zannej May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 Hmm.. I never got a lesbian vibe from Prentiss. I know quite a few people did. I saw descriptions for a lot of JJ/Prentiss fics. I think I've read a few fics where people wrote that Reid and Elle had a sexual encounter after both of them got drunk in her hotel room. Reid and Hotch seemed to be the only ones that cared that she had left. I'm guessing that despite how upset JJ was when Elle got shot, she never bonded well with her. Reid was all happy that it was ruled a "good shoot" and JJ said something like "She hit what she was aiming for". For me the OTP is ReidxMaps. JK. That map crackfic amuses the hell out of me. I think I once saw a MapsxReidxPrentiss fic once. It is so disturbing while so hilarious. I really grew to appreciate the Blake/Reid relationship. They respected one another and cared about one another. I really wanted to see Blake give Reid a hug before leaving. On The Talk, whenever Jeanne spoke, Matthew gave her a very sweet affectionate look. I wish they had kept her on the show for longer. I mean, they went and introduced this interesting bit about her character-- something that could have been used throughout the season if they hadn't just made it up at the last minute. She could have truly empathized with the parents of victims. I would like to know more about Hotch's relationship with Jessica Brooks now. Does he ever argue with her? Are they now besties because she pretty much gave up everything to take care of Jack as a tribute to her sister? (I have actually heard of people doing things like that before). I'd like to know if JJ still has any friends or contacts from the press. Or if she's made friends with any mothers from Henry's playgroups (I'm assuming that she would want him to interact with other children but might want to have him interact with them in a controlled and safe environment). Or some parents at the park where she might take Henry. I'd like to know if Reid ever hears from his friend Ethan back in New Orleans. 1 Link to comment
mstaken May 16, 2014 Author Share May 16, 2014 I'd like to know if Reid ever hears from his friend Ethan back in New Orleans. That would be interesting! I also always love Reid bonding with the random but endearing crew who gathers to play chess. I never got the vibe that Emily was gay or even bi, but I know that many others did. I'd like to know if JJ still has any friends or contacts from the press. Or if she's made friends with any mothers from Henry's playgroups (I'm assuming that she would want him to interact with other children but might want to have him interact with them in a controlled and safe environment). Or some parents at the park where she might take Henry. It might make JJ more endearing to me if she turned out to have a few outside friends that no one would expect---really geeky, 'uncool' types. I would like to know more about Hotch's relationship with Jessica Brooks now I know our willowy will cosign wanting to see more about Jessica! I agree that this could make for a few really interesting scenes. 1 Link to comment
mstaken May 17, 2014 Author Share May 17, 2014 Here's a question for you guys: What do you think the relationships might have been between some of the characters who never actually got a chance to meet: Rossi/Elle, Gideon/Rossi, Elle/Emily, etc.? Link to comment
ForeverAlone May 17, 2014 Share May 17, 2014 (edited) Rossi and Elle would like have gotten along, just because they both seemed kind of tough, and at least until she was shot, Elle could compartamentalize pretty well without losing her humanity. I think Elle and Emily would have gotten along. They may not have been best friends, but there would be professional respect there as strong, capable, professional women. Rossi and Gideon did know each other, and undoubtedly worked in the BAU together for about 20 years. They started the team after all. I can see those men having professional respect for each other, but I don't see them being good friends. They are just too different personality-wise. Rossi can compartamentalize and crack jokes, and Gideon felt EVERYTHING. They are both good profilers in their own right, though I think Gideon is the more instinctive and natural profiler. But since he couldn't compartamentalize, he was at risk for melting down as we saw on more than one occasion. Rossi rarely let the job get to him, and Gideon couldn't stop the job from getting to him. Edited May 17, 2014 by ForeverAlone 5 Link to comment
zannej May 18, 2014 Share May 18, 2014 I think Rossi would have been rather paternal with Elle and she might have bonded with him since she lost her father at a young age. I'd like to think that Emily and Elle would have gotten along well. I know that Paget and Lola were good friends before CM even started (Lola made an appearance as a Russian maid on the Andy Richter program that Paget was on). I actually think that Rossi and Gideon butted heads quite a bit and I fanwank that Gideon may have been one of the reasons that Rossi retired. Rossi was not a team player and Gideon tended to dominate a bit. I do think there was some professional respect for each other, but each would have profiled the other and maybe had some differences of opinion and personality clashes. Of course, its entirely possible that they got along well and that Gideon spoke very highly of Rossi, which would explain why Reid geeked out so much when he met him. 2 Link to comment
