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Smallville Anonymous: Our Smallville Support Group

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Hi , my name is Melissa and I'm a Smallville Survivor.

Maybe we should rename the topic Smallville Anonymous, lol.

I kid but I still have this nagging feeling like I need to apologize for watching Smallville, not only to myself but to loved ones around me. My best friend at one point had me on a timer. I was allowed to rant five minutes after an episode and no more. I'm better now but I just the other day I slipped up and dared to post about, gasp, Chlois, on,gasp KSite. Still not a sane move and yet it can be highly satisfying getting a reaction. Oh the outrage at the mere mention of it! I can handle that it didn't happen, but I still think it was a valid direction that the show could of gone and I'd love some day for that idea to be more accepted.

Slightly off topic but KSite had its annual April Fools post up today. The announced a special blue ray extravaganza of the complete series packed with extras including an interview with AlMiles confirming their original intention to end the series with Chlois.

Oh how they mock! That said, more than a few times their crazy AFD predictions have come true. ;)

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@BkWurm1 your topic title made me legit laugh out loud so you get your request :) Oh this show. My (now) husband (then roommate) is a huge Superman fan and he watched so I watched with him, for me it started as "It's like Dawson's Creek but with super powers!" and husband spent the whole time just WAITING and WISHING for them to actually make Clark Superman. We watched the whole run but by the end we were banking episodes on the DVR and fast forwarding a lot. I hated Lana so much and maintain she should at this point have some major brain damage from being knocked out so often. The only people I actually liked on the show by the end were Chloe and Oliver.

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Oh my peoples!

I have a much more shallow reason for sticking with this show until its bitter, bitter end. Tom Welling. He was (and still is) just oh so, very, very pretty. Though not on the level of acting of John Glover or Michael Rosenbaum, he did deliver some good performances. My favorite, to date, I think is "Transference."

There was so much fucking potential for this show. To see a teenage Clark Kent and how he grew up to become Superman. I hated Lana with a heat of infinite number of suns. No limit. I got so sick and tired of the "Lana!Lana!Lana!" lovefest.

Tom was just so earnest and charming as Clark in the first season. I was so very disappointed that I didn't get to see how long Chloe and Clark would last as a couple, because dammit, Clarki did have lustful feelings for her!

What made it worse watching this show? Was that I was watching Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, so it was painful and frustrating to watch what whiny, weak, lame-o, NOTALeader Smallville's Clark was compared to the Clark/Supes I was seeing..in ANIMATION! This show should have been cancelled at season five, because it was, you know Smallville; It was supposed to be a show about how Clark would one day become Superman. Not that bullshity and idiotic Red/blue Blur (how fucking lame was THAT?!)

But Tom's prettiness kept me glued every week. Though I didn't watch it live, I had that much brains.

What can I say? I'm easy. Especially when Clark would be messed up, beaten, bloody...he just looked oh so sexay and I would become a big puddle of goo. I believe I said that same exact thing after that one episode where Clark was back in the Phantom Zone, where he was "reunited" with Zod, and his hair was all mussed up, mouth bleeding...even Tippi agreed with me!

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Not sure if this is best place for this, but not sure what topic it would fall under. I didn't watch the show when it originally ran, but my husband did. He's been after me to watch it, and I'm in the middle of season seven. Honestly, I've been stuck in season seven for probably over a year. I binged it for a while, and got REALLY frustrated - I had one rage quit after the 100th episode, and waited several months to try to continue watching. Hubby keeps reassuring me Lana isn't around for much longer, and she kind of "fades away," but I'm skeptical. 


Lana officially "leaves" at the end of season seven, but she is essentially gone by episode fifteen. They wrote Kirstin Kruek out so she could go film a movie. Then she comes back for a handful of episodes mid season eight to make good on those missed episodes and then leave forever. Good news is she's not the main focus for about half of her return episodes. Bad news is they make the reason why Lana and Clark break up for good a really sucky one that undermines any future relationships he will ever have in the future. Insert eye roll.

There is some great Lex stuff in seven and despite a rage quit inducing end of season eight for me I still enjoyed the lead up until the last few minutes of that season as well.

