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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Sorry all. I meant to post this yesterday, but I had about a million things to do yesterday, including helping the kids carve pumpkins that we set out on the front porch. COME ON RAVENS LET'S STOMP THE BENGALS TONIGHT!!!! Everyone have their favorite drink ready? Let's goooooooooooo!!! 

Deli Towing Incident (2013)

And then I went in to get the wheat pasta and then I saw-I remember my parents, they always like the jugs of Burgundy, but I was gonna go to my car to get more money for the Burgundy.” –Gina Imperial  

Plaintiff: Gina Imperial from Santa Clarita, CA. Gina is the queen of imperial bullshit. She looks like an older madam I used to date when I was in the Navy stationed in Norfolk, VA (who ironically, was a liar as well. She told me she wasn’t married, but was married to some crazy Lt. Commander). Gina is a fucking liar, to the point where even she doesn’t even believe her own lies. Her car was towed for no reason, ostensibly, which is what brings her to JJ’s court today. When Gina gets caught in a lie, she gives a wry smile. She has claims to have been a patron of the defendant’s deli since 1973. She also keeps $100 cash in her glove compartment like many of us do (eyeroll). Gina is such a fuckin liar she couldn’t even find the word ‘truth’ in the dictionary if it slapped her in the face. Being the ultimate Karen, Gina was pissed that she did something wrong and had to face consequences for it. Her son is a personal trainer. Apparently, he can’t find jobs on his own and has his mother do it for him. Gina is wearing a tasteful Hillary Clinton-esque pantsuit. 

Defendant: Bruno Simione. Bruno looks like a serial killer. I’m serious. Djamilla and I watch a lot of the ID Channel as well as Criminal Minds. He comes into court looking crazy af, with a black shirt, a gold chain around his neck, and some black track pants, playing right into the stereotype. Bruno isn’t having any of Gina’s shit, telling it like it is. I think he has his mother in one of the witness seats, but I don’t know as she never speaks. However, Bruno does have a surprise witness, which turns this entire case on its head. Bruno owns an Italian deli/grocery next to the gym where Gina decided to go that day. He was the one who called to have Gina’s car towed and proudly admits that in court. 

The Complaint: Gina is up in court suing for towing expenses and other various damages.

What Does He/She want: Gina is petitioning the court for $2000

Countersuit?: No.  

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ kicks this case off by establishing the facts surrounding Gina’s complaint. Gina explains that she was parked in front of Bruno’s deli. Gina says that Bruno states that it was an illegal towing. You see, Bruno’s Italian grocery/deli is in a strip mall next to a gym with some other various stores around it (probably a Cato’s, Bed Bath & Beyond, a GameStop, a check cashing joint, a GNC, and an AT&T/T-Mobile store). Gina claims that she had parked in the parking lot specifically designed for patrons of the gym, Bruno’s deli, and the surrounding stores. JJ confirms with Bruno that he owns the Italian deli/grocery, to which Bruno agrees. Bruno admits that there is signage about alerting patrons that the parking is only for those specific stores.

Gina states that on Friday, May 17th, 2013, the incident occurred. I’m just noticing that Gina is a very, very short woman. She even has heels on and is still short. She claims that she was parked in compliance with the signage. Gina claims that despite following the rules, her car was towed illegally by Bruno, which caused her lawsuit to begin with. Bruno, however, thinks that Gina is a liar (which he is pretty spot on in his assessment, but we’ll get to that momentarily). He makes mention that there was no way that Gina was in his restaurant/deli the entire time. JJ states that it is her job in figuring out where Gina was the whole time.

JJ begins grilling Gina on how the day went. JJ says that in Gina’s complaint, she claims that she was parked legally because she was going into the gym (which is next to Bruno’s deli). JJ asks Gina if she’s ever been in that particular gym before. Gina hesitates and looks around (take a shot!). This causes JJ to lose patience with Gina and tells her “the answer is either yes or no” (take a shot!). Man, not even 5 minutes into this case and Gina is already being fuckin shady. Gina confirms that she had been in the gym before, but that was back in January. She claims that she just asked about the gym and the membership. Her voice is sounding shaky, as if she’s either nervous or making things up as she’s going along, neither of which is a good look for her in JJ’s court.

 JJ continues to give Gina the third degree, asking what brought Gina back to the gym on May 17th. Gina responds by stating that she noticed on Craigslist that there was an ad from the gym (which we will refer to as Result Fitness from here on out) looking for a personal trainer. She claims that her son had been looking for a job recently, and that Gina was going to be the best mother she could be by inquiring about the role as a personal trainer at the gym. Why? Who knows? She could have just told her son about the ad and had him go on his own. I don’t know. I never have had my mother look for jobs for me. Maybe some people have that sort of thing going on, I never did. Now, I do know that there is such a thing as nepotism, where an already existing employee of a company will bring in a relative as an employee (I hate to admit it, but that’s how I got my current career with the federal government, but nobody did the work for me, I had to apply, as all my relative did was give me the Req ID for the job, not inquire about the actual job itself or the hiring process, nor did they know the hiring manager). I guess Gina was tired of her baby boy being unemployed.

Gina claimed that she went in to speak with them to get information on the hiring process because her son was getting recertified as a personal trainer. I mean, really, the Craigslist ad (stop using Craigslist! Very rarely does anything good come from Craigslist) should have had all the information on how to apply, but let’s give Mrs. Imperial the benefit of the doubt here, as this was the least egregious thing she has done in this case. As Gina is running her mouth, she accidently lets it slip that she was already at the library in Newhall. This prompts JJ to back up a bit to prior to Gina going to the gym. We know how JJ wants to know all the goddamn facts. JJ tries to confirm with Gina that she did, indeed, go to the library before going to Result Fitness. Gina, trying to fast talk, states that she did and is about to backpedal, but JJ shushes her and asks her what time she was at the library. Gina states that she went to the library to drop off some books. I think the last time I used a public library (I used private libraries a billion times in college, I’m not going to lie) had to have been the late Clinton administration back in high school LOL. I think Kindles and other tablets that you can read books on sort of negated the whole need for a library (as well as book stores, I'm shocked Barnes and Noble are still in business), as I believe that technology was around in 2013 (correct me if I’m wrong). I think I got my first Kindle in 2012.

Also, Gina’s job confuses me. The banner on the bottom of the screen claims that she’s a “Personal Development Teacher”. Is that supposed to be a fancy way of saying that she’s a life coach? Gina just confuses the hell out of me. Her Facebook makes no mention of her being a “Personal Development Teacher”, and instead states that she is an “Instructor” at UCLA, which sort of worries me because of her behavior on this program, but again, I’ll get on that in a bit.

When JJ asks her what time she got to the library, Gina answers that it was “like around noon”. Gina, stop being so vague and shady, babygirl. Just come out and say that you got to the library at noon. Also, you can hear in Gina’s voice that she’s growing agitated a bit with all of JJ’s questioning. JJ then does a run down with Gina again to make sure that she’s getting a cogent story from her. JJ states that first Gina was at the library dropping off some books at noon. Gina confirms this. Then JJ asks where did she go next. Gina claims that she went over to the parking lot of Result Fitness. Then Gina decides to try to add in more details. JJ stops her in her tracks and states “Don’t tell me also!” (take a shot!). JJ wants to know how far the library is from Result Fitness. Gina claims it’s only two minutes away. This leads JJ to believe that Gina got there about 5 to 10 minutes after 12.

This is where it becomes obvious that Gina starts making things up. Gina all of a sudden remembers that she was at the library longer than what she initially led JJ to believe. JJ then catches Gina in a lie and begins to taunt her with it, saying “Oh, I thought you were just dropping some things off. That’s what you said!” JJ then flat out asks Gina how long she was at the library. Gina responds by saying she doesn’t know, as she was “just there on my computer.” What?!??! Where did this come from and why didn’t she mention that before? She could have easily told JJ that she had gone to the library, used her computer, and then left the library at such-and-such time. Why is Gina making this more complicated than it needs to be? Gina is such a fuckin liar.

Then Gina states that she was at the library for over an hour, but then once again backpedals and claims that she was there for an hour and a half. JJ states that that would bring Gina to Result Fitness between 1:15 and 1:30. Gina states that it was approximately 1:30. JJ advises Gina that her entire testimony is not going to be without pain. Gina just gives a wry smile before stating that she understands.

Gina states that she went to Result Fitness and spoke to Allison about the employment opportunity for her son. Gina admits that she has never met Allison before, but since Allison was busy at the front desk, helping someone, Gina went over to Egg Plantation to get a coffee to go. Gina also answers a “Yeah…” to JJ and JJ corrects her and states “That would be a yes!” (take a shot!) .

Shooooot, I need to take my Black ass over to Egg Plantation. I was looking at their breakfast menu just now and their omelet menu is extensive. I will drop a link at the end of this review to Egg Plantation. As you guys know, I’m an omelet guy, and good golly Miss Molly, I would frequent that place all day just for their omelets alone. They even make the omelets with four eggs! So you know those are some big ass omelets. Looking at their fuckin menu, there’s no way any sane person would just go in there just to get a coffee. Their menu is on point. That place makes Starbucks look like a Sunoco gas station bathroom.

Anyway, JJ is starting to fuck with Gina, as Gina becomes more and more flustered. Gina states that after she got a coffee to go, she went back to Result Fitness to speak to Allison about her son’s employment opportunity. JJ surmises that all of the coffee running and going back to Result Fitness had to have taken place within the course of 10 minutes, placing the time at 1:40. She wants to know how long she spoke to Allison. Gina admits that she spoke with Allison for 15 or 20 minutes, including questions about the gym and the hiring process. JJ wants to know if Gina discussed anything about herself or her son with Allison. Gina claims that she spoke about her son, but then, again, tells too much of the story and claims that she was also talking to Allison about a membership at the gym. Goddamn, Gina, keep all of that to yourself. You’re not helping out your case at all. In fact, you’re digging yourself deeper.

Gina states, verbatim, that she was “looking at the gym for a work out place, too, because I work out.” LOL. I love Gina. She is such a liar and not a very good one. JJ then cuts right through the bullshit and tells Gina that she doesn’t believe anything coming from her. Gina claims that she has all the evidence (evidence of what?!), which JJ just ignores and continues her rant about how she doesn’t believe Gina. Gina made it harder on herself because she can’t tell a fuckin cogent story if her life depended on it.

Gina states after she spoke with Allison, Allison gave her a pen, to which Gina wrote down all the information on the online hiring process (like most jobs had during the dot.com boom). Gina begins to tell JJ what Allison said, but JJ cuts her off and states “Don’t tell me what she told you, I asked you what did you do next?!” (take a shot!). JJ reminds Gina that it should be 1:45 at this point. Gina states that she went over to Maria’s Deli (Bruno’s joint) because she wanted some wheat pasta. That’s when Gina saw some jugs of Burgundy and remembered that her parents love them some jugs of Burgundy, so Gina went to her car to get an extra $100 that she kept in her glove compartment to buy the jugs of Burgundy and that’s when she noticed that her car was missing.  From looking at her FB page, her parents do look like they drink those awful Carlo Rossi jugs of wine. Also, speaking of Gina’s fam, her sister is much hotter than she is and I don’t see any son that could even be construed as a personal trainer.  

Okay….let’s take some things in here. Why would anyone keep $100 cash in their car? I mean, I keep spare change in my car, sometimes I’ll have a $10 in my car if I’m going into Baltimore or something like that for the tolls (even though it's unwarranted, as most toll booths take debit/credit nowadays). It’s never anything over $10. I also have my Metro Pass card in my car. Cars get broken into. Gina insists that she has a locked glove compartment. Those are easily broken into (all it really takes is a dedicated person with a Phillips head screwdriver and 5 to 10 minutes, don't ask me how I know). Also, there are things called credit cards. LOL Gina looks like she an AMEX with a $45,000 credit limit on that thing.

JJ makes fun of Gina for keeping $100 in her car, with Gina expressing that the glove compartment is locked (so?), with JJ even trying to get Byrd on her side to make fun of Gina, too. Gina claims that she has been a patron at Maria’s Deli since 1973. So Gina was going in there since she was 10, ostensibly. JJ just goes in on Gina for a while, telling Gina that she doesn’t believe a damn word she is saying.

Gina claims that she went to Result Fitness to see if they knew anything about her car being towed away, as she was probably asking Allison. Gina begins to say that Allison said something, but JJ cuts her off and states “Don’t tell me what she told you!” (take a shot!). Gina then went back to Maria’s Deli to see if they saw anything. Finally, Gina called the number on the signage to see where they had taken her car.

Take two shots because Gina is a fuckin liar.

Gina claims that it was 2:10 when this occurred and nobody knew anything about her towed car. JJ then says that Bruno admits to having the car towed.

After the commercial break (featuring another General Auto Insurance Commercial with Shaq), we get back to the case.

JJ turns her attention to crazy lookin Bruno and asks him for some evidence on why he had her car towed. Bruno states that he has a surprise witness in Cody Bartosh (take two shots for a surprise witness and then take another shot because this witness will turn the case all around, not that Gina had any chance of winning anyway), who worked at Result Fitness at the time. Cody is a ginger fitness instructor who now works for a new gym, but was at Result Fitness for 4 years prior. Cody states that he saw Gina enter the parking lot from the wrong way, as there is one way in and one way out (I hate those sorts of parking lots). Gina almost ran into another gym patron who was leaving because Gina came in the wrong goddamn way. Gina ran up on the curb in front of the gym door to get around the other patron and was throwing up hand gestures because she was so agitated. I can see Gina flipping people the bird or throwing up gang signs if you piss her off.

All the while Cody is giving his testimony, Gina is sitting over there giving him these crazy death stares, like she’s about to whoop him.

Cody admits that Gina has a dark colored car. Gina then confirms that her car is a charcoal gray. Cody states that after the incident with the other car, Gina parked, and then took off across the street. She never entered the gym. Cody verifies that Gina went to Egg Plantation (man, I’m about to get all of us plane tickets to Cali to hit up Egg Plantation) and didn’t enter the gym at all. He says that Gina pulled into the parking space at 1pm, which throws Gina under the damn bus. Cody states that Gina never entered Result Fitness while he was there.

JJ asks about Allison, with Cody admitting that Alison was NOT in charge of any hiring, but instead was working the front desk and making shakes. So why was Gina supposedly talking to her in the first place? That was a waste of time on Gina's part. Gina, like the Karen she is, could have asked for the manager and asked the manager what the hiring process was, not Allison. Gina makes zero sense. Cody states that when he left the gym, Gina’s car was already towed. It was towed sometime between 1 and 2 and that Gina had not been back to the gym. Bruno states that he called the towing company because Cody snitched that after 10, 15 minutes he didn’t see Gina come into either business. Cody told Bruno that Gina was off to Egg Plantation across the street and Bruno surmises that she was out getting breakfast. Bruno admits that Gina came into his store at 2pm to get the wheat pasta. By that time, her car was gone.

Gina interjects that she was talking to Allison in the front. JJ again tries to make fun of Gina and asks Cody if he walks out the front. Cody admits that he does walk out the front door. Really, JJ is trying to paint a picture that if Gina were talking to Ally in the front, she would have seen her car being towed. Cody states that it took about 45 minutes to an hour for the tow truck to get there. Considering how this parking lot is set up, if Gina really were at Result Fitness, she would have seen her car getting towed, especially if she were in the front. Cody states that he saw the car getting towed. I told you, Gina is such a fuckin liar. She can lay down a line of bullshit a mile long. She doesn’t even believe her own fuckin lies.

JJ has had enough of Gina’s bullshit and tells her that she wasn’t in the gym. Gina continues to lie (take two shots!). JJ overrides Gina and says that she was not in the gym because the whole gym saw her car being towed. Then JJ says that she is going to tell Gina what happened.

After the final commercial break (which includes doing a walk for health for your loved ones for heart disease and strokes), we get to the conclusion of the case.

JJ tells Gina like it is; that she parked the car in that spot to go across the street to visit other stores. I can picture Gina in my mind’s eye eating breakfast, going to Nordstrom and getting Ugg boots, window shopping, sipping on her coffee to let her food digest. JJ tells Gina that Cody is being truthful because if Gina had come into the gym, there would have been no reason for him to snitch to Bruno about her almost getting into an accident with another driver and also that she never came into the gym. Gina continues to lie (take another two shots!). JJ gets fed up with the bullshit and dismisses Gina’s case.

During the Hall-Ter-View, Gina claims that she has evidence of other cars being towed (so what?). She states that Cody must have seen someone else’s car and not hers (WHAT?! Didn’t he describe your car in court?!) (take two shots!). Meanwhile Bruno states that there isn’t a time limit, however, he recommends that people who park in that parking lot need to be patrons of the stores, which is fair enough.

Verdict: Plaintiff gets nothing because her case is garbage.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone? {to Gina}: “Did you hear what I said to you? I said to you at the time your car was towed you were neither in the gym-Neither! In the gym, because he saw the car being towed and he was in the gym and you weren’t there! I don’t believe you! Madam, your case is dismissed! GOODBYE!!”








Edited by DjamillasMan
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We are going back to 2017 for the 5 pm episodes.

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Drug Addict Destruction? -Plaintiff Tina Holdway suing defendant Ty Masterson, for rent for six months in advance.   Plaintiff paid defendant $10,000 for the six months.   Defendant says he fixed up the house, and plaintiff, and children were destroying the house.  

 Plaintiff admits to being a drug addict.   Defendant gave plaintiff, boyfriend and daughter a place to stay, says she got a hard money loan on her previous house, but a condition was for her to move out of the previous house.   House is still on the market, and being sold, and she can pay the $10k on the loan back when house sells.    Defendant put the $10k in his bank account.   Litigants were friends since high school .

Defendant said the 3-year-old wrote on the furniture and walls, and hardwood flooring with permanent markers.  Defendant also claims plaintiff’s daughter and boyfriend were involved in a lot of domestic violence reports and police visits. 

Defendant has $3000 estimate for repairs. 

Why did landlords come on JJ?   (My view, never give someone a break on rent, security deposit, lease terms, and no move in without a lease.)

$5,000 to plaintiff.

Restraining Order Damages -Plaintiff Heather Morris suing defendant/child’s father Leonard Whitfield over a restraining order, and wants attorney’s fees and lost wages for the restraining order.   The litigants have a 12-year-old.   Plaintiff wanted to move, son wanted to stay in the same school, and stayed with defendant/father.   There was a custody hearing over two days, and plaintiff wants attorney fees.   Defendant also wanted attorney fees.   Both litigants had the opportunity to petition family court for the attorney fees, and didn’t, so that’s dismissed.

There was a two-year order of protection, so defendant couldn’t move into the house because of that.    Then, defendant finally was able to access the house, which is in his name.   Defendant presents pictures of the damages.  (Bingham Lake, MN)

Plaintiff lived in the house for seven years, and moved out two years after ownership of the house was all defendant’s, and only moved out when restraining order allowed defendant in the house.

Plaintiff claims the mounds of garbage is exactly how defendant left house when she moved in.  

JJ says it’s just some trash, it will cost thousands to clean the house for dump fees, dumpsters, and pulling carpet and flooring.   There were unrepaired plumbing problems too, and other neglected maintenance.  

Attorney fees are dismissed for both sides.  

$580 for dumpster, nothing for the week defendant and friend spent cleaning up the house.   Then, plaintiff’s latest boyfriend chimes in claiming his girlfriend is blameless, and he claims defendant is a wife beater.    Plaintiff claims there were two break-ins

$1000 for the dumpster and time to defendant.   

Freeway Crash -Plaintiff/car owner Falah Muhammad suing defendant/car borrower, and wrecker, Carl Dale for damages to her car, and towing fees.  Plaintiff is girlfriend of defendant’s uncle.  

Plaintiff didn’t have insurance, because she only had a Learner’s Permit, and only drove with her cousin supervising.  (No, that makes no sense to me either, but that’s what plaintiff said).

Defendant was driving the borrowed car, when the freeway crash happened.  As usual, no insurance, or apparently the amount of common sense the good Lord gave a chicken.

Defendant also had to be at work at 7 a.m., and wanted to meet up with friends at 1 a.m. and 2 a.m., then accident on freeway happened, and car was totaled.

Defendant claims police didn’t find him at fault.   Defendant claims to have a valid driver’s license.  He lost control, hit a pole.

Car costs $1400, but plaintiff is suing for $2000+.

Plaintiff receives $1400.

Second (2014)-

Brawling Brothers -Plaintiff/brother Derrick Clarke suing defendant/brother Melvin Jackson for medical bills and lost wages after an assault. (We are not talking about teens, but middle-aged men).    Both litigants claim the other was the aggressor, and this all happened at their mother’s house.   I love that both litigants are well dressed, not raving (not yet, but will be soon), but still sad it came to this.   Plaintiff was separated from wife, staying part time at girlfriend’s house, and mother’s house.   Plaintiff has two sons, not with wife or girlfriend.     This happened on Friday the 13th.  

The brothers have spats from time-to-time.   Now plaintiff is spouting off and interrupting.   In the previous fight 4 or 5 years ago, they got into a physical fight, and defendant claims plaintiff lost a few teeth, and had to go to the hospital, plaintiff denies this.      However, plaintiff says he was treated a year ago for the tooth issues, at the hospital, which defendant denies. 

Plaintiff broke up with girlfriend too, was rummaging in mother’s garage, and says brother was irritating him, and spitting, and trash talking, and fist fight began.    Plaintiff pushed defendant, and the fight was on.  Plaintiff is out of control in court now.   Plaintiff claims defendant punched him in the mouth.

Plaintiff case dismissed. I believe what defendant said about plaintiff, plaintiff is totally out of control.

Younger Lover Bailout -Plaintiff John Barycki suing defendant Rebecca Garibay for unpaid loan to pay her rent, and emotional distress.   Much older plaintiff works in a refinery, and met defendant at a bar.  They became romantic, and he made a few loans that she paid back.    Defendant has a 2-year-old, and 7-year-old and plaintiff never stayed at her place with her kids.   Story for rent was defendant was in a dispute with her then landlord, she had to move, and he loaned her $2000, via money order, so she could pass the credit check for her next apartment.    JJ isn’t believing the plaintiff’s story.  I do, as P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”, and plaintiff is one of those suckers.

Plaintiff has texts about security deposit, and first month’s rent too.  Plaintiff actually kept records, and did all of this through money orders.

Defendant never repaid the plaintiff, but they were having a sexual relationship, and she was never paying him anything.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  My guess is the usual, after a breakup the gift was called a loan.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

I Don’t Have the Rent…Take My Car! -Plaintiff Jacob Knott suing defendant/former roommate Jax Underwood for return of security deposit, first month’s rent, return of property, and breaking the lease.  Both signed the lease, but only plaintiff paid first month’s rent, and security deposit.    Defendant says he paid the plaintiff back for the rent and security by letting plaintiff using his car.   Plaintiff stayed to the end of the lease, and did receive part of the security deposit back, but says he doesn’t owe the defendant anything.

Plaintiff doesn’t have a list of damages from the landlord, and is told to go back to Missouri and file for the security there from the landlord ($600).  Plaintiff blames the landlord keeping security on defendant’s room damages, but has no proof.

Defendant owes for one month $300.   After defendant moved out, plaintiff was unable to replace him.  Plaintiff keeps complaining about the dog nailing the floor, but the dog was plaintiff’s dog.  (This happened in Missouri).   Also, defendant heard from friends that plaintiff had someone move into his old room.    Defendant also heard that plaintiff was making fun of him being transgender.

$300 to plaintiff for the one month’s rent.   

Defendant wants his couch and ottoman back, but waited too long, and his case was dismissed.

Who Stalked Who?!-Plaintiff Blyth Butler-Lopez and defendant Daniel Gaeta met online, never in person until the JJ case was taped, she’s suing him for stalking and harassment.   Plaintiff claims that defendant was stalking her, because he's facebook friends with her ex-husband.   Plaintiff says defendant was advertising for a law firm for clients, and plaintiff contacted the defendant online.   

Plaintiff claims she has proof of the stalking, and friendship between defendant, and plaintiff's ex-husband.   Plaintiff claims the defendant was friends of friends on FB, and claims her ex-husband, ex-brother-in-law, and some woman. was a friend of a FB friend.   Defendant counterclaims for plaintiff filing for a false restraining order against him, attorney fees, and then defendant had to drive seven hours each way to appear in court, but plaintiff didn’t show up.

Plaintiff claims she has a ten-year restraining order against the ex-husband, then claims it’s a three-year restraining order.   Plaintiff claims defendant admitted the friendship over the phone, but defendant denies that.  

Plaintiff filed for a restraining order, and defendant had to drive seven hours each way to the restraining order hearing, and plaintiff didn't even show up in court.   Defendant is counter suing for a false restraining order, attorney fees, and travel expenses to go to the restraining order hearing.  

Plaintiff's proof of stalking is that defendant received a speeding ticket a few blocks from her home. (No, I'm not kidding about any of this).

Plaintiff claims because ex-husband, ex-brother-in-law, and defendant are all Facebook Friends, and on the defendant's legal office web page, that defendant is stalking her.  I wouldn’t be surprised if half of California happens to be Facebook Friends with the law firm.  Dustin Gaeta had to take two days off of work, and drive seven hours each way to go to the hearing in San Francisco (that's where she lives), hire an attorney, and plaintiff never showed up in court.   

$5000 to defendant, and plaintiff gets nothing.  Plaintiff doubles down in the hall-terview, and defendant says he never contacted her. 

Second (2017)-

Spaniel Mixed Blessings-Plaintiff Christine Galvan is suing defendants/former friend, Trina Cruse and daughter, Jamaica Cruse, for the return of their dog, or some amount of money from defendants and daughter. Defendants have had the dog for ten months.  

Plaintiffs Christine Galvan, husband Jamie Galvan, and five children, and dog, were evicted by the previous landlord (It says evicted in the sworn statement by plaintiff wife).    Defendants had the dog for a weekend before the eviction.  Plaintiff boarded the dog (for 6 weeks, at $15 a day, and boarding bill was paid), and then dog went to defendants.   Defendants took the dog after the kennel, and say dog was matted, nails over grown, and needed a lot of vet care after the boarding kennel.   Plaintiffs only had the dog for a month before the eviction, and dog boarding.        

Defendant mother (Trina Cruse) asked if she could borrow the dog for a little while for experience for her daughter (Jamaica Cruse) studying animal behavior.    After plaintiffs were evicted, and dog boarded, then defendants took care of the dog for months.   

Defendant says boarding kennel was just an older lady who kept the dog at her home for six weeks.     Then plaintiffs came to the defendant's block party, never even visited with the dog, and left the dog at defendant's home.   

Months later, plaintiff then claimed she wanted the dog, but never even came to visit or pick up dog, this happened over many months.   Plaintiffs moved into a new townhouse, and claims the homeless shelter they were in before the town house allowed pets.  Does any homeless shelter actually allow dogs?

 JJ tells plaintiffs to get another dog, and leave the dog with the defendants.    Plaintiff wife keeps laughing.    JJ tells plaintiffs to get another dog, and I hope they didn't.   

Dodger, the adorable dog never even glances at the plaintiffs.    Plaintiffs had the dog for about a month, but defendants have had the dog for 10 months now.

The plaintiff husband keeps blasting JJ in the hall, saying she has no heart.  Sorry, plaintiff jerk, JJ has more heart than the plaintiffs.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  (My guess is the plaintiffs wanted the money, not the dog.)  Defendants keep the dog.  

Choking Scare at Day Care-Plaintiff Jennifer Westfield suing defendant/day care provider Christina Tinzley-Williams for medical bills, expenses, and punitive damages.   Plaintiff's child had a sticker in his mouth, and then, plaintiff came to day care, saw the sticker situation, and took child for medical care. 

Baby went to ER on the first day, and says baby had fever five days after the sticker removal.  Nothing on the medical report links the sticker removal to the fever five days later.     

Plaintiff gets $200 for the ER visit. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-First case preempted by baseball playoff post game.

Pawned Family Jewelry -Plaintiff/police officer   suing defendant/stepdaughter for stealing from his house and pawning the jewelry. (not shown because of baseball post game)   

Hurricane Season Dog Fight -Plaintiff Autumn Roark is suing defendant/German Shepherd owners Anna and Justin Cummings, and for defendant’s dog forcing its way into plaintiff’s home during a storm, and damaging the house doors, and some property in the house, and a tent in the yard. owned by witness Jay.      

Plaintiff got a kennel cage for the dog, because every time there were fireworks, a storm or other loud noises, the dog would come to their house and try to get in the plaintiff's house.   They put water in the cage for dog, a tarp to keep the sun off,  and called animal control picked dog up.   When animal control came to pick up the dog on the second time, Justin Cummings and  partner claim the dog wasn't their dog the second time, but animal control records say they tried to contact Cummings, and he didn't answer.    Plaintiff says on the second occasion, both defendants threatened her, yelled at Jay and said that homeless people don't belong in their community. 

Both defendants seem rather unhinged, and aggessive.   Defendant Justin claims his dog was only there once.   There are three animal control complaints.   Anna Cummins want to show JJ pictures to prove they live in a rural neighborhood, and they don't have to fences or confine their dog.   (I lived in a rural subdivision, whenever someone moved in with dogs, they would let it run, either someone would tell them how busy the road is, and the owner kept the dog up, or the dog quickly disappeared.   I suspect the people who didn't confine their dog lost the dog.   

$2500 to plaintiff, defendant's ridiculous claim dis

Motorcycle Mayhem -Plaintiff Merissa Boylen Philip Kowalski suing defendant/ex for medical bills from a motorcycle accident, and and a loan for car payments.    They lived together for a year.       (plaintiff's eye makeup is so heavy she can't open her eyelids.) 

Defendant wants motorcycle repair costs, but since they were still a couple, and living together, that claim is dismissed.  

Defendant had a motorcycle as their only for transportation.   Litigants were fighting while riding a motorcycle, and when the crash happened, defendant was seriously injured. 

Everything dismissed. 

Second (2014)-

Pit Bull Attack or Pit Bull Victim? -Plaintiff Melissa Stanhope suing defendant Christopher Buttner for car detailing, and vet bills.   Plaintiff says defendant’s Pit Bull jumped in her car, and was attacking her small dog.    Defendant is making ridiculous excuses for his dog.  Defendant is swilling the Water That May Not be Drunk.   Defendant is a renter, so I hope he no longer lives there.    Defendant’s dogs (Pit Bull, and Chihuahua mix), stay in his garage.     Plaintiff’s small dog is very cute and tiny, it’s a shaved down Pomeranian.  

Plaintiff was unloading groceries from her car in the garage, was holding her baby, and plaintiff’s dog followed her from the garage.   Plaintiff saw the Chi and Pit chasing her dog, her dog jumped in the car, and Pit Bull jumped into car and was mauling plaintiff’s tiny dog.    A neighbor came and looked, said it wasn’t his dog, and left.   Then, plaintiff’s husband came out, told her to get their kids in the house, the other kids went home at husband’s direction, and he came back with a shovel.   

Defendant blames the dog attack on plaintiff’s dog, in her own garage, on her property.    Then defendant took his dog out of the car.   I remember this case, I wish animal control had done something about defendant, and his dogs.    Defendant’s renter’s insurance doesn’t cover the Pit Bull, and I hope they cancelled his policy after this.   Defendant claims he never lost sight of his dogs, that’s a total lie.   Defendant blames the blood on his dog on plaintiff’s dog.  

 JJ calls defendant a moron, and I agree with her, Officer Byrd agrees with her, the audience agrees with her, and millions of viewers.   Then, defendant says the usual stupid remarks about how nice his Pit is to his kids, pulls up the stupid Nanny Dog story (it’s a lie by the way).   Poor Bella (the plaintiff’s 8 lb. dog) had much bruising, a hernia, and it was from a dog attack.  I hope the defendant’s landlord realized their legal liability by renting to this defendant is risking their own financial situation.

Plaintiff receives $2500 (I would have given plaintiff $5,000).

Ex-Lover Craziness -Plaintiff Evelyne Franzua suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Darryl Kizer for unpaid car loan, and harassment.    Another desperate woman, was full time with him right after meeting him, then she thought she was pregnant (lost the baby), then moved out, and found another boyfriend.    Then defendant needed $525 for his transmission repair, and never repaid it.  

Defendant says plaintiff is a nut, and money was a gift.   Even though she had a key to his apartment, he claims they were never together, like dating, they just boinked, and it was just a booty call relationship.

$525 to plaintiff for the transmission.  

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Anger Mismanagement-Plaintiff Rosalyn Jones (Sainted Single Mother of Five-SSMOF) suing defendant former friend Latona Lazard for vandalizing her car, tow fees, and the return of belongings.   From the case preview I can see the plaintiff witness is a smart aleck.   

Plaintiff met defendant at anger management, and mental health classes, and defendant allowed plaintiff and five kids to move into defendant's house.   On the day of move in, the plaintiff's five kids were taken away by CPS (The kids are with her sister).   Plaintiff’s witness is her best friend Aaron, he’s also accused of breaking into defendant’s home

Plaintiff claims even before move-in, defendant broke plaintiff's car window.  Plaintiff says she left the defendant's home, but wanted her clothes back.   Plaintiff claims defendant had roaches in her house, and plaintiff can't deal with that.   Plaintiff went to defendant's house at almost noon, after a funeral party, and the plaintiff witness broke into the defendant's house.   

Plaintiff says defendant only let her move in to get a fulltime babysitter, and take her kids to and from school.

Plaintiff witness says door wasn't locked, but stuck, and witness got into defendant's home.  You can imagine JJ's answer when witness says he loves her.    Defendant shows pictures of the screen door being ripped open, and the inside door is damaged (defendant rents the house), inside door frame is smashed, from being broken by plaintiff witness.     For some reason, plaintiff witness wasn't arrested for burglary, and breaking into the home.   

Plaintiff says defendant came out of the house naked, and carrying a stick.   Plaintiff says defendant broke her car windows, and they left.   This was when defendant was 9 months pregnant too, and carrying a knife.  This is defendant’s sixth child.

Defendant picks up the narrative at the start of the burglary, and JJ is hinting defendant should shut up.   As JJ says, conspiring to break in to someone's home is a crime, and next time she'll get jail time. 

JJ gives plaintiff five days to pick up her items with a police escort, or they will be trashed.   Plaintiff gets nothing for her car window.   

Defendant gets $300 for her screen door. 

Ex-Con Hook-Up Hijinx-Plaintiff Nicole Graham suing defendant/ex-con ex-boyfriend Matthew Rowe for unpaid loans.  (after looking at the defendant's hideous prison tattoos, I have to think the normal looking plaintiff is desperate, and not worried about ending up the subject of a ID channel story about her murder.   She was also endangering her two-year-old twins).    What the hell was the plaintiff thinking?    

Defendant's counter claim is dismissed, since his allegations that he lost his job because of plaintiff, and his parole officer was mean to him, can't be proven because the ex-boss, and parole officer aren't in court to testify.     

Defendant also says he was living with plaintiff, and that turns out to be that he stayed the night, and was told to be gone before plaintiff's parents came to her place.    Plaintiff has two-year-old twins, and her mother was coming over to baby sit.   

Defendant did give plaintiff $1400, but claims the loans were actually gifts.    Plaintiff claims she gave defendant $2100 for a Mercedes SUV, but he only repaid $1400, still owes $700.   Plaintiff paid $241 to the dentist.  (I bet the ever hunky and protective Officer Byrd wasn't playing a crossword puzzle during this case).   Plaintiff got an emergency restraining order, and permanent order case is pending.  

Plaintiff gets $1141 back, and that's it. 

Second (2017)-

Mean Girls Stage an Intervention-Plaintiffs Victoria Mesheimer, Stephanie Torres (assault victim), and Lauren Caputo (three roommates) suing their former roommate/defendant Nikolette Manna for five month’s unpaid rent.   Defendant plead guilty to the assault, and one defendant has a restraining order against defendant.     This case ended in an assault, an arrest, and a plea bargain.   

The four litigants were apartment college roommates, and two months later the three plaintiffs did an 'intervention' on defendant who they said was drinking, drugging, and partying too much, and not cleaning apartment enough.         Plaintiffs say it was an intervention in their sworn statement to court, but now they say it was just a conversation.   

 The three loons did their 'intervention', and claim defendant shoved one plaintiff off of her chair, after plaintiff cursed at defendant.    Police were called, and two were arrested, and defendant took a plea deal, so defendant's counter claim for lawyer fees, etc., is dismissed.   (Defendant is not the brightest either). 

Defendant's mother Kim Manna says the plea deal, and guilty plea wasn't a guilty plea.  Yes it is.   Plaintiff that was assaulted, received a restraining order against defendant after the guilty plea.    Defendant moved out, and didn't come back.   Plaintiff withdrew the protective order, so plaintiffs could get their five month’s rent (if the restraining order was in place, the defendant couldn't move back, and wouldn't owe rent).     So, plaintiff coven of b-$*%&$# want the five month’s rent, because technically defendant could have moved back in. As JJ says, nice try, but it won't work. 

Plaintiffs' and defendant's cases dismissed. (Defendant says "nice try" to three plaintiffs after the dismissal). 

TV Takes a Fall-Plaintiff Lia Stewart suing defendant/ former co-worker Michael Blanchard for a broken television, and damaged wall.    Defendant mounted the TV, and then plaintiff wanted TV moved, and defendant did that.  The first time the TV stayed on the wall, after the move, four days later the TV fell.   With the inadequate number and type of screws he used, (he's not a pro at this) I'm not surprised TV fell.    Actually, after seeing the number of screws used to mount the TV, I'm shocked the TV stayed on the wall at all.   If you want the TV to stay on the wall, get a professional.   Or get a TV stand with a mount attached, so you don't damage walls.    

Plaintiff has no proof that she bought TV, the price, or anything else.   Case recalled to see if plaintiff can get evidence.    Plaintiff's receipt says TV was $439, and totals $700 with the mount.     Defendant says TV stayed on wall for a year.   I wouldn’t have given plaintiff a dime, the TV supposedly stayed on the wall for a year.  That’s what you get for hiring an amateur to do a professional job.

Plaintiff gets $717 for TV, mount, repair of wall, and installation by defendant.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

Baseball is taking over for JJ today, so here are the postings for the ones I did before. 

Second (2014)-

Sober Living Strife -Plaintiff Ruby Blum suing defendant /former landlord Melanie Stielow over illegal eviction, and property lost.    The two met when plaintiff was in a sober living house managed by defendant, then defendant stopped being a sober living manager, and plaintiff lived in defendant’s house as a renter.    Then, plaintiff claims she moved in a very expensive bed, that was lost in the eviction.    Plaintiff claims she paid $257 to defendant, pay $400 a month for sleeping on the couch, until a room was available, then rent was $450, and plaintiff bought the bed.   Everyone claims to be sober during the issues in question.

The other roommate plaintiff was to share with is Leslie Benjamin, who is defendant’s witness, but remembers nothing.  Defendant says she didn’t evict plaintiff, but called for a civil standby for the plaintiff’s move out, and then got an eviction order.  Defendant claims plaintiff relapsed on drugs, paid her very little for rent.   However, there is proof plaintiff paid by check and cash, but defendant says the check never cashed by the bank.   And defendant claims plaintiff stole checks, deposit tickets, from her house.

The bed issue is the bed plaintiff bought was left in the defendant’s house, after plaintiff was tossed out (apparently a Tempur pedic).    Witness Leslie claims plaintiff left voluntarily, to plant trees or something, and left a lot behind, including the bed.  Plaintiff had a long time to pick up the bed, but never did.

Defendant is counter suing for storage fees, pain and suffering, punitive damages.  Defendant case dismissed.

Plaintiff gets $400 rent back, but not the bed.      

Who Ran the Red Light?! -Plaintiff Grace Babashoff suing defendant Maxwell Scherer for running a red light and damaging her car.   Plaintiff claims she had a green light, was going to turn left, and defendant ran into her car.  

Defendant had no insurance. Defendant says he had a green light, and plaintiff was in the middle of the intersection, and it was too late to stop, so he hit the plaintiff’s car.  Defendant claims he broke his collarbone, couldn’t afford to pay the insurance, and it only lapsed a couple of days before he slammed into plaintiff.  Defendant also lies and say he’s not driving until he gets insurance, but we all know that’s a lie.

 There is a plaintiff witness, Jason May, who saw defendant’s car run into the side of plaintiff’s car.   After he saw the accident, he went to see if everyone was OK, and the witness and body shop owner both know the plaintiff, after the accident.  This happened in Big Bear Lake, CA, and there are only two body shops in town, and she drove to the nearest one, which is owned by the plaintiff witness, and other plaintiff witness works there.   Almost everyone knows everyone else of the year-round residents.    Defendant’s witness is his girlfriend, so JJ tells her to sit down.  

Plaintiff claims defendant was high when he hit her car.

Plaintiff gets $2841.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

The Great Slot Machine Heist-Plaintiff Joshua Pritchard is suing his fiance's brother-in-Law/defendant Mathew Abrahamson for lost wages, harassment, and stalking.   

When JJ asks plaintiff's witness, Molly, his fiance/girlfriend, and sister of defendant’s wife, if she's sick, she starts crying in court.   Defendant assaulted plaintiff after he led sister-in-law (plaintiff's witness) down a bad path, and after defendant saw plaintiff on his home security camera stealing his slot machine money (plaintiff owns two slot machines).   

Plaintiff girlfriend lives off of food stamps/EBT, and other welfare.    Plaintiff is trying to get disability from a congenital back condition.   

JJ asks the plaintiff's fiance how she's doing, both fiances are unemployed, living with a family friend, get food stamps.     Plaintiff complains because of the defendant, that he can't work at the casino any longer.  (That claim is funny, because plaintiff got the restraining order first, and then got the casino job, and he knew that defendant came to the casino often).   

Defendant's wife Tasha Abrahamson, (sister of plaintiff witness), and son Aiden Nolan are in court.  Son testifies that he saw plaintiff pull into the driveway at father's (defendant's) house.   Defendant son and witness Aiden Nolan, came home from school, climbed in the window (he didn't realize there was a spare key), and leaving home he saw plaintiff's car pull up to defendant's home.   Plaintiff was allowed to come in home to pick up food, and then slot machine money was gone too.  

Defendant called plaintiffs about his missing money.   Sister-in-law Molly, admitted fiance/plaintiff took the money.   Defendant broke a bathroom door in, and confronted plaintiff.  Plaintiff claims his fiance/witness took the money.    That's when defendant assaulted the plaintiff, who got an order of protection.     

Plaintiff claims defendant consistently violates the protective order by defendant going to the casino he worked at, so plaintiff quit working at the casino.      Plaintiff got the job working at the casino after the assault, knowing defendant would be coming in to gamble.   Plaintiff hasn't held a job more than two months at a time, only one job for four months.   (My guess, he works long enough to qualify for unemployment).  This all happened in Hinckley, MN.

Plaintiff claims PTSD from assault, and is applying for disability from a congenital back problem, and says he has difficulty leaving his home after the assault.  However, after this is when plaintiff got the job at the casino the defendant goes to at least twice a month.     I wonder if his PTSD extends to bathrooms, since that is where the assault happened?     

Plaintiff's claims of harassment boil down to "he looked at me funny" at the casino.    There is a police report, but the video is missing.    Plaintiff couldn’t get the video from the casino.  

Defendant got probation and a fine, and that’s all finished now. 