idiotwaltz May 18, 2014 Share May 18, 2014 Backtracking a little, but one more for the Reid/Elle love. Also, let's not forget Morgan/Elle. I actually started watching CM at the beginning and stopped halfway through season 1 because of RL things going on, and I was surprised when I stumbled on an episode of Season 2 during its initial run and found out Elle was gone and Prentiss was in her place. I stopped watching again, binged on the DVD sets over Christmas while Season 4 was showing, fell hard in love with Prentiss and Rossi, but I digress. Anyway, I adored the dynamics of the original BAU team, even with Gideon the drama queen. In a way they felt more like a family to me than the latest team does, despite all of the writers' efforts to cram that notion down our throats. I remember the scene in Derailed where Elle is on the train and they're driving to the scene --- Hotch and Gideon in the front seat (I forgot which one was driving), Reid, JJ, and Morgan at the back, squashed together in that car like a family going on a morbid road trip. I flove this scene. The Chinese food scene in A Real Rain is also lovely. I know nobody really likes Seaver (myself included), but I did like her relationship with Rossi and how paternal he was towards her. Whenever I rewatch Season 6 (which I don't do often, since it is my least favorite season), I get the fuzzy feelings whenever Rossi watches out for Seaver. It reminds me a little of JM with his on-screen daughter in Joan of Arcadia. 1 Link to comment
zannej May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I think Joe brought out good things in Rachel sometimes. I just think the writing for her was so terrible that they just didn't give her much to work with. I did like the Seaver/Rossi daughter/father thing going though. Link to comment
Wilowy May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 "Is that a boy's regular?" So cute. Elle and Morgan chillin'. 2 Link to comment
idiotwaltz May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 In retrospect, I enjoyed Elle's relationship with all the boys. She didn't seem to have much to do with JJ or Garcia, unlike Prentiss. Elle/Morgan on vacation is one of my favorite parts of the Fisher King Part 1, and I've always loved seeing her act as a big sister to Reid and teasing Gideon by calling him "dad." I also liked the part in LDSK when Reid accidentally hits the paper target in the crotch during his target practice and Hotch goes, "Did Elle teach you that?" 2 Link to comment
zannej May 30, 2014 Share May 30, 2014 Hotch and the "Did Elle teach you that?" line was gold! I miss when Hotch actually showed that he had a sense of humor. He was trying to lighten the mood a little without dissing Reid. I really miss the interactions that Hotch and Reid used to have. I think they even commented on how in seasons 1 and 2, Hotch and Reid had this sort of thing going where they teased or almost insulted each other. I think it was Matthew that mentioned that in dire times, Hotch said crap about Reid and vice versa (examples-- Hotch dissing Reid in LDSK to fool the spree shooter and then Reid saying Hotch was a narcissist in Revelations). I also miss when the team would have conversations and Hotch would actually join in with a comment or two. An example was in Broken Mirror when Reid said contrary to what some may believe, he didn't know everything and Morgan said something like "When did I ever say that?" and the team all pitched in to say when-- I think Elle said something and Hotch said something like "Last night when he beat you at cards" (or something along those lines). Now Hotch pretty much stays quiet. I felt it was more of a family vibe when they had the rest of the team interject from time to time. I liked the moment when Reid did physics magic and thought he was in trouble and Hotch said "We talked about this" and then threw the film case back and said "You're getting better distance". I agree that Elle did not mesh well with the other female characters, but I think that was partially because of her sort of tomboy personality and her urge to prove that she was just as tough as "one of the guys". But she still had that soft side when dealing with Reid. And she had good banter with Morgan. Speaking of banter, I know that the writers had some flirtation with Morgan and Prentiss for awhile and I liked their banter. Like when Prentiss said she had a date with her bathtub and Morgan said "Sounds like a party" to which she responded "You are so not invited!" Another relationship moment was Garcia and Reid teaming up to tease Prentiss about her high school photo. 1 Link to comment