Edited by BkWurm1
Not sure if this is best place for this, but not sure what topic it would fall under. I didn't watch the show when it originally ran, but my husband did. He's been after me to watch it, and I'm in the middle of season seven. Honestly, I've been stuck in season seven for probably over a year. I binged it for a while, and got REALLY frustrated - I had one rage quit after the 100th episode, and waited several months to try to continue watching. Hubby keeps reassuring me Lana isn't around for much longer, and she kind of "fades away," but I'm skeptical.



Remain skeptical.  Lana leaves, as has already been pointed out, but she lingers over the rest of the show.  Seven years of building Lana up to be the one Clark loved the most made it hard to buy his seemingly sudden interest in Lois and the acceleration of their relationship.  And again, the way they wrote Lana out made it seem like nothing would ever compare to her.  So...yeah.  The show never stopped propping her up big time.


I would definitely suggest watching season eight, if you can.  There's a great murder mystery-type vibe to the whole year and several new terrific characters.  The Justice League starts to come together a bit (not that it ever officially does, to re-warn you!) and Clark grows up a tiny bit.  The end of the season is a mess and you might quit the show altogether after that, but season eight at least shows progression and is entertaining.


Season nine...well I was out by that point, so that's entirely up to you.

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Season nine...well I was out by that point, so that's entirely up to you.


This makes me think of the times people have asked me if they should watch Smallville, and I find myself hemming and hawing, and finally say something like, "Yeah, there are some parts of it you might like. I guess." Then I give them all kinds of warnings to try to prepare them for the many, many disappointments they will experience along the way.


I can't count how many times I said something like, "Well, if you don't go in expecting too much, you can enjoy it. Sometimes."


That being said, there were things about the show I liked and enjoyed. But the disappointing parts can make that hard to remember.

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When this show was airing, it was THE hate-watch for me.

Like Bkwurm1 my friends also would only let me rant for 5 minutes about it before they shut me down.


When they asked WHY I kept watching?


The only answers I could come up with?

A) I've been watching since S1; I'm committed to watch to the bitter, bitter end, and/or

B) I'm a masochist.


To be fair, there were a few TINY spots of brightness...  TW was, as mentioned, SUPERhot.  AM was brilliant in almost every scene she was in, and JH in his Green-Arrow leathers. 

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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Wow sounds like a lot of people have similar situations as me. I started watching it when Abc family was playing reruns (starting with the first episode). I watched the first three seasons only to find out that abc family is taking a break to air Christmas crap (sorry just my opinion). So I found a way to watch the first half of season 4 and caught up. I watched live until somewhere in season 8. I realized that I just didn't care about any of the character's minus Chloe who was my favorite character. The earlier seasons were good.

Edited by blueray
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This most gorgeous man is what hooked me on the show and I have to be honest and say that it's one of the very few TV shows that I watched live from beginning to end. But, I like his hair better longer lol. I think that through the entire ten years, I only had to tape/DVR 5 episodes because of a commitment I had to keep. Sure there was suck, I hated Lana with the fire of a thousand suns, I liked Chloe well enough, but I absolutely loved Lois and Clark, Michael Rosenbaum and of course the magnificent bastard John Glover. I know I am in the minority on some of this and sometimes it was really hard to post at TWoP in the Smallville section because most of the time I felt like the only person on the planet who loved this show. Oh and I was absolutely thrilled that it ended with the shirt opening to reveal the suit. I never, ever wanted to see Welling in that suit. Will tell you guys something really cool though, I have my own board that started out years ago as a Star Wars board and evolved into a general board with a large number of Smallville fans. I've gotten older than dirt 50+, and got tired of dealing with the bullshit that goes along with running a board so I gave it to a couple of members that I knew would carry on the way I would have. One of our members was fortunate to meet and actually become friends with Allison Mack and I think that is THE coolest thing ever. Sorry if that was a long rambling post for anyone.

Edited by missbonnie
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Had a longer post that the site ate.  Short version. 


I really wish they had done the show Smallville wanted to be rather than the show the eventual producers decided it had to be. 


For realsies. I hate to compare, but I'm watching The Flash, and i'm oh, so, so, very, very bitter. Because the fucking potential that the asshats here, who had DC's blessing, squandered.


