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Season 9: The Truth... is still out there.

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Loved Doggett.  Moronica was annoying but she always had Scully's back, or at least she tried.  So she gets points for that.  William was adorable.  And GA managed to pull of a sizzling hot exam on a guy with no ears, half a nose, and acid burn scars all over his body.  I mean, damn.  That takes some doing.

Yep. As for Monica (I don't call her Moronica -- it's Chris's fault on that one in my opinion), I think she did what she could. Definitely. One good effort. Given some of the writing.

I have finally made it to my last two episodes of my series rewatch and am actually looking forward to seeing the finale again. I think the last time I actually watched it was when it first aired.

I was a casual viewer by season 9 so a few of the episodes were actually new to me, but I haven't hated it as much as I thought I would.

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Okay, my mytharc-focused rewatch has led me to watch NIHT 1/2, Trust No 1, and Provenance/Providence this weekend.

First thing I want to say is that 1013 has gotten really sloppy about their Bible quotes, and it really bugs.  I can forgive the slipup in Existence, because there was just a transposition of the numbers (the "water from the rock" story is in Exodus 17:6, not Exodus 7:16), but when Scully identified the passage Josepho was quoting in Providence as being from Ephesians, I literally laughed and said "WHAT?!?" out loud to the TV.  Ephesians doesn't even contain any apocalyptic writings, the passage is from Ezekiel.  They've shown Scully to be a competent enough Bible scholar in the past that she would know that.  It BUGS.

Moving on.

At this point I have honestly found that it's best to approach the mythology of the show as if we are in the same spot as the characters, not really knowing anything beyond what they do, and accepting that some of the things we think we have figured out are just incorrect.  So....

I think what's going on at this point is that the alien replicants and the supersoldiers are indeed two different groups, but since they were both created using alien DNA (the replicants by the aliens themselves, and the supersoldiers by the US military) there are some similarities between the two groups.  That is why all of them have the strange bumps on their necks, and why all of them can be revived from things that would be beyond hope of survival in a normal human.  (After all, with the right technology, all you really need to recreate a being is a bit of its DNA, right?)  They also all share a weakness - they can be killed by exposure to magnetite.

I do believe that the Shadowman was the "reincarnation" of Darius Michaud from Fight the Future.  The show never specifies one way or the other, and I love the idea, so there you go.

Scully takes a lot of flack for her S9 decisions and actions, but I'm truly starting to believe that she is afraid of William, afraid of the implications of how he came to be.  I honestly think she believes she unwittingly unleashed a monster on the world, and everything we see out of her in S9 is based on her struggle between just wanting to love her child, and her personal horror at what she might have done.

Comer's deathbed confession is still very confusing, but I think the prophecy that he tells Scully Josepho is following must have been written on the ship they had in Canada, and while Comer personally didn't support Josepho's plans, he believed the prophecy was real.  Josepho is the one who wanted Mulder out of the way so that he (Josepho) could control William and use him to help the aliens take over the world.  Comer, believing that Mulder was indeed already dead, came to kill William so that he could not be used to help the aliens.

I can't remember if there was anything else I wanted to mention right now or not.  It's after midnight though, so I'm off to bed.

Scully takes a lot of flack for her S9 decisions and actions, but I'm truly starting to believe that she is afraid of William, afraid of the implications of how he came to be.

Although I wasn't watching the show by this point, I kept up with the major developments, and I could never wrap my mind around Scully having any reaction other than this to mysteriously turning up pregnant despite being, you know, infertile.  (I also couldn't understand her carrying through with said pregnancy, so it was a good thing I wasn't watching.)

I just watched "William" again and I had forgotten how heartbreaking this episode was. As usual, GA was brilliant. Made me cry. William is so cute.

I do think if a third movie ever happens, they will find William.

I also rewatchws the series finale. That kiss in the cell between Scully and Mulder was electric. I have never seen these two kiss in front of other people except in this episode. Skinner was almost embarassed to be in that room with them.

And that last scene inside the hotel was so reminiscent of the pilot episode.

I can't judge her decision on wht ahe gave William up. Only she knows that it was for the best.