Plaintiff’s stupid case is dismissed. 

Second (2017)-

Trip to Italy Fail-Plaintiff Rebeca Navarrete suing defendant / ex-boyfriend Mohammed Javid over a failed trip to Italy that never actually happened.       Plaintiff paid the $4,000 for the trip, but defendant paid nothing.  They had travel insurance, and defendant applied for, and received the almost $1200 refund, and kept all of it.    The litigants’ mutual child got sick, so they cancelled.    Plaintiff brought no proof that she paid her credit card off for the trip (for tickets for both litigants, and their child).     The trip insurance is to pay off what they paid for the trip, so plaintiff has to get proof she paid the credit card off.    

Defendant says he would pay the car payments for plaintiff, in lieu of paying plaintiff for the trip, or giving her the trip refund.    (No, it doesn't make sense to me either).    Plaintiff submits the paid bill for the trip.    Plaintiff received a refund from Priceline for the airline. 

Brother of defendant pays him in cash, so defendant can't have his wages garnished.   JJ advised plaintiff to tell the IRS about brother paying defendant under the table, and not doing withholding.   Plaintiff receives no child support from loser deadbeat defendant. 

$1144 to plaintiff.  

Super Bowl Overtime Controversy-Plaintiffs Kristina McLaren and boyfriend Gabriel Luera suing defendants, Linda Sipes  and Terry Kessenich her friend over non-payment of a Super Bowl pool, that plaintiff won at the end of the 4th quarter.   However, defendant says because it went into overtime, that she doesn't owe the plaintiff the money.     The way it works, each participant buys a possible score from a list, and the closest to that wins the pool.     The lottery receipt has the score for the end of 4th quarter, but, defendant wanted to pay for the overtime score.    Receipt for pool entry doesn't say 'final' score, just end of 4th quarter.   Each square was $100, and there were 100 squares, which equals $10,000.     Defendant's witness was the overtime score winner of $4,000.    There are payouts at the end of each quarter.   

Plaintiffs received $100 for the score at the end of the 4th quarter. 

$2,000 to plaintiff, because the pool rules said nothing about overtime (apparently this was the first overtime game in Super Bowl history).   

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Teenage Phone Vandal? -Plaintiff David Haynes, (father) and (son)  David Haynes, Jr (15), are suing defendant April Serrano (mother) and (son) Tavionne Smith (13) for defendant son breaking plaintiff son’s cell phone, and for harassment.    Defendant mother believes every lie her son tells (this happened in Killeen, TX).  

Plaintiff father saw the phone right after the destruction happened, it happened in front of plaintiff’s house.  Defendant son lies from JJ’s Witness Chair of Justice, and claims the phone was already broken and sitting on the curb.   Then, lying Tavionne says he saw the broken phone, and spit on the phone.

Defendant mother sasses JJ.    This was before JJ figured out text messages aren’t hearsay.  

Plaintiff father says what he saw on the day in question.   Plaintiff hear a noise at his front door, looks outside and sees the phone in two parts.    Plaintiff says he only saw two kids on the street, Tavionne, and Santi (another friend).   Defendant keeps shaking her head and it’s infuriating. 

Plaintiff receives $300 for the phone.

8-Year-Old Takes the Stand -Plaintiff Karen Hill suing defendant/neighbor Kim Kelly damages to her van for scratches caused by defendant’s son falling off his bike, and hitting the van.   Defendant son says he was scared of plaintiff, and said he did the damage, but he didn’t do it.

 (When 8-year-old is in JJ’s Witness Chair of Justice, JJ tells him contrary to what people may have told him, she won’t bite him.  She says she hasn’t bitten an 8-year-old in a very long time).

Defendant son Adrian Hill testifies.   He says he fell on the sidewalk, not the van, and plaintiff’s 28-year-old son saw it happen.         

$874 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Kid-to-Kid Combat! – Plaintiff/parents of 10-year-old, are David and Jolene Brown (son Aaron, 10-years-old) suing defendant/parent Eric Vara of 13-year-old (Ryan Vara) accused of attacking 10-year-old, and breaking the child’s arm.  Plaintiff, and two 9-year-olds, and an 8-year-old, were playing football in the front yard.   Defendant claims a kid about his size called him a wimp for riding too slow on his scooter, with friend Marquis.   So, defendant claims the kid that called him a wimp, threatened him with a weight, and told him to leave.    Then, defendant claims same kid grabbed a Swiffer mop handle. Defendant claims plaintiff jumped on defendant’s back, and throwing him off was how the plaintiff broke his arm.   Sorry, defendant is 13, and plaintiff was the oldest in the yard at 10, and much smaller than defendant son.  

Plaintiff had to have two surgeries on his arm.   His story is he was playing football with the three smaller kids, when defendant and friend were going up and down the street, put the scooters down, and walked onto plaintiff’s yard.   Cousin missed the catch, so defendant started insulting the plaintiff, and little kids.   Plaintiff claims the defendant and friend pushed two little kids down, and then defendant flipped the plaintiff over, and that’s when he broke his arm.   Plaintiff has to testify in the witness chair of Justice, and so does his little cousin.   (This happened in Round Rock, TX).

Defendant claims the kids were playing with sticks, but they were playing football.  

JJ says plaintiff little brother is too rehearsed.  Now defendant gets to lie to JJ from the chair of Justice, he’s lucky he wasn’t struck by lightning. Defendant is absolutely lying about how this happened. Defendant parents believe their lying son.

After the plaintiff 10-year-old’s arm was broken, the police were called.   Defendant ran away right after this happened.  Police report gives defendant’s ridiculous story, and his father still blames the little kid who was injured.   Defendant told police that 10-year-old threw the football at him, and attacked them with the mop handle and weight, and then all four kids attacked him. 

Plaintiff gets $5,000 for medical bills and pain and suffering.  Defendant father will never believe his rotten son lied. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Man Suspects He's a Father-Plaintiff Kelsey Russell suing defendant/child's father Corey McNulty for vandalizing her vehicle, and keeping, then disposing of her property.     Plaintiff had child by defendant, she wanted them to be a family (for 4 months, September to December), and co-parent the baby.     For the first four months of the child's life, plaintiff said someone else was the father, then there was a paternity test at the defendant's request.   When paternity was confirmed, defendant invited plaintiff to move in with him, for the baby's sake.   

The litigants were living together, as co-parents, not romantic partners.     In November, plaintiff claims man broke her phone, assaulted her, vandalized her car, trashed her property.    Plaintiff claims man came home to his own house, drunk and with another woman.   Plaintiff claims when she told the woman to leave, that he assaulted her, broke her phone, and vandalized her car.   

Police officer told man to leave until he sobered up.    Defendant slept at his friend's home, down the street.   Plaintiff complains that man came back to his own home the next day.    Police report notes no evidence of injury or abuse.   When plaintiff went with the police to the man's house, her property was outside, and claims a dent in her car was his fault.    

Plaintiff claims her phone was gone, and man admitted denting her Jeep.   Of course, defendant denies that.     Plaintiff also wants a TV, and dining set, but defendant says he has nothing belonging to the plaintiff.     

(I believe nothing the plaintiff says.    She didn't even tell defendant he might have a child, until he saw a picture of the baby, and demanded a DNA test).   

$994 for plaintiff. 

Dog Custody Battle-Plaintiff Ola Hawks suing defendant/former friend Angela Laguerre-Camacho over custody of a dog, and emotional distress.     (Defendant's Bozo red hair, and tattoo are ugly, and what is that giant mole next to her lip?)     Plaintiff and boyfriend lived together, bought the dog (a Pit Bull, and they claim it's a pocket Pit-which doesn't exist), broke up, and couldn't take the dog to her mother's house where she lived.          Plaintiff asked defendant to take care of dog, and now claims her mother will let her keep the dog at her place (plaintiff lives with Mom now, but brought Godmother to court).   

When plaintiff went to defendant's house with the police to get the dog, she told police "she would figure it out" on where to take the dog.    Police refused to give the dog to plaintiff.   

Plaintiff came back again, and still had nowhere to take the dog. 

Plaintiff claims she has somewhere to keep the dog, and gets the dog back.   

Second (2017)-

Father and Son Jail Time-Plaintiff/son Tucker Leonard is suing defendant/father Ernest Leonard for money owed for sale of vehicles, and lost wages, $4,000.   Plaintiff received a $25,000 legal settlement for something that occurred in juvenile hall, and the plaintiff received the money when he turned 18.     All but $10,000 was gone by the time plaintiff went to jail, again.   The litigants were estranged, reunited, and plaintiff's father stayed long enough to spend all of the plaintiff's money.   

Defendant's idea is to purchase a truck, plow vehicle, and a car, a pickup truck used for parts, only the car was running.     The plaintiff purchased the vehicles for $4,000, and only drove the car, and was rearrested for a DWI in the car.  Car crashed, and was totaled, and plaintiff went to jail for a year.   

Then when he was released from jail, son asked defendant where the other three vehicles were, (purchased for $3,000), and father had sold them back to the friend they bought them from for $1500.    Plaintiff is suing father for $4,000.   Father also went to jail for two years, again, as usual.     Son spent a lot of the money partying with father, and then spent the rest in jail, so the last of the money is gone.   

(Plaintiff is looking very ill, and has to leave court to toss his cookies). 

Plaintiff gets $1500.

Car Lot Bug-Plaintiff Melanie Riley wants money back for a car she wanted to purchase from defendants’ car lot Bob Saraceno and Thomas Wiler, for $6500 total price ($7200 with tax and tags).    Plaintiff wanted to purchase car on lay away, where defendant keeps the car on their sales lot, until car paid off.    The pay-off date isn't in the original contract.   Additional note says plaintiff will pay off in 90 days.    Plaintiff claims the signature on the addendum is a forgery.    Plaintiff didn't pay off car, and complains car wasn't stored indoors, or covered with a tarp.    Defendants counter suing for unpaid balance ($4543).     

Plaintiff paid a total of $2800 over six months.    Then plaintiff says car was damaged by being outside on the lot, and she didn't want the car, and wants a refund.      (My guess, plaintiff has zero credit to buy a car). 

Plaintiff gets case dismissed, and will not get a refund.   Defendant keeps the $2800 plaintiff paid, and can resell the car.   Considering the Blue Book price, and the money they've already received, defendants can resell car, and make out at least even. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

House War -Plaintiff /former tenant Katherine Sims suing defendant/landlord Anja Hollands for the return of her security deposit, pet deposit, and rent.  over mold in her apartment.   No evidence of mold is presented.  Plaintiff claims mold growth, bad roof, and house was in disrepair.   Defendant thinks the gas being left on by tenant was a deliberate attempt to damage the house.   House had a written lease, $2600 deposit, $600 pet deposit for two cats, and $2,000 damage deposit.   Plaintiff sent $1027 to cover per capita rent for part of the first month, usual rent was $2200.  Then, plaintiff, three kids, and two cats moved in.

Plaintiff claims hadn’t been cleaned, was in disrepair, since the first viewing on 6 May, and move in on 15 May.  Defendant says they painted the interior of the house, and cleaned the carpets before move in.  There was also a hole in the roof with a tarp over the skylight on the third floor.   Defendant says the tarp was put there by the previous tenant, because it’s covering the skylight, and keeping the heat out, not for a leak.   

Plaintiff shows a cabinet lazy Susan with what she claims is mold on it, but no proof it’s actually mold.   Plaintiff claims the basement wall needed to be repainted.    Plaintiff wants her entire deposits back, all of her rent.

Plaintiff never signed a lease, so counter claim by defendant for fees relating to the lease is dismissed.   What landlord lets anyone move in before the contract is signed?  

JJ says the small amount of dust is a very minor cleaning issue, and no damage or mold is shown.

Defendant had to get an attorney because of plaintiff’s legal claims.  Plaintiff actually filed claims against defendant while she was occupying the house (plaintiff moved her stuff in, but didn’t move her fanny in).   Plaintiff demanded $300 for cleaning expenses, wanted her move in and out costs paid (piano moving). 

Defendant says when her handyman, Mr.  Rappensberger (her witness) and another handyman, went to check on plaintiff’s allegations about the house, he smelled gas (they were both outside, not in the house).   He called 911 and fire department discovered the gas cooking stove was turned on, but the flames were out.  

JJ dismisses plaintiff claims, and defendant claims too.  Defendant took her house off the market for almost a month, and so plaintiff gets nothing back.  

Thief and Hustler? -Plaintiff Jamsine Searcy  suing defendant  Robert Wolfe (car seller) for illegally repossessing a car defendant was selling plaintiff.  Car was repossessed because it didn’t have full insurance coverage that was required by the sales contract.  .  2000 Grand Prix, GT model. Sale price was $3,000, with $1300 down, with taxes and everything was $3200.    $200 was the tax paid to state by defendant.  

JJ says a 13 year old car, sold on payments doesn’t need full coverage.    Plaintiff was up to date on payments, but not the insurance coverage.   Defendant sold the car to another person after the repo, but defendant doesn’t remember the name of the other person he sold the car to.   Defendant also repo’d the car a week before the next payment.

Plaintiff receives her payments back, $2700.

Second (2014)-

Hiring and Firing in America -Plaintiff/mother Rebecca McDaniel is suing defendant/son Travis McDaniel for an unpaid loan to buy a car.  Defendant and wife have seven children.  Defendant claims mother wrongfully terminated him, so he’s counter claiming, and says the car was gift.     Defendant witness is his wife. Amy McDaniel.    Plaintiff started the bakery for her children to have jobs, and a future. 

Plaintiff says defendant threatened to burn the bakery, and her house to the ground, after she terminated him.   Son was given a $40 a week raise to help pay for the car loan, but it was not a gift according to the mother.   Check to son for car is marked “Loan”.    Son paid $20, one time, and two months later son refused to pay the loan.   

There are 12 bakery employees including son, his wife, another relative, and mother, plus others.     At the end of August plaintiff fired the defendant, after he got mad at her, and he threatened to burn down the bakery, and her house, and broke her cane, and wouldn’t let her leave his home.  So, plaintiff fired him.

Defendant claims mother gave him $2,500 for a car.    Defendant claims his brother-in-law was given a Tahoe to get to and from work.   Defendant says his mother fired him after verbally, and physically abusing him, and without notice.   Pennsylvania is an at will state, so plaintiff didn’t have to even give him a reason to fire him.   

Defendant says plaintiff lost a previous case at the Labor Board.   He claims because the incident where he abused his mother happened at his house, that he couldn’t be fired.  So, when plaintiff told defendant he was fired, he threatened to burn down her house, and bakery, and broke her cane she depends on for assistance. 

I believe everything the plaintiff said about her ungrateful son, and his despicable behavior, and threats. 

Plaintiff gets $1,138 for the loan.  (This was Granny C's Bakery, - the name pays tribute to Rebecca McDaniel's grandmother, it's was Huber Heights, Ohio.  Bakery closed in 2015.  Mrs. McDaniel died in 2020.  My condolences to her family).  

Eviction Conviction -Plaintiff/former tenant Marques Johnson suing defendant/landlady Laurie Bershin, claims he paid her two month’s rent, security deposit, and he wants it rent, security, and property back.    Defendant was renting a house, and renting rooms out.    Defendant’s lease says only two adults could be in rental house, and plaintiff made a third roommate, and therefore, renting to him was illegal.   

Plaintiff was paying $400 for a bunk bed in the living room, and the other roommate had her own bedroom for $700 a month, defendant occupied the other bedroom.   House is only a 2 bedroom.

$200 was the security, $400 a month rent for two months, and all were paid by plaintiff.   

This was already heard by the housing court, and defendant lost.  JJ sees the eviction paperwork, for plaintiff’s case.   Defendant already evicted the other roommate for nonpayment, and lied that plaintiff hadn’t paid his rent, but he did.   So, defendant lied to housing court about plaintiff not paying rent, and security.

Defendant’s countersuit is dismissed for lying to the courts, JJ’s and housing court.

Plaintiff will get both month’s rent, and security back, $1,000.   

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Lying Teens False Imprisonment-Plaintiff Gianni Smith suing defendant/former boyfriend Joshua Rainone for assault, false imprisonment, and the cost of a new phone.    Plaintiff was staying over at the defendant's house, (she's 19, he's 21).    Plaintiff mother, Tracee Smith, claims daughter went to stay with her other sibling, but she really went to boyfriend's house instead.   Plaintiff arrived at 2 a.m. at defendant's home, and they were arguing.    Plaintiff says she wasn't drinking, because she was driving (doesn't mention she's underage).   

The next day, when plaintiff woke up, the argument continued.   Plaintiff didn't have her car, she came back to mother's house, and defendant picked her up at mother's house, and took her to his place.    Plaintiff's mother dislikes defendant, and so plaintiff was secretly staying at defendant's home.  (Plaintiff's mother certainly isn't looking happy with her daughter's court testimony).   

Plaintiff claims defendant kept her boots, and she started walking home in the snow, then defendant gave her the boots back.   Then she got in his car, and claims he took her to his apartment, and claims she jumped out of defendant's car.   Defendant says plaintiff must have left her phone somewhere, and he's going to pay for that.       Police report says nothing special, and defendant says plaintiff broke his phone.   

 Medical records say nothing about injuries.

Plaintiff gets $350 for her previous phone.     (As usual, it’s an iPhone).

Don't Be Late for Court-Plaintiff Trey Parks suing defendant/former friend Gabrielle Snider, for car payments, and car insurance costs.  

 (Defendant was late for court, can't figure out time changes from NY, to LA).     

Defendant had DUIs, and lost her license.   Plaintiff says defendant wanted him to drive her around, and she would pay car payments, and insurance, but didn't pay for two months.     

Plaintiff case is dismissed, since they were still involved when all of the car payments and insurance costs occurred.     (However, as others have posted, it’s obvious that both simply wanted to be on TV, and get the show money, and a free trip to L.A. How cute they have matching shirts. )

Second (2017)-

Don't Be a Selfish Parent-Plaintiff/mother Brittany Butler of child doesn't want defendant/father of child Brent Jubin around their child, so she denies visitation whenever she feels like it.  Plaintiff suing for the cost of tires, an alignment, and her belongings. $1081.   Litigants have a child together.   Plaintiff says the car costs that she's suing for were for defendant's car.   Defendant let plaintiff live in his home while he was in Army training, and plaintiff borrowed defendant's car.  Defendant filed a case for visitation, but no DNA test yet.    (The plaintiff's hair looked like I cut it, not a good look).   

Plaintiff doesn't work, but is a SSMOT (Sainted Single Mother of Two) to the baby, and her 3-year-old child.   Plaintiff thinks the custody, and visitation is up to her.    Defendant dropped the items plaintiff wants back, at her house on his way to PT (Army physical training), about 5 a.m.  (Sadly, I used to live near the base and city where this happened, and it's a very common story.)  

In the Hall-terview defendant says there is a photo of plaintiff crushing and using pills in his car, and claims she got the tires purchased by a friend in return for sexual favors. 

Case dismissed. 

Paint Job or Scam Job-Plaintiff Jalen Coats paid defendants Bradley McCulloch and wife Erin Cole to paint her house.   Agreement was pay $800, and also give defendant a Craftsman lawn tractor, and three attachments, and mow her lawn for six months.   Erin Cole was the business part of the operation, so only Bradley McCulloch is still a defendant. 

However, plaintiff only paid the $800, didn't give him the lawn tractor and attachments, and refused to pay more for extra paint.   Defendant needed more paint, and either had to buy more paint himself, because she wouldn't buy any paint, or quit.    Defendant walked when plaintiff told him to leave, after painting about half of walls on the house interior.     Plaintiff hired someone to finish the paint job.   

However, plaintiff claims work was substandard.   

Case is dismissed. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Childcare Trade Gone Wrong? -Plaintiff Breanna Clark suing defendants/former roommates  Montana Hull and Paterick Perres for unpaid rent.    Plaintiff, two defendants, and plaintiff’s two-year-old daughter moved into the same apartment.   Plaintiff claims she worked full-time, and her parents watched the child, and Montana watched the little girl.    Montana says the roommates watched the little girl constantly, and even when the plaintiff’s boyfriend (not the little girl’s mother) was around he never watched the little girl.  When they moved into the apartment, both defendants were unemployed, but starting a business.   Plaintiff only worked three days a week.

$2350 was first month’s rent, plus security.  Montana says he got laid off, but was getting unemployment, and now has his own business.  The four moved into a house big enough for little girl to have her own room.   Plaintiff did loan part of rent for the first month, and security deposit.    When plaintiff put in her 30-day’s notice, but later didn’t move out.  Defendant Montana gave plaintiff $200, so JJ thinks he owes $2150.  

Montana is talking so fast I can’t even figure out what he’s saying.    The three argued because the little girl had a piggy bank, and money disappeared and started the arguing. 

$1440 for plaintiff for unpaid rent.

Ripped-off While in Jail -Plaintiff James Liedahl suing defendants/ (plaintiff’s former girlfriend) Stacy Decker and John Sauvaiwe (storage facility owner) for his RV, and boat sold by defendant while plaintiff was in jail for six months.       Plaintiff was incarcerated for six months, but only paid for the first two months.  Then, Stacy went to the storage facility after a few months.   The picture of the RV shows a vehicle that must be many years old.   

Stacy spent $400 on plaintiff’s commissary account, spent the rest on her bills.   Plaintiff sent defendant Stacy a letter saying if she needs the money, to spend it on herself.    After February, no letters from defendant Stacy, and no visits after three months in jail.   

Plaintiff said if defendant needed money she could sell the boat. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Son-in-Law Payback -Plaintiff Dennis Damer suing defendant/deadbeat dad  Justin Poling for a loan to buy a car.   Defendant and plaintiff’s daughter have a child together, and defendant has full custody of child now.     Agreement was plaintiff made the loan, and defendant worked for him.   Car was insured until defendant was no longer working for plaintiff, and was broke Defendant stopped paying for car insurance because of cost,  and the end of the month car was caught in a flood.   Defendant claims he asked plaintiff to pick the car up a month before the flood.   Payout on car is $12,000

$5,000 to plaintiff for car, leaving him $7,000 short.    

Second (2014)-

Texas Exes -Plaintiff Delaney Bannon suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Katherine Ellington for a vet bill and vandalizing his car.  He’s suing for $2500 for a vet bill, and car damages, but this happened 9 months ago.   Defendant is laughing about the vet bill, and car damages.    

Defendant’s dog ate rib bones, and defendant said she couldn’t afford the vet bills, and she was talking about putting the dog down, then plaintiff paid the bills.    Defendant says dog is a Dalmatian mix, but "some people say dog is a Pit Bull". 

JJ asks defendant why her employers (she was nanny for five kids) didn’t pay the bill, since they could pay for a full-time nanny.   Then, plaintiff was assaulted by defendant, he was drunk, and he then went the next day to pick defendant up, she ripped the keys out of his ignition.   Then, JJ says plaintiff waited too long to come to court.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Drunk and Abusive -Plaintiff Antwone Williams suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Johanna Elton for not returning his belongings after she served him with a restraining order to get him out of the mutual home, and he wants his property back.   Defendant was only name on the lease, after plaintiff’s unfortunate incarceration.    Defendant has had three restraining orders against plaintiff, and the fourth one was after the argument when plaintiff left, and an order excluding him from the house.  

Plaintiff wants lock changing fees, unpaid rent (he’s not on the lease, so I bet she can forget that), and unpaid bills.

When defendant called police, she claims her convicted felon boyfriend left the home to avoid the police, and the police did nothing to help her.   (I doubt the police wouldn’t pursue an assault charge against a convicted felon).

Plaintiff gets some playstation thing back, $200 for the TV, and weights with the marshal’s help.   Defendant told to stuff her stupid claim.    

Repeat Offender Drug Bailout -Plaintiff Kailynn Messier suing defendant Molly Show for repayment of bail after defendant was busted for possession of Methamphetamines.    Defendant has been in jail twice in Vegas for traffic infractions.  Plaintiff paid $1015, and defendant only paid back $200. 

So, plaintiff is owed $815, and receives that.  (Personal note, defendant’s hair or wig or whatever it is, is hideous).

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Robbed by Lover While in Prison?! -Plaintiff /ex-convict Joseph Zientek Jr suing defendant/ex Amy Eddy for stealing his tax refund, and running up charges on his credit cards, and stole his personal belongings . Plaintiff was in jail or prison for 16 months.  Defendant also filed his taxes, and took his $2000 refund.  The day of sentencing plaintiff gave everything to defendant, watch, wallet, credit cards, I.D., driver's license, earrings.       Defendant claims she gave "Carl" a friend of plaintiff the watch, and wallet, and another friend picked up the belongings.    Lackawanna, NY is where this happened.   

Defendant used plaintiff's credit cards during the unfortunate incarceration of 16 months, and spent $200 by her testimony.   Plaintiff says the amount was $ , including two trips on one day to buy cigarettes at the Reservation (Why do I think there's a casino there?).  Defendant claims she paid his fine of $500, but it wasn't paid.   

Defendant claims plaintiff told her to spend whatever she wanted on the credit cards, and says plaintiff was going to file for bankruptcy.   However, running up credit cards or other bills in anticipation of bankruptcy is a crime, and credit fraud.   

Defendant claims she withdrew plaintiff's tax refund, at plaintiff's request.     Supplementary reports from prison phone calls is submitted by defendant.   Supplemental report says PIN number was given to defendant, but he claims that was for a prepaid Walmart card.    Defendant doesn't work, but sure lives well.    Plaintiff submits police reports about the thefts.   Some of defendant's purchases were souvenirs from her vacation in Florida.   

Plaintiff receives $5,000

Second (2017)-

Shhh…Don’t Tell My Husband! -Plaintiff William and Linwood Bielefeldt suing defendant Roderick Grant over unpaid loans, $1850 for an apartment security deposit and first month’s rent, and for an assault.    The loans were supposed to be a secret from plaintiff’s husband.  Linwood Bielefeldt is dismissed as a plaintiff, because he didn’t make the loan.  

Defendant says William Bielefeldt has an unrequited crush on him, and he never got a loan from him.  

Then, defendant repaid $200, but denies he repaid anything.

When plaintiff asked defendant about the repayment, and plaintiff claims defendant assaulted him. 

$1850 to plaintiff for the loan.     

Cash Up Front, Friend! -Plaintiff Devon Calitri suing defendant Clinton Duncan for unpaid car payments, $600, and lost wages.   Plaintiff wanted $1,000 for the 1999 Ford Expedition car she was selling.  

Defendant paid $200 for the car, and stopped paying.  

Defendant wants the title signed over to him.  There were mechanical problems with the car, so he stopped paying.

$600 to plaintiff.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Brother/Sister Lease War! -Plaintiff/sister Amanda Long and husband Todd Long suing defendant/brother Brandon Paananen and girlfriend Nicole Ross for unpaid rent, and stolen property.    Defendant Todd has been on his own since he was 15, and together with Ms. Ross for six months, no kids.   Both defendants work, a true miracle on this show.    Four litigants signed a lease on a 3 bedroom house, plantiff gets one bedroom, defendant gets one room, and plaintiff’s two kids get one bedroom.    Brandon slept in an unfinished storage room in the basement, and their bedroom was upstairs. 

Defendant Brandon says new place was drywall only, bare concrete floors, and he says  it was a temporary situation, but plaintiff took pictures of defendants’ driver’s licenses, and plaintiff saw the lease and signed the lease.   

To get the new place, higher rent, and utilities, plaintiffs needed defendants’ money.    After this defendants went to Nicole’s parents’ house, and are saving money to rent their own apartment soon.  Nicole says plaintiff lectured them all of the time, and Nicole was pregnant at the time (no child now).  The rent increase was all put on defendants. 

Why is JJ being so angry at defendants, not the lying plaintiffs?  There are a lot of text messages from plaintiff saying defendants should leave.   I believe what both defendants say about the situation.

Stolen property is dismissed.  

Plaintiffs get $1,000 for unpaid rent and that’s all.

BFs Not Forever -Plaintiff Emily Indovino suing defendant Ashley Wright for rent, $1150.  Plaintiff moved in with defendant, paid $300 on move in.   The plan was for the first month the defendant and plaintiff would share the one room, until defendant got her own place.   After five days defendant told plaintiff to take her naked fanny elsewhere.

$300 to plaintiff for the rent.

Deceased Father’s Harley -Plaintiff Concetta Weaver suing defendant Richard Weaver II for half of the value of late father’s Harley Davidson, but defendant says title was in his name.   This was in California.  Defendant last saw father when he was 4 years old, in 1982, and plaintiff last saw the father in 1982.  This was in Vista, CA.

Father had no will, but did put the bike in defendant’s name, and truck was signed over to someone else.    They split father’s insurance policy.    Defendant had motorcycle shipped to California, and sold for $6,000 to Biggs Harley Davidson.    Sister wants $3,000.   So, is JJ going to charge the sister half of shipping?    

JJ says title says Richard Weaver (father’s name) , not Richard Weaver II (defendant’s birth certificate name), so transfer wasn’t to son.  Why is JJ putting the responsibility of  contacting deadbeat dad on the son he abandoned 30 years ago?   The daughter didn’t contact the father either, or father didn’t contact her.  Insurance was actually left to father’s sister, but she died a month before father did. Each child received $600.

Plaintiff receives $3,000.

Second (2014)-

Repeat Offender Baby Daddy -Plaintiff Angela Fishe suing baby daddy/defendant Michael Cuffie for destroying her laptop, and repayment of money she sent him while he was in prison.  Cuffie was in jail for drug dealing (delivery and manufacturing Weed), carrying a firearm without a license.  Not the first time defendant was incarcerated, he first went to jail at 13.  Plaintiff was knocked up by defendant 17 days after defendant got out of prison. 

Plaintiff gets upset when JJ says plaintiff isn’t getting any money back.  

JJ bounces a man from the audience who looks totally stunned when she singles him out.

Plaintiff gets nothing, and as JJ says she feels sorry for the poor baby.

Pick of the Litter Liar -Plaintiff Cherie Guarino (sister) is suing defendant Donald Carley (brother) for money she loaned him for a divorce lawyer, $1500, and still owes her $500.   Defendant says he gave plaintiff a dog, and he was supposed to get pick of the litter, but says plaintiff didn’t give him a puppy. 

Plaintiff says she only took the dogs in 2012, because brother was going to put them all to sleep.

Plaintiff gets $500.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Deliberate Finger Slam?!-Plaintiff Brian Fordham is suing former roommate/defendant (didn't catch her name) (she was leasing the property, and renting rooms out) for property damage, loss of food, and stolen property.        Plaintiff says defendant broke locks on his room several times to steal his property, he also claims defendant cut off his electricity deliberately to spoil his food.

Defendant is being evicted after non-payment for part of a month, and another full month.    Home owner is evicting defendant, and defendant who is 20, claims she's been renting the house for three years.    JJ will call home owner and confirm that defendant only failed to pay rent for half of one month, and another full month.   Defendant claims she asked homeowner to evict her, to get rid of plaintiff.   

Plaintiff claims home owner told everyone in the house to leave the end of July because defendant didn't pay the plaintiff.    Plaintiff changed the lock on his room, and defendant wants to be paid for changing them back.  As usual, plaintiff didn't bring the lock change bill to court, after he claims defendant broke his locks, and changed them.  

I hope I get this straight.   Defendant couldn't get into the house, so she went to an open window, tried to climb in, and claims plaintiff slammed the window down on her hand deliberately.     No medical report.

Both cases dismissed because they're both liars.

I'm Not Paying For a Dry Wig!  - Plaintiff hair stylist Laurel McLendon suing former client Patricia Bailey  for the cost of a wig, and check return fees.   Defendant paid for the wig, $370 (for labor for assembling the wig, defendant bought the hair for the wig).    Defendant ordered the wig, brought the hair to the hair stylist, and came to look out the wig, and started complaining about the color, and that the wig looked dry.   

Defendant says the plaintiff said the wig needed to be wet down, put product on it, then blew it dry, and then defendant tried the wig on.   At this point plaintiff acts like a fool, indicating that defendant is lying.    Defendant says she tried the wig on, wrote the check for it, and left.   Defendant also wanted a tighter band on the inside of the wig, made an appointment with the plaintiff.   

The second appointment was on 7 July, and defendant didn't read a text message cancelling the appointment.    Defendant claims the plaintiff didn't show on several other occasions, but defendant kept going back.     On 9 July plaintiff went to cash the check, and check had been stopped. 

(Did defendant think she was coming to a cocktail party?   Her dress looks like it is for an evening event.) Defendant loses, and still claims she should get triple damages. 

$405 for the check and check fees. 

Second (2017)-

Sick and Kicked Out-Plaintiff Michelle Nielsen suing her ex-boyfriend/defendant Pathias Moyo who was living with her for unpaid rent, utilities, and a loan.   She filed for a protective order, and changed the locks, while he in the hospital for a month. 

Defendant was her boyfriend, and they were going to split the rent and utilities.   Then, defendant had two surgeries, had to stop working, and plaintiff evicted him and wants rent for the month the defendant was in the hospital.     Loan was from plaintiff for car repairs, and only paid back $200 in cash.   $2200 in back rent, $872 for car loan, = $3072 to plaintiff. 

When defendant went out of town for two days, plaintiff filed for protective order, and a lockout order, plaintiff claims not paying the loan, or rent that she needed a restraining order was because he owed her money.  (Since when is that a reason to grant a protective order?).   The lockout happened without any legal right by plaintiff.  The man had been living there for almost two years, and was a legal tenant. 

Defendant says he was out of town for a couple of days, returning on the 13th, and when he came back on the 13th plaintiff had changed the locks on the apartment.    Plaintiff didn’t apply for the protective order and lock out order until the 18th.   Protective order application is full of lies. 

$3072 to plaintiff, but defendant's counter claim cancels this out.  

Defendant gets $3072 on his counter claim, and that means the plaintiff gets nothing, which she deserves for filing a false protective order.

Child Attacked by Out of Control Dog-Plaintiff/mother of victim Desiree Meyer suing defendant/neighbor John Pinkerton for her son's medical bills after the defendant/neighbor's dog bit the child.      Dog is Boxer/Mastiff mix, was off leash, and there is no bite history (dog was put down).   Bite happened on plaintiff's property, and dog was out of defendant's control.   Plaintiff has two pit bulls by the way.   

Plaintiff sons were on a trampoline, with their two dogs, when  the defendant dog joined them, started fighting, and plaintiff son was bitten trying to separate the dogs.   Bite scar on plaintiff's hand looks bad.   Despicable defendant says child's behavior caused the bite.

Out of pocket medical expenses for plaintiff were $4,000, and they had no health insurance.  

$4,000 to plaintiff.

Friends Don't Loan to Friends-Plaintiff Wakim Bryant loaned money to defendant Darrell Lee to buy a truck ($1700).     (Defendant is a total Smart Ass, and a pain in the fanny).  Defendant's response is it was a gift, and he never asked for money.   

Defendant says plaintiff gave him the money to fix the van he used for DJ work, and plaintiff would get 25% of the DJ gigs.   Defendant is such a liar.   

 $1700 to plaintiff.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Baseball replaced JJ today.   But a few are such juicy reruns, I’ll put them on anyway.

Second (2014)-

Jilted Lover or Loony Roommate? -Plaintiff /former roommate David Isgur suing defendant/former roommate Roya Radafshar over an assault by defendant, a false allegation against plaintiff of assault, and destroying plaintiff’s property.  The new apartment had three bedrooms.  The plan was the two women (Defendant and her sister Daria), would share a room, and then plaintiff would have one room, and rent the third bedroom out.    They were also lovers, but only for a few days, until the big, physical fight happened.  Plaintiff claims defendant assaulted him, destroyed his property, and filed false assault charges against him.   

Plaintiff paid $666 for his share of the rent, but after he moved in, they had a few days of a fling, five days later the bad stuff started.   A neighbor came to the door about a plumbing leak, plaintiff heard a thumping noise upstairs, and it was defendant slamming his phone against the wall.   Plaintiff claims defendant never let him unpack, but took over his room, and then she had the jealous rage involving the phone slamming, and assault.

JJ tells defendant she’s lying to JJ, and JJ believes the plaintiff’s story.    Defendant claims some ex sent a naughty text to the plaintiff.    Defense witness, Daria Radafshar (defendant’s sister and roommate),  gets booted by JJ, and escorted by Officer Byrd.   I think the booted witness was the third roommate that was buddies with defendant.

Plaintiff says he went to a friend’s house after the phone slamming, but defendant kept texting and calling him to come back.   After the assault against plaintiff, defendant then filed a report of assault against the plaintiff, but claims she never filed for a protective order.

Then plaintiff claims after this, he kept ignoring defendant’s calls and texts, but when he finally came back to their apartment to get his property out, she was naked on his bed.   Defendant claims to have one photo of her bruise. 

This is when the assault on plaintiff by defendant happened.   Plaintiff says she destroyed a lot of his clothes, much was missing.  Plaintiff’s witness Austin Hughes, saw defendant and sister Daria taking plaintiff’s TV, burning plaintiff’s hat, stealing a coin collection, and other items that belonged to plaintiff.

(I was naughty and searched the defendant’s rather unique name.   I totally believe plaintiff and what he says after the search results). 

Plaintiff filed for a protective order, for three years, and after a hearing, and he received it.  

$1,000 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Sick Girlfriend Payback! -Plaintiff Rita Lauderdale is suing her former girlfriend Wendy Cabrera for two months’ rent, and a car loan.  The duo only lived together for about four months.   

Defendant says she was sick, and couldn't pay the rent for two months.    Plaintiff is now living alone in the apartment with her three children from her previous marriage.   As JJ points out when one partner in a relationship gets sick, you take care of each other, you don't sue for rent, and car loans when someone is still sick.   

Car was purchased out of plaintiff's tax refund, they went to the car dealership together, when defendant wasn't working.   Plaintiff went to the dealership to shop for her own car, and defendant saw a car she wanted.   Plaintiff claims defendant promised to pay plaintiff for the car loan when she went back to work.    Defendant was making about $1000 a month, and plaintiff demanded she double up on paying rent, and the car loan added on.  Defendant stayed off work, and helped plaintiff when she got sick and needed help.   

Plaintiff never went back to work after her disability, she's on welfare.     Defendant moved out when relationship ended, and kept car that became a loan, not a gift.  

Defendant says she just wants her car title.     So, car loan dismissed, and everything else dismissed also. 

JJ floors me, she said the car loan will be paid, but not to plaintiff, but to the state of Oregon because welfare means you can't have assets. 

Second (2017)-

Family Living in Car Seeks Driveway Rental-Plaintiff Jinky Montiel is suing defendant homeowner Kimberly Neal for illegal eviction, damaged property, and harassment.    Plaintiff was homeless, wanted to rent the driveway at defendant's home, for her, and her three children to live in plaintiff's car in the defendant's driveway.   Defendant instead rented a bedroom to plaintiff and her two daughters, and the son.   JJ has Officer Byrd escort plaintiff's 16-year-old daughter out of the court, however, well rehearsed witness daughter still spouts what Mommy Jinky taught her to say on her way out of court.     Plaintiff says the son lived elsewhere, and she lived with the two daughters in defendant's home.  

Plaintiff says she was unlawfully evicted, claims defendant vandalized her property, and harassed her.   Defendant says the argument leading to eviction was that she refused to allow plaintiff's married boyfriend to come to defendant's home.   

Plaintiff wanted to rent the driveway to live in with kids, in her car.     $4400 a month was plaintiff's worker's comp.   Plaintiff says she was homeless because she had to pay for the two cars, and couldn't afford the rent on top of that.   Plus, plaintiff was paying for the two cars (her car and the son’s), cell phones, etc.  Plaintiff had two cars, so college son could drive two daughters to school.  Plaintiff, and two children lived with defendant.    Plaintiff moved from Arizona, to California a few years ago.  

Room was rented for $700 a month (price was $600 plus utilities).    Plaintiff claimed she paid for the third month's rent, and defendant started sending her mean texts.    Defendant claims plaintiff didn't pay for the third month's rent, and when she asked for the rent, plaintiff got mad, and moved out.   

Defendant says plaintiff was upset that she wouldn't let her married boyfriend come in the house.   So, calling plaintiff an adulterer is accurate by the defendant.   Then plaintiff and two kids moved out.   

Plaintiff gets nothing for unlawful eviction, because she left voluntarily, owing rent (plaintiff claims she paid $700 rent for the third month).    She's suing for damaged property she moved out of the defendant's home, and claims defendant broke her valuable property.     

This is the case where the plaintiff rented a U-Haul trailer, and loaded her stuff, but gave it to the mover who loaded the trailer for her.  Plaintiff claims she had no room left in her storage unit.    There is a video of the move out, with plaintiff and defendant arguing over proof of rent payments.   Plaintiff broke her own daughter's phone, when the girl wouldn't answer her as fast as she wanted her to.  

How much stuff did that woman cram into one bedroom with her two daughters?     

Mover cost $300, and gave him everything he loaded in the U-Haul for her. 

(Jinky Montiel, plaintiff, reminds me so much of a former co-worker, everything was a conspiracy with her too.     The caption says she's a registered nurse).  

I think the video of the move out, with defendant asking 'where's your receipt' is why JJ gave the $700 rent back to plaintiff.  However, who video tapes, and photographs someone loading her U-Haul, and then gives everything to the mover?   Plaintiff claims defendant broke her lamp, and claims plaintiff kept the broken lamp.     Plaintiff and daughters went to hotel, and kept switching hotels for a month.   Plaintiff claims her son still lived at defendant's house, but defendant says the son never lived with her.    

Defendant said plaintiff was a bad mother from leaving the two daughters alone for days, while plaintiff went to Vegas with her married boyfriend.    To me it sounds like plaintiff moved out, after paying the rent very late the last month. 

JJ dismisses the plaintiff's property damage claim.     JJ does give $700 to plaintiff, for the last month's rent. 

 I wouldn’t have given plaintiff a penny.   She was there part of the month, had several people living with her, and claims her son lived in the house (defendant denies the son ever lived there).   I think JJ just felt sorry for the kids, so she gave the money back to plaintiff.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Divorce Slap in the Face! -Plaintiff/ex-wife Julie Stiff is suing defendant/ex-husband Richard Stiff for money she gave him to pay off a loan.   Litigants made a deal, instead of paying child support by ex-husband they agreed ex-wife and daughters could move into the house, with ex-husband.   Mortgage is $2400 a month, house costs $348k for purchase.   Plaintiff’s former rent was $1900 a month, and getting child support, but no alimony/maintenance for her.    This way plaintiff would save over $1,000 a month.

When plaintiff, and two children moved in with defendant, she was paying $952 a month, which is child support amount.   One daughter is 16, there are two other children for litigants.    When plaintiff moved in she claims she loaned defendant $5,000, to pay off his existing 401k loan with that money.  So, he could take another loan from the 401k, to pay loan costs on the new house.   Plaintiff had received an inheritance too.  (this happened in Castaic Lake, CA, above Magic Mountain.)

Plaintiff received $90k inheritance, and is awaiting a disability eligibility ruling.   Plaintiff says she loaned defendant $7,000 and then $5,000 more for the 401K loan.    House is about 3,000 sq ft.

Defendant’s counter claim is to pay bills, and for an assault by plaintiff on him.    Defendant says plaintiff spent her $90k inheritance, and was unemployed, and he claims he had to pay the bills.    Defendant also has a 23 year-old daughter living with him and not contributing either.    Plaintiff claims the assault was when they were arguing, and claims defendant told her she might as well hit him, and so she slapped him.

