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S11.E13: The Bond

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Second of all...as far as I know, I can't assign a grade below F-...though thinking about it, “S” (or “M” for the French speakers among us) could work.

Nope. I see what you're getting at, but in grading systems S almost always means Satisfactory. Too much potential for confusion there. Maybe F--?

Edited by wknt3

I got it, Danielg....course I'm Canadian so I have a working knowledge of the more important French words.  T for tabernacle! too


I live in the Great White North too. :)


I should point out, the curse word is actually "tabarnak", not "tabernacle". The root is tabernacle, which is where the Eucharist is held before it is retrieved by the priest, and that's how it became a swear word- because in Quebec they're typically Catholic.

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I'm of Swiss German heritage myself, and married to a Ukrainian, with some Polish and Russian ancestry, so I can say bad words in LOTS of different languages :) It's funny, English swears are the grossest, most graphic and icky ones. But the *tone* one uses in German can make a simple word sound like the worst ever swear word. Who knew "Five stars!" could sound way worse than f*** you! O:-)

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Reminds me of that scene in The Simpsons where Bart and Lisa were in the “Russian district” and the two pass some Russians playing chess. They ask for help but the Russians' accent is so thick they run away, thinking the Russians were saying bad things when all they really were saying was nice things.

So I concur about German- and Russian by the way.

On a better written show the BAU would go to Europe and deal with all these idiosyncratic cultures with Reid being the main communicator because he'd be the only one who knows the language, with the rest of the team throwing their hands up in frustration (like Morgan) because they can't keep up with Reid.

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On a better written show the BAU would go to Europe and deal with all these idiosyncratic cultures with Reid being the main communicator because he'd be the only one who knows the language, with the rest of the team throwing their hands up in frustration (like Morgan) because they can't keep up with Reid.

Perhaps next year on a very special cross-over episode with Beyond Boredom?


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On a better written show the BAU would go to Europe and deal with all these idiosyncratic cultures with Reid being the main communicator because he'd be the only one who knows the language, with the rest of the team throwing their hands up in frustration (like Morgan) because they can't keep up with Reid.



Of course JJ wouldn't know French or better yet Rossi.  Hell Italian.      These kind of things might be cute for Reid fans making the other characters look stupid just to make Reid looks adorable is problamatic.  

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Of course JJ wouldn't know French or better yet Rossi.  Hell Italian.      These kind of things might be cute for Reid fans making the other characters look stupid just to make Reid looks adorable is problamatic.  

I am very tempted to point out it was actually really problematic all the times these writers made Reid a bit of a dumb joke just to make JJ look like a wonder profiler - but maybe we all know that?

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I am very tempted to point out it was actually really problematic all the times these writers made Reid a bit of a dumb joke just to make JJ look like a wonder profiler - but maybe we all know that?

And that is why I am tired of this show. The character wars. JJ looked cross eyed at Reid and had five more lines then Reid. JJ is a stupid face. Reid is being a know it all when every character on the show should know this stuff and that really isn't as cute as he thinks it is. I hate Reid.

I just put this on the JJ board but I changed my opinion. I want JJ to leave the show so I can for good. AJ Cooke was the reason I started watching the show in the first place all those years ago. My god was she awesomely haunting in Higher Ground. One of my top picks in shows that got canceled too soon.

Funnily enough I pretty much agree with you about the character wars. I loved this show from the start for the believable,ensemble cast who all had individual skills and talents and held key roles in the team and knit together to make a unique and special show. Over the last few seasons we have seen that balance distorted to the extent that I now hate the caricatures they have made some characters into and resent it when the focus is heavily on characters who no longer are credible. I have days when I wish MGG would leave so I didn't have to be disappointed every week - but then we get a stand out episode like Entropy so I guess I am in till the bitter end.

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I don't really think any of the characters is served well by this kind of episode. And from my perspective, that's been true for all too many episodes over the last few seasons. There's way too much unsub, way too little profiling, and uneven use of characters. One of the things that drew me to the show originally was the ensemble cast, with each profiler having specific skills and strengths, as well as weaknesses. Nowadays, not so much. Generally in any episode over the last couple of years, and this one was no exception, you could take almost any line of dialogue from character A and give it to character B, and there would be no way to tell which character it was originally intended for, with the possible exception of Garcia's lines, because apparently the sky will fall if there's an episode in which she doesn't bitch and moan about how squicked out she is by the photos/details of a crime.


I have no issue with the occasional episode where one profiler is much more prominently used than the others, provided it's not all the time and almost always the same profiler. But this episode felt clunky, and the writers in general seem to have lost the knack of making the profilers, the case, and the unsub interesting all in the same episode. I can still vividly recall some of the episodes, including specific lines of dialogue, from season one or two, even when I haven't seen them for a while. With this one, within a week or two at most, I will have forgotten everything about it. There was just zero spark of interest there. It reminds me of when I will occasionally read a book that makes no impact on me, and then pick it up a couple of years later and realize halfway through it that yes, I have read it before. The episode was just completely forgettable.

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I'm going to say this much- the only member of the BAU (right now) who I would believe would know other languages and their idiosyncrasies is Reid. If Prentiss was still around, I'd say she would know too. Rossi I would believe would know Italian, maybe some French but that's it. As far as I'm concerned, if the team went to Russia, they're on their own with Reid leading the way.

This isn't a dig against the characters- it's just an observation based on what I have seen. Perhaps JJ could also know other languages- she did go to Afghanistan, after all- but it's not been properly established.

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I could see Rossi knowing all sorts of languages. He probably would have done book signings and fairs in interesting places and, after all, he Knows Things.

JJ - I agree, only if she were sent off to learn Pashtun or something very mission specific.

Hotch and Morgan... no. Can't really see it.

Garcia used to visit her step-family in Mexico, so she probably understands basic Spanish. She's thrown a few basic Italian and French popular phrases into her speech before. She probably knows tourist phases in all kinds of languages and uses them cheerfully to try to make friends in ethnic restaurants.

Lewis could know anything. If anything, I imagine her as more of a German learner.

Since none of them ever take vacations, although I'd assume most of them have passports just in case, I wonder if they'd ever even go abroad for fun or educational purposes.

Funnily enough I pretty much agree with you about the character wars. I loved this show from the start for the believable,ensemble cast who all had individual skills and talents and held key roles in the team and knit together to make a unique and special show. Over the last few seasons we have seen that balance distorted to the extent that I now hate the caricatures they have made some characters into and resent it when the focus is heavily on characters who no longer are credible. I have days when I wish MGG would leave so I didn't have to be disappointed every week - but then we get a stand out episode like Entropy so I guess I am in till the bitter end.

Me, too, Old Dog. The only way I'd quit watching is if Hotch left. But I'm watching out of habit. 

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I watched a season 8 episode yesterday, it was the one where Morgan has to do a speech for his father's partner in the British embassy. I never thought I would say this, but there is a short scene in that episode which turned me on. Hotch cuts Garcia's rambling off in a bossy (and pretty erotic) way!! xD


I do agree with you guys, I'm watching out of habit because of Hotch. My educated guess is TG is not leaving because the show is not going to be much longer around and he's doing a lot of money working half of the time so...

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