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Supergirl's About To Get Flashed


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Given Berlanti's ability to just steal whole episodes and storylines from DC continuity (hell, next week's Supergirl is a classic Superman story), my money's on just taking the plot from a classic Superman episode "Speed Demons":


Just take the whole plot. Charity race, Weather Wizard, go nuts.

I just want a couple of things: Cisco must make an appearance, if nothing else just to see him have a geek meltdown at meeting Kara. That and maybe have him do an critque of her costume and maybe make an "improvement" (maybe adding some gold trim to her cape and skirt (she actually wore a version like that in the comics and it would set her  a bit apart from her cousins look)).


Also, I'd love it if Barry introduced Winn to an online friend of his named Overwatch.

Edited by madhacker
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Okay, here's what I'd like to have established... but I doubt they'll think of it.

We know why Supergirl and Flash really aren't in the same universe. It's because the folks Arrow didn't at first didn't want Superpowers on their show, and then when The Flash came along had to use that as the excuse for them showing up in that universe. So Superman couldn't be first.

But given that they've also established multiples Flashes, I'd be amused (and it would help the structure of the Supergirl-verse) if there's already a Flash there. We need to see the WBs Flash for it to be a true crossover (even someone with the same name and face in Supergirl's universe would fulfill the purpose as well), but I'd love a mention that the other guy is also there.... off somewhere else currently... just like Superman is.

Then again, the narrative does seem to be that Superman was kind of alone at the Superheroing game before Kara came along. So maybe... that doesn't work. Shame though. It seems a weird branch of the multiverse where Superman, Martian Manhunter and Supergirl are it other than villains.

I kind of don't want to see them race.  The reason is because the race should be saved for if The Flash ever gets permission to use Superman.  Also while Kara is Kryptonian and has tested her powers somewhat, it wouldn't be believable that Barry wouldn't leave her in his dust at this point, unless he holds back.


I don't think that would necessarily happen.  Kara has already been shown to be able to fly at Mach 2, and it's been implied that she can fly even faster than that when the situation calls for it (she once picked up lunch for Alex from a restaurant that Alex liked, and Alex asked "the one in Chicago?")  Even traveling at Mach 2 -- about 1,540 mph -- it would be a two-hour round trip for Kara to fly to Chicago, pick up Alex's lunch, and return.  Therefore, Kara is probably capable of at least keeping up with the Flash, if not actually outspeeding him.  We just haven't seen her do it yet because there's been no reason for us to see her move that fast.

Edited by legaleagle53
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