Defendant says plaintiff demanded he pay her immediately from his 401k, but he can’t take money out without penalty until he’s 59 ½.    Defendants says he left his bedroom, and plaintiff slugged him.  

Plaintiff says defendant dared her to hit him, she slapped him.   Plaintiff also claims she paid all of the utilities, not just her half.   However, she ‘left the printout at home’.   I don’t like that plaintiff assaulted defendant, and admitted it, and had no penalty.    

Plaintiff gets $3250, the $5,000 minus the utilities that plaintiff paid. 

Wrong Side of the Law? -Plaintiff  Brianna Caster suing defendant George Courtney IV for unpaid rent.  Rent for defendant was $695 a month, plus utilities.   Contract is via email, and text message.   Plaintiff wants a month’s rent, because he didn’t give her 45-days notice he was moving out.   There is nothing in the email says the 45-days notice.   Plaintiff claims it was an oral agreement, but if JJ considers the emails and texts contracts, then they can’t be modified by an oral agreements.

Plaintiff used his security deposit for last month’s rent.   Plaintiff has $700 security from defendant, but he only owes her $350 for part of a month.   

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Mutual Combat or Teen Bullying? – Plaintiff Cynthia and Tommy Haitcoat Jr (son Brody Haithcoat) suing defendants/ Michelle Sallens and Christopher Rogers (son Devyn Rogers) There is a video of the start of the argument that escalated into a fistfight.  Both litigants call each other bullies.   The parents are told to sit down, and sons testify.     Plaintiff claims defendant was in a group of boys who were talking about plaintiff.    Defendant claims it was mutual combat. 

On the first argument, a teacher intervened before punches were thrown. 

Second argument is a few days later, and that’s the one on video. Video shows the argument, and escalates to fistfight.   Another fight that started over taking plaintiff’s hat off.  Defendant claims the hat incident was a joke.   Defendant is wearing the hat, then plaintiff grabbed his hat back and slapped defendant with the hat.   Defendant says he couldn’t fight, because defendant was on football team and would get kicked off the team for fighting.   They started shoving each other, and they agreed to meet later.  

Defendant and parents are counter suing for false charges, and harassment.

Plaintiff threw the first punch, and then it got messy.   Plaintiff’s eye damage looks horrible.   Plaintiff mother leaves the courtroom, she can’t watch the fight video. 

JJ doesn’t believe defendant is a bully, because he asked plaintiff if he was going to stop.   

The juvenile authorities got involved, both stories differed.   Defendant showed the probation officer the video, and so probation, after case was dismissed.   Both litigants were suspended.   This all happened two years before. 

JJ says it’s mutual combat, so both cases dismissed.   

The outcome of this case doesn’t matter.   My sympathies to Devyn’s family and friends.

(This is so sad, Devyn Rogers obituary, a 2017 car accident



5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

You Get What You Paint For! -Plaintiff Lisa Mason suing defendant/painter Brent Frazier for money she paid for him to paint her home, mental anguish, and pain and suffering for the walls.    Plaintiff wanted to put house on market, and was going to pay $4511 for painting inside and outside, and she paid him $2630.   Plaintiff gave defendant five days to paint the entire house.   Defendant has a regular job, and was doing this on the side.  Paint inside was every room, removing three rooms of wallpaper.   

Plaintiff's two other estimates were both around $6300, a $2000 deal to save on the paint job.    Plaintiff claims she paid $3000 to the other company.    Defendant claims she had to get another company to patch walls, repaint, and still paid less than the $6300 she was estimated by the other.  Plaintiff wants all of her money back from defendant, so she would get a free paint job.

Plaintiff claims she didn't see progress on the paint job, and she barely saw the paint job, but defendant says she was at the house a lot, and her husband was there every day.  As JJ says, defendant should have put a mechanic's lien on the house. Defendant is countersuing for unpaid work.  

Everything dismissed. 

Don’t Fence Me In! -Plaintiff Marcus Teat suing defendants neighbor Carol Miller (owner) and Patrick Hilbun (tenant) over damages to a joint fence. Previous fence was replaced jointly eight years ago, and plaintiff says fence rotted again, from being on the dirt from her uphill side of the fence.   

Plaintiff says defendant owner should put a retaining wall on her uphill side of the fence, about $2,000.    Plaintiff also says that when the defendant tenant waters it's hitting the fence, and rotting it out.     

JJ asks plaintiff why don't they put up a cyclone (chain link) fence instead of privacy fence? 

My view is that a metal fence wouldn't stop the uphill side of the fence on defendant's side wouldn't stop the erosion, and water runoff from defendant's property.

JJ tells plaintiff to build a permanent fence on his side of the fence line.   Case dismissed

Second (2017)-

Stuck With the Bill Behind Bars-Plaintiff Travis Conwell suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Shabarbara Jackson  for a cable bill defendant put in his name, while he was incarcerated, plus his clothes and tools.      Plaintiff agreed to cable bill in his name, as long as defendant paid the bill, because they were going to live together when he left jail (that didn't happen).     

Defendant says plaintiff asked for care packages from the commissary at prison.   Defendant claims plaintiff said he would pay her back for the packages out of his income tax refund.   Defendant says all she has left that belongs to the plaintiff is a drill.  (You can't tell me defendant didn't sell plaintiff's tools).  JJ doesn’t seem to understand what a nice pair of Timberland boots cost the plaintiff.

Plaintiff gets his drill back, and other bills cancel each other out. 

Lyrical Lips Singer Scam-Plaintiff Lyrical Lips, (real name Aqusiha Regins)  )suing former business partners /defendants promoter and manager, Andray Higgins and Herman Starks for death threats, breach of contract, and other garbage.    Everyone claims they were defamed.   Plaintiff is a so-called singer (fortunately, on JJ's show I don't have to hear her sing).     Plaintiff claims defendants were supposed to pay half for everything.   Plaintiff's performing name is "Lyrical Lips".    There were no proceeds to split, and the only recording was a single song.   There is a 3-album minimum to make the contract in effect.   

It only cost $40 to produce the one song.   Plus, it costs plaintiff $50 for some appearance, but she was supposed to sell a certain number of tickets to pay this, and she didn't sell any tickets.      Plaintiff had to pay for her hair and makeup, for publicity photos, photos were paid for the photo shoot.    Plaintiff wants graphics for a non-existent album cover.   Plaintiff paid $20 for studio time, and defendants paid over $200 for the single song recording session.    Plaintiff claims she had a photo shoot at the defendant's request, and claims defendant never paid for the photos.   However, defendant has proof he paid for the photo shoot.   (Isn't it illegal to pay a radio station or DJ to play your music?   It's called Payola). 

Case is dismissed, and plaintiff gets $20.      (Why am I suspicious that Lyrical Lips came on this show for publicity?)

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Good Deed Punished! -Plaintiffs Maryah Collins (17), (mother) Stephanie Marshal and (stepmother) Nikko Morgan suing defendant Laurinda Alves  for wrongful eviction,   Maryah, 17 and Malya 15-year-olds were taken into defendant’s home, mother was between places.    Marshal never met the defendant in person, until the day the two teens went to live with defendant.   They lived with defendant for five months, no support paid by plaintiff mother.   Plaintiff Marshal says defendant opened a welfare case on the two girls from the county.   Defendant received $204 from the county, total for the five months. 

Mother and stepmother have no proof of additional welfare payments to defendant.    Stepmother picked up the girls on kick out.  Stepmother claims 17-year-old was in labor when evicted.  Maryah had the baby four days after the eviction, not an hour later.   Teens’ father is in jail (sorry, incarcerated).  Boyfriend who was visiting Maryah at defendant’s house wasn’t the baby’s father, but some random guy Maryah met when she was 7 months pregnant.   

After August, defendant kicked them out.   

Plaintiffs case is dismissed.  

Pricey Patch-Up Job! -Plaintiff/tenant Martha Yurnet suing defendant/landlady Constance Mitchell for return of her security deposit ($850). Plaintiff moved in with her four (?) children, and husband, and claims she didn’t damage the townhouse.      Plaintiff claims defendant broke the door lock to get in, but it was the day after the lease ended.   Plaintiff claims she was going to clean the carpets on 1 July, but this was after the lease ended.

Defendant had carpet cleaned after move out, $150.    However, no one knows how old the carpet was before tenant moved in. JJ underestimates how hard it will be to paint over the wall collage in one room.  JJ hauls out the old chestnut about patching a hole in the wall with toothpaste.

Defendant gets snotty with JJ after JJ says she believes the plaintiff / tenant, but siding with the tenant is JJ’s usual behavior.   I think the only reason landlady came on the show is because the show pays the award, and she can keep the security deposit.  

Plaintiff tenant blames everything on the previous tenants, and on the handyman who was trying to do repairs when tenants were moving in.

Plaintiff receives her security deposit back $650.  Defendant claim for damages is dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Broken Relationship -Plaintiff Timothy Bassett suing defendant/ex-girlfriend and mother of his child Lianna Letourneau for damaging his computer, and assaulting him with a flashlight.  Defendant’s wig is from the dollar store collection of disguises.

Defendant claims she was terrified of plaintiff, and had to call her brothers to come and rescue her.   Plaintiff claims he didn’t see defendant from the first incident over five months.   Defendant claims she went over to plaintiff’s without the child, and was intimate with plaintiff.   Plaintiff still claims he didn’t see the defendant between the assault in September, and through February.   

This gets worse, plaintiff is suing for full custody of his child.   Defendant has two children, only one with plaintiff, but has a Chips (Child in Need of Protective Services, in Minnesota) case pending, so children and defendant live with her mother.    Technically, defendant’s mother has custody of the children, but defendant is allowed to live there.

Then, in February defendant took baby to plaintiff’s home, even though she claims to be terrified of plaintiff.    Defendant doesn’t remember anything about the February visit to plaintiff’s home, with the baby.    Defendant and child spent two and a half days at plaintiff’s home.    There’s sadly something wrong with plaintiff.

Then, defendant took the computer home.

JJ asks defendant brother if defendant can take the baby to stay with plaintiff for almost three days, and he says she can.    JJ had the tape of this case sent to the presiding Family Court judge over defendant’s case, to make sure the visitation is allowed for the safety of the children.    What a sad case, for the two children involved. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Tenant Take Down -Plaintiff/landlord Jennifer Jabo suing defendants /former tenants Jim and Kimberly Kelly over damages to plaintiff’s rental home.   There are pictures after the renovation, but not move-in pictures before the Kelly’s moved in.   Plaintiff filed and received a formal eviction, and the Kelly’s were evicted by the court. 

 Defendants are counter suing for harassment, claiming they had to move out in 24 hours, which is a crock.   You have a lot of notice of a pending eviction, hearings, etc.      Defendants’ case dismissed.

Plaintiff wants $680 for back rent, and $4320 for damages to the property.   The eviction was heard, but the damages couldn’t be claimed until after defendants moved out, in small claims.   There is a video, plus photos of damages.    The big window is smashed.   The 5-gallon drums in the drive way were sealant, but left behind by defendant.    This took place in Florida, and I’m amazed the plaintiff could get the tenants evicted, it’s a very tenant friendly state.

The video of damages is horrible.  I hate to break it to the plaintiff, but what she calls roach droppings, are mouse, or even more likely, rat droppings.

$5,000 to plaintiff and she keeps the $300 in security deposit. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Baby's Ashes Stolen?!-Plaintiff/fiance of Famous, Latisha Davenport (age 38), and defendant/ Vernisha Nelson, Famous' ex-girlfriend (she's 24) and mother of three children of with Famous. Litigants are fighting over some incarcerated jailbird (his name is Famous, incarcerated on a gun charge) that fathered children with both of them.  Plaintiff is suing for theft of baby's ashes, false restraining orders, false CPS charges, and harassment.

Plaintiff is SSMOF (Sainted Single Mother of Four), who has been unemployed for years, and is going to school.  She was advised not to work by attorneys, because she's suing for medical malpractice over the baby's death.     Defendant claims plaintiff posted naked pictures of her.   Famous isn't on at least one of defendant's child's birth certificate.   

SSDI gave one child a back payment, so plaintiff Mother of the Year bought a Mazda 5, that Famous used to give people rides for money.  Plaintiff's one child is on SSDI.   Famous has been in jail fairly often.   One complaint is defendant called CPS, and said Famous was molesting one of the children, and that plaintiff was on drugs (no proof about who called CPS).

Defendant, SSMOT (Sainted Single Mother of Three, three boys, apparently with Famous) is a home health aide.    As JJ says, anyone who posts filth like the defendant shouldn't be taking care of elderly, vulnerable people.   Vernisha Nelson says her oldest son won't be like Famous, "because he plays Soccer".     Defendant claims plaintiff sent nude pictures of defendant to all of Famous' friends, and how would plaintiff get naked pictures of defendant unless Famous gave them to her?   

Plaintiff claims defendant broke in to her house, and stole her baby's ashes.    Plaintiff claims she has over 1,000 texts from defendant, and there is a text saying defendant stole the baby's ashes, because of something over defendant's brother.   However, ashes were left on plaintiff's doorstep after the theft.  

When the ashes were stolen Famous was boinking plaintiff, and staying with defendant at the time too.   Ashes disappeared, and then showed up at plaintiff's home three days later.   Plaintiff claims defendant climbed through her window, but window is small, and high up, so how did she climb in?     Trust me, neither litigant’s considerably huge butts would fit through that window (to be fair, my butt wouldn’t fit through either).  

Plaintiff had a restraining order against defendant, so why is plaintiff texting to defendant after that was issued, and going to defendant's children's doctor’s appointments with Famous?  Plaintiff claims defendant tried to burn her house down. 

Plaintiff loves Famous, and I guess defendant does too.   Defendant claims plaintiff has a husband besides Famous, but plaintiff still claims to love Famous.

Case dismissed.  

Daughter's Bad Behavior Battle-Plaintiff Jennifer Aakjar is suing former roommate for balance of a lease, and the security deposit (apartment was in Florida).    Defendant Tina West is suing for same garbage. Defendant says there was a ton of drug use by plaintiff's daughter, and undesirable friends from daughter, so defendant moved.  

Plaintiff and daughter, plus defendant moved in together.    Plaintiff's daughter is a 20-year-old brat, and misbehaved in the apartment, so defendant finally said daughter goes, or I move out, so defendant moved out.    Plaintiff claims her daughter is still a brat, but improving.   Plaintiff wants the balance of the lease, but plaintiff lived in the condo by herself, sometimes with daughter, so that's dismissed.

Security deposit was a month's rent.  After defendant moved out, plaintiff never had another roommate. Defendant will have to pay half of the month’s rent, but will get half of the security deposit.  

Plaintiff daughter is over 20 now, and plaintiff says defendant watched her daughter when plaintiff traveled.   Defendant's worst mistake was ever moving in with the plaintiff and her daughter. 

$735 for security deposit to defendant.    Both litigants will sign check in front of JJ's staff attorney, made payable to the attorney, and he will allot the money to defendant.   

Second (2017)-

Land Thief?!-Plaintiff Joseph Piskala  put in labor clearing out land he was promised by defendant, Joan Bernier, suing for non-payment of work performed on her property.   Defendant sold land to someone else, after plaintiff cleared the land.    Sadly, real property has to be done in writing, but it wasn't in this case.   Land was $38k, for 8.3 acres, for plaintiff to buy from defendant. 

After plaintiff wanted to buy the property, the defendant said an attorney represented her, but the attorney said he hadn't dealt with defendant for 20 years.    Then, defendant told him another attorney, who never came to an agreement about the sale, and defendant received an offer for twice what plaintiff wanted to give her for the land (he offered $38,000 for the 8.35 acre parcel, and land sold for twice that). 

 Plaintiff went on the land, cleared out a lot of junk and weeds.   Plaintiff wants to be compensated for work done before the sale, and claims the defendant gave him permission to go on the property, but that doesn't mean a written contract.  Litigants had no contract about the land sale, or clearing the land.  

Too bad for plaintiff he worked on property for 3 1/2 months, and never received anything.  (Another losing litigant who claims he's not dropping this matter, he lost, and the agreement he signed for court means this is the end of the matter).

Case dismissed. 

Blown Stop Sign Slam?!-Plaintiff Thomas Granger suing other driver for broad siding his car.   Defendant Selma Strier, hit the rear of plaintiff's car.   (This happened in Phoenix, AZ). 

Defendant claims plaintiff was next to her.   However, defendant pulled up to a stop sign, claims she looks all directions, then plaintiff was traveling through after coming to a full stop at the stop sign, and defendant hit him.    

Police report says defendant was at a stop sign, and came in the intersection, and hit the plaintiff.   Defendant's insurance company refused to cover the damages to plaintiff's car.   (My question is how the insurance company got away with not paying for plaintiff’s car when the police report said defendant was totally at fault?).   Defendant absolutely lied about the accident, and she shouldn't be driving. 

Plaintiff receives $1391 for car damage.

Fender Bender Battle!-Plaintiff Orchid Fredericks, driver and car co-owner, is suing over parking lot fender bender.    Car is co-owned by Ms. Fredericks, and Mr. Redd.   Plaintiff wife was driving, and car was insured.   Defendant's Robert Greene, insurance just lapsed, as usual. Defendant backed into plaintiff in parking lot, but as usual, claims plaintiff hit him.      Defendant was backing out of a parking space when the collision happened.   

Plaintiff was entering the parking lot, going straight, and defendant backed out of his parking space.      Defendant claims he was coming into the parking lot from another direction, and claims plaintiff hit his car while they were racing to the parking lot.    Police didn't ask defendant for proof of insurance.  

Plaintiff receives $1391.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Bicyclist Lands on Head! -Plaintiff /bike rider Lamar Pollard suing defendant/car driver Angela Miller for his medical bills, after defendant hit plaintiff, while plaintiff was riding his bicycle, he’s suing for $5,000.    Plaintiff says he has over $30k in medical bills.   Defendant is counter claiming for damages to her car.   Defendant was pulling forward out of a driveway, in her Saturn Vue, and defendant, as usual, had no insurance.    Defendant claims the check hadn’t cleared yet, so her insurance wasn’t in effect.     Defendant is clearly at fault, and plaintiff is lucky he wasn’t killed.

Defendant claims she just bought the car, and bought insurance that morning, and the General (yes, an insurance company for those with bad driving records).  

Plaintiff couldn’t get to the police station, as the bicycle is his only transportation.   Plaintiff was hospitalized for five days.   Police report is submitted.     Defendant claims plaintiff hit her car, and wants damages.  

Police officer has witness statement that defendant pulled out, and hit plaintiff head on.   The witness is the one who called 911.    Plaintiff said he saw her, but thought she would stop, and she didn’t.

JJ tells plaintiff he could have sued defendant.

$5,000 to plaintiff.

Chicken Coop Massacre! -Plaintiff Jaime Perez suing defendants /Husky owners Prentice and Portia Burleson  for damages caused by Huskies going into plaintiff’s chicken coop and slaughtering chickens.     Plaintiff had 78 chickens raised from peeps (tiny baby chickens), and was going to raise them for organic eggs for his use, and maybe for sale.   Plaintiff’s witness saw the slaughter.  Out of 78 chickens, there were three survivors.  

Defendants have two Huskies, one was found in plaintiff’s coop.   Defendant Prentice claims there is no proof his dog was the killer. Mr Garcia, the plaintiff witness saw both dogs in the coop, with both dogs in there.   Mr Garcia saw one dog kill a chicken, with the other dog carrying a dead chicken.   Mr. Garcia only caught one dog. 

However, plaintiff caught one dog, put up a found dog poster, and defendant Prentice came and picked up his dog.    Then later one of the dogs was on plaintiff’s property again, and Portia picked that dog up.     

Even though dogs were seen in the coop, with blood on them, defendants claim their dogs didn’t do it.    So, defendant thinks Colonel Sanders did it, and his dogs were just playing (the usual excuse of dog owners whose animals are caught massacring livestock).    Mrs. Burleson says since plaintiff witness drives the area picking up scrap metal, that he picked up the dog near their house.    Mrs. Burleson is  deluded just like her husband.   

Mr. Burleson is a fool, so is his wife, and both think this is a joke.   Since Mr. Burleson does comedy standup, I guess he thinks this is funny too.    (This happened in Moreno Valley, California).

JJ objects to paying the plaintiff enough to cover raising the chickens, feeding them, etc. 

$2,000 to plaintiff

Kicked Out Before Moving In!? -Plaintiff/former prospective tenant Lauren Meisler suing defendant/former tenant Eric Jones for rent and moving costs.    JJ will only consider the $300 deposit plaintiff paid.    Defendant lives in a four-bedroom house, and has one other tenant.   Plaintiff posted a craigslist add for a room in exchange for a personal assistant, and housekeeping.    

Defendant took a $300 deposit from plaintiff.  I don’t understand why the deposit for a barter arrangement. 

$300 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Don’t Flirt with the Judge! -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Alethea Lamb suing defendant/former live-in Benny Morales for lawyer fees for a DUI and a subsequent car accident.    Defendant thinks he’s not just a sponge (as JJ calls him), and keeps trying to flirt with JJ.   Plaintiff was supporting the defendant, and he was living with the plaintiff.   Defendant claims plaintiff knew that his financial position was precarious.  After the loans, he paid nothing to plaintiff.   Defendant has an 8-year-old, and 6-year-old from a previous relationship, and didn’t feel like paying the plaintiff back.

Plaintiff only dumped defendant after she discovered he was cheating.    

Plaintiff wants DUI fees for an incident where he was driving her car, with her as a passenger, and JJ will not pay this.

Then defendant had a car accident, in plaintiff’s car, and he claimed he wasn’t drinking.   

Defendant was still being a live-in sponge during both incidents.  (Sponge is not sponge worthy, like on Seinfeld).

(This all happened in L.A.)

Plaintiff claims dismissed for everything.

Crash on a Commune! -Plaintiff Louise Chen suing defendant /former boyfriend, and fellow commune member Matthew ‘Mateo’ Kates, for wrecking her car during a driving lesson in her 1997 Nissan Pathfinder.  Plaintiff is sent outside to get her car registration, JJ has to tell her to get the registration three times, and then Officer Byrd has to tell plaintiff to get her ass outside, and bring the registration into court.   

JJ asks defendant if he was still being intimate with plaintiff, but not at the exact second they were discussing the driving lesson.   JJ agrees there may be a difference between intimate and romantic between Imogen (roommate), and defendant.

The two litigants are part of some 15-person commune, in California.  

Another roommate borrowed the car, and Imogen had an accident with the car.    Plaintiff says Imogen was getting a driving lesson from defendant, but defendant denies he was giving her a lesson on the day of the accident.   There is no police report, or accident report, and Imogen the car crasher is plaintiff’s witness.    Imogen Eddington gave plaintiff $700 of the $1200 accident damages. 

Plaintiff witness Imogen Eddington seems as confused, and dim as her two roommates.   Witness can only narrow the accident down to a month.   This was Imogen’s second driving lesson, she was driving, and close to the house, Imogen turned too close to a corner, and hit a tree.   Imogen claims this wasn’t her fault, so I guess the tree jumped in front of her.    Imogen says she shouldn’t have been in the car at all, so the accident wasn’t her fault. 

JJ is in despair at the state of people refusing to take responsibility.

Plaintiff gets $0 for car damages from Officer Byrd, and plaintiff is told to send the bill to plaintiff witness.   The two litigants and witness are still in need of adult supervision.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Attack Victim Cradles Pit Bull Like a Baby?!-Plaintiff Ryan Hays suing Jennifer Frazier neighbor / pit bull owner, for being a total a-hole, for vet bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.   

Plaintiff says pit bull attacked him and his dog, and as usual, defendant says dog was tethered to a tree in her front yard, and couldn't have attacked the man unless he came in her front yard.     Plaintiff has a Malamute, and Husky (both are over 7 years old, so rather old for the breeds). 

Plaintiff was walking his dogs on the street, then he hears dog claws, sees the garage and house door open, the dog bit the plaintiff on the hand, then pit latched onto plaintiff's dog's leg (Malamute), and bit the plaintiff's hand again.    He carried the dog to the house, was his dog was bleeding profusely, but defendant denies her dog ever bit anyone or another dog.  Plaintiff says dog bit his hand twice.  

Defendant claims her dog was left in the house, and she let it out when she returned, and claims dog was tethered to a tree in the front yard, but then says she let dog out, but it was leashed at all times.    (Defendant is full of ca-ca isn't she?) 

 Defendant claims plaintiff assaulted her, and her retired policeman hubby lied to police that he had been assaulted in his house by plaintiff.  After plaintiff returned home from the hospital for the hand injury, the police were waiting for him because of the false assault complaint.     (I'm hoping the police realized it was all a lie to avoid liability)

Oh no! The defendant has a 4-year-old child, so please tell me we don't get the sad grandpa letter.   Defendant doesn't give a flip about the letter.     

You know what happened, the husband and kids went in the house, they left the door open while she was unloading, and the pit bull got out.   

Plaintiff receives $5,000. 

Two Lemon Cars = Lemonade-Plaintiff Cloe Forland suing co-worker Andrew Norby for breach of contract, cost of replacement title, and something else.   Plaintiff had two cars she was selling, and defendant was to purchase both for $3,000, and pay $100 twice a month until paid off.  Defendant claims one car wasn't running, and he made three payments, and returned cars to a garage for plaintiff to pick up.   

 Plaintiff said she bought one recently to use for parts for the other car (they had bad body damages).     Plaintiff received $400, and both cars are still sitting at the gas station.  

Plaintiff repossessed the car, and one title is in the car.   The cars have been at the garage parking lot for three months.

JJ refuses to pay plaintiff, tells her to go get the cars.

Second (2017)-

Ex-Boyfriend's Attack Caught on Video?!-Plaintiff Daniel Guevara alleges assault (one of the best examples of over-acting and flopping since the last World Cup) by ex-boyfriend/defendant George Scott, and wants money for a dispute over a horse trailer.    Plaintiff and defendant were in a relationship for several years, and both were involved with horse, and jointly purchased a trailer, and truck to pull it.   Both went in on the down payment, but plaintiff claims he made the monthly payments.   Someone took over the truck payments, so that's ended.    However, trailer was to be paid to defendant at $800 a month, and plaintiff wants his $5,000 back he paid, because of the interest rate the trailer originally cost $10k, and still has $9k left on the note.  

The litigants never married.    Trailer is in defendant's name, so JJ suggests they sell the trailer, and if they make anything over $9k, they split it.  Plaintiff will not get $5,000 in payments back.    This is where the video of the 'assault' is submitted, to support plaintiff's claims about assault.   Plaintiff bought another trailer, and his payments will be considered as rent.    

The two litigants had a horse business, and both still are involved in horse training and showing.     

Plaintiff filed for a restraining order, supported by the pathetic video.   Restraining order application is submitted by the defendant.    Plaintiff is such a liar.    Plaintiff never received an order of protection from judge, it was dismissed with prejudice, after testimony, and a hearing.   Plaintiff says ‘assault’ resulted in a torn bicep muscle, and a cadaver implant will have to happen.

JJ says the video is a set up, and I agree.  

Defendant wants money for attorney’s fees, a false restraining order application, and other garbage.

Case is dismissed for both litigants. 

Don't Act Like a Baby!-  Plaintiff Nathaniel Turner suing ex-roommate/defendant Elizabeth Hovey for unpaid rent. Litigants rented a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, and plaintiff still lives in the apartment with another roommate.

Defendant didn't pay for October $275, and $475 full rent for September.   Defendant also moved her boyfriend in, and boyfriend wasn't on the lease, and never paid rent either.   Plaintiff wants his $750 rent back.   

Defendant claims she was forced to move into the apartment, and sign a lease.  Defendant claims the plaintiff moved in a day early, and it surprised her.   She also claims plaintiff paid the rent without telling her.   Defendant signed the lease.   

How adorable (yes, it’s sarcastic) defendant and boyfriend have matching outfits, hair styles, and neither pays their bills apparently.

Plaintiff receives $775 for the rent. 

Failed Engagement Fallout-Plaintiff Matthew Angelich suing defendant/ex-fiance Sondra Johnson for return of money paid for a car, and a wedding ring.   Each litigant put down half on the car, $1600 each, and they broke up a year later, and defendant kept the car.      Each person bought a wedding band, and each still has their own, and JJ said to sell them.    

The two litigants paid $1600 each for the 17-year-old car, drove it for a year, and JJ says to sell it, and split the proceeds.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Gas Leak Scare! -Plaintiff/former tenant Tina Shavers suing defendants/landlords Fredy Mehia, and his children Karly and Fredy Jr. for hotel costs, moving expenses and security deposit.    This is an extra room in his house according to defendant Fredy Sr.   Tenant says it’s an attached studio with 3 rooms, a side entrance.     There was a signed lease.   The day after move in the tenant complained of a smell of gas, defendant Sr. put the pilot on, and in the first five days there was an odor of gas twice.    Fredy Jr says no smell of gas inside the main house.   

Tenant actually had to move out after the gas leak, and lived in the attached studio for five days.     Defendant daughter keeps saying the leak was an accident.    They should have replace the stove, which apparently was the issue.    The defendants say that plaintiff should have lived in the apartment.

Plaintiff received $600 back our of $2438, leaving $1838.  Defendants claims her attorney contacted them, to be paid $725, but plaintiff never heard of them.   Defendant son claims this was plaintiff’s attorney, but plaintiff says she never hired an attorney, or signed a retainer agreement.    Plaintiff says she paid $75 to a paralegal to have the letter sent, but that defendants got scammed by the legal service for the $725. 

So, JJ tells defendants to sue the legal advisory service that scammed them out of the $725.  

Plaintiff awarded $1838.  In the hall-terview, Fredy Sr says he’s the victim.

Vandalism Caught on Tape! -Plaintiff Keisha Davis suing defendant Christina Johnson for keying her car, $1650.   The litigants parking spots used to be next to each other, but they aren’t near each other now. 

Plaintiff has a video she claims shows defendant keying the car.   Defendant also claims plaintiff had her girlfriend assault her, and try to taser her, the morning before the car keying happened.     Defendant says the assault by plaintiff and girlfriend, happened the same day as the keying, but defendant still parked next to the plaintiff’s car.    Defendant claims her kids were in the car during the assault, and one was having a seizure.   

$625 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Car Fraud? -Plaintiff Gloria Magana suing defendant/car seller Faris Tayeb for trying to give her a phony smog certificate for the car she bought from him. Defendant bought car from some online source, and two weeks later resold it to plaintiff.  Plaintiff wants a refund, but car was ‘as is’.

Who pays $3,000 for a 1998 Corolla? It was 16-years-old.   Defendant bought an Avalon, and sold Corolla to plaintiff.   Defendant didn’t even try to register the car, but resold it shortly after buying the car.  Defendant claims car smogged, and passed.

Plaintiff claims engine blew, and also claims the smog certificate was a phony. 

Smog certificate is valid, car was ‘as is’, and plaintiff loses her case.

Party Bus: Party Foul! -Plaintiff/party bus owner Christopher Staggs suing defendant /bus renter Ricardo Buffington for damages to party bus rented by defendant, after a night of heavy drinking.    Defendant is only 20 years-old, not old enough to legally drink.  Defendant and his mother also demanded that a party goer needed to be  ejected from the bus about midnight.  

Defendant claims the out-of-control guest brought her own alcohol.   Drunk guest was underage, girl was a friend of a friend, but she was invited by the defendant, and she was ejected from the bus at 2:30 a.m., and left to walk home.   Defendant mother sees nothing wrong with that.  Defendant claims everyone but him was over 21.  

Bus driver says drunk girl threw a bottle on the bus, at the direction of defendant mother told driver to eject the girl in the street.  Defendant mother Athena Rivera, who was also drinking, sees nothing wrong with throwing the girl off of the bus, far from home, drunk, and with no way to get home. 

Drunk girl left the bus, and witness Travis Negler (bus driver) says she threw a bottle that hit the back window and shattered it.

Plaintiff receives $1,540.   Defendant called stupid, and careless.

Grand Theft Gamers! -Plaintiff Reginald Scott and Daija Logan suing defendant Carlos Lopez want money for a video game console, a PS4.   Plaintiffs paid $420 to get a PS4 from defendant, and claim they never received the system. Defendant says he stayed out all night to get a PS4 for plaintiff, found one, and claims plaintiff never contacted him, and so he finally sold the PS4. 

$420 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Bullhorn Craziness Caught on Tape?!-Plaintiff Francis "Stephen" Hesley suing neighbor for false charges, harassment, and property damages.    Defendant Sheila Blazofsky thinks it's normal to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech by screaming filth at plaintiff with a bullhorn.    First incident was defendant was trimming branches on her side of the fence, but trimmings were falling on plaintiff's side of the fence. 

 Plaintiff talked to defendant about picking up the trimmings, and defendant responded with a lot of profanity.   JJ calling them twigs is mean.    This garbage has been going on since 2014.   In 2015 (after defendant's sad story of being ill for years, after being hit by a drunk driver).     After the profane tirade the plaintiff called the police about garbage on plaintiff's yard, and the profanity.   Nothing happened with the police in 2014. 

Plaintiff claims piles of debris are left in his yard by defendant.  Trash piles were larger branches, flip flops, wood, soccer ball.  Video of defendant screaming at plaintiff from the sidewalk with her bullhorn.      Defendant has a filthy mouth.  Police again did nothing, but in many jurisdictions screaming profanity is arrest offense.     (I would not be surprised to find out defendant ends up filing often against others, aka a vexatious litigant). 

Plaintiff is laughing, and trying to act like she's crying.    Then Officer Byrd plays the video of defendant's tirade against plaintiff, with a bull horn. 

Defendant complained about plaintiff to newspapers, mayor, city attorney, and anyone else who couldn't escape her.  JJ is wrong, the defendant dumping stuff in plaintiff's yard is ridiculous, and inexcusable.    (Plaintiff should sell if he wants to have peace, but expect any future buyer to sue him for non-disclosure of the defendant, and her actions).  Plaintiff should have the right to the peaceful enjoyment of property he pays for.   

Cases dismissed.   (This show is dated 2017, so this has been going on for over 3 years, and I'm sure since 2017 it's still happening). 

Sublet Sorrow-  Plaintiff Tannyr Lamica (woman) suing defendant Charly Cadet for unpaid rent on a subleased apartment.    Defendant was leasing a condo, right after he signed the lease, he wanted to move, and found the plaintiff to rent it from August through May, with three more months remaining on the lease.   

Plaintiff said she would take over lease from August through May, and defendant said he would pay the lease in May, June, and July.   However, Charly didn't pay for his last three month the way he promised to.     Defendant wasn't getting an awards letter, and couldn't stay in student housing.

$1233 to plaintiff. 

Second (2017)-

Cousin Helping Cousin Catastrophe-Plaintiff/cousin Erica Vasquez moved in with defendant/cousin Ronnie Martinez. and is demanding her furniture back.   Plaintiff moved into cousin's place with her furniture, and she claims defendant won't give it back.  She claims she left a domestic violence situation.   Plaintiff suing for stealing her belongings, and filing a false police report against her. 

Cousin's witness (his girlfriend) says plaintiff didn't move in before her furniture was moved in. 

 Defendant says plaintiff moved a lot more furniture into his house than he agreed to.  Plaintiff moved in items from her storage unit, into the plaintiff's empty apartment.     Plaintiff wants bed, and couch back, car parts and rims, and defendant claims plaintiff gave him the couch.  Car parts are for remote controlled cars.    

Defendant says plaintiff moved her furniture in, and never slept there.  

Defendant says plaintiff never moved in, she just put her furniture in an empty apartment he either owned, or rented.   Plaintiff has five days to pick up bed and couch from defendant with a marshal's help.    

Plaintiff doesn't want her bed back, and wants the money instead, and she's not getting that.   

Plaintiff will get her couch back if she retrieves it in five days.   Restraining order case thrown out.  

Don't Run Away if You Did Nothing Wrong-Plaintiff /car owner Veronica Castillo (her daughter was driving) suing defendants/ car owner Berniceka Ellis, and driver Christopher Owens, over an automobile accident.   Plaintiff's daughter was driving, plaintiff's car.   Defendant's friend was driving defendant's car, and he fled the scene after the accident.   

Defendant driver says he went to get help, because he had no cell phone, and he was distraught.    Plus, he forgot his cell phone at home (no one in the audience with a cell phone, left it at home today, after JJ asks.   I'm not that cell phone dependent, but a month or so ago I went to the store without my phone, and felt lost).   Defendant was over a mile away when he contacted the car owner/defendant.  

Car owner defendant claims insurance company contacted defendant car owner.   However, police report says they contacted the defendant car owner, who claimed to the police that she sold the car to a stranger, and she had no way to contact him.  (Does defendant driver even have a valid license?  His eyes point two different directions, and I wonder if he can even focus). 

Defendant driver claims plaintiff ran a stop sign, but if that happened, plaintiff daughter/driver should have been cited by police.     Why would driver flee if it wasn't his fault?    Defendant car owner still has the title to the car.   Defendant car owner claims she was going to meet defendant, and exchange money, and the title.   Defendant used to date the defendant driver.

Plaintiff driver claims she stopped at stop sign, but plaintiff says defendant driver was driving at 9:30 p.m. with his headlights off.  Defendant driver hit the plaintiff car, knocked her off the road, and into someone's yard.    Then, when plaintiff driver and passenger went to check on other driver, he fled the scene at high speed.    Defendant driver was never contacted by police, because defendant car owner lied to them.   If the man stole her car, then why didn't she file a police report?   Defendants are such liars.    Defendant car owner used to date defendant driver, so her stories to police were a lie.

JJ doesn't believe plaintiff didn't run the stop sign.  Defendant claims he had automatic headlights.   Plaintiff car hit the defendant's passenger door.   (I hope the police saw this tape, and charged him with leaving the scene of an accident, no insurance, and anything else.   I hope they charged the plaintiff driver with running a stop sign too). 

Case dismissed.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 10/9/2022 at 8:10 PM, DjamillasMan said:

. Gina is wearing a tasteful Hillary Clinton-esque pantsuit. 

surely an oxymoron!

Seriusly, I am challenged when it comes to doing things like typing,etc., so I Really appreciate everyone''s recaps and wry comments!

eta:  I've been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks w/o access to JJ and have something like 43 episodes to catch up on.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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11 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

eta:  I've been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks w/o access to JJ and have something like 43 episodes to catch up on.

Gosh I hope you are well soon!!   I've been out of pocket also.  Broke my foot and it's been not fun at all.

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14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Defendant Sheila Blazofsky thinks it's normal to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech by screaming filth at plaintiff with a bullhorn.   

I did love JJ's description "crazy lady . . . stay away from her."   I agree most likely the feud is still going on.

14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Defendant wasn't getting an awards letter, and couldn't stay in student housing.

Surprised JJ didn't say "You should have studied harder."

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Speeding Motorcyclist Crash! -Plaintiff /car driver Ariel Mellick suing defendant/motorcyclist Joshua Filmer for damages when his motorcycle hit her car, for $2809.    Plaintiff was making a left turn, pulled out in front of motorcyclist going straight, when he hit plaintiff’s car.   Plaintiff claims it was motorcyclist fault, but he had right-of-way.    Defendant is counter claiming for $5,000.     Defendant admits he was going over the speed limit, and couldn’t stop in time to avoid the accident.   Both litigants’ insurance companies refused to cover the damages, claiming their driver or rider was not at fault.    

The plaintiff was going east, turning left from the turn lane without a traffic circle.   Defendant was going west, and going straight.     Plaintiff’s witness is plaintiff’s passenger on the day of the accident.  

This was about 9 p.m. at night, so everyone had headlights on, so how did plaintiff not see the oncoming cars, and motorcycle?   Defendant has photos of both vehicles.  

I think there is no reason plaintiff turned in front of the defendant, defendant had right-of-way, so I think JJ should have paid the defendant’s claim.

Defendant case dismissed, speeding is a no-no.   

Plaintiff gets half of her damages, $1400.    I wouldn’t have given her a penny.      

Incriminating Photos -Plaintiff/former landlord Jody Johnson suing defendant/former tenant Amy Sankey and (boyfriend) James Vinson for damages to the house.  Sankey lived with her daughter, then daughter moved out when boyfriend Vinson moved in.     Former tenants deny trashing the rental, but photos show a lot of trash.  

Defendant Sankey didn’t pay last months rent.   Rent was $895, and security was $1500, defendants didn’t pay for two months rent, so they owe $1800, so a short fall of $300 to landlady.   Landlady also claims damages to the rental.

(This is the case where JJ answered a letter from a prospective law student saying she’s not good at math, and do you need to be good at math for law school?    JJ’s answer is she’s also bad at math, but you just need a good sidekick.   Officer Byrd enjoys that.)

Landlady/plaintiff shows before and after photos of the apartment.   Before pictures are lovely.   After pictures show broken windows, holes in wall, basement shows cigarette butts (smoking was only allowed outside), tons of trash in the house, and defendant claim nothing was inside the house.   So, I guess the garbage fairy dropped off a load of trash, broke windows, made huge holes in the wall, and tossed cigarette butts in the basement?  

Defendants claim rental house was clean when they left, and photos are faked.   They also claim no one contacted them for two months after they moved out.     I suspect some junk left behind was dumped in the garage.   

One of the few just verdicts for landlords by JJ.  

$5,000 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Ugly Split/Smashed Truck -Plaintiff/soon-to-be ex-husband of defendant, Cody Lowry suing defendant/soon-to-be ex-wife Brigitte Lowry for smashing his truck windows, and truck lights.    Divorce got worse when plaintiff Cody was found to be cohabiting with defendant’s sister.    After defendant and her three kids moved out, (one kid with Cody) she claims he trashed her truck.   It took plaintiff nine months to file for the truck damages.   

First assault by defendant resulted in a guilty plea, and conviction.    Second assault was an Alford plea, with 3-year probation sentence for plaintiff. The second assault was after plaintiff was asked by defendant to come to the former family home to do yard work.   Home is owned by plaintiff, and plaintiff agreed to let the ex-wife and kids to stay in the house, which he owns.   Plaintiff claims the second assault was by defendant on him, and claims she hit him with a glass coffee pot.   Plaintiff says he had seven charges against him, so doing the Alford plea was a way to get everything to go away. 

Plaintiff claims the defendant asked him to come to the house, but defendant claims she didn’t call him.  JJ believes the defendant this time.

Plaintiff witness is the defendant’s sister, who is shacking up with plaintiff, and sister throws defendant under the bus, and runs over her a few more times.   Chanel White, defendant’s sister, and plaintiff’s girlfriend, claims the defendant told her she did the truck damages, and claims her sister uses drugs, is mean, abusive, etc. 

JJ doesn’t believe the testimony of plaintiff’s witnesses.  Defendant says her sister is a liar, has drug charges pending, stole from their parents. But plaintiff has a text message from defendant the night before the truck was vandalized.

Plaintiff receives $2,100 for truck damages.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Dogsitting Disaster!-(or according to my spell check Dog Sitting Disaster!)- Plaintiff Cheryl Wilhite  suing for vet bills, lost wages, and punitive damages, $5,000.   Plaintiff suing defendant, Beatrice Stigen. who was dog sitting for her four dogs. Plaintiff wanted the defendant to come to her apartment, and take care of the dogs there, but instead the defendant took the dogs to her house, and turned them out with her own dogs.  

