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The Bachelorette Canada - General Discussion

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Hated the salesman from Toronto from the get go, wasn't surprised to see him as Mr Wrong Reasons in the season preview. What's with the constant winking?

I wondered about Canada's Crush guy, that was his occupation all through the show. It seems there was a vote before the season to choose the 20th contestant, and he was the winner.

Did they ever say what Jasmine's occupation was? I missed it.

I think I liked food poisoning guy best, and then the guy that irritated Toronto sales guy.

2 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

Hated the salesman from Toronto from the get go, wasn't surprised to see him as Mr Wrong Reasons in the season preview. What's with the constant winking?

I wondered about Canada's Crush guy, that was his occupation all through the show. It seems there was a vote before the season to choose the 20th contestant, and he was the winner.

Did they ever say what Jasmine's occupation was? I missed it.

I think I liked food poisoning guy best, and then the guy that irritated Toronto sales guy.

She's a hairdresser.

I enjoyed the first episode.  I liked that they had Jillian give her advice on being the Bachelorette.

Jasmine seems to have a good read on most of the guys early on.  But Drew the salesman is going to be a problem.  I did not like him from his intro package.  He bragged about using his dog to meet girls.  It appears he will be the house bully the other guys want to warn Jasmine about.

Fellow Canadian Daniel seemed like the obvious choice for the after show.  He seems to like Jasmine more than he ever liked JoJo.  I did find Olivia from Ben's season an odd choice.  But her interaction with Daniel was interesting.

Drew continues to annoy me.  I can't believe Jasmine gave him the group date rose.  I hope it was production's idea.  I hate to think she actually likes him.  Yuck! 

Glad they are going back to Canada to Montreal.  I would rather they spend a bit more time at home before they go to the exotic spots.

I don't care for Kaitlyn with the lighter hair.  But Kaitlyn and Shawn were a good pair to have on the After Rose couch.  They were able to tell a few behind the scenes tidbits.  I always thought it was up to the Bachelor/Bachelorette to tell the ones with roses if they needed the time with the rose-less at the cocktail party.    Kaitlyn said she wanted to spend time with the ones she liked.  I believe the ones with roses often rescue the lead from boring conversations. 

It was nice to see BBCanada host Arisa Cox on the couch too.  

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On 2016-09-22 at 4:47 PM, halkatla said:

Did the cat guy get a rose? I hope so, he was my favorite simply because of his intro, i just forgot to actually look at him (the cats were so gorgeous) and remember his name...

I think so, and his name is Kyle - he's the really tall guy that was covered in glitter on the group date.

Liked the guests on the After Show this week, Kaitlyn and Shawn had some good comments (although I just wanted the host to ask Shawn how he felt about Nick being the next Bachelor).

Drew continues to suck, I just can't stand his smug face.

Navy Seal / Fireman guy (Kevin?) did not look like a good kisser. Also I think having 100s of first dates is a red flag (as in were they actual dates or is he just hooking up with randoms in bars and never calling them back).

9 hours ago, LakeGal said:

Drew continues to annoy me.  I can't believe Jasmine gave him the group date rose.  I hope it was production's idea.  I hate to think she actually likes him.  Yuck! 

Glad they are going back to Canada to Montreal.  I would rather they spend a bit more time at home before they go to the exotic spots.

I don't care for Kaitlyn with the lighter hair.  But Kaitlyn and Shawn were a good pair to have on the After Rose couch.  They were able to tell a few behind the scenes tidbits.  I always thought it was up to the Bachelor/Bachelorette to tell the ones with roses if they needed the time with the rose-less at the cocktail party.    Kaitlyn said she wanted to spend time with the ones she liked.  I believe the ones with roses often rescue the lead from boring conversations. 

It was nice to see BBCanada host Arisa Cox on the couch too.  

Drew is so gross!! And - if I'm being naive, don't correct me - I think our Bachelorette is truly there to find love. So his "strategy" of figuring out what she wants to hear, and just saying that, in order to win? That's not love. Booo, Drew.

About the Bachelorette being responsible for telling the ones with roses if they needed the time for the rose-less, I think you are right. It didn't occur to me at all when I was watching the show, but that makes sense now. I've never watched either the Bachelor or Bachelerotte before, so I appreciate your perspective!

14 hours ago, Fex said:

Drew is so gross!! And - if I'm being naive, don't correct me - I think our Bachelorette is truly there to find love. So his "strategy" of figuring out what she wants to hear, and just saying that, in order to win? That's not love. Booo, Drew.

