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Friendly White Cloaks: Questions And Proclamations

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Hey everyone! 

In trying to keep you as Unsullied as possible, we wanted to give you a place where you can ask any of us White Cloaks any GOT related (forum or show) non spoilery questions or ask us to search for something for you that you may have run across spoilers doing yourself. (Aka a screenshot.)

I know there are bookwalkers who mean no harm and are trying to help you out, but we would prefer it if it went through us, to keep the "Only Observe The Unsullied In Their Natural Habitat - DO NOT FEED THEM" rule in tact. ;) 

So here's the thread to do it. For example, you want to know what map Bran was looking at in episode 5 of season 1? Or you can't remember the name of the inn that X & Y met in. Ask us here, and we'll be happy to find and post it. 

We will also be using this thread for any announcements we need (or just feel like ;) making.

  • Love 6

Understandably, all threads in here are marked No Spoilers.  Is it safe for someone whose limited book knowledge does not extend past the content in season two to read the untagged threads (e.g. the various houses) outside of this protected abode?  

Yes, it should be safe. The conversation in those threads only includes what has aired and anything book spoilery beyond that is behind spoiler tags. Hope that helps.

However, please bear in mind that to qualify as an Unsullied you should have no knowledge beyond the show; from the HBO static to closing credits, including HBO extra content etc. To clarify, as you have read the first 2 books we ask that you do not post in here, however, you are welcome to read the posts in the Unsullied Habitat. Thank you :)

  • Love 1

So I accidentally posted in the unsullied 4x2 episode thread when I should be posting in the unspoiled threads in the main forum (have very limited book knowledge of first two seasons, haven't read the books, do watch promos) because I was a wee bit confused. Sorry about that. But can you guys double check my post over there and delete or edit as appropriate? I was unspoiled on all levels for the episode so it should be fine but just in case... I'll go back to the main forum where I belong, now.

Your post's content is fine. As this is the first week of the official habitat, I am allowing it to pass as you have stated you haven't read the books. We will be deleting anyone's posts who are known as Bookwalkers, even as innocuous as they seem, for consistency's sake. I hope everyone who reads this understands why.

Thank you for your honesty, though! It's very much appreciated.

Let it be known, by all Bookwalkers & Unspoiled who enter, this particular realm is defended by unsullied guards known as White Cloaks whose sigil is a shield.

White Cloak Oath:
I do proclaim that I have read all the ASOIAF books, watched each and every episode and utterly spoiled myself on all that is Game of Thrones. I vow that I shall use this knowledge to uphold my first duty, which is to defend the unsullied kingdom from all unavowed Bookwalkers & spoilers from this day until my last day or until the last season of Game of Thrones ends (whichever comes first).

Furthermore, I solemnly swear as a champion of this, the purest of realms, to:
• Protect the innocence and defend the honor of the unsullied.
• To give counsel (via reports, announcements or non spoilery questions), otherwise to remain as an invisible &  silent sentinel.
• To be the shield against accursed ‘helpful’ extra information.
• To remain vigilant for rascally hints, knavish nudges and roguish ‘pay attention to this, wink winks’.
• To roam throughout the kingdom for spitball congratulators or confirmers and challenge them to trial by combat using my infallible mod amour and trusty (and un-named, ahem) Valyrian steel sword.


SilverStormm: I do so vow. The odd goblet of Arbor gold would be appreciated!


Mya Stone: I do so vow. And a goblet of Arbor Red would never be denied by me. ;)


Skywarpgold: I do so vow.


Athena: I do so vow. Where's my goblet of Dornish wine, please?

  • Love 3

Mod Introductions:

Hi all,

I started reading the GOT books before the show existed and loved them. I also love the show but in a different way (books you are my first love, fear not!). I've been following your thread since season 1 on TWoP from a respectful distance naturally, so although you never knew me I was hanging out with you guys even before the spitball wall oath was created ;), thus, I am fully aware of what you do and don't allow within your realm regarding knowledge.

I have never spoiled anyone and as for people who do, well let's say I'd let Ramsay Snow at 'em!