 However, defendant took the four dogs to her house, and one dog got out (twice), and another dog was attacked by defendant's dog (dog later died of injuries from defendant's dog).    Defendant claims she didn't like how the dogs were kept, and didn't want to stay at plaintiff's apartment, with twice a day visits.    Defendant is counter suing for harassment. 

Defendant claims plaintiff agreed to let defendant take the dogs to her home.    Plaintiff claims defendant and adult daughter agreed to visit twice a day to take care of the dogs.    Photo of dogs was on plaintiff's phone, and was dropped and destroyed.   Defendant's phone also croaked in a recent flood.   This all happened in 2015, and plaintiff took a couple of years to sue.   Defendant says plaintiff's injured dog also hurt defendant's dog. 

 Plaintiff saw a photo of her four dogs at defendant's house, but never demanded that her dogs be taken back to plaintiff's apartment/house, or interrupted her vacation and returned home early.    If plaintiff wasn't cheap, then her dogs would have been safe at a boarding kennel.    (Hunky Officer Byrd has to tell both litigants to shut it.   Both litigants need their filthy mouths washed out with soap too).

Vet bills for plaintiff are dismissed, no evidence of date, and whole case sounds rotten.

Cases dismissed. 

Surprise! We're Squatters?! -Plaintiffs Myna Okoro, and roommate, Phillip Carter, are suing former landlord Mark Kimbrough for illegal eviction, and damages.     Defendant landlord (rental house) wants unpaid rent, damages, lock changing fees, and harassment.   Rent was $525 a month, and security was supposed to be $125, but defendant says security was never paid, and plaintiff claims he paid $1,000 security, but has no proof.     

Then when some work was being done at rental house, plaintiffs claim that defendant told them they could stay in another house for two weeks, but stayed three weeks.   Defendant claims he had access to the lockboxes because he's some kind of property manager. 

However, actual home owner showed up at her house, discovered plaintiffs squatting in her house, called the police, and plaintiffs were removed.    Defendant had access to the lock box at the second house, he's apparently some kind of property manager. (Actual home owner is lucky, in some states squatters won’t be removed).

Plaintiffs went to a hotel until they found another place to rent.   They didn't pay May or June.  Plaintiffs claim they lost their jobs, bank account overdrawn, and other junk.

There was never a written lease for the house. Defendant has no proof of POA for owner, or other documents.   Defendant was actually renting the house, and sublet to plaintiffs (I'm guessing illegally). 

Case dismissed. 

Second (2017)-

Puppy Mill Advocacy Gone Wrong-Plaintiff photographer Jeri Larrow is suing defendants Amy Mahalko and mother Kathy Mahalko  for posting photos of defendant’s son without photographer’s permission.   Plaintiff did a photo shoot of defendant's grandson for free, so she could use the photos for promoting her photography business.  Then, defendant Amy Mahalko, had a cow over the fact that plaintiff did exactly what she said she would with the photo.    

 Then, defendant used the photos (copyright is the photographer/plaintiff's) herself for some anti-puppy mill campaign, with the photographer's logo on it, so people can assume that photographer is in line with the advocacy the grandmother put on it.    Then, grandmother posted the same advocacy statement, and picture without the logo on her own Facebook page. 

Defendant daughter claims that she never received any free photos, in return for the photo shoot. (On a rotten personal note, grandmother and daughter are both butt ugly, inside and out.   Also, daughter's dress had big purple beads on the neck and chest, and that's hideous too.  Grandmother has a bunch of beads too, how tacky.  Apparently love of dark purple everything is a family trait in defendant's family).   Daughter of defendant had a previous paid, family photo shoot with the photographer.  

At the time of the court case, the photo without the logo/watermark, and advocacy statement is still up all over the internet.  

Grandmother made a big boo-boo trying to school JJ on Illinois law on photography.   

Also, since the photos are all over the internet with the advocacy statement, then plaintiff can't use them for her business.  As JJ points out, the defendant daughter probably planned the photo theft all along.  The alterations the defendant made to the photo rendered it useless for the promotion.   

Defendants ridiculous counter claim is dismissed. 

Plaintiff receives $500 for defendants' transgressions, and $30 for the session. 

Then, the hall-terview is hysterically bizarre.   The defendant mother and grandmother say that not having the photos available will kill defendant's son, and grandson, who is autistic.   This is, because he won't be able to see the photographer, and grandson gets attached to people.   The hall-terview was the best part of the case. 

$530 to plaintiff.  

Say No to the Dress...and the Married Man-Plaintiff Jessica Rogers suing her former fiance/defendant Glenn LaCourse, for the cost of a wedding dress, and a bounced check for $750.  He gave her a check, and it bounced.     I don’t see the charm of defendant.  

By the way, plaintiff is a SSMOF (Sainted Single Mother of Five), and her intended Prince Charming is still married to someone else.    Plaintiff is still making payments on her wedding dress, and what a desperate fool she is.   Plaintiff made loans to married defendant/fiance, and the one check defendant gave plaintiff bounced.  The check from defendant is one of those phony internet scam checks. 

JJ tells fool plaintiff to stop paying for wedding dress, because defendant is still married (by the way, no refunds on wedding dresses).    Defendant's check is an internet check, from someone he doesn't know, and he claims plaintiff volunteered to cash it.   (Nasty personal question, does defendant have any teeth?   I don't think so).     Also, defendant claims plaintiff would visit him without an invitation.   

The ridiculous sobs from plaintiff over her lost loser married boyfriend are ridiculous.   (If I am ever this stupid and desperate, I expect one of you to come to my home, and slap some sense back into me)

$750 to plaintiff for the bounced check, and everything else dismissed.   (I've had it with the desperate people who throw money at some loser.   I wouldn't have given plaintiff a penny.)

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Then, the hall-terview is hysterically bizarre.   The defendant mother and grandmother say that not having the photos available will kill defendant's son, and grandson, who is autistic.   This is, because he won't be able to see the photographer, and grandson gets attached to people.   The hall-terview was the best part of the case. 

Anyone remember the case of the plaintiff who sued to get all her money back for the English saddle she bought?  She was so confident JJ was going to give her a full refund.  That is one of my favorite cases along with this stolen photo case.  The defendants here (photo case) were just so certain JJ was going to rule in their favor (same as plaintiff in saddle case).   Loved it when JJ said "then go back to Illinois."

And to drag her poor son into this using the handicapped card.  Plaintiff should have gotten $5,000.

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(Another favorite case of mine is the plaintiff who wanted to return a horse, and the defendant/seller was doing it on payments, for $100 a month I think, and the total purchase price was $1000.    Defendant said it was on payments, and plaintiff said horrible things about defendant, and her horse care.    When JJ gave the defendant her money, plaintiff was stunned, and had a meltdown in the hall-terview, sitting on the wooden hall bench of losers.)

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Assault or Self-Inflicted Injuries? -Plaintiff Kelicia Pitts suing defendant/ex boyfriend Darnell Monts for an assault, and false arrest.   Plaintiff claims she was arrested because defendant lied to police, and wants bail, and loss of tuition because she had to drop out of school.   (This happened in Pennsylvania)

Plaintiff claims boyfriend attacked her, and she ran naked from the apartment to escape him.  Boyfriend says he had stitches and staples in his head after she attacked an hit him.     Plaintiff claims boyfriend stole her camera when he left, but he denies knowing where her camera is.   

They went to plaintiff's apartment, started arguing, plaintiff claims defendant was jealous of her talking to another man at an event for her school they had just attended.   Plaintiff claims defendant grabbed her, shook her, pushed her, shoved her, and she tried to escape him.   Plaintiff claims defendant was chasing her, so she ran out of her apartment, into the hall naked, and needed a cell phone to call police.   

Ran to neighbor's apartment naked, to borrow neighbor's cell phone.       Plaintiff claims neighbor wouldn't let her in, gave her a cell phone, and she went back to the apartment with the phone.   Plaintiff claims she left the apartment naked, in fear for her life, but went back there anyway.   She went into her apartment, threw defendant's shoes out the window, to get defendant to leave (no, makes no sense to me either).    So plaintiff calls 911, puts on something to cover herself, claims the assault continued.  (So, someone gives her a cell phone, but doesn't throw her a blanket or something to cover herself?  Garbage). 

Plaintiff claims he damaged her computer, but defendant's paying for it already.    Defendant left the apartment.   Plaintiff claims police did nothing, didn't take a report, and claims they didn't come upstairs and talk to plaintiff.    Plaintiff says defendant lied to police, claiming she was the aggressor.   

Defendant claims she attacked him, cutting his head, and hand, and he never assaulted her.  Plaintiff claims Darnell tossed the computer through the window, and used a piece of glass to cut himself, and when police came back again, they saw the blood on defendant, and arrested plaintiff. 

Defendant claims argument was about another woman he had dated for an extremely short time, and after that plaintiff attacked him.   Defendant says plaintiff attacked him, and he grabbed her hands to stop her from hitting him, and then she opened the window tossed his clothes and shoes outside (apartment was on the fourth floor).   Then plaintiff hit him, he thinks with a metal ruler, and that's when he started bleeding.   The injuries are in the medical report, but plaintiff has the police report. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

(I remember this case.    I've never typed the work 'Naked' so many times in my entire life, as I did in this case.  No way in hell would someone look out their front door, and find a naked person there, and not give them a blanket or towel, and call the police for them).  

Second (2014)-

Never Read Your Boyfriend’s Texts -Plaintiff Rafael Alvarado suing defendant Toni Hall (his girlfriend’s aunt) for vandalizing his car, $3400. Plaintiff and his girlfriend have a child together. 

The litigants, girlfriend and others were at a party at girlfriend’s house, everyone was drinking, and plaintiff popped the bottom of the bottle girlfriend was drinking from, and it hit girlfriend’s teeth.

 Girlfriend read plaintiff’s phone texts, saw they were to other women, and went ballistic.    Defendant aunt says that her niece was angry about the texts, and wanted someone to vandalize plaintiff’s car.   When plaintiff was picked up by his father at the party, car was left behind.   

Plaintiff witness is the girlfriend, Vicki Probus.    Another plaintiff witness, Mr. Gibbs, says he was awakened by girlfriend’s mother, went out to look at the car.   

Defendant testifies, says plaintiff had the wrong keys, and plaintiff’s cell phone, and on the way to take phone to plaintiff, girlfriend read the sexting with other women.      Defendant blames the girlfriend for the car damages.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Bitter Roommate Battle -Plaintiff Cassandra Soto suing defendant/former roommate Ashley Youngquist for unpaid rent, and defamation of character $5,000.   Plaintiff and brother leased apartment with defendant, then the brother was incarcerated, for a parole violation, on a drug charge.  

Defendant moved out, and plaintiff wants defendant to pay the rest of the lease period.  Defendant says she would come home to big parties at the apartment, people sleeping in her bed, defendant was locked out of her own room.   Defendant was working full time, and taking one or two college classes.

Plaintiff claims defendant never complained about the parties, strangers, etc., and moved out without notice.   Defendant pre-paid rent for three months, and moved out after two months.    Plaintiff is still in the apartment, with brother until he was incarcerated again.    JJ reminds plaintiff she should have advertised for another roommate.   

Plaintiff also isn't suing brother for not paying rent either. 

Defendant isn't getting security deposit back either, but she's fine with that. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Child Abuse Allegations and Assault?  -Plaintiff Melissa Washington, suing soon to be ex sister-in-law Assiria Washington for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering after an assault.    Plaintiff has two children (Ages 2 and 3) with husband, and they are divorcing.    Plaintiff and husband (Jared Washington) are supposed to swap weekends, but that doesn't happen too often.   Ex-SIL Assiria Washington, says plaintiff was trespassing, and assaulted her first.   This wasn't the first custody exchange at defendant's home.      Defendant says she tried to press trespass charges before this occasion, two months before, and owners of house say they told plaintiff to stay off of their property (house owned by defendant's uncle).   Former husband has a DUI, and doesn't drive.    

By now ex-SIL keeps shaking her head no, and it's very irritating.   Defendant husband, his father, SIL, and a few more relatives live in the home where this all happened. 

Trespass claim thrown out.    Plaintiff pulled up in front of house, and uncle (home owner), opened door, and plaintiff mentioned one kid (Apollo) had a scab on knee.    When plaintiff came on Sunday morning to pick up both children at ex's family home, at the usual time.   Jared, the ex-husband, asked what happened to the baby's knee, answered as day care by plaintiff.    Uncle let plaintiff in, and when plaintiff saw more scratches on the 2-year-old's legs, plaintiff asked what happened to the youngest.      Defendant ex said he would talk to plaintiff later, and discuss it calmly and privately, plaintiff refused to stop yelling.    Plaintiff followed ex-husband, his mother, SIL, outside to their car, with plaintiff with two kids with her.   Both parents were acting badly in front of little children.    Plaintiff was yelling at everyone, including her former mother-in-law.   

Plaintiff took youngest child to ER that day, not admitted, or anything but antibiotic ointment.    (My guess, plaintiff is trying to get visitation cancelled with ex-husband, but wanted to keep child support coming in).

Continued on another episode. tomorrow afternoon.  

Second (2017)-

Spiteful Grandpa?   -Plaintiff John Kostich is suing his son's girlfriend/defendant Linda Ramirez , for unpaid loan to pay vet bills for son's dog, and unauthorized credit card charges.    Defendant, Linda Ramirez, and boyfriend, John Kostich, Jr  have been a couple for five years.     Son has daughter, and some charges are supposed to be for child.   Granddaughter is living with grandfather/plaintiff, but she didn't see her father (defense witness) for the last year.    Plaintiff says son called, and for a vet bill for his dog would cost almost $600, and so plaintiff signed application for care credit, and the bill was charged to Care Credit card.    

Defendant gets $3500 a month for alimony, but not child support (4 grown kids), and alimony stops when she remarries the defendant witness.  She claims she's marrying the fiance in September, I wonder if she did?  I guess that's why the five-year engagement.   I can't imagine someone getting endless years of alimony, it simply doesn't happen that way these days.   

Defendant woman claims the credit payment was a gift, not a loan.   Defendant woman claims fiance/plaintiff's son used father's credit card Care Credit to charge at the pharmacy for a lot of items.    Son admits to using the card, not his fiance.    Recliner cost $399 plus tax, and vet bill was $242, plus various charges by son (plaintiff's not able to sue defendant woman for boyfriend's charges).    Care Credit card was maxed out by January for vet bill, and charges by defendant fiance, John Kostich Jr.  Son/defendant seems to think credit card charges aren't real money.  Father will need to sue son for son's charges on the card. 

$242 to plaintiff for vet bill.  

Timber!  Healthy Tree Takedown!-Plaintiff Mark Limon suing neighbor Michael Kagan for damaging his fence and storage shed when neighbor chopped down a tree.  Defendant chopped down tree at his rental property, next to plaintiff's rental property.   Both litigants have owned their respective properties for about 20 years, and defendant has never lived in the house.    Plaintiff rented his property out after this happened, so now both houses are just investment/rental properties.    

Defendant hired tree removal company.  Tree roots were causing a problem according to defendant.     Plaintiff says he never complained about the tree, and says tree was healthy.   Defendant hired some woman who had a handywoman service, and they took the tree down, nailing the fence and metal shed.   

Plaintiff says defendant claimed he could pay for fence, but didn't pay.    Defendant claims he had fence repaired months ago, but plaintiff says it was a minimal patch job.      Then plaintiff put up new fence to replace patched, damaged fence.   There are no photos of the repaired fence, before plaintiff paid to have fence replaced.   

Shed looks very old and rusty, fence was probably about 20 years old, and falling apart.  However, that doesn't give defendant right to smash them to hell either.   As JJ said, the defendant is just lucky that no one was killed or injured taking the tree down.  

Case dismissed.  

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Wheelchair Runs Over Caregiver? -Plaintiff /health care aide Obinna “Obi” Onyeagucha for 20 hours a week.  suing defendant /patient Frank Curran for assault with the wheelchair running over plaintiff’s foot, and non-payment of his well-documented hours.     The job was advertised through craigslist.  Plaintiff says defendant refused to sign the time sheets.     Plaintiff only worked 20 hours a week, so there were others who worked, because the defendant needed almost round the clock care. Plaintiff says 275 hours at $11.50 an hour.   Plaintiff worked for 3 ½ months as a caregiver. Plaintiff is claiming for $3,025. (This happened in Antioch, CA).

(I love the plaintiff’s matching tie and pocket square).   Plaintiff claims he wasn’t being paid, and defendant verbally, and physically abused him. 

Defendant’s counter claim is that plaintiff has video of stolen food by plaintiff.   Defendant claims a $75 loan, and money for food and gas.

JJ points out the other care, up to 20 hours a day, and many of the other caretakers are relatives of defendant (nephew, uncle, and nieces), and were paid.   JJ suspects the defendant did sign the time sheets for another relative.

Assault is defendant rolled over plaintiff’s foot, and broke it.   Plaintiff had his foot in a cast after the assault.   

$3025 for wages, and assault $1,975, a total of $5,000.

Broke Down Dating! -Plaintiff Larry Pierce suing defendant/ David Coakley his daughter’s ex-boyfriend, for the balance of a loan to get defendant’s car fixed, $2347.    After daughter of plaintiff broke up with defendant, he made one more payment and stopped paying.  (this happened in Ludlow, MA).

The breakup was three months after the car repair. Plaintiff says defendant made two payments of $300, defendant claims he paid $900 to plaintiff.

Plaintiff receives $2200.

Second (2014)-

(The nurse abuse case gives me nightmares, I remember it very well).

Nurse Accused of Abuse -Plaintiff/ nurse Candice Sims suing defendant/ Syrita Moore for lying about plaintiff, getting her fired, and defamed her. Defendant claims plaintiff  assaulted her mother. 

Defendant says she saw her mother being straddled in bed by the nurse, who was attempting to start an IV, this was the fourth attempt by draw blood out of the mother’s neck.  This was the fourth attempt to insert an IV, defendant mother was having migraines, and seizing.    Mother had a private room, with the door shut, and the bed curtains drawn, saw the plaintiff straddling her mother, and stabbing her in the neck.   Defendant told plaintiff to stop, and get off her mother, defendant contacted another nurse, had the police called. 

Plaintiff says she tried an arm vein, back of mother’s hand, right forearm, and this was the fourth attempt by plaintiff.   Then, another nurse tried, and successfully started the IV after the first time, and not in the patient's neck.

JJ says two attempts before calling another nurse was enough.    Sims left the job eventually that day, and she never came back to the hospital.     Hospital suspended her without pay.  

Defendant’s mother testifies, Sharon Grady, says her hemoplegic migraines take away her speech, and couldn’t get plaintiff to stop.     Mother’s testimony is the same as her daughter.    I believe everything mother and daughter defendants say. 

Sims submits the Board of Nursing decision (in Texas) to JJ.  Plaintiff claims the statements are inconsistent to the Nursing Board, but they are the same. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.    (I would have given the defendant mother $5,000.) (Unfortunately, plaintiff is a travel nurse in the Houston area. I believe everything the defendants said.  )

Foster Child at Fault -Plaintiff/John Vasquez  suing defendant/ his former foster child Evelady Corona for car damages.   Defendant is engaged to plaintiff’s stepson.  Plaintiff let defendant drive his car, she rear ended another car, but defendant claims it wasn’t her fault.   Defendant claims the other driver was at fault.  

Case against other driver by defendant was dropped after plaintiff filed it, and plaintiff wasn't in court.     Defendant says the other car slammed on their brakes, and caused the accident.   Plaintiff claims the defendant never notified him to show in court, but she did. 

Plaintiff case dismissed, plaintiff told to sue the other driver. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

This case is part two of yesterday’s case, so I'm pasting that part first.

 (Child Abuse Allegations and Assault? -  Plaintiff Melissa Washington) suing sister-in-law for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering after an assault.    Plaintiff has two children (Ages 2 and 3) with husband, and they are divorcing.    Plaintiff and husband (Jared Washington) are supposed to swap weekends, but that doesn't happen too often.   SIL says plaintiff was trespassing, and assaulted her first (Assiria Washington).   This wasn't the first custody exchange at defendant's home.      Defendant says she tried to press trespass charges before this occasion, two months before, however, owners of house say they told plaintiff to stay off of their property.   Former husband has a DUI, and doesn't drive.    

Trespass claim thrown out.    Plaintiff pulled up in front of house, and uncle (home owner), opened door, and plaintiff mentioned one kid (Apollo) had a scab on knee.    When plaintiff came on Sunday morning to pick up both children at ex's family home, at the usual time.   Jared, ex-husband asked what happened to the baby's knee, answered as day care by plaintiff.    Uncle let plaintiff in, and when plaintiff saw more scratches on the 2-year-old's legs, plaintiff asked what happened to the youngest.      Defendant ex said he would talk to plaintiff later, and discuss it calmly and privately, plaintiff refused to stop yelling.    Plaintiff followed ex-husband, his mother, SIL, outside to their car, with plaintiff with two kids with her.   Both parents were acting badly in front of little children.    Plaintiff was yelling at everyone, including her former mother-in-law.   

Plaintiff took youngest child to ER that day, not admitted, or anything but antibiotic ointment.    (My guess, plaintiff is trying to get visitation cancelled with ex-husband, but keep child support coming in).   Case continued below.

Street Cat Fight in Front of Children?  - (part 2 of this revolting tale of family brawlers, part 1 from yesterday reprinted above)-Plaintiff, a soon to be ex-wife Melissa Washington is suing her soon to be ex-sister-in-law, Assiria Washington for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering after an assault.   Ex-husband Jared Washington, ex SIL, and her family all live at the house where plaintiff came to pick up the 2- and 3-year-olds after weekend visitation.   SIL/defendant claims an assault by plaintiff, and claims plaintiff hit first.   

Defendant/ex-husband says both litigants were yelling insults at each other, and then plaintiff put 2-year-old in the middle of the street, and a neighbor picked up the 2-year-old out of the street (Apollo).     Plaintiff says she was arguing with the SIL/defendant (plaintiff was carrying the 2-year-old, and dragging the 3-year-old along), when SIL and MIL yelled at her, and claims SIL broke plaintiff's nose and busted her lip.   

Plaintiff filed for a protective order, and it's granted for a year, unless SIL requests a hearing, so order was in effect for one year.    Parents do exchanges at McDonalds (good choice, they have cameras).    Plaintiff picture is bad, and defendant has no photos of her injuries.  My conclusion is SIL can really land a punch.     

Plaintiff should have stayed off the defendant's property, and out of their house.   The soon to be exes should have arranged the McDonald's handoffs much sooner.  Defendant says plaintiff dropped the 2-year-old in the street, leaving the 3-year-old alone, and a neighbor picked the little boy out of the street.     JJ disbelieves the SIL/defendant's police report, and defendant claims plaintiff ripped out chunks of hair. 

Bet Officer Byrd, and security guards are on high alert through this, and Officer Byrd has to tell litigants to shut up, and calm down.    

$3700 to plaintiff. (So, JJ rewarded plaintiff for dropping her 2-year-old in the street so she could brawl?)

(A reason so many do exchanges at McDonald’s is that there are security cameras at all times, useful when you apply for the visitation change, or restraining order). 

Young Waitress Dupes Older Man?  - Plaintiff (59 years-old) suing defendant/restaurant server (20 years- old) for an unpaid loan to buy a laptop computer.   Defendant says it was a gift.   Plaintiff was a regular customer at the restaurant, and defendant was a server at a Hooters style restaurant where the servers wear costumes, (lingerie), and she claims they were friendly.    Plaintiff was gullible, but defendant was a predator. 

Defendant says she thinks plaintiff wanted to sleep with her for the computer.    Defendant claims computer was a gift, in return for possible sex.   (Big surprise if she turns out to be an aspiring actress).     Honestly, in my view there is no written contract, and I bet there was no real expectation of repayment for plaintiff.  After computer purchase, defendant dumped customers. 

Computer cost $2300, no payments were made by defendant.  

Plaintiff loses.

Second (2017)-

Slashed Tires and Stolen iPhone?-Plaintiff Dominique Lomax suing defendant/former friend  Stephanie Briggs for stealing her iPhone 7.    Plaintiff was supposed to babysit for defendant in return for the iPhone, she accidentally left her phone at defendant's apartment, the two argued, and defendant refuses to return it.  Defendant claims plaintiff assaulted her, and only a police report was filed, no medical report.      Defendant filed yesterday for a restraining order.    Plaintiff claims she was supposed to baby sit the defendant's kids on three overnight occasions.    Plaintiff was also supposed to accept one package at her place for defendant, but many other pieces of mail come to plaintiff's address for defendant under a variety of names (sounds like a scammer to me).

Defendant claims plaintiff slashed her tires twice, and has no witness to that.

There is a temporary order of protection against plaintiff until a hearing, and JJ has Officer Byrd serve the papers on plaintiff, and JJ explains the rules of the restraining order.   

Everything dismissed. 

Moving Violations Bonanza!-Plaintiff Antonio Willians suing defendant/former friend Alexis Richardson for unpaid car tickets, impound fees, toll fees, towing fees, and one month's car payment.   Plaintiff bought new car, but still had $12,000 remaining on old car (she had car for two years), and defendant took the car over until it was paid off.  However, plaintiff's name was on loan, and registration, and he received proof that defendant racked up over sixteen tickets that plaintiff has proof of.   Defendant claims she only had two parking tickets.    There are red light tickets, parking tickets, several speeding, bus lane parking, expired parking meters, and other violations, adding up to $1900+.      Car was impounded because defendant parked illegally, and plaintiff kept car after he got car out of impound.     JJ tells defendant that it's the equivalent of car rent.    Defendant claims car was going to be discharged in bankruptcy, and she didn't have to keep paying for car, or the tickets.

Plaintiff claims defendant did nothing for the tickets, and he didn't have to pay the other tickets to get the car out of impound in Chicago.   Plaintiff says there were over 30 tickets total on the car, and he paid 14 of them to get car out of impound.    Car loan wasn't discharged in bankruptcy, because plaintiff had bankruptcy application cancelled.   However, plaintiff has to reregister car in a month, and will have to pay the other $1900+ at that time to re-register the car.     

Defendant claims she notified plaintiff of car impound, but plaintiff has texts from defendant that say nothing about the impound.

$2551 to plaintiff. 

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Hey everyone! I had to do one case tonight because I'm about to take the kids Trick-Or-Treating tonight (I'm going as Jason Voorhees). If there are any errors or spelling/grammatical errors, I'll fix them later tonight. So grab your favorite drink and LET'S GOOOOOOO!

Plaintiff: Latisha Davenport from Sacramento, California. Latisha is wearing a floral overshirt, a powder blue undershirt, coupled with a gaudy necklace with a HUMONGOUS pendant on it. She also has on a lovely blue dress. She also has on a tasteful pair of glasses. She is about as stiff and plastic as a piece of disposable silverware. Latisha is a walking stereotype, with her and the defendant, Vernisha, currently battling it out over some bum named Famous who is currently incarnated.  It’s sad that she “loves” Famous and as a 38 year old woman, she should know better. She accuses the defendant of reporting her to CPS over smoking crack cocaine (how fitting), talking shit about her over social media, and stealing her dead baby’s ashes. Latisha drew the line with that and decided to take Vernisha to court. She used her child’s SSI back payment to buy a Mazda 5, and since she loves Famous so much, she let him drive it to give people rides. SPOILER ALERT: Latisha and Famous ended up getting married! Isn’t that sweet?

Defendant: 24 year old Vernisha Nelson from Sacramento, California. Vernisha is wearing something very inappropriate for court (take a shot!). Some sort of spaghetti straps with visible bra straps which looks tacky af. She’s dressed almost like a fat stripper at The Cat West, because her boobies are bouncing all around.  She’s chunky, but she’s content with it, with the slicked back ponytail. Vernisha, also can’t type for shit, as evidenced when Latisha hands JJ a document to prove that Vernisha was bullying her online.  Vernisha has three children with Famous, as she was Famous’ ex-girlfriend before Latisha. Her eldest son plays soccer, so Vernisha knows that he isn’t going to be like Famous. Vernisha’s profession is in/at home care. She was not happy that Latisha supposedly sent her nudes out

The Complaint: Latisha is suing for a false restraining order, false CPS charges, property damages, and harassment

What Does He/She want: Latisha wants $4,000 for damages. 

Countersuit?: Yes. For something. I think for harassment.

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down:  The case begins with JJ asking Latisha what her fiancé’s name is. Latisha answers back that his name is “Famous”. JJ is just as shocked as we all are at hearing such a ridiculous name. JJ turns to Byrd. “Did she say Famous?!” JJ is taken aback and asks if that is really his name. Latisha confirms this. JJ moves past this ridiculous name as she wants to know where Famous is. Latisha explains that Famous is currently incarcerated. When asked, Latisha explains that Famous is currently in the hoosegow for gun charges. This shit can’t write itself. LOL.

We find out that Latisha is 38 years old. Far too old to be fighting with a 24 year old; least of all, over some unemployed bum who got arrested on gun charges, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Latisha admits that she doesn’t work, but goes to “school”. JJ, ever the one to expose people for their silly shit, comes out and states that she’s been to many a school and school alone doesn’t support you (take a shot!). Latisha states that she receives grants for her kids. Wait…what? I want to receive grants for my kids so I can sit back at the house and play “Madden 23” all day and everyday seems like a Saturday. How the hell do I sign up for that?

Latisha admits that it’s been years since she has held a full time job. She claims that she can’t work right now because her baby got killed and her doctors don’t think it’s a good idea that she return to full time employment. Is this the same baby that’s ashes were stolen? I mean, unless she had another baby who unfortunately passed away. If so, that’s tragic and Latisha has some bad luck. But, my question is, how long ago did this baby pass away? Latisha states that she is currently embroiled in a lawsuit over medical malpractice. Get your coins, baby girl.

God, this is beginning to sound like a Judge Mathis case. Take three shots for that.

We learn that Famous has three children with Vernisha. Famous gets around, apparently. He isn’t Famous for nothing (take a shot for my corny joke).

JJ asks Vernisha (I keep thinking of nail polish when I hear her name) when the last time she and Famous lived together. Vernisha states that they lived together in March of 2016, and that is when she had the second child. Famous must have done something else to get him locked up, because he went to jail 4 days before Vernisha had said child. Ostensibly, he got out of jail and had the third child. Prior to him going to jail, Famous lived with Latisha. JJ asks what Famous’ occupation is. Latisha explains that Famous wasn’t working at all during the time. Jeez, this guy is a bum. He just sits around the house, knocking up women, hanging out with other women, getting caught with guns he shouldn’t have. This IS a Judge Mathis case (finish your drink, refill it, and come back. I’ll wait for you).

She claims that Famous was running errands in her Mazda 5, giving people rides for cash, and various and sundry. I get it, it’s hard out here (and was hard before), but really? I think he could have worked for a construction company and got far more money. I am not an ex-con, so I don’t know who will hire me with the extensive criminal background that Famous has, but come on. Doordash, Uber, UberEats, Lyft. Latisha also admits that she used her child’s SSI money to buy a fresh Mazda 5, a car that Famous rides around in “giving people rides”.

I hate to say it, but all three (Famous, coupled with the two litigants in court today) check all the boxes of “Black Stereotypes”. It’s a shame that that’s a thing, but it is. It really involves these following things: living off of taxpayers, baby daddy/baby momma drama, fighting over an ex-con, living hood rich, speaking reckless, entitled, drama over social media, misappropriation of government funds, eating fried chicken, etc. I mean, being a Black man myself, I get that there are some of us like that out there, but a lot of us are lawyers, entrepreneurs, doctors, nurses, judges, servicemen /servicewomen, electricians. Some of us don’t have a criminal record. I’ll get off my Judge Mathis soapbox, but I never thought I’d review an episode of JJ where everyone checks off every goddamn box laid out in the stereotype playbook. It’s just wild to see that Latisha and Vernisha are so comfortable with just being stupid af. Then again, I just negated my entire point, as they are both stupid, regardless of race. I’ve always been the type that judges off of character, not by race.  

Anyway, my Judge Mathis soapbox moment over (and take a shot for me trying to act like Judge Mathis), we know that Latisha hasn’t worked in 5 years. Smh. Famous has been incarnated since February 7th, 2017. On a gun charge. Famous must be really famous with the inmates, I bet. JJ has Latisha admit that this was not Famous’ first arrest.

JJ cuts to the crux of the case; that both women are saying that one of them is making their lives a living hell over Famous. From what I’ve heard about Famous, he seems like a real fuckin prize.

JJ even states this; that the two are behaving like children, fighting over a guy who is locked up and continues to be locked up. JJ makes Latisha pick the top three complaints that she has against Vernisha.

Latisha begins her real testimony, stating that Vernisha called CPS to her house (take a shot when CPS is called!), saying that Famous was messing around with one of her children and that she was smoking crack (take a shot!). Wow. Latisha had to go to the CPS office to take a drug test. Yeah, I know Vernisha did that (even though she denies it), but Latisha can’t prove it, because CPS will never tell the accused who actually made the report. So Latisha is down one point on that. JJ quickly moves on.

The next thing that Ms. Davenport (now Mrs. Kirk, I will post that on the bottom of this review) wants to bring up is the fact that Vernisha was “talking bad” about her on social media. JJ counters to say that that is unfortunately the current climate of social media (which is true). Latisha hands the paper to Byrd. Byrd then hands it to JJ, and JJ makes this weird ass face while looking at the document, almost like she’s about to have a stroke LOL.

The document itself, is horrendous. It looks like a first grader typed it up. You have Vernisha talking shit about her “BD”, which I can only assume means “baby daddy”, something about “hacking” (you don’t hack anything if you either already know the password, or you guess the password. That’s not hacking, dumb shit), and something about some “piks” being sent. Vernisha looks so stupid writing that. I will attach a SC of the document to this review. Good golly, Mrs. Molly, the fucking document just looks like someone just learned English and was having an aneurysm at the same time.  Vernisha appears, at least to me, to be a native English speaker. She also doesn’t look like a fuckin third grader who just had a goddamn stroke. 

JJ confronts Vernisha about the document, asking what sort of work she does. Vernisha explains that she does in/at home care. JJ explains that she wouldn’t let anyone who creates this sort of filth to be allowed to take care of elderly people. JJ chews Vernisha out, stating that she has three children and that should make her less of a moron (take a shot!). Vernisha is not listening, but just doing the “bobblehead” (take a shot!). This is when we learn that Vernisha’s eldest son plays soccer, so he won’t be like Famous. Why? Because Famous doesn’t have hand/eye coordination or something? Because Famous has a cleft foot? I don’t get that logic. So because he plays sports he is incapable of doing something criminal? Let me get out my Ouija Board so I can relay that to Aaron Hernandez. Actually, let me find OJ Simpson’s Twitter.

JJ continues to go in on Vernisha. JJ asks Vernisha why she was sending such nasty, vicious things to Latisha. Vernisha admits that she did, indeed, post that, however it was because Latisha was posting nude pictures of her “way before I started doing what I was doing!” These two deserve each other. They are just so fucked up.

As Vernisha is explaining this, Latisha is giving Vernisha the “stank eye” through her ‘80s glasses. LOL. It’s kinda funny, actually.

Vernisha claims that Latisha “hacked” Famous’ Facebook to send these said nude photos of her. Okay, Vernish, you can’t “hack” something if you already know the password or you can guess the password. That’s not what hacking is. Hacking is when you have to break code in order to get into something. Knowing the password/guessing the password to a Facebook account is not hacking. Hacking would be if you straight up datamined Facebook Marketplace (does that even still exist? I don’t use Facebook anymore, so it may have went away), looking for credit card numbers. Breaching firewalls and legitimately testing security of a website is totally different than just knowing someone’s password or correctly guessing it. Silly ass girl.

Latisha says that Vernisha is lying. Well, I think both of them are lying, but it is what it is. Latisha claims she has a police report that stated that Vernisha was hacking into something. I couldn’t hear because JJ interrupts her, stating that she has to pay careful attention to her. JJ asks if Latisha sent the nude pics out there on cyberspace. Latisha adamantly denies this. JJ then turns to Vernisha and asks if she can prove to her if  Latisha did send out the nude pics to the interwebs. Vernisha admits that she can’t prove Latisha’s transgression. JJ moves on.

So far, Latisha is batting a 1-2 and I don’t like these odds.

Latisha apologies to JJ that she is so “discombobulated” (take a shot!) as she stands over all of her papers, her phone in hand. JJ states “Not discombobulated, just show me what I need to see…” (take a shot!). Latisha states that Vernisha states that Vernisha sent a text to her stating “Don’t be surprised when you come home and your daughter’s ashes are gone.” Latisha states that she has ~1000+ text messages between the two (god, do you guys have anything better to do?!). This indicates that Vernisha could be the culprit behind the missing ashes of the daughter. Or maybe it implicates Famous, as maybe he was trying to steal the urn that the ashes were in to pawn it for some quick cash, but let’s find out.

JJ sees the text message on a cracked ass screen on an Android, I believe (take two shots for the phone with a cracked screen used as evidence!)

Latisha states that the ashes were stolen November 20th, 2016, almost a month after Vernisha’s crazy ass text. Listen, Vernisha can’t type for shit. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Maybe she dropped out after the second grade or something, because that’s how she types. I mean, I’m not infallible; I make spelling/grammatical errors all the time, but nothing as egregious as that. Christ alive, this girl….I need to buy her a Speak-N-Spell.

Latisha got the ashes back, as they were left on the doorstep. Now Latisha has JJ’s full attention (wow…she puts that much effort into cases she’s not interested in? We’ve seen her show far less attention in cases she isn’t interested in). JJ asks Latisha if Famous was out of jail at this point in time (like I said, Famous could have stolen the ashes to pawn that urn). Latisha states that he was out of jail, but not living at her residence. Latisha then adds on to that saying, “he wasn’t staying with me, but he was there…” Vernisha interrupts and states that Famous went back to her and she doesn’t know anything about these ashes being stolen. JJ claims that she believes that Vernisha may have taken the ashes to fuck with Latisha.

Latisha claims that Vernisha climbed through a window to gain entry into the house. LMAO!! I’m laughing my Black ass off. I cannot see Vernisha’s fat ass climbing through a window trying to get into the house. Wait…Latisha doesn’t work. So naturally, I would think that Latisha was at the house all day. Oh, and lectures at school last from 2-4 hours. I’ve been to undergrad and graduate school. I don’t think that Vernisha would have had enough time to climb through a window in that short amount of time, grab the ashes, and climb back through the window. I’m a little iffy on this one. Vernisha clearly doesn’t have that sort of ability. I mean, unless she teleported into the house. If she displayed some Nightcrawler-esque abilities, then I would be down to believe Latisha’s story on that.

Vernisha even admits that she’s a big girl. Then she states if Famous just didn’t take the ashes and hide them from Latisha. Latisha immediately states that Famous wouldn’t do that, before JJ shushes them both as she reads the police report.

JJ gets to the counterclaim that Vernisha has. It’s something about Latisha asking another female about OB-GYN appointments or something. I didn’t even really figure it out. I think it was something about going to a kid’s appointment after the restraining order was served to Vernisha, but then Vernisha says “if you’re so a-scared of me, why are you coming to my kid’s appointments?" (take a shot for fucking up the English language!).  JJ wants to see the messages.

After the commercial break (which came out with a commercial featuring Jimmy “JJ” Walker talking about getting your Medicaid/Medicare benefits and imploring you to take advantage of that program), we get back to the case.

JJ is done. I can look in her face and tell she has had enough of this childish, high-school trash drama. She tells Vernisha that courts don’t care about this (bullshit drama), with Latisha stating that she was concerned about her baby’s ashes. Latisha is talking about how the ashes being missing destroyed her and her kids with JJ just saying “Mmm-hmm” for every point that Latisha is bringing up. Latisha claims that she had to move because Vernisha set her house on fire. Latisha displays her low self-esteem by saying “I love [Famous].” Jeez, have some self-respect, baby girl.

JJ has had enough and dismisses the case entirely.

During the “Hall-Ter-View”, Vernisha claims that neither party deserved anything (then why did you have a counterclaim, you stupid woman?!) because they both harassed themselves. Meanwhile, Latisha doubles down on the fact that Vernisha is mad because she is with the father of Vernisha’s children. Apparently, Vernisha vandalized Latisha’s car, and according to Vernisha, Latisha is still married to some other dope. Latisha claims that she needs a cigarette! LOL. Girl, those things will kill you!!

Verdict: Case dismissed. Plaintiff and defendant get nothing.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Latisha}: "You love him? Good….good. You know what I love? I’d love to be finished with this case! That’s all. This case is over!”  

$2500 dollars to whomsoever can solve the missing words in the "Vernisha Document"!!! 

And here's Latisha and Famous getting married: https://www.facebook.com/tisha.l.davenport/?show_switched_toast=0&show_invite_to_follow=0&show_switched_tooltip=0&show_podcast_settings=0&show_community_transition=0&show_community_review_changes=0&show_community_rollback=0&show_follower_visibility_disclosure=0








Edited by DjamillasMan
  • Applause 1
  • LOL 3
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14 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Hey everyone! I had to do one case tonight because I'm about to take the kids Trick-Or-Treating tonight (I'm going as Jason Voorhees). If there are any errors or spelling/grammatical errors, I'll fix them later tonight. So grab your favorite drink and LET'S GOOOOOOO!

Plaintiff: Latisha Davenport from Sacramento, California. Latisha is wearing a floral overshirt, a powder blue undershirt, coupled with a gaudy necklace with a HUMONGOUS pendant on it. She also has on a lovely blue dress. She also has on a tasteful pair of glasses. She is about as stiff and plastic as a piece of disposable silverware. Latisha is a walking stereotype, with her and the defendant, Vernisha, currently battling it out over some bum named Famous who is currently incarnated.  It’s sad that she “loves” Famous and as a 38 year old woman, she should know better. She accuses the defendant of reporting her to CPS over smoking crack cocaine (how fitting), talking shit about her over social media, and stealing her dead baby’s ashes. Latisha drew the line with that and decided to take Vernisha to court. She used her child’s SSI back payment to buy a Mazda 5, and since she loves Famous so much, she let him drive it to give people rides. SPOILER ALERT: Latisha and Famous ended up getting married! Isn’t that sweet?

Defendant: 24 year old Vernisha Nelson from Sacramento, California. Vernisha is wearing something very inappropriate for court (take a shot!). Some sort of spaghetti straps with visible bra straps which looks tacky af. She’s dressed almost like a fat stripper at The Cat West, because her boobies are bouncing all around.  She’s chunky, but she’s content with it, with the slicked back ponytail. Vernisha, also can’t type for shit, as evidenced when Latisha hands JJ a document to prove that Vernisha was bullying her online.  Vernisha has three children with Famous, as she was Famous’ ex-girlfriend before Latisha. Her eldest son plays soccer, so Vernisha knows that he isn’t going to be like Famous. Vernisha’s profession is in/at home care. She was not happy that Latisha supposedly sent her nudes out

The Complaint: Latisha is suing for a false restraining order, false CPS charges, property damages, and harassment

What Does He/She want: Latisha wants $4,000 for damages. 

Countersuit?: Yes. For something. I think for harassment.