  • Love 1

I just watched "William" again and I had forgotten how heartbreaking this episode was. As usual, GA was brilliant. Made me cry. William is so cute.

I do think if a third movie ever happens, they will find William.

I also rewatchws the series finale. That kiss in the cell between Scully and Mulder was electric. I have never seen these two kiss in front of other people except in this episode. Skinner was almost embarassed to be in that room with them.

And that last scene inside the hotel was so reminiscent of the pilot episode.

I can't judge her decision on wht ahe gave William up. Only she knows that it was for the best.


Heck yea it was! Poor, poor Skinner XD. It was damn good, that's for sure.


Agreed. Only we all know what happened when we weren't there ;).

I do think that if Gillian was still on board, X-Files could have still gone on. But Gillian was so ready to bolt out of there, that there was no way she was going to stay another season. The show wasn't cancelled, it was a decision to not continue.

But then again, if Gillian had stayed, then we wouldn't have that second movie. I will always love that second movie because Gillian and David in that movie, was just "Wow'. Their chemistry was so unwavering. And seeing Gillian again on screen after 6 years, I was so in awe of her beauty. 

Finally watched William tonight.  So, so sad.  Great ep though, and phenomenal acting by all involved.


It honestly never dawned on me until tonight that Jeffrey injecting William with magnetite could have killed him.  I wonder if Jeffrey knew that it wouldn't?  Or if it was just a risk he was willing to take?  Because, damn.  That's harsh.  With that in mind, Scully's extreme reaction at the end when she comes in and tears Jeffrey a new one makes a lot more sense IMO. 


I do think Monica is in over her head on the X-Files, but just as a person (and a friend for Scully) I think she's all right.  It was really good of her to think to throw out the bedding after Jeffrey had slept on Scully's bed.


Doggett is just awesome.  That is all.

Well guys, I bit the bullet and finished out my XF rewatch last night with The Truth I and II.  Even thought it's only been a couple of years (I think???) since I watched it last, I had forgotten that X makes an appearance, along with Jeffrey and Marita and Gibson.  So it was nice that the ep still held some surprises.


It occurred to me watching this time, that "the truth" Mulder was afraid to tell Scully, the truth he was afraid would crush her spirit, wasn't about the colonization date at all, it was about William and his role in the end game.  Because Mulder refusing to tell her THAT?  I could easily buy.  Not so much his refusing to tell her that the Mayan calendar end date (which has been a source of urban legends for a long time) was the date the aliens are supposedly going to colonize.  I think CSM played his sick little mind games all the way up until the end, making Mulder think he was going to tell Scully the REAL truth, and then didn't, just to get a rise out of Mulder.


Looking back at my last post, I guess I didn't bring this up, but I believe that what Jeffrey actually did to William by injecting him with magnetite was turn him into a living weapon against the supersoldiers.


Judging by Knowle Rohr and the Shadow Man's reactions to the magnetite, I'm guessing the ones conducting the military experiments and creating supersoldiers did not realize that magnetite was deadly to them.  Sure would have been nice to get a follow-up movie concerning that.  Sigh.


Haven't decided yet if I'm going to rewatch IWTB or not.  I think I may wait until I'm doing a series-long rewatch, because it just feels like an extended MotW ep to me.

Well guys, I bit the bullet and finished out my XF rewatch last night with The Truth I and II.  Even thought it's only been a couple of years (I think???) since I watched it last, I had forgotten that X makes an appearance, along with Jeffrey and Marita and Gibson.  So it was nice that the ep still held some surprises.


It occurred to me watching this time, that "the truth" Mulder was afraid to tell Scully, the truth he was afraid would crush her spirit, wasn't about the colonization date at all, it was about William and his role in the end game.  Because Mulder refusing to tell her THAT?  I could easily buy.  Not so much his refusing to tell her that the Mayan calendar end date (which has been a source of urban legends for a long time) was the date the aliens are supposedly going to colonize.  I think CSM played his sick little mind games all the way up until the end, making Mulder think he was going to tell Scully the REAL truth, and then didn't, just to get a rise out of Mulder.


