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In total agreement, JMO, and for the reasons you mention. And I too was quite touched by Morgan's declaration to Garcia. That was good TV to me.


Particularly since she told him she couldn't talk to him right then because she was too busy being mad.


The Instincts and Memoriam are next, right after Catching Out.


WTF does spellcheck keep telling me that memoriam is not a word?!

  • Love 4

I've probably said this before, but the Instincts and Memoriam are where we see the brilliance of the casting of Jane Lynch as Reid's mom. At the funeral when the light is making Reid squint into the opening casket, his mouth is a tense, frowning rictus, the furrows between his brows deep, his right-parted shoulder length hair curling slightly. He squints into the horrible vision of Riley Jenkins rising from his coffin: "Why aren't you helping me?" - Spencer's raison d'être in five words - to see his mother, same frowning rictus and furrowed squint under right-parted shoulder length hair....

"Spencer. Pay attention."

  • Love 5

Alex' is at the end of Demons, when she accompanies Injured!Reid home, leaving her FBI credentials in his messenger bag and they have that brief convo about who Ethan is ('my son') before she says goodbye to him and goes downstairs to hail a cab, and he opens the bag, finds her creds and realises she meant forever goodbye and not just see ya later goodbye, and then watches her from the apartment window as she gets into the cab and is gone

  • Love 1

"Happy Wednesday, my nerds!"


Santa Claus: The Ultimate Profiler


New recruit, Bookish Jen, hoped Dr. Spencer Reid would like the Dr. Who shakers she got him for the BAU Christmas gift exchange.



Dr. Spencer Reid hoped new recruit, Bookish Jen, liked the collection of vintage brooches he got her for the BAU Christmas gift exchange.



  • Love 6

Oooh, pretty. Love vintage brooches. I have several. Adore.

I know. Aren't they gorgeous??? And I love the color blue, any shade of blue.


And just as Emily, JJ and Garcia mentioned how woobie they are over shoes, and Spencer is positively woobie for mismatched socks, sneakers and not brushing his hair, I am woobie beyond all measure over vintage bling, including brooches. I have several. And I just made some really pretty brooches out of silk flowers, which I often wear as a cluster on my sweaters. I'm also woobie over vintage scarves; I just purchased four vintage scarves at a recent rummage sale/craft fair here in Milwaukee.


On-topic: I happily watched The Instincts and Memoriam on ION for the 523rd time, great Reid-centric episodes. Still, pissed both CBS and ION won't rerun Mr. Scratch, those poopie heads.

Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 5

Though I haven't posted on this board in quite a while, I have continued to check in to see what everyone is thinking about CM. I'm breaking my quiet streak because I want to vent about something to sane CM fans. So I guess a few days ago Josh Stewart AKA Will Lamontagne Jr. unfollowed AJC and her husband on social media. He also unfollowed dozens of other accounts so it probably wasn't anything to get worked up about, but the CM fandom went crazy asking him for an explanation. Tonight someone tweeted at him "@J0SHSTEWART why did you unfollow aj and nathan? wtf dude i thought you were cool. this ain't okay." I guess he thought that by giving an answer he would be left alone about this issue so he responded with: "Sorry to disappoint u. I've just decided to follow people I have personal relationships with. Hope alls well darlin"


Now I interpret that answer as meaning that while he is on good terms with them, they're not close. To me this seems like the logical and sane way to take it. But this is the CM fandom on social media, so naturally they did not handle it well. They are now harassing him, calling him a bad person, unfollowing him (whatever), and imploring AJC and her husband to do the same. They are also telling him that he is no longer welcome on CM.


This whole madness just got me thinking about how awful it must be to be a celebrity. I mean he has a fairly sizable presence on twitter with around 53k followers, but that pales in comparison to so many other people who must have to deal with this shit regularly. Anyway I just wanted to share this lunacy with all of you as a reminder that you really are the best of the bunch.

  • Love 7

What's funny is that he still follows Matthew, Paget and her husband Steve. I guess his unfollowing of AJ sort of ruined the Willifer fantasy for some fans. But there are plenty of crazy fans out there. I have seen some of the craziest, rudest stuff directed toward Matthew over the years.

Well he went to Paget and Steve's wedding and they were tweeting at each other earlier today so I get the feeling they're pretty good friends. I honestly never got that feeling with him and AJC and her hubby, which is to say they've never implied on twitter that they hang out outside of work. It seems that it's not destroying the Willifer fantasy for people so much as renewing hope in Jotch or Jeid, so really no good has come of this. And now I'm stuck in a twitter black hole from which I may never emerge…pray for me.

