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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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Agreed. I really hope that they won't try and say the new kid on CM bb is smarter than Reid-whoever handles cm bb Twitter account was irritating or that the BB is simply better than the BAU team- the backdoor xover basically acted like it. Back to s12 though, I hope the BAU team gets a lot of focus

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I wish I had a magic wand and could go back and cancel this beast after "100" aired.  I would've been left wanting more rather than dreading the start of the season. I'm happy about Emily but so incredibly bummed at the idea of having to watch BB intermingling with my peeps when I don't get to see them enough in the first place. 

Add to that, that we are "going to get to know the new guy" and I just wanna kick dirt. 

This is me, officially abandoning the idea that anything good will happen for Reid or that there will be much for Hotch beyond "Wheels up in 30." (Or sometimes it's 20, I guess to convey urgency)  

I'm sick of my own rants about this show. I won't be watching in real time unless I hear that there will be good Reid or I have absolutely nothing else better to do (I think I'll count watching paint dry as a more worthwhile endeavor). I'll just check to see the verdict on here and then fast fwd through it afterward. 

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Well now isn't that just peachy keen. I can see it now Emily is going to get a ton of focus each time she appears in an episode. And of course JJ and Tara will be right there by her side. And it's a given that the new guy is sure to get a significant amount of screen time. So I guess I should just brace myself for the inevitable and that is Hotch and/or Reid being little more than background noises.

Edited by MMC
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I look at it more like "they're getting the band back together", except that Luke will be the new Morgan. They do need their door-kicker, don't they. I'm looking forward to a lot of nostalgia. Old Unsubs, old agents returning... and I don't think for one second that Morgan won't make an appearance. If we're lucky, maybe some old writing will be evident, too.

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5 hours ago, Franky said:

I look at it more like "they're getting the band back together", except that Luke will be the new Morgan. They do need their door-kicker, don't they. I'm looking forward to a lot of nostalgia. Old Unsubs, old agents returning... and I don't think for one second that Morgan won't make an appearance. If we're lucky, maybe some old writing will be evident, too.

I like your optimism, and I certainly hope you're right.  I'm side-eyeing the whole operation.  It was all palatable to me until I saw indications that BB was gonna be, at least occasionally, tied around Original Recipe's neck like a dead bird.

i was content to ignore BB until that -- simply zero interest.  But I have been irked from the get-go by the "genius" and his social media comments, then that recent pic of him with Garcia put me over my limit.  And (broken record alert) none of that would trouble me in the least had Reid had any good focus in recent years and not been written as a caricature of his former self.

But yeah, Emily back is a good thing, IMHO.  I hope they can low-key integrate Emily into the storylines, rather than make the storylines fit Emily, if that makes any sense.

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I'll wait and see with the writing, but realistically, there is no reason Emily should be involved in the recapture of any of these escaped criminals, unless they somehow manage to get overseas and do something that would get Interpol involved. And I don't see that being very likely, so I can easily see whatever reason used to bring Emily back to be rather contrived.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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All this bringing back Emily for multiple episodes, crossovers with the miserable BB and introducing the new guy just fills me with apprehension that we will get implausible storylines and once again Reid and Hotch will be sidelined or totally absent. I guess they are trying to wrap up the mothership especially by bringing back Emily and trying to amp up Boredom to take centre stage but it just makes me want to stop watching. I would give them the benefit of the doubt but after a poor season 11 with poor writing for the most part and with losing the one writer who actually consistently "got" the show and the characters I just see more disappointment ahead. It's so hard to watch the show I adore sliding into the abyss. I am not happy about Emily's return because they will have to pull some ridiculous,contrived and illogical story out of the bag to explain it and with so many other characters in the melting pot we will be lucky to get even a line of dialogue out of Reid. Not happy.

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I hopeful for Paget's return but not at all happy to hear of all the crossovers, nor am I confident that the new guy won't become some love interest for Emily. And with all the characters now on the scene I'm afraid that Reid will be left in the dust, left to suffer some kind of mental breakdown because he can't handle Morgan not working with them anymore. I had hoped that Reid's actions in the last episode of Season 11 would lead to greater things for him this year.

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I think it's safe to assume that Diana will either die, or become critical this season. They were hinting at it with Reid's absence last year and I do think he'll need to deal with it this time around. While I hate to think of an important (though minor) character's death being a catalyst for hero growth, I also have faith that Spencer will come out of the experience a stronger man, with a healthy sense of self. He's got a solid support system under him now, it isn't like he's an abandoned child any more, and he's a hero, and a warrior. He'll be okay, I'm just unhappy that Sharon won't be around to write it. 

