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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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Well, I did complain that "Mr. Scratch" (the episode) didn't do the character justice, so here's hoping a season of him will be able to do that.

I personally liked the idea of a season where each UnSub was someone they had to catch again...they didn't even necessarily have to be ones we had encountered before (i.e., they're "new to the audience"), but I could still get behind a half dozen still on the loose. I still hope that maybe one or two of them are old faces reprising their roles...just once I'd wish this show would acknowledge how long it's been on the air and those of us who have stuck with it since then.

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Since "Criminal Minds" has never done a crossover episode before, except with it's spin offs, I'd like to see a crossover with "Elementary", mostly due to Sherlock's disdain of criminal profilers-the jokes are basically writing themselves! Both Sherlock and Joan, and BAU profilers (Spencer especially-and let's just leave out JJ for the sake of a comparison), have brilliant minds and a strong sense of justice, but with Sherlock and Joan being "deduction oriented". But that would mess up the continuity, since in "Criminal Minds", they referred to Sherlock Holmes as a fictional character before, while "Elementary" is a modern day AU in which Sherlock, Joan and everyone else are the characters from the books only in a different time (in other words, they don't just happen to share similarities with fictional characters created in the 19th century, Sherlock Holmes stories don't exist in "Elementary" universe, as far as we've been shown-in four seasons, nobody responded to Sherlock Holmes introducing himself with "Ah, like the one from the books?"). But still, continuity aside (I never thought I'd say that!), such crossover could be awesome. I think a good plot for such an episode would be the kind where they race against time, a la "P911".

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I'm nervous about the Mr. Scratch arc, knowing it could go the way of the Reaper or the Replicator! I'm also not a fan of the "new guy" bringing in 8 out of the 13 before the season starts, although perhaps this will spare us the tedious "getting to know you" bit. Anyway, guess all I can do is hope for the best.

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2 minutes ago, normasm said:

I'm nervous about the Mr. Scratch arc, knowing it could go the way of the Reaper or the Replicator! I'm also not a fan of the "new guy" bringing in 8 out of the 13 before the season starts, although perhaps this will spare us the tedious "getting to know you" bit. Anyway, guess all I can do is hope for the best.

And pray Matthew gets to direct it and show off Spencer's amazing profiling skills.

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I can't imagine that Luke singlehandedly found all the escaped killers, but when we first heard about the new character, he was supposed to be coming from something like the Fugitive Apprehension Task Force (not exactly those words but the same effect nonetheless), so most likely whatever task force he was a part of was responsible for finding the escapees, and presumably his performance was so good, it warranted a transfer to the BAU (I'm guessing).

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Mislav said:

Since "Criminal Minds" has never done a crossover episode before, except with it's spin offs, I'd like to see a crossover with "Elementary", mostly due to Sherlock's disdain of criminal profilers-the jokes are basically writing themselves! Both Sherlock and Joan, and BAU profilers (Spencer especially-and let's just leave out JJ for the sake of a comparison), have brilliant minds and a strong sense of justice, but with Sherlock and Joan being "deduction oriented". But that would mess up the continuity, since in "Criminal Minds", they referred to Sherlock Holmes as a fictional character before, while "Elementary" is a modern day AU in which Sherlock, Joan and everyone else are the characters from the books only in a different time (in other words, they don't just happen to share similarities with fictional characters created in the 19th century, Sherlock Holmes stories don't exist in "Elementary" universe, as far as we've been shown-in four seasons, nobody responded to Sherlock Holmes introducing himself with "Ah, like the one from the books?"). But still, continuity aside (I never thought I'd say that!), such crossover could be awesome. I think a good plot for such an episode would be the kind where they race against time, a la "P911".

I used to watch Elementary before it got kind of stale midway through S2...I always thought Sherlock vs. Reid would have been funny. Especially after "The Deductionist", one of my all-time favourite episodes.