idiotwaltz July 6, 2014 Share July 6, 2014 But she still had that soft side when dealing with Reid. And she had good banter with Morgan. I'm bursting with Elle/Reid love at the moment, being 3/4 of the way through Season 1. She's such a great big sister to him and he looks up to her, I think, in a different way than he looks up to Hotch or Gideon or Morgan (and definitely different from the way he fanboy-ed Rossi). Just watched Machismo, where Elle teases Reid for his subpar Spanish skills ("Guess you're only a genius in English.") and then later, when he tries out his pronunciation of Mexico, he looks over at her and she gives him a big thumbs up. It's adorable. Elle and Hotch had that heart-to-heart talk at the end of Unfinished Business, and it breaks my heart to know what is coming for Elle at the end of Season 1 and eventually with William Lee, and how her relationship with Hotch was completely destroyed. Skipping ahead 9 seasons, I caught a rerun of Zugzwang the other day and I liked that Reid picked Blake to do a cognitive interview with him or something (I wasn't really paying attention). I'm pretty meh on Blake in general --- I'll be honest and say I'm pretty meh on Reid 99% of the time as well --- but I liked their relationship and there was this quiet respect and affection they had for each other. I hate to say, but Blake's dead son story sort of cheapens this, in retrospect. 2 Link to comment
ForeverAlone July 6, 2014 Share July 6, 2014 It is interesting to see how well Reid interacts with older women. He had great relationships with Elle, Emily and Alex, and for the MOST part (with a couple notable exceptions) they didn't treat him like a weird, annoying freak, but rather they respected him as a person and his abilities. I agree that Alex's dead son story, written to give her an excuse to leave the BAU, did diminish what was up until then, a mutually respectful friendship between two cerebral, introverted intellectuals who really got each other. But at least Alex's last scene was with Reid. 2 Link to comment
Dionysa July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I think Reid just gets along well with all women, regardless of age. I don't think I can name one that he worked with directly that didn't respond well to him. 1 Link to comment
zannej July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 I think part of the reason the women responded well to Reid is because he's not the macho alpha male who wants to try to boss the women around or act superior. He's considerate and polite and he also is too shy to really hit on them so they don't have to worry about unwanted advances. In other words he's "safe". Plus he's a momma's boy and I think that can appeal to some women. I'm really missing Elle and I wish they would bring her back for a visit. It's season 10 so maybe we can pester the writers to see if Lola is willing to make an appearance so we can find out whatever became of Elle. I would love it if she was still doing well and was happy to see Reid. There might be an awkward moment with Hotch though. I would love to see how Rossi and Elle would get along. 1 Link to comment
normasm July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 zannej, I dispute your momma's boy assessment of Reid. Momma's boys (and I've known a few) have to have Momma take care of them, they cling to their baby-boy status. Reid had to take care of her from preadolescence, even when she was too sick to recognize what was happening to him, and her episodes couldn't have been very pretty. He also had to put her in an institution, which I just don't think a momma's boy could do, or if he did, he wouldn't survive sane long. JMO, I know we have different takes on things, it's all good... 2 Link to comment
zannej July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Ah, I was using it in terms of recent usage as described on the wikipedia: "in recent years, some have begun using the term in a milder sense, merely meaning a man who is emotionally attached to his mother". By that sense, I would peg Morgan as a mama's boy. So I think of it as a man who is devoted to his mother rather than dependent on her. Link to comment
normasm July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Oh, Morgan is definitely a momma's boy, and in a good way. There are wonderful momma's boys, like my nephews, and pathological momma's boys (all I can think of right now is the Crays, ew). Reid's not a moma's boy because he had to be his momma's parent at age 10. 1 Link to comment
mstaken August 16, 2014 Author Share August 16, 2014 (edited) What are your 3-5 favorite intra-team relationships? (Current AND former team members are eligible!) In no particular order... 1. Reid/Gideon---Yes, Gideon is an exhausting, narcissistic drama queen, but he was also a really compelling and interesting character to me, and I found his relationship with Reid to be among the best developed, most touching and interesting of the series. 2. Elle/Reid---As others have stated, on paper these two wouldn't connect well at all, but somehow they did---and while I vacillate a bit on whether I think their dynamic was that of purely platonic pseudo-siblings or friends with the chemistry to potentially become more, I find that their scenes just get better and better with rewatch. And they always make me wish Elle had stayed on the show a whole lot longer than she actually did! 3. Prentiss/Rossi---Yes, granted, this one exists more in my head and in certain fanfics than on screen ;) Episodes like Demonology highlight why I really like their dynamic, however, and felt they were a great mix of 'I get you' similarities and complementary differences. 4. Hotch/Reid---The Early Years---For the first couple of seasons, this was (and remains!) one of my favorite dynamics on the show. It kind of saddens me to see how comparatively bland and flat their relationship has become, and how (IMO, of course) Hotch in general became a far less compelling character. 5. Hotch/Gideon---I'm always happily surprised all over again by how much I enjoy their S1 dynamic. There's a clear pattern here for me: While S4 has many of my favorite individual episodes, and I do love both Emily and Rossi, I think the characterizations and intra-team dynamics were depicted best in the show's first season. Relationships I most wish I'd gotten to see: Emily/Elle and Rossi/Elle I'm interested to see other people's lists! Edited August 16, 2014 by mstaken 5 Link to comment