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59 minutes ago, Franky said:

I think it's safe to assume that Diana will either die, or become critical this season. They were hinting at it with Reid's absence last year and I do think he'll need to deal with it this time around. While I hate to think of an important (though minor) character's death being a catalyst for hero growth, I also have faith that Spencer will come out of the experience a stronger man, with a healthy sense of self. He's got a solid support system under him now, it isn't like he's an abandoned child any more, and he's a hero, and a warrior. He'll be okay, I'm just unhappy that Sharon won't be around to write it. 

Well yes that is a possibility except it almost seemed to me that they had decided to just sweep that story line about his mother's so called condition(early onset dementia) under the rug. If indeed it was still a factor for Reid to deal with I could see how Morgan's departure from the BAU would be even harder on Reid. But that surely wasn't the impression I got from watching the season finale. And apparently Breen must have forgotten that Diana Reid had a fear of flying.Now it is possible Diana had overcome her fear of flying, although I doubt it. Or maybe she using medication that calms her enough to enable her to fly. Whatever the reason it sure would have been nice to have gotten some sort of explaination as to why she was okay with flying now. And the explaination could have easily been provided by Reid. All it would have required was for one of Reid's team member who was well aware of Diana's fear of flying to have asked Reid about it. He then could have provided them as well as us the answer as to why Diana now seemed perfectly okay with the idea of flying.

I really hope Diana Reid doesn't die. Poor Reid has had enough tragedy in his life. And there is no guarantee there would be growth for him out of it. If I remember we were promised some sort of growth for his character when Maeve was killed off, but I sure as heck didn't see any. That being said one of the things I did like about last season was there did appear to be some growth in Reid. And I really hope it will continue into season 12. But I really hope they can do it in a way without taking his quirkiness away altogether. And finally, Yeah I am pretty bummed out about Sharon myself.  

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I think a post-Maeve Reid showed substantial growth (more physical initiative in taking down unsubs, being more proactive with personal risks when teammates were in danger, increased trust in his friends and a deeper understanding of their commitment to him), in comparison with how he floundered while he was hunting her stalker. There's room for more, and I hope they continue to build on it. 

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 5:25 PM, wknt3 said:

Good point. One of the things that's often overlooked even by relatively sophisticated fans is the degree of creative interference and micromanagement in network television these days. It's actually increased especially for established series, At least according to my friend who is a television writer and what I read, as I can't say I have any experience producing TV series. There have always been notes and casting approval, but many networks now insist on approving script outlines, changing creative decisions in response to social media, and other minutiae. And they are more involved in hiring of lower level creative personnel too. It's a big part of the reason why so many established creators are moving to cable, streaming, etc.

This doesn't happen just in show business; it happens everywhere and in so many industries-business, the arts, healthcare, education, non-profit organizations. And instead of improving conditions and outcomes it just impedes creativity, progress and fully servicing clients, consumers, patients, students, beneficiaries, etc. I think it's because we have made rock stars out of CEOs and others powers that be, and the working jacks and janes, whether they work on a Hollywood soundstage, the classroom, an office, a factory floor or a hospital are mere cogs in the machine and our output means nothing.

On 22/7/2016 at 2:20 AM, SSAHotchner said:

It must really irritate TPTB that Beyond Borders did so poorly and the original show is still hanging in there. I'm sure bringing Paget back is merely to boost ratings. But I love her, so I don't mind. That doesn't mean I'll overlook lousy writing, even though Paget is able to elevate the material with her delivery. They ought to move Joe over to BB. He's really too old to be running around chasing killers in the field. 

there are things that cannot be elevated from hell. Her last episode was even worse than 200 and that one is on the top of my  "hit rock bottom" episode list.

I mean, all that time wasted greeting (and other stupid things), I get she and Tara shaking hands, their first meeting and all, but everybody else?... Hello? There are people dying and you lose your time greeting and smiling people you're supposed to be in contact with? That went under my skin after JJ came back to work too. Her friends giving her presents there while her coworkers were ignoring her. I give my friends their presents at home or a party or some meeting but for coworkers (and only that) we use the workplace.

Prentiss is a parody of herself, a mix of her last personality and Paget's, just like everybody else.

Agree about JM, his retirement would help me to swallow that poor family storyline, from the stranged daughter to that OH MY GOD ex-wife.