About the Bachelorette being responsible for telling the ones with roses if they needed the time for the rose-less, I think you are right. It didn't occur to me at all when I was watching the show, but that makes sense now. I've never watched either the Bachelor or Bachelerotte before, so I appreciate your perspective!

I'm skeptical of her reason for participating in the show for a couple of reasons but I was especially skeptical after her speech this week before the rose ceremony. The way she said the word husband sounded sarcastic. This is my first time watching a Bachelor/Bachelorette show, though, and I have trouble imagining anyone using this method to find their future spouse.

I laughed when the guys got all pissy about someone with a rose spending more time with Jasmine.  This is the first of these shows I've watched, but I do believe it's a competition isn't it?  From the after show comments, it sounds like the guys don't get much time with Jasmine, so why wouldn't they try to get more?  You should try to get to know the person you hoping to connect with and live the rest of your life with ... I couldn't type that with a straight face.  I don't think these shows have a good track record for success do they?

I've had several people try to defend Drew, but time and again, he says things that can be used for sound bites and that help make him look like a shitty human being.  If you don't say it, it can't be used.   I know everyone has a part to play thanks to "UnReal", but if you're not a gross human being then don't constantly play the part.  So far Drew has no redeeming qualities.

What a dull episode this week. Obviously she has zero chemistry with most of them (looking at you Chris). And I can't believe she asked Mike (?) to take his shirt off when they were having one on one time - and that he complied! Yuck. Not him yuck, he looked good, but that she would ask him to do that.

Chad on the after show was also boring, that guy has nothing interesting to say when he's trying to be nice.

I told my hubby that it is not healthy that I dislike (Drew) a reality show person this much.  I want to crawl in the TV and slap him every time he cackles like a witch. 

I do not see any connection between Jasmine and several of the guys.  But she has to keep them around for awhile.  I am sure she was encouraged to keep Drew & Chris for the drama. 

Chad was on his best behaviour. 

Yes why does Jasmine's hair always look so bad?

Why did we have to have Ashley I. on the After Show?  At least Jared wasn't there with her.  But I am really sick of her.  I did laugh that at times she was leaning so far away from the female beside her that she was almost in Chris' lap.

Oh Benoit.  He is like that overly enthusiastic playful puppy that wants to hump your leg.

I was surprised that they only sent one guy home last night.  I am ready to get rid of a couple more.  Especially Drew. 

Kevin W is really showing his jealous side.  Not sure that will work for her. 

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On 10/12/2016 at 2:46 PM, LakeGal said:

I was surprised that they only sent one guy home last night.  I am ready to get rid of a couple more.  Especially Drew. 

Agreed, they should always lose at least 2!

I just finally watched episodes 4 and 5 last night. That Cirque de Soleil date looked so fun. But Jasmine didn't get to do any of it! 

I still don't like Drew, but I think it was a bad move on Chris' part to tattle on him.

I think she needs to pick Thomas and let the other guys go right away.   He said he has lots of construction experience that was it for me.  Imagine - eye candy and handy.  If he can't fix something around the house he's likely to know someone who can either for free or to barter or at a decent price! 

The smug look on Drew's face at the rose ceremony needed to be wiped off.  On a shallow note, his hair looks really weird.  On a more shallow note, Thomas needs to get rid of the man bun and let his hair flow freely.

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Drew is an ass, I REALLY enjoyed watching the tantrum he threw after she let him go. Thank you editors for including that. As if he's going to be the next Bachelor!

I really feel like Kevin Captain Canada is her F1 at the moment, their relationship seems more real than the others. Even had their first fight already about him being jealous (and I was impressed that he admitted being jealous and how much it embarrassed him to admit it).

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Finally Drew is gone.  It was pretty obvious that Jasmine saw through him near the end.  Every time he talked it was all "I" and "me".  He thought he was going to be famous after this and it was going to help him in business.  Not sure I believe that.  Almost everyone that saw him on this show hated him.  And if they didn't watch the show he won't be recognized to be famous.  I think most women in the best clubs in Toronto will run when they see him coming.  Or throw a drink in his face.  That would be my choice.

My hubby made me rewind so he could listen to Drew again when he left.  He was laughing so hard he thought it was more fun than watching a blindside on Survivor.  Drew is so delusional.

They scared me when they advertised that one of the guys booted off the show was going to be on the After Show.  I didn't want to see Drew.  I was happy it was Thomas instead.  I liked Thomas.  But I think Jasmine just liked to look at him.  They didn't have the chemistry she wanted in her choice.