I may not be around always at the same time alot of you guys are as I live in the UK, however, that being said, it is probably advantageous as it will allow more 'round the clock' coverage no doubt? It is worth noting that I am a night 'raven' so I do tend to be up quite late at night anyway.

To quote someone I know:

"May there always be peace in your realm".

 stillshimpy and all, 

I'll give a more detailed introduction!

I read the books first in 2003, and joined Westeros.org shortly after. I have had the privilege and honor of meeting GRRM himself, and even planned a human chess match for him in 2006. (Man, I sound like such a dork!) 

I met my fiancee due to the books (on Westeros). We denied where we met each other for years. It's still weird for us to see all the press for something we love so dearly. We have two boys...our youngest is named Bran, and yes, he's a climber. Go figure.

I have followed your thread from a distance from the beginning. You guys have quite the reputation on Westeros. (All good, I promise!) You have inspired us old-timers in your theories and enthusiasm for the show. 

I vow to never spoil you. My sister herself is a complete Unsullied, and I have yet to spoil her on anything. (She was none too pleased with me following the Red Wedding...)

It is an honor to watch your backs!

Hello all! I've just been knighted as another mod for the Unsullied Habitat, and wanted to say hi. I'm located just outside of Washington, DC, so I'll be watching the initial East Coast broadcasts live.

I started reading the books about 10 years ago, and have followed your unsullied adventures since you started in season 1. I look forward to working with you all!

Hello, everyone! I started reading the books a couple of years ago so they are still new to me, but fresh in my memory as result.


In addition to being a new mod here, I am a mod in a number of other forums including Books, Movies, Food, Health, Mad Men, Outlander (which is very similar in the books and show aspect), and a number of others. Those forums more or less summarises some of my interests. I am Canadian and was lucky enough to spend sometime in UK and Europe so I do tend to spell things the British way.


I vow to do my best to protect the fine folk of the Unsullied. I like a good goblet of wine and will do my best to feed and nourish you while also protecting you. Thank you!

  • Love 3

I have a plea to our benevolent WhiteCloaks...
Given the, uh, disruption (for lack of a better word) caused by the early and emphatic speculation that Olenna stole the poisoned jewel from Sansa's necklace...and dropped it in Joffrey's wine some how.  And especially the accompanying screen grabs which I, personally, find difficult - if not impossible - to ignore...
Could I ask that an Unsullied Habitat Rule be put in place that no screen-grab images be allowed in the Unsullied area?  Just links to screen grabs - which worked well for the grabs of the Book of the Knights Watch. 
It is a confusing transition to make (for me at least) from TWoP rules to Previously.TV rules.  (I can't imagine what trying to Mod a pre-established group must be like for you guys.)  What I know is that I have developed a strong ability - from my past 3 GoT seasons at TWoP -  to resist clicking on links but can't say the same for images - because they are just THERE.  You see them before you have time to think. 
I believe the speculation would have been a lot broader and the discussion wider ranging if the images hadn't dominated the "reading" experience.
Just putting this out there in hopes that it might assist both Me (in my unsullied speculation) and You (in your  greatly appreciated work assisting the Unsullied experience).

  • Love 3

We would like to suggest a "house rule" that images be added as links rather than as image attachments within threads.


This is not something that we can or will enforce; but would certainly like it to become the norm for all images, whether a screengrab or a funny, a picture of your cat, or whatever else.

We suggest that this is done by writing a brief description of the what the picture entails, then adding a hyperlink to the image itself (not its host page). This ensures that any images that were originally part of a conversation doesn't include a link to that conversation.

Please always double check your link to ensure that it's gone to the right place, and that there's nothing spoilery in the image title bar.


Example of end product:


Screengrab of title sequence, showing Astapor.

  • Love 4

I'm not clear why a no image policy can't be enforced? What's the point of a rule that can't be enforced?

@90PercentGravity It's more that we are asking you all to self-police this. We can not take away the capability to post images in the Habitat without taking away the capability from the entirety of PTV. We also try like heck to be available around the clock but can not promise this; hence why we're asking that you all start posting image hotlinks instead of direct images.