Edited by smoker
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New guy: will need get mucho screen time to let us get to know him (for those who care)

Paget comes back for arc: there's another 3-5 episodes (god forbid it's more) where she's gonna be front and center 

Rossi's wife/daughter/grandson story at least 1-2 more episodes (for god's sakes, let the man retire and consult with BeyondBoredom if need be)

there's half the freakin' season gone already before we even get to Messer's Pet JJ who will get pushed frontwards for sure.

yeah, there won't be much of a Reid arc this season, except for the 'getting used to the new guy' thing. And Hotch, there will be some kind of followup I'm sure, to the Jack ignoring him while colouring....although JJ already talked about that with him, so maybe not. Hotch: "Wheels up in 30" (or 20, if it's urgent) / Reid: "longwinded statistical spew and historical jargon" culminating in JJ eyeroll or Rossi condescending look per episode. If we're lucky.

*grumble* in advance. 

I will worship at the altar of Messer if we actually get a decent arc for Spence this year. He had Entropy last season, and the last time there was any kind of arc for Spence was that gawdawful Maeve's stalker bs. grrrr 

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well be comforted then Smoker....TG JM & my precious MGG are all directing at least one episode each. Harry didn't have specifics yet (at the time I asked him) but the favoured three are all slated to direct again :) 

I have specific demands of CM. Yep, I'll admit, I'm at the point where I'm demanding...seeing as 'playboy Morgan' got a wife and child, I absolutely DEMAND that Reid get what he wants too: to wit, as per The Inspired/Inspiration and Angels and Demons, he wants kids and he wants love again. I will not accept anything less than that for Reid, since MGG was loyal enough to stay with the show, he deserves that too. I know MGG wants to direct, that's really his ambition, so I want that for him too; his talented directing made an otherwise dreadful episode watchable (hated the case storyline in Beautiful Disaster, that plot was full of more holes than swiss cheese, but the wonderful direction and great job of conveying emotion at Morgan's leaving made it worth viewing) and I hope he gets a couple slots this year.

While I'm happily carrying on writing my own Reid love and family story, I want the canonical version done. On screen. ASAFP.

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1 hour ago, ReidFan said:

New guy: will need get mucho screen time to let us get to know him (for those who care)

Paget comes back for arc: there's another 3-5 episodes (god forbid it's more) where she's gonna be front and center 

Rossi's wife/daughter/grandson story at least 1-2 more episodes (for god's sakes, let the man retire and consult with BeyondBoredom if need be)

there's half the freakin' season gone already before we even get to Messer's Pet JJ who will get pushed frontwards for sure.

yeah, there won't be much of a Reid arc this season, except for the 'getting used to the new guy' thing. And Hotch, there will be some kind of followup I'm sure, to the Jack ignoring him while colouring....although JJ already talked about that with him, so maybe not. Hotch: "Wheels up in 30" (or 20, if it's urgent) / Reid: "longwinded statistical spew and historical jargon" culminating in JJ eyeroll or Rossi condescending look per episode. If we're lucky.

*grumble* in advance. 

I will worship at the altar of Messer if we actually get a decent arc for Spence this year. He had Entropy last season, and the last time there was any kind of arc for Spence was that gawdawful Maeve's stalker bs. grrrr 

I agree with everything here except for worshipping at the altar of Messer. I still hold her responsible for the way the show, especially the writing has tanked.

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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

well be comforted then Smoker....TG JM & my precious MGG are all directing at least one episode each. Harry didn't have specifics yet (at the time I asked him) but the favoured three are all slated to direct again :) 

I have specific demands of CM. Yep, I'll admit, I'm at the point where I'm demanding...seeing as 'playboy Morgan' got a wife and child, I absolutely DEMAND that Reid get what he wants too: to wit, as per The Inspired/Inspiration and Angels and Demons, he wants kids and he wants love again. I will not accept anything less than that for Reid, since MGG was loyal enough to stay with the show, he deserves that too. I know MGG wants to direct, that's really his ambition, so I want that for him too; his talented directing made an otherwise dreadful episode watchable (hated the case storyline in Beautiful Disaster, that plot was full of more holes than swiss cheese, but the wonderful direction and great job of conveying emotion at Morgan's leaving made it worth viewing) and I hope he gets a couple slots this year.

While I'm happily carrying on writing my own Reid love and family story, I want the canonical version done. On screen. ASAFP.

I didn't like TG's episodes for s11 either, but s11 was one of the worst harvest of the show.

