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S07.E04: Command & Control

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Nicely done. I like how it took the team approximately 5.9 nanoseconds to figure out that something was wrong and start working on a solution. Callen and Sam are always amusing when they have to go 'off script'. They are a very Macguyer like team.

Loved the small personal scenes. And I'm thrilled that there was no jealousy from Deeks about Kensi working undercover in that dress (and that said dress goes to wardrobe! So that's how Hetty stocks the place.) but rather a tinge of melancholy that he's never going to earn that kind of money. He really does have some self esteem issues. Just hides it pretty well most of the time. I think it's a measure of trust though that Kensi is allowed to see that side of his personality.

Nice to Eric still working on that whole 'combat' training thing. I'd prefer to see him do well with it though, rather being a joke.

The callbacks to previous seasons continues! Not only did we get flashed back to Three Hearts but to Traitor as well. Methinks the mole storyline will have it's roots in the Citadel scandal.

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A solid, enjoyable episode. I liked the Deeks/Kensi scenes and Sam/Callen off the grid is always fun.


I was kind of thrown by the Nell scenes though. Hasn't she partnered with Granger in the field before? Why doesn't she know how to work with him? I know they don't want to make Nell a full-time field agent, but I wish we would see more progression from her. She stated, quite passionately, that field work is what she wants to do, but she's been stuck with occasional missions for several seasons now.


I notice the Callen is super invested in finding Arkady storyline has been gone for several episodes, as has the Deeks IA investigation. And now they're bringing another old storyline up, with the mole in NCIS. Could we finish one of these someday soon please?

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I'm starting to get annoyed/distracted by something that I doubt most people care about one way or the other: the music. I swear this show seems to have underscoring going on constantly, in every scene. I don't think there was even a five second pause in this ep where it wasn't burbling in the background. I've never seen a show where it's such a constant presence, whether needed or not. Being an amateur musician it's something I can't easily tune out. I suppose it's deliberate to set a certain tone (no pun intended) but I don't care for it.

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I was kind of thrown by the Nell scenes though. Hasn't she partnered with Granger in the field before? Why doesn't she know how to work with him?

I know! What was that all about?  First her little girl hesitation and Mr. Miyagi speech at the scene, then her "Thank You" for letting me tag along back at the office - I thought she was way beyond that.  Didn't she kill someone even when she was in the field?

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I wonder if Linda Hunt's contract is up for renewal, and if they are hedging their bets.  I hope she doesn't leave, because I just don't see Nell being able to command the same respect with the team.  And she certainly hasn't acquired all the mad field time Hetty (and Granger) have had.


Thus said, I was happy with the conversation Granger had with her.  I'm becoming quite a fan of the actor.


You are right about the music david gideon.  It seems like the show doesn't trust the viewers to understand what is going on without musical promptings.


Sam and Callen; always great.


It was nice to see Kenzi's speech at the breakfast table.  Nice to see her talk about how happy he makes her.  I'm now thinking that Deeks' IA investigation is going to tie into money as well as his evil ex partner, and somehow he will also be a suspect in the latest traitor/mole plot.

The episode was miles away better than last week's.  

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Dear writers, Please stop trying to make Nell happen. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


Dear writers, This is the SEVENTH season. The "incompetent" Eric shtick has passed. Stop it. Just stop it.


Otherwise, this episode was great. Callen and Sam are badasses. And watching the rest of the team track their movements was great too and I totally believe that Eric really could have tracked them that fast but that's okay. I don't in the slightest remember that guy's brother but I'm not here for the multi-season arcs. That little bit where they were name-dropping all these people to give us some "context", and I'm like "I have no idea who any of these people are".


Happy Kensi/Deeks makes me happy. More please.

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Nell is adorable. I am tired of Kensie and Deeks but when I do watch the show I am always pleased to see Nell.

I agree that in this ep she was good. I very much liked that Granger told her to be proud of her strengths. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why she is always in a jumper/dress/skirt/leggings/tights. If she knows she could be called on as a field agent, then wear appropriate clothes. I don't know - maybe I'm being too harsh. At least she's in low heeled boots to run around in and she put her hair in a pony. (attn Kate Beckett. whom I adore. but really.) I'm tired of the Nell-Eric tug of war - define it or don't. but the lingering looks and not-so-subtle asides are doing them no favors.

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