OnceSane July 28, 2016 Share July 28, 2016 Sabrina overcomes nerves to speak in front of a college class; tension escalates between Rebecca and Sabrina; Esther makes a deal to experience English life. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/
Evil Queen July 29, 2016 Share July 29, 2016 UGH this show. Why is it that Esther would be making a deal to experience something we just heard her admit to doing? They must think the people watching this show are dump as shit. SMH Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2443190
TonyasBlueEyeshado August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 Wow, Esther, you go with your clear nail polish... Smh 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2449158
RealityCowgirl August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 They appear(ed) on a TV show together. There's no law that says they must like each other, no reason they must be friends for life. Abe and Rebecca are not worth all this angst. Then I realize Sabrina probably doesn't have many friends. It's a little sad to see her trying so hard to cling to them like they're some lifeline. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2449699
ghoulina August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 Kate needs to stop acting like she doesn't get pop culture references. She left the Amish how long ago? She's been living in NYC for several years. She knows who Bieber is. Come on now.... I don't get why it's cool for Mary to do shots in some random bar, but Esther can't get hot pink nail polish? I thought Sabrina's speech was a great confidence booster for her. She should do stuff like that more often. What I don't need more of is her fight with Reeeeebecca. I can see both sides. Rebecca and Abe have been worn out by addiction, and it's their right not to tolerate any more. But I always have a soft spot for addicts and I can empathize with the pain and rejection Sabrina feels. Her issue is that she hasn't learned how to effectively communicate with others. Screaming insults at people isn't going to get you anywhere. But Abe needs to calm the fuck down. Rebecca is a grown woman and can handle Sabrina. I really didn't like the way he went downstairs all puffed up like that. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2449708
ClareWalks August 1, 2016 Share August 1, 2016 Mary and Esther bore the shit out of me. As does Kate. I've liked Kate but I'm tired of seeing her obvious aggravation in every social situation. You signed up for this show, cupcake. At least try not to look so annoyed when you're out with your coworkers. How is it possible that Jeremiah is the voice of reason this season? I'm no Sabrina fan but she is allowed to yell at Rebecca for her being a bitch, something that is indisputably true. Abe shoehorning in to save the day was totally inappropriate, as was his aggressive pointing and screaming threats at Sabrina. I was rooting for Jeremiah to sock him in the face at the end there. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2449891
OnceSane August 1, 2016 Author Share August 1, 2016 IA that Sabrina has the right to yell at Rebecca for acting like a bitch, but Rebecca also has the right to walk away and not engage when she's hearing the same rant for the umpteenth time. Sabrina seems to think that Rebecca owes her something because Sabrina is clean (for now). And that, combined with the whining, irritates the hell out of me. Rebecca is allowed to say no more, and Sabrina just has to accept that. And I'd like to think Jeremiah is trying to be the voice of reason, but he enjoys the shit-stirring and game-playing too much to be believable. I'm tired of the "Mary goes out drinking and the young'uns think she's great!" shit. Especially juxtaposed with her wanting Esther to stay Amish and supposedly wants back in herself. Mary, just admit you like the fame from this show more than obeying the Amish rules and be done with it. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2450190
Cabarb August 2, 2016 Share August 2, 2016 Esther is creepy as shit. That weird blank smiling stare she had on her face while she was doing laundry and while she was tooling around NYC in slo-mo on her scooter was just bizarre. Actually she has that facial expression at least 50% of the time. I'm worried she's gonna snap and start stabbing everybody. Also, Abe needs to calm down and take several seats. Abe, you aren't a badass and nobody is scared of you. Let Rebecca fight her own battles. She has no problem being a bitch. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2451190
Snarklepuss August 2, 2016 Share August 2, 2016 (edited) I feel sorry for Sabrina. I think she's really trying to clean up her act and she needs all the friends she can get. For her, Rebecca is the one link she has to her old life, someone who can potentially relate to where she's come from, plus she's already gotten her life together. I think Sabrina looks at Rebecca's approval as a sign that she's not a loser. If Rebecca accepts her, she must be OK. She is in such a vulnerable place right now. Her self esteem is at an all time low. I think Rebecca is taking the avoidance of Sabrina too far, but that's because she is such a jealous, insecure person that she's even jealous of Sabrina for possibly stealing her thunder and getting more attention. But it's also because she's afraid she might "catch" what Sabrina has. She had some nerve telling Sabrina she was insecure - Rebecca is extremely insecure. Her exterior is a cover for it. The truth is that Rebecca without Abe would be no less vulnerable and pathetic than Sabrina is right now, and she wants to distance herself from that so she doesn't somehow turn into a Sabrina, or a Chapel, or Abe's brother. It's all around her, she's afraid that she's next. I think Rebecca might think that Sabrina brought her problems on herself and if she had just stayed married and didn't spiral down into poverty and become vulnerable to addiction she would have been OK. But the truth is that Rebecca knows that it would be very easy for her to be in a similar boat if not for Abe and Mary. Deep down Sabrina knows this so it really irks her that Rebecca acts like she is so above what she did when she's really not that far away from it herself. Everything Sabrina said to her was something I had thought about Rebecca myself. Someone really did need to say it to her. And good for Jeremiah for supporting her. So it turns out that the show's supposedly two biggest a-holes are really deep down the better people. Edited August 2, 2016 by Snarklepuss 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2451599
Lovecat August 2, 2016 Share August 2, 2016 I was disappointed we didn't get to see Esther exit the nail salon to find her carelessly-tossed-aside scooter gone. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2451745
Snarklepuss August 2, 2016 Share August 2, 2016 7 hours ago, Lovecat said: I was disappointed we didn't get to see Esther exit the nail salon to find her carelessly-tossed-aside scooter gone. LOL, I'm a native NY-er and I said, "Oh that'd be gone" when I saw her do that! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2452122