Don't get me started on how Arrow has managed to usurp most or to me, the rogues that belong to BATS, and not fucking Oliver Queen. I don't care that they are also considered part of DC's villiains. blah, blah. They are fucking BATMAN'S villains and Queenie doesn't have a right to them!


Bitter? Biased? Who, me?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
I really wish they had done the show Smallville wanted to be rather than the show the eventual producers decided it had to be.


Al/Miles get buried often (and with good reason most of the time) ..but their version of the show is far superior to the s8-10 crap we got.


Don't get me started on how Arrow has managed to usurp most or to me, the rogues that belong to BATS, and not fucking Oliver Queen. I don't care that they are also considered part of DC's villiains. blah, blah. They are fucking BATMAN'S villains and Queenie doesn't have a right to them!


I hate it so much.

Edited by wingster55
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I get your feelings on GA using Batman's characters but I would be willing to give them a pass if they would only use them well but so often a generic no name villain would fit the bill just fine.  It's not worth bringing in a known name if they aren't going to delve deeply into the character.  I swear it is more like a writing cheat they use so they don't have to worry about character details.  They just let their interns surf the wiki page for characteristics but rarely do the things that individualize the bad guys matter to the plot. 


Smallville in the later seasons started doing this as well, including the theft of Batman baddies.  I wonder if there just so many more Batman bad guys to pick from. 

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Smallville in the later seasons started doing this as well, including the theft of Batman baddies.  I wonder if there just so many more Batman bad guys to pick from. 


Hah! More than likely it's because Bats has the BEST Villains! I found myself saying, this is Arrow's baddie, this is Flash's, this is Supes', this is Bats', this is GL's when I was binge-watching Justice League/Justice League Unlimited over the weekend.  And I kept thinking...Rosenbaum was doing double duty for the first four seasons of this show, providing the voice for Wally West/Flash; Deadshot, Dr. Polaris in Justice League/Justice League Unlimited

I have never watched Arrow, mainly because I just think of Justin Hartley as the green arrow. One of these days I may give it a look see. The TNT rotation is back around to the early seasons with the FOTW shows. Ouch, some of those are downright awful and I can already feel my hatred of "the pink" being renewed. Ugh

Edited by missbonnie
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I have never watched Arrow, mainly because I just think of Justin Hartley as the green arrow. One of these days I may give it a look see. The TNT rotation is back around to the early seasons with the FOTW shows. Ouch, some of those are downright awful and I can already feel my hatred of "the pink" being renewed. Ugh

I'm an avid Arrow viewer but it's a very different character than the one that Hartley played.  Darker and more brutal at first.  Oliver comes back from his "island" with full on PTSD and in the early episodes I just thought the actor was wooden and you know that whole "no kill" rule that most comic heroes have...well he gets there eventually.  So that's new. A little more familiar is the blond computer specialist that seems to have caught his eye, lol.  She doesn't show up until like the third episode but she's my Chloe of the show - a vastly different character but the one that IMO makes Oliver more enjoyable.  Unfortunately there is also a character that has the initials of LL that has been less than enjoyable for me but maybe MMV. 

And I have to ask this here, because it makes no sense to me, and maybe BkWurm1 you know the answer? Why, on Arrow, is the twat's name not Dinah? Did DC not give permission? So that the stupid LL name is used? And of course she's not the real Black Canary, but her sister, whose name was NOT Dinah, was the original? GAH this makes my head hurt.


And I agree with you about the Chloe.

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Her name is Dinah Laurel Lance on Arrow... and her mom's name is Dinah, so it's super dumb/confusing. 


Ah, thanks Lisin. Admittedly, I gave up on that show after two? three? episodes, so clearly missed that her name is Dinah Laurel Lance.  And she's a horrible actress. When I was watching to see the introduction of Barry, and she got the news about her dad in the hospital? Could her acting be any more wooden? Nary a tear did I see and it was just gawdawful.


Say what I will about the beyond annoying Lana Lang, who I could NOT abide, at least she could emote. And I could hate her for being so self-righteous and judgmental, because Kreuk could sell that and it was believable.


I miss Justin Hartley. Sigh...looks like I'll be pulling out my dvds...

Why, on Arrow, is the twat's name not Dinah? Did DC not give permission? So that the stupid LL name is used?


