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S09.E01: One For Sorrow

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8 hours ago, Sulador said:

I know it's early days, but I do not care for the new boss.

I guffawed at the line about Oxford's comparing to London in terms of crime: "It has its own unique challenges." Well, yes, with decades of tiger-mauling and dons dying and bodies down wells, I'D SAY SO! ;)

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Was he also the boss of some division on In the Line of Duty?  I feel like I just saw him playing the boss on another crime drama recently.  The leader of the squad the squad that Keely Hawes' character was assigned to after the ambush?  When they put her head in the toilet? 

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I couldn't figure out who the guy playing Ian Tedman, the father, was until I remembered him playing the weird reporter in Whitechapel.

I didn't recognize Tim Piggott-Smith.  He looked nothing like the creepy Ronal Merrick from Jewel in The Crown.

Why would anyone want to replicate Zimbardo's prison study?  Wasn't once enough?

When Zimbardo met Stanley Milgram, who did the social obedience study in the sixties, Milgram shoot his hand and said "Thank you.  Now I am no longer the most hated man in psychology."

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I found the denouement 


evil cold-hearted female psychologist and her emasculated husband ... all to protect her self-harming extremely f*cked up son  -- 

depressingly stereotypic of British productions where


psychologist have a pathology index just slightly greater than "professors" ...  

The taxidermy was interesting, the money laundering was gilding the lily and I didn't quite "get" it (even though it was the "motive" for murder ... and it was fun to see Pigott-Smith ... I fear we are going to see more about Hathaway's father (will he quit for force to nurse/attend to him in his sunset? how much will we need to see wrt the conflict with his sister ?) .. and I always love watching men fly-fishing (even if I've been re-watching G. Gently and HE also fly fishes and has been teaching his partner (whatever) ... 

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On 8/7/2016 at 10:55 PM, Sulador said:

I know it's early days, but I do not care for the new boss.

What I like the least is that it seems likely he's going to impact the storyline. I just want to see our team solve mysteries in crime-riddled Oxford. I don't care about bureaucracy or annoying bosses. Especially not in the final season! With just 3 episodes, why bother to set up new obstacles?

I assume they will use his character as a catalyst to end the stories of Lewis and Hathaway. His presence will cause them to retire / get promoted / depart on a journey of self-discovery. Which I don't think is necessary, but writers seem to think we want our characters to end when shows do.

Edited by snarktini
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Personally, I prefer to imagine my characters just continuing on in the same old way after the show has finished. I just watched the last episode of New Tricks and I didn't like how everyone split up forever.

I would feel more sympathy for the new boss's complaints about how overworked he is if he didn't micro-manage everything.  I miss the old boss.

The anvils about problems in the Robbie/Laura relationship were hot and heavy. Why can't a professional woman of a certain age just get the guy and end happily ever after?

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I knew Steve Pemberton had to be the killer!  Just going on the assumption the famous person did it (which of course meant it was 50/50 between him and Tim P-S). 

Edited by M. Darcy
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