  • Love 5

Re: Josh Stewart----I think he has ongoing friendship with Paget and her husband, and perhaps with MGG, by extension.  As much as I don't care for his CM character (liked him in 'Jones', and never since), I've actually come to like the actor, via his tweets.  Apart from the hunting thing, he seems to have a good sensibility.


I get the sense that AJ and her husband have a lifestyle (the beach or the mountains/desert) that mostly leads them away from the glitz, If it suits them,and they're happy, good for them.  It's probably best for the kids as well. 


As to the Twitter response----I'm Twitter-lite, meaning that I see some of it, but not all of it.  Is this a small group of people tweeting repeatedly, or a large group (of crazies)?

  • Love 5

Re: Josh Stewart----I think he has ongoing friendship with Paget and her husband, and perhaps with MGG, by extension.  As much as I don't care for his CM character (liked him in 'Jones', and never since), I've actually come to like the actor, via his tweets.  Apart from the hunting thing, he seems to have a good sensibility.


I get the sense that AJ and her husband have a lifestyle (the beach or the mountains/desert) that mostly leads them away from the glitz, If it suits them,and they're happy, good for them.  It's probably best for the kids as well. 


As to the Twitter response----I'm Twitter-lite, meaning that I see some of it, but not all of it.  Is this a small group of people tweeting repeatedly, or a large group (of crazies)?

Small group. Stick with me on this analogy: they're like the NRA. They seem to think they speak for the majority when in fact they only speak for a microscopic minority. I'm quite proud that I was able to compare this awful group of people on twitter to an awful group of people in real life.

  • Love 3

Though I haven't posted on this board in quite a while, I have continued to check in to see what everyone is thinking about CM. I'm breaking my quiet streak because I want to vent about something to sane CM fans. So I guess a few days ago Josh Stewart AKA Will Lamontagne Jr. unfollowed AJC and her husband on social media. He also unfollowed dozens of other accounts so it probably wasn't anything to get worked up about, but the CM fandom went crazy asking him for an explanation. Tonight someone tweeted at him "@J0SHSTEWART why did you unfollow aj and nathan? wtf dude i thought you were cool. this ain't okay." I guess he thought that by giving an answer he would be left alone about this issue so he responded with: "Sorry to disappoint u. I've just decided to follow people I have personal relationships with. Hope alls well darlin"


Now I interpret that answer as meaning that while he is on good terms with them, they're not close. To me this seems like the logical and sane way to take it. But this is the CM fandom on social media, so naturally they did not handle it well. They are now harassing him, calling him a bad person, unfollowing him (whatever), and imploring AJC and her husband to do the same. They are also telling him that he is no longer welcome on CM.


This whole madness just got me thinking about how awful it must be to be a celebrity. I mean he has a fairly sizable presence on twitter with around 53k followers, but that pales in comparison to so many other people who must have to deal with this shit regularly. Anyway I just wanted to share this lunacy with all of you as a reminder that you really are the best of the bunch.



FFS, seriously? Stewart hasn't even been on the show in...how long now, and people are hassling him over un-following AJ? I thought Matthew's non-fans were bad.


And JMO, I've posited that its usually a small group posting over and over again, sometimes even with different accounts to make their numbers look more impressive, but with the great democratization of social* media, who knows? It could be ten people or it could be a hundred.


*I accidentally typed asocial, and only decided to change it after some consideration.

  • Love 4

He just tried to clear it up by saying that he loves everyone on CM but that doesn't mean they hang out off-set, while describing himself as only "a blip in the show." Then he responded to some looney tune AJC fan who was demanding an apology for AJC with: "If you're this concerned with who I follow on Twitter, id recommend finding something more productive to do." Then he retweeted a message from a separate looney tune AJC fan that read: "Let #JoshStewart know he can't get away with publicly being a douche bag to @ajcookofficial!! Our loyalty lies with AJ! Unfollow him! PLS RT"


So he basically told AJC fans to get a life while also trolling them with the retweet. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but Josh Stewart might be my spirit animal. I wish they would just let him play himself instead of Will Lamontagne.


Edit: now someone is accusing him of cheating on his spouse. God social media is frightening.

Edited by Russet29
  • Love 4

Sometimes social media scares me, and really makes me wonder about people and the future of society. I actually don't understand how people can a) get so incredibly invested in a TV show that they lose all common sense and b) be SO thick that they don't actually realize how ridiculous and nonsensical and idiotic they are being. I cannot for the life of me understand it - people talking like they know a cerain actor/actress personally, know what their idols want and what they are thinking/feeling, and take it upon themselves to blindly (and loudly) "defend" their idols against any real or perceived slights.


