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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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a cross over with Beyond Boredom? *why*.. oh I know why, because they want us to watch that crap. Last time there was a crossover, Reid was barely in it. It could almost happen again. In an episode named after him?!


what the hell is he doing in Mexico? something to do with his mom? (she's not in this ep, it looks like, but could he be after some sort of drug that's supposed to help her?)

did he get caught behind the new wall going up?

has he *ever* even alluded to having any sort of interest in going to Mexico? 

just, wth?

I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt, after all, it's called "Spencer".... just don't disappoint me Erica/Kirsten.

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They're really trying to make us believe that Reid is a murderer, aren't they? I mean, what else could it be? Drug runner? Murdering drug runner?

I just don't really believe that they'll go there for real, because it's an ongoing storyline. Reid murders someone is probably just one, very special episode. But all this 'exposes someone's personal history' sound like somehow the rest of the team and probably the FBI will find out about Reid's drug history - so even once he gets out of prison, that could still be part of an exit storyline.

Ugh. I mean, this sure is a surprising way to go. But, still. Pitchforks at dawn.

Edited by Lebanna
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@Lebanna, pitchforks indeed. I'm sharpening mine as we speak.

I'll also follow your lead and agree it's likely a revelation that Reid is a druggie. Which will be sad. Disappointing. Underwhelming. Pathetic. Or any other adjective you can think of for "the worst idea for a storyline ever".

Erica, a drug storyline has been done before many, many, many times before on other shows, and Reid being a drug user is incredibly unoriginal. It's also not unique for the character at all- we've already been through Reid's drug story before, in both S2 and in "Proof". We don't need to visit it again.

Get your pitchforks ready guys...I think we're going in.

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4 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

@Lebanna, pitchforks indeed. I'm sharpening mine as we speak.

I'll also follow your lead and agree it's likely a revelation that Reid is a druggie. Which will be sad. Disappointing. Underwhelming. Pathetic. Or any other adjective you can think of for "the worst idea for a storyline ever".

can't be....they would have to retcon so much! In  Amplification, Angels & Demons where he'd been hospitalised, track marks woulda been evident (not to mention he shoulda been hospitalised after Revelations, in which case.....); the entire Maeve and headaches arc, again track marks woulda been evident. And please, anyone here with medical knowledge, is there ANY viable way he could have hidden a ten year addiction from EVERYBODY?? Really?! *nobody* would have seen *something* Not. Buying. That. Honestly, I will throw an entire Canadian Tire store's worth of pitchforks through the CBS office windows if this flies. Not a flippin' chance.

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Somehow I'm guessing the drug use will be historic, but the drug buying for some reason (and whatever else he's accused of) will be current.

That way, Reid's previous drug issue comes out as public knowledge but MGG doesn't have to actually play the addiction storyline that he supposedly doesn't want to revisit. So everyone thinks he's buying for himself because he's depressed about his mom, but really he's been cooking up some mad treatment attempt in his kitchen. Or something.

Perhaps he's recreating that other study he wanted to get his mom on? There was something in the news a while back about Ketamine helping with major depression that no other drug could successfully treat, so maybe it's something along those lines? Illegal, recreational drug turns out to have a beneficial side effect for a particular illness.

Edited by Lebanna
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Yes. I do feel like this is probably an exit storyline. But a longer term one. I think maybe he's going at the end of this season. Which is horrible.

If what I think is right, the FBI would have to know about his history, not just the team. Possibly leading to the team actually having to tell the FBI, and all the angst that comes with it. It makes sense. Hotch and Gideon covered for him, but they're both gone now. This is the first time in the show's history they could run a 'Reid's drug history comes out' storyline without it logically getting Hotch fired. I think the writers may have had this kind of story in their minds for ages but couldn't go there until now.

Edited by Lebanna
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Yes, I really, really don't want Reid to get imprisoned permanently, either. 

Maybe it's a set-up after all? Maybe he's not cooking up anything himself, but he takes his mother to some doctor in Mexico for some off-the-books treatment, as desperate people do every day, and the place they're in gets busted for illegal drugs (possibly called in by an enemy of the team) while they're there? But then what happens to Diana?

Edited by Lebanna
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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

can't be....they would have to retcon so much! In  Amplification, Angels & Demons where he'd been hospitalised, track marks woulda been evident (not to mention he shoulda been hospitalised after Revelations, in which case.....); the entire Maeve and headaches arc, again track marks woulda been evident. And please, anyone here with medical knowledge, is there ANY viable way he could have hidden a ten year addiction from EVERYBODY?? Really?! *nobody* would have seen *something* Not. Buying. That. Honestly, I will throw an entire Canadian Tire store's worth of pitchforks through the CBS office windows if this flies. Not a flippin' chance.

Well, he could have switched to something oral. It would be much easier to hide, both in terms of track marks and function. Plenty of people function on high doses of opioids every day. It's kind of shocking, but your body gets used to it. It's unlikely he would go so long without somebody realizing, and I would seriously question a storyline of this nature, but I'd stop short of calling it impossible.

2 hours ago, Lebanna said:

Somehow I'm guessing the drug use will be historic, but the drug buying for some reason (and whatever else he's accused of) will be current.

That way, Reid's previous drug issue comes out as public knowledge but MGG doesn't have to actually play the addiction storyline that he supposedly doesn't want to revisit. So everyone thinks he's buying for himself because he's depressed about his mom, but really he's been cooking up some mad treatment attempt in his kitchen. Or something.

Perhaps he's recreating that other study he wanted to get his mom on? There was something in the news a while back about Ketamine helping with major depression that no other drug could successfully treat, so maybe it's something along those lines? Illegal, recreational drug turns out to have a beneficial side effect for a particular illness.

