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Here is another promo for "Demons" 





it shows Garcia grabbing Reid's gun from among his personal effects.But wait a minute now would his gun even have been among his personal effects. I mean what is the proper FBI protocol for something like that.

Edited by missmycat
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As for CM going beyond season 10 with just Reid and Blake and then surrounding them with new characters? I don't think that will do. Remember, CBS waited until JM and TG signed last season before renewing CM. They will not have CM continue with just Matthew and Jeanne as leads.


I for one disagree and think Matthew Gray Gubler can carry a show. First of all, I think, as a character, Reid is interesting enough on his own to be worthy of a show to himself, and his fanbase is further proof of that. Second of all, much of what makes Reid interesting as a character is how Gubler plays him, with his emotions, his charm and his impeccable comedic timing. Third of all, Gubler's still young by Hollywood standards, meaning he's got a lot more time to work with and grow as an actor than say Thomas Gibson (who's past 50) or Shemar Moore (who, as a "hunk", is getting up there in age at 43).


Regardless, the way I think it would work for Season 11- unless Season 10 surprises us and Reid unequivocally becomes the show's star- is that CM would find another "name" to lead the show while Gubler and Jeanne Tripplehorn stay in support roles, just like how George Eads continues on in CSI despite the fact he's still just a support player behind a revolving door of stars (first Laurence Fishburne and then Ted Danson, although Danson looks like he might stay). Having said that, I doubt CM could reasonably continue past a cast shakeup of that magnitude- it'd be too much like a "new show" and I doubt CBS would take that risk. Then again, with all these spinoffs, I just never know these days.


While I do think that Matthew might possibly be able to hold his own in terms of having his own show based on his skills, I don't know if he is well-known enough to the same audiences that are drawn to Joe, Shemar, and Thomas. I'd like to think that Reid is a cool enough character that the show would be able to go on without Joe or Shemar, I think the main problem is the writers. Aside from Sharon Watson, it seems that most of the other writers don't like writing for Reid and only use him begrudgingly OR use him for comedic relief involving Garcia and/or Morgan (which ends up making him act out-of-character). I know that I have two skinny male friends  in their 20s who say Reid is their favorite character and that they would stop watching if he left, but most oft he people I encounter in real life have never even heard of the show.

MMC, I wish I knew what the FBI protocol on that. I have heard that FBI agents are supposed to have their guns on them at all times even when technically off-duty. Not sure on a hospital situation. Maybe Jim Clemente can answer that question? What happens to an agent's gun during hospitalization may actually have more to do with hospital rules than FBI protocol.

Something that I hadn't considered that was mentioned on the IMDB was that the phrasing in the promo indicated that a profiler would "say goodbye forever", but it didn't say to whom they would be saying goodbye. It's possible that it is a trick to make fans think a character is dying/leaving when the character may just be breaking up with a spouse/significant other.

Just to clarify, are things we observe in the promos and speculation upon those things considered spoilers? Or is it ok to discuss details of the promos without spoiler tags?

For now I will use spoiler tags but I will remove them if they are not necessary. In the promo on dailymotion (I think MMC linked it) I noticed a few things:

* When JJ was telling the sheriff "Let go of me", I think I saw Hotch walking up but the face was blurry. His head was tilted so I am hoping that we will have a moment of Hotch stepping in and demanding to know why one of his agents is being manhandled. If he just walks up and says "What's going on here?" and JJ says "Nothing" while glaring at the sheriff, and Hotch doesn't do anything, I'll be rather miffed.
* The male nurse that had the gun tucked into the back of his pants (which caused Reid to yell that he had a gun) appeared to be injecting something in to Reid's IV, but I'm not certain.
* MMC pointed out that Garcia pulled the gun out of the bag of Reid's belongings. It will be interesting if she outbluffs the nurse, but I don't think I'd want her to shoot him.

* For a brief moment they showed the tray holding a drink for Reid and there was a Dalek (robot villain from Doctor Who) on the tray.



Now, based on what I saw I'm wondering if

the guy injected some sort of toxin or enough sedative to possibly kill Reid and he'll pass out or have a heart attack or something. I have to say that if they kill him off (which I don't think they would do, but you never know bc CBS can be extremely asinine) I will officially be done with the show.

Edited by zannej
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While I do think that Matthew might possibly be able to hold his own in terms of having his own show based on his skills, I don't know if he is well-known enough to the same audiences that are drawn to Joe, Shemar, and Thomas. I'd like to think that Reid is a cool enough character that the show would be able to go on without Joe or Shemar, I think the main problem is the writers. Aside from Sharon Watson, it seems that most of the other writers don't like writing for Reid and only use him begrudgingly OR use him for comedic relief involving Garcia and/or Morgan (which ends up making him act out-of-character). I know that I have two skinny male friends  in their 20s who say Reid is their favorite character and that they would stop watching if he left, but most oft he people I encounter in real life have never even heard of the show.