Of course, if we see something that is a direct spoiler we will remove it, but we are of the mindset that any screengrab from the show is not a spoiler, hence why we can't really enforce this rule - if we deleted pics that led you in a direction of thinking, it would be confirming the end product.

Not sure if I'm making too much sense here - wine and modding don't mix!

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Just an FYI for all:  If anyone ever needs to be reminded about facts or info (that has already been mentioned on the show), you can always ask one of the mods, we would be happy to help clear any non spoilery confusion up. i.e. where Ned & Robert grew up. I realise this particular question has already been resolved btw. You can either ask in here or PM us.

Just catching up. I want to make sure that All you friendly White Cloaks know how much I appreciate the work you do keeping this habitat safe for us unsullied. I'm not usually an on time viewer - due to my work schedule - so by the time I start reading here you've usually got any spoilsport bookwalkers or misplaced "Unspoiled" cleared away.

I especially appreciate the special effort you all made when TWoP shut down (sniff). Makes for a great forum experience, so thanks again.

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Dear House White Cloak,


It is with deepest respect and admiration that we, the Unsullied Brethren of the Spitball Wall, bend the knee to your benevolence, and good natured oversight of this, our Unsullied Habitat. We realize that we are a bit high maintenance and that you require additional squires, lords, and assorted bannermen to look after our unique needs. And while you expend much energy at times to protect our innocence, we hope that we, in turn, providith you with entertainment akin to a free grogfest at Ye Olde Kingsroad Inn.


So many kind thanks for protecting our Unsullied-ness this season. We are indebted to you.


The Spitball Wall

  • Love 6

Question for the Protectors of our Habitat.  Where can I find the banana tree?  (Dorne seem too far away.)

 ;-P     **JK **


The real question is related to the fact that you are all volunteer Mods.  Back when TWoP existed, the Unsullied frequently continued to post speculations for a few weeks/months after each season ended.  At least once, we did a formal or perhaps I should say a scheduled re-watch of the season.  These post-show activities invariably brought out bookwalkers and spoilsports. 


So, my question to you is: what are your feelings about being tied to this voluntary job for an indeterminate period of time?  Was your commitment to Mod for us based on an expectation of a finite period of time?  Or, because "this habitat is not like the other" (™ Varys, with paraphrase) should we discuss with you ideas about continuing conversations in this place and set out parameters (timeframes in particular) IF there is an interest by a sufficient number of Unsullied?


I'm not actually proposing anything right now, but it dawned on me that I,  personally, assumed your commitment  to Modding us was tied to the show's official season, so I'd like to clear that up - for myself at least. 

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Thanks for the response, guys.  I don't know if this section will be all that active.  The number of posters seems to have dwindled considerably since the move from TWoP.  I suppose its the Unspoiled/Unsullied distinction.  But it seemed to me that the flurry of posting that occurred after Seasons 1 & 2 has abated somewhat. 


At any rate, it's good to know you'll be around should you be needed.  

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Would The Hedge Knight graphic novel violate the spirit of the unsullied?


"In this comic book/graphic novel adaptation set one hundred years before the events in George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Hedge Knight chronicles a young squire as he travels the cruel and complex path to knighthood in the Seven Kingdoms."

Okay, cool :-)  


I know you don't need input on that just letting you know, "This has been seen, and as with all things that have been seen, it cannot be unseen." (battle cry of the Unsullied as we stick our heads into the sand).  


Seriously though, on one of my computers I use the Unsullied Habitat page as my home page, so I'm always wandering through here throughout the course of a day.  So...yes....been seen :-)  

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Thanks for letting us know, Silverstormm.

Thank you Which Tyler for your stellar defence of us unsullied and our very particular/peculiar requirements.

I especially remember that you were up at 05:30 on your day off - and before even seeing the episode under discussion - to guard us all for the first episode that aired after TWOP forums shut down.

I wish you the best as you move on.

  • Love 4

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