JMO August 16, 2014 Share August 16, 2014 Great topic. Hotch / Reid For me, both Hotch and Reid have interesting dynamics with each of the other characters, if for different reasons. But I completely agree with you that the relationship between the two of them has had one of the richest (and most unrealized) potentials of the series. The tempering and then transition of Reid's mentoring (and loyalty) from Gideon to Hotch, the more recent similarities in losing the women they loved---all provided wonderful opportunity, only some of which was explored. I would love to see a return to nurturing this dynamic. Reid / Anybody else. MGG manages chemistry with anyone, and the character's lack of artifice makes for an endearing sincerity with each of the other characters. Hotch / Emily. She seemed to 'get' him in a way that no one else did. And, while she was almost always respectful, she was also able to challenge him in a way that seemed to leave him dumbfounded more often than not. I can't help but think that, had they met in another circumstance, they might have ended up in a relationship. 2 Link to comment
idiotwaltz August 16, 2014 Share August 16, 2014 mstaken, I want to draw hearts all over your post because those are pretty much my favourite intra-team relationships as well. 5. Hotch/Gideon---I'm always happily surprised all over again by how much I enjoy their S1 dynamic. They really did feel like mom and dad to me, with Gideon being Dad and Hotch being Mom, of course. As much as I liked the Hotch/Rossi heart-to-heart talks in The Crossing, Omnivore, and other later episodes, their dynamic wasn't quite the same as Hotch with Gideon. I also liked the relationship between JJ and Hotch in the first few seasons, especially how Hotch quietly respected JJ and her judgment and appreciated her role in the team. 2 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 I'm gonna take my shipper glasses off for this one, 'cause I got bitten by the bug late in the game and it's retroactively affected how I see things. I definitely think Reid has the best chemistry with each member of the cast, even with the unfortunate Seaver. Some of that went away between Reid and Emily when she came back after she 'died', but I think it had been restored by the time she left again. Elle and Hotch is another favorite, at least before she was shot and she took it out on him instead of Gideon. It was mentioned earlier, but it always makes me sad when her relationship with him gets wrecked as a direct consequence off her shooting. Elle was kind of the proto-Emily in that she could challenge Hotch a little while at the same time respecting him, and I've come to dread it when Garner ambushes her, because I know what happens after that. 4 Link to comment
normasm August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 (edited) I agree Cobalt, that a lot of the special left when Emily "died." But when she came back, the entire relationship with JJ kinda caved in on itself. It hasn't recovered since. I'm hoping they either explore the loss dynamic, or give us some "normalizing" scenes with JJ and Henry. Edited August 17, 2014 by normasm 3 Link to comment
zannej August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 (edited) I really did like the Reid/Hotch dynamic as well as Reid/Elle and Hotch/Elle (not shipper of course). I remember in P911 Elle was not supposed to be out in the field and she lied to Hotch to say Reid said they should go and Reid is all "No I didn't!" and Hotch just says something like "I know you didn't, Reid". But it sort of reminded me of siblings where one is trying to shift blame to another and the parents catch them in the lie. But Hotch still remained calm. I remember the sadness on Hotch's face when Elle left. I think of all the cast photographed together off-set, MGG, TG, and Lola were often seen together. So I think Lola seemed to get along best with TG and MGG. I used to enjoy the Reid/Morgan dynamic. I liked The Popular Kids when Reid got mad at Morgan for telling Hotch that Reid was having nightmares. Hotch gave Reid a comforting pat on the arm and told him he could talk to him if he wanted and let him know that they all had nightmares about the job. Reid felt betrayed and chewed Morgan out once they were alone and Morgan then opened up and told Reid about a case that got to him and the nightmares he had to calm him down. I liked that in that one and in Elephant's Memory, Morgan shared something very personal with Reid to let him know that he could somehow relate. I also liked that as much as Morgan teased Reid in Somebody's Watching (or was it Someone? I can never remember for some reason), he put the brakes on and wanted to make sure that Reid knew he was just playing and then got more serious. Later versions of Morgan trying to comfort Reid calm off as lacking empathy. He doesn't really share something about himself anymore and just sort of