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I can't stand either JJ as she's (poorly) written or the actress who plays her, but I actually think she's illustrative of a larger problem. IMO, the writers are pretty poor at initially defining and then subsequently developing their characters overall, with only a couple of awesome, even-a-broken-clock-is-right-twice-a-day exceptions (ahem, Reid!) and occasionally lucking out by casting actors who can rise above the mediocre writing (like, IMO, Paget Brewster did for Emily, who on paper I found both underwritten and inconsistently written.)  

And the writers have this uncanny knack for making characters somehow far LESS likable, layered, interesting etc. to me as they give said characters more screentime! They give characters more "personal" time, but somehow manage to illuminate nothing about said character's personalities (seriously, even after all these seasons, JJ still doesn't have one!), weaknesses, fears, dreams, hopes, interests, passions, etc. There are few to no human quirks or interesting layers. After a bunch of spotlight episodes, we're usually just reminded yet again of the characters' bland and unrealistic awesomeness, which...*yawn*

I think this was less of a problem at the beginning, because regardless of whether you liked Elle and Gideon, they had actual edges and flaws. The writers were more content to let the characters' cores come through in the way they did their jobs and interacted with one another rather than sloppily and awkwardly wedging in Personal Moments that they tend not to do effectively IMO. And at least when we saw less of most of these characters outside of their profiling roles, we could use the tasty crumbs the writers threw us to make all sorts of interesting inferences about what the members of our team were TRULY like, which team members were or would be closest to one another,  etc. And, honestly, the educated assumptions that posters made were almost invariably more interesting than what the reality has turned out to be.  JJ is the most egregious example, but IMO she's not the only one. In some ways I resent the writing for Hotch even more; for me, JJ was *never* interesting, so my expectations of her (and the IMO crappy actress who plays her) have been low.  Hotch, though, was really compelling and layered and interesting to me for awhile, and now over the past few seasons it feels like the curtain has been thrown back to reveal that he's just...well, simple and boring. 

Edited by mstaken
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Episode 23 is titled Angels, and it is a two part finale, so it makes sense that episode 24 would be called Demons. Which of course brings to mind a Dan Brown novel and plots involving art, codes, conspiracies and the like. If only this finale could harken back to the glory finale days of The Fisher King. :)

But considering how much Harry amd Jim have been talking about JJ possibly having her PTSD emerge eventually, it would not shock me if it is dealt with in this episode. But since I am so sick of JJ this season, unless her PTSD results in JJ disappearing from the rest of the finale, I really don't care to see any more of her than I have to.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I honestly would be surprised if CBS pressured Rick to get back on Twitter. He isn't super famous or prestigious. They haven't forced Breen to get back on, or Thomas. And Shemar held out for years before he got on Twitter. For whatever reason, Rick did the same thing last year where he deleted his Twitter, only to reactivate it a few days later.

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I agree with everything you said, mstaken! Lately, I am having trouble determining whether my dislike is on the character of JJ, or the actress...maybe it is even both. I have noticed that with the increase in JJ airtime on the show, it has caused me to have a negative tone on the actress. I don't want to dislike her, but after watching the actors on The Talk I felt like she was just trying too hard to be funny and quirky, almost as if she was trying to prove that she is a female equivalent of MGG. It bothers me that the writers have let it get to this point where I am even at a disagreement with AJ.

Yeah. It was pretty cool. Matthew seems like such a sweet and caring guy and he's so nice to his fans. I am glad that he's learned how to walk away from paparazzi in a polite manner though. He used to stop and not know how to get away. Now he just sort of talks while walking away.

I'm also glad that they seem to have upped security enough that the fans couldn't get to Matthew without him coming over. I remember there was one particular crazy fan that kept finding out where they were filming and going to try to meet him. She even found out where he lived and went to his house in Las Vegas and knocked on the door. I probably would not have been as disturbed if she hadn't been sending abusive and threatening messages to his girlfriend on Twitter. Total unsub behavior and it was just creepy that she had no respect for boundaries. And the poor guy even mentioned to an interviewer that he won't answer his door if someone knocks and he's not expecting anyone. I'm glad that he is being more cautious, but its sad that he has to.

I do think it was also very cool of Harry Bring to act as the middle man. He kept Matthew safe but still got the fan message.

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I just thought of something. If someone were to play a drinking game while watching the finale and took a drink every time JJ appeared onscreen, I'd bet they'd be plastered in no time.Of course now you could say the same thing about all of the episodes, but two of them, this season.I find myself grateful for the fact that alcohol offends my taste buds. Now if only my taste buds would start finding certain fattening foods offensive.Because it would sure do my waistline a world of good, as well as my overall health.

Edited by missmycat

Not if what I've heard is true.

Rumor has it Reid gets shot in the neck.

Yeah, that's already out there. Not so much from anything the show itself has said, but the abundance of fan pictures when they were shooting. 


I think Reid gets shot at the end of episode 23. So far, Matthew has been barely on set for episode 24. He shot for a short time Friday, 11 April, but I don't think he shot last week, or one day at the most. It is Monday and he is not at work, so there are only two more days left shooting this finale. I fear the finale will be extremely Reid lite.

No what you posted is the cake from last year. They did in fact celebrate his birthday on set this year, though none of the official accounts wished him happy birthday this yeae. Hell Harry never even mentioned it until a Matthew fan asked him if they celebrated his birthday.

Harry Bring @LLPOS Mar 11

@briannagubler Yes we did pic.twitter.com/jtM4hmKb4i

Damn that is a tiny cake compared to last year and Shemar this year. Shemar got showered in public birthday love compared to Matthew this year. It is kind of odd.

I saw that Matthew had time to go to Nashville and hang out with Paget and Steve while episode 24 was filming. I know that in the past Erica said that they promised themselves that if a team member looked as if they were going to die that they would go ahead and kill them-- but then the writers promised all sorts of things that never came to be (such as an actual resolution to the headache story, Reid being a mentor to Seaver, JJ leaning on Reid for some of his expertise now that she's a profiler, and an explanation for Reid's sabbatical-- which was barely even mentioned). I know I'm going to sound bitter here, but I still can't help but feel that 

Erica just didn't know what to do for Reid and rather than try to write scenes for him, decided to have him severely injured so he would be out of the way but then she could claim it Reid-centric because he's a woobie and she will probably have a lot of focus on JJ worrying about him and Hotch not doing as much because everyone now takes a backseat to JJ.


I hope this turns out to not be as bad as I'm expecting it. I'm already dreading the Jack Hotchner screen time because that kid's line delivery is terrible.

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The funny thing was that there was an interview with her writing partner Deb Fisher who said that when they both wrote solo they read each other's work and it was absolutely terrible, but when they started working together their writing was better. So we have it from another writer who was friends with Erica that her solo work sucked. I think she does have potential but that being the showrunner makes it even harder because she gets to call the shots and people are probably less likely to call her out on a bad script.


On another forum someone posted something about how the showrunners probably think a Reid-centric episode is when other team members mention him 3 times. :P

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I have been watching X Files lately and I noticed Harry V. Bring's name as Producer. I was surprised because even when X Files was ending and even without DD the last two seasons, the writing was still great. Well, in CM, the writing for the most part for the last 3 and a half seasons just plainly suck!

I wanna say to him "Did the aliens take all you creativity with them when you The X Files ended?" haha.

Edited by IndependentMind
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