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S06.E25: Mommy Meltdown


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Most of the mini Moms just look so rough.  It is as if they were all hidden from society for decades and handed gift cards to the worst mall in a dying town. And no one wth taste, style or a sense of what is appropriate went with them to supervise. Their hair (wigs? extensions?) is wrong...wrong cut, wrong color(s), wrong length, wrong texture.  The makeup is over-applied, garish and so harsh.  Jewelry is oversized and clothing is undersized.  I think if several layers of accessories, spackle and lacquer could be sandblasted off, they would look more human and less like a very sad, low rent circus tent of cartoon clowns.

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WHAT the heck. I don't even know where to begin. Every mom sucks. The mini moms are out of line and being predatory, and the junior moms are delusional. A mini mom asked what Jill thought about the mini routine, and Jill said "adorable, but I'd like to see them be stretched." Well, lo and behold, that very thing happens this week and Jill pops a gasket that they are being more invested in than the "elites.". Her cattiness is so defeating and unbelievable.

And WHAT is with the scheduling? Why do both teams sit in there all day, waiting their turn, instead of various slots being scheduled? The junior moms would have no idea what the minis were doing that way. 

Then, the junior moms accusing the mini moms of being heartless about Abby's mom because they were excited their girls got a lyrical? As if they care about Abby's mom? Pot, meet kettle. This feels like the most hypocritical year ever.

Abby is a terrible teacher because she punishes the kids over their mothers. And these kids don't stand a chance because the mothers are never going to stop being awful, so the punishments will continue. I won't lose any sleep over most of these kids because they don't have much talent to hold back, but a few... awww.

2 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Most of the mini Moms just look so rough.

As opposed to the junior moms? The amount of processing between the lot of them is so horrendous. Season one, the moms wore jeans and had clean faces and normal hair, and they were cute! Now they all look like it's Halloween, and the uglier they are on the inside makes the outside so much worse. 

I noticed that Kira and Ashlee almost bonded this week. The mutual fear of being humiliated in Phoenix was hilarious. As if everyone in Phoenix isn't seeing on TV each week what a mess this studio is.

The mini moms whining about segregation at competition is so stupid. As if they would not be irritated if the roles weren't reversed. Can we get rid of the minis? There was enough stress and ugliness before. I swear, when that little mini kid piped up during pyramid, saying it was fine to split up the pyramids, I wanted to smack her. If the mini moms are worried about the junior kids learning to mouth off because of their mothers, their little five year-olds are leagues ahead already.

I noticed when Ashlee started criticizing the minis' dance from last week for not doing anything great, Jessalynn and Jill were perfectly happy to agree with her. What happened to "you don't talk about another person's child!" Same behavior, completely different reaction from these two mean moms.

The new mini mom (the shrink) is already as bad as the rest of them. I don't get why they all tear each other down. It is not going to make their kids more talented. And when Jessalynn said, "we actually care about the world, not just your kids," I spit out my soda in laughter.

Holly's dumb commentary about Nia being in a wheelchair and therefor a walker as a prop is inappropriate is ridiculous. Nia recovered! That prop should be something to celebrate. And either way, be professional and do what you are told. 

Jill accusing people of not being team players every week is sickening. If her daughter was not so mediocre and needing the team to carry her, she would throw them all under the bus in a heartbeat.

Crazy shrink then says it is so sad that the junior moms are so mean to them when their minis worship the juniors girls. I have never seen the junior girls do anything but fuss over the minis. The "sad" part is how the adults treat one another. The kids are pretty amazing, in that area. They have coached the younger girls, they hug on them, they have been great. The mini moms don't understand paying your dues. Can they please go away.

Loved Kalani and Brynn's duet. It was very stoic, so no acting necessary, just form and technique. And I thought their legs and feet looked gorgeous.

And then came the two so called "pop stars." They looked like a Jane Fonda video. The look of pride on Jill's face was embarrassing. Props to Nia for moving through a wardrobe malfunction, but those two girls are such a hot mess.... And they are so so sensitive to social media, I see them being Lindsey Lohann in no time if they don't rethink their career goals. 

The minis group routine was sweet. Better than the rest of what they do, I guess.

The juniors group routine was pretty, but they basically recycled what they were taught, and that is typical of a dancer's ability. Frankly, the fact that they refused to do what they were told and follow direction does not bode well for getting hired in the future.

Kalani's floating head comments were class act. How is she Kira's daughter.

I didn't want the junior group to win, because they were disrespectful, and I didn't want them to lose because it would hurt them. So I just didn't care. This show is so full of ugly, it's hard to root for anything.

So, in the end, the minis attempt to give Abby a Mother's Day present (unlike the team who KNEW her mother), and now they are accused of being sneaky. How can Jill not recall all of the conniving things she did to get her average kid on the team. Who doesn't kiss up to the teacher on this show? They should just show respect to one another for playing the game. It's not like it works that well on Abby anyway.

On the upside, Jo Jo minus the bows is just so beautiful.

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My thoughts - the show is being so scripted or those on it led down a certain path to create drama. Nia and Kendall were the only ones who really knew Abby's mom and Kendall for not that long. The mom's criticism to the minis' moms was way off base.