comes off as "suck it up, buttercup" even if that was not the intent of the writing. I would love to see more of an equal friendship where Reid actually gets to be the one to comfort Morgan and maybe give him some advice. It saddens me that probably one of THE best Reid/Morgan moments, in my opinion, was from a deleted scene in Fear & Loathing. Morgan was listening to Reid and actually considering his words and then realized Reid was playing him. I would love to see more interactions where they don't treat Reid like a space alien. I would also like to see more of Morgan and Rossi interacting and actually having something more personal. I don't think those two get personal stuff together very often. The closest I recall was involving Rossi questioning whether or not Morgan was going to give up the UC position without reservations when Hotch was ready to take it back. I remember feeling there was a bit of shit-stirring going on from Rossi's end and then it came to nothing so I felt it was a waste. I did like how Morgan and Hotch got along and how Morgan found out that Hotch had been doing his paperwork for him so he could focus and how he was fully supportive of Hotch and not at all wanting to clash with him for power. I would love to see Hotch at least hint to Morgan that he'd been abused as a child and see Morgan have a new perspective-- or see that Morgan already profiled and had some suspicion about it given how Hotch reacted to people who beat children. Edited August 17, 2014 by zannej 1 Link to comment
normasm August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 zannej, I do think Virgil tried to revisit that old Morgan/Reid dynamic in the Apprenticeship, season 7. The main scene where the 2 are interrogating the young guy who was assaulted, and Reid could relate more believably to him than could Morgan. He took the steering wheel from Morgan and drove the interview. I would also love to see more of real interaction between Reid and anybody on the show. The way we left him at the end of 9, with another relationship truncated, and him alone and literally in pain, I'm just tired of it. I especially miss him and Hotch. 2 Link to comment
missmycat August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 zannej, I do think Virgil tried to revisit that old Morgan/Reid dynamic in the Apprenticeship, season 7. The main scene where the 2 are interrogating the young guy who was assaulted, and Reid could relate more believably to him than could Morgan. He took the steering wheel from Morgan and drove the interview. I would also love to see more of real interaction between Reid and anybody on the show. The way we left him at the end of 9, with another relationship truncated, and him alone and literally in pain, I'm just tired of it. I especially miss him and Hotch. The Apprenticeship took place in season 8. It was probably one of my favorite episodes of that season. And indeed that scene you were talking about was probably one of the best ones in the entire episode. Link to comment
normasm August 17, 2014 Share August 17, 2014 Of course, you're right MMC, 8 not 7! Maybe subconsciously I was trying to give some redemption to 7 because it sucked sooooo bad. But i digress! 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Sarcasm or not? I'd like to think so, but I can't tell. Link to comment
ForeverAlone November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Ah no. Based on what I have seen, anybody who posts that meme actually believes it. They tend to be the Penelope/Morgan shippers. Me personally, I just roll my eyes when I see it (and I see it a lot). 2 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Jesus, that's depressing. 3 Link to comment
alexvillage November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Just saw this thread. About lesbian vibe from Emily: I did not see one, although I wish there was. I definitely saw some vibes from me! I liked Elle's relationships with the team because I like Elle. She was not all warm and fuzzy, but she seemed to care. I liked Emily and Rossi. I liked Emily and Reid, except when she made fun of him. It wasn't expired though. I liked Hotch and Emily, not as the fan club did. I did not want Emily and Hotch together. I think Emily deserved better. I liked how the show got it almost right in the development of their relationship. He did not trust her, then she was the one, apparently, to give him pep talks after the Foyet thing. I did not like how the writers always want to make Hotch the "big daddy" giving out advices. With Emily we could see a little bit of him listening to someone else. until the writers messed up again with the plane conversation about her psych evaluation. Do I have to say how much I hate the Morgan/Garcia relationship? I don't think JJ has chemistry with anyone. Only one moment with Emily that I can remember. Morgan comes out as a big arrogant sexist, self righteous and uptight to me. Don't like his relationship with Reid. Most disrespectful 2 Link to comment
amensisterfriend November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I recently rewatched LDSK for the millionth or so time, and I wanted to post this in honor of the once nuanced, touching, promising Hotch-Reid friendship that I find myself really missing in recent seasons: 8 Link to comment