I do grant that rectifying how CM treats Sherlock as fictional goes against the Elementary canon...but I do wonder if there can be a workaround. Like some sort of throwaway comment where Reid remarks about the odds of present-day Sherlock encountering many of the same people his famous ancestor did, and Sherlock remarking in consternation about all the details Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got wrong.

Of course, I would predict that if CM and Elementary were to even cross over, CM would just "forget" that Reid had once commented on reading Sherlock Holmes' books (even though they were a big part of his relationship with Maeve) and just go along with Elementary's storyline.

(Side point- for those of you who are wondering, Sherlock Holmes is in the public domain. So if you want to use the great detective in any of your stories you can without legal repercussion)

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2 minutes ago, smoker said:

Actually there is one of MGG, but no as Reid :(

having a bad feeling about their presence this season...again

As am I. The new season hasn't even started yet, and I am already anticipating a season of the newbie and those females being shoved down our throats at the expense of Hotch and Reid.

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I'm glad they're adding Tara as a regular, as I like her a lot. She's quiet, serious and sensible, so she fits in nicely. Also, on a practical level, only having one regular woman on the team (Garcia not travelling with them) with so many men would be, and was, a bit unbalanced, IMO. Not realistic and a bit ridiculous for this day and age. Two is slightly better. Plus, since she's an existing character who we already know well, we won't have to go through two lots of 'getting to know you' episodes this year, as we would with two new regular characters at once. This is basic the best of both possible worlds. 

Besides, maybe this way Reid will at least be in all the episodes, even if for slightly less time, rather than going missing for ages like last year.

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I Agree, Lebanna, I think, after a klutzy start, the Tara character found a nice calm balance. And I also agree they needed another woman in addition to a less preposterous JJ, I just wish the new male wasn't being added. I'll give him a chance, hope for the best.

That is gonna be one crowded cast picture, though!

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20 minutes ago, normasm said:

I Agree, Lebanna, I think, after a klutzy start, the Tara character found a nice calm balance. And I also agree they needed another woman in addition to a less preposterous JJ, I just wish the new male wasn't being added. I'll give him a chance, hope for the best.

That is gonna be one crowded cast picture, though!

I don't mind it too much, as long as they don't make her, Garcia and especially JJ a holy trinity of Girl Power at the expense of Reid and Hotch and the wonderful gifts they bring to the BAU.

In terms of realism, it was actually realistic to only have one female profiler, because that fits the actual demographic makeup of the BAU. 

My issue is not so much with Aisha being made a series regular, but the excessive number of profilers. Having six profilers has never been necessary and with the shift in focus away from the team to the guest stars, it is even less necessary. And it's likely going to be even worse when they bring in Emily for who knows how many episodes. 

But I honestly would rather have the show get rid of Rossi now. He is long past the mandatory retirement age for the FBI, and honestly he doesn't bring anything necessary or interesting to the team anymore, in my opinion. 

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

In terms of realism, it was actually realistic to only have one female profiler, because that fits the actual demographic makeup of the BAU. 

My issue is not so much with Aisha being made a series regular, but the excessive number of profilers. Having six profilers has never been necessary and with the shift in focus away from the team to the guest stars, it is even less necessary. And it's likely going to be even worse when they bring in Emily for who knows how many episodes. 

But I honestly would rather have the show get rid of Rossi now. He is long past the mandatory retirement age for the FBI, and honestly he doesn't bring anything necessary or interesting to the team anymore, in my opinion. 

Kudos to all of this. I think four profilers is enough. To bad they couldn't give Lewis JJ's old job as media liaison.

And Rossi is older than the hills. Make him a consultant when needed but having him out in the field is just ridiculous.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

In terms of realism, it was actually realistic to only have one female profiler, because that fits the actual demographic makeup of the BAU. 

this! very true. Not a slight against women, just realistic like you said. Ditto with any given male to female ratio of police (and fire and EMS, for that matter) as portrayed in most law enforcement (fire, EMS) shows. There just ARE way more men. It's just the way it is. (and before anyone goes on a sexist rant about it, I'm not saying it's bad, it's just the way it is.)