I think Kevin P could be the dark horse.  He waited so long to kiss her that she was ready to jump him.  Plus he lives in BC where she wants to live.

I wonder how the business Drew works for views him now?  They likely knew he was a bit of an ass, but how this will translate into customer relations would be interesting to see.  The fact that he had no problems being an ass and in fact seemed to revel in it, says a lot about his character to me.  On the after show, the one person did say, you can't make a soundbite if you don't provide the material (paraphrasing), so I can't say I feel he got a bad edit.

Sadly there will always be women who are drawn to men like this.  Hey, if inmates serving life sentences can find women, there can't be a shortage of ones who will find Drew attractive.

I did like the after show with Thomas.  He seems like a decent enough fella.  I will admit, if I had to do things over again, he's the guy I would pick.  Imagine, traveling the world and having a man who knows what to do with tools.  Now to me that's a great combination.  Of course I'm old enough to be Thomas' mother, so with age comes wisdom. 

As this is the first time I've watched any of this series, I have to wonder, how do these people get all the time off from their jobs?  I know on SYTYCD etc many have quit their jobs to follow their dreams, but an unemployed fiance would now be a good thing in my books.  Are these guys paid to be on the show?

I like Jasmine. I wasn't sure what to expect, but she is refreshing and quite emotionally mature. Maybe it's in comparison to the US bachelorettes, but she's got quite a good read on the men and seems more unaffected and natural. It's either that, or we get to see her genuine thought process and reactions to the guys. I'm really enjoying watching this. 

I think Captain Canada Kevin is too intense and broody for her. I can see her dating Mikhel, but not marrying him. I think she genuinely had feelings for Thomas, but she wanted the "safe" option in Mike. I'm leaning towards the other Kevin as well. She likes him; he challenges her in a non-douchey way and he waited to kiss her. That's gotta mean he's taking the "journey" seriously, right?

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19 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

Captain Canada is good looking when he smiles, then not so much when he is brooding. And I hate his hair.

I think Mike and Mikhel are our final 2.

I wish they would replace the host - I don't even know his name at this point, but he's just a big goof.

I think Captain Canada has issues.  When he pulled that shit with Jasmine a couple of episodes ago that should have spelled the end for him.  Flags flying and bells ringing.  I can't believe he's still in the running.

I think that the Kevin who left almost looked relieved after having his conversation with Jasmine.  He looked ready to go.

I agree that Mike and Mikhel will be the last two, at least I hope they are.

As for the host, just call him the guy from The Good Witch.

Mikhel is one of the hottest babes I have ever seen in this franchise worldwise. I dont blame Jasmine for not being able to keep her hands off him. I would molest him every chance I can get. I doubt he will "win" tho.

The fight with Kev W was one of the few times I thought Jasmine acted immature. Yes, Kev was a jerk but she was oddly defensive and abrasive herself for a TB.

I'm seeing Mikhel and Captain Canada as the final two. She just hasn't spent enough time with Mike for me to believe the relationship is real. Mike represents the guy you settle with in your 30s because he's stable. I'm not sure they genuinely click. I see her sparkle with Mikhel & Captain Canada.

Other Kevin turned out to be super intense as well. I'm glad Jasmine identified & articulated why they couldn't move forward. She impresses me more every episode. I'm thinking it'll be Mikhel at the end, but I'm not sure I see them getting married. 

I really wish they had a different host.  The guy is just not right for this show.  Half the time I forget about him.  The rest of the time I wonder why they hired him.

Captain Canada is a mystery to me.  We know he is jealous and intense.  Does Jasmine like that type?  I find it odd we have never heard her chat with him about their future or where they would live.  What exactly does he do now?  Jasmine has spent several conversations with Mike about living in Winnipeg and his firefighting career.  Maybe the show is just not showing all the conversations.  But I find it odd that she talked about things like that with Thomas and Mike but not with several of the others. 

Mikhel and his pierced nipple bug me.  Why does he have a pierced nipple?  I find it distracting. 

I do wonder if Jasmine really wants the stable type or just thinks it is what she should pick.  She has mentioned loving to travel but she gets scared and sends the travelling type home.  But she seems afraid of being bored if she settles for Mike in Winnipeg.  And I wonder if that is what would happen if she picks Mike.  Would she be settling?  I am looking forward to the hometown visits.  Maybe it will give us a better understanding of what she wants and what the guys will bring to a marriage.