Looking back at my last post, I guess I didn't bring this up, but I believe that what Jeffrey actually did to William by injecting him with magnetite was turn him into a living weapon against the supersoldiers.


Judging by Knowle Rohr and the Shadow Man's reactions to the magnetite, I'm guessing the ones conducting the military experiments and creating supersoldiers did not realize that magnetite was deadly to them.  Sure would have been nice to get a follow-up movie concerning that.  Sigh.


Haven't decided yet if I'm going to rewatch IWTB or not.  I think I may wait until I'm doing a series-long rewatch, because it just feels like an extended MotW ep to me.

Give it a shot and try to watch it as a character study. That's how I view IWTB. MOTW-ness aside, it's an ok movie. Check out Ebert's review of it, he nailed the themes.

Hellbound was the episode. 


In other season 9 news, Scully is just turning into a big 'ole mess.  I miss our old, stoic, together Scully.   I get she's suffering, but good gosh woman why would you call Mulder back and put him at risk like that?!    And Dearest Dana?!??!?!   I am physicall shaking right now seeing your words?!?!  What is this?  For a moment, it was like You've Got Mail.

I'm really beginning to miss the early seasons.  I definitely enjoyed Season 8 much more than I'm enjoying 9.  At this point I'm ready for it to be over so I can watch the 2nd movie, and then go back to the earlier seasons again.  Contemplating a mytharc rewatch just because I'm pretty darn confuzzled at this point, but then it sounds like a mytharc rewatch may not help all that much.

I'm really beginning to miss the early seasons.  I definitely enjoyed Season 8 much more than I'm enjoying 9.  At this point I'm ready for it to be over so I can watch the 2nd movie, and then go back to the earlier seasons again.  Contemplating a mytharc rewatch just because I'm pretty darn confuzzled at this point, but then it sounds like a mytharc rewatch may not help all that much.


WORD to all of this, that's pretty much how I felt by the end of my rewatch.  Let me know when you get to IWTB and I'll watch it "with" you since I haven't rewatched it yet.


My mytharc rewatched helped in some ways, but then again confused me more in some ways too.  I really have decided at this point that I just have to let some of the loose ends go, no matter how much I want to get everything to tie together some of it is just not going to.

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Aaron Paul's cold open in the "Lord of the Flies" send-up of Jackass was pitch-perfect and an unwitting preview of Jesse Pinkman. 


I always liked Monica Reyes.   Annabeth Gish did a good job with the role.


The resolution of Doggett's son's disappearance in "Release" was very touching, a hundred times more so than anything related to the disappearance of Mulder's sister.   Robert Patrick did a wonderful job of playing the tough guy carrying around an unbearable pain.


I've never been able to forgive David Duchovny for bailing on the series.   His reappearance in the final episode was bullshit.   By the way, who wrote that final episode with the trial?  Larry David?

  • Love 2

Cool, I look forward to seeing it! 


@ Millenium: It's water under the bridge for me. It was BS back then and I hated it, but at least (from what we can tell) he's grown up enough to appreciate the role. As for Larry David... heck I liked that episode of Seinfeld. Imo, Jerry and the gang got what they were owed as far as I'm concerned. They treated other people like shit and they were really narcissistic at times. Back OT: It was due to a lawsuit and money issues (iirc) in regards to DD leaving. Fox only gave him a limited role on the series once he came back.


Cool, I look forward to seeing it! 


@ Millenium: It's water under the bridge for me. It was BS back then and I hated it, but at least (from what we can tell) he's grown up enough to appreciate the role. As for Larry David... heck I liked that episode of Seinfeld. Imo, Jerry and the gang got what they were owed as far as I'm concerned. They treated other people like shit and they were really narcissistic at times. Back OT: It was due to a lawsuit and money issues (iirc) in regards to DD leaving. Fox only gave him a limited role on the series once he came back.


I liked the Seinfeld finale too, unpopular though that opinion may be.    But it occurred to me while I was posting above that two of my favorite series of the 1990s both ended in trials which were used to parade many of the familiar faces from seasons past.   Think about it: Had the X Files finale been a bit more like Seinfeld, we could have seen the Fluke Man testifying against Mulder!