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down:  The case begins with JJ asking Latisha what her fiancé’s name is. Latisha answers back that his name is “Famous”. JJ is just as shocked as we all are at hearing such a ridiculous name. JJ turns to Byrd. “Did she say Famous?!” JJ is taken aback and asks if that is really his name. Latisha confirms this. JJ moves past this ridiculous name as she wants to know where Famous is. Latisha explains that Famous is currently incarcerated. When asked, Latisha explains that Famous is currently in the hoosegow for gun charges. This shit can’t write itself. LOL.

We find out that Latisha is 38 years old. Far too old to be fighting with a 24 year old; least of all, over some unemployed bum who got arrested on gun charges, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Latisha admits that she doesn’t work, but goes to “school”. JJ, ever the one to expose people for their silly shit, comes out and states that she’s been to many a school and school alone doesn’t support you (take a shot!). Latisha states that she receives grants for her kids. Wait…what? I want to receive grants for my kids so I can sit back at the house and play “Madden 23” all day and everyday seems like a Saturday. How the hell do I sign up for that?

Latisha admits that it’s been years since she has held a full time job. She claims that she can’t work right now because her baby got killed and her doctors don’t think it’s a good idea that she return to full time employment. Is this the same baby that’s ashes were stolen? I mean, unless she had another baby who unfortunately passed away. If so, that’s tragic and Latisha has some bad luck. But, my question is, how long ago did this baby pass away? Latisha states that she is currently embroiled in a lawsuit over medical malpractice. Get your coins, baby girl.

God, this is beginning to sound like a Judge Mathis case. Take three shots for that.

We learn that Famous has three children with Vernisha. Famous gets around, apparently. He isn’t Famous for nothing (take a shot for my corny joke).

JJ asks Vernisha (I keep thinking of nail polish when I hear her name) when the last time she and Famous lived together. Vernisha states that they lived together in March of 2016, and that is when she had the second child. Famous must have done something else to get him locked up, because he went to jail 4 days before Vernisha had said child. Ostensibly, he got out of jail and had the third child. Prior to him going to jail, Famous lived with Latisha. JJ asks what Famous’ occupation is. Latisha explains that Famous wasn’t working at all during the time. Jeez, this guy is a bum. He just sits around the house, knocking up women, hanging out with other women, getting caught with guns he shouldn’t have. This IS a Judge Mathis case (finish your drink, refill it, and come back. I’ll wait for you).

She claims that Famous was running errands in her Mazda 5, giving people rides for cash, and various and sundry. I get it, it’s hard out here (and was hard before), but really? I think he could have worked for a construction company and got far more money. I am not an ex-con, so I don’t know who will hire me with the extensive criminal background that Famous has, but come on. Doordash, Uber, UberEats, Lyft. Latisha also admits that she used her child’s SSI money to buy a fresh Mazda 5, a car that Famous rides around in “giving people rides”.

I hate to say it, but all three (Famous, coupled with the two litigants in court today) check all the boxes of “Black Stereotypes”. It’s a shame that that’s a thing, but it is. It really involves these following things: living off of taxpayers, baby daddy/baby momma drama, fighting over an ex-con, living hood rich, speaking reckless, entitled, drama over social media, misappropriation of government funds, eating fried chicken, etc. I mean, being a Black man myself, I get that there are some of us like that out there, but a lot of us are lawyers, entrepreneurs, doctors, nurses, judges, servicemen /servicewomen, electricians. Some of us don’t have a criminal record. I’ll get off my Judge Mathis soapbox, but I never thought I’d review an episode of JJ where everyone checks off every goddamn box laid out in the stereotype playbook. It’s just wild to see that Latisha and Vernisha are so comfortable with just being stupid af. Then again, I just negated my entire point, as they are both stupid, regardless of race. I’ve always been the type that judges off of character, not by race.  

Anyway, my Judge Mathis soapbox moment over (and take a shot for me trying to act like Judge Mathis), we know that Latisha hasn’t worked in 5 years. Smh. Famous has been incarnated since February 7th, 2017. On a gun charge. Famous must be really famous with the inmates, I bet. JJ has Latisha admit that this was not Famous’ first arrest.

JJ cuts to the crux of the case; that both women are saying that one of them is making their lives a living hell over Famous. From what I’ve heard about Famous, he seems like a real fuckin prize.

JJ even states this; that the two are behaving like children, fighting over a guy who is locked up and continues to be locked up. JJ makes Latisha pick the top three complaints that she has against Vernisha.

Latisha begins her real testimony, stating that Vernisha called CPS to her house (take a shot when CPS is called!), saying that Famous was messing around with one of her children and that she was smoking crack (take a shot!). Wow. Latisha had to go to the CPS office to take a drug test. Yeah, I know Vernisha did that (even though she denies it), but Latisha can’t prove it, because CPS will never tell the accused who actually made the report. So Latisha is down one point on that. JJ quickly moves on.

The next thing that Ms. Davenport (now Mrs. Kirk, I will post that on the bottom of this review) wants to bring up is the fact that Vernisha was “talking bad” about her on social media. JJ counters to say that that is unfortunately the current climate of social media (which is true). Latisha hands the paper to Byrd. Byrd then hands it to JJ, and JJ makes this weird ass face while looking at the document, almost like she’s about to have a stroke LOL.

The document itself, is horrendous. It looks like a first grader typed it up. You have Vernisha talking shit about her “BD”, which I can only assume means “baby daddy”, something about “hacking” (you don’t hack anything if you either already know the password, or you guess the password. That’s not hacking, dumb shit), and something about some “piks” being sent. Vernisha looks so stupid writing that. I will attach a SC of the document to this review. Good golly, Mrs. Molly, the fucking document just looks like someone just learned English and was having an aneurysm at the same time.  Vernisha appears, at least to me, to be a native English speaker. She also doesn’t look like a fuckin third grader who just had a goddamn stroke. 

JJ confronts Vernisha about the document, asking what sort of work she does. Vernisha explains that she does in/at home care. JJ explains that she wouldn’t let anyone who creates this sort of filth to be allowed to take care of elderly people. JJ chews Vernisha out, stating that she has three children and that should make her less of a moron (take a shot!). Vernisha is not listening, but just doing the “bobblehead” (take a shot!). This is when we learn that Vernisha’s eldest son plays soccer, so he won’t be like Famous. Why? Because Famous doesn’t have hand/eye coordination or something? Because Famous has a cleft foot? I don’t get that logic. So because he plays sports he is incapable of doing something criminal? Let me get out my Ouija Board so I can relay that to Aaron Hernandez. Actually, let me find OJ Simpson’s Twitter.

JJ continues to go in on Vernisha. JJ asks Vernisha why she was sending such nasty, vicious things to Latisha. Vernisha admits that she did, indeed, post that, however it was because Latisha was posting nude pictures of her “way before I started doing what I was doing!” These two deserve each other. They are just so fucked up.

As Vernisha is explaining this, Latisha is giving Vernisha the “stank eye” through her ‘80s glasses. LOL. It’s kinda funny, actually.

Vernisha claims that Latisha “hacked” Famous’ Facebook to send these said nude photos of her. Okay, Vernish, you can’t “hack” something if you already know the password or you can guess the password. That’s not what hacking is. Hacking is when you have to break code in order to get into something. Knowing the password/guessing the password to a Facebook account is not hacking. Hacking would be if you straight up datamined Facebook Marketplace (does that even still exist? I don’t use Facebook anymore, so it may have went away), looking for credit card numbers. Breaching firewalls and legitimately testing security of a website is totally different than just knowing someone’s password or correctly guessing it. Silly ass girl.

Latisha says that Vernisha is lying. Well, I think both of them are lying, but it is what it is. Latisha claims she has a police report that stated that Vernisha was hacking into something. I couldn’t hear because JJ interrupts her, stating that she has to pay careful attention to her. JJ asks if Latisha sent the nude pics out there. Latisha adamantly denies this. JJ then turns to Vernisha and asks if she can prove to her if she can prove that Latisha did send out the nude pics. Vernisha admits that she can’t prove Latisha’s transgression. JJ moves on.

So far, Latisha is batting a 1-2 and I don’t like these odds.

Latisha apologies to JJ that she is so “discombobulated” (take a shot!) as she stands over all of her papers, her phone in hand. JJ states “Not discombobulated, just show me what I need to see…” (take a shot!). Latisha states that Vernisha states that Vernisha sent a text to her stating “Don’t be surprised when you come home and your daughter’s ashes are gone.” Latisha states that she has ~1000+ text messages between the two (god, do you guys have anything better to do?!). This indicates that Vernisha could be the culprit behind the missing ashes of the daughter. Or maybe it implicates Famous, as maybe he was trying to steal the urn that the ashes were in to pawn it for some quick cash, but let’s find out.

JJ sees the text message on a cracked ass screen on an Android, I believe (take two shots for the phone with a cracked screen used as evidence!)

Latisha states that the ashes were stolen November 20th, 2016, almost a month after Vernisha’s crazy ass text. Listen, Vernisha can’t type for shit. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Maybe she dropped out after the second grade or something, because that’s how she types. I mean, I’m not infallible; I make spelling/grammatical errors all the time, but nothing as egregious as that. Christ alive, this girl….I need to buy her a Speak-N-Spell.

Latisha got the ashes back, as they were left on the doorstep. Now Latisha has JJ’s full attention (wow…she puts that much effort into cases she’s not interested in? We’ve seen her show far less attention in cases she isn’t interested in). JJ asks Latisha if Famous was out of jail at this point in time (like I said, Famous could have stolen the ashes to pawn that urn). Latisha states that he was out of jail, but not living at her residence. Latisha then adds on to that saying, “he wasn’t staying with me, but he was there…” Vernisha interrupts and states that Famous went back to her and she doesn’t know anything about these ashes being stolen. JJ claims that she believes that Vernisha may have taken the ashes to fuck with Latisha.

Latisha claims that Vernisha climbed through a window to gain entry into the house. LMAO!! I’m laughing my Black ass off. I cannot see Vernisha’s fat ass climbing through a window trying to get into the house. Wait…Latisha doesn’t work. So naturally, I would think that Latisha was at the house all day. Oh, and lectures at school last from 2-4 hours. I’ve been to undergrad and graduate school. I don’t think that Vernisha would have had enough time to climb through a window in that short amount of time, grab the ashes, and climb back through the window. I’m a little iffy on this one. Vernisha clearly doesn’t have that sort of ability. I mean, unless she teleported into the house. If she displayed some Nightcrawler-esque abilities, then I would be down to believe Latisha’s story on that.

Vernisha even admits that she’s a big girl. Then she states if Famous just didn’t take the ashes and hide them from Latisha. Latisha immediately states that Famous wouldn’t do that, before JJ shushes them both as she reads the police report.

JJ gets to the counterclaim that Vernisha has. It’s something about Latisha asking another female about OB-GYN appointments or something. I didn’t even really figure it out. I think it was something about going to a kid’s appointment after the restraining order was served to Vernisha, but then Vernisha says “if you’re so a-scared of me, why are you coming to my kid’s appointments?" (take a shot for fucking up the English language!).  JJ wants to see the messages.

After the commercial break (which came out with a commercial featuring Jimmy “JJ” Walker talking about getting your Medicaid/Medicare benefits and imploring you to take advantage of that program), we get back to the case.

JJ is done. I can look in her face and tell she has had enough of this childish, high-school trash drama. She tells Vernisha that courts don’t care about this (bullshit drama), with Latisha stating that she was concerned about her baby’s ashes. Latisha is talking about how the ashes being missing destroyed her and her kids with JJ just saying “Mmm-hmm” for every point that Latisha is bringing up. Latisha claims that she had to move because Vernisha set her house on fire. Latisha displays her low self-esteem by saying “I love [Famous].” Jeez, have some self-respect, baby girl.

JJ has had enough and dismisses the case entirely.

During the “Hall-Ter-View”, Vernisha claims that neither party deserved anything (then why did you have a counterclaim, you stupid woman?!) because they both harassed themselves. Meanwhile, Latisha doubles down on the fact that Vernisha is mad because she is with the father of Vernisha’s children. Apparently, Vernisha vandalized Latisha’s car, and according to Vernisha, Latisha is still married to some other dope. Latisha claims that she needs a cigarette! LOL. Girl, those things will kill you!!

Verdict: Case dismissed. Plaintiff and defendant get nothing.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Latisha}: "You love him? Good….good. You know what I love? I’d love to be finished with this case! That’s all. This case is over!”  

$2500 dollars to whomsoever can solve the missing words in the "Vernisha Document"!!! 

And here's Latisha and Famous getting married: https://www.facebook.com/tisha.l.davenport/?show_switched_toast=0&show_invite_to_follow=0&show_switched_tooltip=0&show_podcast_settings=0&show_community_transition=0&show_community_review_changes=0&show_community_rollback=0&show_follower_visibility_disclosure=0








You outdid yourself with this recap!  I thought that you couldn’t be any funnier, and then you prove me wrong!  Thanks for the time you put into these-they are appreciated.

  • Love 4
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19 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

So grab your favorite drink and LET'S GOOOOOOO!

This was at the very least a 2 beer episode and I only had 1 in the fridge.  Poor guy never had a chance with a name like "Famous."   He should sue his mother.

19 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Famous, coupled with the two litigants in court today) check all the boxes of “Black Stereotypes”. It’s a shame that that’s a thing, but it is. It really involves these following things: living off of taxpayers, baby daddy/baby momma drama, fighting over an ex-con, living hood rich, speaking reckless, entitled, drama over social media, misappropriation of government funds, eating fried chicken, etc. I mean, being a Black man myself, I get that there are some of us like that out there, but a lot of us are lawyers, entrepreneurs, doctors, nurses, judges, servicemen /servicewomen, electricians. Some of us don’t have a criminal record.

I whole heartedly agree and find it terribly sad.  I'm from the south and certainly understand your statement.  But I'll also say there are plenty of white people like this too (I know a few of them.).   Hopefully the rest of the world knows that too.  

  • Love 3
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6 hours ago, Tom1mac2 said:

You outdid yourself with this recap!  I thought that you couldn’t be any funnier, and then you prove me wrong!  Thanks for the time you put into these-they are appreciated.

Thank you very much. I'm actually going to do another today (which would have been the second case in the review) if you guys would like that. I appreciate the kind words. They really mean a lot. 

1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

This was at the very least a 2 beer episode and I only had 1 in the fridge.  Poor guy never had a chance with a name like "Famous."   He should sue his mother.

I whole heartedly agree and find it terribly sad.  I'm from the south and certainly understand your statement.  But I'll also say there are plenty of white people like this too (I know a few of them.).   Hopefully the rest of the world knows that too.  

Right. I agree with that, too. That's why I was raised to look at someone's character over their race. I teach my children this as well. I hope the rest of the world knows that. 

I hope you got a refill on beer, because I'm going to drop the second half of the review today. This one involves a puppy multiplier and JJ reading "the letter", so it's going to be a lot of drinking. 

  • Wink 1
  • Applause 2
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3 minutes ago, DjamillasMan said:

Thank you very much. I'm actually going to do another today (which would have been the second case in the review) if you guys would like that. I appreciate the kind words. They really mean a lot. 

Yes please! I really appreciate both you and Crazy In Alabama recapping cases for us, thank you!

  • Love 4
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Everybody have their favorite drink ready? Make sure you have a lot of your favorite drink at the ready! LET'S GOOOOOO!!!

Attack Victim Cradles Pit Bull like a Baby?! (2017)

I have small children. I would not have a vicious dog in my house if-“ Jennifer Frazier

Plaintiff: Ryan Hayes from somewhere (probably Cali). Ryan is wearing a Men’s Warehouse suit with a decent slate grey/white striped tie. Ryan looks like he’s an accountant. He has two dogs, a Malamute and Husky, both of which were attacked by the defendant’s errant Pit Bull. Ryan is glad that he is having his day in court, as he threatened the defendant with litigation after the dog attack. He doesn’t live too far from the defendant’s house and walks his dogs down that block three times a week.  Ryan looks like a single guy who has an affinity for bikes and marathons. He isn’t scared of Pit Bulls, ostensibly.  

Defendant: Jennifer Frazier. Jen comes into court wearing a Norma Bates shirt and some pants from Kohl’s. She has applied a ton of mascara because her eyelashes look like she’s going to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Jen also has the most amazing resting bitch face. She seems to have a lot of trouble remembering what occurred on the day her dog went apeshit and attacked Ryan and his dogs. Apparently, her husband is some prize because he left her outside to bring the groceries in from the car (I would get kicked in the balls by Djamilla if I ever did something like that).  Jen claims that Ryan called her filthy names and assaulted her after the dog attack. She keeps trying to remember her answer to the complaint, leading to some hilarity as at one point, she just says “fuck it” and starts making things up as she goes along. She is a victim of being read “The Letter” by JJ. Jennifer absolutely sucks at lying.

The Complaint: Ryan wants his vet expenses paid, his medical bills paid, lost wages (take a shot!), and pain and suffering. Goddamn. Ryan is after ALL he can get.

What Does He/She want: Ryan wants $5000. If he gets it, we have to down the entire drink.

Countersuit?: Jennifer has a countersuit for assault.  

Puppy Multiplier: x3 (three dogs involved in this case. Take three shots!)

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ comes into court and gives Jen a sort of “death stare” before she sits down. You can tell she is not in a very good mood. She asks Ryan what his case is about, outlaying that Jen’s Pit Bull attacked him and his two dogs. Ryan confirms this. JJ states that Jen claims that is not the way it happened, as she didn’t see it, but her dog was tethered to a tree, so there was no way in hell her precious Pit Bull would attack him or his dogs. If Ryan was indeed bitten, then he had to have come on Jen’s property. Jen confirms this. Ryan tries to speak, but JJ shushes him.

JJ asks on what date did this incident happen. Ryan states that it happened on February 19th (that’s the birthday of my youngest son! Take a shot!). Ryan states that he has a Malamute and a Husky that he was walking that day on leashes. They are 8 and 7 years old,  respectively. He lives a block and a half away from Jen, but has never seen her Pit Bull. Ryan states that this happened around 4pm as he just got back from a flight (Byrd is yawning during Ryan’s testimony. LOL. Take a shot for that!). Ryan approaches the chart displaying the neighborhood and begins to explain what happened. He says that he came down the block and walked in front of Jen’s crib. That’s when he heard clicking noises, which was Jen’s dog about to fuck him up.

 Ryan states that the clicking noises drew his attention, so he turned back, and that’s when he saw Jennifer’s Pit charging at him and his dogs. He noticed that the garage was open, as well as a door adjacent to the garage was open as well. Ryan says he called and screamed for the owners of the home to “Get their dog, please” (he even admits that he didn’t say please. I can look at Ryan and tell he said “Get your fuckin’ dog!). Nobody came out to help him or restrain the dog from attacking him. Ryan tells JJ that he put his hand up defensively to brace for the dog attack.  The dog bit him, then went after his Malamute, which is his female dog named “Jade”.

Ryan claims he continued to yell, as the Pit was attacking his dog. His male dog (which is the Husky), just sat there, not doing anything. The Pit bit “Jade” extremely hard, which is when Ryan tried to intervene. As he was pulling the jaws of the Pit open, it bit him again. That’s when he picked the dog up by the neck and he took the dog to Jen's residence. Jen came out, asking what the hell was going on. He asked her if that was her dog, to which she states yes. Ryan says he told Jennifer that her dog just attacked his dog while he was bleeding all over the place from his hand. He says that Jen said that her dog doesn’t hurt anybody. LOL. Yeah, Jennifer is a liar.

Ryan claims when he got to the door, he had to get on top of the dog, holding it by its neck in order to give it back to Jennifer. His dog “Jade” was so beside herself, that she wandered into the Frazier’s garage, as she was confused and bleeding. Ryan states that he leashed his dogs up. JJ interrupts him and asks weren’t his dogs already leashed? Ryan states that during the attack, the dogs got out of their leashes. Jennifer beats JJ to the punch and asks how that could possibly happen (take a shot! We have a JJ Jr. over here). JJ shushes her and proceeds to ask the same question. LOL. I guess JJ is all about it being her playpen and you can’t ask the questions. That’s her job. Ryan claims that the dogs have thick necks and somehow they got out of their collared leashes. I don’t know. Maybe the dogs are possessed by the souls of Copperfield and Houdini or maybe Criss Angel trained them.

JJ lets that go, and turns her attention to Jen. Jen admits that she didn’t see anything happen, as she was in the garage, taking groceries out of her car. JJ asks who else was in the house. She states that her husband and her 4 year old daughter were in the house. So….Jen….your husband left you alone to empty the groceries out of the car? Wow. If I pulled some kind of shit like that to Djamilla, she would pull a straight up Lorena Bobbitt on my ass and she would never tell the police where my junk can be found. Why didn’t her husband take the groceries out of the car and allow Jen to go inside of the house with the daughter? Her husband must be some fuckin prize.

Jen states that the whole family went grocery shopping (probably at Costco. I’ll admit, I love Costco). JJ warns Jen to be very careful, as Jen claims that she left the dog tethered to a tree in her answer. JJ then strokes her ego a bit and asks Jen if she ever watched her program (take two shots!). Jen denies watching JJ. JJ, being the passive aggressive bat that she is, states that that was a mistake for Jen to elect to come to JJ without having watching her show. Jennifer actually smiles and is all bashful. JJ is not smiles, as it seems she took offense to Jen not watching her show.

While Jennifer is giving her testimony, Ryan is giving Jen these condescending looks, like he wants to tell her off so bad, but can’t.

Jennifer says that her dog was in the house, as she would never leave her dog outside. Jennifer confirms that the garage door was open and there is an entrance to the house from the garage (like most homes). I just still can’t get over the fact that this husband left his wife to take the groceries in the house, but okay. Maybe there was a basketball game on at the time that he absolutely couldn’t miss. There’s no football in the middle of February. I could see if there was like an NFL playoff game on or something. That’s just in poor taste. I just know I wouldn’t do that to my wife.

Let me hop off my soapbox and continue recapping this case. JJ states somehow that’s how the Pit got out of the house. Jen denies this and states that is not what happened. JJ gives a sarcastic laugh and then her face snaps back to serious (take a shot!). She asks Jen if she understands what her problem is. JJ wants to start again, but she doesn’t want Jen trying to remember what she wrote in her answer, which JJ surmises not to be true. Oh shit. JJ quickly susses out that Jen is making up shit as she goes along. Jennifer, for all that she’s worth, is trying to come up with some sort of logical story for this that doesn’t involve the truth. Because you know, Jen’s a goddamn liar.

After giving Jen a dressing down, JJ continues the case. She says that the dog was in the house, which Jen confirms. Then JJ says somehow the dog got out the house since the laundry room door was open that led to the garage. Jen says that she let her dog out of the house. Damn it, Jen! Which one is it?!? Did you tether your dog to a tree or did you leave your dog in the house?! It can’t be both, you crazy liar. JJ interrupts Jen and tells her that she is going to trip all over her words with all of her lying. Take two shots because Jen is a lascivious liar. JJ threatens to read Jen’s answer to the compliant. She then asks Jen if she remembers her answer. Jen says that she does. Jen says in her answer, she remembers that her dog was tied to a tree. Again, which one is it? Jen’s a fuckin liar.

Jen doubles down that she isn’t lying, although her dog can’t be in two places at once. Jen and JJ then get into a battle of wits, which JJ ends by doing a pen smack (take a shot!).  Then Jen tries to fix her lie by stating that she took the dog out of the house and tied the dog to a tree so the dog can go to the bathroom. JJ states that that is ridiculous and she doesn’t believe it. Who the hell does Jen think she is? Gina Imperial?

That is such an inhumane way to treat a dog. Listen, I have a dog. He’s a Boxer named Tyson. When my family and I return home from somewhere, I will make sure I leash Tyson up, take him outside, and let him use nature’s potty. He gets exercise and I get exercise. I don’t tie this motherfucker to a tree and let him take a dump right next to him. They have a yard, judging by the chart showing Jen’s house that’s to her left. I had a Pit Bull growing up. They need exercise, too. I despise people who treat animals like that. I bet Jen wouldn’t tie her 4 year old daughter to a tree and let her piss and shit a foot from where she was standing. Then again, Tyson has his own room and bathroom downstairs, so I think I probably just spoil him too much. However, what I won’t do is tie him to a tree to let him use the bathroom when I can just walk him. That’s just asinine.

JJ continues to tear into Jen about how her story doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Jen wonders how her story doesn’t make sense. JJ breaks down what really happened; that Jen’s husband (that asshole) and her daughter went into the house and left the door open for her to bring in the groceries, and the dog got out of the house. JJ states that she finds it very offensive that Jen is lying, even when Ryan had her dog by the neck. Jen says that Ryan was cradling her dog like a baby. JJ then lays down this line:

JJ: “Did you see any blood?”

How fitting. I find it ironic because Jen is wearing a fuckin Norma Bates shirt. “Oh god, Mother! Blood….blood!”

Jen states that she saw blood from his dog, but not on Ryan. JJ just flies off the handle at that and makes fun of Jen, with the audience laughing (take two shots!). Jen says that Ryan was holding her dog very gently. That I don’t believe. Jen tries to interrupt JJ, but then JJ does another pen/hand smack on her desk which shuts Jen up (take a shot!). Jen claims she told Ryan that it is impossible that her dog could attack another dog. Jen says that Ryan pushed her into the front pillar on their front porch. He subsequently called her awful names that are bleeped out (fuck American TV censors. I want to know what he called her). I can believe Ryan calling her foul names. I just don’t think Ryan would put his hands on a female. I can look at him and tell he doesn’t have it in him. I think he did say that he was going to sue her and probably dropped the ‘B’ bomb, but I don’t think he put his hands on her. If that were the case, she would have ran inside and grabbed her hubby who didn’t help her unload the groceries out of the car. Not to mention, Jen’s hubby is a retired police officer. He called one of his buddies in Oakland (so they do live in Cali! I knew it!) to officiate the whole ordeal.

After the commercial break (featuring another commercial with Shaq and Icy Hot (take a shot as Shaq is the spokesperson for EVERYTHING!), we cut back to the case.

JJ asks Jen (I want to call her Heather so fuckin bad. I’m not sure why) if she has a hospital record on when she was pushed or assaulted. JJ flat out states that she doesn’t believe that any assault took place. JJ believes that Jen’s hubby picked up the phone and called Oakland PD and stated that he’s a retired police officer and there was an altercation that went down at his house and then made up a story about her being harassed. Jen states that that is crazy and why would she do such a thing. JJ explains it’s because Jen’s dog bit the plaintiff and his dog. JJ then wants the pictures and medical records from Ryan.

JJ then goes in on Jen a little more, making her feel even more a fool than she already is. Jen just stares blankly at JJ while JJ is going off on her. JJ wants Jen to give her the police report. Jen doesn’t have it, but Ryan does. While Ryan is searching for the police report, JJ is laser focused on Jen, holding up gruesome pictures of blood and gore telling Jen “That’s a dog bite and blood!” JJ is relentless. Jen states that when Ryan and she were speaking, there wasn’t any blood. Didn’t he hand you your dog? Wouldn’t you see blood all over the place? Wouldn’t blood be on your dog if he was supposedly cradling your dog “like a baby”? Jen is such a stupid woman and a terrible liar.

Jen claims that she has small children and would keep a vicious dog in her home. JJ then cuts through the bullshit and reads “The Letter” (Finish you drink. Refill it. Come back). What is “The Letter”, you ask? It’s a riveting tale about some woman writing to JJ (I didn’t know JJ got fan mail like that) with a newspaper clipping attached from a grandfather about the dangers of Pit Bulls and small children, as his grandson was mauled by a Pit.

This does not faze Mrs. Frazier at all. She is unmoved. JJ then goes in on Jennifer after she reads the letter. Jennifer starts to say that she believes, but JJ cuts her off, stating she doesn’t care what she believes. JJ is now full on The Rock/Rage mode (take two shots!)

After yet another commercial break (featuring the Halloween M&Ms, which was hilarious, although it’s one that I’ve seen before), we get back to the case.

JJ is trying to explain common sense to Jennifer, although common sense isn’t so common nowadays. JJ says that Jenny’s husband and child went into the house and left the door open to make it easier for her to go inside as she was unloading groceries from the car. Her husband is an asshole. That’s how the dog escaped. Jennifer is adamant that she let the dog out herself (take three shots for Jennifer being a fuckin liar). JJ kinda shakes in her seat a bit from all of Jen’s lying. Then JJ gives Jen an admonishing look. JJ says that if Jennifer wants to subject her children to that kind of environment, than that’s her business. She then rules in favor of the plaintiff.

During the “Hall-Ter-View”, Jennifer continues to double down on her (disproven) story, while Ryan says that Jennifer’s story was all made up on the spot. I noticed that Ryan has a bit of a lisp, but it’s all good, as he’s $5000 richer. Jen says that she saw “just…some bleeding…” Oh, so you did see some blood? From Ryan? Jennifer is a liar, period. She continues to lie during the exit interview (take a shot!). Fortunately, Ryan’s dog has healed up and they are going on walks again.

Verdict: $5000 to the plaintiff (FINISH YOU DRINK!!!). Defendant’s countersuit dismissed.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Jennifer}: ”You want to subject your children to that dog, that’s your business. You don’t subject other people to that dog!”






Edited by DjamillasMan
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14 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Her husband is an asshole.

Gospel there.  What man walks into the house leaving wifey to lug in groceries?   Any common jerk of a husband would at least carry in the loaf of bread (lightest bag).  Least he could have taken the dog out to pee.

Glad he got $5,000.  

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Kicked in the Buttocks! -Plaintiff Myriam Ward  suing defendant Maricela Brown for having plaintiff arrested for assault.   However, plaintiff's now husband, Michael Armijo, was a neighbor of defendant. defendant says she dated plaintiff husband, but husband denies dating defendant.     

 Plaintiff wife and now husband were arguing, at plaintiff husband's home, and neighbor saw Michael Armijo kick plaintiff wife in the ass.   Then both litigants fell down, and then plaintiff wife/fiancee left.     Mr. Armijo was worried that wife would call the police, so he called first, told police about the fight with his fiancee, and claims she attacked him. 

Plaintiff wife claims defendant made a false statement to police about the altercation, and she blames defendant for the arrest, not the man who kicked her ass that she later married.   

Plaintiff statement says one kick in the ass, and then another assault after that. 

Defendant only dated man after the arrest of plaintiff wife / fiance.   Defendant says plaintiff fiance/husband came to her house for First Aid after the assault. 

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Archer Denies Shoot-Up! -Plaintiff Peggy Powers suing  Aaron (father and property owner) and Corey Muth (son and archer) defendants for shooting an arrow through her car roof, Plaintiff is suing son Corey for shooting the arrow, and father Aaron for owning the land the arrow was shot from.   

Defendant denies he's missing any arrows.   Plaintiff says defendant son was practicing archery, when the car arrow hit happened.   There are no other archers within shooting distance of plaintiff's car.    Defendant archer wasn't shooting from his father's property, but on a close neighbor of defendant archer.   The picture shows the arrow almost vertical, through the car. 

Plaintiff receives $850. 

Second (2014)-

Pit Bull Stabbed 16 Times?! – Plaintiff/Beagle owner Nancy Medina  suing defendant/Pit Bull/Boxer cross,  Kelly Sheppard owner, for an attack on plaintiff's Beagles.    Plaintiff has an electric/invisible fence.   Pit Bull was being walked by Avery (brother of defendant) while he was dog sitting for defendant, dog lived in fenced back yard between one hour visits a day, by Avery.    Defendant Avery took dog for a walk, on a leash, past plaintiff's house.    Beagles were playing with another neighbor's dog, in their yard.    Then defendant Avery let the Pit Bull/Boxer cross off the leash to go play with plaintiff's Beagles, and other smaller dog.  

Then, Pit Bull/Boxer, Beagles, and other dog went to the wooded part of the yard, out of defendant brother's sight, while he was on his phone.     Next, Pit Bull/Boxer came back to him with stab wounds.    Defendant sister/owner was out of town when this happened, and she absolutely lied in her sworn statement to the court.   

Avery lied and said the Pit mix was on leash, when the plaintiff's dogs came out to play with his dog, and claims plaintiff came out of her house with a butcher knife, and plaintiff stabbed the Pit mix without provocation.     Plaintiff had one Beagle on leash, and a neighbor's Lab and the Pit mix came out of the woods behind her house.  Then the Pit mix attacked the Beagle, and the Beagle's collar came off.   Plaintiff is on the ground, screaming for help, and she says she never saw the defendant.    Plaintiff says she's called Animal Control on wandering Pit Mix on her property a bunch of times before.   Plaintiff was bitten, has medical records of three bites.

Defendant brother lied in court and to his sister, he let the dog off leash at his sister's driveway (300 yards away from plaintiff's house), not right next to plaintiff's house.   Defendant's despicable husband Shepherd claims Beagle, and owner were the aggressors, and nothing was his dog's fault.   JJ points out to the defendant husband that if a dog came on Officer Byrd's property, and bit one of his kids, and Byrd was armed, that it would be lights out for doggy.        

Defendants dumped dog on someone else.

$5,000 to plaintiff, everything from despicable defendants is dismissed.

Hit and Run…Fast! -Plaintiff Chanelle Brown is suing defendant/driver Shaquille Taylor for slamming into plaintiff's car, and then leaving the scene.   Defendant claims he wasn't there, and didn't hit her. 

Plaintiff was dropping her daughter off, when a car came from her left (defendant had a stop sign and ran it), and slammed into her car.   Then defendant and passenger got out of the car, and ran like Hell.    Plaintiff identifies defendant as the driver.    Plaintiff called police, and an ambulance.   

Plaintiff had to turn private investigator to track down defendant, using the report from the police.    That had the car owner's name on it, owner is Mr. Gallimba, and he told her who he sold the car to, and gave her proof he sold car to defendant, and it has defendant's signature on it.       Defendant says "I don't own a car, because I'm homeless" over and over.    Signature on sale document, and sworn court statement are identical.   Defendant's mother is laughing at her son's story, and can't even look at him without cracking up. 

Plaintiff receives $3500

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Biker Tackled by Raging Motorist-Plaintiff Joseph Connolly, bike rider, suing motorist Christopher Hope, for medical bills, bicycle damages, and an assault.    Incident happened almost two years ago, in July 2015.  Plaintiff was riding in the bicycle lane, when the confrontation happened.  Plaintiff hired an attorney, who quit (not enough money in the case, or defendant's income isn't reachable for judgment, meaning an industry that is all cash).   

Plaintiff was riding in the bike lane, defendant stopped his car in the parking lane, adjacent to the bike lane.   When defendant exited the car through the driver's door, door went into the bike lane, and when driver went to get back in his car, the door opened into the bike lane again.   Plaintiff was in the bike lane when defendant opened the car door into the lane, plaintiff was going the same direction as the car was parked.   

Plaintiff says defendant made eye contact with the defendant, who opened his driver's door on the car, with door into the bike lane.   Plaintiff sarcastically said, "Thank you" (Yes, I read minds now), because he had to swerve into the car driving lane to avoid the car door.    

Defendant decided the sarcastic, "Thank You" from plaintiff was "insulting the advocacy of bikers everywhere", and would end bike riding as we know it, so defendant followed biker to corner him at a red traffic light, to berate him on his behavior.  Defendant followed the plaintiff for 1.3 miles from the original confrontation, to the location of the fight.     

They're stopped at the red light when defendant started berating plaintiff, after defendant got out in the traffic lane at the light.    Plaintiff says it is 1.3 miles from the initial incident, to the traffic light, and plaintiff says defendant cut him off six times.    Then at the traffic light plaintiff says driver stopped his car resting on bike's back tire.   A policeman showed up, said resolve it yourself.

When plaintiff went against traffic, down the narrow bike path to get away from defendant, maybe nudging car mirror, then the defendant tackled plaintiff into a moving car, injuring his arm. 

Defendant claims plaintiff threatened his life at the stop light.   (My view, is as a former police officer, if plaintiff wanted to hurt the defendant, defendant wouldn't have been standing in court in one piece.)

(Sadly, continued tomorrow on entire first 30-minute episode).

Second (2017)-

Groom Gets Cold Feet on Wedding Day! -Plaintiff Jennifer Schultz prospective bride suing prospective groom Carl vanEtten for a wedding dress, and expenses, plus a kayak.      Litigants knew each other for years, became romantic, and groom called wedding off day before wedding.  They were to go on a kayaking honeymoon, and plaintiff claims defendant still wanted to go on the kayak trip after calling the wedding off.    Groom / defendant only showed up the next day for his property.  Defendant admits he took her kayak, but put it on the porch.     He says plaintiff had his two kayaks, a paddle, and his work clothes.   Plaintiff/dumped bride, claims he had nothing at her home, no kayaks, no clothes, and nothing else.      Plaintiff has a tracker on defendant's phone (and apparently the entire free world also, actually everyone in her family on her phone plan), so she found where defendant was the day that was supposed to be their wedding day.   

Plaintiff says defendant gave a kayak to her daughter, but defendant says it was loaned to daughter, not a gift.  Defendant says he did live at plaintiff's house, but she denies it.     Plaintiff says defendant shacked up with his ex-girlfriend after calling wedding off.   Police report says they saw defendant putting the kayak back on plaintiff's lawn.   Plaintiff claims she bought a kayak for $4,000, but has zero proof, and no bill of sale. 

Claim, and counterclaim both dismissed. 

Landlord Game Changer-Plaintiff/ room renter, William Davenport wants his security deposit back from defendants, Tracy and Christopher Perkins, security was $250.     Defendants say plaintiff broke the lease, (90-day lease, and then month-to-month). Defendant claims he was working on a business from home (who cares), and took the house apart (supposedly he took two doors down, and put them back in place with the pins in before he moved out).   (I've seen leases that said no businesses, but that usually means a business with visitors, lots of traffic, and in person business in the home.  

$250 to plaintiff. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Kicked in the Buttocks! -Plaintiff Myriam Ward  suing defendant Maricela Brown for having plaintiff arrested for assault.   However, plaintiff's now husband, Michael Armijo, was a neighbor of defendant. defendant says she dated plaintiff husband, but husband denies dating defendant.     

 Plaintiff wife and now husband were arguing, at plaintiff husband's home, and neighbor saw Michael Armijo kick plaintiff wife in the ass.   Then both litigants fell down, and then plaintiff wife/fiancee left.     Mr. Armijo was worried that wife would call the police, so he called first, told police about the fight with his fiancee, and claims she attacked him. 

Plaintiff wife claims defendant made a false statement to police about the altercation, and she blames defendant for the arrest, not the man who kicked her ass that she later married.   

Plaintiff statement says one kick in the ass, and then another assault after that. 

Defendant only dated man after the arrest of plaintiff wife / fiance.   Defendant says plaintiff fiance/husband came to her house for First Aid after the assault. 

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Archer Denies Shoot-Up! -Plaintiff Peggy Powers suing  Aaron (father and property owner) and Corey Muth (son and archer) defendants for shooting an arrow through her car roof, Plaintiff is suing son Corey for shooting the arrow, and father Aaron for owning the land the arrow was shot from.   

Defendant denies he's missing any arrows.   Plaintiff says defendant son was practicing archery, when the car arrow hit happened.   There are no other archers within shooting distance of plaintiff's car.    Defendant archer wasn't shooting from his father's property, but on a close neighbor of defendant archer.   The picture shows the arrow almost vertical, through the car. 

Plaintiff receives $850. 

Second (2014)-

Pit Bull Stabbed 16 Times?! – Plaintiff/Beagle owner Nancy Medina  suing defendant/Pit Bull/Boxer cross,  Kelly Sheppard owner, for an attack on plaintiff's Beagles.    Plaintiff has an electric/invisible fence.   Pit Bull was being walked by Avery (brother of defendant) while he was dog sitting for defendant, dog lived in fenced back yard between one hour visits a day, by Avery.    Defendant Avery took dog for a walk, on a leash, past plaintiff's house.    Beagles were playing with another neighbor's dog, in their yard.    Then defendant Avery let the Pit Bull/Boxer cross off the leash to go play with plaintiff's Beagles, and other smaller dog.  

Then, Pit Bull/Boxer, Beagles, and other dog went to the wooded part of the yard, out of defendant brother's sight, while he was on his phone.     Next, Pit Bull/Boxer came back to him with stab wounds.    Defendant sister/owner was out of town when this happened, and she absolutely lied in her sworn statement to the court.   

Avery lied and said the Pit mix was on leash, when the plaintiff's dogs came out to play with his dog, and claims plaintiff came out of her house with a butcher knife, and plaintiff stabbed the Pit mix without provocation.     Plaintiff had one Beagle on leash, and a neighbor's Lab and the Pit mix came out of the woods behind her house.  Then the Pit mix attacked the Beagle, and the Beagle's collar came off.   Plaintiff is on the ground, screaming for help, and she says she never saw the defendant.    Plaintiff says she's called Animal Control on wandering Pit Mix on her property a bunch of times before.   Plaintiff was bitten, has medical records of three bites.

Defendant brother lied in court and to his sister, he let the dog off leash at his sister's driveway (300 yards away from plaintiff's house), not right next to plaintiff's house.   Defendant's despicable husband Shepherd claims Beagle, and owner were the aggressors, and nothing was his dog's fault.   JJ points out to the defendant husband that if a dog came on Officer Byrd's property, and bit one of his kids, and Byrd was armed, that it would be lights out for doggy.        

Defendants dumped dog on someone else.

$5,000 to plaintiff, everything from despicable defendants is dismissed.

Hit and Run…Fast! -Plaintiff Chanelle Brown is suing defendant/driver Shaquille Taylor for slamming into plaintiff's car, and then leaving the scene.   Defendant claims he wasn't there, and didn't hit her. 

Plaintiff was dropping her daughter off, when a car came from her left (defendant had a stop sign and ran it), and slammed into her car.   Then defendant and passenger got out of the car, and ran like Hell.    Plaintiff identifies defendant as the driver.    Plaintiff called police, and an ambulance.   

Plaintiff had to turn private investigator to track down defendant, using the report from the police.    That had the car owner's name on it, owner is Mr. Gallimba, and he told her who he sold the car to, and gave her proof he sold car to defendant, and it has defendant's signature on it.       Defendant says "I don't own a car, because I'm homeless" over and over.    Signature on sale document, and sworn court statement are identical.   Defendant's mother is laughing at her son's story, and can't even look at him without cracking up. 

Plaintiff receives $3500

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Biker Tackled by Raging Motorist-Plaintiff Joseph Connolly, bike rider, suing motorist Christopher Hope, for medical bills, bicycle damages, and an assault.    Incident happened almost two years ago, in July 2015.  Plaintiff was riding in the bicycle lane, when the confrontation happened.  Plaintiff hired an attorney, who quit (not enough money in the case).   Plaintiff was riding in the bike lane, defendant stopped his car in the parking lane, adjacent to the bike lane.   When defendant exited the car through the driver's door, door went into the bike lane, and when driver went to get back in his car, the door opened into the bike lane again.   Plaintiff was in the bike lane when defendant opened the car door into the lane, plaintiff was going the same direction as the car was parked.   

Plaintiff says defendant made eye contact with the defendant, who opened his driver's door on the car, with door into the bike lane.   Plaintiff sarcastically said, "Thank you" (Yes, I read minds now), because he had to swerve into the car driving lane to avoid the car door.    