Edit: I am watching something on CNN about sexual assaults across university campuses in the US, and as I posted what I wrote above, they showed a young man saying "just because of those two facts - a woman said no and you had sex with her - does that automatically make you a rapist?" and his tone and facial expression strongly implied that he thinks the answer to that question is "no". People continue to astonish me and I continue to lose faith in the future of society.

Edited by secnarf
  • Love 5

Wow Josh Stewart could not have picked a worse fan base to piss off. It won't matter a hill of beans if this makes no difference to AJ and her husband. The actress's looney tune fans are going to feel compelled to defend her and her character even if there is nothing to defend, because they see this as a slight against her. And I'm telling you her fan base is a force to be reckon with.Just ask CBS. Just ask those fans who dared to be critical of the character JJ on twitter. Only to be accused of hating on the actress herself. Of course now they always knew they'd have the backing of Harry or one of the CM writers.

  • Love 1

The excessive attention paid to Twitter has created the illusion of a morass of shouting Internet voices has done three things to our culture:


1) Made progressivism look silly by believing the one or two who shout and rant incoherently represent the entire group

2) Turned several people off liberalism and progressivism when they otherwise would have taken up the cause (since they no longer want to be associated with "the crazies")

3) Gave people the illusion that they can start spouting off about various issues because now they have a platform, undoing the work of the many legitimate activists who actually understand the issues that the Twitterati spout about.


I should probably caution that there are those on the conservative side of the political spectrum who also shout and rant up and down without knowing what they're talking about, but typically those people are not on Twitter. Furthermore, reporting about the latest idiocy that FOX News is spouting is pretty passe these days- to the media "liberals shouting up and down" is a "new" phenomenon, so they're more likely to report that.

Well I for one believe one of the reasons JJ got her stupid PTSD episode even after MESSer had said 200 was a closed subject, was the fact that her fans were constantly berating one or more of the writers about it on twitter. I have always wonder why they never seemed to bitch about it to Rick Dunkle himself. And I can't help but think was it because he simple just chose to ignore them.

  • Love 3

The excessive attention paid to Twitter has created the illusion of a morass of shouting Internet voices has done three things to our culture:


1) Made progressivism look silly by believing the one or two who shout and rant incoherently represent the entire group

2) Turned several people off liberalism and progressivism when they otherwise would have taken up the cause (since they no longer want to be associated with "the crazies")

3) Gave people the illusion that they can start spouting off about various issues because now they have a platform, undoing the work of the many legitimate activists who actually understand the issues that the Twitterati spout about.


Speaking as a social liberal, I only get annoyed when every.single.thing. gets examined down to its last molecule as it relates to casting and related things. The word 'diversity' has become both sword and shield to those who want to see more non-white and (usually) female faces on TV and in movies, and while I think that can be a great cause, I don't think it should completely spoil whatever enjoyment someone else might get out of watching whatever it is they watch. I'm not meaning to say that its anyone's intention to spoil things, at least not intentionally, but why is it such a bad thing to just watch a damn movie or a TV show without keeping a tally or worrying about whether or not it passes the Bechdel test?


The fact is, I am different from you as you are different from the person who delivers your mail or rings up your purchases at the grocery store. Its dwelling on those differences that's the issue, IMO, not the differences themselves.

  • Love 3

I know I've read on this board before that her fans were the most delusional but I never actually believed it until now. I know everyone in the cast has these types of followers but the ones stirring shit up "on behalf" of AJC seem to be the worst. I may be overreacting but it kind of bothers me that neither her nor her husband have said anything. You have fans harassing someone you know and claiming to do it for you and you're staying quiet? The two of them are even being tagged on some of these posts and I believe they both follow Mr. Stewart so it's not as if they're not seeing what's going on.


I think this is one of the many reasons so many of us have turned against JJ. It's not just the total destruction of her character, but the fact that her fans are so touchy and defensive. I end up associating all of them with JJ and by extension, the actress who plays her.

  • Love 2

It really is hard to know how much Nate or AJ actually checks their social media, because neither posts all that often, so they may be genuinely unaware of what is going on. Hell, they may not even realize Josh unfollowed them, because he unfollowed them at least four days ago, and only became an issue yesterday when some of her fans got angry. Of course it did not help when one account got in on the act with her 60,000+ followers and some people possibly thinking she is officially associated with the show.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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It really is hard to know how much Nate or AJ actually checks their social media, because neither posts all that often, so they may be genuinely unaware of what is going on. Hell, they may not even realize Josh unfollowed him, because he unfollowed at least four days ago, and only became an issue yesterday when some of her fans got angry. Of course it did not help when one account got in on the act with her 60,000+ followers and some people possibly thinking she is officially associated with the show.

