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Watch The First Four Minutes Of Orphan Black's Season 4 Premiere

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What is with the making out while hiding a body? Way to be professional, probably evil "EMS" people.

I was a little weirded out by that.  As soon as they got the look, I was thinking "That's what turns you two on? What the Fuck?!"   Making out on the job is not only an inappropriate use of time on the clock, but that appeared to be an assignment which should be completed efficiently and with minimum delay. So I repeat, What the Fuck, guys?

Edited by RachelKM
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I was never a big Paul fan cause zzzzz, but he sure is pretty... and damn.....those abs! Somebody has been working out overtime. Maybe I will like him better in this backstory stuff which looks really interesting. I didn't love last season, mainly the Castor stuff.... so I'm thinking S4 will be so much better.

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I was excited about the start of the new season before but after seeing this trailer I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT until Thursday!

So glad we are going to learn more about Beth. Also it's super nice to see Dirty Paul again. I find him to be very sexy and I don't find his acting to be as bad as many others on here do.

Just rewatched season 3, which had a few good moments but overall fell flat for me. I hope this season dispenses with Castor and focuses on the clones we love played to perfection by Tatiana.

Loved the same sex EMT kiss. A hot beginning to the season.

Question: do we know who the clone in the mask is?

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Cautiously optimistic about this season. For the trailer, thought the first part was a bit creepy but not surprising given this is Orphan Black and creepy is the norm. The second part was interesting with Beth and Paul. I'm looking forward to exploring Beth's character further, but am really hoping they are consistent with things they've already told us in the past and don't just switch things up for the sake of convenience or lack of originality or creativity, like that nonsense about Art being in love with her.


FYI, Beth referred to the new clone in the mask as M.K. Whether that becomes someone we already know or not remains to be seen, but in case anyone missed it because it was said rather faintly, we did get that tidbit.

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Stupid me for reading youtube comments, because I try to avoid spoilers, but they said the clone in the mask was 

Veera, according to the Helsinki comics? whatever those are lol

. (Also, wtf at wearing a sheep mask in a forest??)


But then as JasmineFlower pointed out, Beth called her MJ (thanks, closed captioning!) so it probably was just a meaningless youtube comment.


Agree with you all, I'm beyond excited about Beth. Real!Beth as she actually was, not a vision or dream. I always wanted to know more about her. Did she have family she was close to? If so, wasn't it kind of shitty of Sarah to pretend to be her for all that time and deny them the chance to mourn her properly? I don't even remember how it was revealed to the world at large that she actually had died and in what manner. Season 1 seems like an eternity ago.


Also, I'm embarrassed to say that I kept rewinding the opening scene because I thought the EMTs were both men, lol. I was all, hello! and nice! I guess the one on the right actually is a woman, though, so ... whatever. Weirdos.



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Right, the beginning was weird for several reasons, getting off on burying a body, sheep mask, the sticker. I didn't get it. But I did rewind it about 4 times trying to decide if it was two guys or a guy and a girl. I stopped rewinding it, but I was still unsettled, I was leaning towards 2 guys though, but yeah, I can see it being a woman, it's what I thought originally.


Remaining unspoiled, avoiding whatever is being said on YouTube. I watched the teaser that aired on TV.

Edited by JasmineFlower
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I had the privilege of getting to work on OB a little last fall (I'm a graphic designer), and it's exciting to finally see the sticker I designed appear on film. Can't wait to see the whole episode Thursday!

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Thrilled as well that we're apparently going to get a fair amount of Beth's backstory.  Just wondering how F&M are going to do it given that heretofore the plot has proceeded for the most part in a linear, chronologically progressive way.  There have been some dreams and such  (e.g., Cosima's near death experience, Helena's baby shower, Sarah's fever dream).  But the few "flashbacks" in the show that I can remember off the top of my head (e.g., Sarah connecting Katja's impromptu burial and the quarry murder in her mind, Helena foggily revisiting her egg harvesting, Paul seeing images of Beth a second before releasing the grenade in the Castor compound) were pretty standard stuff.  They were essentially depicted as memories.  


But Beth's dead.  Memories (not hers anyway) don't apply.  Will be interested to see what the conduit to Beth's past is.  A diary or journal perhaps?  Something Sarah reads which allows her to imagine what was happening to Beth.  I suppose M.K. could second hand it to Sarah.  But, really, is Beth going to tell M.K., "After you called, I went into the bathroom, did my best Nurse Jackie impression, took a shower, threw on some clothes, then headed straight here to you.  After having a seriously uncomfortable conversation with Paul about dinner plans that is"?  Doubtful.  Seems a scenario unnecessarily weighted with mundane, innocuous, irrelevant...and potentially embarrassing detail.  Beth might have told M.K. that she told Paul that she had to meet a source.  If she even provided that much ancillary information. 


To just out of the blue (as the skies of Lesbos) start showing such significant and extensive backstory without a conduit in the "present" wouldn't make much storytelling sense to me.  Firstly, it would be a drastic departure from three season's worth of established methodology (linear story with Sarah as the protagonist; a complex mystery pieced together scrap by scrap by excruciating scrap).  And secondly, what real purpose would such content serve if we, the audience, became aware of what happened to Beth, while Sarah and the Sestras (or somebody "in show") didn't?  Not going to sweat it...YET.  Have faith that it will be reasonably explained.

Edited by dampfire
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Squee! Premiere's tonight!! (yes I'm bouncing on my chair as I type) I'm watching it tonight, the boyfriend will watch it with me sometime this weekend. Still have not told him about watching these first four minutes of the premiere, won't tell him about watching tonight without him either. :-D

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