I seem to recall Duchovny was making some costly and self-serving demands at the time, like that the production be moved from Vancouver to L.A. so that he could be closer to Tea Leone.   He was in one of the top TV shows of the decade but it's like he had zero appreciation for his incredibly good fortune or the people who followed the show and made it a success.

Edited by millennium
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I liked the Seinfeld finale too, unpopular though that opinion may be.    But it occurred to me while I was posting above that two of my favorite series of the 1990s both ended in trials which were used to parade many of the familiar faces from seasons past.   Think about it: Had the X Files finale been a bit more like Seinfeld, we could have seen the Fluke Man testifying against Mulder!


I seem to recall Duchovny was making some costly and self-serving demands at the time, like that the production be moved from Vancouver to L.A. so that he could be closer to Tea Leone.   He was in one of the top TV shows of the decade but it's like he had zero appreciation for his incredibly good fortune or the people who followed the show and made it a success.

Ah I see.


Good point, that is rather selfish. Nothing like stars who are at the top of their game and aren't appreciative of what it took to get there. I also remember "Hollywood A.D.". I don't mind the episode, but it does kind of hit fans over the head with the Tea being Scully thing -_-. Even if it was meant as a satire, I can see how it could be taken the wrong way.


It's nice to see that they've (David and Gillian) have grown up enough to appreciate it. I wonder how they would have reacted to their younger selves and how they acted back then? XD For what it's worth...

The move from Vancouver to L.A. occurred after S5, didn't it?  And yes, I remember hearing at the time that it was at DD's insistence.  I think he was saying that he was going to move either way, and he'd just be done with the show if it didn't move, too.   Although I remember DD used to talk from S5 on as if he wanted each season to be the show's last, anyway.  I think he was just burned out on playing the character and felt the weight of playing a character that appeared in nearly every scene.  

I've always avoided season 9. My parents insisted we watch it - they seemed to like it, actually, but I was eager for it to be over. I like Doggett and Reyes, but every aspect of the show feels very off brand to me at this point, like a knockoff cereal that tastes just enough like the real thing that you realize how badly you miss the genuine version.


The actual X-File cases were not too bad, but that doesn't make up for the character decimation that took place. Mulder taking a shower and then disappearing with no real explanation, Scully acting oddly disjointed and then giving up William, the bizarre emails they exchanged in Trust No 1... Jesus. Just thinking about the characterization of season 9 Mulder and Scully annoys me, and it's been five months.


I didn't even like the last episode much. I was irritated by the gratuitous (by the show's standards, I mean) displays of affection between Mulder and Scully. I guess I felt like it was a last minute grab by the writers to try and appease the audience, and so it felt very forced to me.


I did like the ending shot, though. I wonder what those two got up to during those six years before IWTB? Maybe they ended up buying that quaint little house in Virginia because there was some unique cryptid living on the property and Mulder wanted to investigate. :)

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I didn't even like the last episode much. I was irritated by the gratuitous (by the show's standards, I mean) displays of affection between Mulder and Scully. I guess I felt like it was a last minute grab by the writers to try and appease the audience, and so it felt very forced to me.


I had stopped watching some time during season seven, but wanted to see how it ended so I recorded the series finale.  I'm not sure I watched the whole thing, though, as I only remember a few scenes.  One of which is them making out in front of Skinner, which cracks me up.  But, yeah, it's off key.  I try to fanwank that they've been separated for some time and he's on death row so all bets are off, and it's nowhere near as jarring as just hearing about "Dearest Dana" is, but it's still off.


The dialogue in the final scene is typical Muldercentric BS, but the non-verbal interaction is vintage M&S, so way to take it out on the right note, GA and DD.

Edited by Bastet

I've always avoided season 9. My parents insisted we watch it - they seemed to like it, actually, but I was eager for it to be over. I like Doggett and Reyes, but every aspect of the show feels very off brand to me at this point, like a knockoff cereal that tastes just enough like the real thing that you realize how badly you miss the genuine version.