Anyway,  I think TG is pretty competent as a director. Although he's a step behind MGG. Of course, I don't like every episode directed by MGG, but I'm thiking of Mosley Lane and Mr. Scratch and they are awesome.

Gabby and Lockdown are my favs directed by TG.

Edited by smoker
7 minutes ago, SSAHotchner said:

I think that Thomas does a much better job with the actors than Gubler does. But Gubler's episodes are always visually really imaginative and interesting. 

That's interesting. I always think Matthew really brings out the best in the actors, not to mention casting really interesting ones, in his episodes.  Not to take anything away from TG, bc I think he's great. 

(Joe is the one who's just not suited to sit in the director's chair.)

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16 minutes ago, Droogie said:

That's interesting. I always think Matthew really brings out the best in the actors, not to mention casting really interesting ones, in his episodes.  Not to take anything away from TG, bc I think he's great. 

(Joe is the one who's just not suited to sit in the director's chair.)

You can say that again. Joe is miserable as a director. Some folks are just better in front of the camera than behind it. 

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I've seen others. They are the usual places that misinterpret or exaggerate things so it really is only rumours circulating. But hey - the only main character they have killed off is Gideon (I don't count Strauss as a main character). Who knows - this rumour can't have come out of thin air surely?

2 hours ago, Old Dog said:

So then guys - I see some speculation that CM is going to kill off a major character this season. Anyone have any thoughts on this rumour?

We all know how CM defines "major characters" when they leak something like this.

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd say I hope it's Reid.  But I hope it's Reid.

Edited to add:  But if it is, he better go out in a stunning display and not doing something stupid.  

Edited by Droogie

Hmm I seem to remember a similar rumor regarding season 11. I do not want it to be Reid. Although I understand perfectly why some hoped it would be. My vote would be JJ(though I highly doubt it). I'd also be fine with either Tara or new guy. And sadly though she was once my favorite female I'd probably be okay with it beng Prentiss.

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See, when they forced Paget back for season 7 I felt she was just going through the motions and I didn't find any of her performances in that season that rang true - even in True Genius. It felt like she was just showing up and getting it done and there was no heart behind it. So for me, her last great performances were way back before her spy days.

Edited by Old Dog
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5 hours ago, normasm said:

Logically, if it were a longtime character, it would be Rossi. I'd be OK with that.

Me too. Especially if it's the only damn thing that is going to mean putting an end to these so called personal story lines of his that so many of us found to be utter dreck. Maybe then Reid would finally be able to get a personal life where he would meet a girl and fall in love.

I feel bad for saying this about Rossi. And I despise CBS, Erica Messer and these writers for making me feel this way, not only about his character but the others as well.

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17 hours ago, Old Dog said:

See, when they forced Paget back for season 7 I felt she was just going through the motions and I didn't find any of her performances in that season that rang true - even in True Genius. It felt like she was just showing up and getting it done and there was no heart behind it. So for me, her last great performances were way back before her spy days.

I think this is partly due to the writing, though, Old Dog. I think they knew Paget was coming back under duress and they wrote for Prentiss with an eye to her leaving at the end of the season. She was trying to get personal with everyone on the team and fix all their problems. I think they wanted to make her the caring, sympathetic one to make her leaving more poignant. I just really like Paget and I have a hard time finding fault with her.

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For those who thought season 12 would be mainly tracking down the escaped serial killers.

Do you have anything Criminal Minds? — Arieta
Last year’s cliffhanger ended with serial killers who escaped, but were supposedly caught over the summer by Luke Alvez, the new character played by Adam Rodriguez. “There are still five out there when we come into the premiere,” EP Erica Messer says. “One of them is a guy Peter Lewis plays named Mr. Scratch. He is our baddie for the year. We will stretch him out and tell his creepy tales.”


1 hour ago, ForeverAlone said:

For those who thought season 12 would be mainly tracking down the escaped serial killers.

Do you have anything Criminal Minds? — Arieta
Last year’s cliffhanger ended with serial killers who escaped, but were supposedly caught over the summer by Luke Alvez, the new character played by Adam Rodriguez. “There are still five out there when we come into the premiere,” EP Erica Messer says. “One of them is a guy Peter Lewis plays named Mr. Scratch. He is our baddie for the year. We will stretch him out and tell his creepy tales.”


Erica Messer makes a mistake like this?  Bodhi Elfman is the actor's name. Peter Lewis was the unsub's name. Mr Scratch was the name his victims called him. I'm trying to decide whether the whole piece is bogus here or if she just effed up a bit.....

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