Old Dog November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I recently rewatched LDSK for the millionth or so time, and I wanted to post this in honor of the once nuanced, touching, promising Hotch-Reid friendship that I find myself really missing in recent seasons: Totally, totally agree, I miss that so much. I can't think of the last time we saw any hint of that - except possibly in Zugswang. 6 Link to comment
zannej November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Just once I'd love to see Hotch worrying about his parenting skills and whether or not Jack is ok and Reid telling him that the fact that he wants to spend time with Jack and still tries to make time for him will not go unnoticed. Its not like Hotch just up and left him. Reid could even say he wished his father had been more like Hotch. but I doubt we'll ever see that on the show. 5 Link to comment
Mari December 10, 2014 Share December 10, 2014 (edited) Moved from the spoiler thread. I cut anything actually spoilery. As for Proof, it bothers me more that Aaron and Emily got involved, putting themselves between him and 'Jennifer.' Why should he not be allowed to have a negative reaction when he realizes he's been duped for over two months? Emily developed an ulcer while she was gone? While I'm not unsympathetic to that, Reid was the one with a Dilaudid habit that he could plausibly have gone back to as a coping mechanism. But God forbid he should be a little pissy about being lied to by someone he trusted, because his feelings don't matter. Or something. Blech. Yes. This. And I know the counter argument is "They had to keep it secret. Emily was in danger--classified, remember!" Dialaudid habits shouldn't matter because of the danger, and the need for protecting Emily. Except, well, that doesn't work when JJ was playing online computer games with Emily. You don't play online computer games with friends from your old life if you're afraid you're being monitored and are not allowed to have contact with people. Which means that basically, for some reason he wasn't worth telling, or wasn't trustworthy. It's always annoyed me that the episode was framed as if Reid were in the wrong for not understanding, when they very shortly made the whole "it's a big secret because danger" thing a lie--particularly when these people know they're Reid's entire support system. When your support system lies to you for no particularly good reason, you get to not trust them for a while. Edited December 10, 2014 by Mari 9 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer December 10, 2014 Share December 10, 2014 It's always annoyed me that the episode was framed as if Reid were in the wrong for not understanding, when they very shortly made the whole "it's a big secret because danger" thing a lie--particularly when these people know they're Reid's entire support system. When your support system lies to you for no particularly good reason, you get to not trust them for a while. More than that, even if JJ hadn't been playing online games with Emily, making secrecy both moot and ridic, Hotch and Emily inserting themselves into the situation made it seem like she needed a protector from Reid's anger, which....what? IMO, if she's able to bold-faced lie to someone as vulnerable as Reid, and then stick to the lie while she watches him suffer, some angry words shouldn't faze her. I'm not saying she enjoyed his pain, but whether she enjoyed it or not, if she knows Spencer at all, she had to know about his trust issues. And her weak little, "But you didn't..." when he asks her what would have happened if he'd gone back to Dilaudid is exactly that, weak sauce. 9 Link to comment
normasm December 10, 2014 Share December 10, 2014 IMO, if she's able to bold-faced lie to someone as vulnerable as Reid, and then stick to the lie while she watches him suffer, some angry words shouldn't faze her. I'm not saying she enjoyed his pain, but whether she enjoyed it or not, if she knows Spencer at all, she had to know about his trust issues. And her weak little, "But you didn't..." when he asks her what would have happened if he'd gone back to Dilaudid is exactly that, weak sauce. Oh, yes, but if you look up info on narcissistic personalities, they think inferior people benefit by "knowing" and loving them, by having the benefit of their friendship (or romantic attention, in other cases); and when the "inferior" person takes offense for whatever reason, that person is weak and dependent and unappreciative of the fact that the beneficent one has graced mr. weakling with her formidable regard. Reid couldn't see how noble(!) and self-sacrificing JJ was when she lied to him night after night as he was in craven agony? "Hey, you don't know how much I sacrificed, dude, and really, you don't matter anyway. You're just acting out, because you couldn't see through my clever ruse. Deal with it." Now that's a pal... 8 Link to comment
Knittzu December 11, 2014 Share December 11, 2014 Better: "You're not upset because I lied to you and let you grieve unnecessarily for months. What really bothers you is that I proved my superiority by managing my micro-expressions!" Just the sort of friend we all dream of finding, right? 6 Link to comment