The actual X-File cases were not too bad, but that doesn't make up for the character decimation that took place. Mulder taking a shower and then disappearing with no real explanation, Scully acting oddly disjointed and then giving up William, the bizarre emails they exchanged in Trust No 1... Jesus. Just thinking about the characterization of season 9 Mulder and Scully annoys me, and it's been five months.


I didn't even like the last episode much. I was irritated by the gratuitous (by the show's standards, I mean) displays of affection between Mulder and Scully. I guess I felt like it was a last minute grab by the writers to try and appease the audience, and so it felt very forced to me.


I did like the ending shot, though. I wonder what those two got up to during those six years before IWTB? Maybe they ended up buying that quaint little house in Virginia because there was some unique cryptid living on the property and Mulder wanted to investigate. :)

Yea it was, but I still love the scene damn it :P. Watching it again though, I can kind of seen how it felt forced. Mainly just in terms of Scully imo, It seemed a little too over acted/OTT. The rest of the scenes (and the kiss) were fine. Well done by them ;). Not perfect, but heck... to be able to remember it after all this time, must mean something?


We all know what they did there ;)... Mulder pretty much hinted at what he wanted.



@ Bastet: I remember 'Dearest Dana'... it made me want to reach for a garbage basket and barf in it :P. Yuck. It didn't seem like M & S at all.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray

Has Gillian Anderson ever commented on the direction they took her character the last couple seasons?  I think it makes sense that the weight of loss after loss has taken its toll on Scully over the years, but 8 and 9 just seem so freaking over the top unScully-like.  She has no fight left, no spunk, no resilience.  It's like she's so beaten down and it's just depressing to watch.  I've restarted Season 1 and it's so refreshing after 8, 9 and IWTB.  Mulder and Scully w/o all the baggage. 

  • Love 1

Has Gillian Anderson ever commented on the direction they took her character the last couple seasons?  I think it makes sense that the weight of loss after loss has taken its toll on Scully over the years, but 8 and 9 just seem so freaking over the top unScully-like.  She has no fight left, no spunk, no resilience.  It's like she's so beaten down and it's just depressing to watch.  I've restarted Season 1 and it's so refreshing after 8, 9 and IWTB.  Mulder and Scully w/o all the baggage. 

I think she did back in the day. 


Yea it does to a point... and it is depressing :(.


Yep. But at times (even back then) I wanted to throw stuff at her :P. Meaning the whole being such a skeptic that even seeing a ghost walk past you doesn't even phase you XD.

Ok, I've just got The Truth part 1 and 2 left in my rewatch... And the last movie. Then I'm done with my full, skip no episodes, rewatch of The Xfiles. Took me 90 days!

Trust no 1... Was like bad fanfiction. The emails were awful,the episode was disjointed. Strange

William was sad and heartbreaking. I get it, really. But now she's put that couple at risk. Honestly her and Mulder are going to check up on that family years down the road and find they were all murdered in their bed and the child taken.

The HUGE leap that Doggett took, saying burned/disfigured Spender was Mulder?! Mulder himself has never made a leap that crazy. There was No reason he should have thought that... I don't understand the leap at all, nor why Anyone would believe it?

S9 had some good episodes, some great MOTW, and I really like D and M on rewatch.

Sunshine Days... Hmm, I had only seen this episode once, when it first aired. I recalled hating it with a fiery vengeance. On rewatch, it was actually a nice episode. Ill timed maybe, and not a good use of the second to last episode of the series. Scully was awfully upbeat for someone who just gave away her child, though. It was nice seeing Doggett so...free? Happy? A good continuation from the previous episode Release.

Ok, on to the Truth. Can't wait to see Mulder and the big smooch

  • Love 2

Ok, I've just got The Truth part 1 and 2 left in my rewatch... And the last movie. Then I'm done with my full, skip no episodes, rewatch of The Xfiles. Took me 90 days!

Trust no 1... Was like bad fanfiction. The emails were awful,the episode was disjointed. Strange

William was sad and heartbreaking. I get it, really. But now she's put that couple at risk. Honestly her and Mulder are going to check up on that family years down the road and find they were all murdered in their bed and the child taken.

The HUGE leap that Doggett took, saying burned/disfigured Spender was Mulder?! Mulder himself has never made a leap that crazy. There was No reason he should have thought that... I don't understand the leap at all, nor why Anyone would believe it?