It really is hard to know how much Nate or AJ actually checks their social media, because neither posts all that often, so they may be genuinely unaware of what is going on. Hell, they may not even realize Josh unfollowed him, because he unfollowed at least four days ago, and only became an issue yesterday when some of her fans got angry. Of course it did not help when one account got in on the act with her 60,000+ followers and some people possibly thinking she is officially associated with the show.

Ha! I replied to her tweet by saying Josh Stewart can follow/unfollow whoever he likes and the AJC fans are being totally deranged about this - I have been immediately blocked by her!

  • Love 2

I can personally testify that it is possible to go days (weeks) between checks of one's own twitter account.  And AJ and her husband have two small kids.  At Christmas time.  I agree with FA that it's likely they don't even know about it. 


But I also think it's possible they're mature enough to leave it alone or to have addressed it privately, not publicly---and especially since so many other fans have done it for them. To have an expectation that they will act in a certain way, and then be disappointed that they don't----to me, it's the same root issue that got the controversy started in the first place.  AJ fans had an expectation of how Josh Stewart should act, and were disappointed.  The problem was theirs, in feeling privileged to have those expectations.

As to disliking the character and/or actress because of the behavior of her fans---I don't follow the logic.  

  • Love 3

As to disliking the character and/or actress because of the behavior of her fans---I don't follow the logic.  


FWIW, I think its the character, not AJ. Particularly because I think they - and the Emily fans - took part in screaming both Jeanne and Jennifer off of the show. I can't know that for a fact, obviously, but Jeanne was only a part of the cast for two years and Jennifer for one. Given the reception both of them got, I have to think that played a part in their decisions to leave so quickly, particularly JT. And now they're complaining because people aren't being nice? Mmmkay.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 3

FWIW, I think its the character, not AJ. Particularly because I think they - and the Emily fans - took part in screaming both Jeanne and Jennifer off of the show. I can't know that for a fact, obviously, but Jeanne was only a part of the cast for two years and Jennifer for one. Given the reception both of them got, I have to think that played a part in their decisions to leave so quickly, particularly JT. And now they're complaining because people aren't being nice? Mmmkay.


CoStar, I don't understand.  Are you saying you think it makes sense to dislike a character because of her fans?  


Somehow, I think JT and JLH are too mature (and successful) to pay attention to the rantings of whatever number of deranged fans.  I think JT left because she wasn't written for, and could probably find better things to do with her time.  By all accounts, the days on set are long and probably pretty boring for an actor relegated to the sidelines.  And I think JLH left for precisely the reason she gave:  because she wanted to raise her new baby full time----and could afford to do so.

  • Love 3

Small group. Stick with me on this analogy: they're like the NRA. They seem to think they speak for the majority when in fact they only speak for a microscopic minority. I'm quite proud that I was able to compare this awful group of people on twitter to an awful group of people in real life.

Well, as a member of said "awful group of people in real life," I hope it's ok for me to chime in on this.

I don't get why people foam at the mouth and feel like they have to mob someone in defense of the object(s) of their affections. It's not like Josh tweeted that he unfollowed people -- people went looking for it. If I were AJC, I would be so embarrassed that people acted this way in my "defense." MGG's fans can be so similar, as has been previously pointed out. It's one thing to grumble on a message board but entirely another to start some sort of Twitter campaign.

That being said, I do wonder why Josh felt it necessary to unfollow AJ and her husband, when he continues to follow MGG and Paget, etc. I get that he's closer with them, but AJ and Nathan are only two more people -- all associated with his time on CM. Seems silly to me. It's not like they clog up his Twitter feed.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 3

CoStar, I don't understand.  Are you saying you think it makes sense to dislike a character because of her fans?


In the short version, yes.


In the long version, the last time Josh Stewart was on the show was in (the awful) 200, which first aired on February 5th of last year. Outside of that, he's been on the show ten other times, so it isn't as if he's a fixture among the cast, giving him lots of opportunities to hang out with AJ (and presumably her husband) on the set. So what's the kerfuffle really about? If JT and JLH are too mature to care what the Twtterverse says, then I should expect that AJ is too mature to care that Josh is no longer following her tweets. If anything, as Droogie says, she'd probably be pretty damn embarrassed, because what are they even defending her from? They love her/JJ, and that's great, but must everyone else love her as well?

  • Love 3

OMFG.... the 13 year olds are out. Or at least, the acts-like-they're-13 are out. Wow. Just wow. 