Defendant decided the sarcastic, "Thank You" from plaintiff was "insulting the advocacy of bikers everywhere", and would end bike riding as we know it, so defendant followed biker to corner him at a red traffic light, to berate him on his behavior.  Defendant followed the plaintiff for 1.3 miles from the original confrontation, to the location of the fight.     

They're stopped at the red light when defendant started berating plaintiff, after defendant got out in the traffic lane at the light.    Plaintiff says it is 1.3 miles from the initial incident, to the traffic light, and plaintiff says defendant cut him off six times.    Then at the traffic light plaintiff says driver stopped his car resting on bike's back tire.   A policeman showed up, said resolve it yourself.

When plaintiff went against traffic, down the narrow bike path to get away from defendant, maybe nudging car mirror, then the defendant tackled plaintiff into a moving car, injuring his arm. 

Defendant claims plaintiff threatened his life at the stop light.   (My view, is as a former police officer, if plaintiff wanted to hurt the defendant, defendant wouldn't have been standing in court in one piece.)

(Sadly, continued tomorrow on entire first 30-minute episode).

Second (2017)-

Groom Gets Cold Feet on Wedding Day! -Plaintiff Jennifer Schultz prospective bride suing prospective groom Carl vanEtten for a wedding dress, and expenses, plus a kayak.      Litigants knew each other for years, became romantic, and groom called wedding off day before wedding.  They were to go on a kayaking honeymoon, and plaintiff claims defendant still wanted to go on the kayak trip after calling the wedding off.    Groom / defendant only showed up the next day for his property.  Defendant admits he took her kayak, but put it on the porch.     He says plaintiff had his two kayaks, a paddle, and his work clothes.   Plaintiff/dumped bride, claims he had nothing at her home, no kayaks, no clothes, and nothing else.      Plaintiff has a tracker on defendant's phone (and apparently the entire free world also, actually everyone in her family on her phone plan), so she found where defendant was the day that was supposed to be their wedding day.   

Plaintiff says defendant gave a kayak to her daughter, but defendant says it was loaned to daughter, not a gift.  Defendant says he did live at plaintiff's house, but she denies it.     Plaintiff says defendant shacked up with his ex-girlfriend after calling wedding off.   Police report says they saw defendant putting the kayak back on plaintiff's lawn.   Plaintiff claims she bought a kayak for $4,000, but has zero proof, and no bill of sale. 

Claim, and counterclaim both dismissed. 

Landlord Game Changer-Plaintiff/ room renter, William Davenport wants his security deposit back from defendants, Tracy and Christopher Perkins, security was $250.     Defendants say plaintiff broke the lease, (90-day lease, and then month-to-month). Defendant claims he was working on a business from home (who cares), and took the house apart (supposedly he took two doors down, and put them back in place with the pins in before he moved out).   (I've seen leases that said no businesses, but that usually means a business with visitors, lots of traffic, and in person business in the home.  

$250 to plaintiff. 

Carl’s teeth were the perfect “capper” to Halloween🎃.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Bang Up Neighbors -Plaintiff Carissa Hartung suing defendant/neighbor car owner Teri Argo for backing into plaintiff's parked truck, they live in the same apartment complex.      Defendant says she never hit plaintiff's truck, and didn't have insurance either, she drives a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero.    Defendant says she drove daughter and fiance to the movies, and then went next door to plaintiff's apartment to whine at her about how she parks her truck.    (This was in Portland, OR).

There is no on-site manager, and defendant had called, and texted the manager about the parking issue.    Plaintiff was only moving in, and parked across from the garages, and parking spaces (not legal).    Plaintiff witness / fiance, Forest Rankings, says they were just moving in, and then defendant knocked on the door, and he says defendant said she hit plaintiff's truck.    Defendant told plaintiff fiance that it was a tiny dent, and only needed to get pulled out. 

Then litigants had an argument.  Plaintiff woman says the insurance company said defendant wasn't insured.   Defendant is asked if she actually had insurance on the day of the accident, and she says it was in her ex-fiance's name, and she can't contact him because of a no contact order.

Plaintiff receives $2098.

Spa Party Hustle? -Plaintiff /business owner Monica Chiappetta is suing Cheri Gall, defendant for not supplying spa services for five people for massages, facials, and other spa services.    Plaintiff wanted enough staff to do the massages, facials, etc. at the same time.       Plaintiff says she sells business insurance, and is a consultant.   Plaintiff also didn't get a definite price, but wanted it to cost $1,000 to $1500 maximum.    There was no menu of services either.   

Defendant says plaintiff is a scammer.     Plaintiff wants all of her money back, because there was only one masseuse on duty that day.   Defendant says there was only one masseuse on duty, then two were getting facials, and two more getting mani-pedis, then they would change places.   Defendant says they had a support person, another person was a nail tech.   Plaintiff says no one had a massage. 

$700 deposit was paid by plaintiff the week before, and $480 the day of the service, but no massages happened at all.  

This entire situation is bizarre. 

So, plaintiff paid $1180 for a few mani-pedis, and facial, some by an unlicensed person, and apparently defendant is the only licensed person at the salon.   

(At the beginning, I thought plaintiff was another get everything for free type, but then I heard the case, and it was totally the defendant's bad behavior)

$1100 to plaintiff. 

Second (2014)-

Sick Before the Wedding -Plaintiffs Nicole DeRosa suing defendant/event planner Bobby Arel for the people he hired for the wedding were unprofessional, she wants a refund.    Photographer is alleged to have been drunk at wedding and reception.    Photographer doesn’t have a website, is only part time.   Bride googled Wedding DJs, and Bobby Arel’s name showed up.  Arel is event coordinator and DJ.    Contract is shown to JJ, and but it is not signed, no one kept a copy of the signed contract, and Arel never said anyone else would DJ the event, or that photographer for the wedding might change.   Engagement photographer was great, but another photographer came to the wedding.   Another DJ and photographer did the wedding, photographer was claimed to have shown up drunk.    Arel claims he was sick, and couldn’t do the wedding, so he hired two DJs, and the part-time photographer.    DJs were late to the reception. 

Plaintiff says the prewedding photos were good, but the wedding photos weren’t good.   Plaintiff says photographer disappeared for hours.   She received about 150 photos, but the package she paid for called for 600 photos.   JJ takes the photo CD to look at it, photographer claims there are 600 photos on the CD, but bride claims there are 212 photos, many are duplicates.

The CD has very few pictures on it.

Plaintiff paid $2,000 deposit, and gets $1,000 refund.

Three’s a Crowd  -  Plaintiff/roommate Kyle Craig is suing former roommates Evan Towle, and Stephanie McGuigan for their share of damages to their apartment.   They rented the apartment together, split the rent three ways.    Plaintiff moved out months before the end of the lease, after defendants say they asked him to leave, and plaintiff paid his third of the rent through the end of the lease.   Plaintiff said he just left. 

McGuigan/defendant wants to be paid for cleaning the apartment.   The total for damages were $1800, which plaintiff paid the entire amount.   Plaintiff wants $600 each from defendants.    Defendants blame everything on plaintiff, and his drinking.   

$1200 to plaintiff.  

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

(Part 1-Biker Tackled by Raging Motorist, was on yesterday’s show)

Part 2 of yesterday’s case, continued-

Injured Cyclist Screaming Like a Maniac-Plaintiff/ bicycle rider Joseph Connolly suing an aggressive driver Christopher Hope who chased him down, and then attacked him.    Bike rider had a serious arm injury from defendant's assault.  (Plaintiff’s arm tendon detached from the bone, and had to be stapled back.  Ouch!)  Defendant claims plaintiff hit his passenger mirror, and then the assault happened on plaintiff.    Defendant paid for damages to parked car he threw the plaintiff into. 

Counter claim by defendant is dismissed, because it's ca-ca, and so is the defendant.  Defendant's witness in court is sitting there shaking her head like a bobble head doll.  Witness wasn't even in the car at the incident, but claims she witnessed the plaintiff screaming at the defendant, and saw the plaintiff screaming death threats.       

Defendant witness is as unbelievable as defendant is.    (I know they claim they don't know each other, who would witness someone yelling on a bicycle, and come to court to testify two years later?  I wouldn't be surprised if defendant and witness know each other.)   Defendant witness (Kezia Norton) claims plaintiff was aggressive, and taunting the defendant, screaming death threats at defendant, and caused the confrontation.    Wonder how many screen credits defendant witness has? (I know the answer to this, a lot, since it's L.A. and a lot of people have some kind of show business experience).    The woman who is defendant witness was not named in the police report, and didn’t give a statement to the police officer.     Defendant's statement to the police officer at the attack scene is very different from his testimony, and statement in court also. 

Police officer statement says a lot of different statements from defendant, and plaintiff story matches police report, and so does the witness on the police report.   Police Report Witness #2 is an off-duty police officer (the officer who witnessed the attack by defendant, was a former commanding officer at Wilshire station, where plaintiff worked) and saw the argument as plaintiff says.         Plaintiff does know witness # 2 from being police officers at different stations for a long time.  Plaintiff was in the gang unit at his station.   

Plaintiff medical records are submitted.    $8500 are the out-of-pocket medical costs for plaintiff's arm to reattach something (trying not to picture that, it sounds awful).    (Tendons were ruptured off of bone, and had to be stapled back)

$5,000 for plaintiff.  

(My view is that one of these days one of the litigants will challenge the wrong person, and end up dead.   You never know who is armed, or seriously dangerous.     When someone follows another person with a car for 1.3 miles to confront them, there's something seriously off there.  Nothing in this case was worth dying for.   However, I think the aggressor was the defendant. But for his own safety, I wish the plaintiff had run far away from this confrontation.   A long time ago, family friends confronted a man who was harassing their car in traffic, and they were shot, and died).   

Second (2017)-

Teen's Crash Cover-Up Story?!-Plaintiff Shane Chapman suing defendant Jose Diaz, father of teenage driver, Cadon Cargile, over car damages due to a hit and run accident by defendant's son.  Plaintiff's car was parked when it was totaled by defendant son.  Plaintiff says defendant car had a lot of empty booze bottles in the back seat according to police.

Defendant son was driving the car registered to defendant.   Cadon Cargile (son of defendant) was the driver.   Car was hit at 6:20 a.m., by defendant's car, but plaintiff took until 4 p.m. at defendant's house, because police were looking for driver of abandoned car, abandoned a couple of blocks away from plaintiff's house, and the scene of the crime.   

Neighbor of plaintiff caught the license plate of hit and run accident, and saw the aftermath of the accident, and saw the defendant son examining their car damages, and then took off.   

Defendant son thinks this is all a joke.  Defendant's son claimed he fell asleep at a party, and someone stole the car, and the thief did the accident.   Defendant father believes the smirking, lying son.   So, defendant reported the car stolen to police.  As JJ says, son was drunk or high, and plaintiff confirms car was full of empty booze bottles.  

$4,000 to plaintiff for outstanding lien insurance didn't pay for.   

Plaintiff receives $4,000.  

Baby Daddy Called Home from Callie! - Plaintiff Tawanna McCarthy-Long suing father of her child, Levi Landrum.    Plaintiff is a SSMOO (Sainted Single Mother of One), and was unemployed for six months, and defendant was living and working in California and sending money to plaintiff.  Plaintiff says defendant sent $300 a month for child.    

Plaintiff claims she loaned defendant $650, after they broke up.   Plaintiff claims the loans were never paid back, and then defendant claims plaintiff assaulted him.     There is a text talking about the loan from plaintiff, and saying it's a loan.    

Defendant claims plaintiff assaulted him in June.  In the hall-terview plaintiff confirms she stabbed defendant.   Defendant claims he was living with his mother, but that his mother will deny it (No, I don't know why that's important, and really don't care).    During the argument, defendant was staying with plaintiff.

Cases dismissed.   

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Sign Language Drama -Plaintiff/ grandmother Becky Lane suing defendant /grandmother Kay Goodnight (plaintiff’s late daughter’s mother-in-law) over an assault. Plaintiff’s daughter married defendant’s son, they had one child Toby.    The couple married in 2002, divorced several years before the case, and child’s mother died in 2012.   When mother died, Toby went to live with his father and defendant grandmother.  (I hope I got that timeline right).  

Grandmothers are fighting over custody of grandson.    For the defendant grandmother the biggest issue seems to be access to the grandchild’s social security checks.  Child’s father is deaf, but that doesn’t make him a bad father.  

Plaintiff came in defendant’s house to talk to the grandson, defendant told plaintiff to leave, and assaulted her.   Defendant is determined to keep plaintiff out of her grandson’s life.  Defendant has another son, who is in prison.   Defendant is determined to isolate the grandson, and control everyone around her.     Defendant claims that’s when the assault by plaintiff happened, but no medical records are submitted.  Defendant really hates JJ telling her the cheese slipped off of her cracker.    Father signs that when the wife died two years ago, Becky/plaintiff didn’t tell grandson his mother had died.   Isn’t telling a kid their mother died the job of the father?  

Plaintiff claims she was talking to Toby, when defendant threw the coffee table at her, twisted her arm to stop plaintiff from calling 911.    Defendant whines that plaintiff called CPS on defendant and son about grandson’s welfare. 

Defendant took Toby the grandson out of school, and it’s already been 9 months.  Father claims son was sick so he took him out of school.   Defendant claims grandson has bad asthma, and home schools, with defendant only having a 10th grade education.    JJ tells plaintiff to take the defendant to court for custody.    I hope some local attorney saw this and took the case pro bono.   

This was in Fort Worth TX, and JJ is going to call CFS/DCFS about the child’s situation.    

$2500 to plaintiff for the assault, defendant case dismissed. (The audience gives JJ a standing ovation when she says she’s calling DCFS/CFS about the child).

Mustang Theft -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Jessica Saling suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Aaron Stokes for stealing the paperwork and the Mustang she owned, and registering the car in his name.    Plaintiff had just bought the Mustang, and claims it had 30 days of insurance on it, but no proof of that.   Besides, if the car was under the previous owner’s name, it wasn’t registered, and the insurance wasn’t valid for the litigants.   The litigants has the car for six months, not insured.    

Defendant took a while to register the car, and get it smogged.    Plaintiff claims she deserves car back.

JJ says both are supposed to register cars, and have valid insurance on it. 

Plaintiff traded her car in for the Mustang. (This all happened in Modesto).

Everything dismissed.  JJ forces the litigants to give the license plate number, so authorities can find it. 

Second (2014)-

Mother Daughter Drama -Plaintiff/daughter Karla Oliveras and Brian Rawlins, her husband, are suing defendant/mother Belinda Levy for car payments.  and false calls to CPS.     Plaintiffs were selling car to mother, she stopped paying, and thinks it’s a joke that she’s a deadbeat. 

A couple of years ago, plaintiff woman was in an accident driving mother fiance's car, and received a settlement $80k, minus medical bills, actually received $28k.   Defendant fiance received money for his car from insurance, and defendant mother was given $7k for a down payment, and fiance thought defendant would pay car off.   

However, mother's mother died, and proceeds of house sale went into daughter's bank account, because defendant had brain surgery (obviously removed her entire brain, and her conscience), to avoid paying medical bills, and anyone else being able to take the money.    Daughter used $2,000 with mother's permission on daughter's wedding.   So, defendant mother ran out of money, and stopped paying car payments.    Defendant lived in a very pricey apartment, that daughter paid for.  

Plaintiff daughter needs a POA for the vehicle to get it in her name, so she can sell it, and pay off the loan.   Mother/defendant forced to sign title.    Plaintiffs will lose money on the Fiat 500c.   Mother never paid a penny on car for six months, so plaintiffs had to pay the 2400, and repo'd the car in December, before Christmas.   Plaintiffs told defendant in December that they would stop paying her rent, and the beginning of January, defendant called CPS.    Defendant also didn't pay after October for car, and plaintiffs paid the missing payments to loan company.  

After plaintiffs repo’d the car from mother, mother called CPS with a false claim against plaintiff.   Mother is actually laughing about calling CPS.    This is absolutely retaliation.   I hope the daughter keeps this woman away from her stepson.   The poor daughter looks like she's about to cry.  

Plaintiffs will sell the car.    

Plaintiff receives $2104 (including an extra $1,000 for the CPS lies).   

(This happened in 2014, so I wonder what has happened since?  I feel so sorry for the daughter.   JJ ignored the part where the mother wanted her money in plaintiff daughter's bank account, to keep it off the radar for her disability payments.    I bet that's part of why mother and fiance of eight years aren't married either.     

 The daughter said in the hall-terview that her mother was never really in her life, and obviously wouldn't be from now on. I hope the daughter, and her husband stuck to that, and cut the mother off.) 

Truck Driver Babysitter Blues -Plaintiff Amber Wetzel suing defendant Edward St. Jude for unpaid babysitting fees.   Plaintiff watched three children for defendant, as a live-in nanny, while defendant was doing his job, long haul truck driver.    $400 a month, plus room and board was the salary.   

Witnesses for defendant are plaintiff's parents.   When 19-year-old plaintiff moved in, defendant (32 years-old) starting boinking plaintiff.   Plaintiff also helped defendant move to another house, because he was on the road.   (I was totally stunned when I realized that the 19 year old plaintiff testified that she was boinking the 37 or 39 year old defendant, and her parents were testifying for the defendant.)

$800 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Drunk Man Rages Against Neighbor?!-Plaintiff Lynn Svoboda suing neighbor Mario Rivera for car damages, and for attempted battery.  Defendant lived in the building for three years, and was moved to another space at plaintiff's request for the last year (not parking next to her).

Plaintiff lived in the complex for two and a half years, and had the same parking space for the entire time.   Scratches on plaintiff's passenger door date to the time of the dispute, and police call by plaintiff.     Plaintiff says defendant scratched her car door, then plaintiff says while she was calling 911 the defendant put both hands on her window glass, trying to get to her in the car.    Plaintiff shows door dents by defendant's car door (he first says his car isn't black or dark, then says it is).     Plaintiff talked to defendant about passenger door dents, and then in March plaintiff came home at 11 p.m., and defendant was parked well over the line, and plaintiff couldn't get in her assigned parking space.  So, she went to talk to him.   Defendant refused to move his car, and said call the police.    Defendant tried to force the door glass down, and when he couldn't get to her, he was spitting on her car.   Defendant says it was his friend, and plaintiff was mean to him.   

If defendant calls JJ "Miss" one more time, I'm going to hope Officer Byrd punches him out.    While plaintiff is on the phone with 911, defendant claims plaintiff was yelling at him, and the friend, so she was confronting two drunks at 11 p.m.?   Nope.     

Defendant calls JJ "MIss" even more.   Plaintiff will sue the two witnesses for defendant for their part in the incident, and so JJ will give plaintiff their information, including Social Security number for the defense witness who hit plaintiff's car with his BMW.     

Plaintiff receives $570, and the information she needs to sue the BMW owner.    

Illegal Breeding?!-Plaintiff Mark Anderson suing Jennifer Coughlin over her breach of contract over a dog breeding contract.   Plaintiff is an animal control officer, former sheriff's deputy, and breeds Standard Poodles as a hobby.    The plaintiff has three females, and co-owns with his witness (Jill Hudson).    All dogs he owns were bought from other breeders.   In February 2015 defendant bought a puppy, and the signed contract is submitted.

Defendant signed a contract saying female puppy she bought was not for breeding, and needed to be spayed, but she's had two litters, (at least that's all that defendant admits to).     Defendant owns the stud dog that sired both litters, and claims that both breedings were 'accidents'.   Defendant says the contract doesn't have a penalty for breeding the dog.   Dog was sold as a pet, not a breeding animal (price would have been a lot more than $800 if the puppy was a breeding animal).   Defendant says first litter was with her daughter's male dog, and the second breeding was also an accident, and all puppies were given away.  If you believe that story, then I have some great ocean front lots in Arizona for sale.   I bet that either the breeders were contacted by a puppy buyer from defendant's dogs, or someone contacted AKC about papers for the puppies, and then breeders of dog found out defendant was breeding and selling puppies.  

Plaintiffs will get dog back, so they can spay her.  Within 5 days plaintiff will pick up dog with a court order (since he worked for the sheriff's office for years, that will not be a problem).  (My guess is defendant thought breeding the dog would be a way to riches, and dog would have been bred until she didn't get pregnant any longer)

Second (2017)-

Make a Teenager Watch This Case!  -Plaintiff Amy Allen suing Joseph Bridgman, age 18 for wrecking her car.    Defendant is a friend of plaintiff's son (car owned by plaintiff, driven by estranged son).    Alex is the son, and defense witness.   In the early night, Alex was doping, and boozing, but defendant Joseph Bridgman, claims he wasn't using drugs or alcohol, and never does.   

JJ tells the moldy blueberries story, how you end up in bad situations from associating with drunks, and dopers.     Defendant wanted a Polar Pop from Circle K, while Alex and friends were hanging out in the park on a very cold night.   Defendant Moldy Blueberry drove plaintiff's son's car at 10 p.m., hit a patch of black ice, and claims another car coming the other direction without lights on, turned on the bright lights, causing defendant to slam on his brakes, go off the road, and wreck the car. 

Plaintiff's son, Alex moved out after plaintiff found out that defendant witness son was using dope, but he still had her car to drive, and he often stayed out at night.      Then plaintiff was told by son Alex the car was wrecked, and defendant wasn't covered by car insurance because he was driving without permission.         JJ explains if defendant had killed someone, it would be on plaintiff's head.    Defendant son claims he bought the car with his own money.    Defendant received two tickets for driving too fast for the conditions, and no proof of insurance.  That has not had a hearing yet. 

Defendant claims driving too fast ticket was dismissed.  Defendant claims he tracked down the truck, and the company told him to leave their premises.

Plaintiff wants $1786, and receives it.  

 Shot in the Arm While Driving! -Plaintiff car owner Travis Boone suing other driver Marvin Barreau for damages to his car, when he crashed into plaintiff's parked car.    Defendant says he was driving along after a brief call at a friend's apartment (yes, I suspect a booty call), when someone shot the car up, wounding defendant in the arm, and he hit plaintiff's car.     Plaintiff's vehicle is a 1996 Nissan pickup truck (when they used to have real metal bodies), and was not totaled. 

Plaintiff's insurance company (Liberty Mutual) denied the two claims, and they claimed the shooter was the person at fault, so not their responsibility.    Letter denying claims from LiMu is submitted, and they blame the plaintiff for contributory negligence, even though his car was parked, and he wasn't in it.   I hope the NJ insurance commissioner saw this, and nailed LiMu's feathered butt to the wall.   

$5,000 to plaintiff. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Father Butts Into Daughter's Divorce! -Plaintiff/ ex-father-in-law Robert Sellards suing defendant/ former husband and son-in-law Jacob Oliver  over a truck that plaintiff handed truck and title over to defendant, and then wife (plaintiff’s daughter).     Vehicle is a Jeep.   Plaintiff wanted $500, but before defendant paid it off, defendant claims plaintiff came to his work place, and took the license plates on off of the Jeep.    Plaintiff put defendant’s name on title, but it was never registered.   The couple separated, and they wanted to settle the car title/registration.   Daughter is plaintiff’s witness, Ashley Oliver.  The sad fact is the defendant and ex have a kid together, caught in the middle of this

Plaintiff wants $3,000 for towing fees, and tickets.   Truck/Jeep was marital property, and couple shared it for two years before the divorce.   Plaintiff wanted the vehicle out of his name.  JJ doesn’t like plaintiff daughter/ex-wife’s jeans with holes.

After plaintiff went to defendant’s work place, took the plates off of the car, and plaintiff threatened to report car as stolen to police if defendant drove it.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.   Defendant case dismissed.

Jaguar eBay Purchase Gone Wrong! -Plaintiff/car seller Daphanie Hills suing defendant/car buyer   Milton Lopez for impound charges, storage fees, and parking tickets,  for an S-type 2000 Jaguar, she sold him for $2500, sold through an eBay auction.   

Plaintiff bought car, sold less than 6 months later.  Plaintiff lives in NYC, and defendant lives in Syracuse, and he had to take a train and plane to go pick up the car from plaintiff.  Defendant already paid the money owed to plaintiff, and plaintiff signed title to him.   When defendant gets in the vehicle, it won’t start or shift, plaintiff left, and defendant waited a while and went home to Syracuse.   Defendant paid $500 deposit, and $1607 on the day of pick up.

Plaintiff wants more money, but she spent the money defendant gave her for the Jaguar.

Defendant wants $2600 back for the car.   Plaintiff case dismissed.  When car was towed, plaintiff couldn’t pick it up.   

Everything dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Unleashed Dog Mayhem! -Plaintiff /dog owner Katy Merrick (dog Cody) suing defendants / dog owners Ariel Seth and Kevin Cottam (dog Diego) for vet bills, after an attack on her tiny dog by defendant's dog. Defendant has a German Shepherd dog, plaintiff has four little dogs.   There are cottages, with a fenced common area in the middle.   Plaintiff was in the common area planting something, with her four dogs off leash.   Defendant's GSD is blamed for the attack, however neither defendant saw the attack.   

Defendant Seth let her dog out into the common area.    Plaintiff only saw the defendant's dog with Cody the purse dog in Diego's mouth.    Witness Sonia Meza's door faces the plaintiff's house (plaintiff witness couldn't figure out where her front door faces), not the common area.   Defendant Cottam says witness front door faces the street, away from the attack area, so witness saw nothing. 

Plaintiff witness again misplaces her own front door, and could not possibly see the attack from her front door.   All of the dogs were off leash.

Complex owner paid $2800 to plaintiff, and received $1600 forgiven rent for one months, so $4400 from landlord.   Plaintiff claims she didn't have to  sign a release, and didn't pay back the money to landlord.    Vet bill is presented, for both surgeries, and other procedures.  Total was $6700+, and received $4400, already.   Plaintiff is suing defendants for $5,000, because she had to take off work to take care of her dog.  Plaintiff wants travel costs, lost wages.   Plaintiff couldn't afford to keep dog hospitalized for a week, so she stayed off from work for a week, and wants to be paid for that. 

(I think JJ should refuse to pay the plaintiff after she dressed the little dog in a pink dress).

Defendants already gave $619 to plaintiff for bills, landlord gave $4400 too.   JJ asks plaintiff witness Sonja if Diego has ever bitten a dog or person before.   Even Sonja never takes her Chihuahuas in the common area with either litigant. 

Plaintiff receives $1,000.     (I wonder if plaintiff came out after the big dog was already out in the common area?)   I wouldn't have paid the plaintiff a penny.   Her dogs were off leash, so was defendant's dog, so they were being dogs.    

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

When Friends Cut Friends-Plaintiff Dilante Moore suing former friend Randale Brown for cutting him with a knife.      JJ has to threaten defendant that Officer Byrd will put him out through the court exit, if he doesn't stop butting in. 

Both men were getting haircut by plaintiff's witness Damon Sterns (a professional barber).   Both men arrived at the same time of evening.    Both men, plus defendant's girlfriend were hanging out at the barber's home, getting haircuts.   Plaintiff made a joke about political figures, and defendant didn't like the jokes, so defendant cut plaintiff on the arm.  Plaintiff needed surgery to repair his severed arm tendons.    

Defendant says he was working on some clippers.  Then, he claims plaintiff moved his arm in his way, and caused his own injury.   

$5,000 to plaintiff for his time off work because of his arm injury, and surgery.  (Plaintiff remediates mold and asbestos, so he had to stay off work for quite a while). 

Judge Judy's Big Emergency Account?!-Plaintiff Karen Dixon is suing her daughter Jaida Vassell for daughter depositing bad checks into a joint account with the mother, and the bank took the money from the mother's other account.    The bad checks amounted to over $4,000. 

 The mother wants the money back, and to know where the money went.    Checks were from defendant's school mate, a Junior, and defendant says she never deposited checks, but was cashing them, and going to meet her phony friends, for half of the cash.   

Defendant Jaida gave her banking information to the scammers, and is so gullible she still thinks she'll get the money back.    Defendant says the banking information went to Joshua, and Lauren.    JJ says mother will have to report this all to the police.   

Mother's account was a side account, for emergencies, that her husband doesn't know about, but he does now.  JJ has a huge emergency account, and it's all hers.  

Defendant gives phone numbers and names to mother for the police report.  Defendant says Joshua deposited the checks, and daughter received $4,000 cash for them, and gave the money to Lauren, and she says they were going to put half back into her account.    Guess what?  They didn't.   

Mother Karen Dixon says she's not putting money in the accounts with the daughter, because young woman is so gullible she'll do it again.   Also, if daughter's friends have the banking account information they can still rob the account.    Now this is a case I wish there was an update on what happened.    

Defendant's friend deposited two checks on the same day, JJ sees the deposit slips.    Since it was a custodial account, the mother got nailed for the money.  Why am I guessing that no one found the scammers, and daughter would fall for the same scheme again?   I bet if the police report was filed, that the investigation showed that the friends didn't exist.    

Plaintiff receives $4250, and will be paid when the police reports about the scammers is received by the court.   At that time the show will pay the award check.  (My guess is Officer Byrd still has his $4250, because the mother didn’t file against the daughter).

Second (2017)-

Homeless Ex Assaults TV?!-Plaintiff Allen Cox suing former girlfriend Stephanie Glover that he allowed to move in with him, and says defendant stole his cash, $2700 and broke his TV.   Plaintiff let homeless defendant move in to help her out.  During an argument plaintiff says defendant broke the TV, other property, and stole $2700 cash.   Defendant and plaintiff lived together, and then when he moved, and he took defendant back to her mother's home.  Two weeks later, defendant was kicked out by her mother, and she stayed with plaintiff for a while.   Defendant also has a drug problem.   A few days later they had an argument over defendant's drug use.    

Defendant threw bottle at TV, now has no picture.   But defendant slept in same room as plaintiff after the TV was broken.    Next morning the defendant went to her meeting, and the transit company that escorts her called asking where she was.    Plaintiff went looking for her, and didn't find her, and his cash was missing.   Defendant's sworn statement, and testimony keep changing.  

Plaintiff has a property investment business, and sells leggings online. and he's also a student with loans and grants.    Police report shows the cash theft right after the theft.   Text messages from defendant admit the theft of the cash.

$2700 to plaintiff.   

Massage Therapist Payback-Plaintiff Debra Sams is suing former employer, Amanda Docksteader for nonpayment of wages.   Plaintiff claims one check bounced, and then another two checks that couldn't be cashed because funds weren't available.    (Defendant's Bozo red hair is hideous).   As JJ says, the existence of the checks proved plaintiff worked for defendant, and if she had any problem with the quality of work, she shouldn't have continued to employ her, and should have paid her wages that she owed her.   Defendant is counter suing for lock changing fees, and some other garbage.

Defendant claims she told plaintiff not to cash the check yet.    $1824 is the first check amount, which bounced.    Then plaintiff worked for defendant for one more week, and that's when she received the other two bad checks.   Plaintiff's mistake was not taking the first check to the police, and continuing to work for defendant. 

$2380 to plaintiff. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Rescue Dog Attack -Plaintiffs Angelica and Monte Hight suing defendant/dog owner Matt Weiman for vet bills.  Plaintiffs weren’t present during the attack, wife speaks, and daughter Kayla Hight was walking the dog .   Plaintiff dog is a terrier mix, about 15 lbs.    Defendant dog si a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Mastiff mix, no way that a 2- to 3-year old mix of that breed combination is 70 lbs.   Plaintiff dog was being walked by plaintiff daughter, and defendant daughter, Hailee, was walking the Rhodesian/Mastiff mix.  

Plaintiff daughter says defendant’s 10-year-old child, Hailee was walking an 80 lb. dog, defendant dog pulled the leash lose from daughter, she lost control, and plaintiff’s dog was attacked.   

Defendant father’s statement, bears no resemblance to the plaintiff’s statement, or his daughter’s statement in court to JJ.   Defendant claims his daughter regained control of the big dog, before the attack.  (This happened in St. Cloud, MN)

Plaintiff daughter Kayla disputes the account of defendant daughter regaining control of the big dog.   Defendant presents a statement about the vicious and dangerous dog attack in Minnesota.

JJ calls defendant stupid, and he certainly is.   Defendant claims plaintiff’s dog attacked first.  

Plaintiff receives $3,000 for vet bills.    Defendant in the hall-terview says now that case is over, the girls can be friends again.    I wouldn’t ever have that man, or his relatives on my property, or go to their place.    

Lovers Playing House -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Joslynn Ford suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Stephen Shedrick car loan, security deposit and an assault.   The litigants were shacking up, bought a car together with loan in both names, and then the car accident.    Defendant was driving when the accident happened with the car, no insurance on the car, and plaintiff wants defendant to pay for the car.

Plaintiff claims defendant choked her.   Plaintiff admits throwing something at defendant.  

Car claim dismissed. 

Then, there was a huge argument, plaintiff claims she caught defendant cheating, and that’s when plaintiff threw something at defendant, and hit him.   Plaintiff moved out with four or five months left on the lease, and she paid nothing.

Everything dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Reckless Teen Driver Whodunit! -Plaintiff/car owner Brenda Elliot (mother and car owner) suing defendant/driver for car damages Thai Jhonna Willis for crashing plaintiff’s car into a pole.  Plaintiff witness is daughter of plaintiff, Mayra Elliott, who claims defendant borrowed the car.

   Defendant was co-worker of plaintiff, and claims she didn’t drive the car that crashed, but plaintiff daughter was driving.   Defendant says plaintiff daughter asked defendant to lie and say she was driving so daughter wouldn’t get into trouble.      Plaintiff daughter says defendant borrowed the car, and hit the pole.    

Defendant claims they went on break together, plaintiff daughter was driving, and not defendant.  Plaintiff daughter claims defendant borrowed the car, and only defendant was in the car when it crashed.

After the accident, the litigants went back to work, and that’s when defendant claims plaintiff daughter begged her to say she was driving, so she wouldn’t get in trouble with her mother.  If plaintiff daughter made her mother mad, then her graduation party would have been cancelled.  

JJ will call supervisor Theresa, to find out if both litigants went on break together.   Supervisor Theresa refuses to talk to JJ. JJ says plaintiff asked former supervisor to lie for her.

Plaintiff case dismissed.   JJ believes defendant.

6-Year-Old Takes the Stand -Plaintiff Carla Jones suing defendants/parent Crystal Benning   for car damages, claiming 6-year-old son Omarie Benning, scratching her car with his bicycle, twice.  Plaintiff says 6-year-old child scratched her car with his bicycle, but now denies it. (This was in Ewing, NJ)

Plaintiff never met Omarie, and defendant before the car scratching.   Plaintiff’s car was parked in front of her house, at the curb.    Plaintiff says she saw Omarie riding into the car, by the wheel well, Omarie left.   Then, later plaintiff saw him the second time severely scratching her car.   

Defendant parents don’t believe their son did this.   Mrs. Benning will never believe her son did anything wrong.

Plaintiff receives $947.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

 Car Sale Gets Personal! -Plaintiff Keadra O'Neal suing defendant / car dealer Anthony Bowers for repo'ing  a car he sold her, property left in the car, and punitive damages.  Car was repo'd after payments were late, and payments were not even the full amount, and as usual plaintiff has no receipts.    Car was collected at plaintiff's work place.   In retaliation plaintiff called defendant's wife, and alleged that defendant was making sexual advances to her.   Contract says when a payment is 7 days late, car will be repo'd.    Plaintiff only paid $300, not the $600 she was supposed to pay.   Car was purchased from a used car dealership, and she claimed she couldn't find his office to pay the second payment.    

JJ says the $300 plaintiff is out for one payment, and $1100 down, equals a rental.   $1100 has no receipt or bank proof, so it didn't happen.  Defendant says woman paid him $1,000 down, but was over 7 days late for the second payment.    JJ gives plaintiff her $1,000 down back for the car, and throws out plaintiff's phony property claims of what was left in the car.    Plaintiff made a police report about the money in the missing purse, and medication that were supposed to be in the car, and that weren't returned to her.

Defendant claims car was not resold, because it's totaled (he claims car was stolen and totaled by a car thief).    Plaintiff claims car was in perfect condition, and is for sale on the car lot.  Why is plaintiff yelling? 

$1,000 back to plaintiff, for her down payment.    Now we discuss the text plaintiff sent to defendant's wife, that's dismissed.

Father-to-Be Cheating on Mommy-to-Be?!-Plaintiff Patina Saul suing former boyfriend defendant Hakeem Franklin suing for unrepaid loan for a car, and money taken from her without permission.   Salesman said down payment was $1400 and he had that, but he needed to put down $900 more, so he borrowed it from the plaintiff.    Plaintiff loaned defendant money for a car down payment, $900, but he claims it was a birthday gift.     Meanwhile, defendant's other girlfriend was pregnant, a fact not disclosed to plaintiff.     

In January was the car deal, and a couple of months later he dumped her for his pregnant girlfriend.  A $600 insurance payment came out of plaintiff's account in February.    

Plaintiff gets the $900 loan, and $600 insurance payment, so total is $1500. 

Second (2017)-

Don't Trust Men You Meet in a Supermarket?! -Plaintiff Ghandia Johnson suing defendant Nicholas Francis for an unpaid loan for lawyer fees for defendant, and for harassment.   Litigants met in supermarket, in March in Colorado, struck up a relationship, but it was only online after the one in person meeting, and until their meeting in court.    Defendant was arrested in April, in Florida, and he reached out to plaintiff by text.  Defendant was in jail in Florida, and plaintiff sent letter to defendant in jail.   If defendant didn't tell plaintiff he was in jail in Florida, then how did she get his address?   The answer is he sent plaintiff a text.  

Defendant was arrested for driving on a suspended license, and says he was 'profiled' and pulled over, but drugs were found in car.  Defendant says drug case was dropped (no it wasn't, States Attorney is still looking at drug case), and driving on a suspended license case is still pending.    There was a previous case for suspended license in another Florida county at the same time.  (When defendant says no drugs in his car, but then admits they found drugs, the audience, and JJ get a good laugh).  

(Ghandia Johnson is a former survivor contestant, I knew that name sounded familiar.  I recognized her from her publicity when she was on the show, when they publicized her home town connection).

$1500 for attorney fees to plaintiff. 

Flim Flam Car Sham?!- Plaintiff Doreen Washington suing defendant/her son's fiance, Elizabeth McDonald, over a Chevy Impala sold to defendant where car was repossessed.    When plaintiff and husband were divorcing he had the car in his name, and that's the car that plaintiff sold to the defendant (not legal at all), and was not the car that plaintiff had the legal right to sell.     Plaintiff and ex bought car together, and when they separated, no court ruling was made on ownership of the car.   During the divorce plaintiff paid the $9,200 on the car to pay the car off, and was titled in husband, and plaintiff's name.   Car was originally in husband's name.  Somehow,  plaintiff  got car titled in defendant's name.

Car was purchased in husband's name, and title was never signed over to plaintiff, but plaintiff claims husband signed car over to Elizabeth (defendant).   Plaintiff couldn't title car in her name, because she had a car registration/licensing issue.    Then car was titled to defendant, both litigants went to title loan company, got the money for the loan, and defendant was supposed to pay for it.    However, defendant paid nothing on car loan, so car was repossessed.   Defendant was counter suing over repossession fees, and ruined credit.   Plaintiff was driving the car when it was repossessed. 

Coming to court with dirty hands will not lead to a good result for the plaintiff, or the defendant.    

Counter claim from defendant is dismissed, because she spent the money from the loan. 

Everything dismissed. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Love Triangle Assault!-Plaintiff Sheri Webster suing boyfriend's wife Nancy Marquez for an assault.   Cheating husband, Desean Marquez is witness for defendant wife.  Defendant wife claims plaintiff attacked her first.   Plaintiff and husband were co-workers, and then boinking.  Plaintiff claims defendant husband said he wasn't married, and lied.    Plaintiff says defendant found out about the affair, in March of 2014, claims defendant wife assaulted her.    

Defendant found out about affair after it had been going on for over two years, when plaintiff told her about affair, and that was in February 2014.    Defendant wife says plaintiff sent her a FB message, asking if she was married to Desean Marquez or not.    Defendant asked if plaintiff was the tramp who picked husband up every morning for a ride to work. 

After this defendant husband claimed he was still single, even though he's been married to defendant wife since 2009.    When defendant confronted husband, he still claims he's not married to plaintiff.   Defendant wife sent a marriage license copy, and plaintiff wanted to meet defendant wife in person to talk.  Plaintiff claims cheating husband said his wife was a jealous ex trying to break up his relationship with plaintiff.     Then the two women talked at the work parking lot in February.     

Plaintiff did not stop her relationship with defendant husband.     Plaintiff claims defendant wife confronted her at her car in the parking lot while both were coming to pick up cheating husband, then plaintiff drove around to the front of the building.  On March 22, plaintiff says wife punched her through an open window, pinned her down in her seat, scratched her.   Sorry, plaintiff knew defendant husband was married, and still kept having her affair with him.   Plaintiff says she put her car in reverse, and got away from defendant wife.     I'm not saying assaulting someone is right, but plaintiff was lucky that defendant wife didn't shoot her.

Defendant wife's response is "It's not my fault she can't fight".    Defendant wife claims she was standing outside her car, when plaintiff verbally assaulted her, and hit her with her car.   No proof of that.     

$5000 to plaintiff for medical bills ($3500) plus punitive damages.  (I wouldn’t have given plaintiff a penny).

(I remember this case from years ago.     I bet this isn't the first time the wife caught him cheating.    I didn't feel a lot of sympathy for the girlfriend though, she knew he was still married, was still canoodling with him, and like most side pieces, probably thought he would dump the wife for her.   I had to laugh at the wife's "It's not my fault she can't fight" statement.    That's not the first time that's been said on this show, and always by women).  

Can't Buy Me Love!-Plaintiff Victoria Jayka suing Benjamin Godfrey defendant ex-boyfriend for a broken lease, $2300 total bill.   Defendant didn't pay $750 for half of his break lease fee.    

$750 to plaintiff

Second (2014)-

Caught Cheating? -Plaintiff Laveta Smith suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Alexander Morales for $3,000 for a car.   Plaintiff wanted a car, even though she never had a license, and defendant drove it sometimes.   Plaintiff’s money was used to purchase car, put it in defendant’s name.   Then they had a big fight, and he took the car.   It was in his name, but purchased with plaintiff’s money.

Plaintiff lost her license for unpaid tickets. 

Plaintiff still doesn’t have a license, and she wants $3,000 from defendant for the car.  

JJ says sell the car, and the proceeds go to plaintiff.    Defendant wants payment for plaintiff beating on his older car with a baseball bat, kicked the side of the car, all after their big argument.   Plaintiff claims she scratched the side of the car with her phone.

Plaintiff case dismissed, except for the order saying both need to sell the car.  Defendant gets $1,000 in car damages.

Landlord 101 -Plaintiff/ landlady Beth  Hicks suing defendant/former tenant Natasha Robertson, claiming defendant tried to change the agreement, and plaintiff wants $5,000.   The property is a duplex, one upstairs and one downstairs.

 The lease copies submitted by tenant, and landlady differ dramatically, so JJ figures landlady added clauses to the lease after signing.     Defendant didn’t like some of the property issues, so she stopped paying rent.

Tenant moved in March, $800 security, and paid rent, but not in June.    Plaintiff wanted additional deposits from tenant that were not in the lease, so tenant left. The additional deposits were for utility deposits.    So, plaintiff broke the lease, not the defendant.

