whitney as targets, with possibilities of Alex/Morgan. It's why Jason feels comfortable in throwing this HOH comp, or at least not being disappointed in getting out early. I also know Neeley said that even though she wants to split up The Plastics, she also wants to possibly work with them. That's more than I can say for the others, who have no interest. 

Oh, Shane's out now. That's good. I'm hoping that Justin's constant movement will get him eliminated as well, and then Kryssie. I don't really want a Kryssie HOH in any way, and Justin's turning a little too mean toward Shelby for me to root for him as an HOH. 

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Is there something oddly proportioned about Monte? He kinda looks to me like he was put together with parts from two different models. It's something about his arms, I think.

THis cannot be very hard because Justin has been paying no attention and fidgeting  a lot. It would seem someone who is actually paying attention could go for a long time.

I think they should let the losers spray them with a hose. Or slime them.

Also, the first day I thought that Scott was a nerd but likely nice and it bothered me that the other HGs ignored him. Then he opened his mouth and revealed that he also has an ugly personality. So he's a nerdy virgin with a lousy personality. Yeah, he can leave soon.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

THis cannot be very hard because Justin has been paying no attention and fidgeting  a lot. It would seem someone who is actually paying attention could go for a long time.

Well, after the first hour's up (which is about now), they will only be allowed to use one hand so that'll speed things up.

Kryssie, Danielle, and Justin are all very fidgety. I am stunned that Justin is still in. His movements on the platform made me think for sure that his sword would have popped out of the hole that it's sticking in. 

Whitney, Morgan, Alex, and Neeley are all very quiet and very still. 

Ah, I just realized this HOH barely matters because the Feedsters will probably nominate Monte/a Plastic anyway.

I'd prefer Alex win this thing, but it's not looking likely. I'm hoping Morgan/Alex/Shelby make it through the week at least because someone from their side is most likely leaving.

I can't believe it's been a week! We usually don't even know the first couple HGs who are evicted - now I can't imagine the Feeds without some of these HGs. From watching the feeds the last couple days, Shane is by far the most boring though. 

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3 minutes ago, mooses said:

Ah, I just realized this HOH barely matters because the Feedsters will probably nominate Monte/a Plastic anyway.

It's true, but with an Alex/Whitney HOH (I'd rather Alex), it'll most likely be Monte up on the block instead of Monte plus Whitney/Shelby/Alex/Morgan. It matters enough that the Southerners won't all be pretty much up on the block, and then Monte will hopefully be voted out.

Ok, Justin's sword should have dropped ages ago. Boy keeps dancing and moving and it's making me nervous that he'll win. Also, Justin, get your damn hand out of your pants! You're giving me McCrae vibes. I don't know why Feedsters think it's "so funny" that he has his hand there. Also, PULL UP YOUR DAMN PANTS.

If we can attach a phrase to Justin's thread, the above quote would be it for me. 

Everyone's been leaning the end of the sword up against their bodies in some way because it's so long. Whitney has hers resting on her stomach and she's pretty much a statue at the moment. 

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Is it just me or is Whitney totally cheating? I thought you could only hold the end of the pole with one hand and yet she has the end pressed up against her body as well.

I'm surprised there is so much Plastics support here. I loathe Monte and the Mean Girls. Shelby was my favorite at first too. Now I'm just rooting for the underdogs as always. It doesn't matter to me if you're playing the game if I can't stand you, i.e. Derrick.

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2 minutes ago, LordBowen said:

I wish the HGs would be told they can't let the swords touch their torsos.  Both Alex and Whitney have their swords pressed into the lower chests and are using their bodies to help support the swords.  That would really speed up this comp.

Exactly. Morgan was called out for using her other hand while it was in the pouch after they were told to only use one hand but using your entire torso is okay?

2 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Exactly. Morgan was called out for using her other hand while it was in the pouch after they were told to only use one hand but using your entire torso is okay?

Yes, if the girls had to rely on hand/arm strength alone, like Justin, they would have been out already.