The psychology mini mom mentioned that she hadn't seen the juniors group dance so I'm sure that they do not sit there all day while the other groups learn their choreography. The few scenes are done for the camera only. The girls are probably with tutors and doing schooling while the other group practices. As far as critiquing the mini moms - those moms are more your typical middle class moms. From the get go - all the original dance moms were mostly in dresses each week ( I've been watching the season over recently ) The only one who had a job was Holly so you would expect her to maybe come from her job dressed professionally - as far as the others - sorry - I'm jeans and t-shirt - how many woman go out and do errands in dresses these days? Be it dance moms or soccer moms - it's jeans and casual pants or shorts - occasionally a sundress. Yes a couple could use tips on hairdressing and makeup but I'm really here to watch the girls - not the moms.

As far as the minis - I'm enjoying the new girls - heck the show was ready to go off the air as there are only so many times we can have the same argument about the same situation. The girls are getting older and will be on to doing other things - for the show's longevity - they needed new blood - that's why it confuses me that they'd send the minis home and have a redo with Ava and Cathy - I think they're probably going to say this is the last season and go out with a bang. That's why I think the junior moms are so concerned with the girls being featured and the dances winning - these girls have to leave here as winners and not jokes so they can still find work outside of Dance Moms.

Jill has the most to lose as Kendall hasn't had success either with dance, music, acting or modeling.

I agree with the one poster about Holly and found it funny that Jess called people with walkers disabled. I don't see it like that - especially in this situation. They are portraying elderly people - yes many use walkers and are thankful they have that help to still be mobile - I don't call it a disability. Although I don't think it would have one a competition - it would have been nice to see just how well it did do - it was outside the box, looked like it would be well received and we didn't get to see it so don't know how much dancing was involved. Dancing with a prop is always more challenging and yes judges do give that consideration

"Crazy shrink then says it is so sad that the junior moms are so mean to them when their minis worship the juniors girls. I have never seen the junior girls do anything but fuss over the minis. The "sad" part is how the adults treat one another. The kids are pretty amazing, in that area. They have coached the younger girls, they hug on them, they have been great. The mini moms don't understand paying your dues. Can they please go away.. "

I'm not understanding your point here. She said the junior moms are so mean to us and they are - it has nothing to do with how the girls get along. I've never understood the animosity on Dance Moms or Bring It from the "older" moms when a newbie's mom comes in. Most people welcome new blood as long as their kids aren't affected and the kids aren't affected - equal time is given to both  - the show just wants you to think it's unequal. Yes the mini moms haven't paid their "dues" as you call it - but Holly and Jill have paid their dues and where has that gotten them? It was Jill that wanted Kendall given a solo the 2nd week she was there in Season 2 and she hadn't paid any "dues". The other moms were upset with her and rightly so as they're own kids fought to get solos. I don't really think these mini moms are that unreasonable.

The auditorium wasn't even full and it was a small one at that for such a big competition. Loved Brynn's and Kalani's duet!! Felt sorry for Nia with the wardrobe malfunction - still Kendall is just a background dancer as my eyes were drawn to Nia and how muscular she is.

As for the mini's coming into the dressing room - I too thought the girls were kind of rude and that surprised me - the only one that said TY was Nia that I saw - Kalani rushing out of the room was not like her and again - I think this whole thing is scripted. No reason that the mom's can't support all the girls. Maybe it is best they let the minis go because the path the show has taken is disgusting to me. You had a future if you could meld the two but they're blowing it.

the animosity towards the minis does not have to do with them joining the school, there are lots of other students inthe school, it is because they take TV exposure from the elite girls, 

My ranting about the elite moms was just Jill over exposure, she is the most hateful of them all and her proud face looks like it is about to explode, it is very scary.  There was a time when some mothers were pleasant, Holly I am looking at you, but now it seems like only the worst mothers are featured, so they fight for the most unpleasant. I am sure the objections to the walker routine was a scripted one. Let the girls win just being themselves they are so good being the theme. while in life there  is some unpleasantness, reality looks nothing like this show. 

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I don't know how anybody can sit up here and say they like any of these bitchy moms. THEY ALL SUCK! Their attitude and behavior is pure ugliness. Horrible role models and bad examples for the kids. The elite are acting like bitter crybabies because the minis and their moms are taking up their precious screen time on the show. 

As much as I hate the mothers, I agree with them that dance with the walkers looked offensive and extremely idiotic. Isn't it a shame the show did much more mature dances back in the first 3 seasons when the girls were little as opposed to these weak kiddie novelty dances their doing now.

Not only are they adorable, but they minis are very talented for 7- 10 year olds. It was pretty adult of the Areana to tell Abby to let the Elite team have their own pyramid! Those little girls are the most adult and mature of the whole bunch.