Plaintiff claims defendant broke the lease (she didn’t, plaintiff did), left trash behind, and didn’t pay her rent.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-(This episode always airs with three cases, second one is never listed)

Teenager Challenges Judge Judy! -Plaintiff Sierra Pearson, suing defendant Jenny Soto, and her daughter Makayla Allen for keying her car.   Plaintiff was living in friend's house (Nick age 20), with several other people, after a rift with her family.    Then plaintiff's friend Nick starts dating defendant daughter Makayla.    Nick and Makayla had a falling out (Makayla Allen is 16).   

 Jenny Soto (defendant mother) says she can't do anything about daughter Makayla's behavior   Defendant mother says she's tried therapy, etc. but nothing helps daughter.    Defendant mother knew her 16-year-old delinquent daughter was living with Nick, and the others, but mother never told Nick's mother that Makayla was 16.      

Plaintiff found the car keying a few days later, and there is a witness (Bryton O Wells, age 19).    Witness was helping Makayla move out, and she didn't see the keying, but she heard it, and said Makayla boasted about keying the car.    Witness and Makayla had a falling out a month later, and witness said Makayla stole from her and her father, so Makayla was told to leave the house.     Plaintiff has a text from Makayla Allen admitting the keying.  Plaintiff was smart, she told Makayla she had video of the keying, and it was going to the cops.    So, defendant confessed via text. 

Because daughter is 16, mother is responsible.    Then it turns, when JJ says she can lecture her or not, and then Mikayla Allen gets nasty, and asks JJ why she's bothering to lecture the little criminal.   Mikayla has a nasty little attitude.

$428 to plaintiff.      

Car Sale Fiasco-(Very strange, not listed in the cable guide or online)-Plaintiff Cameron Jacobsen sold a car to defendant Nichole Megeterian, for $2,000 down, on a car for $11,000+, but he paid her directly for her previous car.   Plaintiff is a car dealer, but doesn't do his paperwork right.   Plaintiff actually took the car, plus $300 for the $2,000 down.    Case is over, plaintiff received the $1700 car, plus the $300 cash, so plaintiff is whole.   

Defendant didn't sign title over to plaintiff.   Plaintiff will have to handle this through the lost title process. 

Case dismissed. (The next case was listed the last time, but the car case ran then also).

(This case is actually on later this week, on Thursday on second 5 p.m. episode, but it's always listed as the second case of this episode)

Officer Byrd Settles Case! aka Stolen Service Dog Case-Plaintiff Annie and James Brown suing defendants, her father Robert Scharat, and former roommates (male) Erin Fitzgerald, for custody of their dog (father has the dog, for three years) and roommate had custody of the dog for almost four years, and a false claim to CPS.      Defendant says she moved because defendant's girlfriend was threatening to call CPS about plaintiff's mothering, and the home she was living in.    Plaintiff wants dog that defendant father raised from a puppy (I think this is the case from the other day about "Stolen Service Dog" that didn't air), and has been with roommate for four years (Erin Fitzgerald), and defendant roommate keeps the dog.   JJ tells woman to adopt another 'service' dog, since she hasn't ever been the dog's owner, or seen the dog for four years. 

Plaintiff woman says she left home because father/defendant's girlfriend and defendant threatened to call DCF/CPS over the baby's raising.    Plaintiffs claim all house damages were caused by other people, including Erin the defendant.   CPS showed up at current house (plaintiff husband's place), and had a complaint.    Good luck proving who called CPS, it's not going to be released.   In the house that plaintiffs, and defendant roommate lived in all damages are claimed to predate the plaintiff's tenancy, including the bathroom damage to the shower stall, that was redone in 2011.   Erin/defendant is counter suing for house damages to home defendant roommate, and plaintiffs lived in, and Erin still lives in.      

Plaintiff says she moved because defendants called CPS, and now she says the CPS people showed up after they had already moved in to plaintiff's father-in-law's house.    Plaintiff husband claims shower was fine when he lived there.   It's a fiberglass shower, and entire unit will have to be replaced.    

Why does plaintiff woman keep fidgeting, and bouncing around?   

Everything dismissed.)

Second (2017)-

It's All Very L.A.!-Plaintiff (Kathryn Kolouch) suing defendant/ mechanic (Andreas Cardini) over car repairs that she says were fraudulent, and not done well.  Car is a 2003 Honda Element, inherited from her parents, car had over 200000 miles on car.  Plaintiff claims she took inherited in for a wellness check, but mechanic said it needed shock.    Plaintiff claims it was for an oil change, but defendant says it was for a strut change, and defendant/mechanic worked on the same car before.    

After defendant worked on car, and then took it to the Honda dealer three months later.    Defendant said he quoted $800, and plaintiff paid that, and replaced struts.    Honda replaced the struts, and the receipt is submitted.  Honda dealer also replaced the rear stabilizer/sway bar, but that wasn't part of the defendant's work.   Adam Timm, plaintiff witness, motorcycle mechanic says the shock absorber broke.   Why am I listening to a motorcycle mechanic?    Shock worked for three months, then failed.   

Mechanic, plaintiff witness says the rear stabilizer bar that wasn't replaced by defendant makes a bad sound, and can also impact other part.   Also, apparently strut/shock worked fine for three months.    No problems for three months, until plaintiff took car to Honda. As defendant says, he didn't make the shock, and she never brought it back with any complaints.    

Case dismissed.

Mother Daughter Hair Care Fiasco-Plaintiff (Carey)suing (Rene Richardson)defendant hair client over fraudulent charged, bank fees, a bad check.     Defendant says salon was actually in plaintiff's home, on some back road,  and she was uncomfortable with plaintiff's boyfriend being in the home, but she had plaintiff cut her daughter's hair the same day after her service was completed.   

Defendant left check for $180 was for services rendered, plus $20 tip, and the check bounced.    Plaintiff completed the defendant, and her daughter's services, and then stopped payment on the check.    Service on defendant took four hours.  Wendye Macabe, defendant's sister is the witness, and has the same hairdo as defendant, but with more frosting,    

Ate the steak, comes to mind.  

Plaintiff says she filed for the principal of the case, not the money only.   

Plaintiff receives $835

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14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Because daughter is 16, mother is responsible.    Then it turns, when JJ says she can lecture her or not, and then Mikayla Allen gets nasty, and asks JJ why she's bothering to lecture the little criminal.   Mikayla has a nasty little attitude.

I appreciated JJ lecturing her but know it probably didn't do any good.  I looked up Mikayla Allen on FB and the first name that came up looked somewhat like her (eyebrows weren't as heavy though).  If it is she, lecture didn't do much good.  Works at Subway and has a baby with her "prize" of a man.

All I can say is poor mom.  

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Potbellied Pig Custody Battle -Plaintiff/pig seller Leslie Shelton suing defendant/pig buyer Michael Polland for travel costs, and   Plaintiff sold piglet to Jessica, there was a written contract.   Then, Jessica put a craigslist ad, and sold the piglet to defendant.   This fight is  over custody of a pig that defendant legally purchased.    Pig is named LeeLee (for Emily).

Defendant bought the pig from Jessica, then plaintiff demands the pig back, because it violated the contract plaintiff had with Jessica.   It was a legal sale, and he’s not a signatory with Jessica and plaintiff.

Plaintiff found out about the piglet resale, because contract says plaintiff retains first right of refusal for piglet resale, at a reduced price too.   Also, plaintiff crossed out stuff on the contract which isn’t valid.  Plaintiff called the police, and threated to have defendant charged with theft of the piglet.  Jessica only had piglet for a few weeks, advertised for $450, and bought by defendant for $225 from Jessica.  Jessica was getting a divorce, moving out of state, sold pig and kennel to defendant.   

JJ points out that plaintiff’s law suit should be against Jessica.   The sale from plaintiff was with Jessica, in Caspar, WY, and they never met in person.    Defendant is countersuing for harassment, for the police involvement, and plaintiff bothering him and his family.    Defendant originally called plaintiff to ask about proper care for the pig.   That’s when the ca-ca hit the fan.     Plaintiff tries to tell JJ that Jessica’s sister was going to return the pig.  Total hearsay.

Plaintiff wants the pig back, to sell her to someone else, and I bet for a lot of money.   JJ tells plaintiff can buy the pig back from defendant for $1,000.   The stunned look on plaintiff’s face is hysterical when JJ says the price, and plaintiff declines to pay $1000 for the pig.   

Plaintiff’s ridiculous case dismissed.    Defendant receives $0 for the harassment, and police issues caused by plaintiff.   Defendant told to block plaintiff’s number, and plaintiff is told to leave defendant alone.

Cat Sitting Catastrophe -Plaintiff Catilin Moeller (24 years-old) suing defendant Gina Hassan (19 years-old) who was hired to cat sit for plaintiff’s kitty.  While defendant was visiting, not staying at the home, plaintiff claims defendant damaged the home, and stole clothing.   Ages are put down, because of the empty booze bottles in the trash left in plaintiff’s house.  

When plaintiff came back, house was trashed, things were missing. Plaintiff gets off on the wrong foot by advancing on the sacred desk of Judge Judy.   Plaintiff has a recording of defendant saying her friend stole the property, and plaintiff is suing the other girl also.    (This was in Washington state).  

Since plaintiff is suing someone else in her home state for the theft, case is dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Ex-Fiancee Fight -Plaintiff/ex-boyfriend Jereme Walker  suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Lluvia Waggoner for  the return of his appliances  Defendant says plaintiff cheated.   Plaintiff moved out, and defendant and their three children stayed in the home, and plaintiff claims defendant kept the appliances, and sectional sofa, and a washer/dryer that still has an outstanding loan for $2138. 

Plaintiff gets an order to pick up the washer and dryer with a marshal’s help, within five days.  Plaintiff gets his TV, stereo, and TV stand within five days.

Defendant wants pain and suffering for plaintiff cheating.

Defendant claim dismissed.

Pit Bull Attack to the Face! -Plaintiff Melody Kelly suing defendant/Pit Bull owner Myline Berrios for an attack by defendant’s dog, for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical bills.   Defendant says plaintiff over reacted, and caused the attack.   Attack was by defendant’s dog, on plaintiff’s property.  

(New Port Richey, FL is where this happened).   Defendant claims her dog was in her garage, there is a screen over defendant’s garage entry (lots of places in Florida have this, no garage door, but a big sliding screen.

Plaintiff say the Pit Bull coming to attack the smaller dog owned by plaintiff.  She held her dog over her head, first bite was on her arm, second was on the head, and third was a horrific eye injury.  Plaintiff had 10 stitches on her eye.     Defendant claims her vicious dog wasn’t attacking, and didn’t bite.  

Defendant does not have homeowners or renter’s insurance.    Defendant’s dog was two house lots away from home, off leash, and that’s when it savagely tried to attack the plaintiff’s dog, and attacked plaintiff.   Plaintiff is lucky she didn’t lose an eye.   I hope animal control did something about the dog attack. 

 (JJ doesn’t realize that defendant’s dog probably is excluded from insurance coverage.)

$5,000 to plaintiff.  

Fake Concert Tickets?! -Plaintiff Timothy Vandeweerd and girlfriend Yesenia Porras suing defendant     Juan Valencia for $420 for fake concert tickets.    Plaintiffs say general admission tickets were $110, for 5 tickets, and two more tickets for $90,  from defendant, but they had to purchase legit tickets for $170 each at the venue.  VIP tickets were $220.   Another witness for plaintiffs couldn’t come to court, because he’s on probation, and can’t travel to court. 

Defendant says he sold a lot of tickets to the event, no one else had problems with the tickets, and he saw the plaintiffs at all of the days of the concert.    

Defendant’s text says he knew they were fake tickets, and some did manage to get into the concert with the fake tickets.

Plaintiffs receive $420.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Electric Scooter Pet Collision!-Plaintiff Cheryl Huettel suing defendant Harry Orange II for defendant's dog scaring her, and her dogs got loose (Great Dane, and 40 lb. mixed breed), and her electric scooter fell over, and scooter was damaged.   Plaintiff wants scooter damaged paid for, and pain and suffering.    Plaintiff has one dog tied to the scooter (Great Dane), and one was on a leash, wrapped around her hand (smaller dog), with leash wrapped around her wrist.       Great Dane's leash is attached to the scooter frame.   (This happened in Huntsville, AL)  

Plaintiff says they were on their usual route around the neighborhood, and defendant's dog ran out of the garage, and barked at plaintiff's dogs.   Defendant's dog is a Shih Tzu/Poodle, Charday, so a small dog.  Plaintiff says her Great Dane was scared by the little dog, and pulled the scooter faster than it could go.   

There is a video of the entire incident.    In the end of the video, plaintiff stopped the scooter, and Great Dane pulled scooter over.   There is no sound dog barking, or the defendant calling his dog back.     Plaintiff is such a liar, no barking dog, no sight of the little dog on the video, or any proof that the defendant's dog was out.   

Defendant says plaintiff came to his home four or five times, and during the original incident defendant was at work, so he couldn't be calling the dog back.  Defendant is counter claiming for trespassing, and harassment. 

Plaintiff also told police defendant was harassing her, when she was actually at defendant's home.   

So is the mobility scooter for mobility issues, or for dog walking?  Plaintiff seems fine in court, so I suspect it's for the dog exercising   Defendant says both dogs are leashed to the scooter.  

Claim dismissed, and counter claim dismissed. 

(I think the defendant should have received some money for harassment, and trespassing by plaintiff.  JJ missed the point, the defendant's dog wasn't out, and wasn't on the street, or barking.  Also, the defendant claims he was at work when this happened.    The video has no barking on it, no one is calling a dog back. Also, plaintiff is perfectly mobile, so the scooter was just to exercise the dogs.)

Back and Forth Truck Fail!-Plaintiff Sharlene Foy suing James Hunt for the return of money plaintiff paid defendant for an 18 year old truck ($2800), defendant is a mechanic.   Defendant says plaintiff filed the lawsuit before he finished the work on the truck, including replacing the transmission.   Plaintiff paid for truck, and transmission replacement.  Defendant is suing for mechanical work on truck.   Plaintiff paid $900 down, and plus later paying an additional $1150, and bought some parts for the truck also.    

Mechanic says truck is finished and ready to drive.   

Plaintiff receives $2195 back for the truck. 

Second (2017)-

Smoking, Squatting and Blaring Music?!-Plaintiff Michael Pastori was living in his car, and defendant Diane Stemmler invited him to live in her house.     Defendant says plaintiff was a squatter, who smoked in her house, played loud music around the clock, and defendant said he refused to leave her house.   Plaintiff separated from wife six years ago, but never divorced,  and seems rather stoned.   Plaintiff was living with his parents, got tossed out, and was living in his car, and then moved in with defendant, into her basement.

Plaintiff wanted to rent the basement of defendant's house, in return for working on the space.   Defendant said she would rent basement for $1,000, and some work on the property.     Then, months later defendant contacted her, and plaintiff said he was living in his car, and she agreed for plaintiff to move in for a short time.  Plaintiff only paid $200.    It wasn't working out, so defendant called police, and said plaintiff hadn't paid her.

Defendant claims to only have a couple of plaintiff's items, and the rest were already picked up by the plaintiff.  Defendant will give vacuum, baby wipes, and some other item to her nephew to give to plaintiff.  Plaintiff gets items back via defendant's nephew returning them.  Counter claim dismissed. 

Assault Rifle Rift?!-Plaintiff Jessie Gaffield suing his father Richard Gaffield, Sr, over an assault rifle AR-15, and handgun defendant didn't return.   Plaintiff says defendant asked to borrow an assault rifle, and a handgun, then plaintiff found out defendant was using them for collateral.   Defendant says his girlfriend used them for collateral for a drug debt, and claims guns disappeared after that.  

Defendant lied to son about why he needed the guns, and claimed he wanted them for protection, but they were for collateral for the druggy ex-girlfriend.    

Plaintiff receives $1059

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Mud Slinging Break-up! -Plaintiff/  Eric Gavidia suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Heidi Hannah for return of an engagement ring, and wants punitive damages from defendant for telling mediator about his double life.   Mediator demanded supervised visitation only, which has ended.  Mediation helped a little bit. JJ looks at the engagement ring.    Feuding parents tell everything nasty they know about the other parent.   Defendant claims plaintiff is not only a cheater, which he admits, but also a monster and deviant.   

They lived together for 4 ½ years.   He’s a fundraising consultant, and she’s now a somellier , and claims the income when they lived together, she claims she was the major breadwinner.  Defendant says plaintiff only took care of the children occasionally.  

During the court mediation, defendant claimed that plaintiff had a secret double life, and deviant tendencies.    Letter from defendant to court includes details about his cheating with kinky details.

The court actually didn’t let him near the kids for quite a while.   The mediator said supervised vistation only, during the mediation period. 

Plaintiff has photographic evidence that defendant participated in the plaintiff’s sexual exploits.

JJ dismisses everything, and returns ring to plaintiff.

He Said/She Said Assault Charges -Plaintiff Neal Blair suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Cherie Hll for having plaintiff falsely arrested for domestic violence, and return of a security deposit.  They lived together in the same apartment, were both on the house lease.   They were together for 3 years, only lived in the apartment for three months, on a year’s lease.     

Plaintiff’s witnesses are his girlfriend, and daughter.  Argument happened after defendant confronted his ex-wife and daughter at a restaurant parking lot, and later at the house.  Plaintiff was at the house, defendant got verbally aggressive with plaintiff, he called the police.   Defendant told lied to police about an assault, so plaintiff was arrested, and barred from the rented home.  Defendant claimed to the police that plaintiff pushed her, and he was arrested for domestic violence.

$2500 for bail to plaintiff.    Plaintiff moved out after the arrest, and he gets $800 for his half of the security deposit. $ 3300 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Bleach and Burglary! -Plaintiff/landlord Aaron Reel Lakeisha Williams for breaking her lease, and apartment damages.

On 8/19 there was a broken window on her duplex, and the neighbor’s duplex.   Both windows were repaired.   Then on 8/20 there was a second break-in only at her apartment, with everything stolen.   Defendant went out of town with her mother, had to force her way into the apartment.    Defendant claims everything was stolen including her children’s clothes, all TVs and electronics, and everything else.    

Defendant wanted to be released from the lease after the second burglary.    Plaintiff asked her to contact the local prosecutor, to ask landlord to release her from the lease, but she didn’t do that.  Defendant stay for another month.   

Plaintiff claims there was bleach all over the carpet throughout the apartment after the second burglary.   Plaintiff says there was only one small bleach spot on one part of new carpet when defendant moved in.   I find the fact that everything was taken, including clothes from the apartment.

JJ dismisses the apartment claims.   Defendant told to get renter’s insurance.  (This doesn't sound like a burglary at all, it sounds personal, and some kind of revenge.    I bet the first break-in was to see which unit defendant lived in, and the second was the actual attack.)   

Everything dismissed.

Freeloading Friend Cries Assault! -Plaintiff/freeloading  non-paying tenant Angeleque Green suing defendants/ Good Samaritans Katrina Ricks and her daughter Kamesa Hudson, for assault and property she left behind when she moved out.   Plaintiff moved to Chicago for the low income/subsidized housing, and moved in for free until plaintiff obtained a job, and would start paying defendants rent.    Plaintiff says defendant didn’t pay rent because defendant and daughter are on Section 8, but we all pay defendant’s rent.   

It is a violation of Section 8 to have plaintiff and daughter move into the apartment.    Plaintiff stayed for months, and never had a job, until 8 months later doing mobile hair services at client’s homes.

After 8 months, defendants changed the locks, and told plaintiff to hit the road.   Plaintiff brought a bedroom set, living room set, dining room set, and everything else.    Plaintiff wants $3500 for the property.   Plaintiff claims an assault by defendant daughter, and her sisters.  No police report or medical reports.

Plaintiff never paid rent for 8 months at defendant’s place.  (Furniture was all from Aaron’s, I’m betting it was delivered right before the move.   Common scam is to get a house full of rent-to-own furniture and appliances, then move away with no forwarding address.)

Plaintiff only paid for food, with her food stamps from Officer Byrd.     However, defendant Ricks claims she found out from friends that plaintiff had been working for two months, paying nothing, and the argument started.  

Plaintiff moved in with her grandmother, and someday wants her own apartment.  Defendant says she confronted plaintiff about having a job and not paying rent, and defendant told her to leave.    Defendant says plaintiff took her kid, and her clothes, and said she didn’t care about the furniture.   JJ asked plaintiff if the light is bothering her eyes, because she has her eyes closed. 

Plaintiff has no record of payments to Aaron’s, just a lease agreement.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Coming to America...to Sue My Daughter!-Plaintiff mother Beverly Artis Frese came back to the U.S. from Denmark, to sue her daughter Zakiya Steward  for the balance of a loan for a car, and car rental fees.   Plaintiff lives in Denmark, with her current husband.      Plaintiff lied in her complaint, and says the loan was to get daughter's car out of foreclosure, but daughter bought another car instead.    Defendant says she didn't know her mother was back in the U.S., living with another daughter (Takisha Artis), and never contacted her since May when she came back to the U.S.     

Plaintiff claims she tried to reach her daughter/defendant, but defendant says that's garbage.    Defendant says the estrangement started when she was 8, and mother placed her in foster care.    Daughter/defendant says she didn't ask mother for money, and mother saw the repo., and says plaintiff agreed to help daughter with money.

First communication with defendant was talking about the car rental.   The mother's messages, and emails have no dates or other specifics on them.    The first dated message is 2016.   Defendant received the contract before she received the money from mother.    Daughter says mother demanded a lot of her financial information, and defendant didn't feel comfortable with all of that information.   

Sadly, the daughter's mistake is she's hoping that someday her mother will care about her, and that will never happen. She should also write off her sibling, or siblings too.   Defendant wants a relationship with her mother, and family, and that will never happen.    

Defendant made one payment to mother, but claims mother's current husband told her stop making payments.   

$3160 to plaintiff

Reckless Driver, Wrecked Car?-Plaintiff Tobi Ferguson suing her daughter's friend, defendant Sonny Cropper. for taking the car, and damaging the car.     Plaintiff's two children wrecked two cars, and daughter has a reckless driving conviction.     Daughter was driving plaintiff's car, because she's a taking a younger sibling to school, and claims she didn't even know the car was gone until the accident happened.   Daughter says defendant was driving, and car ended up wrapped around a tree.      Plaintiff says her daughter was driving the car in mother's name, because daughter needs to get her kid to school.   Daughter Tia Cooper moved to California now.  

Daughter testified car was taken without her permission, but defendant says that's a lie.   Defendant was driving, and claims they switched driver's and plaintiff's daughter took the car home.   Then daughter called him, and claimed he damaged the car.  JJ says car damage was done by daughter, and should have been reported to plaintiff's insurance.

Case dismissed. 

Second (2017)-

Man Pays Ex-Lover to Move Out?!-Plaintiff Vanessa Smith suing her ex, Bradley Betland, over a move from Minnesota to Texas, and plaintiff moved back to Minnesota after this.  Plaintiff wants moving expenses (from Texas back to Minnesota), locksmith fees, and emotional distress.   Defendant wants lease breaking fees, and half of the rent.    Plaintiff claims defendant said that if she wanted her stuff back, she had to sleep with him, and said it in front of her father.     

JJ questions that there is a contract for defendant to pay for plaintiff's move back to Minnesota.    Plaintiff wanted $1500, but defendant said he had no money, and he paid to move everything to Texas.   JJ doesn't see a contract, and as a graduate of the LA Law, and Law & Order school of TV law, I don't either. 

Plaintiff claims she wouldn't have left her $10k motorcycle behind if she knew defendant would keep it.   Plaintiff says defendant has her mother's washing machine, a Harley Davidson mug, swing chair, and lock fees because he sent her the wrong key to the storage locker.  Defendant said he had to leave the washer behind for the next tenant he subleased to, along with a fridge, and stove he bought for the apartment.

(What the hell is going on with the plaintiff's hair?   It looks greasy, and wet, not attractive. She also needs her roots touched up too.).  Plaintiff is a home health aide, but claims to be on disability too.   (Actually, she says wait staff later on, not home health aide).   

Plaintiff case dismissed.    Defendant case also dismissed.   

Wedding Venue Disaster!-Plaintiffs Charlotte Stute, and Derek Wilson are suing defendants, Dorothy Brasher and partner Julie Schult, over wedding venue fiasco.    Plaintiffs hired the defendants to find a venue for them, with a deposit of $2400, but the venue returned the deposit.     Defendants had only been doing wedding bookings and planning, for about a year.  Contract submitted is with venue site, Hidden Meadow, not the defendants.    Deposit was returned to plaintiffs. 

The venue cancelled wedding because of neighbor complaints about noise, parking on the street, and decided weddings weren't profitable bookings.  

Defendants knew the venue wasn't going to have more weddings at their facility, but didn't notify the plaintiffs for two months.   Defendants said they were negotiating with the venue site to find another venue, or persuade the original venue to host a couple of weddings.   Plaintiffs found another venue on their own, after they found the second venue operators were unable to be there for their wedding, and the defendants would have to do the 'day of' operations for the wedding.   (This was in 2017, not recently). 

 Plaintiffs could have gone to the second venue found by defendants, but didn't want Dorothy to run the wedding, and so plaintiff picked the more expensive venue.  

Venue was much more expensive, and all inclusive.  Plaintiffs weren't out any money though, because they didn't pay defendants, and original venue returned the deposit to the plaintiffs.  

Case dismissed. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

(What the hell is going on with the plaintiff's hair?   It looks greasy, and wet, not attractive. She also needs her roots touched up too.).  Plaintiff is a home health aide, but claims to be on disability too.   (Actually, she says wait staff later on, not home health aide).   

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Judge clearly did not like this woman, and neither did I.  

Well darn, of course she wouldn't have moved all the way down there if she'd known it wasn't going to work out.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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On 10/9/2022 at 8:10 PM, DjamillasMan said:

She also keeps $100 cash in her glove compartment like many of us do (eyeroll

Well, in all honesty, when I was able to drive I kept a $20. bill in the glove box. just in case.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Used Car Chaos! -Plaintiff/car buyer Linda Byrd suing defendant/car salesman Ricky Lee Cole for scamming her on the sale of a car.   Defendant is a car salesman, but this is a person car sale by defendant.   This happened two years ago, The car was a 2004 Monte Carlo, bought for $5300 on payments, he drove it for six months, and resold to plaintiff for $5800.    Defendant claims he told plaintiff there was a lien on the car, plaintiff says that’s a lie.  She put $500 down, and paid $5,000, so sale price was $5500.      (North Tazewell, VA is where this happened.).

 Defendant was once jailed for distribution of narcotics, and he took a plea for possession.   He got three year’s probation.   Defendant claims she paid him $2500, $500 down, and $2,000 more.   He stopped paying the finance company, and car was repo’d when he was incarcerated.   He got the car back.

Car never got paid off, and was repo’d again.   Plaintiff claims defendant was paying the lien off, and she never had a title for the year she had the car.   JJ asked defendant witness if he ever appeared before a judge, and John Davis says he did, in a custody hearing for his children.   JJ wants to know if witness saw defendant pay plaintiff any money, and he says he did.

Defendant couldn’t give plaintiff the title, because the loan company has that until the lien is paid off.

Plaintiff receives $5,000.

Mom Goes After Daughter -Plaintiff /mother Brandi Baldwin for a loan for a car down payment, car repairs, and an insurance deductible. Is suing defendant / daughter Cathryn Baldwin (age 20).

Plaintiff repo’d car, claiming daughter wasn’t paying her.   Daughter was paying mother $250 a month for four months, and then returned car to mother.   

 Car was $1000 down, and some payments to plaintiff. 

 Defendant was doing in-home care.

Who the hell did defendant’s hair?   It looks like the bad old days of the Toni Home perm kits.  Not that mom’s hair looks that great either.

Defendant signed title over to mother over a year ago. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Get Me Out of Kansas! -Plaintiff /tenant Megan Rooney suing defendant/former tenant  Lisa Gilbert for rent, utilities, and security deposit.  Plaintiff has two kids, and defendant has one kid at home full time, and two in college, and defendant’s mother was moving in also.  

They were going to get a big house, for plaintiff, her two kids, defendant, her mother, one kid full-time and two occasionally.    Plaintiff found the house, and litigants decided how to split the rent,   Rent was $1850 per month, defendant mother would pay part of the rent, plus defendant would pay $500 a month.

Plaintiff paid $1500 security deposit.   The defendants moved in mid-July, plaintiff moved in 1 August.  Plaintiff has a text that defendant would start paying her back from her BAH (military basic allowance for housing), but didn’t.   Plaintiff paid ½ of July rent, all of August, and defendant paid nothing. 

$3300 to plaintiff. 

Pay My Teen Daughter’s Pregnancy Bills -Plaintiff Sue Kristensen suing defendant/daughter’s baby’s father Michael Bruner for the medical bills for plaintiff’s daughter Ashley Kristensen (age 18), from her pregnancy.  JJ asks Ashley if defendant has taken blood tests, and sued for support.    JJ says case is dismissed, because all of the bills will be sorted out in family court. Bills were for daughter’s pregnancy, and delivery.    However, medical care for Ashley aren’t the father’s responsibility.    Defendant says he doesn’t need a DNA test, he should get one anyway.   Ashley claims she was 18 when child was conceived, but yet she’s only 19 now.

Plaintiff case dismissed to go back to family court in Sonoma. 

One Way? No Way! -Plaintiff/car owner Cedric (driver) and (mother) Silva Reynolds, are suing defendant/car smasher Eva Mitchell for running into his car, he wants car damages.   Defendant says plaintiff Cedric was backing out of a parking space, and she was driving, and car was insured with Geico. Plaintiff was insured with State Farm.   

I’m in shock, both cars were insured.   Neither wanted to claim it on their insurance.   Defendant backed into plaintiff’s car.  

Defendant says plaintiff was going the wrong way, but has no proof (photos of parking lot signs, etc.).   Defendant says she only offered to pay because she felt sorry for plaintiff.   Defendant gave plaintiff mother $350.

Plaintiff receives $375 for car damages, plus the $350 defendant already paid.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Newlywed Yelps Against Caterer?!-Plaintiffs Reyna Hoffman-Benbow (bride) and Chris Voisard (Bride's mother) suing caterer Giti Harper over failures at the wedding.    Defendant says bride and mother never signed and returned the contract.    160 guests came, and only 120 were on original prospectus, and caterer says 180 showed, and she wasn't paid for extra people.    Defendant was supposed to furnish set up at 5 p.m., arrived at 4 p.m., (bride says set up was supposed to be at 3, and caterer arrived at 5:15 p.m.).     Caterer has reasons for being late arriving (traffic jam).   But plaintiffs didn't give an accurate number of guests coming, and the people who showed up was way over the contracted number.   $7633 was paid to the caterer for dinner, set up, servers, bartender.  Caterer plus four others were serving at the reception. appetizers, entrees, bread, whole lamb, and a lot of other food (Sounds like My Big Fat Greek Wedding reception).

Caterer says she provided bartender but some man on plaintiff side says he was bartending, but bar was the responsibility of the plaintiffs.   There were no leftovers.    Plaintiffs are complaining about lack of leftovers.   But when you contract for $5,000 for 120 people, and 180 attended for $7633, that's still a good deal.   A few days after wedding bride threatened to write nasty yelp review about caterer, unless, caterer gave her $5,000.  There was a bartender supplied by defendant.  (Note to plaintiffs, if you invite 60 extra people, then you won't have leftovers).   Defendant says the guests were all drunk.  

Cases dismissed. 

Bride Hates Her Wedding Photos-Plaintiff Heather Martin suing photographer Brittny Carl about her wedding photo quality, for negligence and breach of contract.    Plaintiff paid $700 for the photographer.   The contract was made over Facebook messages, for $700 for the entire day of the wedding.  Plaintiff submits the wedding pictures.  JJ will look at all 164 photos.   Bride submits the worst pictures of the 164 photos, but in my opinion they're spectacular, and I see nothing wrong with the pictures. 

Plaintiff claims the photos are out of focus, but they look fine to me.

Case dismissed, because it's ridiculous.     

Second (2017)-

Officer Byrd Settles Case! aka Stolen Service Dog Case-Plaintiff Annie and James Brown suing defendants, her father Robert Scharat, and former roommates (male) Erin Fitzgerald, for custody of their dog (father has the dog, for three years) and roommate had custody of the dog for almost four years, and a false claim to CPS.      Defendant says she moved because defendant's girlfriend was threatening to call CPS about plaintiff's mothering, and the home she was living in.    Plaintiff wants dog that defendant father raised from a puppy (I think this is the case from the other day about "Stolen Service Dog" that didn't air), and has been with roommate for four years (Erin Fitzgerald), and defendant roommate keeps the dog.   JJ tells woman to adopt another 'service' dog, since she hasn't ever been the dog's owner, or seen the dog for four years. 

Plaintiff woman says she left home because father/defendant's girlfriend and defendant threatened to call DCF/CPS over the baby's raising.    Plaintiffs claim all house damages were caused by other people, including Erin the defendant.   CPS showed up at current house (plaintiff husband's place), and had a complaint.    Good luck proving who called CPS, it's not going to be released.   In the house that plaintiffs, and defendant roommate lived in all damages are claimed to predate the plaintiff's tenancy, including the bathroom damage to the shower stall, that was redone in 2011.   Erin/defendant is counter suing for house damages to home defendant roommate, and plaintiffs lived in, and Erin still lives in.      

Plaintiff says she moved because defendants called CPS, and now she says the CPS people showed up after they had already moved in to plaintiff's father-in-law's house.    Plaintiff husband claims shower was fine when he lived there.   It's a fiberglass shower, and entire unit will have to be replaced.    

Why does plaintiff woman keep fidgeting, and bouncing around?   

Everything dismissed

Dancing Beer Bottle to the Face!-Plaintiff Jada Gamble suing George Evans III for knocking her tooth out with a beer bottle at a house party at college.    Litigants were at a house party, after midnight when the incident happened.    Plaintiff claims she wasn't drinking.  

Plaintiff says she met up with her friends at the party, friend needed to use bathroom, when George tossed his beer bottle, and knocked out her tooth.    Defendant says he was dancing, when he hit her tooth accidentally.

Litigants will split cost of tooth, plaintiff receives $600.

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I had 37 unwatched epis {life and stuff got in the way} accidentally deleted them--I was unable to restore them,,but he figured out how to do it,, so I've got entertainment for the weekend!😄

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Punch Drunk Whiskey Party -Plaintiff/prospective tenant Christopher Smith is suing defendant/future landlord  Robert Dawson for return of his security deposit, and first month’s rent .   Plaintiff went to defendant’s place with a bottle of Jack Daniels, to measure the room, and get to know the landlord.

Defendant says they downed a full bottle of Jack Daniels.   Plaintiff claims he wasn’t very drunk.  The litigants and a neighbor downed the entire bottle.   This was in Camarillo, CA.    Then the fight started, after plaintiff refused to move into the room, and wants his $1100 back.     Defendant says plaintiff filed false charges against him for assault.   

Plaintiff’s witness is RaeRene Colliflower, plaintiff’s friend and unpaid caregiver, and she gives him money.

Plaintiff claims he was sipping, but the other two were swigging.   Then, plaintiff went to get on his motor scooter, and claims defendant swiped the bag he uses for his phone, and documents.   He went in defendant’s house, and claims defendant sucker punched him.  Police report was made.  Defendant says he was upstairs when the attack happened.   When defendant came downstairs no one was in the house except him, holes in the drywall, lots of damages, and defendant called the police.   Defendant is blaming the neighbor.  Police report says neighbors say defendant drinks too much, and when he drinks too much he breaks things.  

Everything medical was paid by insurance.  Injuries look pretty bad.  

Plaintiff wants punitive damages, and security deposit, and receives, $2500.

Outrageous Squatters! -Plaintiffs Kameri Woods and husband Mark Parker are suing defendant/buyer of home Jorge Rodriguez,  the home’s new owner, for disposing of their property, including their dog.  Defendant bought the home from a friend of his.   Plaintiffs rented a room, current landlord told plaintiffs that he was letting house go into foreclosure, so plaintiffs stopped paying rent for months.   Jorge Rodriguez bought the house from the bank.    When defendant went to his house, he found Parker and Wood were in his house.  Closing for defendant happened in June, and July was when the confrontations started, after plaintiffs refused to pay rent, or move.  Plaintiffs lived in the house with their child also.

 JJ quickly determines that the plaintiffs were squatters.   Plaintiff Woods claims defendant said they could stay for free.   Parker claims defendant never told him or the other squatters they could stay for free.   Woods would only pay rent if defendant gave her a rental agreement.   The same month plaintiffs ‘started’ moving out.  (I’m guessing plaintiffs wanted to be paid to move out, after squatting for more months.   Cash for Keys I think they call it).

Defendant’s mistake was he didn’t evict everyone the day he closed.   

Plaintiff’s took until 31 July to move out.  On August 10, defendant came back from vacation.   He found furniture, and plaintiff’s dog left in the house.  So, after defendant came home from vacation plaintiff Parker claims his furniture and dog were gone.   

Everything dismissed.  

Second (2014)-

Man Accidentally Confesses to Cheating -Plaintiff Keyona Durr (mother) and (daughter) Dae Ahviana Stover suing defendants Kaprisha Foster and boyfriend Rashawn Morton for vandalizing house windows, assaulting the plaintiff’s daughter, and harassment, for $1,000.      Plaintiff mother slept with defendant, and defendant says he slept with plaintiff’s sister too. Foster dated defendant Morton for three years, while he was cheating with other women, including plaintiff mother.  

Defendant Morton claims his brother was being threatened by plaintiffs.  Defendant Foster keeps mouthing off to plaintiff Durr.    Defendant Morton says plaintiff witness and cousin Ricky was threatening him, and defendant Morton’s brother. 

Morton says brother asked for help from defendant.  Both defendants, and his brother went to plaintiff Durr’s house, at 11:30 p.m.   

The bill from plaintiff’s apartment complex manager is $350, but it says for back rent and window damages, so how much is rent?

Plaintiff gets $325.

Prada Roommate Drama -Plaintiff/landlady Maria Lauritzen suing defendant former tenant Jerlyn Nokes for apartment damages.    Defendant is counter claiming over a Prada bag defendant sold to plaintiff.   Purse was $1300 at an outlet store, and sold to plaintiff for $1,000.    Plaintiff claims she paid defendant $1,000, not the $1300 defendant claimed, so defendant case dismissed.

Plaintiff wants full rent from defendant.   Plaintiff claims she only charged defendant $150 a month, because defendant was going to go back to school, but never did.

When defendant stopped paying, plaintiff changed the locks.   Also, plaintiff claims defendant glued sheet vinyl to the existing floors, and didn’t remove it, over the polished concrete existing floors.  Defendant didn’t return keys until police came to remove the defendant. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.    

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Father Rescues Daughter From Predator Danger?-Plaintiff Brittney White (Sainted Single Mother of Two-SSMOT) suing her ex Calvin Jones because he didn't want their 2 year old around some boyfriend who was alleged to be abusing an older child at the plaintiff's home.    Plaintiff is suing for an assault, and other charges, and she's blaming on the ex.    Situation was her 8-year-old was being abused in her home, and so defendant took custody of the 2-year-old.    Plaintiff wanted ex/defendant to take the 2-year-old during the CPS investigation.    Custody is 50/50 now, of the 2-year-old.   Defendant took physical custody for a few days during the investigation, and he didn't want his 2-year-old going back to the same situation. Plaintiff is suing for a false CPS report, and an assault.   Defendant is counter suing for damages from plaintiff's assault, and a false assault allegation.  (There was supposed to be a custody hearing the day before filming, but no decision yet). 

Plaintiff claims defendant assaulted her when she demanded her child back.   The CPS investigation wasn't over until four days after plaintiff demanded her 2-year-old back to her home, and plaintiff claims the 8-year-old possibly being abused had "nothing to do with the 2-year-old" (Like hell it didn't).    As JJ says, father / defendant was right to keep the daughter during the investigation. 

 The plaintiff says accused abuser has no contact with the 8-year-old who accused him.  Plaintiff also says the man wasn't a boyfriend, but just a friend.    I wonder where the father of the 8-year-old is?   As JJ says, it's a sad day when the 8-year-old had to tell the people at school what was happening, and couldn't tell her mother.   I bet the 8-year-old did tell the plaintiff.   

Defendant says plaintiff was under an order that she couldn't be around children during the investigation, but she had the 2-year-old with her, and went to pick up the 8-year-old.   Defendant has voice mail, and letter from Children's Services, and the Children's Hospital, about picking up the child from them, and outlining the safety plan for the 2-year-old.  

Another mother who thinks the father only gets to see a child if she lets him.    Defendant was right to protect the 2-year-old.   

A witness for defendant says plaintiff assaulted the defendant, and threw bricks at defendant, and his truck.  Bad for plaintiff that the police were at defendant's house right after this happened.   Plaintiff went home, made an assault complaint against defendant, he was arrested, and in jail, and a letter says charges were dismissed without prejudice.   

Defendant also lost his job over this.   Pictures of defendant's damaged truck are submitted.    (So, plaintiff dumped the 8-year-old to keep the boyfriend? Because that’s the only way I can see that her boyfriend isn’t around the 8-year-old.  Or she just lies about the boyfriend being around her kids.      I don't believe the man wasn't a boyfriend).

Plaintiff case dismissed.  $5,000 to defendant. 

Second (2017)-

Don't Miss Date Night!-Plaintiff Lateisha Ruhl, suing her ex, Jerome Pipkins, for vandalizing her car (scratched car, and slashed tires).    Litigants lived together, and both were on the lease at the apartment.   Then plaintiff went back to her husband, again.   That's not ex-husband, but current husband.   Plaintiff still lives in her family home.    Defendant says he went out with friends, instead of going out with plaintiff.   The litigants argued, and plaintiff left for her house, with husband, and never returned.   

Plaintiff claims defendant vandalized her car, but has no proof.    Every time the two litigants fought, she would move back in to the husband's house.   Defendant also visited plaintiff at her home with husband frequently.   Plaintiff witness was hanging out with his friends on his front porch, and claims he saw defendant outside for a long time, across from plaintiff's house.  Then when plaintiff witness went to use his bathroom, all of his buddies went with him, and when they came outside, defendant had left the area. (Do guys go to the bathroom in a group?)  

Plaintiff witness simply won't stop 'assuming' understanding' etc.    Plaintiff witness says defendant came back later too.  (I bet I can guess who the new side piece is for the plaintiff).    There are no witness statements attached to plaintiff's police report.

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Dirty Dirt Bike -Plaintiff Kenneth Kaplan suing defendant/second hand store owner Eric Nunez for selling plaintiff a stolen dirt bike.   (Hartford, Connecticut.).    Plaintiff bought a dirt bike from defendant, and it turns out the dirt bike was stolen.  Defendant says someone sold bike to him, and plaintiff should sue the seller, not him.

 Defendant runs a second-hand store (not a pawnshop, which has different regulations than a pawn shop), and says some merchandise turned out to be ‘hot’.  Defendant bought from the same person 4 or 5 times over a year.   Seller’s name was Scott, who claims he gets merchandise from his storage unit.

Defendant runs a second-hand store, that only buys merchandise, but doesn’t pawn items, so the regulations are different.   

Plaintiff receives $450 for the moped/dirt bike.