  • Love 6

I agree with you all, especially about Rossi. Maybe that's why they did all the 'family' stories for him last year, because he's set to retire? I really like Esai Morales' infrequent stops by the BAU, and just a thought, but maybe he could get a promotion and Rossi could become Section Chief? It would be more in keeping with his "elder" status, too. 

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Well, maybe I shouldn't have used the word 'realistic' when talking about this show, because with all the love in the world, realistic it ain't. But, what this show is, is an idealised version of the BAU, and having more than one capable, clever women is the ideal. More brilliant career opportunities for women, even in fiction, makes me happy.

Edited by Lebanna
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Oh help me. 

I just read Larry Teng's tweet about 1202.  I tried to upload a screenshot of it but I'm apparently technologically illiterate when it comes to doing this on my phone. 

I'm not even kidding when I say I'm gonna have to watch every episode on OnDemand or the CBS site. No way I'm gonna be able to stand it in real time. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Droogie said:

Oh help me. 

I just read Larry Teng's tweet about 1202.  I tried to upload a screenshot of it but I'm apparently technologically illiterate when it comes to doing this on my phone. 

I'm not even kidding when I say I'm gonna have to watch every episode on OnDemand or the CBS site. No way I'm gonna be able to stand it in real time. 

I just might do the same thing, which will free up my Wednesday nights for more interesting pursuits, writing, taking a class, getting a root canal.

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2 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

To bad they couldn't give Lewis JJ's old job as media liaison.

As a forensic psychologist, Tara is way overqualified for media liaison and poorly matched to the job, too. They should make Rossi the media liaison, as he is in the public eye much more than anyone else. He has particular disdain for the bureaucracy of a section chief (100), and would chafe at any other thing except maybe consultant.

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Apparently it's confirmed that he kicked a producer.

Per Deadline:

'I hear the matter is being handled by Human Resources, with Gibson’s future status on the show under review.'

Ouch. I don't care what the producer did - physical abuse is never ok. Not at home, not at work, not in the street. There just isn't an excuse for this behavior.

That's really sad - I guess it might even affect whether the show gets picked up for another season after this one. What is going on with this show?

On a shallow level, damn, if he gets fired we'll never see the outcome of the Hotch/Mr Scratch storyline. I was looking forward to that. Plus, obviously, no more Hotch. :(

Edited by Lebanna

Seriously, something must be going wrong with Gibson. He's been working on the show for eleven years, and now he's going around kicking people? Something is clearly up with him. He obviously wants to come back, but that's not going to be his choice.

(BTW, I always thought Eads was very lucky to get to come back after what he did. Especially after the way they wrote off Warrick on CSI when he had a meltdown.)

Edited by Lebanna

wow. just wow.

I have to admit, I saw 'kicked a writer' and thought 'hope it was <name redacted>' there've been several occasions where, when watching an episode, I've wanted to kick the writer. That part of me is thinking 'Go, Thomas' and of course the rest of me is thinking, 'physical altercation is not the answer'

They've also scratched him from directing this season.


I know a few people who are probably beside themselves right about now.

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well, the actor playing Warrick had a serious problem with drugs,  GE's problem was his attitude. I don't know what is TG problem but it's starting to be a danger for his job.  I understand the urge to clean his ass with those scripts, but violence is never justified. I am so disappointed right now. 

And not only suspension but not directing work this season and Aisha's promotion in the middle of this. Bad feeling here.

Edited by smoker
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Well, everyone was worried about having too many characters.?

But yes, the underlying cause of the violence will presumably dictate whether he returns or not. 

We all joke about committing violence, but actually it's so outside the bounds of normal behavior. Maybe even more so at a normal American work place. (Excepting Days of Rage - getting back to the CSI Nick thing.)