Snewtsie August 2, 2016 Share August 2, 2016 7 hours ago, Snarklepuss said: LOL, I'm a native NY-er and I said, "Oh that'd be gone" when I saw her do that! OMG, totally!!! That was so funny when she tossed it against the sidewalk like she was rolling up to her bestie's house in the country. I bet event the producers rolled their eyes, big time. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2453209
Evil Queen August 5, 2016 Share August 5, 2016 The whole scooter thing was crazy. First where did it even come from? Then to toss it like that in any big city is stupid. If you did that hear in front of a store it could be gone. Heck even in front of a house and we live in a pretty decent place. We have always said to our one son's friend to put his bike on our patio when he comes over so its not in front for someone to take. He has a really nice cruiser. Those get snatched in broad daylight in places. This whole episode just was stupid though. It kind of annoyed me with that pathetic fight, the nail polish BS, the frickin bar (again), and Kate pretending she is so stupid about something because of how she grew up. *rollingeyes* Kate taking Mary to the gay bar.....please like Kate wouldn't know it was a gay bar before going in there...give me a damn break. I don't think Rebecca things she would be a druggie too or whatever. I think she is worn out of dealing with people like that. I know with all I have had around me between the druggie sister and my mom with her narcissistic crap. It takes a major toll on you in more ways than you want to deal with. It wasn't just them. I saw people leave our leaves because of them. Family that doesn't talk to them or me thanks to them (more my mom). Growing up and not knowing why someone up and leaves at that time sucks. It hurts you. Then taking the crap from them yourself and how they act/what they say. At some point you just say enough and try to move on with your own life. Sabrina expecting to just be forgiven so quickly and begging for it doesn't show her trying to take care of herself IMO. She is more worried about everyone else being her friend, life line or whatever but not really dealing with her issues as she needs to. She has fallen of the wagon at least once that we know of. Herion is not an easy one to kick at all. We all know that. So with keeping that distance I get it. She probably fears for Sabrina's well being and the worse happening to her. I don't care for Rebecca really but I get the distance she keeps. Sometimes you have to with people that have issues that take such a toll on you as well. We have no clue how many others they have seen this happen to aside from the 3. It could be more than we know. Plus its obvious Sabrina doesn't make the best choices still when she got knocked up again by the abusive ex. All I know is I have learned as I got older that sometimes when you deal with people with addiction or mental issues that sometimes you need to step away and be a bit selfish in doing so. Otherwise if you don't you end up beat down beyond repair. I will agree though that Rebecca can fight her own battles and Abe doesn't need to jump in like that. Yet I can imagine most of this is producer drive so they have major drama for the show. Which makes me sick that they are using Sabrina in such a way when its obvious she still needs to work on herself and her addictions/issues more than she needed to do this show. Plus the whole time Sabrina kept saying Rebecca was starting fights was driving me nuts too because it would be Sabrina starting it up all over again. Those saying that Esther is creepy...she is MAJOR creepy with how she talks and looks. There is something not right in that head of her's at all. And looks like we have to look forward to Jeremiah bringing his kids on again. I can imagine the mom only let's him for the payday they get for it. As well as him taking Sabrina on a "date" of some sort. Another sign Sabrina is still not in her right mind..saying something like she didn't care that he had a girlfriend. UGH 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2460191
ClareWalks August 5, 2016 Share August 5, 2016 8 hours ago, Evil Queen said: Kate taking Mary to the gay bar.....please like Kate wouldn't know it was a gay bar before going in there...give me a damn break. I know right? Especially since they had to get on a subway to get to this bar. As if there is no place to drink within a few blocks of Kate's apartment. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2460499
RedDelicious August 5, 2016 Share August 5, 2016 (edited) Abe is SUCH a weenie! I can't help it, I think it's hilarious when he gets so pissed off. He looks like a 5-year old with his jeans tucked into his cowboy boots :) I kind of have a secret crush on Jeremiah for staying calm and also being supportive of Sabrina. I think he has a good heart. RE-becca is just flat out so jealous of everyone and everything. I guess I forget she's lost all of her teeth (which is terrible) and I think that is the primary driver of her insecurity, coupled with the hold overs from the Amish community i.e., her lack of education and Abe not wanting her to work and have an identity of her own. She isn't anything except Abe's wife and the mother to (what we assume are) his children. The other girls have their own lives. Edited August 5, 2016 by RedDelicious grammar 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2460818
mscav August 6, 2016 Share August 6, 2016 Rebecca has never been one of my favorites, but in this instance I’m on her side. It sounds like her and Abe tried to help Sabrina and she ran off. Her and Abe have had to deal with quite a few people in their lives with substance abuse problems and that can really take a toll on a person when they see someone they care about self-destructing. On top of that she is a mother to two small children that I’m sure she wants to shelter from that type of drama (I know she’s on a reality show and a drama queen but she does seem to keep her kids off camera as much as possible). I have not seen Rebecca insult Sabrina, even when being attacked by her, she just disengages. Additionally, in my opinion, Sabrina does NOT seem clean. She may be off heroine but her demeanor suggests that she is still on something. Sabrina is the aggressor demanding Rebecca apologize to her while she insults her. She takes no responsibilities for her actions and seems to put forth no effort to make amends to others. She also does not appear to be putting much effort into getting her own child back. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2462283
ShaNaeNae August 7, 2016 Share August 7, 2016 I'm so tired of the (bad) overacting Kate does when they ask her if she has a boyfriend. I agreed it's none of their business, but she's clearly acting that out. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/46030-s03e04-you-lie/#findComment-2465109
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