This was a very interesting episode.  I always love the hometown visits.  You see into their background.

Kevin's mother could be the mother-in-law from hell.  I believe she is the reason Kevin has not brought a girl home in years.  He does not want to put them through dealing with his mother.  He did warn Jasmine that his mother is in charge and they will be expected to visit at least once a week.  If I was Jasmine I would have wanted a moment alone with the sister-in-law to get her read on the mother.  Does she become easier to tolerate once you are part of the family?

Both Mikhel and Mike's fathers adored Jasmine.  She enjoyed her time at their homes and felt welcome.  Then she entered Kevin's house and did not feel welcome by the mother.  Kevin's mother did talk a lot for someone that was accusing Jasmine of being a chatterbox.

I think Jasmine sent the right one home.  I suspect Jasmine would have been bored married to Mike and living in Winnipeg.  He would have been the safe choice.  Jasmine seems to want more excitement.  Mike's buddy could have at least taken the cap and sunglasses off his head at the dinner table. 

Jasmine has the most chemistry with Kevin.  She must like him to keep him around even after meeting his mother. 

I enjoyed the After Show.  It was nice to see the guests again.  I watched all of their seasons.  I watched the first season of the Bachelor Canada and liked him a lot better than the second season guy.  I have always liked Sharleen and laugh at  how she escaped Juan Pablo.  Brooks also left on his season with Desiree.  She really liked him and he wasn't feeling it.  They all had good points and were an enjoyable panel. 

I am not sure how jealous Kevin is going to stand the fantasy suite date knowing that Mikhel gets one too.  But even Mikhel is getting cold feet now and doesn't want to proceed if he is not The One. 

3 hours ago, LakeGal said:

Kevin's mother could be the mother-in-law from hell.  I believe she is the reason Kevin has not brought a girl home in years.  He does not want to put them through dealing with his mother.  He did warn Jasmine that his mother is in charge and they will be expected to visit at least once a week.  If I was Jasmine I would have wanted a moment alone with the sister-in-law to get her read on the mother.  Does she become easier to tolerate once you are part of the family?

Red flags all over the place on that hometown. Does she really want to have a dinner EVERY week with a woman who thinks Jasmine should ignore all her own problems and spend hours listening to Kevin talk about his? Mother totally dissed Jasmine's career, and was outright rude I thought. When she said she was about to cry, I think it was in reaction to losing control of making decisions for Kevin - if he is off travelling with the show and then decides to propose, Mother will have zero input and that is what really scares her. Ugh, I would have high-tailed it out of there, see you later Captain Canada.

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Kevin's mother not only appears to be the mother in law from hell, but the mother from hell. I can't believe Jasmine didn't dump Kevin after that visit. The only way those two would have a hope of making it would be to move baby boy across the country. And I honestly don't know if Kevin has the balls to stand up to his mother. She seems to have them in her back pocket. The look on Jasmine's face when Kevin told her they would have to have dinner with his mother every Sunday was priceless. I'd rather live in Winnipeg any day that spend every Sunday with that beotch.

I really think Jasmine made a mistake in sending Mike home. I haven't watched a lot of Bachlorette seasons, but they reminded me of Trista and Ryan where she was more of a spark plug, and he the steady reliable guy. I never understood why Mike had to stay in Winnipeg other than for the seniority he has built up - he can certainly do his job in any part of the country. Jasmine may choose because of chemistry (which fades for the most part, and certainly is like to with monster in law in the picture) but I don't see her lasting long term with either Mikhel or Kevin.

When did it become necessary for the guy to declare his love for the bachlorette to give the guy a chance? Personally I would prefer someone who didn't declare his love in a few short weeks, and let the rest of the relationship after the show develop as it should. In that way I am disappointed in Jasmine. But I guess the name of the game is to ensure that you get a ring at the end of the season, so there is that........

In my scenario, Mikhel drops out, Jasmine realizes she made a mistake letting Mike go and he returns. Kevin freaks out at the thought of Jasmine with another guy in the FS, calls Mommy who then threatens to put a hit out on Jasmine for hurting her little boy. Mike and Jasmine live happily ever after. Baring that, Mike becomes the next Bachelor.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 2

Run Jasmine, run.

Kevin's mother seems just like my own mother-in-law. My husband and I have not spoken to her in almost two years because she is incredibly toxic. That relationship will not work unless Kevin makes a similar decision to my husband and cuts off his mother.