It's unlikely he could even find out what exactly the drug is in the study, if it is a new drug. Ketamine (used all the time as an analgesic/sedative in hospitals, particularly in kids) is actually remarkable at treating depression - I have seen it work, and it was incredible. I can't see any sort of illegal or recreational drug (or any existing drug) being beneficial in Alzheimer's, though. We know most of them have even more negative effects in this population than in younger and healthy adults. I'm already extremely annoyed with the clinical trial storyline - there is NO WAY a trial THAT promising, that is claiming to test a drug that can cure Alzheimer's would have its funding cut. Even if the researchers found out the drug was killing people, they'd stop the trial as per the safety monitoring committee long before any funding got pulled. If they pursue this story line any further, I will be even more annoyed. I think I'd be looking forward to the upcoming episodes much more if this clinical trial business had never happened.

2 hours ago, Lebanna said:

Yes, I really, really don't want Reid to get imprisoned permanently, either. 

Maybe it's a set-up after all? Maybe he's not cooking up anything himself, but he takes his mother to some doctor in Mexico for some off-the-books treatment, as desperate people do every day, and the place they're in gets busted for illegal drugs (possibly called in by an enemy of the team) while they're there? But then what happens to Diana?

I could accept this storyline much more easily than anything discussed above. I suspect they would have Reid justify this in a way that sounds smart but really makes no sense, and I still don't like it, but at least it's more plausible than other options.

I really just can't see a way of this upcoming plot playing out that I actually want to see. I'm very wary of this whole situation and really not looking forward to it.

That promo didn't help any - and the line about Reid 'electing' to take his mother out of the clinical trial early?! Wtf.

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I'm not really expecting this storyline to be realistic at all, remember the whole quasi-Schizophrenia-cure/trekking in the Grand Canyon (or whatever) thing a few years ago? But thanks secnarf for giving us some insight into what's actually realistic. For those of us (me included) who've dealt with these things in real life in the past, that's really useful and important. I once got really mad at a guy at a restaurant who took my mother and my quiet conversation about my grandad's rapid decline into Alzheimer's as an opportunity to try to sell us a jar of some expensive herbal goo he had in his briefcase. Those sharks are everywhere, and it would be easy to want it to work so badly you actually paid out.

I'm overjoyed to hear that the Ketamine thing actually works.

Edited by Lebanna
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I actually had much less of an issue with the schizophrenia improvement than a lot of people on here seemed to. Schizophrenia does sometimes improve as people get older. Some examples are here

That's awful that somebody did that to you and your mother, though. I wonder how much those people really believe in what they are selling. Feel free to PM me if you want to know more about ketamine!

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What if this revelation is about Reid or whoever's sexuality. I say whoever because while all signs point to him it could very well be a red herring so as to make us believe we know who they are referring to, but then it turns out to be someone else. Now I will admit that the idea doesn't particularly thrill me.

Of course AJC did say something would rock JJ's world and certainly something such as Will coming out of the closet is one way to do it.

Edited by MMC

I just hope they don't use the story as an excuse to dumb Reid down even more than they've already dumbed him down. And I halfway wonder if they are planning to try to move him over to the spinoff to try to improve it's ratings...

If something happens with Reid's mother and he decides he wants to travel but still help people...

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Am I just imagining things, or did Erica Messer say a while ago that there was going to be a "happy" arc for Reid? Didn't she say that right before the new season started?

If so, I am very confused. From what's been revealed, it seems like the arc is full of prison, mistakes, and death. I guess I can hope that Messer wasn't lying and that the plan wasn't changed, but that it will end in happiness for Reid. I do think that there is a good chance Reid will be leaving the show. I would think they would want to give Reid a happy exit like they wanted to give Morgan. Especially because they have acknowledged that fans think Reid never gets to be happy. I am anxiously anticipating these next few weeks.

Another thing that's bothering me: they keep on saying things along the lines of "we never expected them to act this way/thought it would happen."  Well, if you never imagined a character acting a certain way/believed they could do this, since you're the developers of the character, maybe the character shouldn't act that way. I mean, he's not acting of his own accord here!

Edited by Haleysgalaxy
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Erica Messer is a spin doctor. Part of her job is to drum up interest in the show and "sell" it as being so "great" and "innovate" or whatever. She can't go around saying negative things about the show, even if they are true. It's called puffing and there are often exaggerations and even outright lies involved.

There have been numerous times when she said they were going to do something and then it never panned out for whatever reason.

I hope this show NEVER becomes like Grey's Anatomy. That show is just unwatchable.

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There'd likely be an official announcement if CM's order was cut, and I think the show has been on long enough that the network would at least announce beforehand when the upcoming season would be its last. The original CSI got a wrap-up movie when S15 was determined to be its last, allowing it to end on its own terms.

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I'd even feel confident in predicting a S14, since I can't see why the show would bring back Prentiss as Unit Chief if not for having an eye on the show's long term future. She was obviously brought back in the hopes she'd stem the audience loss from Hotch's departure, meaning the show must think it's still viable.

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speculate who and Go:

My first thought and wish would be Morgan, but I don't see Shemar Moore keeping his mouth shut long enough for this to be a surprise :)

Maybe Maeve isn't really dead?

Aubrey Plaza and MGG have such a great onscreen chemistry, but I don't know how they'd get around the animosity there.


Anybody else?

When Shemar left, his fans knew it was what he wanted, and he was upfront about not being opposed to guest starring. The fandom took a hit, because a lot of people missed and still miss Morgan. Then, when TG was out, that was another major blow.
I could, of course, be wrong, but the way I read it, they need to bring Morgan back to get the "band" back together as best they can for at least an arc. Prints returning is not enough, especially the generic way they've been writing her (and just about everyone else).

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