Band Betrayal -Plaintiff/videographer Richard Eggert suing defendant/band member Matthew Lillie for payment for a music video plaintiff filmed of a band, for $1200.   Defendant says work quality of the music video was bad, so he’s not paying.   Band no longer exists, and plaintiff witness, former band member, Nick Forbes, says the band members gave defendant the $1200 to pay for the music video, but defendant kept the money.   Other plaintiff witness is Lillie’s ex-girlfriend, Miranda Tragnitz, who was also in the band.  Witness Nick Forbes gave defendant a guitar to sell, for his $300 portion of the payment, but it sold for $600 to Guitar Center.    Miranda says another band member gave her money, and she immediately withdrew this and gave it to defendant.

Defendant claims he gave the extra $300 to plaintiff witness Nick Forbes, and defendant says Forbes filed a false police report, claiming defendant stole the guitar, and sold it.

Plaintiff will receive $1200.

Punch Drunk New Year -Plaintiff/car owner Todd Williams suing defendant/driver Anthony Anderson for plaintiff’s car ending up in a ditch, and totaling plaintiff’s car on New Year’s Eve.   Plaintiff wants $900 for short fall on car, and $4100 to pay for another car.  

Defendant was the designated driver, but drank anyway, and wrecked plaintiff’s car full of drunk partiers.   Defendant is suing, because Anthony caught a DUI for the car wreck and wants plaintiff to pay the expenses for that, $2000.  

Plaintiff says defendant didn’t have permission to drive his car.  

Counter claim is plaintiff breached agreement to be the designated driver, and so defendant drove, and blew a .08 breathalyzer, and caught a DUI.    (This was in Yonkers, NY).

Defendant claim dismissed.

Plaintiff claim dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Full House Fire! -Plaintiff/nephew Albert Thompson suing defendant/aunt Terresa Terry over insurance claim money.   Plaintiff wasn’t even in the home when the fire happened, but aunt put in insurance claim for his property in the house, and she kept the money.   Plaintiff claims in Florida (where house was), if a house is rented out, that aunt would get less insurance money.    Defendant claims the house wasn't rented out, but plaintiff submits the signed lease with aunt.       Aunt's son (plaintiff's uncle) lived in the house.    

There is an email saying rent for plaintiff would be $300 a month.  Then about midnight on June 7 / 8, the house burned up, and was a total loss. while plaintiff's property was in the house, but he was out of town.      Aunt told plaintiff to lie to insurance company that he was just visiting, because in Florida if a house is rented out you only get 10% of the property damages.   

Defendant wanted plaintiff to lie to the insurance company about being a tenant, and say he was just visiting.     Aunt lives in Indiana, but the rental house was in Florida.      Aunt received $65,000 for property damages. and would only get 10% of that amount if the house was rented out.  

JJ points out defendant committed fraud in her claim, and she should have settled with plaintiff. 

$5,000 to plaintiff.   (This case is from 2014, so I'm guessing the day after this aired, the insurance company was notified by many people, and insurance agents [there is a database of payouts from insurance].   I'm guessing the defendant had to pay a lot of money back to the insurance company, was cancelled, and has to use the state high-cost insurance pool).

Motorcycle Crash He Said, She Said! -Plaintiff /motorcycle owner Michael White is suing defendant Amber Patterson over a motorcycle accident.  Each litigant claims the other person was driving the motorcycle at the time of the accident.   Defendant says she's been a motorcycle racer for four years, won Rookie of the Year titles, and wouldn't drive the way that caused the accident.   However, in the hall-terview, defendant says she did crash the bike.  

Plaintiff says he took defendant for a ride, then she wanted to ride the bike, and crashed it.  Defendant went for a ride on the bike as a passenger, and says when she was riding bike the crash happened, and it wasn't her fault.  

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Domestic Abuse or Working the System?!-Plaintiff Sainted Single Mother of One (SSMO) Toni Meadows suing her ex, Martin Gustafson for vandalism, false restraining order, and lost wages, returned property.    The litigants and her 17-year-old son, lived together a home purchased, and paid for by defendant (home is in his name).    Plaintiff SSMOO claimed an assault, but no medical or police records, and she managed to get a protective order barring defendant for 10 months from the home he financed, and was paying for.  Plaintiff was a hairdresser, and did leatherwork, and earned $20k.  Defendant earned $72k as a union carpenter.    Down payment was $1,000, and defendant paid the mortgage of $1300 a month.   (I don't know why JJ had the plaintiff's son leave the court.   He knows all about squatting, and the other sordid factors of this case). 

After two months, plaintiff filed for her first restraining order, and this did not get the man removed, even though the plaintiff says it did.   Then she filed another restraining order, and the judge threw the defendant out of his own house for 10 months.     Plaintiff SSMOO paid nothing for mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc., while the defendant paid everything on his own house that he was barred from.    Defendant's legal bills to get back in his own house are $17,000, plaintiff supposedly paid $2,000.  

Plaintiff is despicable.    When defendant said he gave up, plaintiff was going to pay for the $206k mortgage, with an income of less than $20k.   Plaintiff never paid a penny for the house, during the entire time when the defendant was barred from his own house.    As JJ says, the mortgage people wouldn't touch a mortgage of that amount for plaintiff.   Why do I have the feeling that plaintiff learned how to steal this man's house from practice?  

Defendant is counter suing for vandalism, attorney's fees, bills, etc.  (What the hell is up with that hairdo over plaintiff's left shoulder?)  Defendant said he would only discuss the house sale, if plaintiff dropped the restraining order.   They started sleeping together again (I'm so glad she didn't get knocked up).   She filed the petition to drop the restraining order, and plaintiff claims he was trying to drive her out of the house.   Good for defendant.     

No, plaintiff SSMOO doesn't have "equitable rights".   When plaintiff paid nothing while she was squatting there with her son.   I bet you that if that SSMOO had the house signed over to her, it would have been on the market at a bargain price before the week was out, because it would be pure profit for her.  

Plaintiff and son finally got ejected by the courts.   After they resumed their relationship, she tried for another restraining order, no medical records, and claims she didn't need medical care after being thrown down the stairs by defendant.   

Plaintiff case thrown out, because it's garbage.  

Defendant receives $3500.   

Second (2017)-

Short Romance, Long Headache!-Plaintiff Cherie Katona SSMOO (Sainted Single Mother of One, age 7) suing defendant/ex Brian Nagles for  unpaid loans.  First an airplane ticket, for a flight that defendant didn't even go on.  Defendant says he never asked to go on the trip to Nashville, or any other money plaintiff gave him, and that would mean he left his 12 and 15-year-old children alone at home, because plaintiff didn't invite them.   Defendant says plaintiff gave him a $400 car, and he sold it a few months later.   SSMOO never paid her a penny back, during their relationship.  So, SSMOO had no expectation of repayment. 

In May defendant lost his job, and couldn't pay his electric bill, so plaintiff gave him the money.   

$428 for plaintiff for the electric bill, and that's all.

Sparrow Breaks Lease?-Plaintiff Jodi Mcgrath  suing defendant / former landlord Susan Rozanc for security deposit of $1320.   (Please tell me I don't hear the "ate the steak" story three days in a row!) , and illegal eviction.    Plaintiff was a month-to-month tenant in a duplex that defendant purchased.   Previous owner gave $1320 security to defendant.     Defendant gave a 30-day notice to plaintiff, but plaintiff broke her foot, and wanted to stay longer, and said that she didn't pay July's rent, but it should be taken from the security deposit, but security isn't for unpaid rent, but damages. 

Defendant took $999 out of $1320 security deposit.    Plaintiff says the agreement to pay $732 for the last month her agreement, but plaintiff didn't pay $732 either.     

Plaintiff gets $330 from left over security deposit, pending defendant case.  Defendant is suing for lease violations, a sparrow in the house, two houseguests. (I bet it's illegal to keep a sparrow or other wild bird as a pet).

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Ex-Lover’s Blurred Lines – Plaintiff hairdresser/prep cook Krystal Napier loaned defendant/ex-boyfriend Sheldon DeGale money, but he calls it a gift, and she calls it a loan.     Plaintiff gave defendant $1200, later $1500 (the investment), and part was loan, and part was an investment in defendant’s marketing company.    

Plaintiff works as a  mobile hair stylist in NYC in the summer, and lives with her mother, and is a in Florida working as a prep cook in the winter.  JJ tells defendant he took advantage of plaintiff, who doesn’t seem the brightest.    Plaintiff says she drew out $2,000, had the rest available in cash.  

Plaintiff gets $2700 for the loan and investment which was actually a loan.

Dance Teacher Battle ( also called Dance Mom)- Plaintiff Amber Ely suing defendant/mother of dance student/dance mom Jennifer Ladd over recital costumes ($210) and unpaid tuition ($195).   Plaintiff suing for $210 for costumes, and $65 a month, and wasn't paid for three months = $195 for the lessons, so $405.      Defendant's daughter was attending the school for three years, and left after the recital in question.   

Defendant claims she paid for April, May and June lessons, but no debit records are shown.   There are no receipts for those months either.

Defendant's witness, Rachel Kamens, simply won't stop interrupting either.     Defendant claims she paid for the three months, but didn't.    

(What the hell is on the defense witness's head?   It can't be hair, it looks awful.   Defendant apparently went to the same hairdresser).

$405 to plaintiff. 

Second (2014)-

No Pets Allowed -Plaintiff/landlady Betty Eileen Donovan suing defendant/former tenant Dana Turner for damages caused to her rental property.   Defendant claims plaintiff, who is a credit union vice president, snooped into her bank account, which is illegal.     Plaintiff denies snooping into defendant’s bank account.

Plaintiff actually has a signed lease.  Damaged property is from dogs that defendant had on the property.   Defendant had a Pit Bull, a mutt/stray, and another mutt, all at the same time.   Defendant claims plaintiff took $100 deposit for one dog.   Defendant claims plaintiff knew about the other two dogs, but that was only for one 2-lb. dogs.    Animal Control informed landlord that defendant chained a Pit Bull in the backyard, and dog stayed there.   Police report is submitted by plaintiff, and Animal Control says there were nine dogs.

Police report says Pit Bull belongs to defendant’s adult son, animal control went to the residence, three pit bulls, with a litter of puppies living under a shed, no rabies shots, or licensing either.    So, three Pits, a mutt, tiny dog, and six puppies.   Defendant says 3-week old puppies were ‘gotten rid of’ by son, but defendant refuses to say what happened to the puppies.    I can only imagine what happened to those helpless 3-week-old puppies.  So, defendant had three indoor dogs, and the son’s group of pit bulls?    Damages include broken blinds, tenant parked on the front yard, not in the driveway, cigarette burns on the bath tub (at least 30 burn marks), burn marks on window mills.  

JJ believes tenant when she says that plaintiff snooped to find out defendant had a car payment due.

As usual, JJ believes the tenant, not the landlord.    Defendant gets all of security deposit back, except $66. 

Plaintiff says car isn’t financed through her credit union, and she knows nothing about the car payment.

I believe the plaintiff, not the lying defendant.  How is plaintiff supposed to have checked defendant’s account, when it wasn’t at plaintiff’s credit union.

(Ms. Donovan won a huge settlement case for wrongful termination from the credit union, alleging age discrimination,  in March of 2019, and sadly Ms. Donovan died in October of 2019).  

$784 to defendant.

Principles Don't Pay -Plaintiff Grant Childers suing defendant Kristy Shivers for money owed for a Pontiac G6.    Litigants lived together for 15 months, and plaintiff went to work for defendant and her father, dismantling cars, and hauling scrap.    Plaintiff moved into defendant’s place.   

The litigants traded in a car for another car, and broke up soon after.  Car was titled in both names, and defendant has the car now.   JJ tells defendant to sell car, and give him half.   Plaintiff says he doesn’t need the money, signs a release for the title, so case dismissed.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Generous Aunt, Ungrateful Niece?-Plaintiff Susan Griffin suing niece Melanie Hyer, and niece’s husband, Chris Hyer, for an unpaid loan, locksmith fees, property damages.  Niece and husband, plus four children, rented plaintiff's home for eight years, and plaintiff loaned defendant money for truck repair $5100, and he paid $2200 back (it's a loan).        Plaintiff is aunt to ungrateful niece.     Defendant stopped paying the loan for truck repairs, and still owe 3,100.   Defendant claims they did everything for aunt.   Then aunt lost her job, and needed help.    Defendant is SAHM, and claims aunt stopped helping defendants when aunt lost her job.      

$1500 a month for home rent for aunt's home, and never raised the rent over eight years.  Then when aunt needed money, and wanted to raise the rent $50 a month, the defendants refused.   Defendants stopped paying the rent in June, and moved out in December.    Defendants moved to another house for 3 bed/1 bath for $1650, and then another house 3 bed/2.5 for $1650.   Damages are dismissed, and defendants have a ridiculous counter claim.  The aunt says nine people were living in the house, including niece's relatives, the husband's relatives.  

Defendants owe $2900 rent, and damages.   Defendant, an ungrateful woman, says she had violations on her driving license she didn't know about because she says plaintiff withheld their mail.   

Plaintiff gets $2900 for the unpaid loan. 

Husky Attacks Yorkie?!-Plaintiff Nachelle Pena suing defendant dog owner Jason Vanegas, for vet bills.  Defendant Jason Vanegas says the plaintiff's Yorkie barked as his Husky at the dog park, and despicable defendant is blaming the Yorkie's ball protective behavior, and barking for the attack.   Defendant had two large dogs at the dog park that day.   

Yorkie starts barking like crazy in court, and witness says "We didn't lose the case did we?"  Dog is looking off screen, so I'm guessing at a crew member.   JJ says one of the crew members.   

Then Vanegas claims his Husky was only playing with the Yorkie.  He also blames the dog's injuries from someone falling on the dog.  Vet bills and reports for Yorkie are submitted.     JJ points out to plaintiff that scrappy Yorkie doesn't belong at Dog Park, and I absolutely agree.  Plaintiff should have had her dog in the small dog area, not playing with the Husky in the large dog area.    Plaintiff says this wasn't her first time having the dog in the large dog area, not helping her case.  Yorkie was badly injured, and vet bills were expensive.    However, plaintiff's husband denies he fell on the Yorkie, but defendant says the husband did.  

Police report is submitted.  Poor Yorkie had a puncture wound, and broken ribs.    Defendant says the Husky had the ball, and not Yorkie, and Yorkie tried to grab the ball.    Dog Park does have a small dog area, but owner had dog in large dog area.    My guess is plaintiff is still taking the Yorkie into the large dog area of the dog park. 

There is an unnotarized statement about the Husky being aggressive often, thrown out.

Case dismissed. 

Second (2017)-

(This Pomeranian case is a classic for JJ)

Give Me Back My Pomeranian!-Plaintiff Terror Hughes (That's what the caption says)  suing her stepdaughter Talisa Hughes over not paying for a Pomeranian puppy.     The mixed (not pure bred) Pomeranian puppy, Mocha, was sold to stepdaughter, after purchasing the dog for $300, and resold to stepdaughter for $110, owing 190.   

 Officer Byrd takes custody of Mocha, who loves Officer Byrd on sight, and Officer Byrd tells JJ to hurry up and decide, because he doesn't like dogs (Mocha is licking Officer Byrd). 

 Officer Byrd says he doesn't like dogs, but Mocha (later Foxy) certainly likes him.  (Maybe he's allergic? ) or more likely, he was thinking JJ wanted him to take the dog.  

Dog has never been to the vet, and defendant puts dog in a cage when she works full time.   Defendant has three very young children, and dog is at home alone all day in a cage.  Plaintiff says she wouldn't give dog up even to a good home, and that's not going to fly with JJ.     

Plaintiff bought puppy at four or five weeks of age, never took her to a vet, and dog is underweight. Mocha is four months old, very underweight, not wormed, no shots.    I hate both litigants. 

I noticed Officer Byrd didn't go near the litigants with the puppy, and left them to find their way to the exit all by themselves.   

Plaintiff get paid $300 for Mocha and JJ owns the dog. 

Audience applauds wildly.  

Epilogue:  I love this case, JJ keeps Mocha, and pays the disgusting plaintiff what's owed, and she finds her another home with a member of the production team.   Dog now has a loving home, and vet care, and is so much better off.  There was so much uproar from fans about the dog, that JJ posted a video about the adoption.   

Engagement Ring at Stake!   -Plaintiff  Lester Frisby suing former fiancee Crystal Chester for the return of an engagement ring, and a cell phone.  I do like the plaintiff's red jacket.   Defendant says ring isn't an engagement ring, but a commitment ring, and it looks like an engagement ring to me.     As JJ says if the marriage doesn't happen, then the ring goes back to the person who paid for it. 

JJ says commitment is a contract also, so ring goes back to plaintiff, and he can sell it and probably get $2,000 for the $4,000 ring.

 JJ now discusses the cellphone.   Dismissed.  (In the hall-terview plaintiff claims the defendant came out of the bedroom dressed in a red negligee, twerking.   I'm just leaving that statement alone, and I’m grateful there isn’t a video of that). 

Ring returned to plaintiff. 

Boyfriend Embarrassment? -Plaintiff Emily Strouch is suing ex-boyfriend Benjamin Godusevich for unpaid loans, and debit card charges, and money taken without permission.     Defendant still owes $80.   Plaintiff sells plasma, and the company puts money on the debit card, and that adds up to $272, so now $300 total.   Now total is $360 for defendant's loans, and charges.   $152 for other money taken without permission. 

Plaintiff receives $512

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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19 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Epilogue:  I love this case, JJ keeps Mocha, and pays the disgusting plaintiff what's owed, and she finds her another home with a member of the production team.   Dog now has a loving home, and vet care, and is so much better off.  There was so much uproar from fans, that JJ posted a video about the adoption.

No complaints from me about JJ's verdict.   Amazing the pup never contracted Parvo.

Strike one against Byrd for not liking dogs....  Dog obviously didn't care though.

THREE kids under 4???

Edited by parrotfeathers
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Take a Plea, Tell a Lie! -Plaintiff /ex-boyfriend Luis Ramos suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Elena Popova for Toyota Prius, and an assault.  Car loan is in both names, big mistake.    JJ takes care of car first, and JJ says sell the car, and split the proceeds.   Defendant has possession of the car.   Plaintiff paid everything on car, because he had bad credit, to get a lower interest rate.   So, the litigants defrauded the credit union.

Plaintiff claims defendant assaulted him, but he brought no medical records or police report to court, so he must have thought he was going to the beach today.   Defendant was arrested and charged for the assault, and she took a plea to drop the felony, and she pled to misdemeanor, and she served 6 days in the county jail.   Defendant counter claim dismissed, she claims it was a false arrest, but she took a plea deal so she’s guilty of assault.

This was in Mission Hills, CA.    Plaintiff is sent out the staff members in the hall, to get copies of the records of the assault.  However, plaintiff didn’t go to the hospital after the assault.

Litigants told to sell car, and split the money, and get out of JJ’s sight.

Online Jewelry Slam! -Plaintiff/jeweler Goel Talaswazan suing defendant/ ring buyer Kimberly Williams for posting negative reviews online about the jewelry.  Plaintiff only sells online, and the defendant’s slam of his ring hurt his business.

Plaintiff wants JJ to make defendant change the review about the ring.   Defendant thought diamonds looked chipped, and construction was shoddy.   Defendant had an appraisal from jeweler, and she says her jeweler said the ring isn’t the quality of diamonds claimed on the appraisal.

JJ says the two certifying diamond experts aren’t either certification that plaintiff gave her.  

Defendant should have tried eternity band on before buying. 

Plaintiff and defendant cases dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Work Ethic Called into Question! -Plaintiff Madison Oser suing defendant Rachel Enriquez for repayment of a loan, and lost wages.  Defendant admits she borrowed $1600 from plaintiff.  Plaintiff got defendant a job at the auto dealership plaintiff works at.   Defendant is sole breadwinner for her four children, and needed a second job.    The sales job defendant was in didn’t work out for her.   Defendant needed money for Christmas presents, $1600.   Plaintiff says it was a lot more than $1600, and there are texts that defendant sent acknowledging the debt.    Plaintiff also loaned the money on 12 November, not right before Christmas.    

Plaintiff says it was $2400 for defendant’s rent and bills, and defendant finally paid back $500.   So, plaintiff says amount owing is $1900.   Defendant says she repaid $800.

Plaintiff says defendant calling into work tarnished her reputation at work, not actionable. $1900 to plaintiff.  

Judge Judy’s Birthday! -Plaintiff Nancy Nock suing defendant/former tenant Timothy Seaman former tenant for non-payment of rent, and credit card charges, $4366.   Credit charges were on plaintiff’s credit card to buy tools for his work.   Defendant bought a washer, to replace a washer he damaged at a job site, on plaintiff’s credit card.   Plaintiff also gave defendant money, and paid him for handyman work.

Defendant did handyman work at plaintiff’s home, but plaintiff paid him for that.   Plaintiff never tried to evict him, and he never paid rent in the seven months he lived in plaintiff’s home.  Defendant claims he only lived there for a few months. 

It was JJ’s birthday, and Officer Byrd and his lovely wife gave her an orchid.

Rent is dismissed.   He lived in the house off and on, while working on plaintiff’s house. (This was in Rosamund CA)

Credit charges were $2100, and plaintiff gets that.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Here's $30K; Go Furnish the House-Plaintiff Jesse Williams Jr. suing ex-girlfriend Michele Emmerick for filing two false protective orders, and the return of property.    Two litigants lived together for a long time, plaintiff received a settlement from work, put all of the money down on a house, paid all of the mortgage, and bills.   Plaintiff gave defendant $30k to furnish the home, then they split up, and since deed is in both names, defendant is trying to get the house.  Defendant filed for an order of protection, and plaintiff was put out of his own house (he's the only one who paid anything on this house).   Plaintiff's application for an order of protection was dismissed.   

Defendant tossed out of the courtroom for being a golddigging tramp.    Defendant will not sign a quit claim deed, and plaintiff is in trouble. 

Because plaintiff was foolish enough to put defendant's name on the deed, plaintiff will have to sue in local court, and sell the house, and make some kind of settlement on the house.   Defendant was counter claiming for the furniture, and appliances in the house, that's dismissed.   However, plaintiff says when he finally got back in his house, defendant had stolen all of the furniture, appliances, and anything she could remove.    Plaintiff is broke, except for a $20K CD that matures next year.   

Plaintiff case dismissed, and he's advised to go back to a local court.   

Judge's Verdict on Prom Dress - Awful! -Plaintiff Florence Traore, and daughter (age 19) suing seamstress Nichole Alexander over a prom dress plaintiff hired defendant to make for the plaintiff daughter's prom.   Dress costs $400, and was the first time that defendant sewed for the plaintiff.   (The original prom dress picture example is a low cut, mermaid, skin tight).   Fabric was $100 additional.   Plaintiff bought the wrong fabric, and then bought another piece of fabric.     

Dress is shown in court, and bears no resemblance to the skank picture plaintiff and daughter wanted, and the workmanship is hideous.    (I find it hard to understand why anyone is paying for their teenage daughter to wear something as provocative as the dress plaintiff wanted).  Seamstress/defendant's picture of the dress plaintiffs wanted is still cut down to the waist, and all lace, but still doesn't look like the picture.  The defendant says plaintiff didn't want lace at all.   

The night before the prom, the plaintiff's daughter went to seamstress house, and tried on the dress.    Mother saw the dress later that night.   For the second fitting, the plaintiff daughter is the only one that saw the dress.   Daughter didn't tell defendant she didn't like the dress, and took it with her.    Daughter bought another dress for the prom.    Daughter says seamstress dress was cut too low, but the pictures are both very low cut, or open lace.  

Plaintiff case dismissed, daughter didn't dislike the dress, only the mother.  Another case of the mother trying to live vicariously through her daughter.   The daughter says front of dress was too low cut, but the picture shows something cut very low, and with a lot of see-through lace. 

(Mother says she's going to another court, nope that's not happening after she signed the court papers for this case agreeing to binding arbitration).

Second (2017)-

Single Mother Breaks House Rules-Plaintiff mother Angelia Burts suing her daughter Shanikqua Williams SSMOT (Sainted Single Mother of Two) (22 years old, her children are 4 and 1) for broken windows, and damages.  Daughter paid no rent, only some food stamps, and lived in mother's house for five months.   Defendant is also on some kind of welfare.   

Defendant was evicted, and moved to mother's house with her two children, but plaintiff's two other children lived there.   Defendant didn't have a key to house, and plaintiff says daughter is a neglectful mother.   Plaintiff also didn't allow defendant's boyfriend to stay in her house either.       Mother says daughter never works, and both kids have different fathers, the little one is the current boyfriend's kid.   

Plaintiff says defendant was arguing with her sister, and claims defendant broke into the house through the window.   Defendant was coming home with her boyfriend with the two kids after a weekend away.     Plaintiff says daughter didn't call and say she was coming home, because she doesn't get along with her sister, and mother doesn't want the boyfriend in the house either.   

Daughter arrives at house, knocked on the door, but no answer, and defendant knocked on the window to mother's bedroom.    Daughter claims the window breaking was an accident.   Plaintiff had defendant arrested after the altercation with sister, and the window breaking. 

$550 for window repair, and fines from landlord.  Defendant's counter claim dismissed. 

Father Steals from Incarcerated Son?!-Plaintiff David Danino suing his father Jacob Danino, for selling plaintiff's car when he was in prison, and for personal property.   The car was a Mercedes 2007, with a loan on it, and when plaintiff went to prison, father picked up car, and dealer took $2000 to pay off the car loan.   Defendant wants the $2000 back from son for the loan.   

Plaintiff also lost the truck he was living in, but truck was repossessed by dealership.  Plaintiff now has the Mercedes back in his possession, and all liens are paid off.   Defendant also was asked to clean out the plaintiff's apartment, and plaintiff is suing over the illegal eviction in a separate small claims case in another court.  Plaintiff claims father has a whole list of personal property belonging to the plaintiff, and it's not returned.   Father says repo company had the property in the truck, because he had been evicted from the apartment

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Father has $2,000 lien on Mercedes. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Staged for Disaster! -Plaintiff / tenant Leah Peterson suing defendant/former landlord and house seller Wendy Storey Sahagen for damages from an illegal eviction and lockout.   When defendant wanted to sell, plaintiff begged to stay in the house, said house would be neat, and stay in her room during showings.  

Plaintiff left on a business trip or family emergency, after house was staged.   Lease only said plaintiff and two roommates, instead plaintiff moved in messy roommate and a cat, just as landlord wants to sell the home.   Plaintiff left on July 9, and came back the last week in August.   The new roommate paid nothing, had a cat, and roommate was a total slob.  When realtor, and defendant walked into the house, they saw beer cans everywhere, trash around, and kitty litter scattered.  

Roommate slob, and cat moved in without permission from landlady.   Plaintiff paid rent in July, not August, and her junk was still in the house, so security deposit is gone.  

The previous two roommates moved out after they were told the apartment was being sold by defendant.   Plaintiff still says she wasn’t given proper notice.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Defendant counter claim dismissed.  

Funeral Road Trip Ruined -Plaintiff Anne Johnson suing defendants Adrian and Mary Maldonado for scamming plaintiff on a car.    The car was almost 50 years old, plaintiff was going to pick up car when she was traveling to a family funeral.    Car was a 1967 Chevy Impala, off of craigslist, for $7,000 (The sale was in El Paso, TX).  Rims not included, so you would need to get new rims and tires.

Maybe they’ll get to this, but how was plaintiff going to take an inoperable car with her to a funeral, and back home?   The trip from El Paso to Minnesota and the funeral, was 1300 miles.    Defendant Adrian was given $6500 for purchase, with $500 paid to get car running,

So, plaintiff thought $500 would get car running to make it 1,300 miles to her mother’s funeral in Minnesota.   It was at least a week between payments, and $500 payment, on 25 April, and car was running by 1 May.  Plaintiff wanted to take car to her mechanic, an hour away, but didn’t have a license plate to do this (this was Texas, she needed a current inspection too, and it’s a thorough one, plus emissions test too, unless that’s waived for cars over a certain age).     The license plate complaint is bogus, just make a license plate cardboard sign, saying “Tag Applied For”.    

Defendant Adrian towed the car to plaintiff’s motel, but she didn’t pay for it.   JJ says defendant should have swapped plates on car, and drive around the block.  Defendant says plaintiff only had $4300, not $6500. 

So, plaintiff's mother died, she detoured to El Paso, stayed at least a week, and then was going to drive 1,300 miles to Minnesota for the funeral?   That's a really long period between a death, and the funeral. 

Plaintiff gets her $500 deposit back.

Second (2014)-

Call the Fashion Police! -Plaintiff Felix Bui is suing defendant Kenya White for the return of stolen property.  Plaintiff says his merchandise was stolen from his car, and accuses defendant of doing that.   Plaintiff was traveling to Atlanta from Rogers AR, to put on a fashion show.     Fashion designer plaintiff says he was robbed after an evening out at a karaoke bar.   Plaintiff left his wallet in the car with his credit cards in it.  Plaintiff is accusing defendant of stealing his fashion show clothes.  Defendant is from Carrollton (?) GA, for the evening of Karaoke.   Litigants and a friend, Mr. Hodges went back to plaintiff’s motel, and then plaintiff claims his camera, designer clothes, iPad, Versace watch, and other items were stolen by Mr. Hodges, and defendant.   Defendant says he got some property back from Mr. Hodges, but he didn’t steal anything.

Defendant says plaintiff’s car was parked with the windows open by the motel entrance, and Mr. Hodges stole the property.  Plaintiff claims defendant admitted he helped steal the property, and then defendant drove Hodges home to Douglasville, over an hour away. 

Plaintiff says defendant has stolen from him before.    Defendant says a bracelet and a necklace was returned to plaintiff, and he never saw a wallet.  JJ thinks plaintiff is adding items to the stolen list, but there is no proof of what was actually stolen.

Plaintiff still claims the clothes, the watch, and wallet.   JJ dismisses the wallet claim.  

Plaintiff receives $815, the only items plaintiff has receipts for.

Thrown out Back, Thrown Out Possessions? -Plaintiff/former roommate Melanie Perbey suing defendant/former roommate  Kiyan Sharifian for moving costs, and a loan to buy a scooter . Defendant also claiming for moving costs.   Defendant says plaintiff didn’t give him $400, but gave it to his wife, and only repaid $165.  

Plaintiff gets $1035 on the loan.

Defendant says plaintiff took his washer and dryer he paid $600 for.  Defendant purchased washer and dryer from former roommate Shawn Petersen, who is not in court.   Mrs. Sharifian keeps interrupting and arguing with JJ.

Defendant was moving out, hurt his back, and 10 days later he finished moving out with a rental truck, and claims his stuff including the coffee table, refrigerator, washer dryer were missing when he came back to pick up his stuff. 

$1,000 to plaintiff for the loan.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Commission Mission! -Plaintiff Pierre Rhodan was arrested in a company truck, on company time, and is suing Chris Stefan his former boss.   Plaintiff says he was going to be given a raise, but then was fired, and trespassed from the property.   Plaintiff wants unpaid commission from an unpaid side job for company, and wrongful termination.    Plaintiff worked at a Pet Expo, loading and unloading, and worked at the expo selling pet dryers for grooming (he upsold the dryers, talked buyers into buying more expensive models), and plaintiff says he was never paid the commissions.    However, the Pet Expo was February, and he worked at the company until July.    

Defendant says plaintiff wanted some time off on 3 July, and plaintiff claims owner said days off were OK.   Plaintiff was arrested in June for a seat belt violation, in a company truck on company time.    Plaintiff needed the time off for court cases, not the seatbelt case, and for his son's medical needs.  Plaintiff doesn't say what the other court appearances were for.   Plaintiff says the same day that defendant was going to give him a $2 an hour raise, he was fired.    

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Buddy Pass Fraud?!- Plaintiff Brady Boynton suing Nigel Gilbow for money lost on two buddy pass plaintiff bought from defendant.   They met on craigslist when defendant advertised the pass, and plaintiff bought two passes, one way each.    Defendant had 16 buddy passes, and plaintiff used 5 trips on the buddy/companion pass, but they're meant for someone to go with an employee.   However, defendant got fired, and the buddy passes were cancelled.   

Plaintiff wants the money for the passes, and taxes.  Defendant is counter suing for plaintiff stranding him in Phoenix.   Plaintiff paid $5,700+ he claims via Western Union.   Defendant charges plaintiff taxes on the tickets, went round trip to Israel, Argentina and back, twice, Dallas, Phoenix, Boise, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Charlotte, Vegas, and all were business class.    Defendant has a list of the many trips the plaintiff took.     

Plaintiff is swilling the Water that Must Not Be Drunk like he's very thirsty, or very guilty.    

This sounds like an "Ate the Steak" case, plaintiff had plenty of travel for $5700.    Defendant was fired by the airline. 

Plaintiff case dismissed, because it's garbage.    Plaintiff, Brady Boynton gets the Byrd Boot.   

Defendant went on a truck trip with plaintiff, and claims plaintiff stranded him in Phoenix.  They were on the way back to Phoenix, plaintiff left him in Phoenix.  JJ points out that the tickets were buddy passes, not to resell.

Defendant case dismissed too. 

Second (2017)-

Pants From Thailand for Sale! -Plaintiff Cindy Gilmore suing defendant Chennel McDaniel for the inventory for their business, pants from Thailand.     Plaintiff makes the pants, and give them to defendant on consignment.    Pants are made in Thailand, but plaintiff still calls herself a manufacturer, nope, she's just an importer.    Plaintiff claims defendant sold the pants, but didn't pay the plaintiff the money from the consignment sales.  

Defendant says her rent went up, and other issues, but didn't pay the consignment fees to plaintiff.   Defendant did return some pants to plaintiff.    Plaintiff says inventory that defendant owes for is $1685. However, plaintiff still shipped more inventory to defendant, with defendant owing payments.  $916 was owed on 2 June, but plaintiff still shipped more pants to defendant.    Defendant witness is kicked out for not shutting up.     Litigants are sent outside to figure out what is owed to the plaintiff.    Plaintiff shouldn't have given defendant more inventory, when she hadn't paid for previous inventory.    

Plaintiff owes for 349 pair of pants, but defendant says it's 95 pair of pants.   $1685 is the amount owed on email from plaintiff to defendant.  

$1,685 to plaintiff.  

Take My Loan Out of the Tip Jar!   - Plaintiff Thomas Hagen suing former friend Melissa Smith for an unpaid loan.  Plaintiff loaned bartender/manager $2,000 for legal fees, and interlock device ($300 to install interlock) to defendant after her two DUI's.     Defendant claims plaintiff (a regular bar customer), would take the loan repayment back from tips he would usually give her.  Plaintiff says he has a text that defendant would pay back the $2,000 by July, but she never paid him.   

JJ figures, plaintiff repaid nothing.   Defendant was finally fired.

Plaintiff receives $2000. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Shih Tzu Shuttling -Plaintiff  Sophia Willis. suing defendant Deneika Reynolds for attorney fees, travel expenses, and return of the Shih Tzu mix dog.  Plaintiff wants $1,000, plus return of the dog.  Since plaintiff bought puppy five years ago, she was deployed three times (she’s former military), a friend had the dog for 8 months, and dog had a microchip with friend’s name on it.   Then after the year, plaintiff took dog back, then husband got sick, so plaintiff put dog with another friend, Samara.    Samara had the dog, and a few months later, dog had three puppies, and Samara kept the puppies.   Samara claims dog got out, and got knocked up, so Samara kept the three puppies. (This was in Lawrenceville, GA).

Then, defendant saw the dog, in poor condition, wandering on a road, three miles from Samara’s home.  The puppy looked sickly, and like it recently had puppies.  Defendant looked around to see if she could find puppies, and took her to the vet.   Vet reports says dog was severely matted, malnourished.   JJ wants last vet record while Samara, or Ms. Willis took dog to vet.   Samara had never taken the dog to the vet, and plaintiff didn’t either, dog was five years old.

Plaintiff now wants dog back.    Dog has only been with plaintiff a few months in five years, and dog was never spayed, and no shots either.    Defendant spend a lot of money to get dog caught up on shots, grooming, spaying, and care.

JJ tells plaintiff to get a puppy from Samara.   Plaintiff is the worst kind of pet owner, no vet care, no spay/neuter, no grooming, and couldn’t even keep dog contained.    Defendant also says plaintiff and her nasty friends have been harassing her non-stop. 

Defendant’s counterclaim is harassment, and plays a video.  Samara says plaintiff gave her the dog over a year ago.  My guess is plaintiff and friends want to breed the dog, and I hope Brownie is now spayed, well-cared for, and loved.  Text messages from Samara say dog had multiple litters.   JJ tells plaintiff and her friends either leave defendant alone or defendant will go to police.   I bet JJ had a copy of the court case given to defendant too.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

Pit Bull Collateral Damage -Plaintiff Trudy Faulcon suing defendant/neighbor Latoya Cameron for Cameron’s attacking Pit Bull charging her and her teen  daughter.    Plaintiff was walking her Yorkie, Buddy,  on a leash, when Pit Bull attacked.   The car was the closest safe place, so defendant jumped on it.  Owner of car sued Faulcon for the car damages, and won.  So, now plaintiff is suing defendant for the $760 in car damages.  (This was in North Carolina).

Defendant was walking her dog, off-leash, and roaming loose when it attacked.   Plaintiff’s daughter grabbed the Yorkie and ran into the safety of her house.  Defendant says plaintiff’s hysteria was her own imagination, and defendant claims the Pit didn’t’ attack.

$760 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Deceased Fiance, Family Fight -Plaintiff / mother of defendant's dead brother’s two children, Lakeshia Thompson, is suing defendants (sister) Charity King, and (brother) Todd King of the deceased fiance, for harassment after plaintiff’s fiance died, and an assault.    Plaintiff says defendants harass her constantly, and keep saying she killed the fiance.  Plaintiff says during visitation by the 9 and 10-year-old children of plaintiff, children had voluntary visitation every third weekend with the defendants, that defendants slandered her (said she killed their father), and assaulted her.     Then plaintiff was texted to pick the two children up Sunday evening, (early), by defendant, but plaintiff claims she didn't get the messages, and calls, or voice mails.    Defendant Charity has copies of voice mails, and texts, but not on a phone, and no proof of the texts, phone calls, or voice mails.    Charity King's 'evidence' is just a call log, not a printout of the texts, calls, etc.    

Ms. King, defendant, tries to keep Officer Byrd's sacred ink pen.      The printout does not show the plaintiff's phone number on the Sprint call log.     So, plaintiff went to pick up her two kids, (usually at a third party neutral location), instead plaintiff went to defendant's home address on Monday.    

Plaintiff says Ms. King came around the corner of the building, screaming, swearing, at plaintiff, then when daughter got into the car, plaintiff went to buckle the child's seat belt, then defendant woman assaulted her.   Then plaintiff says defendant man assaulted her, tried to choke her, and plaintiff is trying to call 911.     Plaintiff put her second child in the car, and drove to meet police at a safe location.    Plaintiff says defendant man has a long criminal record.   

Police reports are entered into evidence, and there's a supplemental report too.  Police report says plaintiff was going to pick up children on Sunday, but didn't make it until Monday.   D.A. decided not to prosecute the defendants, and claims the plaintiff also misbehaved.   

Defendant woman claims plaintiff assaulted her first.  Defendant woman says she didn't give her home address to plaintiff, because she didn't want the plaintiff at her home.  Plaintiff says defendants made nasty remarks about the children's DNA test, skin color, and they claim that plaintiff caused late fiance's death.

As JJ points out, plaintiff's dislike of defendants don't stop her from getting every third weekend without the kids. (In the hall-terview, plaintiff says her children haven't been near any of the deceased father's family since this happened.    Sometimes, free babysitting isn't a good idea, especially with people who tell others that you killed your fiance, if you can believe the plaintiff either). 

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Pick Axes and Sucker Punches?!-Plaintiff Jasmine Huntsman suing defendant mother Delashawn Green, and daughter Fiance Brown for vandalizing her car, took turns pick axing her front door, and many windows, and is suing for $5,000.    Defendants say daughter defendant was in plaintiff's home with her brother, and they were arguing.   Then daughter says plaintiff sucker punched the daughter, and injured her, and justifies the protective order plaintiff filed for.   Defendants are counter suing for $5,000

Plaintiff claims defendant daughter came to fight her at her home, when the attack happened, and claims she was trying to break up a fight outside.    Part of the claim is that plaintiff was driving for Uber, and she couldn't drive because of the car damages.

Plaintiff claims the mother and daughter attacked her house, and car with the pick axe.    Police report doesn't say plaintiff claimed the defendants did the damages.  

Each side was given $5,000, so cancelled each other out.   I absolutely believe the assaults, pick axe attack, and suspect it’s nothing new for the defendants.

Second (2017)-

Teen Breaks Off Ankle Monitor!-Plaintiff /grandmother Barbara Miller is suing her granddaughter, Marquette Foster, and Mishawn Gray, her daughter.  Plaintiff says she got custody of granddaughter at 3 months, stayed until age 11, then mother wanted her back, and grandmother got sick, and gave custody back.    At age 12 grandmother had custody of Marquette again.     Custody changed a few times, and at 14 the granddaughter went into placement, and back to mom, in placement again, and back to mother.  Granddaughter had an ankle bracelet, broke it to do naughty things, and then took grandmother's card, and charged clothes, and other things, at grandmother's and at mother's home.   (This is so sad, the defendant mother distinguishes between her times in prison, and her times in jail). 

Granddaughter accessed grandmothers Amazon account, and her card was tied into the account.   As JJ says, when the granddaughter used the card at grandmother's home, it was grandmother's role to stop her.   Only bills since December 2016 when granddaughter lived with her mother, and granddaughter charged a lot starting in June 2017 will be considered.    Defendant charged a lot of movies on Amazon, and her own Amazon Prime membership.    Granddaughter ordered hair off of Wish. com using grandmother's card.   

Defendant mother is counter suing for grandmother keeping Marquette's social security checks, but it was for months that granddaughter was in placement, and not in either home.   Granddaughter was getting SSDI, and that started in 2015. 

Plaintiff receives $600 for the charges while criminal granddaughter was living with mother.   Mother's counter claim for SSDI payments is dismissed, because daughter wasn't with her either during that time period.        (I hope someone at the Social Security Administration watched this case, and took the SSDI payments that grandmother kept while the teenager was in placement). 

Dangerous Dog Euthanized-Plaintiff Anna Aldava is suing sister's neighbor Angela Dougherty over a dog attack by defendant's dog on plaintiff's sister's property, and plaintiff wants vet bills paid.  Defendant's dog broke through the fence, and attacked the plaintiff's cute little dog.  Defendant claims the fence was in disrepair on the day of the attack on the small dog.    Defendant had fixed the fence many times over the years.   Plaintiff cute little dog is adorable, and I'm surprised it's alive after defendant's dog attacked it.   

Defendant put her dog down, because it was the second attack by her dog.    Defendant keeps whining about the fence condition.   On the previous attack, the other dog had cancer, and died from the attack.  Defendant still keeps whining about why the fence was bad.   

My guess is that defendant probably will get a replacement that's just as dangerous as her previous dog was.  Defendant dog was only 2 1/2, and had two reported attacks.  Defendant also whining about having to get rid of her other dogs, and pay court fees. 

Plaintiff receives $3553 for vet bills.

(Next Week, due to football, JJ is only on in my area Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday). 

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