Really...does anyone really think that AJ Cook gives a rat's patoot as to whether Josh Stewart 'follows' her or not? She tweets so seldom I don't think it matters to her AT ALL. Certainly don't believe she'd be *offended*.  Honestly, I doubt most of the actors even read  most of this kind of stuff. Who'd have the TIME!?  Pretty sure if, say, Shemar has something important to tell Matthew, for example, he'd either call him or text him directly....or talk to him at work the next day or whatever.


Man, how did these kids ever live before social media???

  • Love 7


In the short version, yes.


In the long version, the last time Josh Stewart was on the show was in (the awful) 200, which first aired on February 5th of last year. Outside of that, he's been on the show ten other times, so it isn't as if he's a fixture among the cast, giving him lots of opportunities to hang out with AJ (and presumably her husband) on the set. So what's the kerfuffle really about? If JT and JLH are too mature to care what the Twtterverse says, then I should expect that AJ is too mature to care that Josh is no longer following her tweets. If anything, as Droogie says, she'd probably be pretty damn embarrassed, because what are they even defending her from? They love her/JJ, and that's great, but must everyone else love her as well?


Well, if you're really saying it makes sense to dislike a character because of that character's fans, then i disagree.  But the 'long version' doesn't sound like that's what you're saying.  I realize it happens.  But, when it does, I find it to be baseless opinion, and regard it as such.

  • Love 2

Happily I did note that the majority of twitter followers seem to be defending Josh Stewart's right to follow or unfollow whom he chooses. At least that is the way it was last night. But you guys are right AJC isn't even all that active on twitter at the moment. Of course a certain cray cray fan of hers is claiming it's because JLH and her fans have bullied AJ Cook into keeping silent on twitter. And here I was thinking it was because the actress has so much stuff going on in her life right now. She has a full time job, a husband, and 2 small children.One of them being an infant requiring around the clock care.

  • Love 5

When I first got into CM I checked out various CM-related social media hoping to find interesting tidbits about both the show and the people affiliated with it. But after a while, I could no longer take the Screaming Mimis and their deluded, crazy comments. I knew these pippy-poos didn't make a majority of CM's fanbase; they're just more vocal. Thank goodness I found all of you here at PTV. Your intelligence, kindness and humor is a breath of fresh air. I don't follow CM social media that much. I figure if there are any interesting developments regarding the show (like Matthew directing an upcoming episode) one of you lovelies will fill us in. So thanks for that.


Though I'm not a fan of JJ the character, I have absolutely no problem with AJ the actress. She's a busy lady with a full plate of both her career and a young family. I doubt she's shedding tears of angst because Josh Stewart is no longer following her on Twitter. This may come as a surprise to some of the Screaming Mimis but there are other ways to keep in touch that don't rely on social media. Why, back in my day we used the telephone or talked to each other face to face...while walking in ten feet of snow, uphill, both ways!!!!


Now excuse me while I kick some kids off my front lawn.

Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 7

Ugh we spent a good ten minutes over Christmas dinner trying to explain the concept of film cameras to my cousin's 11-year-old and 8-year-old.

And then another ten minutes explaining to my 18-year-old sister how we used to call in to the radio and ask them to play songs, and then have our cassette tapes ready to press "record" when the songs came on, and this was how we made "mixed tapes".


I feel like the world changed dramatically from when I was young, and not really for the better - and I'm still fairly young!

  • Love 5

It is a breath of fresh air to come here and read well-thought-out comments, good grammar and sophisticated humor. There are times when I miss the old CBS CM boards because I found them when I first started watching CM and I made a lot of online friends there, but, my goodness, some of those posters were immature, spiteful and vindictive. I'd be ashamed to tell you how much time my friends and I spent (wasted) "bumping the trolls" there.  I'm voting that AJ, if she has even noticed any of those comments, is too classy and smart to mention it. While I can barely stand the character of JJ now, I'm always surprised by how much I really like her when I see episodes from the early seasons. It really is like watching two different shows. :( 


I got a Twitter account initially to read MGG's posts. I rarely post anything myself. I just use it to read stuff about CM and a few other celebrities I like. But I hardly ever go there anymore. I use Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends, and I find it less pretentious and easier to use than Twitter. Occasionally I rant about CM on the CM FB page, but there are too many morons there for me to read it often. It's not worth getting my blood pressure up. 

Well, if you must know here is my current driver's license photo:




In case I haven't mentioned it before, Jen, I love you! Your posts always make me laugh.  I'm old, too. I got my husband a special DVD version of "A Hard Day's Night" for Christmas. We watched it the other night and were both singing along with all the songs. 

Edited by SSAHotchner
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