Her name is Dinah Laurel Lance on Arrow... and her mom's name is Dinah, so it's super dumb/confusing.


BC originally was named Dinah Drake but she married a cop named Larry Lance so she became Dinah Lance. 


It comes down to a comic reboot thing.  In the Golden Age, BC was part of the Justice Society and had no superpowers, just was really good at the hand to hand fighting.  Later in the Silver Age she had that and the sonic Canary Cry power.  Down the road to fix the continuity, the comics decided to say that these were two different people and made the first Black Canary the mother of the second.   Of course then in 2011 the comics reset the continuity and got rid of the mother/daughter history and so officially there is only supposed to be Dinah Lance but Arrow is still playing around with past versions only on Arrow Dinah Lance was never the Black Canary or any kind of vigilante/hero.  So, yeah, there's that. 

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Believe me, my love for Chloe has not waned but Felicity gets some of the respect that I'd been craving for Chloe.  She is on many levels my shot at vindicating what my hopes and expectations were for her character.  Felicity is pretty much the non-canon character that should be showcased for how awesome she is and the one the hero should be in love with and miracles of miracles, this time the runners of that show actually seem to get that despite a familiar "because comics" expectation that they initially wrote into the very DNA of the show.  Every time Felicity gets treated right, I can't help thinking Chloe paved the way and give her a little post series credit. 


 Ahead of her time I guess.  ;) 


Diggle is always so underused but at least I do think the show runners value him.  Hell, they got him put into the mainstream comics almost right away. I half think the PTB worry if they put Diggle more front and center they would lose the conflict and angst that drives the show since that dude is a rock of common sense and it's all going to be alright.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Ah, thanks Lisin.


Say what I will about the beyond annoying Lana Lang, who I could NOT abide, at least she could emote. And I could hate her for being so self-righteous and judgmental, because Kreuk could sell that and it was believable.


What killed me on her character was the way they put her up on some kind of damn pedestal like she was the pretty pink princess that everyone loved and adored and blah, blah, blah.

Believe me, my love for Chloe has not waned but Felicity gets some of the respect that I'd been craving for Chloe.  She is on many levels my shot at vindicating what my hopes and expectations were for her character.  Felicity is pretty much the non-canon character that should be showcased for how awesome she is and the one the hero should be in love with and miracles of miracles, this time the runners of that show actually seem to get that despite a familiar "because comics" expectation that they initially wrote into the very DNA of the show.  Every time Felicity gets treated right, I can't help thinking Chloe paved the way and give her a little post series credit.


Sometimes I think Felicity gets to be...too awesome if that makes sense. I don't want her responsible for making Oliver AND Barry effective heroes like they seem to be doing. 

I also prefer the build of Chloe and Clark from s1 to 5. Oliver/Felicity...eh. Can take it or leave it. 


I'm also way off topic so...yea.

Edited by wingster55

I actually still get upset at what could have been on this show.  The WB had an AMAZING ad campaign for this thing which initially drew me in.  Clark Kent (shirtless and looking hot may I add) hanging from a cross in a cornfield with an obvious Kryptonite necklace and a really dark look on his face. I feel like if the show had lived up to that image..it would have been awesome.  


Instead we got stuck with kick the Chloe, Lana Lang and her awfulness, a light-switched Lois Lane, and a mopey superman obsessed with the wrong girl. Seriously. I will never forgive this show for making me hate Clark Kent.  I watched every single episode of Lois and Clark, even the stupid clone stuff and I came to love Clark Kent and came to see Clark as the real person and Superman as the disguise and really ....THEY MADE ME HATE CLARK KENT.  Sigh. I'm not over it.

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It's funny. This show really, really burnt me out in a lot of ways. But since I spent 8.5 years on it (I was hooked the day I saw Prodigal)..I'm strangely defensive of it. When people diss (dis?) it...I get annoyed. When articles ignore its contribution to the current DC TV landscape...I get annoyed.

It's a strange thing. 

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I watched every single episode of Lois and Clark, even the stupid clone stuff and I came to love Clark Kent and came to see Clark as the real person and Superman as the disguise and really ....THEY MADE ME HATE CLARK KENT.  Sigh. I'm not over it.