I was getting PTSD-style flashbacks to some of my horrible interactions with my mother-in-law as I was watching Kevin's hometown date. What a controlling bitch.

  • Love 1

 Something that Kevin's mother said stuck out to me while watching this week's epi. She said that she and Kevin are like two peas in a pod. I got from that that Kevin is also used to getting his way, and is none too happy when he doesn't. He stormed off on Jasmine during the fantasy suite date instead of sticking around to talk things out. Yes, he returned, but to me that doesn't bode well if she picks him if he does that weeks into their 'relationship'. And when they are still in this bubble of a tv show. I also don't understand why he keeps bringing up the 50 first dates thing. For all we know 50 women turned him down for a second date. And Jasmine is certainly as good looking as he is. I don't see him being able to handle attention Jasmine may get from random guys, though he appears to think she should be able to handle and accept attention he might get from other women.

I think Jasmine's family hit the nail on the head when they said he is they type of guy that Jasmine continues to choose, and in relationships that do not end well. But at this point I think is it quite possible that Jasmine is not mature enough to break that habit and pick Mikhel. If she picks Kevin, I do not see them lasting much past the airing of the last show.

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I haven't watched a lot of Bachelor/Bachelorette shows, but from what I do remember of the ones I have watched the fantasy suites are not exactly the same for each date. And also have more of a suite feel, rather than a bed stuck in the middle of the room covered in tacky rose petals. The room looked exactly the same for both Mikhel and Kevin's overnights. If I were Jasmine I would have found that a bit icky on the second overnight. It did run through my mind (cuz that is how it works) that I hoped they at least changed the sheets - lol.

The Men Tell All

Drew is still disgusting.  He isn't the "love to hate" type.  He is just the type that makes me ill.  I was hoping him and his little minion sitting behind him would leave the stage so I could enjoy the reunion. 

Jasmine obviously had to pee a lot during filming.  I enjoy the out-takes.  There is always a lot with bugs.

Mike really did fall for Jasmine.  He is still emotional about it. 

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Couldn't agree more about Drew @LakeGal and his little minion. If he were actually contrite he wouldn't have felt the need to mock and belittle Chris before coming out with his half-assed apology. Also that whole business about "you don't get to do that" when Chris said he called Drew out on having a hissy fit off camera about the food - only Kyle is allowed to do that because he's big enough to beat you up? Chris isn't manly enough to point out that you're acting like a douche bag? I'll be happy to never see this guy on my tv screen again, for him to actually think they would want him as the Bachelor is laughable. I hope he is getting major backlash online and in person for his crappy behaviour.

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Well that was disappointing.  First and last time watching this kind of show.  I'm still in shock, although plenty of people said this would happen.  Good luck to Jasmine with dealing with Kevin, his issues which sound like they are still happening and of course his horrible mother. 

If anyone watched the after show, Jasmine didn't look too happy when Kevin's mother was introduced and Jasmine's mother didn't look impressed as the credits were rolling by.

I hope Mikhel goes on to find happiness and true love before Jasmine and Kev break up, so she won't have a chance to be with a really good guy.  I understand the track record for things working out on this show isn't very high and given how this turned out, that's not a surprise.

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I was out tonight so didn't get to watch the show as yet. Thought I would come on here as I really don't care who she chose. If she chose Mikhel I would have thought he was too good for her. If she chose Kevin it would be what I expected and frankly who she deserves. Her mother said that is they type she always chooses (and it never works out) and I didn't really see any growth of Jasmine as a person to think she would choose differently this time.

I assume they did not announce the new bachelor? I hope it is either Mikhel or Mike. My guess is that by the time they start filming again Jasmine and Kevin will have broken up. Maybe I will be less cynical once I actually watch the show. But I doubt it.

It was the result I was expecting.  Jasmine had obvious chemistry with Kevin.  There were a lot of reasons for her to send him home earlier and she didn't.  So she was hooked on him.

I thought it was very telling the last time she was shown with Mikhel before the final rose ceremony.  Jasmine looked so sad.  She knew she was going to break his heart and it bothered her. 

Kevin's mother is obviously a thorn in their romance.  Body language and facial expressions said it all with Jasmine and her mother near the end of the show.  Jasmine did not look happy when Kevin's mother was talking.  Kevin was whispering something to her.  I noticed Jasmine's mom stared straight ahead while Kevin's mother talked.  I hope Kevin moves out to BC with Jasmine so they have some distance from Mommy. 