Edited by LordBowen
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Yeah, and Neeley has hers resting on her shoulder. Danielle also had the same thing. Justin's moving around a lot, but I do think the end of his pole is somewhat in his elbow/on his upper arm. But those poles are extra long, so I can see why they are using that to their advantage.

However, Whitney's in a way too good position because of it resting on her stomach. They should tell her to take a step back. She's so sturdy that her pole has barely quivered. 

1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, and Neeley has hers resting on her shoulder. Danielle also had the same thing. Justin's moving around a lot, but I do think the end of his pole is somewhat in his elbow/on his upper arm. But those poles are extra long, so I can see why they are using that to their advantage.

However, Whitney's in a way too good position because of it resting on her stomach. They should tell her to take a step back. She's so sturdy that her pole has barely quivered. 

Yeah, it seems Whitney started it, then Alex began doing it and then Justin and Neely but they haven't been as consistent with it. I imagine it's pretty uncomfortable for Justin since he doesn't have a shirt on. Whitney is basically a statue.

Yeah, I think Alex has her free hand in her pouch and is dangerously close to the pole. Neeley definitely has had the pole resting on her shoulder for a while now.

Production isn't saying anything yet, so I guess it wasn't technically in the rules.

Except for what Alex is doing. She needs to stop that.

I think if BB tells them to stand farther back, the girls could drop quickly.

2 minutes ago, LordBowen said:

She'll probably nominate Danielle/Shane or Danielle/Kryssie.

She said Danielle/Shane earlier, but also Justin since he's been attached to Shane lately - I don't think she cares about Kryssie at all. I'd much rather lose Shane over Danielle. He's one dull dude.

ETA: And I'm fine with Monte going up as America's Nominee. 

Edited by mooses
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People on Twitter are already calling Alex a cheater and how she should have been disqualified. Well then, all of the girls should have, then. They were all doing it. 

Feedsters are so salty when things don't go their way. Man, I remember being like that before I chilled out. 

I will say props to Neeley and Justin for both sticking it out as long as they did. Justin, in particular.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

People on Twitter are already calling Alex a cheater and how she should have been disqualified. Well then, all of the girls should have, then. They were all doing it. 

Feedsters are so salty when things don't go their way. Man, I remember being like that before I chilled out. 

I will say props to Neeley and Justin for both sticking it out as long as they did. Justin, in particular.

Yeah, that's why I am not looking forward to this season of Feedster influence. It can get nasty and ridiculous in the Big Brother communities, and now we have too much of a say.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, mooses said:

She said Danielle/Shane earlier, but also Justin since he's been attached to Shane lately - I don't think she cares about Kryssie at all. I'd much rather lose Shane over Danielle. He's one dull dude.

Alex made a really angry comment about Kryssie before the comp began, which took me aback. That's why I said Kryssie. It sounded like Alex had a problem with her. Could have been a momentary thing.

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Just now, LordBowen said:

Alex made a really angry comment about Kryssie before the comp began, which took me aback. That's why I said Kryssie. It sounded like Alex had a problem with her. Could have been a momentary thing.

Ah, got it! I did not see any of that. 

RIP, sisters, if Alex puts Justin up. The wrath of the peoples will be ferocious. 

Feedsters want to put up Morgan just to spite Alex.

Yeah, this America Nominee thing needs to never happen again. Feedsters get way too cocky because they don't have to be in the house. And Feedsters deciding the winner? Yeah, this needs to never happen again. 

Alex told Neeley in BR that she's totally good this week. 

4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Feedsters want to put up Morgan just to spite Alex.

Yeah, this America Nominee thing needs to never happen again. Feedsters get way too cocky because they don't have to be in the house. And Feedsters deciding the winner? Yeah, this needs to never happen again. 

Alex told Neeley in BR that she's totally good this week. 

I was worried that would happen. I can't wait until we find all the ways they're the devil and bad for feminism again. 

I'm happy Neeley lasted that long, and maybe this will give her some extra relationships in the House. Justin/Shane/Jason were thinking she's shady earlier, so she might need them.

ETA: Scott's doing the classic rat move and touching base with all the HGs who lost. He might be in good shape if this week turns drama.

Edited by mooses
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