You make a very valid point.  As silly and frustrating as L&C sometimes was, I never lost any affection for the characters.  On the other hand Smallville made me loath Clark Kent in a way that I've never hated any character before or since.  Not love to hate, not just deeply annoyed or irritated, but a fuming fury that made me feel just a little insane.   


I'm mostly adjusted to it now, not over since I can slid back into the old rage in an instant but I worked hard to separate the character from the show 'cause I wanted to love Man of Steel (and wanted everybody else to so that nobody ever thought of Smallville's Clark again when they thought Superman)  I also did some major writing therapy and spent far too much time fixing what went wrong.  Lol, still doing that.  It's an on going process. 

It's funny. This show really, really burnt me out in a lot of ways. But since I spent 8.5 years on it (I was hooked the day I saw Prodigal)..I'm strangely defensive of it. When people diss (dis?) it...I get annoyed. When articles ignore its contribution to the current DC TV landscape...I get annoyed.

It's a strange thing.


I had a rule against prequels that I shouldn't have broke.  I resisted the first couple months but then got hooked and caught up during the winter hiatus.  So all ten painful years.  Spent 8 years ready to quit if they killed Chloe (or turned her evil)  I guess I'm some place between protective and dancing on it's grave.  I want it mentioned and given credit, but only if they also point out all the exquisite flaws. 

Edited by BkWurm1

It did a great deal of things right I think..it should be given its due instead of remembered for its faults. Arrow, Flash etc wouldn't exist without it. 

Sounds like you have a more forgiving relationship with the show.  I can't be so kind. 


Sure, Smallville paved the way for Arrow and Flash (though I say L&C did so for Smallville, and I suppose Hulk and Greatest American Hero for L&C, and Heroes was somewhere in there during Smallville's run) but Smallville came this close to ruining any comic book related story for me what so ever. 


If Flash or Arrow had come on during Smallville's run (say in season 9 or 10) or even a year after it finished, I would have never watched them.  I know oodles of former Smallville fans that won't go near either show because of Smallville.    If my nephew hadn't been obsessed with Batman, I would have dropped all of DC and stayed away permanently but he made me watch the Batman movies and the Brave and the Bold cartoons and Young Justice and that helped me learn to separate Smallville from the rest but for too long every time anything came close to reminding me of Smallville, a wave of rage still hit. 


I want Smallville to be remembered as a 10 year road map highlighting what NOT to do.  If that legacy takes hold, then I can go back and credit it for what it did right. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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It did a great deal of things right I think..it should be given its due instead of remembered for its faults.


I think the show did some good things. But they did a whole lot more that was disappointing, badly handled, anti-climactic, or in some other way unsatisfying.


Okay, they created a great Lex. Like I've said elsewhere, SV's Lex Luthor set the bar for me, and most other Lex's can't come close. But SV even tried to mess up Lex in later seasons.


So I while I acknowledge that SV did some good things, I also think that, overall, it was a mess of a show that didn't leave much of a legacy.


Compare that to, say, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. By the time it was over, I thought BtVS had gotten pretty bad. But when it was great it was great, and I still consider it one of the best shows of it's type ever made.


SV was never great. It was kind of good sometimes, and they had some great moments. And I think it had the potential to be an awesome show. But it never really was.

Edited by Bitterswete

Every now and then, I go on a bit of a Smallville kick and find myself really wanting to emulate Chloe's style. Like if I can look as cool as her, the intelligence and the writing abilities and superhot men will follow.


Having said that, Clark never drove me as crazy as he did other people. Partially because have you seen Tom Welling? But despite Clark's asshole-ish tendencies, I still believed him as a good person and wanted him to be the hero I loved. But the show screwed up so many things over time.  

Edited by bettername2come

Having said that, Clark never drove me as crazy as he did other people. Partially because have you seen Tom Welling?


Heh, Tom Welling is the reason why I stuck it out to the bitter, bitter end. I think I said that in another thread: that the gorgeousness of Tom Welling is why I stayed. Shallow, I know, but there you have it.

Since we didn't have a season ten thread I finally started one but doing the intro was traumatic.  It took me a couple weeks to do because thinking about it too much made me either depressed or weary.  Occasionally annoyed but by season ten I was feeling rather beat down and yep, that's how revisiting that season left me feeling again. 

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