Edited by Lebanna
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I know my own tendency was to make a quip, say who I hoped it was, and like I was discussing with a friend earlier, commiserate that we've all at one point or another wanted to kick someone over this show lately...

I'm stunned and baffled.  Can't imagine what the lead in to this kick was. And who kicks people?  My interpretation is that this occurred during the ep Thomas was supposed to be directing.  I suppose he didn't like the writing?  My goodness.  I seriously doubt though that he will be removed from the show entirely.  CBS knows which side their bread is buttered on.

I remain a fan of Thomas Gibson.  I am left wondering what is going on in his head and if he is ok.  In no way do I excuse what he allegedly did, but I'm very concerned.

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OK, one of the articles has been amended to include speculation that the kickee was Virgil Williams.

Now, I hope none of this comes out wrong, or is understood in a way I don't intend.  But I don't like Virgil.  He blocked me on Twitter when I criticized whatever episode of CM it was with the schizophrenic Unsub where Reid wasn't the one negotiating with him and missed the clue of the flowers entirely.  So I think he's a whiny baby.  Sorry, but I do.  Of course that doesn't mean I think it's ok that/if Thomas kicked him.  I did also read that the person in question wasn't about to let it go, going to Gibson's publicist, network brass, etc., so that ultimately CBS had to suspend him and take away his directing privilege.  

Again, not that Thomas should just be allowed to go around kicking people.  And it's not ok to get violent in an argument (although I promise if someone hits me first, I am going to hit that person back). But I can see Virgil being an instigator.  And if Thomas has hothead tendencies, well, that's not a good combo.

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I doubt that he will be removed entirely too, at least, immediately. Although we don't know if it was a writer or a producer (more powerful position) and  the relationship will be tense. I think TG should take his suspension like a man and take care of his issues or negotiate to leave the show.  GE's character didn't have a bad end. However GE gave them the middle finger for the season finale. 

So sad.

Most of the writers --the 'staff' writers which includes Zimmerman Williams Maser and used to include Watson--Are billed as producers and the middle level manager in me thinks messer and frazer probably did that to give writers that little bit of support in a push back situation.  Like this one. It may also be some kind of promotional level thing as cm is a union shop.  Just to remind the actors and directors about who's in charge.....

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I very much doubt anyone at CM willingly suspended the star of the show, lesson or no lesson.  There is mention of the writer going to his agent, who went to CBS brass, but there may well have been a role of the union as well.

No one should have to feel unsafe at work. So, especially if this is a pattern of behavior (arguing that has finally become explosive), or tied to other behaviors, I can see the whole thing unfolding as it did.  But, beyond that, I don't think anyone was working as a team here, with their eyes on the prize (the making of a TV show that has given them all a very nice, steady salary) ---not the writer, not the actor/director, and not the show runner.    

We don't know the full story.  Nothing would excuse a physical assault.  But 'kicking' is just so 'second grade', I can't help but think there's a longer tale to be told, one that we will probably never hear.  It's entirely possible the writer put more creativity into his complaint than he does into his scripts. 

Whole thing just makes me sad, for the juvenile behaviors and because the season is tainted now.

PS  Without even knowing what it was, my vote is with TG's creative decision-making over VW's, any day.  

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11 minutes ago, JMO said:

 It's entirely possible the writer put more creativity into his complaint than he does into his scripts. 

PS  Without even knowing what it was, my vote is with TG's creative decision-making over VW's, any day.  

yep.  (gotta admit I LMAO at the first sentence above)



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Apparently Gibson got in some trouble for anger management previously, which is probably playing into this some.

That said, I could totally see this as being a case of 'kicked at/towards in frustration (like kicking at the ground), regretfully made contact of some sort and Williams being the sort to take that straight to the upper ups.  Then, as a result of the escalation + prior instance = Gibson suspended.

Not suggesting it was right for Gibson to be physically intimidating towards anyone but I agree that "kicking" is something grade school kids do; adults are more liable to push/punch towards if they intend to make contact with another adult.

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