spinner33 December 11, 2014 Share December 11, 2014 Yeah, Mistress of Micro-expressions, that one. The woman who can't go an entire scene without sneering and rolling her eyes. Making faces behind people's backs and to their faces. imsosure 3 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer January 4, 2015 Share January 4, 2015 Not a shipper vid as far as I can tell. 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 And then I went blind. :-P 5 Link to comment
Old Dog January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 That is hysterically funny!! 3 Link to comment
missmycat January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 Hey has anybody on here ever seen the one where Reid is pregnant with Morgan's baby. And he's gone into labor. So Morgan is rushing him to the hospital. Now I don't not ship Morgan and Reid in any sort of romantic way.Yet I still could not help but to find it absolutely hysterical. 2 Link to comment
normasm January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 I want to see that one! 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 I did a Google search and nothing came up, but I might delve into Tumblr later, which is where I got the Titanic one. I don't ship them either, but I am perversely interested in seeing that one. Link to comment
missmycat January 9, 2015 Share January 9, 2015 I did a Google search and nothing came up, but I might delve into Tumblr later, which is where I got the Titanic one. I don't ship them either, but I am perversely interested in seeing that one. CoStar, I can't be sure about this but I do believe tumblr is where it original came from. Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer January 10, 2015 Share January 10, 2015 I want to see that one! Enjoy! 1 Link to comment
missmycat January 10, 2015 Share January 10, 2015 (edited) Enjoy! That's pretty funny,but it is not the one I remember. The one I'm talking about had a bunch of scenes put together with captions.The last scene Reid being in the hospital with Morgan at his bedside. Edited January 10, 2015 by missmycat 1 Link to comment
zannej January 11, 2015 Share January 11, 2015 (edited) I think I know which one you're talking about. I think it uses pics of Reid from "Amplification". There was also one from "With Friends Like These" where Reid is in the bathroom and tells Morgan he's pregnant. I'm not into the mpreg thing, nor do I shop Morgan and Reid, but it was amusing. Edited January 11, 2015 by zannej Link to comment
amensisterfriend July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Here's a fun one: While many of us don't 'ship any of the team members with one another, if for some reason you had to pair them off romantically, who could you see as potentially interesting/fun/compatible couples?! My own (somewhat crack-y!) ships: Elle/Reid: Tons of complementary differences, yet a few surprising similarities and a natural 'I GET you' connection and affection between them Emily/Rossi: I can't justify it, but it just has an odd appeal to me! They would get each other's snarky sense of humor, are both independent, prone to making poor, impulsive choices in their love lives but wiser based on past mistakes, ashamed of certain aspects of their past but moving forward, etc. Rossi's enjoyment of the 'finer things' and more generally acceptance of things as they are would be a nice complement to Emily's eager intensity and the way she's always striving. (They often refer to it as her 'compensating' on CM, but that has a negative connotation that I'm not sure is always fair in this case) I could see her breaking through the snarkiness and bringing out the sides of him that sincerely care, while he could help lighten her up. JJ/Hotch: I recently noticed that I only like JJ/find her more natural, real etc. when she's around Hotch :) You guys know I'm not a JJ fan, but she and Hotch just seem to have a certain natural understanding and connection to me. They're both guarded, private, borderline 'cold' etc., but bring out (slightly?!) softer, more open sides of each other. Anyway, these are my fun 'if you HAD to...' crack ships...feel free to share yours! No one will mock anyone else's choices :) 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Elle/Reid: Tons of complementary differences, yet a few surprising similarities and a natural 'I GET you' connection and affection between them You know I'm with you on this one, and my Archive page is proof of it. (Go there. Go there now.) To a lesser extent, and for different reasons, I kinda-sorta ship Reid with Alex. Which is probably unpopular, but I'm in one of those contrary moods, so eh. The only reason I'd even consider the age difference a factor is because I think the characters might, and the Ethan thing was such a last minute tack-on that I barely think of it as canon.They don't have as many obvious disparities as Elle and Spencer, but I think they "get" each other too, just in a separate way. I'm a mild shipper of Rossi and Garcia and Emily and Rossi. I think there's a way where David would be a calming influence on Penelope, make her less likely to spin out over little things, even if, again, the age difference might be a factor. I'm not sure about the others. I don't really think about Morgan in those terms, although I know lots of people still ship him with Garcia, and the MoReid thing boggles me. On paper, JJ and Aaron seem like a decent fit, and it'd be nice to see Hotch smile again. More thoughts later, maybe. 1 Link to comment
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