While i do think that if MGG were to do another show, it will be successful, I don't think him carrying CM as the only lead left from the original, the show will continue to be successful. The show is too identified as an ensemble cast with TG, SM, and JM. So you can expect that most if not all of their fans would stop watching the show when they leave. When Paget was on CM, it was averaging about 12M-14M viewers and since she left, the largest audience they have had was when she came back for the 200th episode. Otherwise they average about 10M-11M. And i attribute that to Paget not being on the show anymore, whether some will disagree with me.

Edited by IndependentMind

It looks like Harry has been chumming the fandom waters today.


Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  3h
Someone leaves the BAU. So much speculation by the fandom. Some fans won't be happy. Wait until you see how and why. Oy vey.


Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  56m
Soooo, I guess everyone thinks I'm screwing with them. Well, I AM! Nasty me. Knowing the outcome makes me a jerk, I know.


Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  54m
Karma will get me after tomorrow. I'll deserve all the crap I'll get, even though I had nothing to do with how and why the story evolved.


Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS  41m
Just think. If there was no teaser saying a team member was leaving or dying, you would only have a bigger/juicier episode to look 4ward to


Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  26m
@PBrewsterLGAGA ok. here you go: of the 7 regular team members, 6 live to return next season. that's good news, right?


Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  25m
@laura_markus fact: 6 of the 7 bau team return next year. but then cbs already let that cat out of the bag.

Edited by ForeverAlone

The moment I saw the Dalek I just knew that Garcia must have flown down there and brought it to Reid.


Hmm.. So, what if someone leaves the BAU-- and its Rossi leaving to become the unit chief because he's too old to have a covered position.


Or maybe they will surprise us and have JJ suddenly leave again.


Those are the only two possibilities that I will not be irritated about.


I wonder if/when the "sneak peek" will be posted.

Edited by zannej
Hmm.. So, what if someone leaves the BAU-- and its Rossi leaving to become the unit chief because he's too old to have a covered position.


I very much agree with this one. This should have happened last year or 2 seasons ago.


Or maybe they will surprise us and have JJ suddenly leave again.

O hardly doubt this will happen. I don't ever see AJ leaving unless she was forced out like before. This is her main source of income and she has a child to raise. Plus if CBS wanted to get rid of her, they would have when they were playing hard ball during negotiation.

Yeah, it wouldn't shock me if Joe left, and for the very reasons you state. It is getting harder and harder to believe that Rossi can be allowed to be a field agent. He is down on my list as a possible. My others are Jeanne and Matthew. I can't see it being Thomas (CBS would likely cancel the show first considering how they held up CM's renewal last year waiting to hear about contract status). I don't think Shemar would deliberately lie to his fans, because he has said all along he will leave after season 10. And I can't see AJ walking away from the show either, and no way would CBS just up and fire her AGAIN. 


Criminal Minds scoop! Please tell me Reid doesn't die! — Johnson
Well, Matthew Gray Gubler's contract is up this season. As you may have already seen in the promo, that bullet he took in the neck last week doesn't kill him, but the dude holding a gun to his face might. "He's definitely not out of the woods. Don't assume he's OK because he's awake," executive producer Erica Messer warns. "[Reid getting shot] is only the beginning of a larger plot in the finale." So who is shooting at him? "It's not the unsub," Messer teases.


I think I have enough sense to not believe anything what Erica Messer or any of her writers or producers on the show regarding the season finale. They have misled me in the past and they are doing it again. But if they actually do it, I will applaud them. The question is, will they actually kill him or her off. Or just have them go like Prentiss did. I say go for the shocker and kill off a character. But it's Messer so i hardly doubt it.


"you won't believe which profiler says goodbye forever!" from Criminal Minds Twitter post

So this whole profiler will die, I take that as a grain of salt.

Edited by IndependentMind

I was checking out Harry's twitter account just a little while ago and he had tweeted something about CBS having already let the cat out of the bag.

Now I can no longer find it, but right away what came to me was how Jeanne's picture had been moved from the official twitter header and not returned until several hours later.

Edited by missmycat

I actually got the impression that it is Jeanne that is leaving from that article.

It mentions that Blake bonds with Rossi over something and I think she is the one with the sad secret. I think that she misses her husband and feels that she is the reason Reid almost died so she will retire and take that job that her husband wanted her to take. I would not be surprised if it turned out that she had a child that died and for some reason something involving what happened to Reid will remind her of it.


If they were actually going to kill off Reid, I would just be done with CBS.


Well, it looks like Harry is just trolling. Here's another interview with Messer. Spoilers! http://celebritynewsandstyle.com/criminal-minds-season-9-spoilers-who-dies-in-finale-episode-demons-112/


So nobody in the BAU dies.