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I mostly quit watching this, because I always missed it, and they stopped putting it On Demand after episode 4. But I caught the end of the last After show. I hope it works out for them, but canceling their media appearances doesn't bode well.

17 hours ago, Shades of Red said:

Well that was disappointing.  First and last time watching this kind of show.  I'm still in shock, although plenty of people said this would happen.  Good luck to Jasmine with dealing with Kevin, his issues which sound like they are still happening and of course his horrible mother. 

If anyone watched the after show, Jasmine didn't look too happy when Kevin's mother was introduced and Jasmine's mother didn't look impressed as the credits were rolling by.

I hope Mikhel goes on to find happiness and true love before Jasmine and Kev break up, so she won't have a chance to be with a really good guy.  I understand the track record for things working out on this show isn't very high and given how this turned out, that's not a surprise.

I agree, Kevin's mother was not happy to be there, and Jasmine wasn't happy to see her. Looked really awkward.

On 11/5/2016 at 5:28 PM, Ciarrai said:

Run Jasmine, run.

Kevin's mother seems just like my own mother-in-law. My husband and I have not spoken to her in almost two years because she is incredibly toxic. That relationship will not work unless Kevin makes a similar decision to my husband and cuts off his mother.

I was getting PTSD-style flashbacks to some of my horrible interactions with my mother-in-law as I was watching Kevin's hometown date. What a controlling bitch.

Well, damn.

I didn't watch the series consistently this season. But all of the posts about Kevin's mom make her sound like a walking red flag. Not to mention that I'm watching tonight's episode of ET Canada. Not only did Roz talk about the show's cancelled press, the producers had him throw up a clip of Jasmine and Kevin from last night's show when the cameras weren't rolling. Apparently they're not as lovey-dovey as they seem. And the mood between their parents is awful.

From what y'all have said about Mommy Dearest, I wouldn't be with Kevin unless he decided to man up and establish some serious boundaries.  It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he and Jasmine aren't together any more.

Edited by C76
  • Love 2

I found it very telling when each of the guys was picking a ring for Jasmine. Mikhel said he didn't think Jasmine would want something flashy, and chose a classic round cut solitaire. Kevin chose the flashiest of rings, and said several times that he wanted Jasmine to know he had picked it out for her. It was more like he wanted his finace to have a big flashy ring because of how it would reflect on him - regardless of the fact he wasn't actually paying for it.

Also when Kevin kept saying he gave Jasmine at out and told her to pick Mikhel, it is like he was saving face so that if she did pick Mikhel he could say it is because he gave her the OK to do so. Ugh.

Not only did Jasmine not looked all that thrilled to have Kevin's mother there, neither did Kevin. And wow, watching Jasmine's mother in front of Kevin's parents when his mother was talking was very telling. She did not crack a smile. Obviously no love lost between the parents. I also think it must have been pretty hard on Kevin's ego to see how upset Jasmine was in seeing Mikhel for the first time since she broke his heart. I wonder if that had anything to do with the cancelled appearences today?

I agree with the above poster - I doubt if they will make it to Christmas.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I found it very telling when each of the guys was picking a ring for Jasmine. Mikhel said he didn't think Jasmine would want something flashy, and chose a classic round cut solitaire. Kevin chose the flashiest of rings, and said several times that he wanted Jasmine to know he had picked it out for her. It was more like he wanted his finace to have a big flashy ring because of how it would reflect on him - regardless of the fact he wasn't actually paying for it.

Also when Kevin kept saying he gave Jasmine at out and told her to pick Mikhel, it is like he was saving face so that if she did pick Mikhel he could say it is because he gave her the OK to do so. Ugh.

Not only did Jasmine not looked all that thrilled to have Kevin's mother there, neither did Kevin. And wow, watching Jasmine's mother in front of Kevin's parents when his mother was talking was very telling. She did not crack a smile. Obviously no love lost between the parents. I also think it must have been pretty hard on Kevin's ego to see how upset Jasmine was in seeing Mikhel for the first time since she broke his heart. I wonder if that had anything to do with the cancelled appearences today?

I agree with the above poster - I doubt if they will make it to Christmas.

I know I'm being petty, but if it came down to choosing a man based on his ring selection, in my world...Mikhel would have won. I prefer simple ring designs with a minimal number of stones.

Also, I realize that Jasmine is an adult. She doesn't need any help making bad decisions. But every now and then I wonder if the fact that she picked Kevin was producer-driven. (I say this as someone who didn't see the episode(s) where Jasmine's mother spoke negatively of the type of guys she tends to go for.)

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