S9 had some good episodes, some great MOTW, and I really like D and M on rewatch.

Sunshine Days... Hmm, I had only seen this episode once, when it first aired. I recalled hating it with a fiery vengeance. On rewatch, it was actually a nice episode. Ill timed maybe, and not a good use of the second to last episode of the series. Scully was awfully upbeat for someone who just gave away her child, though. It was nice seeing Doggett so...free? Happy? A good continuation from the previous episode Release.

Ok, on to the Truth. Can't wait to see Mulder and the big smooch


Agreed on Trust No 1. That ep made me want to run away screaming :D :P. "Dearest Dana" = WTF?! for me tbh O_o.


Seconded about Sunshine Days. It was pretty much a victim of bad timing and placement. 


Have fun with the Truth! It's a pretty good episode. And the movie is good for what it's worth imo.

I finished my re-watch yesterday with an epic binge watch culminating in The Truth, and over all I enjoyed season 9 more than I thought I would. My memories of watching this season when it aired were that I loved Trust no 1, enjoyed Audrey Pauley, hated Jump the Shark, and was so upset by William that I yelled at my TV, and while I liked the finale (and loved the big kiss) I was still so mad over how they had Scully give away her baby I washed my hands of the show and did not watch another single episode until recently.  I did see IWTB in the theater, but only once and I haven't watched it again yet.


My re-watch was hard because during every sweet scene of Scully with her baby I knew what was coming.  And the beginning of William when she's singing to him the song she sang to Mulder in Detour? OMG, this episode made me cry and I'm still upset. Why, oh why did they have to end the baby story line that way...I mean, I know why but it just KILLS me. Good grief...how much does Scully have to suffer?  And Mulder is afraid to tell her about the alien invasion because he's afraid it will break her.  If she wasn't broken by giving her baby away to farmers nothing is going to break that woman.


I still loved Trust no 1.  I know the emails are wildly out of character and sound like fanfiction, but I love the opening montage and I ship these two so hard I enjoy all of the romantic interaction, even the implausible ones.  And when the shadowman tells Scully that he knows that one lonely night she invited Mulder to her bed, the end scene of Per Manum immediately popped into my head.  I don't have any idea where it fits into the timeline,  but I could see that being the first lonely night and All Things happening later.  It tickles me that Chris Carter, Mr. Noromo himself, wrote this episode. Dearest Dana indeed.


It also amuses me how quickly they set up Doggett and Reyes to be romantically interested in each other.  It took Mulder and Scully six years to get to an imagined kiss...though I'm sure 1013 knew they weren't going to have that much time with these two.


And speaking of kisses, Mulder and Scully's reunion kiss in The Truth is so great I may have rewound and watched that scene several times in a row...maybe.  I love that it's in front of Skinner.  I'm very glad that the show ends with Mulder and Scully together, but I'm still bitter about the baby.

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I guess they had cleared up any suspicions that Skinner had about the paternity of Scully's baby!


Something that hit me with the finale...the doomsday date is December 22, 2012, which at that time was TEN years in the future, and today is over three years behind us.  That just blows my mind, and makes me feel old.


Yep. Damn straight ;).


Holy cow. Same here.

For some reason, I rewatched Jump the Shark. I was only half-watching, so maybe I missed something, but the whole Gunmen death scene made no sense. First off, the bad guy didn't even try to get past the Gunmen. They're 3 puny guys, I could have gotten past them just by running at them and maybe putting up a little fight/evasive maneuvers. Second, how did the Frohike know that the doors would drop down when he pulled the fire alarm? Maybe I'm stupid, but I've never seen a single instance where doors drop down from the ceiling when you pull a fire alarm. Third, why didn't the Gunmen even try to run under the door before it closed? It was moving so slowly, and even the bad guy half-heartedly tried to make it under. Ugh! 


I also rewatched Audrey Pauley and it's really clear that the writers and actors were putting in zero effort this season. The whole love story between Doggett and Reyes was laughable. And, Scully seemed almost eager for Reyes to die. It was so weird. 

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