I'm so glad Jessalyn is leaving. She was being ridiculous at pyramid. Another mom wearing rose tinted glasses when it's comes to their daughter's talent. She's a dance teacher so why is her kid one of the worst dancers on the team. Oh...it's because all Jessalyn wants is for JoJo to be a famous superstar. And was JoJo seriously about to cry at pyramid. Give me a break! Sassy cutsie faces and turning is all JoJo could do. Also, if it's not a personal reason, they will probably make it look like Jess is claiming unfair treatment to Jojo. Which is what it looks like its leading up to story wise for the "shocking" episode where they leave the show.

Kira is violent and seriously has anger issues. Didn't she learn in Kindergarten to keep her hands to yourself. I don't care if it's a poke or tap. Don't put your hands on other people. And, the mothers of 7 year olds? Was that supposed to be an insult or something? Isn't Kira's older son at home about 7 or 8 years old. It's a wonder how Kalani turned out so mature and well mannered. 

Can we please get Jill off the show. Does this woman do anything else but complain and drip off jealousy. She's the biggest hypocrite in the world! She was being unecessarily extra about the card the minis gave to Abby about competition.

I can't stand Jill's shit eating smile whenever Kendall dances on stage. It's just as painful as Melissa's scrunched up beaver face whenever Maddie danced or Holly's sucking on a sour lemon face whenever Nia dances. 

Why is Abby letting the elite mothers run the show and give her an ultimatum in her own studio??? If you don't like the teacher or the studio, there's the door. They are all there because it's Abby's show. No Abby, no daughter on TV. 

But it isn't Abby's show.  It's LIfetime's Dance Moms.  It was billed from the get go to be about the moms and in-fighting.  Regardless of how much Abby tries to rewrite history, she wasn't the one who originally pitched the show. 

The moms can take their kids and leave the studio as long as they can handle any contracts they signed with Abby.  The end of each dance year is such a golden opportunity.  However, leaving the show takes more doing as the contracts are longer term and tougher to break. 

Edited by Absolom
14 hours ago, tessat said:

I'm not understanding your point here. She said the junior moms are so mean to us and they are - it has nothing to do with how the girls get along.

No, the mini moms did complain that the girls didn't respond appropriately when the minis wished them luck. I don't really think we saw enough footage to see. In the past episodes the girls really have been nice to the minis and to the new girls on the team, but it was unclear this week. It is the moms who are awful.

Jessalyn is awful. The minis are above JoJo at pyramid? I'm leaving! Maybe Abby took the different levels into account when she ranked them? It's not really that hard, and it's just a stupid pyramid. She did other stuff I thought was awful, but I can't even remember anymore.

Note to Jill and Holly: Maybe the reason Kendall and Nia's duets are "jinxed" is because they are two of the weaker dancers on the team, and putting them together doesn't produce quality results?

I thought it looked like the girls were having fun with that old people routine until the moms came in complaining.

Also, Jill really can't complain about the minis giving Abby a present. Didn't she do that all the time when she first arrived?

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I guess I just didn't see them as being rude. I thought they were distracted and trying to focus because their butts were on the line. Noone cares what the minis do in AZ, and yet that was the only group prepared.

15 hours ago, tessat said:

"Crazy shrink then says it is so sad that the junior moms are so mean to them when their minis worship the juniors girls. I have never seen the junior girls do anything but fuss over the minis. The "sad" part is how the adults treat one another. The kids are pretty amazing, in that area. They have coached the younger girls, they hug on them, they have been great. The mini moms don't understand paying your dues. Can they please go away.. "

I'm not understanding your point here. She said the junior moms are so mean to us and they are - it has nothing to do with how the girls get along. I've never understood the animosity on Dance Moms or Bring It from the "older" moms when a newbie's mom comes in. Most people welcome new blood as long as their kids aren't affected and the kids aren't affected - equal time is given to both  - the show just wants you to think it's unequal. Yes the mini moms haven't paid their "dues" as you call it - but Holly and Jill have paid their dues and where has that gotten them?


That is my point. No one gets a fair shake with Abby, and the junior moms are resentful of any edge the minis might be getting. Meanwhile, the moms keep griping about each other, but the kids are all so sweet to one another, so Psychologist's whining about mommy treatment was dumb. All that matters is that the kids are all generally kind to one another. For psycho mommy to whine about her feelings instead of focusing on her daughter's training was stupid. She wasn't there five minutes before she turned into another victim.

Nia and Kendall's duet was bad AGAIN because neither of them is a great dancer. I just re-watched it on YouTube and it's so blah and scrappy, they are always on the floor too long like they're heaving their weight around. It would have been an ok dance when they were cute in season 1/2. But if we're trying to make these girls 'shine' don't expose them by putting them together. 

Jess was completely mad with the whole pyramid thing. Having the minis is really exposing what incredible divas the mums are. I mean they were always nuts and pushy, but now we're seeing how the fame has so completely gone to their heads. I really hope that doesn't rub off on the girls... 

I understand the juniors attitudes towards the minis more. They seem to genuinely enjoy them and think they're cute but at the end of the day the juniors are teenagers and they're busy at that precise moment. They're not babysitters and shouldn't have to entertain the little ones whenever their mothers demand it. 

I am starting to really grow fond of the mini girls though. Certainly enjoy watching them more than Kendall.

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