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S03.E20: In A Duffel Bag

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Responding to a call about a suspicious duffle bag at the Chicago Lakefront, Voight is horrified to discover that the bag contains the frigid and unmoving body of a newborn baby. Determined to find the culprit who abandoned the infant, Intelligence receives a promising lead based on information provided by Chicago Med and Ruzek helps zero in on a potential suspect. Meanwhile, Voight is surprised to hear that his son is in town and Burgess and Roman grow closer.
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I just didn't want to be first.

The story line was way too similar to an early Law and Order (I think Angie Harmon's first show? Famous quote from Abby Carmichael on that show: "No deals for anyone. Let's hang them all." And one of the few where she actually had a courtroom part before the Order part of the show became mostly Sam Waterston), where the parents of an adopted ill Russian baby thought their emotionally disturbed older child had killed her and there was lots of cover ups all up and down the line. I was really put off by the poor "baby"'s appearance--it was a little gruesome and sort of trainwrecky to make her appearance so graphic. 

I don't know why Show teased up about Voight's son making an appearance, as he didn't. I also thought the scene where Voight tells Lindsay about Justin's stillborn twin was really really good as that sadly is how most were treated thirty years ago--let the nurses do their thing with the remains. Poor nurses, poor parents.

But Burgess and Ruzek--NO!!!! Trudy is going to kill them. Can't these people find other romantic partners?

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I really thought they were going full bleak and the baby was dead for good. Some powerful stuff in there but also weak parts. From the moment the boy showed up it was clear he was involved. I'm glad it was an accident because I suspected he was another little psycho in the making.

It was odd that Voight told the Dad he should retract his testimony because his son needed him around. Because from what I understood there are still charges around for not bringing the baby to the hospital and just dumping her at the lake-side. Dad could still end up in jail.

And what happened to the midwife? I would much rather have spent the episode's closing minutes focusing on her fate than the predictable idiocy of Roman and Burgess.

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Voight revealing that Justin had a stillborn twin sister was a good scene.  We didn't need a reason for him to be so attached to Erin but it did put their relationship in perspective, for us and her.  It also worked best by not being in the first season, when it would have felt like too much. 

I couldn't help compare the Burgess/Roman love scene to the ones we've had for Erin/Jay.  Burgess/Roman felt overly staged, with too bright lighting and camerawork feeling distant and detached.  Erin/Jay always feels intimate, with quieter lighting and the camerawork feels invested.  I also think this is all deliberate, as Erin/Jay are supposed to feel like a legit, committed, couple while Burgess/Roman are not.  Roman has now been involved with two partners that we know of.  Is the proximity a deciding factor or is it just coincidence?  Burgess just came off an engagement that ended with hurt feelings and Roman was there to offer some support.  Is she really into him or is he just the only rebound option?  As much as I DID NOT enjoy their love scene (deliberate or not I didn't think it was a good scene), I am looking forward to what comes next.

I wasn't surprised that the son was the accidental perp but I am relieved that he wasn't a mini-serial killer getting some early training.  After that kid of Med a few weeks ago, I was ready for more creepy children. 

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I'm glad this show is back although this was a heavy episode. I am happy the baby is alive though because I was totally expecting it to die.

The little boy had amazing red hair, I couldn't stop staring at it throughout the whole scene he was in when we saw him at the house. I'm glad it truly was an accident and he didn't try to purposely kill his new sister.

Other than that, I don't really have much to say about this episode. I'm looking forward to next week though.

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I'm more that a little appalled at the coincidence needed for the team to have found the people responsible for the baby.

The baby has sickle cell or the trait and therefore her parents have it, and OH LOOK, out of the hundreds of people on that list one of them JUST SO HAPPENED to have left the city at 2am with a cell phone pinging in that area!

Only to find out later that was genuine ass coincidence and he didn't even know he had gotten some girl pregnant...so was actually there for unrelated reasons...MEH.

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