Edited by zannej

That Celebrity News "article" is not an interview with Erica. All it was was a compliation of stuff Erica and AJ said in other interviews. And the interview they took the Erica quotes from, she never actually said that nobody would die. The TV Guide interview is actually more recent. But considering the producers' propensity to lie and deliberately say things to rile up the fandom, I don't believe anything anybody says.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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So Erica Messer's weak response to why she always puts the team in peril at "important points" is because the team has "dangerous jobs." Yes, this might actually be true but it misrepresents reality- in real life, though policemen get caught in crossfire all the time with deaths from time to time, virtually all cases are "spur of the moment", "wrong place, wrong time" deaths. No one goes out of their way to target law enforcement agents, especially considering that the training and resource gap between a criminal and a law enforcement operation basically renders such an endeavour a suicide mission for the criminal.

Granted, I'll take a "criminal targeting an agent/the team" storyline every now and then, because when it's done well it's great drama and these guys can't live in "bubbles" all the time. However, to go to that well *every* time CM has an important episode? Unrealistic and ultimately tiring, because there's only so many times I can care about my team being in peril before I start wondering how competent these guys are if they keep on acquiring enemies. Not to mention the fact that this kind of repetition makes you wonder how creative the writers really are, and the amount of emotional torture the storylines put the audience through makes you wonder if the writers really care about the characters- and, by extension, us (which also leads to the irony of the writers making their characters' lives "cheap" on a show that decries how cheap the weekly killers make the lives of their victims).

Considering that tonight is Game 7 between Boston and Montreal, I think I'll gladly watch "Demons" after I find out what happens to the team, because I'm sick of what the writers are doing to them.

I hope you actually get to run into him while he's there. It looks like his Monte Carlo trip might not be happening though. Someone said she looked at the schedule and he wasn't on the list.


I have to say that I very much doubt that they will actually follow through on any drug stories for Reid in season 10. It wouldn't make sense at this point. If he didn't fall off the wagon when he got shot in the knee or when Maeve died, he's not likely to have a relapse now. I know Erica says she wants to get Jane for the show, but I never really believed her in the past when she said that. I sort of suspect that she was just trying to placate people by telling them what they wanted to hear.


So many times she talked about plans to do something with Reid and never followed through. I think he literally had less than 3 minutes of speaking lines in the finale (I would have to get the episode on my computer and tally it up).


Erica was rather ambiguous about the reasons for Jeanne leaving. I sort of suspect she was not all that thrilled with the character and never wanted her there in the first place so didn't want to fight to keep her on and CBS decided not to renew her contract. At least Jeanne went out of the season knowing she wouldn't be returning. I still feel sorry for Rachel Nichols on that front-- but at least she's on an awesome series now.

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Naturally I voted for CM even though I don't feel the chemistry is as good as it use to be. Thanks in part to CBS's total fuckery with the cast. Why the hell couldn't they leave well enough alone. I guess they never heard that saying "Don't fix what ain't broke" And yes they tried to undo their stupidity but imo their attempt was a colossal failure. We ended up losing Paget again for good.And of course for many of us AJ came back as an almost all together different character than she had been,one that many of us have grown to dislike immensely.

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Anyone remember when they had one of the voting things going and it turned out that it was rigged? They claimed someone hacked to give a female character more votes and they closed the voting early so votes for Reid didn't count and even though he was ahead when they stopped allowing the voting, they came out and claimed someone else had won?

I stopped bothering with the voting things after that. People can cheat and its more about who can click the most and has faster connections.

That is probably my alltime favorite review of any CM episode. It's a shame she stopped doing reviews because she was hilarious. Her other reviews were also entertaining, but there was something about that particular review that really cracked me up. The comments about the bear and her mother's reaction were great.

I wish I could find the one where it had a picture of Reid next to the coffee machine. Some of the pictures seem to be missing now.


I think in the past an "official" announcement would only come in a CBS press release or from a CBS publicist, but social media has changed how information is disseminated. I trust that if Harry is making the announcement then it is accurate. Whether or not it is "official" would could be up to debate on the semantics of what is deemed official. But I will take it as "official" enough for me.


Also, someone at the Criminal Minds Wikia posted the season 9 DVD cover (final picture but might not be the final colors).. Seems criminalmindsfeed tumblr also posted it.


Is it wrong that the juvenile part of my mind saw the fog/smoke and Hotch's face and thought he was wondering who farted?

Edited by zannej

But why hasn't there been any sort of article in the press revealing some of the details of Matthew's contract. Such as did he get a raise. How many seasons was he signed for. It has me wondering if indeed 10 is going to be their last season, like many people seem to be speculating, so Matthew's contract was only for one year.

Edited by missmycat

There's no telling with CBS. It seems clear from the lack of publicity for Matthew and Reid that they don't really seem to think of him as all that important. So maybe CBS didn't think whether or not Matthew renewed to be newsworthy. If Joe or Thomas did not renew it would be newsworthy because they are the "big names" on the show and probably have the highest Q-score.

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